Home Oral cavity Business plan for a consulting company. How to start your own consulting business

Business plan for a consulting company. How to start your own consulting business

First, let's figure it out What is consulting. First of all, it is a service. WITH in English, where this word came to us, consulting means consulting. The service involves paid actions on your part in favor of the client, aimed at researching his activities, determining ways of developing the company, introducing innovations, organizing management and other research. All this is done to increase the productivity and profitability of the client company.

Simply put, a consulting agency for a fee helps take your business to the next level. The objects of consulting are usually commercial organizations and manufacturing companies.

But the consulting agency’s clients can also be individuals who apply for business registration issues. In general, consulting services can include assistance on any business issues.

There are two types of consulting.

- Internal consulting. When there is an employee within the firm who advises others within the organization. In this case, he provides services free of charge, since he is employed and receives wages established by the contract.

- External consulting. When third parties are hired as consultants on business processes. Such companies receive profit from the direct provision of services according to a pre-registered agreement and price list. Standard services include results in increased profitability, lower costs and overall expansion of the firm in its niche market.

Types of consulting agency services

  1. Business diagnostics. This area of ​​customer support includes company audit, performance assessment, quality control, benchmarking and other processes.
  2. Recommendations for improving the company. The conclusions that the consulting firm receives after analyzing the client’s activities form the basis for the recommendations the client receives for reforming the processes, activities and structure of his enterprise.
  3. The holding of trainings. These measures are also aimed at increasing efficiency.
  4. Creation of restructuring projects. Again, based on process analysis, the executing company creates a project to improve the structure of the client’s company. This also includes instructions for creating missing functions, activities and divisions that will subsequently allow the organization to operate with greater efficiency.
  5. Preparing the enterprise for inspections. Besides standard cast With all the necessary documentation in order, the consulting agency can prepare the client’s company to obtain international certificates.
  6. Development of a business strategy.

Cooperation between the customer and the client is organized in the format of presence in the company where consulting services are required, a specialist from the contractor.

Today, consulting services are used by large organizations and small enterprises that want to gain a foothold in the market for their goods and services. And the field of consulting itself has many branches, each of which is aimed at working with various types organizations.

There is also consulting in the field of medical care, financial advisory related to the reporting of organizations and attracting cash injections and mergers. Also popular tax consulting, and management consulting and many other types of it.

For example, management consulting includes:

Development of processes for increasing company profits

Adjustment and creation of business plans

Marketing research for effective investment

SWOT analysis

Development of the organizational structure of the company

Concerning HR consulting, then the entire personnel policy is assessed:

Staff are trained and each employee is tested according to professional suitability standards.

The motivating component of the company is being developed

Instructions for employees and rules of behavior within a particular company are adjusted (clothing, work time)

Conflict components are regulated, recommendations are given on behavior from both management and staff.

Information technology consulting:

The main methodology is the implementation of the so-called CIS - corporate information systems

DBMS. These are database management systems. The consulting firm designs, develops and implements them into the client’s process.

Automation of production processes.

Special offers that are developed exclusively individually, depending on the specifics of the company.

Business planning consulting:

Selection of organizations for logistics services

Business process research

Project management

Development of processes for interaction with potential audiences

Inventory management analysis

Reducing costs and increasing efficiency


A person who works with a client from a consulting firm. A mentor's job responsibilities include many different tasks. First of all, providing working role model for those processes to which the services of the consulting agency are aimed.

Sometimes, the mentor position becomes a permanent position with an assigned person. This usually occurs in large organizations facing problems higher order, or simply wishing to stabilize and unify the processes of their company. In this case, they do not turn to outside consulting.

But the search for a permanent mentor for the company can also become the main task of a consulting firm. And often the search is carried out directly within the organization, where people who are already familiar with the specifics of a particular company and its business processes work.

Consulting agency clients

Again, depending on the specifics of the consulting and the scope of its focus, the potential audience varies.

In strategic consulting This:

Trade industry

Food industry

Construction business

Mechanical engineering

In Operations Management This:

Heavy industry

Food industry

Trade area

Finance sector

Construction companies

In consulting in the fieldIT:


Development of oil and gas fields

Heavy industry


Telecommunications niche

Sphere of trade

Consulting based on conducting trainings and recruitment of qualified specialists:

Trade industry

Food industry

Metalworking and engineering sector

Oil and gas sector

Transport companies

Sphere of communication services and communications

Financial niche

Consulting today

The very concept of consulting is no longer new, even in Russian market. Companies that work in this field are involved in various fields - economic, legal, technological. Therefore, the market is developing and more and more companies are starting to apply for services. And opening your own consulting agency promises good prospects with a high-quality approach and professional provision of services.

Benefits own company in this area will simple formation process and development, as well as comparatively small investment at the start, which not every business can boast of. But, as for any project, a business plan for consulting is an integral part of the starting processes.

AND main directions that should be detailed in the business plan are:

  1. Financial opportunities enterprises
  2. Regional features of the consulting market
  3. Project scope. It is described in the form of step-by-step development planning.

Image of a consulting agency

Company reputation plays a huge role, especially in the consulting niche, where clients need preliminary guarantees of their successful approach to the customer. And the level of professionalism of the company’s employees is put in first place. Together with the financial literacy of the company and high level responsibility of the company providing consulting services, the reputational component is built. And only she can create a favorable background for receiving “tasty” and large orders.

Company registration

The first step in starting any business. It is necessary to resolve the issue of the organizational and legal form and registration of your future business in government agencies. For a consulting agency, the most suitable form is opening a limited liability company. But in any case, it is better to find out in advance all the necessary information from special sources, access to which is not limited. Or contact a company that will help you arrange everything necessary documents for a certain fee.

Selected in parallel unique name your organization. Company name It should not only be memorable, which will further affect brand recognition, but also reflect the essence of your activity. In other words, the name of the company should be bright and simple at the same time.

To start a business in the consulting field, you do not need to obtain any licenses. And this is another plus for this niche. However, if you plan to provide services related to property valuation, then membership in an appraisal organization will be required.


For a successful start you will need to carry out regional market analysis and the market in general, so that assess the presence of competing firms and develop a development strategy. After identifying competitors, you can move on to a private analysis of specific companies based on several factors:

Employee qualification level

Price policy


Service options

Renting premises

Office– a necessary factor for a consulting firm, since you will be conducting interviews with potential clients on your territory. And therefore, business districts of the city will be a suitable area for searching for premises.

If the business starts successfully, you can think about buying out the rented premises. Again, such factors that in other businesses will not significantly influence the activity, in the field of consulting have a positive impact on company reputation.

Rental recommendations are such that the premises will require a size of no less than 90 square meters. A spacious office will increase presentability and will create comfortable conditions both for employees to work and for communication with clients.


The purchase of equipment and furniture should also be based on creating comfortable conditions and presentability internal view. Each employee must be provided with all the necessary supplies, from a workplace to a personal computer with Internet access.

In addition, consider what should be equipped place for employees to eat and possibly have tea with the client (to discuss cooperation in comfortable conditions). These zones must not coincide.


As mentioned above, all activities of the company will depend on qualified personnel. Therefore, in the business plan, the search for suitable staff should be given a separate section.

An employee hired for a position in your company must have not only professional skills, but also have broad-minded, knowledge in various fields and especially in those related to business. At the same time, remember that he will have to decide not only highly specialized tasks, but also generally interact with organizations.

To start a small-format consulting agency, it will be enough to first hire 2-3 employees, and expand after successful development. Initial staff coverage should focus on funding and management issues. An employee with specialization in property valuation will also be useful.

All people who are a little over 19 and a little under 60 are experts in certain issues and topics. But, only certain ones. If you look carefully at other people, it turns out that they do not understand anything about your topic. And you can help them, advise them, guide them free of charge, for 500-600 rubles. And they will gladly pay you. This is consulting, to a first approximation. And now more details.

Consulting (consulting) is the activity of consulting executives, top managers, managers and other management personnel. The purpose of consulting is to help the management system achieve its stated goals with the best result.

Who needs consulting?

If you already thought that consulting is the domain of large companies, then this is not so. Consulting, in its truest sense, is suitable for any company that needs a fresh idea, expert review, experience and knowledge, as well as competent opinion for resolving controversial situations in management, for adopting a common opinion, and simply helping in completing a major project.

As you can see, everyone needs consulting. It’s just that not everyone understands what they need and is at a loss. This is what it is built on consulting business.

Despite the fact that consulting can be done in any area of ​​life and business, there are several top areas that are extremely popular and in high demand. And if you are a specialist in one of these areas, then... why aren’t you still involved in consulting?

  1. Accounting consultinglegal way redistribute financial flows in the company, put accounting documents in order, save where possible and, especially where not. All this lies in accounting consulting.
  2. Financial and legal audit is a broad area that involves almost all financial components of a company. After all, you can save on everything - from utility bills to large production expenses. That's why consultants work with everything they can.
  3. Business development and expansion- Most novice entrepreneurs need advice from more experienced colleagues. Therefore, if you have the latter, you can easily advise the former. And the first ones will pay you for consultations. It can be anything. From establishing business processes to developing your own earning scheme.
  4. Tax consulting- the gold mine of this business. For example, in the USA, tax consultants live in penthouses and eat Margot cream whenever they want. Our tax legislation is still very young and not everyone knows it inside and out, so most of us have a real chance to make money from tax consulting.
  5. Legal consulting- a vein that lies somewhere near taxes. Tax advice can be varied - from inheritance registration to correct drafting marriage contract. Agree, great job for graduates law faculties local universities.
  6. Consultations on business ideas and job changes. During this advice It’s worth a lot about where to go to work. Professional counseling in building a career, organizing a startup, changing jobs and much more that will affect people for the rest of their lives.
  7. IT consulting. The newest direction of consulting. a profession of the future that has become the present. Equipment selection, software, building effective computer ecosystems, searching and hiring specialists of a certain level and knowledge - all this lies within the scope of this consulting.
  8. "Headhunters". Consulting in the field of personnel search and hiring. This is now for us HeadHunter is a site for finding personnel. However, this term has a completely different meaning. This is the search and poaching of specialists from competitors. The work is dirty, but highly paid. Requires subtle knowledge of psychology. If this doesn't appeal to you, read about the next niche.
  9. Personnel Management. Personnel consulting and supervision. Increasing their corporate unity, the right motivation, deterrence and protection from bounty hunters. Consulting managers at all levels on how to work correctly with subordinates.
  10. Marketing. Consulting in the field of global company development. Business planning and ideas for enterprise development.
  11. Public Relations. What needs to be done to make the authority and visibility of the company more significant in society. Non-standard PR, subtleties of development trademark. And other things that advertising may be based on.
  12. Advertising consulting. Yes, how to correctly and more accurately achieve your goals in an advertising campaign, what to use and what not. Compilation advertising campaigns that will work for a long time.
  13. Gardening and landscape design. It would seem... many people know how to grow potatoes. But not many people know how to grow it with weight gain, and not like this - plant a bucket, collect a bucket. Joke. Garden consulting is a very popular service. Setting up gardens and winter greenhouses, caring for plants, using various irrigation systems, planting a park and planning a garden are a small part of the questions for which people are willing to pay for answers.
  14. Healthy eating. ABOUT! You've encountered this. Detox. Diet for 7 days. We don’t eat raw, we eat cooked and vice versa. Where do legs come from? From healthy eating consulting. Preparing individual diets and workouts is the basis of this niche.
  15. Image consulting. This tie matches your face very well. And it matches the eye color. And what else... thousands of fashion trends, the formation of an individual style, selection of accessories. Shopping support. The beauty of this niche is that it does not require any education, just having taste and the ability to dress with taste.

Of course, this list is very limited and can be found in any article where the word “consulting” is mentioned. Believe us, in the area where you are an expert, we cannot even advise you, you must advise us. That's the point of this business.

Good luck to you in starting this interesting business!

- Stop! And money?
- What money? Maybe I can give you the key to the Audi A6 where the money is?

Head of an open Internet project, author of the book “Creating and developing an effective business from scratch”

Despite the fact that, like any other business, consulting has its disadvantages, it is the advantages of a consulting business that allow it to be created by almost any expert who wants to earn money by providing consulting services.

In this case, you can choose an option for creating a consulting firm, which can be said to be a win-win, even if the entrepreneur does not manage to make money from consulting services. This article will discuss just such an option for creating a consulting company.

At first glance it may seem that this is impossible. After all, any business involves risk. Yes this is true. If we talk about everyone possible risks, then the approach to creating a consulting firm discussed here still has one risk - the risk of wasting time. But even this risk can be minimized.

Consulting is one of the few types of business that you can start almost painlessly without quitting your job. This scenario of gradually creating a consulting company is quite realistic.

After all, as noted above, any business (including consulting) is associated with risk. This is one of the reasons why many of those who would like to create their own business have not yet done so. They are afraid that nothing will work out with the business, and they will lose their job. By the way, in fact, there is an option to create a business with minimal costs and risks. True, this will take a lot of time.

In the case of the gradual creation of a consulting business, there is no reason for any fears at all. You can also continue to work for hire, but in your free time engage in the gradual development of your consulting firm.

Someone may object by asking where to get the free time to still engage in even such a gradual creation of a consulting firm. I'm by no means saying that many people have plenty of free time, but I know quite a few employed people who would find time without much effort if they wanted to.

You can also reduce the time “killed” by watching TV, “hanging out” on the Internet (especially communicating on social networks) and other very “useful” activities. Let's be honest: there are people who even spend their working hours on the Internet, but at the same time cope with their work responsibilities.

In general, if you want, you can find the time. Now let’s decide what exactly you can spend this free time on in order to gradually create your own consulting business.

The answer to this question follows from the most effective tools for promoting consulting services. Why are we suddenly talking about promotion tools? The fact is that finding clients is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks for a consulting startup.

Finding and attracting clients is a very actual question for any aspiring entrepreneur, but for a consulting business this is especially important. This state of affairs is explained by the peculiarities of the consulting market and clients in need of consulting services.

In fact also important factor The quality of consulting services also influences the success of a consulting company. But if there are no clients, then high quality services will not help you make money from the consulting business.

In general, before you seriously think about leaving your job, you need to first create a steady stream of new clients for your consulting firm. This, by the way, is another argument in favor of the gradual strategy of creating a consulting business, which is discussed in this article.

So, to find and attract clients for a consulting business (as well as for any other), you can use two main strategies: active search (and sales) and passive search (and sales).

Active search and sales in consulting are mainly phone calls, visiting various parties where potential clients can meet, holding meetings, etc. In general, this is all that requires active participation and, as a rule, during working hours.

If you don’t want to take risks and quit your job just yet, then obvious reasons You can forget about active methods of promoting a consulting business for now. They can be developed later, when the consulting firm begins to actively work.

Therefore, you can initially focus on passive methods of promoting consulting services. This can be done in any free time.

The most effective (of passive) tools for promoting a consulting business are a website and books, and they complement each other very well. That same synergistic effect arises about which so much has been written.

In addition, unlike active promotion methods, the site and books will work for you around the clock. And, as noted above, you can do them at ANY time.

So, the website and books can be very effectively used for promotion (promotion) of businesses providing professional services, including consulting businesses.

By the way, I myself started my consulting business by creating websites and publishing books. And even now I continue to actively use and develop these two powerful tools for promoting consulting services. You can read more about my experience in creating a consulting business on the page “My experience in creating and developing a business from scratch.”

As your consulting business progresses, you will begin to receive your first orders. Moreover, they can also be done without quitting your hired job.

Before you fully devote yourself to the consulting business, you must be confident in both the marketing and production components. That is, you need to learn how to find clients and provide them with quality consulting services.

I repeat once again that you can fine-tune the implementation of these functions while remaining employed. Then, as your consulting firm progresses and you gain experience in executing consulting projects, you can already accept final decision about what to do next: continue to work for hire or focus entirely on your consulting business. Although for some time it is still possible to combine these two directions.

Once you decide to focus on your consulting business, you will need to expand your consulting firm as your business grows. Again, there are different strategies that can be used for this.

Considering that it is very difficult to build a system of ownership control for a consulting business, then this is how you can develop your consulting company. Become your own chief expert consultant and recruit assistant consultants as needed.

By the way, initially, when creating a website, you can make a website not of a consulting company, but of an expert consultant. In this case, using the strategy mentioned here will be quite logical, and clients will understand that they are contacting you as a professional expert who uses assistants to get the job done.

If your consulting company develops very successfully, then over time you will have to change the consulting business model, because... It is physically impossible to take an active part in the implementation of a large number of consulting projects.

In this case, one of the options further development of a consulting company is to remain the main expert consultant yourself, but also to create your own groups of assistants around other experts.

Yes, with this model of building a consulting business, the risks of its owner increase, but he can also earn more. By the way, to minimize risks, you can use different options.

One of them is to implement a customer relationship management system (CRM). In this case, all contacts with clients are recorded, so it will be easier for the owner to identify unscrupulous employees who double play and thereby harming business.

It is clear that this method(however, like everyone else) cannot provide 100% protection for the consulting business, but it is still sufficient effective method control. Besides this system increases the efficiency of relationships with clients, which ultimately affects the increase in sales of the consulting company.

Another way to protect your consulting business is to develop a partnership system with consultants working in the company. This is quite common practice for professional services firms.

The disadvantage of this model is that now the creator of the consulting company will be forced to share dividends with his partners. But now they will be very interested in the further successful development of the company. They, like the creator of the business, will pay attention to ownership control.

At the beginning of the article, it was already mentioned that the strategy for creating a consulting company considered here in any case turns out to be a win-win, even if it fails to create a successful business.

This is what we are talking about. By developing a website and publishing books, an expert also increases his value on the labor market. Therefore, even if nothing comes of the consulting business, the time spent on creating and developing a website, as well as writing books, will in any case be spent on creating assets that will allow you to earn more in the future (albeit not as an entrepreneur, but as a hired employee).

Therefore, you can safely use the approach proposed here to gradually create your own consulting business. The result will be in any case - even if events unfold not in the most favorable way (from the point of view of creating a business).

Although, as practice shows, in most cases the strategy presented here allows you to create a truly successful consulting business. Therefore, you can begin to act more boldly.

Consulting, in modern conditions, represents the most promising area of ​​business. To organize an appropriate company, a novice entrepreneur must have broad knowledge in the field of consulting services and the ability to work with advanced technologies. However, it is worth considering the commercial risk associated with the high level of competition and the costs of starting a business.

First, it is worth determining in what area and specialization the company will operate successfully. Next, you need to draw up a business plan either on your own or by turning to specialists for help. The cost of the service will be about 25 thousand rubles. A normal business plan for a consulting company includes a clause about defining a market segment. It is very important to work in an existing company before opening your own company. This will help:

  1. Avoid financial losses.
  2. Get the necessary experience.
  3. Study the company’s work process and methods of replenishing the client base.
  4. Make connections.
  5. Determine the vector of development of your own organization.

The source of income for a consulting firm can be independent consulting by specialists on behalf of the company. This type of consultation can be one-time or global, depending on the desired result. In addition, you can obtain an educational license, which will allow aspiring entrepreneurs to organize methodological courses and business seminars. Work sites can be very different. For example:

  • preparation of reporting documentation;
  • developing a market monitoring process and collecting information;
  • organization of business negotiations;
  • planning;
  • development of a product sales program;
  • development of anti-crisis response measures;
  • other problems.

At the very beginning, you will have to take on a number of functions, for example, filling out applications and looking for clients. It is important in consulting work to rely on the requirements and opinions of clients. It is worth paying special attention to the preparation of the organizational and legal form. It directly affects the success of the company. It is recommended for small companies to register a limited liability company - LLC.

How to properly organize a company's work

The main subjects of this type of business will have to be representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. To operate successfully, a novice entrepreneur needs to analyze the growth and overall market activity in a specific part of the city or region. IN this analysis should include:

  • the possible number of organizations that will be interested in cooperation;
  • information on economic efficiency regional center at a certain stage;
  • information about the number of possible competitors among small businesses.

In the case when the economy of the regional center, where it is planned to open a business, is undergoing a process of stagnation with the freezing of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, it will be very difficult for novice consultants to keep their company afloat.

Note: You can download a ready-made business plan for a consulting company from our partners with a quality guarantee!

Where to stay

A consulting company requires medium-sized office space, since renting a large office is an impractical expense. It is important that there is a well-equipped room for working with clients on site, storing information about the work base and production. The second room can be an office for the manager, which can indicate the seriousness of the company. The most favorable location for a company is the city center, where the vast majority of large firms are concentrated.

Competition and advertising

It is worth noting that the consulting business has a very high level of competition, because in modern realities proposals arrive much faster than the services of the relevant organizations may be required. Key Feature formation of a consulting business is a PR process. At the very beginning, you need to create a competent company website. In addition to the fact that he must have complete information about the company and the range of services, the site should ideally be in the top ten search queries. To do this, you need to turn to the services of SEO specialists. This will require about 6 thousand rubles. Also, do not forget about other methods:

  • advertising in print media;
  • use of an advantageous location.

Cost of organizing a consulting business

This calculation is best done using the example of a small company located in the center settlement. For company registration and formation authorized capital you will need about 15 thousand rubles. You will have to spend twice as much on printing various kinds business cards, signs, advertisements, etc. To purchase office furniture and organizational equipment with installation of the appropriate software on it, you will need about 100 thousand rubles. For renting the premises, you need to allocate a monthly amount of about 20 thousand rubles. Additional expense items include:

  • Internet and telephone connection – 5000 rubles;
  • salary of 1 staff member - from 15,000 rubles;
  • taxes - from 46,000 rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - 3000 rub.

Profitability and pricing

One of the main points of the question “how to open a consulting agency” is the calculation and analysis of profitability. To be successful, the relevant services must exceed the average bar of capabilities that exists at that particular moment. Otherwise, no one will need consulting. To ensure a positive effect, it is necessary to develop an extensive customer base. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Concluding cooperation agreements with newly opened companies on a long-term basis.
  2. Ensuring high competence. This will help you win the competition with other companies.
  3. Providing services that competitors cannot match.
  4. Individual development of the relevant market segment.

It is worth noting that these processes cannot be properly organized without addressing the issue of price formation. In the context of high competition, it is recommended for start-up companies, based on the analysis pricing policy other companies, arrange payments:

  1. Hourly.
  2. For permanent cooperation.
  3. For individual projects.

Depending on the market segment, this may work to your advantage, since the payment will be decent, but slightly lower than that of other consulting agencies. In most cases, the company becomes profitable after 6 months of active operation.

Today, every second person who has their own financial resources wants to open some kind of business. But often these people are not savvy in many issues necessary for organizing a business. Therefore, more and more often we have to turn to consulting organizations. Are you interested in this kind of business? Then this article is for you!

Consulting organizations provide services in the field of legal, accounting, economic, technical and other assistance. That is, this business consists of consulting manufacturers and buyers, legal and individuals. These companies can be either broadly specialized or provide assistance services in specific areas.

The popularity of the services of such companies is growing more and more every day. If previously organizations on the verge of bankruptcy applied for help, now, on the contrary, “newly formed” companies apply. This is dictated by economic instability, constant crises and changes in legislation.

The specificity of this business is that it is purely intellectual. This means that your success directly depends on your employees. Currently good specialists There are practically no people who have a broad outlook and knowledge in various fields. Your main task will be to find such valuable personnel. The advantage of a business is that its organization requires small financial investments. Business profitability according to statistics reaches up to 150%. It pays for itself in about six months. Legislative registration is no different from any other form of ownership.

For successful and effective development business, you must first draw up a clearly planned business plan. You can find such examples below.

Contains a business plan for the consulting company Acme Consulting. The mission and goals of the company are presented. The key factors for business success in the field of consulting services are described. The table provides a summary of initial (start-up) costs. A plan for the initial formation of the authorized capital has been developed. The market of potential competitors is analyzed, their strengths and weaknesses are highlighted. The list of services provided by the organization is considered and sales volume is analyzed. Organizational and financial plans have been developed. The results of the market analysis are summarized.

A business plan for the consulting firm “Modelier” is presented. Contains a list of services provided by the organization. Calculations of the main economic indicators were made. These include sales volumes, revenue, production and sales costs. In addition, the sales market was assessed and segmented by various signs(income level, commitment, age). The table evaluates competitors and their Comparative characteristics. Much attention devoted to marketing policy, its goals and objectives are highlighted.

Contains a business plan that describes in detail all organizational stages of the business. The chart provides a summary of initial (start-up) costs. Produced complete and detailed analysis market. All participants are highlighted: competitors and consumers. The main economic indicators project effectiveness. A graph has been constructed showing the break-even point of the business. In addition, a financial report has been developed, which presents indicators of income and expenses, and the planned movement of liquidity. All cost indicators are reflected.

A business plan is presented, which contains a theoretical description of the activities of the consulting company. Presented possible difficulties and business nuances that require special attention. Contains the development of the organization of activities of the enterprise "Style". Possible competitors in the market are identified. Tips are given to eliminate management difficulties. In this business plan, you will learn how to make your organization a leader, promising directions further development and how to find individual approach to every client.

A business plan has been developed for the Hi-Tech Consulting organization, which is engaged in the marketing of high-tech products. Produced short description market, possible keys to success were found. Presented by marketing research market with identification of strong and weaknesses competitors. Special attention devoted to the issue of pricing; the tables contain cost calculations. Sales strategy developed and calendar plan organizations. Presented organizational structure, which contains the staffing table of employees

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