Home Orthopedics Fastest airplane speed. The fastest hypersonic aircraft in the world

Fastest airplane speed. The fastest hypersonic aircraft in the world

Airliners differ from each other in terms of speed of movement, because even a simple passenger plane accelerates to 900 km/h. This figure is not that great. A fighter jet flies at three times the speed of a regular passenger airliner, and therefore can easily overtake such a plane. But even such models cannot be called with complete confidence the fastest aircraft. Let's look into this issue and determine which aircraft today are worthy of being called ultra-high-speed.

Today, thanks to science and technology, there are aircraft capable of reaching speeds exceeding the propagation of a sound wave. Such models are called hypersonic. Researchers and designers from different countries the world has not yet found uniform criteria by which a high-speed aircraft could be classified in this category.

Some scientists believe that a vessel that is directly controlled by a person can be classified as a hypersonic aircraft. The second half of experts are of the opinion that unmanned vehicles are better modernized, and therefore the technical justification for the advantages of such modifications is appropriate. There is another controversial opinion - can we consider taking off with the help of a catapult or an airplane - a device that rises into the sky on its own. Differences in such nuances cause heated debate.

A common opinion where scientists agree is the maximum speed of an aircraft that it develops in the air. It is according to this criterion that a barrier is established, according to which experts classify the design as a supersonic model. Novice aviation enthusiasts are interested in what the speed of the fastest aircraft in the world and who are rightfully called the best.

Ultra-high-speed unmanned aerial vehicles occupy leading positions in the world rankings. Manned aircraft used by the military traditionally lag behind the first category of aircraft, but are capable of surprising the average person. In addition, there are passenger airliners whose flight speed is amazing. Let us consider the characteristics and indicators of these categories in detail.

Leaders among drones

The first place according to the specified parameters is deservedly taken by the drone X-43A . This model is capable of surpassing distribution sound waves 9.6 times. The speed of the structure is not limited to 11,231 km/h. Such indicators are rightfully recognized as the best today.

The model has been developed over ten years by professionals from MicroCraft Inc, NASA and Orbital Sciences Corporation. During the work, studies were carried out on the capabilities of engines running on jet fuel, and the possible value of the model’s speed indicator was assessed. Up to $250,000,000 was spent on the project, but the result of the development met expectations.

Despite such power, the X-43A - miniature model. The length of this structure is about three and a half meters, and the distance along the wing span barely reaches one and a half meters. As for the engine, here scientists have used the latest experimental development.

The secret of this innovation is to eliminate friction between the elements in the core of the motor. Special fuel is also used here, mixing hydrogen with oxygen. There are no containers for storing O2 on board the X-43A; the device draws it directly from the air, which greatly facilitates the rate of fuel supply and also significantly affects the weight of the model as a whole. Such a device, which is deservedly called the fastest aircraft in the world, does not pollute in any way environment, because due to the reaction of fuel elements, simple steam is released from the engine into the atmosphere.

Another example is classified as super-fast models - this X-34 from Orbital Sciences Corporation. This steel bird can reach a speed of 12,144 km/h. Undoubtedly, its acceleration is higher than the previous device, but it takes second place for a reason. When testing both drones, the X-34 showed a significantly lower result, although the maximum acceleration on board is much greater than that of the X-43A.

The device saw the sky in 2001. Until this time, seven long, painstaking years and a considerable amount of money, measured in hundreds of millions of dollars, had been spent on its creation. The development achieved final success in two thousand and four. During this time, the model was also equipped with a Pegasus rocket made from durum varieties fuel. The designers' solution allowed for even greater acceleration and maneuverability.

The dimensions of such a device are impressive. The distance at the extreme points of the model’s wings is 8.85 m with a height of three and a half meters and a length of the device of 17.8 m. Such indicators also affect the weight of the structure. The giant's mass is 1,270 kilograms. But this modification flies quickly and is capable of gaining an altitude of 75 kilometers from the runway.

Rating of manned aircraft

There are many other examples that can amaze with the speed of movement. Let's find out which manned vehicles are recognized by this criterion in the world. The top 10 most powerful models, whose speed is significantly different from small airliners or other air structures, are presented to your attention below. Such designs made it into the top ten airliners due to their technical characteristics, earning universal approval.

World leader

The model is considered to be the first in terms of speed data North American X-15 . The speed of the device reaches 8200.8 km/h. The design is equipped with a rocket engine controlled by the pilot and begins flight from the launch pad on board the bomber. The X-15 was created specifically for research purposes with hypersonic flights and actively took part in them until 1970.

The speed of the fastest manned aircraft, the North American X-15, reaches 8,200.8 km/h

Second position

In second place in terms of evaluated characteristics, including speed, engineers ranked SR-71 Blackbird or "blackbird". This model was developed for the study of strategic objects, reconnaissance operations and other operational activities. The speed of a blackbird is 4,102.8 km/h. Such an aircraft was in great demand, so there were approximately 32 SR-71 Blackbirds. The only drawback of the design is excessive overheating and the impossibility long time be in the air.

Third stage

The device takes third place in the ranking Lokcheed YF-12 . For the creation of such a model, we should thank the famous aircraft designer Clarence “Kelly” Johnson. Although the assembly of this vessel was carried out initially as the creation of a prototype liner, this device was still awarded several honorary titles and awards. The YF-12 is similar in design to the Blackbird, to some extent they can even be called brothers - after all, the idea of ​​creation, drawings and diagrams belong to the same person. Of course, the flight speed of the two devices is slightly different, because the YF-12 accelerates in the air to 4,100.4 km/h.

Fourth place

The position with the fourth result is occupied by Mig-25 . This Russian aircraft was designed specifically for military operations and intercepting air reconnaissance aircraft. Currently, he is still in the service of some armed forces. Thanks to his unique abilities, he enjoyed great popularity. There are about 1,100 such aircraft in the world. Mig-25 cuts through the air at a speed of 3,916.8 km/h and any target at an altitude of no higher than 25 kilometers.

Fifth position

We put the experimental board in fifth place Bell X-2 Starbuster . His task was to study flight options at the highest possible speeds. Scientists listened to the information from some air services, and the use of the device had to be stopped. After all, upon reaching a maximum speed of 3,911.9 km/h, it is impossible for a person to control such an aircraft. Although the model is rightfully considered a manned structure.

Sixth point

This place is occupied by a military modification XB-70 Valkyrie . The bomber's acceleration reaches 3,672 km/h. The model is designed to deliver nuclear weapons to a designated target. The speed of this air vehicle was calculated by engineers with the condition that the bomber could easily maneuver in the sky and thereby elude the enemy.

The North American XB-70A Valkyrie bomber reaches a speed of 3,672 km/h

Seventh place

Mig-31 - another domestic aircraft whose design is unique. The engineers equipped this model with two of the most powerful engines of its kind, which allow the aircraft to safely fly at supersonic speeds and develop acceleration at any altitude. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, production of the Mig-31 was stopped by the mid-90s.

The most powerful Mig-31 is capable of reaching speed even at maximum flight altitude

Eighth position

Eighth place goes to military aircraft McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle , in service with the US Air Force. The creation of this fighter was a great success and pride for America. Today, this is the only aircraft whose production has not been stopped, but on the contrary is planned in the future. The F-15 flies at a speed of 3,065 km/h and performs its mission in all weather conditions.

The speed of the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle military aircraft reaches 3,065 km/h

Ninth line

The penultimate place on the list is given to the tactical bomber F-111 from General Dynamics. Like some other models, it was retired from production in the 90s, although it was the first aircraft that could change the wing sweep. Before the F-111, no other aircraft had this factor; this quality allowed it to have a significant advantage in the air over other flying objects.

The F-111 tactical bomber had supersonic speed and changed the wing sweep

Last place in the ranking

If someone asks you: “What is the fastest passenger aircraft in Russia?”, without a shadow of a doubt you can name the aircraft developed in Russia. This Tu-144 , which became the first passenger airliner on the planet capable of hypersonic acceleration. The air giant first flew at the end of December 1968. A year later, the liner showed the ability to reach a speed of two and a half thousand kilometers per hour at an altitude of 11 km. This event went down in history, because even today there are no analogues of passenger aircraft in the world that are capable of repeating such a maneuver.

The first passenger airliner Russian production, which reached hypersonic speed, became the Tu-144

As you can see, when it comes to air travel, the speed of travel here increases significantly compared to land transport. And even experts in this field find it difficult to name the maximum possible value - constant technical development contributes to the development of new, still secret models, which in the near future will take their rightful place in such a rating.

The speed of the fastest aircraft exceeds the propagation of sound; today unmanned vehicles have become hypersonic leaders
The X-43A drone is the world's fastest aircraft
The X34 aircraft is capable of accelerating up to 12,144 km/h
The speed of the fastest manned aircraft, the North American X-15, reaches 8,200.2 km/h
SR-71 Blackbird ranks second in the top 10 fastest aircraft
Lokcheed YF-12 rounds out the top three
Bell X-2 Starbuster reaches speeds of over 3,911 km/h

Looking up at birds soaring or diving headlong, people dreamed of flying. The dream has long been realized, and now countries around the world are competing in the speed of their iron birds. We present to your attention the top fastest aircraft that have existed in the history of aviation.

Military aircraft

The undoubted leaders in this category are unmanned aircraft, the absence of people on board which allows them to reach speeds 20 times faster than the speed of sound. So, in any case, it was stated in relation to the hypersonic one developed by the American DARPA Falcon HTV, which is capable of accelerating to 220917 km/h. It would have been the fastest plane in the world, but it disappeared from radar 26 minutes into the flight, making the record invalid, so another plane took the lead.

1 place is being developed by NASA - an experimental model. Its maximum speed reaches 11,200 km/h, which is approximately 10 times faster speed sound. A ramjet engine made it possible to achieve this result. Thanks to the use of the outboard atmosphere to create fuel, the length of the device is only 3.66 m and the weight is 1270 kg. Only 3 units were produced.

2nd place takes X-15, which is seriously behind the previous device when it comes to speed. Without exceeding 7272.63 km/h, this experimental rocket plane held the title of “the world’s only manned hypersonic vehicle” for 40 years. The United States recognized all the flights he made, and there were 199 of them, as suborbital, and, accordingly, the pilots, without noticing it themselves, became astronauts. Such transformations would have continued further if its operation had not been stopped in December 1970.

3rd place the rating is given to another aircraft that has already been discontinued, known as the “Blackbird”, Lockheed SR-71. The strategic American reconnaissance aircraft with a maximum speed of only 3,700 km/h is surrounded by mysteries and curiosities. For example, what was the reason that not a single one of the 32 copies produced was lost in battle? Or why the aircraft, the prototype of which was the R-12, received the name RS, was renamed from light hand president in SR? It is known that for the production of the aircraft, 90% of the parts of which are made of titanium, purchases were made in the USSR, against which the device was used. One of the most aerodynamic aircraft, the design of which used stealth technologies, attracted the attention of film directors and creators computer games, who gladly made it part of the scenery.

4th place receives the Soviet MiG-25, which became the answer to the “black bird”. The speed of this fighter-interceptor can reach 3395 km/h, but in actual operation it does not exceed 3000 km/h. Produced from 1969 to 1985. the aircraft is still in service in some countries. It owes such a long flight life to its design features and high technical characteristics. Several innovative ideas used in its production gave it advantages:

  • a special alloy of steel, aluminum and titanium;
  • a drone engine converted for a fighter jet;
  • 2 inclined keels, reducing radar vulnerability.

This model set 29 records, some of which have not yet been broken (height record).

5th place can be assigned, the speed of which is 3380 km/h. The birthplace of this experimental aircraft was the United States, where its role was determined by the study of aero- and thermodynamics of aircraft. The fate of the aircraft was unfortunate: both produced models crashed, and the reasons were never established.

6th place rightfully occupies the high-altitude bomber, the development of which, together with the Blackbird, led to the appearance of the Soviet MiG. The only aircraft that could drop bombs at a speed of 3219 km/h. Due to the short-sightedness of politicians and insufficient funding (the official version is toxic and expensive fuel), the project was closed, although some developments are still of interest, in particular:

  • movable nose of the fuselage for better visibility;
  • adjustable wingtips for greater aerodynamic efficiency.

7th place given to the Soviet T-4, which was produced from 1966 to 1974. The missile-carrying bomber, designed for aerial reconnaissance and destruction of strategic targets, was called “weaving” because of its weight of just over 100 tons. An aircraft in which many innovative technologies: from the canard aerodynamic design with a deflecting nose of the fuselage and the latest electronic equipment to a remote monitoring system for engine operation, it was predicted to become a “Russian miracle”. This amazing aircraft even had a periscope for viewing the area around during the flight, because the nose cone was not glazed. However, the strike-reconnaissance complex was closed; the TU-160 aircraft was preferred to it.

This top 7 fastest aircraft, as you can see, mainly consists of experimental models or those that are no longer in service. If it were only about modern manned aircraft, in service or in operation, then the list of the 5 fastest aircraft would look like this:

  1. MiG-31;
  2. McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle;
  3. SU-24M;
  4. SU-27M.

Civil aircraft

Civil aviation often cannot compete with military aviation due to its relatively low speed, so below is the top fastest passenger aircraft.

1 place occupies, which reached speeds of up to 2500 km/h. This aircraft at one time (late 1968) became the first supersonic passenger airliner in history. Of the 102 flights he made, 55 were passenger flights. However, its success was short-lived: 7 months after the start of commercial flights, it was taken out of service. The official reason for this was the crash of the prototype, but in fact the flights did not pay for themselves. In the USSR, on whose territory it was used, it was not the most in an accessible way trips.

2nd place given to the second passenger airliner to break the sound barrier. The development of the giant aircraft, whose speed was 2330 km/h, was carried out simultaneously by two countries: England and France. A happier fate awaited him: 14 aircraft of this model were in operation from 1976 to 2003. It is interesting that each country received 7 copies: 2 of which were bought by England for 2 pounds sterling, and France bought 3 of their own for 3 francs. But the volume of air travel began to decline rapidly, and the series of disasters that plagued the liner did not stop, and Concorde was taken out of service.

3rd place ranked as the largest jet passenger airliner. Compared to the previous two aircraft, it flies relatively slowly - at a speed of only 1020 km/h. But it was appreciated by such countries as Great Britain, France, Germany, China, UAE, Korea, Malaysia, Australia, Singapore Thailand, even Russia ordered aircraft of this model.

In the near future, world civil aviation is expected to dramatic changes. Several aircraft are being prepared for release, which will undoubtedly make you reconsider this top:

  • Tu-444, which will be capable of reaching speeds of up to 2125 km/h;
  • QSST, whose speed will be 2200 km/h;
  • ZEHST, according to calculations, its speed will exceed 5000 km/h.

When the conversation turns to speed, it takes your breath away. If we are talking about planes flying at supersonic speeds, then this is something fantastic. All these aircraft are masterpieces of engineering, equipped with the most advanced technologies of their time.

Top 10

He has truly fantastic speed 11,230 km/h. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Developed using technology alternative to turbojet engines in our time.

Although its maximum speed is listed as 12,144 km/h, he's not in first place. This is explained by the fact that at the time of testing, the X-43 record had not been broken. Both the first and second aircraft were developed by NASA using the latest technologies.

It is rightfully considered one of the fastest aircraft with a pilot on board. The maximum speed it can reach is 8200 km/h. This is almost seven times the speed of sound. The aircraft was designed for research into hypersonic flight. The X-15 is equipped with a rocket engine. However, it can only take off on board a strategic bomber, from where it takes off. The maximum altitude reached by the aircraft is 107 kilometers.

  1. "Blackbird" or SR-71

The aircraft is a reconnaissance aircraft for the US Air Force. The aircraft was produced in limited quantities - 32 aircraft. The first aircraft equipped with stealth technology. Maximum speed approx. 4102 km/h. The plane was actively used for espionage.

  1. YF-12

Outwardly, it is no different from the Blackbird, except that it carries air-to-air weapons. It was the predecessor and prototype of the SR-71. Maximum speed: 3,661 km/h.

  1. Legendary MiG-25

It was designed to intercept the American Blackbird and had a speed of 3916 km/h. The characteristics of this combat aircraft are impressive - at a speed of more than 3 times the speed of sound, it was capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 25 kilometers. It has proven itself very well in a number of military conflicts.

What makes it unique is that in 1954 it reached a speed unimaginable at that time. But after an unsuccessful flight, its production program was closed. Maximum speed: 3,370 km/h.

  1. Valkyrie XB-70

Truly the most powerful aircraft of the times cold war. Designed to deliver nuclear weapon behind a short time. High speed ( 3672 km/h) allowed to avoid consequences nuclear explosion, as well as from enemy interceptors.

  1. MiG-31

At a speed of 3464 km/h. This aircraft, thanks to its powerful engines, was capable of reaching such speeds at any altitude. The technical radar content made it possible for several aircraft to control a fairly large area.

It’s incredible, but this aircraft has been in service for 40 years and will serve the US Air Force for at least another 8 years. His speed is 3065 km/h, as well as technical characteristics and scope make it indispensable for the Air Force.

Top 4 passenger aircraft

  1. Tu-144

The legendary Soviet supersonic airliner had a speed of 2430 km/h. A truly fantastic result for that time among passenger aircraft. By the will of fate, he gave way to Concorde, which for a long time(until 2003) operated passenger transatlantic flights.

When it comes to designing passenger aircraft, this model deserves a place at the top. Even from the name it becomes clear that the future aircraft will overcome the speed of sound ( 2335 km/h). The plane will be designed for any category of passengers.

Reaches speeds of 1153 km/h. The fastest civil vessel with business jet status. Used mainly as a private one for wealthy businessmen and business people.

And finally, the fastest scheduled passenger aircraft is an engineering masterpiece of Airbus. The newest aircraft, which, in addition to its speed, is also the world's largest double-decker airliner. Maximum speed: 1,020 km/h.

Military aircraft

The fastest military aircraft in the world are the Russian MiG-25 and the American SR-71. Interesting fact is that the Soviet fighter was actually created to neutralize the American intelligence officer. The MiG set a lot of speed records of its time. The pilots who piloted this aircraft claimed that the aircraft was capable of exceeding Mach 3.5 (the speed of sound). This value is greater than that of the American Blackbird. However, this is not documented anywhere. In turn, the SR-71 did not have sufficient reliability. Over the entire history of its flights, a third of the aircraft produced were lost.

Combat aircraft

Much has already been said about record-breaking military aircraft from various years. The fastest combat aircraft currently in use is the MiG-31. The fighter is designed to destroy targets in the air at any altitude and in any weather conditions. The enemy's use of thermal and radio interference is not a problem for the vehicle.

Created to intercept cruise missiles. Nowadays they are used in military conflicts to solve a wide range of problems. For some time they were used as “special forces” in the Russian air defense forces.

The video shows the takeoff of this fast car

Turboprop aircraft

A truly unique aircraft, which has been in service since the distant 1952 (!) year. The speed for that time was amazing - 924 km/h. The engines, with a power of 15,000 horsepower, set a Guinness record for screw engines. The aircraft is still in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces and performs wide range combat missions.

An interesting fact is that the speed of the Tu-95 is slightly less than the speed of the American B-52 jet. The aircraft's armament and technical characteristics allow it to safely hit targets beyond the range of enemy radar equipment.

The relevance of the vehicle is also confirmed by its use in the military conflict in Syria, where a bomber regiment successfully completed a number of tasks assigned to it.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that aircraft production technologies do not stand still. However, those aircraft that were discussed above will firmly take their place in the history of aircraft manufacturing as advanced aircraft at that time. Who knows what records await humanity in the future, and what purposes new hypersonic aircraft will accomplish. Time will tell all this.

Looking through old films, newspapers and magazines, you can see how quickly the human world is changing. Everything is noticed, from fashion to, of course, advances in technology. Even planes used to be different, not so fast and functional. So what, I wonder, is the fastest plane in the world?

To answer this question, you will have to become a little familiar with the terms that are so often encountered in the aviation industry. The plane, as it turned out, is a serial product, controlled by a pilot. The product also has two wings, stabilizers and other attributes of the aircraft fuselage.

NASA tested the X-43A project in 2004, which had a jet engine. Testing showed that the project developed the X-43A at a speed of 11,230 km/h. Naturally, this did not go without the attention of the Guinness Book of Records, which, together with NASA, called this test project the fastest aircraft in the world. However, it is worth noting here that this is still a drone launched from another aircraft, and the engine is a rocket launcher. Therefore, it certainly cannot be called a real airplane.

The SR-71 Blackbird is a manned supersonic reconnaissance aircraft, perhaps the fastest manned aircraft. It was named this way because its fuselage color is dark blue. The Blackbird was used until 1998, but due to uneconomical operation and low reliability, it was no longer used in practice (12 aircraft were lost from total number 32 aircraft). The maximum speed achieved by the SR-71 Blackbird was recorded - 3,540 km/h. This is an absolute record today.

Aviation cannot do without mentioning and getting to know the MIG-25 aircraft. According to many pilots, this Soviet fighter can reach a speed of 200 km/h more than the SR-71 Blackbird - up to 3,600 km/h. The only thing that prevented the MIG-25 from becoming a record holder was the lack of official confirmation of such speed.

The next place also belongs to the Soviet long-range fighter - SU-31. This aircraft was developed back in 1979 at the Sukhoi Design Bureau, and in 1981 it was already put into service. Since that time, SU-31 has been a representative air force Russia. The maximum speed that this long-range fighter can accelerate is 3,000 km/h. However, pilots should know better, because many of them believe that a speed of 3000 km/h is far from the limit for the SU-31.

The 4th generation American aircraft reaches a speed of 2650 km/h;

The modern Russian prototype of the 5th generation reaches speeds of up to - 2600 km/h

Classic Soviet fighter, design speed - 2500 km/h.

XB-70 "Valkyrie"

This aircraft was developed for the US Army. Its functions also include the ability to carry a nuclear charge. It is considered one of the fastest bomber aircraft in the world. The total number of production of such aircraft is only 2 units. The maximum speed that this bomber is capable of is 3,187 km/h.

Used between 1969 and 1985, it is considered one of the best combat aircraft. The maximum speed that the MiG-25 develops is 3,000 km/h.

A Soviet-made interceptor fighter that operates for a long range. It was developed specifically for protection from opponents, with the ability to intercept them at a variety of heights in the most different time days and absolutely under any weather conditions. The MiG-31 is capable of accelerating to a maximum speed of 3,000 km/h.

This bomber aircraft was developed in 1960. The main task that was set in the project of this aircraft was its practical electronic warfare and reconnaissance function. It is capable of accelerating to a maximum of 2,655 km/h.

IN civil aviation There are also races for air speed championship. Among the main competitors, the Soviet TU-144 and Concorde (French-English project) should be highlighted. The speed that the TU-144 can achieve is 2,500 km/h, while that of the Concorde is 2,300 km/h. However, in practice, the Soviet passenger aircraft did not carry out passenger transportation as such, which is why Concorde became the speed record holder in civil aviation. This project has extensive experience in transporting passengers, however, already in 2000 its operation was banned.

It would seem that man created an airplane relatively recently. Since then, its design has undergone numerous changes. The first aircraft could reach low speeds. The same cannot be said about modern ones.


Models of passenger aircraft develop significant speed. For some of them it reaches 900 km/h. Only a fighter jet can overtake them in the air.

Interesting fact! The fastest plane in the world can fly around the entire globe in 5 hours.

New modifications of aircraft fly at supersonic speeds. With their help, the travel time is significantly reduced. Constantly traveling tourists try to minimize the time spent on flights. Therefore, when choosing an aircraft, they give preference to high-speed aircraft. Let's try to figure out what the most fast planes all over the world, and what speed they reach.

Top 10

10th place: Tu-144

It is considered the fastest passenger aircraft in the post-Soviet space. Its design was developed in the 60s. The aircraft first flew in 1968. A year later, its designers upgraded some technical characteristics. And since 1969, the aircraft could overcome the supersonic speed bar - 2500 km/h.

It is worth noting that the Tu-144 has virtually no competitors in terms of certain operational and technical characteristics. Despite this, its use in passenger airlines has become unprofitable. Therefore, the aircraft began to be used for government purposes.

9th place: Su-27

The aircraft is a development of the Design Bureau named after. Sukhoi. It is a universal fighter. Its maximum flight speed reaches 2876 km/h. Jet thrust is created by two engines.

Interesting! The aircraft has been in service with the Russian Federation for 35 years.

8th place: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

American made fighter. Its design was developed in the 70s. It can reach speeds of up to 2650 km/h. This aircraft has quite interesting story. It was used in military operations in Yugoslavia and other states. According to statistics, the F-15 will not leave its position in the ranking until 2025. It is effectively exploited not only by the Americans, but also by the Arabs and the Japanese.

7th place: Mig-31

This is a domestically produced combat aircraft. Its design was developed in 1975. It is a two-seat fighter-interceptor. Its maximum speed reaches 3500 km/h. Compared to the previous model, this figure has increased by almost 400 km/h.

Features of Mig-31:

  • the ability to develop supersonic speeds at both low and high altitudes;
  • the ability to transport R-33 or R-37 class missiles;
  • 23 mm caliber combat gun.

Production of these aircraft has already ceased. About 500 units were produced. They were designed for use in any conditions. Therefore, after release, the model was put into service with the USSR, and then with the Russian Federation.

6th place: F-111 General Dynamics

This is a tactical bomber. It has been in service with the United States Air Force since 1998. This is a relatively new model that reaches speeds of up to 3060 km/h.

F111 can transport the following types of weapons:

  • 9 Air-to-Air missiles;
  • 14.3 tons of bombs;
  • multi-barreled guns.

A special feature of the aircraft is the ability to change the wing sweep.

5th place: Valkyrie XB-70

This is a North American bomber. It can fly at an altitude of 21 km. The maximum speed of the aircraft of this model reaches 3187 km/h. The design was developed in the 60s. All two units of the XB-70 were assembled. During testing they reached a speed of 3250 km/h.

This speed was needed in order to evade Soviet interceptors. During the Cold War, they planned to transport nuclear weapons using such a vehicle.

4th place: BellX-2

This is an experimental model that was created specifically to study flight conditions at high speeds. The aircraft first flew in 1954. But after a few years research program was closed, and model production as well.

This happened because the plane got out of control during testing. The reason for this was a sharp maneuver made by the pilot. At the same time, the speed of the jet reached 3196 km/h.

3rd place: Mig-25

This domestically produced aircraft was created specifically for intercepting American reconnaissance aircraft of the SR-71 model. The latter fly at fairly high altitudes.

Mig-25 characteristics:

  • speed - 3.2 speed of sound;
  • flight altitude - 25 km;
  • ability to transport military weapons.

These aircraft were effectively used in military operations during the Iran-Iraq War.

Note! Mig-25 is the fastest fighter in the world.

Analogues of this aircraft not yet created.

2nd place: SR-71

The model was designed by American scientists. The first flight took place in 1964. Over the entire period, 32 SR-71 aircraft were produced. Its maximum speed reaches 4102.8 km/h.

The aircraft was used by the United States Air Force for research purposes. It was also effectively operated by NASA. The main advantage of the vehicle is its ability to quickly evade missiles and interceptors.

1st place: X-43A and X15

The X-43A set a speed record of up to 11,850 km/h. In fact, it is the fastest aircraft. But it was originally developed as a drone. It was released in several copies.

Its advantage is the ability to be launched from the wing of another aircraft. It can also develop high speed in a matter of seconds. The record for maximum speed was recorded by the Guinness Book.

Due to the fact that the previous model is a drone, first place can be given to the X-15. This is the fastest supersonic aircraft. It reaches speeds of up to 8201 km/h. It is worth considering that such a device can rightfully be considered a spacecraft. It can fly at an altitude of 107 km.


A little bit of history

There were two in the world passenger aircraft, which could reach supersonic speed. The first of them is in 10th place in our rating - Tu-144. The second is Concorde. This is a French-made aircraft. It was effectively operated by British Airways and Air France. Each of them had 7 units of this model in their fleet.

Concorde became the first airliner to be equipped with a fly-by-wire control system. Its main advantage is excellent aerodynamic qualities, high flight and technical characteristics. The maximum speed reached 2330 km/h.

The aircraft were discontinued due to the Paris crash in 2000. The company's management decided to ignore this incident and continue to use the aircraft for commercial flights. But the very next day, the Concorde's airworthiness certificate was revoked.

Watch the video about the Top 10 fastest planes in the world

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