Home Coated tongue Russian folk read cat and fox. Scenario of the Russian folk tale “The Cat and the Fox” for children of the preparatory group

Russian folk read cat and fox. Scenario of the Russian folk tale “The Cat and the Fox” for children of the preparatory group

How amazingly everything is intertwined, it’s amazing how interconnected everything is and one follows from the other! First (in 2016) the idea of ​​the reading competition “Above the Arya River” appeared ( http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/27/955 And http://www.proza.ru/2018/09/20/1798 ) The competition received its name from the place where it took place in the first year - in the village of Arabosi, not far from the source of the Arya River. Actually, the name of the village came from the name of the river. Time passed. This year, 2018, I was offered to participate in a competition held by the Women's Union of Russia, in which it was necessary to research work on the theme "Symbols of the Small Motherland". The work was interesting, creative, after completion it was published in the Urmara regional newspaper "Red Banner" ( http://www.proza.ru/2018/07/01/699 ). An article was published in the newspaper, but the creative process did not end there, and on the contrary, new ideas for poems, books and competitions appeared. One of these competitions (projects), as part of the project “Festival-competition of readers “Above the Arya River”, was the photo competition “The Origins of the Small Motherland”(). The appearance and existence of the photo competition is logical: the Arya River (like any other) begins from the source. in order to continue creative work was necessary Additional Information about the water resources of the Urmara region. And then the problem arose of finding information about reservoirs, springs, ravines, lakes and rivers. they gave away only the so-called officialdom: life, people, events... There were practically no real photographs of the reservoirs of the Urmara region. All existing photographs of our favorite places (rivers) are scattered on the Internet, mixed with reservoirs of other regions, sometimes it is not clear which ones. The photo competition allowed us to collect small rivers and springs in one album. I hope that this album will be replenished in subsequent competitive years, because in the first “pilot” (trial) year of the competition, fewer works were received than we would like. After the photo contest ended, I spoke with a librarian who works in the area. She told me that they, too, are faced with the same problem: the lack of information about rivers and springs on the Internet. Then it dawned on me: the project “Festival-competition of readers “Above the Arya River” simply needs another competition - a competition of essays, compositions, stories about the reservoirs of our region. Moreover, the coat of arms of the Urmara region depicts two eyes - as sources, as two main rivers - Arya and Anish. I decided that if the competition was held jointly with the regional newspaper "Herle Yalav", and combined with the somewhat forgotten competition for the V. Alendey Prize, the revival of which I wrote in an open letter ( http://www.proza.ru/2018/07/10/1770 ), and hold the awards in 2019, the anniversary year for the Urmara district (100 years), then the essay and composition competition would be a bright and significant episode in the life of the district. The small rivers and springs that feed our land may well become symbols of our small homeland. After all, all large rivers consist of small rivulets originating from springs. And spring comes from the word ROD. Rod is all of us. The competition of essays and compositions can be safely associated with the V. Alendey Prize, especially since Alendey himself is a man of the earth, a writer who lived at the origins, writing about his native land and the people living on it ( http://www.stihi.ru/2014/10/16/543 newspaper "Herle Yalav" agreed. P.S.: If one follows from the other, then it’s like the water cycle in nature. Everything is interconnected, everything is for the good. I hope that my idea for an essay competition will not die in time and space, will come true, and will bring joy to many participants in the competition, who will write their name in the cause of popularizing small reservoirs in the Urmara region and leave a good mark on the history of their region.

In the center of the group there are two children's chairs where Grandfather and Grandmother sit. A Mouse and a Chicken are sitting on two chairs against the wall. Opposite are the musicians (all the other children in the group play the role of musicians). In the center, one child sits at a children's piano, with children standing around him. In their hands they hold various musical instruments: rattles, pipes, tambourine, accordion, etc. Thus, all the children of the group are involved in the production.

IN(goes out to the middle of the hall and asks the guests). Dear Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Guests. Yes!

IN. Very good. Today our theater “Malyshok” will show you the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. They lived together and did not grieve. They loved to sing and dance.

Grandfather invites Grandma to dance.

IN. Musicians, let's play!

The musicians pretend to play, and musical director performs the dance “Lyavonikha”. Grandfather and Grandmother, holding hands, dance. Then they sit on the chairs.

IN....And they had a chicken, Ryaba.

Grandma. Grandpa, where is our chicken?

Dedka (spreads his arms and shrugs his shoulders). Don't know.

Suddenly a joyful Chicken appears, flaps her wings, and begins to sing and dance with jumps. The musicians play, the teacher sings along with the chicken.

IN. Oh, look - the chicken laid an egg.

The chicken has an egg in her hands.

Hen. not simple, but golden.

Gives an egg to Grandfather.

IN. Grandfather beat, but didn’t break.

Grandfather knocks his testicle on the chair he is sitting on.

IN. Grandma beat me, but didn’t break it.

The grandmother knocks her testicle on the chair on which she sits.

And I must say that at this time the mouse went out to play in the yard. He was happy because it was his birthday. He played his favorite song on the accordion.

The Mouse comes out with an accordion in his hands and sings a song.

Little mouse.

And I play the harmonica

In plain sight of passers-by.

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year.

IN. The mouse was so amused that, running past the woman and grandfather, he caught an egg and broke it. What to do here? Oh! The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying... But you know, guys, the mouse was very well-mannered. He realized that he had acted badly by breaking the testicle, and that because of this both his grandfather and woman were crying. And he decided to ask for forgiveness.

Little mouse. Grandma, grandpa, forgive me, I won’t do this again.

IN. Well, grandpa and grandma, forgive the little mouse, right?

Hen (pats Grandfather and Grandmother on the head). Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, grandma. I will lay another egg for you - not a golden one, but a simple one!

IN. Oh, what joy! And the Hen laid another egg, and the Mouse asked for forgiveness. Let's rejoice and have fun. Grandpa, invite Grandma. Mouse, invite the Chicken to dance.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Chicken and Mouse dance in pairs. Suddenly the teacher stops the music.

IN. Grandfather, Grandmother, Chicken, Mouse, why are you dancing alone? Let's invite our dear guests who are sitting in the hall to dance. Everybody dance!

After the dance, the teacher names the names of the children involved in the production. To cheerful applause, the children bow and leave the hall.

Valentina Mogilyantseva

Chicken Ryaba

Script based on a Russian folk tale (arranged by Ushinsky) for puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 15 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.


Chicken Ryaba

In the foreground is a stove, a table and part of a log wall. In the background is a village hut. Grandfather and Grandmother are sitting at the table.

Grandma (with a sigh)

How should we deal with you, Grandfather?
What to cook lunch from?
I scraped the bottom of the barrel,
Only a mouse found it there!
We don't have it in your closet
No cabbage, no carrots,
You know, you have to disappear!


We need to sell something!
I'll take it to the market
Our favorite samovar.
Grandma, you clean it up.
It’s like he’s nothing!
They would give a nickel for it.


We've already sold it!


Really? That's the trouble
How do we drink tea then?
Okay, look in the chest!


A spider has been living there for a long time.
At the market for it
They won't give us anything.
We'd better sell the hat!


Have you forgotten, Grandma?
What did I sell for half a piece?
A hat and bought a laying hen.

The Ryaba Chicken appears from under the table between Grandfather and Grandmother and flaps its wings.

Chicken Ryaba

Here I am, Grandfather, not far away!
I didn't just come
I laid an egg for you.

Chicken Ryaba takes out an egg from under the table, gives it to Grandma and leaves the hut, hiding behind a log wall. The grandmother puts the egg on the table, goes to the stove and takes out a frying pan from behind it.

Grandma (joyfully)

This is wonderful, for lunch,
I'll cook an omelette!

Grandma puts the frying pan on the table and knocks an egg on it. The testicle doesn't beat.

Grandma (surprised)

And the egg is not just
And the egg is so hot,
And it seems to me that it
Bone and tricky!

Grandfather gets up from the table and approaches Grandma.


This grief is not a problem!
Come on, Grandma, give it here.
I'll smash it in no time!

Grandfather takes the egg and tries to break it on the frying pan. Slams his hand on the testicle. Grandma blows on her.


So there was no care!
They tell you it
Bone and tricky!

Grandfather puts an egg in a frying pan. Grandfather and Grandmother sit down at the table.


We should call for help!


Just calm down, for God's sake!
We won't eat the egg
And we won’t give it to others,
After all, the chicken is from him
It will be born - wow!
Go get some chicken.


You, Grandma, look
Behind the unbreakable testicle.

The grandfather leaves the hut, hiding behind the log wall on the right.

Chick-chick! Birdie, birdie!

The grandmother takes out the egg, puts it on the table, takes the frying pan and carries it to the stove. A mouse appears from under the table, climbs onto the table, takes the egg in its paws and sniffs it.


I would like some cheese! I'm a mouse!

The grandmother, seeing the mouse, runs to the table and swings a frying pan at it.


Screw you, villain! Shoo-shoo-shoo!

The mouse throws the egg down and hides under the table. Grandma drops the frying pan and grabs her head.


Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!
Grandfather, here!

Grandfather runs out.


So what happened?

Grandma (wailing)

A mouse was running across the table,
Only I said: “Shoo!”
The way she waved her tail
Turned everything upside down
And the egg rolled...

Grandfather (in hearts)

Wow, villain! Oh, trouble!
I will never forgive her!
What a misfortune has happened!
Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Grandfather and Grandmother sit next to each other at the table and cry. Ryaba Hen appears from behind the log wall and approaches the table.

Chicken Ryaba

What are you, Grandma, what are you, Grandfather?
Was the omelette not a success?


A mouse was running across the table,
Grandma told her: “Shoo!”
And she waved her tail,
Turned the house upside down
And the egg rolled...

Grandfather and Grandmother (in unison)

Oops, it crashed! Oh, it crashed

Chicken Ryaba stands between Grandmother and Grandfather and hugs them.

Chicken Ryaba

Full of crying and sobbing,
Lament over an egg.
I'll take another one for you -
Not simple, golden!
Buy a bag of eggs
And all will be well!


Elena Moreva
Scenario for a holiday based on the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba” for the younger group

Chicken Ryaba

Mlad. gr. 2015.

Ved1: Hello, guests, hello, dears!

Come into the hall, look at us!

Ved2: We tell you we'll tell you a fairy tale, we will tell you we'll show you a fairy tale,

But you don’t just sit there either, help us tell a fairy tale!

Now we invite you to the village « Skazkino» . Can you guess why it is called that? (they live there fairy tales) . Right.

Our kids are all ready and are also heading to the village where they live fairy tales.

Children enter and stand in a semicircle.

Guys, look, what is this, tell me? (points to the house) House

Ved: There is a house in the meadow, I’ll come up and knock for the owners I'll shout: Who lives in the house?

Nobody is answering. Guys, let's all get together let's say: Who lives in the house?

They don't hear again. Parents, help, speak with us! Who lives in the house?

It will help us find out who lives in the house fairy tale, and about the fairy tale will be a riddle:

“Why did it happen that the testicle suddenly broke?

Does the grandmother know, the mouse knows, the adults and the children?”

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Ryaba hen)

Since we know fairy tale, now we know who lives in the house. Parents, tell me...

Grandfather comes out, bows and says hello. Ved: Who is this? (grandfather)

Grandma also comes out. Ved: And who is this? (grandmother).

And he also lives with them (hen)

Ved: Hen- the beauty lived in a barn. Oh, how smart there was a chicken!

It turns out Ryaba: flaps its wings, spins and bows, speaking: Ko, ko, ko.

The Rooster comes out and shouts Ku-ku-re-ku!

Ved: And he also lives with them... (mouse).

Everyone has known the mouse for a long time. Eats both crumbs and grain.

Although she is small, she is very nimble. And here she is!

The mouse runs out and bows: Pee-pee-pee.

Ved: Here Chicken Ryaba got down to business,

The villages hatched the eggs,

He sits all day and night,

He only eats and drinks water.

Soon the hen hatched

Furry babies made from shells.

They beeped one after another:

We want to eat, we want to drink! (in unison)

Went out with the kids mother hen

Walk out of the gate, play, look for grains.

Dance Hens and chicks

Ved: Grandma came out of the gate, and Grandfather followed her.

Sitting on a bench (they stand near the house)

And with a sigh they say:

Grandma: How should we deal with you, Grandfather? What to cook lunch from?

Grandfather: You and I don’t have any cabbage or carrots in our pantry.

Ryaba: Ko-ko-ko! Here I am, Grandfather, not far away!

I didn’t just come, I brought you an egg.

Ved: Demolished chicken egg, but not simple, but what, parents... golden!

Grandma: That’s great, I’ll make an omelette for lunch!

(put a table with a bowl and spoon)

Grandma taps the egg with a spoon.

Ved: Grandma beat and beat the testicle, but it didn’t break!

Grandma: But the testicle is not easy, it’s not given to me, it’s!

Ved: Grandfather gets up from the table

Grandfather: This grief is not a problem! Come on, Grandma, give it here.

Ved: Grandfather thought that he would break it right now. (grandfather hits)

Ved: Grandfather beat, beat the testicle, but didn’t break it!

How many years have they lived, and this has never happened without an egg breaking!

(Grandfather and Grandmother sit at the table.)

The chickens came running and began to think about how to break the egg.

Dance: Knock Knock

Ved: The grandfather was upset and sad, and the grandmother consoles him.

Grandma: Calm down, for God's sake!

Grandfather: We should call for help!

Ved: And they went around the village and began to look for the good fellow - strong and okay.

It turned out that there are many of them, each better than the other.

(Vedas. They go to their parents and choose a dad)

The good young man began to beat the testicle.

He beat, he beat, but he didn’t break! (all parents say)

Ved: Thank you, go home to your wife.

Suddenly, out of nowhere,

The mouse quickly appeared!

(A mouse appears to the music and takes the egg)

Mouse: I would like some cheese! I'm a mouse!

Grandma: Shoot, villain! Shoo-shoo-shoo!

Mouse: I don't need an egg! (throws him away)

Grandmother and Grandfather: Oh, it broke!

Ved: Grandfather and Grandmother sit down in a row and lament in harmony.

Plutut: Ah-ah-ah, that's the problem

Chicken Ryaba comes to the table.

Ryaba: What are you, Grandma, what are you, Grandfather? Was the omelette not a success?

Grandfather and Grandmother (one by one): No! No!

Ved: The mouse waved its tail and broke an egg.

Chicken Ryaba: Completely cry and sob, lament over the testicle.

I'll take another one for you - not gold, but simple!

Just first I’ll take the chickens out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass.

Song: “I came out chicken for a walk» (loose)

Ved: There is a lot of work in the village.

I need to help grandma

Disassemble the harvest -

Sort out fruits and vegetables.

Mommies, come out and help us.

A game: Sort out the harvest

Ved: Ryaba the hen laid a lot of eggs,

We need to help take them to Grandfather and Grandma.

Who wants it, guys?

(put D food and Grandma with bowls on chairs, put a table with eggs)

A game: Transfer the eggs (dress the cat)

Ved: Look at the path

A gray cat came out.

Cat: Meow, meow, I'm walking

I'm waiting for chickens.

I want to play with them

I want to catch up with the chickens. (sits down, waits)

Ved: And here is Petya the Cockerel,

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, Chicken,

Where are the chickens, on the street?

Ku-ka-re-ku, ten times -

I'm worried about you!

Hen and chicks: Co-co-co, co-co-co!

We are all here, not far away!

Ved: The chicken is walking, plays with chickens!

Everyone runs to the music. A cat appears and catches up with the chickens.

Ved: That’s how we lived in the village, having fun, not grieving.

And for us it's time to end the fairy tale, end the holiday!

And now, we all invite you to a merry dance!


Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined type " Kindergarten №30

City Hall of the city of Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva

Scenario of the fairy tale “Chicken Ryaba”

Second junior group

Educator: Khertek B.Sh.

Kyzyl - 2012


1. Instill interest in dramatization. Induce in children the pleasure of perceiving a familiar piece performed by their peers. Help to remember a fairy tale, create a desire to reproduce dialogues between fairy-tale characters (introduction to theatrical play).

2. Develop the ability to understand what you see and hear. To develop children’s ability for dialogical speech. Develop auditory and visual attention, speech, memory.

3. To foster friendly relationships and goodwill among younger preschoolers.

Materials: costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”, decoration of the house, forest, egg from a Kinder surprise



Presenter: Mandarzhap Diana

Grandfather: Sat Khaidyp

Baba: Chimit – Dorzhu Diana

Mouse: Irgit Alexandra

Chicken Ryaba: Ondar Uinuk.

Grandfather and woman are sitting at the table and drinking tea. Chicken Ryaba sits on the hay.


There lived a grandfather and a woman,
They had Ryaba chicken.
The hen laid an egg.
The egg is not simple - it is golden.

Grandfather and woman are happy and dancing. Ryaba the hen brings an egg.

Grandfather beat, beat -
Didn't break it.
Baba beat-beat -

Didn't break it.

The grandfather beats the testicle with a spoon, the woman beats it too

The mouse ran
She waved her tail,
The egg fell and broke.

Grandfather and woman are crying, and the mouse is running away.

Grandfather is crying, woman is crying,
The hen clucks:
“Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman!
I'll lay another egg for you,
Not golden - simple."

Chicken Ryaba comes up to his grandfather and woman and strokes their heads.

All characters go out and worship.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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