Home Oral cavity Fortune telling for Christmas. Reliable fortune telling for your betrothed: on Christmas, Christmastide, Ivan Kupala, at ordinary times

Fortune telling for Christmas. Reliable fortune telling for your betrothed: on Christmas, Christmastide, Ivan Kupala, at ordinary times

Christmas is an amazing and mysterious time that is associated not only with a religious holiday. With the onset of Christmas Eve (January 6) and until Epiphany (January 19), girls who wanted to know their future performed a fortune-telling ritual, which was passed down from generation to generation. It has long been believed that one can look behind the veil of secrets of time thanks to the presence of the souls of the dead, at that time coming from the other world. Since ancient times, the belief has been alive that Christmas predictions are particularly accurate.

What conditions must be met when fortune telling for Christmas?

It was believed that not all spirits come with good intentions, so they took the fortune-telling process seriously. In this regard, rules appeared, the basis of which were common signs and superstitions.

  • Before starting the ritual during Christmastide, fortune tellers completely freed their hair from the hairpins and let them down, untied all the knots on their clothes, and completely removed amulets, jewelry and belts.
  • It was necessary to have a clear understanding of what the girl wanted to find out the whole truth about, which no one could even say a word about, so as not to be jinxed.
  • In the room for fortune telling, silence was strictly observed, and there had to be darkness there.
  • They believed that crossing limbs during fortune telling would prevent contact with evil spirits.

Both in ancient times and today, the main goal of fortune telling at home is to find out when the long-awaited love will meet and what kind of life awaits. Below you will find time-tested rituals of Christmas fortune-telling, thanks to which you can shed light on the secrets of the foggy future.

Fortune telling for the future

Particularly successful days for accurate fortune telling January 13th and 18th were considered

With bowls

To find out what will happen in the near future, take cups and separately place salt, a ring, sugar, a piece of bread, an onion and a coin into each of them, and pour a small amount into another clean water. Closing your eyes, you stop choosing one cup. A coin promises wealth, salt - grief, sugar - joy, a ring - marriage, bread - prosperity. If a bowl of water is chosen, significant events and changes will not happen in the near future.

With candles

As a rule, a group of girls simultaneously takes part in such an interesting fortune telling at Christmas. Prepare a bowl of water, whole hemispheres of walnut shells and pieces of candles, the number of which should correspond to the number of fortune tellers. The cinders are placed in a shell and floated through the water. It is believed that the one whose candle burns out completely first will become the wife first, and the owner of the candle that burns the longest will be the last to find family happiness. If the candle drowns, marriage is not expected.

On wax

Wax fortune telling is one of the oldest folk ways find out the near future

For the ceremony, prepare a container with water and candle stubs. white; Both wax and paraffin are suitable - all except holiday ones. They are melted in a metal cup and poured into a container. The formed silhouette told about what awaited the girl.

  • Those who saw the outlines of the house were promised marriage and a new household. The candle and ring symbols had the same meaning.
  • Trees seen with branches pointing upward predicted happiness, and downward - sadness and melancholy.
  • The wax that fell to the bottom of the bowl like a pancake predicted a long girlhood.
  • Those who saw a cave or pit, according to legend, were expected to suffer a serious illness or a quick death.
  • Ruins indeterminate form- misfortune.
  • Dog - you will soon make a friend.
  • A clot, something round - to a quick addition to the family, pregnancy.

By the shadow of the paper

To do this, use a sheet of paper, which is crumpled into a shapeless mass (but not spherical) and placed on the bottom of an inverted plate, and then set on fire. When it burns out, bring the plate to the illuminated wall and carefully turn it so that the shadow cast by the ash takes on a certain shape. The figures were interpreted in the same way as in fortune telling with wax and water.

By grain

To get answers to important questions kept for some time left hand palm down over a bowl of grains or cereals, completely concentrating your thoughts on the question. Then you need to take a handful of cereal and pour it out, and then count the grains. If the number of grains turns out to be even, the answer is positive; if the number of grains is odd, the answer is negative.

Based on the book

Choose literature with an interesting plot for fortune telling, this will make the ritual more interesting

With the help of books they also received answers from spirits. To do this, they took a book and asked an exciting question to themselves. Then, before opening it, they called it at random serial number page and the line located on it. The answer was considered not only a specific line, but the entire semantic segment in which it was included.

On a golden chain

The fortuneteller needs to wait until everyone in the house falls asleep. Then sit down at the table and rub the chain between your palms until it becomes warm. Then you need to take it in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it to the floor with a sharp movement. The figure it forms is used to judge upcoming events.

Which figures predict what:

  • the circle portends an unpleasant situation;
  • the triangle marks major success in absolutely any matter, especially those of the heart;
  • snake - a warning about danger and betrayal;
  • an even stripe symbolizes good luck and prosperity;
  • tangled knot - financial losses and illness;
  • heart means that love will be happy;
  • bow - imminent marriage.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

For the ritual you need to follow all the rules: get rid of tight clothes, hair ties, belts, chains and everything that constrains you.

Fortune telling at night

Before falling asleep, they eat very salty food, which should not be washed down. They say to themselves, “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.” The person who appears and drinks you in your dreams will become your husband.

By name

To determine what name the groom will have, as Christmas midnight approaches, fortune tellers find out the name of the man they meet first after leaving the house. The spouse will be called the same way.

To the profession of the betrothed

The fortune telling girl is tightly blindfolded. Objects associated with various crafts are placed on the table:

  • textbook (teacher),
  • photography (photographer),
  • ruler (engineer),
  • thermometer (doctor) and others,
  • and also necessarily - wedding ring.

The girl must take one of the provided items at random. If three times in a row her choice falls on the same one, her beloved will turn out to be a representative of this particular profession. If the choice falls on the ring three times, this means that next year she will definitely get married, but it is not known what profession her husband will belong to.

For marriage by thread

The red thread prophesies a quick marriage, and the black thread suggests channeling your energy towards your career.

Three threads (black, red and white) are threaded into three needles and attached to the clothes on the girl’s back. She should feel where they are located, but should not know where each is. Then the fortuneteller needs to pull out one thread. White will be chosen - marriage is not expected in the near future, red - marriage will be concluded within a year and a baby will be born soon, black - it is better to focus on your career.

When several girls are telling fortunes together, they cut off a thread of the same length for each, which is taken with the left hand, and at the same time set it on fire. right hand. The one whose thread burns out faster than the others will go down the aisle first. If the thread quickly goes out or burns out even to half, marriage is not expected.

For apples

They take apples in the quantity that corresponds to the number of prospective spouses, and at the bottom of each apple they scratch out the first letter of the groom’s last name, first name and patronymic. In a dark room, the apples are mixed together and a piece is taken from each. The initials that turned out to be delicious fruit, will indicate who will become the husband.

By map

Before the onset of Christmas night, the card with the King of Diamonds is hidden under the pillow and mentally imagined the very person whose wife they would like to become. What is seen in a dream will certainly come true.

Fortune telling on your betrothed using mirrors

Fortune telling with mirrors is one of the most exciting, frightening and dangerous

By midnight, the girl needs to go into a dark room where there are no animals or strangers, and lock the doors and windows. The presence of one or two friends was allowed, who were not allowed to look at the reflections, approach the fortuneteller and speak.

Two cleaned mirrors (preferably large) are placed opposite each other and illuminated with two candles of equal height on both edges. It is most convenient if one of them is wall-mounted, but the second should be rotated so that the reflections line a long corridor illuminated by candle flames. Then you need to peer for a long time and with concentration at the end of the created corridor, where the image of the betrothed will appear. If the fortuneteller has not fainted from fear and anxiety, when he appears she needs to quickly shout “Out of this place!”, and then the evil spirits, who have taken the form of the future spouse, will disappear and will not be able to cause harm.

To conduct another ritual of Christmas fortune-telling using a mirror, the girl places it on a table located in empty room, two sets of cutlery and prepares a towel that will come in handy later. Sitting down at the table and placing a lit candle between herself and the mirror, she calls upon her destiny with the words “Mummer, betrothed, come to dinner with me.” Five minutes before it appears, the surface of the mirror will begin to noticeably darken, and then you should wipe it with a towel. Having examined the desired features of the cute face that soon appeared, the fortuneteller must shout “Out of this place!”, thereby driving away the spirit that has taken on human form.

For the groom with a ring

To carry out this fortune-telling, you need a simple glass without any design, with a flat, even bottom, which is filled three-quarters with water. Then the wedding ring is carefully placed in the middle, which must be thoroughly cleaned. After a long and continuous gaze at the center of the circle, you can see the face of the future spouse through the water.

On a relationship on needles

It is better to take sewing needles rather than embroidery ones

To carry out the ritual, you will need ordinary sewing needles of any size and a container of water. Determine one needle for yourself, and the number of other needles should be equal to the number of people with whom you are interested in relationships. It's best if they are different sizes. If you are interested in a relationship with your chosen one, take two needles: a smaller one for yourself, a larger one for him. Then you should carefully and thickly grease them with fat (fat cream, butter, lard are suitable) and lower them one by one onto the surface of the water. Based on how they interact, we can draw conclusions.

  • If all the needles go to the bottom, it means that they were not lubricated well enough.
  • If the needle that you have secured for yourself sinks, your environment may completely change in the coming year and many of the old connections will be lost.
  • The needles that will remain floating on the surface symbolize the people who will remain in your environment in the new year, while connections with those people whose needles will sink will be interrupted.
  • Two connected needles mean union or marriage.
  • Needles stuck together along the entire length represent a strong friendship.

For love by matches

Two matches, inserted into a matchbox on opposite sides and symbolizing lovers, are set on fire. If, after they burn, their heads are facing each other, the couple will experience happiness together.

Ritual with water on the character of the future husband

Take fresh, live water, such as spring water. Boiled or passed through a filter does not have such strength

Four glasses of water are prepared, no different from each other, and a spoon is placed in one of them. citric acid, in the second - honey, in the third - wine, in the fourth - salt, and mix the contents in each. The glasses are covered with a thick napkin and placed on a tray, and then, closing your eyes, twist them so as not to know their location. Then they turn off the light and drink water from a randomly selected glass.

A glass with salt foreshadowed a joyless, boring life, with wine - it promised a husband who drank often, with salt - he prophesied a sea of ​​bitter tears. A glass of honey meant that the spouse would have a cheerful and gentle disposition.

How to find out the temperament of your future spouse using cards

Before falling asleep, four kings are placed under the pillow from a deck that no one has ever played, and they say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream in my dreams.” The King of the Cross, who appears in dreams, promises a husband-officer or entrepreneur, the King of Hearts - young and wealthy, the King of Spades - jealous and elderly, and the King of Hearts - a loved one.

Fortune telling for children with a ring

A ring is placed at the bottom of a mug filled with water, asking a question about future children, and left to freeze in the cold. If the next morning the ice surface is smooth and even, there will be no children. The resulting tubercles symbolize sons, and the depressions symbolize daughters. Their number coincides with the number of children who will be born in the future.

Whatever answers and prophecies you receive during fortune-telling for Christmas, always remember that all good things will certainly come true, and you shouldn’t even believe in bad things. The secret of happiness is not to doubt it.

Holiday rituals in January are the most popular. Fortune-telling at Christmas for your betrothed is carried out alone or in a circle of friends. The older women of the family will tell you how to find out the name or appearance of your future partner.

Features of fortune telling for Christmas

On the eve of Christmas Eve, the most delicious treats are prepared, the house is cleaned, and young girls gather to tell fortunes for their betrothed. Fortune telling at Christmas is an integral part of Slavic culture. To see the betrothed-mummer, he is called at night and seen in a dream, to determine his character or name, separate rituals are performed.

Christmas is most suitable for divination for the following reasons:

  • Orthodox holidays are charged with positive energy;
  • you will be able to tell fortunes without consequences;
  • at the beginning of the year it is easier to accept changes and prepare for surprises in the future.

They tell fortunes about the groom at any age. On Christmas Eve, you will not only be able to make plans to meet your betrothed in night vision, but also attract him. In this case, divination is combined with a safe ritual. Fortune telling is carried out using Tarot cards, runes, and ordinary objects that can be found in any home. Night is suitable for performing rituals, and during the day it is better to carry out cleansing rituals in the house.

Popular love divinations

Rituals at home are carried out after sunset. The ideal time for magic is the night from January 6 to 7. During this period, it is possible to find out when the girl will meet her love. It will be possible to attract the groom if the future partners already know each other.

Methods of divination for Orthodox holidays:

  • quick reading on Tarot cards;
  • a dream that will show the name or appearance of the betrothed;
  • ritual with ashes on the lover’s appearance;
  • fortune telling with a ring and water for love.

In order not to miss the night from January 6 to 7, magical attributes are prepared in advance. To do this, they carry out a cleansing ritual on the cards. If you have to use a ring or tied twigs, the attributes are hidden under the girl’s bed until sunset.

On Christmas Eve it is better to tell fortunes with cards. At home, they use the “My Partner” scheme, consisting of 9 cards. She will tell you what her loved one looks like, what his appearance is, his habits, his attitude towards his parents and members of the opposite sex. From the cards you will be able to find out what your betrothed is doing and what the first meeting will be like.

Prophetic dreams

The easiest way to help you see the groom on Christmas Eve is prophetic dream. Water and twigs taken from a new broom will help you see the appearance of your loved one. The girl independently ties the twigs to create a small bridge. After the celebration, she places a glass of water by the bed and sets up a bridge over it. She says these words to herself:

“Appear, betrothed, take me across the bridge, tell me your name and show yourself to me!”

After that they don’t talk to anyone and go to bed. The name and image of the betrothed will appear in a vision at night.

At Christmas you can tell fortunes using a comb. Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair. After this, she leaves the comb under the pillow and says the following:

“Darling, come, comb me and show yourself to me!”

In a dream, the betrothed must not only appear, but also say his name. Any activities before bedtime are carried out in secret. You can't talk until the morning.

Groom's name

Before going to bed, do one more Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed. It is suitable for both adults and children. Pre-cut cards of the same size. You can choose any paper and any size of cards. Write down on pieces of paper male names. The more names there are, the more precisely fortune telling. On the night of January 6-7, all cards are placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the girl puts on her best nightgown. Going to bed, she says:

“As Christmas came, so your name comes to me. Show up, respond!”

After this, the girl goes to bed, and the next morning she pulls out any card from under the pillow. It will have the name of the betrothed-mummer on it. Fortune telling is performed only once a year during Christmas celebrations. Cards cannot be changed or reused.

Appearance of the betrothed

Christmas fortune-telling is carried out in a secluded place so that no one disturbs the ritual. To determine the appearance of the future husband, mirrors, paper with fire, and tea leaves are used. All these attributes can be found in any home. When telling fortunes about the betrothed, they hide a mirror under the pillow and pronounce the following spell:

“Yuletide holidays have come, so you too, betrothed, come to me, I want to see you, I wish!”

There are such evening Christmas fortune-telling:

  1. To the ashes. This fortune telling is carried out in a dark room. Before the ritual, a white blank sheet is crumpled. At the same time, they do not stop thinking about their betrothed. After this they ask the question: “What does my loved one look like?” The paper is placed on an inverted saucer and set on fire. The ashes are illuminated with candle fire to create a shadow on the wall. The saucer is turned until the profile of the loved one can be seen. Such fortune telling requires not only patience, but also imagination.
  2. On tea leaves. At Christmas time, another fortune-telling is carried out, for which dried chamomile leaves are bought before the holidays. It is better if the girl assembles it with her own hands. If this is not possible, buy it at any pharmacy. When the celebrations are over, the girl makes tea. She drinks it slowly, thinking about her betrothed. The tea leaves at the bottom of the mug form a specific sign or profile of a loved one.

At Christmas time, simple and effective fortune-telling is carried out that does not call for dark forces and will not harm the girl.

Using the ring

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed requires a lot of time and effort. Accurate but lengthy divination with a ring is used by girls of marriageable age. To do this, take the wedding ring of the mother or grandmother.

Another type of fortune telling with a ring is performed at home. Holy water is poured into a glass. A ring is placed at the bottom. The girl must turn off the light in the room and light a candle. After that, she peers at the ring, imagining her betrothed. The longer the girl sits, the better she will see the image of her lover. If the image does not appear, it is too early for the fortuneteller to know her betrothed.


Christmas is famous for its merry Yuletide fortune-telling. Every year, young girls use various attributes to see their betrothed, find out his name or character traits. To do this, use a ring, water, candles, and clean sheets of paper. The safest option is to make a wish for your lover before going to bed.

Fortune telling at Christmas is one of the few traditions that have come down to us since the times of pagan Rus'. The fact is that Orthodox Christmas coincided with the so-called Christmastide. This is the period of winter holidays from January 6th to 18th - Great Epiphany. It was believed that fortune telling on Christmas Eve (on the night of January 6th to 7th) gives the most accurate predictions of the future, since Christmastide falls during the winter solstice. This meant increased activity supernatural forces, as well as a particularly thin line between our world and the other world.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Obviously, the most common fortune telling was, is and will be fortune telling for the betrothed. This question has interested girls at all times, therefore, from generation to generation, knowledge on this issue was passed on especially often and in detail.

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      • Fortune telling with a mirror

        The most famous way to find out what your betrothed looks like was midnight fortune telling with mirrors. Usually it was held in a bathhouse, the explanation being that such a place was especially secluded. Therefore, the room where the ceremony is performed must be quiet and completely dark. The girls usually wore their hair down.

        The essence of this method is that it is necessary to place two mirrors close to each other. A candle is placed on each side of the mirrors. After such preparations, it is important to say:

        • “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me.”

        After which you need to carefully peer into the reflection of the mirror: the answer can be given either immediately or after a certain period of time. Such fortune telling especially often works on Christmas night for the reasons stated earlier.

        There is also a very simple way to find out the name of your betrothed. At midnight from January 6th to 7th you need to leave the house, go up to the first man on the street and ask his name. Your loved one will have the same name.

        Fortune telling in a dream

        This fortune-telling can be done at any time during the Christmas week, but it will be especially effective on the night before Christmas. It all lies in the fact that before going to bed you need to put your comb under your pillow and say the following words:

        • “My betrothed-mummer, come to me and comb me.”

        However, there are several conditions:

        • hair should be loose;
        • the girl is alone in the bed and room;
        • you need to put the pillow and lie on it on the opposite side of the one on which you usually sleep, turning it over;
        • Pillowcases and pajamas must be worn inside out.

        There is a similar algorithm for fortune telling in the name of the betrothed using a sock: again, before going to bed, the fortune teller needs to put one sock on right leg, and place the left sock under the pillow. The only difference is in the phrase:

        • “Who should I live with forever, come and take off my sock.”

        Whoever takes off a sock in a dream will be the betrothed.

        There is another option - you need to do the same thing with the sock, except for the spoken words:

        • “My betrothed-mummer, come to me and put your shoes on me.”

        In this case, in a dream future groom should put the second sock on the girl's foot, and not take it off.

        Salt help

        This Christmas fortune-telling for a betrothed is also associated with the interpretation of a dream: shortly before going to bed, an unmarried girl should eat or drink something highly salty (ideally, you need to eat a small amount of salt) and without drinking water and without contacting anyone , say the phrase: “Betrothed-mummer, bring some water, let me drink” and try to fall asleep immediately.

        The next morning you need to remember who gave you water or something to drink: he will be your destiny.

        The most true fortune telling to sleep - how to see your betrothed?

        Using paper

        During this fortune telling, you need to be especially focused and attentive, since a specific answer can only be obtained through associations and guessing.

        You need to take a large sheet of paper, preferably even newspaper, and crumple it into a shapeless state, without trying to make a perfect circle. Then take a flat plate, put crumpled paper on its bottom and set it on fire. A few seconds before complete combustion, the plate is brought to the wall (it is important that the light falls so that the shadow is as distinct as possible) and from the shadows that appear on it, you need to quickly begin to interpret their meaning.

        Usually the fortuneteller himself understands everything, but it is worth understanding that the events shown can relate to different things: from the first letter of the groom’s name or his silhouette, to the method of acquaintance (both the future and what has already happened). It is important to listen to your heart, feelings and interpret as it seems right.

        There is another type of fortune telling that requires the use of paper. On Christmas Eve, that is, before January 6th, you need to write different male names on small pieces of paper, the number is not limited, but within reason. The names can be either those men whom the girl personally knows, or others. Last names are not required. After this, all the names are placed under the pillow. On the morning of January 7, when you wake up, you need to take out from under your pillow the first piece of paper you come across. This is the name that the future husband will have.


        This type of fortune telling is slightly different in meaning from the above. The point is not to find out who exactly the betrothed is, but how the object of love relates to the girl. It is important that the fortuneteller is not in a relationship with the person she is fortune-telling about, otherwise the meaning is lost.

        For such fortune telling you need to take a regular deck playing cards, select all aces, kings, queens and jacks from it, and remove the rest. Write the name of the man you are interested in on a piece of paper in large letters with large intervals so that you can put a card under each one.

        The 16 cards selected earlier must be laid out in a circle under each letter until the cards run out. That is, under each letter there should be several inverted cards. After this, the cards are removed from the last letter and the same thing is done, then from the penultimate one, and so on until there is a deck of 16 cards under the first letter.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed was once one of the most interesting events during the winter holidays. Most often, fortune telling was done together with girlfriends, but there are also fortune telling that should be done alone.

In the article:

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with mirrors

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed, for which it is necessary to use a mirror, has always been considered the most dangerous and terrible. In order to see the reflection of your betrothed, you need to guess completely alone. This is done only in the dark, without electric lighting, by candlelight.

In the old days, they tried to do such fortune-telling in non-residential premises or in the attic of a house. It was believed that if instead of the betrothed one appears devilry, she can settle in the room in which they were telling fortunes about her betrothed with a mirror. By doing this in non-residential premises, our great-grandmothers tried to protect themselves from evil spirits.

The hair is let down, hairpins are not used, and the belt and jewelry are removed. A large number of buttons and fasteners on clothing can interfere with the free flow of energy that is necessary for fortune telling, so it is better to choose something without them.

The mirror should be thoroughly wiped in advance. It should be free from flaws such as bubbles, stains and distortion. Moreover, you cannot use a cracked mirror or its fragment. These usually start at midnight.

For the first option, your betrothed will need two mirrors, one of which should be smaller in size. You need to place it closer to you. Reflective surfaces should face each other, forming a mirror corridor. Place any candle between them and light it. Some sources advise placing two candles - one near each mirror.

My costumed betrothed, come to dinner with me!

Now peer deep into the mirror corridor. Sooner or later you will be able to see the face of your future husband. As soon as you manage to see him, say: “ Keep me away" Then he will disappear. If you do not interrupt the fortune-telling, the betrothed will be able to come out of the mirror and harm the fortune-teller.

If you don't have two mirrors, do it a little differently. They place a candle near one mirror and sit in front of it. A towel is placed nearby in advance. If the mirror begins to become covered with condensation or the reflection in it becomes cloudy, wipe it with a towel. This means that your future spouse will appear to you soon. With this method of fortune telling, he does not appear from the mirror, but approaches the fortune-telling girl from behind and is reflected in the mirror with her, but you cannot turn around and generally take your eyes off the mirror. When you look at your betrothed’s face, you must say, “Out of this place.” If he manages to get to the table, he will sit down next to you and put something on the table. This item can be taken away after the betrothed leaves.

Another Christmas fortune telling for marriage allows you to find out how many people will live in the house of your future husband. In the past it had great importance, because the young husband brought his wife to his home, to his family. Every future bride wanted to know how big this family was and how its members would treat her. You can tell fortunes about the number of relatives if a month is visible in the sky. To do this, take a mirror and place it so that the month is reflected in it, and look closely at its reflection. After some time, several reflections of the month will appear, and their number is equal to the number of relatives. If you see only one month, it means you will live alone with your husband.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with water

By using ordinary water you can find out what it will look like future husband.. Sometimes a mirror is also used in these fortune tellings. Water should be poured into a transparent container without edges or patterns on the bottom. There are no special requirements for water; you can take water from the tap, but only in your home.

The next option requires complete solitude and is done only in the dark. You will need a container of water of sufficient size, a mirror and any three candles. A mirror is placed on the table, water is placed in front of it, and candles are lit on three sides of the decanter. Look into the mirror through a container of water. When you're done, say: " Mind me, mind me».

Another option requires enough developed imagination. You need to take a glass without edges or patterns, pour water into it and lower the ring. You need to look inside the ring. It is believed that this way you can see the face of your betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling for marriage with an egg

To find out something about your future husband,... This method was very popular at girls' get-togethers. You can invite your girlfriends and find out your destiny together.

You need a glass of warm water and an egg. You should release the protein into the water and see what it looks like. Each region had its own interpretation of figures made from egg whites; in addition, this may depend on the attitude of the fortuneteller to the image, her age and many other factors.

For example, church for a young girl it is a sign of marriage this year, and for an older girl it is a sign of death. Interpretations ship also vary. For married woman this means the return of a husband or the wedding of a daughter or son; for a young girl, it foretells a sailor or foreigner husband.

If the egg white has not taken on any understandable form and sank to the bottom of the container, this is a very bad result of fortune telling. It is believed to foretell trouble, death or the fate of an old maid.

You can use the service and get to know this method better.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for your betrothed in a dream

Any dream you have at Christmas is considered. At this time, you can find out what your future spouse will be like. To do this, they pronounce a simple spell and put a certain thing under the pillow. If you dream of a man, it means you will get married this year, and if you don’t manage to see him, it means you’ll be a wench for some time.

There are many options for this fortune telling. Before going to bed say:

Come to me, my mummer-betrothed...

and add why he should come and what to do, then put the corresponding object under the pillow and go straight to bed.

For example, you can ask your betrothed to comb your hair and put a comb under your pillow, take you across the bridge, placing a twig or other symbolic image of the bridge. If you place a belt under your pillow, ask it to belt you, and if there is soap, to wash you. Sometimes they put all the items described above, listing everything they want from their future husband.

In some regions, they put on a stocking before going to bed and said:

Betrothed, come to me, and take off your shoes.

It was believed that a man who was destined to become your husband would definitely appear in a dream. True, there are stories that tell that lovers of such fortune-telling were pulled by devils by the legs and were not allowed to sleep, but it is difficult to find such fortune-telling about which there are no terrible stories.

Sometimes a flat frying pan was secretly placed under the mother’s bed at night with the words:

Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes!

In the morning you should ask her if she dreamed of any men.

If you have cockroaches, ask one of them to take you to your betrothed. Catch a cockroach and put it in a box, which you should put under your pillow before going to bed and say:

Multi-legged cockroach, show me the tower,
Where does my betrothed live?
And I'm married to him.

In a dream you will see a cockroach that will show you the way, you are required to follow, watch and not forget the dream in the morning.

You can mix a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, eat the mixture before going to bed and say:

I want to drink from the salt,
I'm calling my betrothed.
Come to me
Give me some water to drink.

It is believed that in a dream a man will come and give you water to drink.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with molten metal

A very original and little-known Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed today is fortune telling with molten metal. They used tin or lead for this purpose. In the past, it was believed that only those girls who had already tried all other varieties, including fortune telling with a mirror, could engage in this fortune-telling. Plans to tell fortunes on lead or tin are kept secret; this is one of those fortune-telling that is done in complete solitude.

Despite all the scientific arguments, Christmas fortune-telling makes people believe that looking into their future is quite possible. No matter how the skeptics argue, the fact is clear - with the help of certain actions on the eve of one of the most important Christian holidays, any girl can find out who her husband will be and how her relationship will develop on the personal front in the near future. In addition, thanks to some types of Christmas fortune-telling, your deepest wishes come true. Anyone can learn this magical art. The main thing is not only to know what kind of Christmas fortune-telling there are, but also how they are carried out.

Exist various ways fortune telling for Christmastide and Christmas. We will tell you only about the most effective magical methods. What kind of fortune telling are there for Christmas and Christmastide?

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

What methods do girls not use in Christmas fortune-telling to find out who will become their betrothed? There are many types of fortune telling for Christmas, but Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed stands out among them. What girl wouldn't want to know who she's marrying? Fortune telling before Christmas will help you sneak a peek into your near future.

It is believed that one of the most effective ways Christmas fortune telling is a dream. On Christmas Eve night, you don't have to just go to bed and wait for a miracle. To properly conduct Christmas fortune-telling, several rituals should be performed. What they will be like depends on the type of fortune telling for Christmas.

Fortune telling "Comb"

Fortune telling on Christmas night “Comb” is the easiest way to see your future husband in a dream. To carry it out, you will have to give up your daily routine once, on Christmas Eve. hygiene procedure– washing. Christmas fortune telling itself involves a simple ritual. Before going to bed, place a comb and soap at the head of the bed, whispering the words three times: “Betrothed-mummer, wash and comb me - not dressed up.” As a result of such fortune-telling, you will dream of your future spouse at Christmas. There is a belief that in the morning after the ritual, the girl wakes up clean and combed.

Fortune telling "Bridge"

Another interesting fortune telling for Christmas is “Bridge”. It can also be carried out on Christmastide. For fortune telling on Christmas night, you will have to give up the festivities and sleep until the morning. But before that, the girl will need to get creative - weaving a bridge from twigs. The product can be very small - the main thing is that it can be placed on a saucer of water. Having made a bridge for Christmas fortune-telling, say out loud: “Whoever is my betrothed-mummer will lead me across the bridge.” Whoever you dream about this night will become your beloved husband in the near future.

Fortune telling "Thirst"

The following fortune telling for the future husband is used both on Christmastide and Christmas. Before going to bed, you will need to eat something very salty and under no circumstances quench your thirst until the morning. This fortune telling before Christmas will help you find out who you will love so much that you will be ready to marry this person. The future chosen one will appear in your dream and give you fresh cold water to drink.

Fortune telling "Slipper"

Fortune telling on Christmastide and Christmas is also carried out using various attributes. This could be candles, paper, dishes and even shoes.
First of all, we’ll tell you about a very old and interesting fortune-telling on Christmas night - “Slipper”. It can only be held on Christmas Eve. To do this, a girl should go outside at night and mentally ask herself the question: “Where will the betrothed come from?” Then you need to throw the boot from your left foot over your head and look where its nose is pointing. This fortune telling on Christmas night will help you find out which direction your lover will come from. If the toe of the boot points towards the house, then it is too early to think about marriage.

Fortune telling on ashes

Often girls without various types In fortune-telling for Christmas, the name of the chosen one is already known, but you still want to find out whether he will definitely become a husband. Fortune telling for Christmas or Christmas will help with this. You will need to write on paper full name beloved.

Then, according to the rules of this type of fortune telling for Christmas, the sheet should be set on fire church candle and collect the ashes in your palm. After that, open the window and stick your hand out. Open your palm and observe the ashes, guided by fortune telling on Christmas night. If the ashes are blown away by the wind, then you will not be with the hidden person. However, this type of fortune telling at Christmas also makes an exception: if the ashes fall back on your hand or body, then, despite the obstacles, your lover will marry you in the future. The same outcome is expected when the ashes remain in the palm.

Fortune telling on Christmas night based on a wish

Getting married is far from the only desire modern girl. Both women and men have dreams, thoughts about which occupy everyone free time. Will they come true? Old Christmas fortune telling will help you find out.
Fortune-telling for Christmastide and Christmas wishes will not tell you when your dream will come true. But they will reliably answer the question: is it worth waiting for its fulfillment?

Fortune telling on mirror fragments

Let's talk about the old Russian fortune-telling at Christmas using fragments of a mirror. You only need one piece of it, about the size of a matchbox. For fortune telling at Christmas, glass in which your reflection can be seen is also suitable. Look at it for a long time and think about your desire. The fortune-telling itself before Christmas is carried out like this: the fragment is wrapped in cloth and thrown at the wall. If it breaks into a few more pieces, the dream will not come true. According to the rules of Christmas fortune-telling, the wish will come true, but it is quite problematic if cracks appear on the fragment. In the case when a piece of the mirror remains intact, you can wait for your dream to come true.

Fortune telling on paper

What about those who have many desires? After all, such a great holiday as Christmas occurs only once a year, and fortune telling is not carried out every day! There is a way out of the situation. It consists of using an interesting Christmas fortune telling on pieces of paper. You need to cut the sheet into several parts, and then write your wishes on them. For authenticity of Christmas fortune-telling, do not forget to leave several sheets of paper blank. After this, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning. Place the leaves under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, take out one piece of paper at random. The essence of Christmas fortune telling is that you need to read aloud what is written on the piece of paper. These should be your first words today - then your wish will come true. If you come across an empty piece of paper, then the dream will remain a dream.

Star divination

There is another wonderful fortune telling for Christmas. It is not held on Christmas Eve or even Christmastide, but on January 7th. Christmas fortune telling begins immediately after waking up - you need to make your wish, mentally thinking about it and imagining yourself at the moment when it comes true. The main thing is not to forget about it when you wake up. Fortune telling ends on Christmas night. You will need to look at the sky. If it turns out to be stellar, then the wish will come true. Then fortune telling for Christmas should be completed with a night walk under the stars. If celestial bodies will not be visible or there will be very few of them, then the likelihood of the desire coming true is extremely low.

Fortune telling with a cat

One girl's fortune-telling for Christmastide and Christmas is carried out in a very original way. It is suitable only for those who have a cat in their house. On Christmas night, for fortune telling, all you have to do is make a wish and call the cat. If she crosses the threshold with her left paw, the dream will come true, but if she crosses the threshold with her left paw, then you will be disappointed. In cases where the cat flatly refuses to enter the room, Christmas fortune telling warns you that the wish itself will not come true and you will have to work hard to achieve your plans.

Fortune telling on Christmas night for love

One of the most common traditions is love fortune telling before Christmas. There are many ways to tell fortunes about love.

Old Slavonic fortune telling

First of all, let's look at Old Slavonic technology. The results of this type of fortune telling at Christmas cannot be doubted. To get a prediction you will need a container of water and raw egg. This fortune telling is carried out on Christmas night. Separate the yolk from the white, place the latter in water and mix thoroughly. Place the dishes in the oven for 5-10 minutes. Christmas fortune telling ends with an examination of the figure, which will be your prediction for love. If the protein is curled into a ring, then wait for a marriage proposal. Sharp corners indicate unhappiness on the love front. A Christmas fortune-telling prediction turns out to be negative if the protein sinks to the bottom of the container, forming a shapeless mass.

Fortune telling with matches

The next type of fortune telling for Christmas is done using matches. Matches are inserted into the box from different sides and then set on fire. The predictions of such fortune-telling for Christmas are easy to interpret: if after burning the matches turn towards each other, everything is fine in your relationship with your loved one. Otherwise, fate prepares obstacles.

Fortune telling with threads and candles

What kind of fortune telling are there for girlfriends at Christmas? Let's talk about the most reliable - thread Christmas fortune telling. It is held on Christmas Eve in the circle of several unmarried girls. In complete darkness, light a wax candle. Each girl cuts a thread for Christmas fortune-telling. All segments must be the same length. At the same time, light the threads from the candle flame. The one whose thread burns out first will soon get married. If the segment goes out immediately, then the girl is probably wearing a crown of celibacy or damage.

Fortune telling by book

The most common type of Christmas fortune telling among girls is based on a book. It allows you to get answers to almost any questions about love. Fortune telling is performed at Christmas by candlelight. You will need a book with poetry, preferably romantic. Any lyrics will do. When conducting Christmas fortune-telling, ask a question, guess a number and open the book at random. Count the lines from top to bottom, stopping at the number you have in mind. The line that matches the number is the answer to the question about love in fortune telling at Christmas.

Fortune telling on the water

The next type of fortune telling at Christmas is also carried out among unmarried girls. You will need three glasses of water. Pour salt into one, sugar into the other. In the third place the wedding ring of a happily married woman. One girl is blindfolded. The other one switches the glasses. The blindfolded girl has to choose a glass at random and take a sip. If you get caught salty water– this means failures in love, sweet – this means a new relationship or romance. Well, in the case when a girl chooses a glass with a ring, Christmas fortune telling promises her a quick marriage.

Fortune telling for Christmastide and Christmas for the future for married people

Those who have been married for a long time also want to be happy in love. However, fortune telling for Christmas is mainly intended for young beauties who have not yet met their soulmate. There is no need to despair. There are many fortune telling for Christmas and Christmas, which are also suitable for married women.

Fortune telling by shadow from ashes

There are various methods of fortune telling for Christmastide or Christmas Eve. One of the most common is shadow. A married girl needs to crumple a sheet of paper and set it on fire in a flat plate. When it burns out, you need to bring the saucer to the candle flame and look at the shadow of the ash. Rotate the saucer in different directions until you see clear outlines. It is they, according to Christmas fortune-telling, that symbolize your near future.

Fortune telling on paper boats

Fortune-telling at Christmas time and at Christmas time using paper boats will help married people judge the future. Make several pieces and name each a specific event: quarrel, passion, divorce, reconciliation, birth of a child, etc. Then place them in a basin of water. Fortune telling for Christmas or Christmas ends with a floating candle attached to the boats. Whichever piece of paper she sets on fire first, such an event will happen soon.

Fortune telling on jewelry

Fortune-telling for Christmastide and Christmas using decorations gives very intriguing results. In a deep bowl you should put items from precious metals, stone and wood. Then the married girl needs to take out one piece of jewelry at random. According to the rules of Christmas fortune-telling, wood and stone symbolize need in the new year, and gold portends real wealth. Silver also signifies good wealth. If you got a ring in such fortune-telling for Christmas or Christmastide, then expect romance in your relationship with your husband. The brooch promises a new acquaintance and flirtation. The chain symbolizes troubles, and the bracelet portends a lot of work.

Fortune telling about husband's infidelity

Those women who are faced with adultery should definitely do fortune-telling at Christmas or during the holiday season to find out whether it is worth saving the marriage and forgiving the husband. Write the name of your mistress on a piece of paper. Then they light a candle and place a glass of water next to it. Christmas fortune-telling begins with setting fire to a piece of paper with the name of the homewrecker from the flame of a candle and at the same time adding salt to a glass of water. While stirring the salt, say: “The salt will melt faster - the husband will not leave his wife, the paper will burn out - the sinful feeling will burn out.” If salt dissolves in water longer than the leaf burns, then Christmas fortune telling gives good sign– it is still possible to save the relationship. But in the case when the paper is still smoldering, and the crystals are no longer visible in the liquid, let the unfaithful spouse go home.

The time for Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling is just around the corner. Very soon everyone will be able to feel like a real wizard, able to look into the future. However, when fortune-telling before Christmas or during the holidays on cards or in any other way, we must not forget that only you are the master of your own destiny and can change it at your discretion.

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