Home Hygiene What should I do? I can’t get out of bed. How to start the day right: popular advice

What should I do? I can’t get out of bed. How to start the day right: popular advice

– for many this is an almost impossible task. Getting out of bed turns into agony, it seems like it’s impossible to tear your head off the pillow and you definitely won’t be able to pull yourself out of bed in the next 30 minutes...

But learning to wake up easily is quite possible.

Here are seven simple tips that will help you get out of bed in the morning quickly and without pain:

1. Assess your health. If you are in the morning and you just can’t wake up, then perhaps these are the first signs of health problems. The reasons for this kind of ailment may lie in poor nutrition or too strict a diet. If drowsiness is your eternal morning companion, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

2. Coffee on the bedside table- this method is good for special occasions. It is best to put another invigorating drink next to your bed in the evening. Drink it with the first alarm clock and you will be able to drag yourself out of bed much faster than usual.

3. Set your alarm clock in the right place. If you put the alarm clock in the far corner, behind the door, or even in, then this will definitely help you get out of bed quickly - just to turn it off.

4. Buy an alarm clock with light. gets up late and partly because of this it is so difficult for us to wake up. But you can easily imitate a natural awakening - for this you need to purchase a special one with backlighting. At the appointed time, this unusual device begins to glow brighter and brighter - thus, you will get your own personal dawn and a feeling of a pleasant morning.

5. Don't drink coffee or alcohol late at night. The fact is that your body needs time to remove alcohol. Therefore for good and good sleep It’s best to give up these drinks – then it will be easier to wake up.

6. Stock up on smelling salts. In the past, noble ladies always carried a bottle of snuff with them - it helps to refresh, invigorate and provides wellness. It's best to leave it on your bedside table so you always have it at hand.

You can also use other techniques for a more pleasant awakening. For example, you could simply leave something that smells like orange, grapefruit, or mint next to your bed.

7. Practice waking up. Training and regular repetition are the key to success in everything. It’s worth bringing your morning actions to automaticity - then getting up will be much easier. You can even practice during the day - try turning off the light and imagine that it is early morning and you need to get out of bed at the first sound of the alarm clock. All your movements must be clear and fast - your body must get used to reacting correctly to. Practice these exercises twice a day 10 times.

By the way, and will also help to cheer up and come to your senses early in the morning. Also important has an alarm melody. A sharp, too loud or squeaking sound will not only wake you up, but also scare you. The best thing to do is set your favorite melody to ring the alarm - then good mood in the morning you are guaranteed.

Ecology of life: Oh, how familiar I am with this feeling of “not wanting” from childhood, ever since the word “must” appeared in life - I need to collect toys, but I don’t want to, I need to go to dinner, and there’s a cartoon on TV... And before right now - I need to write an article, but I’m sitting... Why? I won’t go deeper now; sometimes attempts to understand the reasons, to speculate – what and how – are just a way to avoid action.

Oh, how familiar this feeling of “not wanting” is to me since childhood, ever since the word “must” appeared in life - I need to collect toys, but I don’t want to, I have to go to dinner, and there’s a cartoon on TV... And right up until now - I need to write an article, but I’m sitting... Why? I won’t go deeper now; sometimes attempts to understand the reasons, to speculate on what and how are just a way to avoid action. Whether it is laziness, which was “born before you,” as my grandmother said in her hearts, or fashionable “procrastination,” the essence does not change.

So what to do about it? Of course, I read a lot on this topic, tried to put a lot into practice, rushed from one extreme to another - from complete dreary idleness to hopeless mouse-like fussiness... As a result, through trial and error, several practical tips emerged.

YOU NEED to leave room in life for what you WANT

I don't like sweeping, and I don't like vacuuming either. I don't like it. And it is necessary. But the pleasure from the process is zero. At least shoot me. Somehow, after spending half of a beautiful sunny weekend sweeping, because it had accumulated over the week, I realized that life was passing me by and bought a robot vacuum cleaner.

Now Robbie thoughtfully and slowly removes trash from the floor every day - he loves it, and on Saturday I go for a walk - I love it! And if earlier on the morning of a weekend I lay in bed as long as possible, you understand why, now I wake up as early as possible and run to do what I like - cook custard for breakfast, not porridge, because it’s a day off, because I at home, because it’s a celebration of life!

And then, if you want, take a walk along the avenue because you love your city, if you want, take a camera with you because you love taking pictures, if you want, go to a cafe to drink coffee, just because you love coffee... What am I talking about? Delegate routine powers, everything you don’t want to do- a slow cooker, a dishwasher, children, in the end! YOU NEED to free up time and energy for what you WANT, such a pun.

There are things that just have to be done. Always!

Straightaway. Automatically. For example, washing dishes. Fast and clean is better than dirty and later. When I stopped leaving a full sink for the morning, it turned out that washing in the evening, even if it’s very late and very reluctant, takes a maximum of 15 minutes, but in the morning you look at the world completely differently!

It turned out that there are not many such “always” things, I accepted them as a fact, and that’s all - they don’t bother me anymore, but they make me happy when they’re done!

Be lazy – just have fun!

Yes, you also need to leave room for laziness, and if you do this, then with full right and pleasure - today I am being lazy. Lazyday, as the British say.

What’s interesting is that as soon as you allow yourself to be lazy from the heart, it quickly gets boring, you become too lazy to be lazy! And my social media feed is boring, and the sofa is uncomfortable, I’m too lazy to lie on it, let me go sweep!

Replace the word MUST with the word CAN

One day I accidentally fell into convent and there I heard a snippet of conversation in the kitchen:

What do you need to do by lunchtime?

Mother blessed me to peel the cucumbers.

She didn’t order, she didn’t ask, but she blessed... Do you feel how everything is changing? I NEED to write an article! I CAN write an article... I have the OPPORTUNITY, I can.

Do I NEED to get off the couch and take action, or CAN I get off the couch? The word “can” contains everything we need - permission, blessing, and strength to act. Bless yourself, allow, let go, allow yourself to live - with pleasure.

So, how to get off the couch and start Living?

With pleasure!

". I'll copy it in its entirety:

How to force yourself to do this (live by the principle of a squeezed lemon)? If in my thoughts I understand, I want to exercise until I faint, so I lie on the bed and understand that this is exactly what I want, but I can’t bring myself to get up and do it. What should I do???

First, I express my respect to someone who wants to change their life for the better. Super!

Personally, I see a mistake here in the question itself - “what to do?”

Remember that the question “What to do?” gives you virtually nothing. You all know perfectly well What do. All the answers are in your head. All algorithms of action are well known to you.

Are there any answers in your chest??

What can you do to run and push yourself to the maximum? The answer is very simple - get up and do it. That's all.

But this answer does not carry any load, so the question starting with the word “What?” should be replaced with "HOW?" HOW TO DO?

How to start taking action?

Step by step instructions.

Step 1. Lying on the bed, stretch like a cat and tell yourself - everything will be fine.

Step 2: Drink a glass of cold drink and think about going for a run.

Step 3: Play music in your ears and start running. That's all. Good luck. Bye.

I suspect these letters won't get anyone out of bed. Therefore, I will write a little in a harsh form. So that there is at least some impact.

Are you sure you want this?

It often happens that a person does not want, but thinks about what he wants. Maybe you don't really want to do these actions? And that’s why you put everything off until later?

Action is only you

Something is constantly happening around a person, something is happening. Every moment. Every second. And a person reacts to all this.

There are also constant actions going on in our body. Cells die, are born, fight among themselves. Thoughts are born, spin, and a person reacts to them.

Long will you be oysters?

Your body says “I’m lazy” and you indulge it. Your thoughts say “I’m scared” and you close down.

Understand that what happens in 5 minutes depends largely on you. You create your future. After 5 minutes, you can lie as you were, or you can run and enjoy it.

You can ask yourself " What will happen in 5 minutes? Will the reality around me change much??"

You can imagine your body as a character in your life and begin to control it. Are you an author? Then pick yourself up and start doing it!

"What to do?" replace with "How to do?"

You already know what to do. Think more about the quality of the action. For example, running in the morning.

When you go home in the evening, look at the path along which you will run in the morning. Tomorrow you will run along it.

Get some comfortable sneakers and place them in front of the door. So that you can wear them comfortably tomorrow.

Prepare things in which you will rush towards your health tomorrow. Hang them in a visible place. And with the expectation that if it rains tomorrow, you will still wear them.

Set your alarm clock half an hour to an hour earlier than usual.

Make it so you can't say no to yourself

And now the most effective.

Drive yourself into action. Tell everyone you will be running. Everyone, everyone! Agree with someone to run with two, three or ten of you.

In short, make it so that you cannot refuse. Paint yourself into a corner.


And now I want to address the author of the comment directly.

Julia! To start living according to the “squeezed lemon” principle, you need to squeeze all the juices out of yourself several times.

To experience it for yourself! To feel it in your body and thoughts. You need to get tired, give your body a boost, wake it up, shake it properly!

Therefore, we will follow the path of human development - the path of greatest resistance.

I give you 5 days from the date of publication of this article. During these 5 days, get the most out of yourself. In anything - running, sex, work, sewing. Doesn't matter!

And within 5 days, write in the comments to this article. I need results - I did it and nothing more!

If you don't comply, I will punish you. I don’t know how yet - I’ll write about you bad article, I'll send you a virus that will destroy your operating system, I'll put you on the blog blacklist.

I only ask for one thing! Do not lie. By doing this you are not deceiving me, but yourself.

Here's the answer to your question. It's time to go... Good luck!

Depression causes many problems. Some people live in this state for so long that they experience everything possible symptoms depression-hopelessness, fatigue, insomnia, weight gain and, conversely, weight loss and the list goes on.

Living with depression is difficult, no matter what symptoms you experience. Sometimes even getting out of bed seems like a real feat. If this sounds like you, below you will find tips to help you get out of deep depression.

Create a morning ritual that will wake you up

Every day, how? Was work the only reason you got out of bed? In your constant rush, do you forget to even have breakfast? You urgently need to come up with activities that will make you look at the morning in a completely different way.

Start your day small: sit down

Start simple-just try to sit down. Raise your pillows and, if necessary, use an extra pillow to support your back. Sometimes even simple actions like these can bring you closer to getting up and starting your day.

What's for breakfast? Start thinking about food

Thoughts about food or the first cup of coffee can also be motivation. If your appetite returns at the thought of bacon on toast, you'll be more likely to get up and start cooking. However, this does not always work, especially if it has deprived you of your appetite. However, imagining your breakfast in detail can sometimes help you regain that feeling of hunger. Plus, if you take medications in the morning, that's another reason not to skip breakfast.

Classic method - alarm clock

Set an alarm, or a series of annoying alarms, and place your phone or watch out of reach. You will have to stand up to turn off the signal. Yes, it's tempting to go back to bed after this, but if you have several alarms set, on the third you will most likely decide to change your location.

Focus on what's around you

Paper and pen may seem old-fashioned, but they can be useful. Consider writing down on paper what you are grateful for every day. Or better yet, do it before bed and re-read your gratitude in the morning. Reminding ourselves of the positive things in life makes us happier.

Another option is to focus on your They can be a big motivator for getting up in the morning, whether it's a feeding, a walk, or just a nice cuddle. Just a few minutes in the company of your furry friend can make a big difference in your mood.

Create your own ritual

Try using other forms of motivation to get out of bed, such as your phone. Make a habit of checking email or watch cute animal videos in the morning. To make sure you don't spend the entire morning in bed with your phone in your hands, set a timer for, say, 15 minutes. Another option is, again, to place your phone out of reach.

Do not hurry

Give yourself time to develop new morning habits. If you begin to perceive the morning more easily and positively, gradually your life will begin to change.

Little pleasures

  • Make a cup of coffee or tea and go for a walk with it for at least 10 minutes.
  • Do some gentle yoga.
  • Make your day more calm and mindful.
  • Enjoy your breakfast while listening to music that makes you feel more positive, alert and calm.

Light therapy for depression

Everyone is different, but this is something that really helps many people cope with depression. This type of therapy is often recommended for people with major depressive seasonal disorder or sleep disorders.

Evidence suggests that its effects can be compared to antidepressants. Try sitting by a window facing the light to get your dose of therapy. Or use an artificial light source. Your eyes may resist at first, but try to open them anyway. Take breaks with your phone or a cup of hot tea, and then return to the source for 20 minutes. Over time, you will notice that your energy levels increase.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the typical recommendation for treating seasonal depression is to use a 10,000-lux lightbox at a distance of 40 to 60 cm from the face. Use it daily for approximately 20-30 minutes, preferably early in the morning after waking up. You can purchase such a lightbox on the Internet.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

If your depression is accompanied by severe symptoms, you cannot get out of bed despite your best efforts, or the problem has become chronic, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Do you live alone or with someone? Do you have a friend or colleague with whom you share the same work schedule? Don't be shy about asking people to be part of your recovery plan. If you have a roommate, ask him to come in and wake you up, or sit next to you in the morning. The request could be anything, really: make coffee or make sure you're out of bed before he goes to work.

At work, you can also contact a person with whom you maintain a friendly relationship. Ask a colleague with whom you share work schedules to call you in the morning. Five minutes of simple chat when you wake up can help lift your mood for the day.

Most people are compassionate and open to helping. You don't have to share your entire mental health story to ask for a small favor. Simply acknowledging that you are going through difficult times will be enough. Taking the first step and asking for help is difficult, so remember this: you won't become a burden to caring people because those who love and care about you will most likely be happy to help.

Adjust your current treatment plan

Another form of help may come from a mental health professional. It can help you decide on medications or If you are unable to get out of bed and do your daily activities, it may be time to adjust or change your treatment plan.

Even if you know that your medications cause sleepiness (or non-sleep-related) side effects, don't take it for granted. It's okay to tell your doctor if side effects are causing you a lot of discomfort. He or she may adjust the dosage or timing of your medications. For example, if a medication makes you more active, your doctor may recommend taking it first thing in the morning. So, the morning will be more cheerful, and the night will be calm. But medications with a calming effect, on the contrary, are best taken before bed. It often happens that people take medicine in the morning and feel sluggish, not realizing that it has a calming effect.

It's okay to be weak

There will be days when you want to stay in bed longer. This is normal as long as it doesn't happen too often. Let these be your mental health days.

Yours mental health just as important as the physical. If you're feeling extremely low, take a day off, as you would do the same if you had a cold or flu. And don’t blame yourself for it: you’re not bad, you just need rest. In addition, there are “night owls” who find it more difficult to wake up and be active in the morning. This is also normal.

Most problems with depression are related to the negative thought cycle. Feeling like you can't get up in the morning makes everything worse. You blame yourself for being lazy, irresponsible, and useless. But this is not a solution. Be kind to others, but also to yourself. If you break the cycle of destructive thoughts, your life will change.

Don't drink caffeine or alcohol the night before. Substances such as coffee and alcoholic beverages remain in the body for a long time (about 3-8 hours). This can seriously impact your ability to fall asleep and fall into deep sleep, causing you to feel groggy in the morning.

  • Avoid drinking caffeine in the afternoon and evening to ensure it is out of your system by the time you go to bed.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation and in combination with plenty of water, as getting out of bed with a hangover is doubly difficult.

Get enough sleep. Adults need 7–8 hours of sleep each night, children 8–9 hours, and toddlers and infants much more. If you don't sleep enough at night, you will always feel tired when you try to wake up. Take this data into account, but keep in mind that we are all different.

  • If you're having trouble getting enough sleep at night, try resting during the day to catch up a little.
  • Find out yours. Waking up in the middle of a phase REM sleep(REM, REM phase), a person feels exhausted, it is difficult for him to get out of bed after deep sleep. Luckily, your body naturally begins to wake up several hours before you actually get out of bed, and if you can sync this process with your alarm clock, getting up will be much easier. To find out your sleep pattern:

    Adjust your sleep cycle to light cues. Although sleep patterns are largely determined by genetics, there are steps you can take to adapt your body to a new routine. The first thing that affects sleep is lighting. When the light fades at night, the body begins to produce melatonin, which makes us naturally sleepy. And when we see or feel Sun rays in the morning, this pushes our body to naturally wake up and it stops producing melatonin. Therefore the most useful mode sleep means waking up early with the sunrise.

    • Work with dim lighting at night and try not to look at a bright smartphone or laptop screen before bed, as bright light stops melatonin production.
    • Open the curtains or go outside as soon as you wake up. sunlight will tell the body that it is time to start the day.
  • Stick to a sleep schedule on weekends too. Resist the urge to sleep in longer on the weekend, as this disrupts your natural sleep-wake cycle, making it much harder to wake up on Monday. Your body sets itself up to wake up at a certain time, but if you constantly change this time, it will lead to problems sleeping and it will be more difficult to get up on weekdays.

  • Prepare for the morning the night before. To focus on waking up rather than your morning responsibilities, you can put a pair of slippers and a warm robe by your bed, grind some coffee, and pack your bag or backpack the night before. Just knowing that you'll get your coffee at the touch of a button will make a big difference in your desire to get out of bed.

    • You can make a to-do list the day before. This way, you'll feel more prepared for the day ahead and put all your energy into waking up rather than worrying about what you need to do.

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