Home Smell from the mouth Seeds of destruction. The secret behind genetic manipulation

Seeds of destruction. The secret behind genetic manipulation

The dungeon is available twice a week (the timer resets every Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30 am) for groups of no less than 36 and no more than 45 players united in the Command Channel.

Seeds of Destruction - Tiat

The Lineage 2 dungeon is available twice a week (the timer resets every Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30 am) for groups of no less than 36 and no more than 45 players united in the Command Channel

After you have been teleported to the Seed of Destruction, the first thing you will see is a narrow corridor in front of you. After everyone is buffed, the channel leader must give the order to attack in the Command Channel.

An important point is that when the command to attack was given, the tanks did not run forward to tank. Defender monsters with improved AI tend to concentrate their attacks on one target, and tanks will not survive in this case (you will be surprised at what a huge range these monsters kill at). Instead of tanks running forward, it is much better to kill monsters one by one, and only then rush. It will be waiting for you there great amount Battle Dragon and Drake Mutant - the attacks of all monsters have a fire elemental basis and, accordingly, monsters are vulnerable to attacks of the water element.

If you are a Warlord or Duelist, you should use Find Dragons' Vulnerability or Eye of the Assassin. These two stand-alone buffs will greatly help in eliminating monsters.

After you kill the crowded Dragon People, there will be a portal in front of you. This portal is guarded by the Dragon-Mage and the Dragon-Peltast, who have very powerful blows. Tanks wearing Dynasty Heavy Armor and under the Arrow Protection buff receive 1500-2500 damage; For classes wearing light armor and magic robes, a critical hit from these monsters will be fatal. You can increase your chances of survival if Virtuoso and Phantom Dancer use their Stormwind Song and Stormblade Dance.

First of all, you need to let the tanks go forward and while they distract the Dragon-Peltast, the rest of the group moves close behind them to the portal, thereby being safe from the attacks of the Dragon People. If you separate you will suffer heavy losses. In the screenshot below, you can see how Whip received 1818 damage from the weakest (!) Peltast Dragon.

Don't waste your time on the Dragon Peltasts on the wall. Just kill the grunts in front of the gate and then rush through the gate with a brute force. After this, you will see a Teleport Device in front of you. Talk to him and click on "Teleport Inside".

The Teleport Device will transport the entire group (or raid) to a wide area, the intersection of which will be yours next step, and it won't be easy.

The orange spot is the place where the Teleport Device will take you, the red spot in the middle is the Obelisk, the dark green rectangle at the bottom is the exit to the tiat fortress, the blue rectangles at the top of the picture are the exits to the devices that you have to destroy. Small blue dots indicate monsters.
In this place your group will suffer heavy losses, wounded and killed

Especially due to the very powerful fire attribute based magic attacks that easily penetrate fire protection buffs (Song of Fire Defense from Virtuoso, Elemental Defense and Fire Resistance from Apostle). The Fire Potion and the Water attribute in your armor will not save you much either.

Before entering the square, have the Apostle hand out defense buffs, and the Virtuoso and Spectral Dancer raise the D/S beforehand. You must gradually move towards the square, luring them out (using the Temptation skill of the daggermen) one by one. If you just burst into the square, the entire raid of 45 people will be killed, there are really a huge number of Battle Dragons here. To reduce losses as much as possible, the most important thing is to eliminate the Dragon Mage and Dragon Peltast behind enemy lines. This is, however, quite difficult since, unfortunately, the Dragon Riders are under the command of the Dragon Legionnaire. They constantly use the Aura of Hatred, and this makes it almost impossible to take the area while these complex monsters are alive.

In addition, the Legionnaire Dragon differs from ordinary Tanks; the radius of the Aura of Hatred it uses is very wide (in terms of the radius, it is closer to the radius of the Provocation skill (Commander) than to the radius of the Aura of Hatred of ordinary tanks). The greatest difficulty in eliminating monsters is getting close to them. The photo below shows how the Dragon Legionnaire uses the Aura of Hatred to knock down the target.

To overcome the Dragon-Legionary's Aura of Hate and the Dragon-Mage's ranged attacks, the connection between the damage dealer and the healers is the most important element. Most quick method In this case, it seems to be a method in which the healers use a Sleep/Trance spell to neutralize the Dragon Mage, and then everyone concentrates their efforts on killing the Legionnaire Dragons. Timely use of healing spells and Sleep/Trance spells, quick destruction of monsters by DPSers, as well as the ability to accurately assess the situation on the battlefield and never be left without support is vital. Otherwise, the battle in the square may end before it even begins. When you have cleared the area of ​​monsters, try to destroy the obelisk in the center of the area. Don't start hitting him until all the monsters are destroyed. The obelisk will immediately generate a wave of support for troops who will support their brothers with fire and can easily destroy you. And it may still happen that additional monsters will appear while you are hitting the obelisk, but then they will be easier to deal with.

If someone completes the one-time quest “I DON’T KNOW YET” in Lineage 2 taken from the NPC “I DON’T KNOW YET” taken at the Keucereus Alliance base, you will find a body in the center of the square lying to the left of the Obelisk.

Before proceeding to the next stage, it's time to check the communication between party members. Each group must attack the doors to force them to open. Along with the door through which you first entered the square, there are a total of 7 doors, 3 of which can be opened. Smooth steel doors do not open, but those doors that are closed with locked teeth can be opened.
After the raid leader's command, each party leader must lead his group to destroy the door and passage into the room. Typically split into 2 parties/2 parties/1 party, but if you don't have enough firepower, you can split into two groups of 3 and 2 parties and attack the first two rooms and then the rest all together.
The three doors have different strengths. The weakest doors are the doors on the left, the second weakest are the doors on the right, and the strongest are the doors in the center.

In the rooms you will be greeted by Fighting Dragons.

The goal of the operation is the same for all groups - the device in the center in the interior of each room must be destroyed, after which you can move on to the next stage. Here everything is done in the same way as when you first logged in. There is a passage with iron doors. This will take you a little longer - for example, the Iron Doors (in the screenshot below) are about 10 times stronger than the gates in Aden Castle. Therefore, you should use weapons like the Blunt (any Blunt) - they do 5-6 times more damage than any other weapon. And don't forget about the defenders at the top. You just need to hide in a dead corner (outside the firing zone) at the gate and hammer on the door.

Once you get inside, there will be more monsters with stronger attacks. Especially, it is worth paying attention to monsters with ranged attacks that cause huge damage.

After you go through the second doors, you will find a device at the end of the area that needs to be destroyed.

The group that was the first to destroy their device must be supported by those parties that are still in the process of destroying them. This way you can ensure less loss/hardship for the other group.

After the process, which is always the same, each side breaks open the doors and destroys the device in the room, the monsters in the main square will be reborn. You must destroy them in the same way as when you first came to the square.

After you've dealt with the monsters, the doors to the corridor immediately to the left of the entrance you first came through will open (when you look back, it's with right side- door marked on top edge screenshot below). Through this door you will enter the fortress of the Dragon Riders army. When someone first enters the square, this exit is not easy to recognize. We would like to suggest that you mark the first door you came from during the raid and the path to the last door you exit through with 1 adena coin. Otherwise people may get lost.

Now all members of the raid must advance together to attack the main stronghold of the Dragon Riders. Then the level of monsters increases sharply. Due to the variety of their attacks, it is absolutely necessary that everyone move in strict accordance with the commands issued by the raid leader. Absolute order and discipline must be observed.

Here is an example of the distance magic of the Dragon Rider Army:

After you've broken through the two doors, you'll enter a new cave.

Here you better press yourself against the walls in advance, which will avoid unnecessary collisions with monsters. It's relatively safe.

Avoid the Battle Dragons in the center of the cave and continue moving forward.

Finally, you will arrive at the main stronghold of the Dragon Rider Army. As you can see, there are a large number of monsters (22 have been counted) standing guard in front of the fortress. They even have their own healer.

Countless monsters are waiting at the gate at the front entrance to the fortress. Since you will be attacked, even from the rear, by monsters in the cave, which can cause great harm, one group should be responsible for watching their back. When you have dealt with all the monsters, break down the fortress gates. From the time you destroy the gate, your Phantom Dancer must constantly use the level 77 Shadow Dance skill so that the subordinate monsters inside the fortress do not notice you. Outside the gates a huge number of Dragon Riders will be waiting for you.

When you destroy the fortress gate, an impressive number of Dragon Legate and Dragon Archmage will burst out. To prevent contact with your subordinate brothers, retreat to the bottom of the bridge, pulling them with you away from the gate.

After you destroy the Dragon Legate and the Dragon Archmage, advance again, always maintaining the Shadow Dance. This way, you won't have to deal with the Dragon Peltasts who patrol the inner and outer parts of the fortress.

When you enter the fortress, you will see a door that leads to the throne rooms of Tiat. Beware of the Dragon Legate (in the screenshot below). With their strong Aura of Hatred, they can even disrupt the target of healers, who can mistakenly restore the Dragon Legate's HP several times. Therefore, the use of group treatment will be useful in this case.

While constantly maintaining the Shadow Dance, each group must climb the inclined ramps to the left and right, destroy the devices called the “Throne of Destruction” (they are protected by the Peltast Dragon) and go back down again.

This is the Fortress Plan. The dark green rectangle at the bottom is where you came from the main square, the olive rectangle in the center is the bridge, the red rectangle above it is the wall with monster defenders on it, the bright green circles are the Throne devices and the gray rectangle at the top is the door to Tiat's room.

If suddenly, Tanei of Shadows disappears (falls down), a huge number of Dragon-Peltasts will start screaming at you. Thus, the Phantom Dancer should never lose sight of this dance. After the devices of the throne on both sides have been destroyed, the door to the room where Tiat sleeps will open.
When you go down the ramp again, be on your guard, there are many Battle Dragons standing invisibility. Archers using the level 74 skill to recognize invisible ones will be useful here.

Now it's time for the final battle. There will be a video scene where you can see tiat transform into a male dragon (necessary fact, feminists have +100500 damage in this case

More than 50 soldiers stand guard around Tiat. Lure them out with small raids from the left or right side, without letting Tiat notice you (this will take a lot of time).
Groups with tanks and Despots should distract the bodyguards riding dragons right in front of Tiat. Just DISTRACT, not kill. They have a lot of HP and instant respawn, killing them is a waste of Soul/Spirit Charges. At the same time, other groups, concentrating their fire, destroy the soldiers on the left and right, luring them out in front of this in small groups, after the devices in the four corners of the room, which are responsible for the respawn of soldiers, are destroyed. Despots neutralize Dragon-Mages, using the seal of silence, preventing them from casting spells and neutralizing bodyguards riding on dragons using the Sleeping Spirit and the Seal of the Binding (Ruth in short, I’ll correct it later), supported by the Apostle and Priest of Shilen with the roots of the Dryad. Tiat will not move on his own. He only attacks within a certain radius in front of him, so as long as you keep a respectful distance from the boss you will be safe.

If you do the Weapon Enhancement quest, you can level up the Soul Crystal to stage 15 or 16 by killing Tiat. For this alone, it would be worth going to this boss - in addition to this, the Icarus weapon S80 or S84 Venus weapon drops, it drops with 100% probability, as well as random LVL 81 Spellbook and Soul Crystal stage 14, 15 or 16.
But killing Tiat is not easy. His minions attack specifically the group leader, identifying him or her through the command channel (idiocy). The most effective countermeasure is to Put these minions to sleep. When you kill them they will simply respawn again.

Tiat can inflict Fear on those who attack him. If your cardinal is level 80 or higher, he or she can neutralize this with a cleansing field. Additionally, the Mental Shield buff is a good defense against Tiat's Fear.
When you bring Tiat's HP down to 50%, he will call out to his soldiers to come out. At this very moment you must use whatever stun skills you have available - anything - to stop him from finishing his magic. Otherwise, he will suddenly regain all of his HP and you will have to shoot him down again.
At the base of the Keucereus alliance there is a Quest available from the soldier Orbius (I’ll find out exactly what I’ll write/correct), where you will receive as a reward the so-called “Fragment of Light”, which is something like a shock bomb that was used by police all over the world for the release of hostages. If you have such a fragment of light with you, this is the time to use it, exactly during HP 50%. You can only use this bomb once, so keep your nerves under control and wait for Tiat's scream to appear on the screen.

Here are the steps again, one by one, to conquer the Seed of Destruction:
1. Do the one-time quests “A Great Day to Fly” and “to the Seed of Destruction” to obtain permission to enter the fortress.
2. Gather a group of 36 to 45 people.
3. Fight your way through the first corridor and the associated gate to the Teleport Device. Teleport to the main square.
4. Eliminate the monsters in the square and destroy the obelisk.
5. Break into 3 groups and enter 3 rooms, the doors to which look like clenched jaws.
6. Each group destroys the devices they are in the room, and then gather again in the square.
7. Eliminate the monsters that appeared in the square and move to the main stronghold.
8. Eliminate the monsters guarding the main stronghold and break down the gate.
9. Destroy the devices to the left and right of the door to the Tiat Throne Room.
10. Kill Tiat.
From the moment you were teleported to the Seed of Destruction by Sergeant Arrenos, you have 130 minutes to complete your mission.

Seed of Annihilation- This is the fortress of the legendary raid boss Istina, the creator of all existing seeds. This location was introduced into the game in the Goddess of Destruction – Awakening update and is intended for players 88-89. You can collect energy in the seed; after it is collected, monsters will attack the character, which further complicates the hunting process.

This fortress is home to three races: Bistakons, Kokrakons and Reptilikons, who constantly fight among themselves in the endless corridors of the seed. Hunting zones are also divided into three parts, each of which has its own entrance.




Maternity Room

Portal to the Maternity Room

An important part of the Seed of Annihilation is the Maternity Room. This is a temporary zone for one character 85-89 level, which can be accessed through a portal. One of the locations where you can farm parts of Immortality equipment.

How to get into the Seed of Annihilation

  1. Teleport through Ship Controller from the Keucereus Alliance Base.
  2. Fly to Airship from the Keucereus Alliance Base.
  3. Teleport through Guardians of Space Servants of Hermuncus for 150,000
  4. Arrive with flight transformation.


This location is home to the legendary raid boss Istkhina. Its farming is available in two versions: normal and extreme, depending on the conditions met:

Access to the raid boss is carried out through the NPC Officer Limeer. Characters of at least level 90 and no more than 5 groups will be able to enter. The opportunity to visit Istkhina resets on Wednesday and Saturday at 6.30 am.

Stages of the Seed of Annihilation cycle

Like all seeds, the Seed of Destruction has its own time cycles, which determine the situation and possibilities within the seed:

Stage 1- hunt monsters in the Seed of Annihilation, as soon as you kill a certain number of monsters at 13.00, the Seed of Annihilation will automatically move to stage 2.

Stage 2-3— Stage 2 lasts for 2 weeks, after which stage 3 will occur. During stage 3, access to RB Istkhina (regular) will open.

Stage 4— If players managed to farm Isthin (regular) 10 or more times, then on Monday at 13.00 the Seed of Annihilation will move to stage 4. During stage 4, Istkhina (extreme) becomes available.

Stage 5— If during stage 3 players were unable to kill Isthin (normal) 10 times, in this case the Seed of Annihilation will switch directly to stage 5. Stage 5 lasts 3 weeks, after which the Seed of Destruction will return to stage 1.

Related quests:
name of the quest initial NPC reward
Into the Seed of Destruction Commander Kovaldir 1.148.480, 99.110
Find the missing soldiers Officer Jakhan 435.024, 50.366
Officer Clemis Requiem, Apocalypse, Modification Scrolls, Ore and Attribute Crystals
Wounded Soldier Random recipe for armor or Venus or 3 basic materials for their manufacture.
Istina, Mother of Decadence Officer Limeer 833.065.000, 368.800.464,Istina's Bracelet
Extreme Challenge, resurrected Mother of Decadence Officer Limeer Enchanted Istina's Bracelet

Seeds of destruction. The secret behind genetic manipulation


The problem of food security today, more than ever before, is one of the problems of national security. Over the past forty years, Western agriculture has been radically transformed. It came from the hands of family farmers who cultivated mixed grain crops and carefully cultivated livestock, into the hands of giant global agribusiness concerns, where human labor has become an insignificant cost factor. The quality of food was sacrificed for quantity and mass production. The public health implications are staggering, as evidenced by the rise in epidemic obesity and disease in America over the past decade or more.

The outbreak of bizarre new diseases across the United States over the past decade has paralleled the world's largest cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Today, more than 70% of what average Americans eat are genetically modified organisms. They are not concerned about this because the government prohibits such labeling. GMOs are not technological progress. This is manipulation based on false science, biological reductionism, which by definition is inapplicable. Independent laboratory tests, including Russian ones, in last years demonstrated that, compared to control rats, laboratory rats fed a GMO diet exhibited dramatic reductions in organ growth, significantly higher infant mortality, and brain shrinkage. Powerful international corporate media campaigns have largely buried the results of these alarming tests.

We must take into account the fact that the first patron of GMOs in previous decades was the influential private Rockefeller Foundation. The major companies, DuPont, Dow Chemical, and Monsanto, which dominate the patenting of GMO seeds and related herbicides, have been Pentagon contractors for decades and are responsible for creating poisonous products such as Agent Orange, dioxin, and countless others.

The introduction of GMO crops has been accompanied by slick propaganda that they produce more yield per hectare and require fewer chemical herbicides. Both theses are false. GMO seeds approved American government without any checks, starting with President George H. W. Bush, who issued an executive order in 1992. GMOs are part of a long-term program by powerful interests in the United States to control the world's substantial food supply through patented seeds. The same Rockefeller Foundation behind GMO research financed Nazi eugenics during the Third Reich. After 1945, leading figures in the Rockefeller Foundation decided to rename eugenics. New name? Genetics.

Russia, oddly enough, has not yet been destroyed by Western agriculture. During the economic tensions of the Cold War, relatively few fertile soils were destroyed by intensive chemical treatment in Kansas style. Today Russia and Ukraine are the target of Western agribusiness associations that would like to industrialize and control production food products in the countries of the former Soviet Union, since it is still a largely undestroyed source of productive soil.

This book is not your average discussion about food or health. This is a documented chronicle of how a very small powerful elite pursued the goal of seizing control of the planet using food. This plan was best expressed in the 1970s by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who said: “When you control the food, you control the population.” Today among the population Western Europe and Asia there is massive resistance to GMOs. Proponents of GMOs are trying to break this resistance through massive propaganda pressure and bribery. officials, who are tasked with monitoring public health safety in their countries. So far no success.

Russia now has a rare opportunity to transform what appears to be a legacy of the Cold War - inefficient agriculture - into an invaluable asset - biologically natural food production on healthy soils. A ban on GMOs in Russia would be a major step towards such an export role.

F. William Engdahl,

Germany, March 2009


“We have about 50% of the world's wealth, but only 6.3% of the world's population... In this situation, we cannot help but be the object of envy and resentment. Our real challenge in the coming period is to develop a model of relationship that will allow us to maintain this state of imbalance without positively compromising our national security. To do this we will have to give up all sentimentality and dreaminess; and our attention must be concentrated throughout on our immediate national ones. purposes. We should not deceive ourselves that today we can afford the luxury of altruism and global charity.”

George Kennan, US State Department, 1948

This book tells the story of a project undertaken by a small socio-political group that met in Washington rather than London after the Second World War. Here is the untold story of how this self-proclaimed elite set about, in Kennan's words, "to maintain this state of disparity." The story of how a tiny minority dominated the resources and levers of power in the post-war world.

Here is the whole history of the evolution of power falling into the hands of a small group; a history during which even science was put in the service of its interests. As Kennan recommended in an internal memorandum in 1948, they pursued their policies ruthlessly, “without the luxury of altruism and global charity.”

Moreover, unlike their predecessors in the leading circles of the British Empire, the American elite, who proclaimed the dawn of their American Century at the end of the war, skillfully used the rhetoric of altruism and global charity to achieve their goals. The American Century declared to it acted as a lighter version of the empire, “kinder and softer,” an empire in which, under the slogans of colonial liberation, freedom, democracy and economic development a powerful network had been woven, the likes of which the world had not seen since the days of Alexander the Great - a global empire united under the military control of the world's only superpower, capable of deciding the fate of entire states at its own whim.

This book is a continuation of the first volume, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Policy and the New World Order. She traces another “red thread” of world power. This thread is control over the very basis of human survival, our daily food.

The man who served the interests of the post-war American elite in the 1970s and came to symbolize this brutal realpolitik was Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. One day in the mid-1970s, Kissinger, a longtime practitioner of “balance of power” geopolitics and a man with a more than telling conspiracy biography, was rumored to have expressed his view of world domination: “By controlling oil, you control states. By controlling food, you control the population."

The strategic challenge of managing global food security has a long history and originated long before the war that broke out in the 1930s. It was set up (often overlooked) by a select few private foundations that were created to keep wealth and power in the hands of American families. From the beginning, these families amassed their wealth and power in New York and along the East Coast of the United States from Boston and New York to Philadelphia and Washington, DC. For this reason, popular means mass media They were often referred to (sometimes with derision, but more often with admiration) as the East Coast Establishment.

In the postwar decades, the center of gravity of American power shifted. The East Coast Establishment's halo faded to new centers of power from Seattle to Southern California on the Pacific Coast, also in Houston, Las Vegas, Atlanta and Miami and beyond, as the tentacles of American influence extended into Asia, Japan and south into Latin America. America.

“By controlling oil, you control states. By controlling food, you control the population.".
American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

I saw a link to this book in a TV report that there are now 7 billion of us on planet Earth. Which some are happy about, and some not so happy about. Getting to know the book was not pleasant, rather terrifying...
The book is about what we (perhaps not the whole world, but most of it, definitely) eat.

Genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genotype has been artificially changed using methods genetic engineering. Such changes are usually made for scientific or economic purposes. Genetic modification is distinguished by a targeted change in the genotype of an organism, in contrast to the random one characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.
from Wikipedia

The Scottish Government, the Rowett Institute and Dr Pusztai all believed they would confirm a major breakthrough in crop production that could have huge benefits for food production by eliminating the use of pesticides in potato planting. By the end of 1997, Pusztai began to have doubts. His experiments produced completely unexpected and alarming results.

Rats fed genetically modified potatoes for more than 110 days had pronounced changes in their development. They were significantly smaller in size and body weight than control rats fed regular potatoes in the same experiment. What was even more alarming, however, was that the rats fed the GMO diet had noticeably smaller livers and hearts, and they showed poorer health. immune system. But the most alarming result of Pusztai's laboratory experiments was the noticeably smaller brain size of rats fed GMO food compared to rats fed normal potatoes. These research findings bothered Pusztai so much that he decided not to mention them when he was asked to present his findings on a British Independent Television broadcast in 1998. He later stated that he was afraid of causing panic among the population.

Then they got a little bored and decided to control population growth. And, of course, we did not forget about quality. The superior American race, such as they, should prevail in this worthless world, and the rest are unworthy of procreation...
An extremely unpleasant company with too much power. It's a pity…

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