Home Gums When what dreams. On what days of the week do you have prophetic dreams? Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month

When what dreams. On what days of the week do you have prophetic dreams? Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month

We all dream. Most of them are pleasant, and we want them to come true, some we cannot remember the next morning, some are extremely unpleasant and scary, and we are afraid of their fulfillment.

Scientists say that sleep is a process when our brain “sorts out” all the information received during the day, when our thoughts, fears, hopes and experiences merge into one picture and appear before us in vivid images. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that many dreams that we see on certain days come true. When do we see prophetic dreams?

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

Most often we dream in the morning, so the day we wake up is the day we dream, not the day before.

IN Monday dreams come true for those born on this day.

The dream we saw in Tuesday, may fulfill in a week or two, but the probability of this is 50/50.

Friday dream is a warning about the future, and may to some extent be prophetic.

Fulfillment of a dream on the night of Saturday possible, but not necessary.

Sunday dream may come true, but you can’t tell anyone about it. If a child told you what he dreamed about, keep it secret, otherwise the dream will not come true.

According to the lunar calendar

Dreams relate to astrology (the science of fortune telling by the stars), therefore, to interpret a dream, it is customary to use a calendar (in lunar month 30 days).

IN third lunar day you can see rare, special dreams that come true in the near future.

Sixth lunar day sets a condition for the realization of a dream: you must be balanced, calm, not irritated or angry. Sleep can be very important information, may not mean anything, but it will come true if you fulfill the “condition”.

The number seven has magical properties, so dreams in seventh lunar day are prophetic, come true very quickly, but you cannot tell anyone about them.

On the next one, eighth, day dream is also prophetic. On this day, dreams are connected with your desires or even with your destiny, so you need to be very careful about such dreams.

Ninth lunar day can give good, favorable dreams that can come true, or can give nightmares about which you shouldn’t worry - they won’t come true.

IN tenth day everything is the other way around: everything bad and scary in dreams comes true, but the good things don’t.

The special day is twelfth: It is on this lunar day that dreams can give a hint on how to act in certain situations. Also, the dream will definitely come true.

IN fifteenth day you need to pay attention to which Moon is waxing or waning. If it is growing, then dreams will come true very soon, but you need to be able to solve them - they give a hint as to what problems and tasks need to be solved first.

IN twentieth lunar day dreams are special, you can even “order” them: if you are tormented by some very important question, you can get the answer to it in a dream that day. This is how dreams come true.

Twenty-second day - day of wisdom. On this day you can see and receive extremely important information. Dreams come true.

IN twenty third day dreams are incomprehensible, mostly the worst comes true.

Twenty seventh day gives prophetic dreams, although the dreams are confusing and complex, so you need to understand them, but they reveal the essence of your immediate environment.

Twenty eighth day It also gives prophetic dreams-clues that speak of upcoming difficulties and obstacles. The way to get rid of this is to pay a price: losing money.

Fantastic dreams occur in thirtieth lunar day, but their essence is true and truthful, so they come true.

According to the usual calendar

Sometimes there is no way to find out what lunar day it is today, but it is important to know whether the dream is prophetic or not. To do this, you can use the regular calendar that we use every day. For our convenience, astrologers have studied dreams using this calendar, so the information is very reliable.

IN first day of the month we see dreams that foreshadow personal troubles, thus being prophetic.

Dreams second day come true very quickly and exactly as we see them.

Dreams of the next one third, days may come true, but not necessarily.

Number five is not inferior to the number seven in magical power, therefore dreams of the fifth number are prophetic and can begin to come true even on this very day.

Dreams tenth day Usually they promise difficulties and small problems. Come true within 20 days.

Day of the devil's dozen thirteenth, affects love relationship person and are completed within 2 weeks.

Dreams the next day fourteenth, are executed exactly to the smallest detail within the next month.

IN sixteenth day I have dreams that quickly become reality.

Fulfillment of dreams seen in seventeenth day, you have to wait a whole year, but it will definitely come true.

Sleep on nineteenth day will come true in three years, even if during this time you have forgotten it.

Sleep twenty third day promises trouble, but it comes true in the near future.

Dream of the next day on twenty-fourth, comes true within 2 weeks and brings only positive changes in life.

IN twenty fifth day we see prophetic dreams that quickly come true.

On other days, dreams are not prophetic, and sometimes they are empty and unimportant.

Study your dream carefully, in great detail. To do this, use dream books, but listen to your intuition - it will tell you more than a dream book: books are often wrong, intuition almost never.

For a complete picture, study carefully which day of the week, on which day according to the lunar and ordinary calendar you saw this or that dream, and by comparing the data received, you will receive a complete image of your near future.

How to determine that a dream will come true?

There is no exact answer to this question, but there are beacon questions, the answers to which will help you understand how real what you dreamed is, how close it is to the truth and, accordingly, whether the dream can come true.

1. How well do I remember the dream?

Important dreams, which are what prophetic dreams are, are well etched in the memory. Maybe not completely, just a small part, but this part should be clearly before your eyes, as if in reality.

2. How complete is the dream?

Prophetic dreams always have logical conclusion, unless you suddenly woke up. A prophetic dream can be compared to a film: there is a beginning, some action, a climax and a logical end. If at least one thing is missing, then this dream is not prophetic.

3. Is it long sleep? How detailed was it?

“Brevity is the sister of talent,” said A.P. Chekhov. It’s the same with dreams: prophetic dreams are simple, short and concise.

4. What colors are around me?

People rarely see black and white dreams, often colored, so it is difficult to determine from the colors how real the dream is. The brighter, more saturated the colors, the greater the likelihood that the dream is prophetic.

5. How old am I in the dream? More or less than my real age?

If in a dream you are younger than your real self, then the dream is not prophetic. If you are older or your real age, the dream may turn out to be prophetic.

6. Is such a situation possible in my Everyday life?

7. Is it possible to implement the solution to the issue or problem that you dreamed of?

8. Does the information received in a dream contribute to my inner growth?

If the answers to these two questions are “yes,” then the dream may come true. Prophetic dreams are usually as close as possible to the real situation, so something supernatural in a dream will not come true in reality.

9. How logical are all the events and actions in a dream?

If the logic is clearly broken, the dream is chaotic, there are contradictions, then the dream is not realized. If the logic can be traced and the cause-and-effect relationship is not broken, the dream may turn out to be prophetic.

10. What time is it in your sleep?

Often in dreams you can find out exact time or the exact date: read, seen or heard somewhere. Sometimes, instead of the exact time, other information is given - the time of year. This is also a symbol of the feasibility of the dream.

11. Where does the dream take place?

A prophetic dream is one in which the place of what is happening is quite real: you yourself have been there more than once or it is a foreign city, but with natural landscapes.

12. Did I feel something?

We perceive information with all our receptors: auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, temperature. In prophetic dreams, smells and sounds are most pronounced, and sometimes you can feel the taste of something. Ordinary dreams are replete with only visual images.

13. Are there many round and spherical things around me?

The ball is the most ideal figure in the Universe. Round shapes and spherical objects are found literally everywhere in our everyday life. It’s the same in dreams: if there are a lot of round objects (watches, plates, etc.), then the dream is realistic and may turn out to be prophetic.

14. What was the first thing I felt when I woke up?

The very first sensations are very important, because the brain has not yet processed the information, and intuition already tells whether the dream will come true or not. Usually people feel some kind of anxiety and wariness when they have a prophetic dream, even if it does not bode well.

Answer these questions as honestly and thoughtfully as possible. If possible, write down the answers in a notebook - from them you can remember the dream and then, after careful reflection, determine the degree to which the dream is realized in the current conditions. And by comparing the answers you receive and the day you had the dream, you can determine with 80% confidence whether the dream is prophetic or not. But, unfortunately, no one can give a guarantee.

Dreams are an integral part of our life. Some people see bright, colorful dreams, others have black and white dreams, many, upon waking up, immediately forget what they dreamed or, on the contrary, remember everything down to the smallest detail. A dream book based on the dates of the month and days of the week will help you understand what the vision brings you in the future.

Did you know that some people have the power to control their dreams? This seems fantastic, but in fact such people exist and there are many of them. During sleep, the human body relaxes and rests, but the subconscious mind comes into play; the brain needs to process a lot of information that we have received throughout the day. This is where the fun begins

Dream book on days of the week from Monday to Friday and days of the month from 1 to 30

Let's talk a little about prophetic dreams: when you dream about the days of the week on which you are most likely to see them. Let’s think about what this phenomenon is, where it comes from, and why we have prophetic dreams quite rarely and only on certain days.

Prophetic dreams can be literal or symbolic. Literal dreams include those prophetic dreams that will soon come true in real life. In symbolic dreams we see some symbolism, clues, signs. Symbolic dreams do not come true, but often the signs that we saw in such a dream help us in real life. They warn against dangers, show the way, etc.

Let's figure out what days of the week and year prophetic dreams occur.

Holiday week. We are most likely to have such dreams during the holiday week from January 7 to January 19. For several hundred years now, it is believed that during this period the border between worlds is practically erased, and in dreams we can be visited by relatives or friends who have gone to another world and predict our future fate. In general, on any holiday from church calendar a prophetic dream may appear.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday. From many people you can hear the following phrase: On the night from Thursday to Friday, dreams come true. Is it so? And does this happen every night from Thursday to Friday? Christians believe that dreams on Friday night the night before church holidays are prophetic. And there are 12 such Fridays a year:

  • The first is in the first week of Lent;
  • The second will be on April 7, on the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation;
  • The third - precedes Palm Sunday;
  • The fourth - before the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord;
  • The fifth is before the Trinity;
  • Sixth - before June 7 (before the Nativity of John the Baptist);
  • Seventh - before August 2 (precedes the holiday of Elijah the Prophet);
  • Eighth - before August 28 (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary);
  • Ninth - falls on the eve of September 19 (the day of Archangel Michael);
  • Tenth - before November 14 (day of Saints Cosmas and Dimian);
  • Eleventh - Good Friday, on the eve of January 7;
  • Twelfth - immediately before Baptism, i.e. before January 19th.

Attention: This means the next Friday before the specified holiday! For example, Trinity in 2018 falls on Sunday May 27, which means the next night for a prophetic dream is from May 24 to May 25.

Whether this is true or not, everyone can check for themselves. Just try to remember your dream these days, every detail, every sign, symbol and then find the appropriate interpretation in the dream book and project it onto the current reality. The result will amaze you!

Before going to bed, take a notepad and pen and place it next to your bed so that at the right time you can immediately write down what you see. Just remember one thing - there is no clearly established time frame for when what you see will come true. This happens differently for everyone: for some, the embodiment into reality occurs within a few days, while others wait for years.

The meaning of dreams by day of the week from Monday to Sunday

The dream book on the days of the week recommends paying attention not only to the content of the vision, but also to its time. If we combine the dream calendar by the dates of the month, days of the week and the data from the dream book, then we will be more likely to be able to determine what exactly providence wants to tell you.

If you saw a dream and want to accurately interpret it, then be sure to take care of information such as:

  • Day of month: see table below;
  • Day of the week: see details in this section;
  • Details of the dream: every little thing can mean a lot, write down and interpret them with the help of;
  • Also write down all the associations that came to your mind immediately after waking up. Without thinking about them, this must be done immediately, because further work begins brain activity, you begin to actively reason, and this is precisely what can hinder you.
  • If you want to dive deeper and study the themes and psychology of your dreams, we recommend keeping a Dream Diary. There you can describe in detail all the images you saw, but also mark (i.e. track) the days when they come true.

Dream Interpretation is an interpreter of visions, images that we see in dreams. Dream books that are often used and have gained great popularity include dream books, Freud's, and Vanga's. Which dream book to use, everyone decides for himself.

Dream Interpretation from Monday to Tuesday

From Monday to Tuesday

Let's start from the first day, since the explanation of dreams will differ for different days of the week. Let's consider. As we know, Tuesday is Mars day. It is he who encourages a person to strive for something, makes it clear that he needs to act right now, encourages him to go forward and achieve his goals and objectives. Mars is the planet of personal power of people. The dream that you have from Monday to Tuesday should be perceived as your personal goals and tasks set for yourself, important events in your life.

  • The dream will contain not only the essence, but also parting words, hints, and often visions that show us the obstacles that we will have to face. They must be completed when achieving the intended goal;
  • It is also necessary to take into account the nature of dreams when interpreting any dream. The vision can be light and calm, then you don’t have to worry about all the obstacles you will overcome with ease. During this period, everything will work out for you: feel free to use your charms, strengths and luck;

From Tuesday to Wednesday

Table from 1st to 31st

Many controversies and different opinions cover the same aspects of this science. But, one way or another, answers were found. In the table below you can find the interpretation of sleep by the dates of the month:

Day of the month

Interpretation of sleep

On this day you have good prophetic dreams. Bad sleep On the 1st we will indicate to you what you need to pay attention to. In addition, pay attention to the situation within the family; perhaps you need to improve relationships with loved ones.

A dream on the 2nd day of any month does not carry any special meaning; you don’t have to pay any attention to it.

It is worth paying attention to the clues, details and signs that the dream gives you on the 3rd. There is a high probability that they will come true soon.

The dream on the 3rd is a glimpse into your probable future. On this day you can see fragments of some important events.

On the 4th, you have clear, colorful, but 100% meaningless dreams.

If on the 6th you saw a good and positive dream, then expect it to come true in the near future. If the content was negative, then on the contrary it will manifest itself through a very long time. During this period, you will be able to adjust the future and influence it.

Dreams that you have on the 7th are intended only for you and should remain secret. Don't tell anyone about what you saw.

Good dreams on the 8th will bring fulfillment of desires and positive events in the near future. The bad ones will force you to pay close attention to upcoming events with caution.

Any dreams on the 9th should warn you about something important. Remember all the details, sit with the dream book, analyze them and draw conclusions.

In a dream on the 10th, look for clues warning of danger, adversity and difficulties, even if its content was positive.

The dream on the 11th can come true within three to four days. If this does not happen, then it will not come true for at least a year.

On the 12th you have extraordinary, vivid, fabulous dreams. Although there is not a very high probability that they will come true in the near future.

Don't be afraid of dreams on the 13th! They won't bring you anything bad. If the content of the vision was positive: about love, happiness, joy and travel, then there is a high probability of falling in love and meeting your soulmate.

On the 14th, you often have prophetic visions that are likely to come true. Good dreams will bring happiness and good luck, bad dreams promise troubles in various areas of life (as unrelated to the plot).

On the 15th, you have good, good dreams, and the likelihood of them coming true is quite high.

The dream on the 16th is empty. You can safely forget its contents.

Success awaits you soon. A positive vision plot will bring good luck!

Not the best day for prophetic dreams. Negativity has a high chance of being translated into reality. However, just like the positive ones (especially about wealth and money), expect a pleasant gift, monetary reward, and new things.

Don’t tell anyone about your dream on the 20th, including close relatives, and then it will definitely come true. But you should definitely tell everyone about the bad vision and go to church.

A dream about plans for the future, about future intentions, accomplishments and achievements will certainly come true. Although this does not mean that you can relax and do nothing!

On this day you may dream of harbingers of favorable events!

A dream on the 23rd has an equal chance of both being fulfilled in reality and simply going “into oblivion.” However, it depends only on you: do what you must, even if it is very difficult, embarrassing and lazy.

Did you see money on the 24th in a dream? Today all dreams about future wealth and desired results…. It’s just that the timing of their implementation is extremely vague.

But today, be careful: visions can warn you against unpleasant events, lies and deception.

A dream on the 25th requires quality analysis. Pay attention to the details: perhaps in them you will find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

On the 26th, most often you will only have good, kind and joyful dreams. However, the poor content of the vision will require careful analysis and thoughtful interpretation from you.

Remember your dream on the 28th! Today there is a high probability that it will come true within the next month.

Dreams on this day do not foretell anything, forget what you saw this night!

Dreams on the 30th are simply fabulous, bright and beautiful: but they are not destined to come true. On the one hand, this is bad, but on the other hand, bad visions will not come true.

Positive dreams on the 30th promise love, pleasure, new achievements, victories, financial well-being. Often such dreams come true literally the next day.

Let's draw conclusions

  • Note that good dreams on 1, 6, 8, 13, 20, 30 and 31 promise favorable events, prosperity and wealth, fulfillment of desires, love, success and luck.
  • Unfavorable dreams 6, 10, 14, 19 and 25 warn us about possible dangers, failures, adversity, lies and deceit. Don't take it to heart if you see bad dream. Although this does not mean at all that something will definitely happen to you. Listen to your intuition, because predictions are given to us to warn about certain events. And we can easily influence our destiny and turn it in the right direction.

Advice. If you are a superstitious person, then there is a phrase that is a talisman against evil dreams:

Anyone whose dream comes true, but this does not concern me, the Lord is with me, the bad dream is not mine. Amen.

This phrase should be said to yourself before you get out of bed.


Always remember that a dream book is only an auxiliary attribute for interpreting your dreams. This is not a 100% panacea! But, of course, it is a very important basis. Approach the interpretation wisely. Do not panic or become depressed if you see that a dream promises you something bad. This doesn't necessarily happen to you. Everything is very, very individual. Don't jump to conclusions. Just try during this period to be more attentive to yourself, your inner self, listen to your intuition. And remember the power of positive thoughts. The power is within you. Thoughts are material. Don't replay it in your head bad thoughts due to a bad dream. They can become reality. And not necessarily because the dream foreshadowed changes for the worse, but because you for a long time kept these thoughts in my head.

Our dreams are an integral part of our lives; did you know that almost a third of our lives are spent sleeping? And this great amount time. A person can experience the full range of emotions in dreams. Both positive and negative. From laughter to tears, from surprise to disappointment, from love to hate, etc. This is a whole separate fantastic, or even mystical, life!

And one last tip: go to bed with a positive attitude, relax before bed and then you will always have good, bright and wonderful dreams!

Published: 2018-03-15, Modified: 2020-02-26,

Since ancient times, dream interpretation has been the most favorite activity of fortune tellers. Their prediction was based on the time and the object seen. Predicting dreams by day of the week will allow you to fully understand your subconscious and, based on this, guide upcoming events.

Decoding dreams by day of the week

Each day corresponds to a certain planet, which means it affects what we will see in our dreams.

  1. Sunday Monday. Patron - Moon. Dreams tell about the emotional and psychological state, show internal conflicts and with one’s environment. Short ones do not foretell problems; long ones, on the contrary, indicate upcoming troubles and a lot of work.
  2. Monday Tuesday. Patron - Mars. Dreams are related to your own aspirations; they demonstrate your dreams and desires. If the night was anxious, there is a possibility of a future conflict; a calm night, on the contrary, speaks of a favorable solution to a complex problem.
  3. Tuesday Wednesday. Patron - Mercury. Dreams of this day are harbingers of major changes in life; they are difficult to remember. This planet is responsible for communication skills; if you do not experience difficulties at night, it means that everything will be fine in life.
  4. Wednesday Thursday. Patron - Jupiter. Dreams will tell you how to correct any situations related to your financial situation and activities.
  5. Thursday Friday. Patron - Venus. At night there are almost always prophecies. It has been proven that on this day the intuition of every person is very sharp. You can even see ways and timing of fulfilling your desires. The acquisition of something indicates the satisfaction of your feelings in reality, the loss warns of a limitation of needs.
  6. Friday Saturday. Patron - Saturn. Dreams make secret reasons visible life situations, it is on this night that you can really see the desired strategy of behavior. Today there is a chance to find out about fate.
  7. Saturday Sunday. Patron – Sun. Dreams will represent people who light up your life. You can expect tips for finding happiness in life. A mean dream speaks of nervous tension that was experienced during the day.

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can learn about upcoming events.

  1. Monday is the first day of the week, which means dreams tell about situations that will happen over a long period of time.
  2. Tuesday – what you see this night shows all your thoughts and experiences, dreams are considered prophetic and will come true within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday – peak night psychological activity brings information about what will happen tomorrow.
  4. Thursday – dreams are ordinary and can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night what you see will definitely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday – after a difficult week, the brain rests, dreams do not foretell anything.
  7. Sunday is a holiday, information received at night will come true in the first half of the day.

Fulfillment of dreams by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true can be judged by the time when it was seen:

It is known that you can make a wish for what you see at night; now, knowing the decoding, you can easily make a prophetic dream on the desired day of the week.


On what days do dreams come true

Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month:

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week







The patron of the day is the Sun. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you should expect hints about what efforts you need to make to become happier. Dreams with a positive emotional connotation are a sign of good changes in life. Dark dreams - a warning about possible difficulties or a hint for solving a long-standing problem that takes a lot of mental strength.


Dream Interpretation by Days of the Month

  • 1st day of the month - Dreams on this day come true exactly and portend good things.
  • 2nd day of the month - Dreams on this day are empty and meaningless.
  • 3rd day of the month - Dreams on this day are fair and quickly fulfilled.
  • 4th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true soon and foretell good things.
  • 5th day of the month - Dreams on this day good value, this dream is very accurate.
  • 6th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true after twelve days.
  • 7th day of the month - Dreams on this day are happy, but you should not talk about them.
  • 8th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to the fulfillment of desires.
  • 9th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
  • 10th day of the month - Dreams on this day foreshadow some difficulties.
  • 11th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
  • 12th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true quickly and favorably.
  • 13th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
  • 14th day of the month - Dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not relate to personal life.
  • 15th day of the month - Dreams on this day will come true soon and very happily.
  • 16th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true and have no meaning.
  • 17th day of the month - Dreams on this day promise success and come true within 20 days.
  • 18th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to profit and new things.
  • 19th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
  • 20th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true, but you should not tell them to anyone.
  • 21st day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
  • 22nd day of the month - Dreams on this day come true quickly and do not promise trouble.
  • 23rd day of the month - Dreams on this day will most accurately come true.
  • 24th day of the month - Dreams on this day are joyful and will soon come true.
  • 25th day of the month - Dreams on this day are full of lies and deception and quickly come true.
  • 26th day of the month - Dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
  • 27th day of the month - Dreams on this day are meaningless and have no meaning.
  • 28th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true within 30 days.
  • 29th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
  • 30th day of the month - Dreams on this day are fantastic and do not always come true.
  • 31st day of the month - Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.


Dreams by day of the week

To correctly interpret what you saw in a dream, you should not only carefully read the information contained in the Dream Books, but also take into account what specific day of the week this plot appeared to you. It has been proven that dreams that occur on the night of a certain day of the week have their own unique characteristics, and we invite you to familiarize yourself with them.


The first day of the week is under the auspices of the mystical Moon, and therefore all dreams that arose on Monday night fully reflect your emotional condition. In these dreams you should not look hidden meaning, since they primarily serve as an indicator of your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

The second day of the week is under the protection of militant Mars. Everything that you see on Tuesday night identifies your life priorities and goals and helps you figure out whether you have chosen the right guidelines. So, if the plot of your dream was calm and harmonious, it means that in this segment life path You are completely happy with yourself and your reality. A too bright, intense dream plot on Tuesday night indicates that you are currently overwhelmed internal energy(this should be used skillfully). If after what you dreamed there is an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul, it means that on the way to realizing your own ambitions you began to forget about universal human values, and this moment subconsciously causes you great inconvenience.

The third day of the week is dominated by calm, balanced Mercury. Dreams that appeared on Wednesday night foreshadow quite minor life changes for you. Often their plot is centered around real characters from your reality and tells about your life as a whole. Please note that if on this day you had a whole chain of vivid, dynamic dreams, it means that in the coming days your existence will become more eventful and eventful (it is possible that you will go on a trip or receive a tempting offer). In the same case, if your dreams on Wednesday were very dull and monotonous, be prepared for the fact that in the coming days a certain stagnation will reign in your life, characterized by a lack of information and any movement.

The fourth day of the week is ruled by Jupiter, the planet that is responsible for social and personal success, as well as for the formation of your universe. Everything you see on Thursday night will tell you in detail about your current work affairs and how you feel in society. In addition, dreams that appeared on this day can be an excellent hint for you about which direction you should move in order to achieve success.

The fifth day of the week is dominated by sensual Venus, which is responsible for the sphere of romance, love and interpersonal communication. Dreams seen on Friday night tend to come true, so take your nightly fantasies as seriously as possible. Even before you get out of bed, analyze your dream, remembering all its details and details. If, according to the plot of your dream, you received something as a gift or purchased something, it means that very soon your spiritual and material needs will be fully satisfied. And, on the contrary, the loss or damage of something in a Friday dream foreshadows disappointments and losses, and also indicates the need to somewhat moderate your ambitions.

The sixth day of the week is dominated by the strict and sad Saturn, which teaches us wisdom through severe trials. Try to accept everything that you dream about on Saturday night as calmly as possible. Decipher the details of what you saw and correlate them with your reality (very often in such dreams hidden messages are encrypted about what rules and norms you should adhere to in order to gain inner balance and steadfastly overcome all the obstacles that arise along the way).


The last day of the week is under the powerful protection of the Sun (the planet responsible for joy, happiness, creativity and inspiration). Everything that you dream about on this day will tell you how you can make your existence even more joyful and harmonious. If you dreamed good dream, this promises you a consistently cheerful emotional background and the onset of a bright period of life. In the same case, if on Sunday night you saw a negatively colored plot, it means that at the moment you are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion (it’s time for you to slightly slow down the pace of life and think about proper rest).


From Friday to Saturday, prophetic dreams? and in general, what do dreams on different days of the week mean???



1st day of the month - Dreams on this day come true exactly and portend good things.
2nd - Dreams on this day are empty and meaningless.
3rd - Dreams on this day are fair and quickly fulfilled.
4th - Dreams on this day do not come true soon and foretell good things.
5th - Dreams on this day are of good meaning, this dream is very accurate.
6th - Dreams on this day come true in twelve days.
7th - Dreams on this day are happy, but you should not talk about them.
8th - Dreams on this day lead to the fulfillment of desires.
9th - Dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
10th - Dreams on this day foreshadow some difficulties.
11th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
12th - Dreams on this day come true quickly and favorably.
13th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
14th - Dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not relate to personal life.
15th - Dreams on this day will come true soon and very happily.
16th - Dreams on this day do not come true and have no meaning.
17th - Dreams on this day promise success and come true within 20 days.
18th - Dreams on this day lead to profit and new things.
19th - Dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
20th - Dreams come true on this day, but you should not tell them to anyone.
21st - Dreams on this day come true and foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
22nd - Dreams on this day come true quickly and do not promise trouble.
23rd - Dreams on this day will most definitely soon come true.
24th - Dreams on this day are joyful and will soon come true.
25th - Dreams on this day are full of lies and deception, and quickly come true.
26th - Dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
27th - Dreams on this day are meaningless and have no meaning.
28th - Dreams on this day come true within 30 days.
29th - Dreams on this day do not come true, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
30th - Dreams on this day are fantastic and do not always come true.
31st - Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.
Dreams by day of the week

Monday is under the auspices of the Moon, the Earth’s satellite that governs human emotions. Dreams on Monday night will tell about psychological state a person and his internal conflicts with himself and loved ones. Dreams that are short and clear do not promise any problems. Strange and long dreams will bring troubles and associated experiences.

The day is patronized by the warlike and energetic Mars, which encourages a person not to deviate from his goals. Anxious dreams signal an impending conflict, and dreams that bring peace and tranquility will tell of a favorable solution to any complex problem.

The day belongs to Mercury, which controls people’s communication abilities, their ability to put their feelings and thoughts into words. This is a day of light, but difficult to remember dreams, but they become harbingers of important life changes, talk about upcoming meetings, negotiations and new acquaintances.

A day ruled by Jupiter, which brings success and good fortune and helps to form stable life views. On this day, expect dreams about professional activity and opportunities to improve their financial situation. Thursday's dreams will tell you how to cope with life's most confusing conflicts.

The day is ruled by Venus, the patroness of love and harmony, giving people a soft and refined perception of the world around them. Dreams from Thursday to Friday have long been considered prophetic, and this is not without real grounds: on this night a person’s intuition is extremely heightened.

The ruler of the day is Saturn, symbolizing wisdom and life experience. A dream on Saturday night will suggest certain rules and strategies for behavior in society. Saturday dreams make it obvious hidden reasons exciting life events, they warn against the consequences of rash actions and the implementation of unclear plans.

The patron of the day is the Sun. On the night from Saturday to Sunday you should expect hints

Dreams and days of the week

Monday. It will come true exactly if you were born on this day. For the rest - a high degree of what will come true.

Tuesday. Comes true within 10 days. If it is not fulfilled on the tenth day, it will never be fulfilled.

Wednesday. If a dream is recorded before the start of a new day, it will come true; in the period from the start of a new day until awakening, it will be partially fulfilled.

Thursday. Almost any dream can come true!

Friday. Love dreams come true exactly.

Saturday. Morning dreams come true completely.

Sunday. Dreams related to relaxation, entertainment, positive actions are fulfilled, the rest are partially fulfilled.

The connection between dreams and lunar days

Of course, by giving characteristics of lunar days and talking about how they are related to dreams, we are only outlining general trends, that is, we offer fairly approximate information, a kind of average statistical data. Lunar energy is conducive to precisely such dreams every lunar day, but in each specific case, depending on individual characteristics For a person, everything can be completely different! Therefore, when accessing this information, first of all trust yourself and your intuition. If the dream seemed interesting, vivid to you, if it was memorable and made a strong impression, pay attention to this dream, even if it is written that it is empty. What if this is not the case in your case? After all, there are no rules without exceptions!

What else, besides the characteristics of the lunar day, do you need to know in order to determine whether you saw a prophetic dream or one that means little? There are some other patterns that allow us to answer this question.

It must be borne in mind that prophetic and other meaningful dreams We often dream about the waxing moon, and the closer to the full moon, the greater the likelihood of having just such a dream. Also, pay attention to what time of night you had your dream. As a rule, the closer it is to morning, the more important sleep is. In addition, keep in mind: the more vivid, the more memorable the dream you had, the greater the chance that it will turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams that occur after 3 o’clock in the morning come true very quickly, usually during the day. Dreams dreamed from 0 to 3 hours come true on average within three months, and dreams dreamed before midnight either do not come true at all or come true after a very long time. If you have a habit of sleeping during the day, remember that day dreams, as a rule, do not mean anything at all.

So, approach this information creatively, do not take it as dogma, that is, too literally. After all, dream interpretation is a creative matter, akin to art!

Dreams and lunar day (when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar)

1st lunar day: a dream, as a rule, does not come true if you dream about something unpleasant. Good dreams may come true.

2nd lunar day: dreams are empty, not serious, meaning nothing.

3rd lunar day: Dreams are special and come true quickly.

4th lunar day: The dream is significant, it carries warnings. Often concerns karmic issues - about causes and consequences in our lives.

5th lunar day: dreams of this day often show the state of health. Good sign If you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.

6th lunar day: dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.

7th lunar day: be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. They will come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable. But you can’t tell anyone about them.

8th lunar day: prophetic dreams. Often associated with cherished wish, or indicate true purpose, so be careful about such dreams.

9th lunar day: dreams that foretell success come true. But I often have bad dreams and nightmares, you shouldn’t believe them, bad things won’t come true.

10th lunar day: complete opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.

11th lunar day: dreams do not come true.

12th lunar day: important - dreams are highly likely to come true and offer help. Take advantage of this dream.

13th lunar day: significant dreams. They can show new important information about long-standing problems.

14th lunar day: dreams are difficult, all sorts of misfortunes occur in them. But most often they don’t come true, so don’t be upset.

15th lunar day: prophetic dreams, especially on the growing and fast Moon and pointing to something positive. They talk about what needs to be decided first. You need to be able to solve them.

16th lunar day: dreams are often healing, bringing release from tension. Often irrelevant.

17th lunar day: significant dream. Shows the current state of affairs. If it’s good, everything is fine, if not, it will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.

18th lunar day: Dreams often show a problem that bothers us and how to solve it, or recover if there is an illness.

19th lunar day: dreams are frightening, but have little meaning. Don't pay too much attention to them.

20th lunar day: dreams are special. You can see a dream upon request. Before you fall asleep, ask a question and prepare to see the answer in your dream. If the question is serious, there is a high probability that the answer will come to you in a dream. Dreams of this day come true quickly.

21st lunar day: dreams are often pleasant, but have little relation to reality and, as a rule, do not come true.

22nd lunar day: dreams come true. The 22nd lunar day is a day of wisdom, intuition, and tips. In dreams you can see the future or insights. Very helpful information might dream.

23rd lunar day: dreams are confused, chaotic, come true the other way around.

24th lunar day: dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. They show how fulfilled we are. If you have a bad dream, it means that we are not satisfied with our achievements and, especially, sexual fulfillment.

25th lunar day: dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you. If you had a bad dream, pray in the morning and say 3 times: “Where the night goes, the dream goes.” Before noon, open the tap with cold water, tell her your dream and imagine how he goes down the drain with the water, the water will carry him away.

26th lunar day: Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. I have unusual dreams on this day. Often improves mood.

27th lunar day: dreams come true. They are often confusing and confusing. But they carry intuitive insights and reveal the true essence of people and situations.

28th lunar day: dreams are prophetic and carry clues. They portend obstacles and difficulties in business. It is believed that one can “cancel” them by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.

29th lunar day: dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.

30th lunar day: prophetic dreams of the 30th lunar day. Fantastic, but true in their essence, they have a rational meaning.

If in lunar days, promising a high feasibility of dreams, the Moon will be in the signs of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), the likelihood of the realization of a prophetic dream will increase even more.

Fulfillment of dreams according to the dates of the month

1. Executed with absolute precision.

2. Empty and nothing meaningful dreams, but if this is a hint dream, a warning dream, then it will come true.

3. Quickly fulfilled dreams (within three days).

4. Will come true within seven months.

5. Dreams that come true have a positive meaning.

6. The second half of the dream will come true.

7. Never tell this dream to anyone, then it will come true; If you tell, you will bring trouble upon yourself.

8. If it is not a warning dream, a hint dream, a prophetic dream, it will not come true!

9. Only the middle part of the dream will come true.

10. Come true within 12 days.

11. Only the beginning of the dream comes true.

12. As a rule, prosperous dreams come true in accordance with the Dream Book.

13. One, the most unpleasant episode will come true.

14. It will come true in accordance with this “Dream Book”.

15. Only favorable dream meanings come true.

16. Come true in accordance with this “Dream Book”.

17. Come true within 20 days.

18. Only good things will come true.

19. It will happen in accordance with this “Dream Book”.

20. Quick execution of the seen plot.

21. Fulfilled if the dream occurs in the first half of the night.

22. It will come true if you have a dream before the start of a new day.

23. Events will soon come true, especially if the dream is seen in the morning.

24. Only joyful stories will come true.

25. They will come true in strict accordance with this “Dream Book”.

26. Dream in hand - everything will come true.

27. If the dream is not prophetic, it will not come true.

28. Completed within a month.

29. Never fulfilled.

30. They come true one hundred percent if you had an intimate date the day before.

If a person is very interested in a dream, and he has a desire to interpret it, then he should not only look into a couple of interpreters, but also take into account what day of the week he dreamed. Much depends on this. After all, each day of the week corresponds to a certain planetary status. This is due to the influence celestial bodies Each other. So, how is the meaning of dreams determined by day of the week?

From Sunday to Monday

On such nights the influence of the Moon is especially strong. The visions a person dreams reflect his mental condition and emotions. As a rule, they are associated with personal life, family, and everyday things.

If the dream was long, with a detailed plot, then there is a high probability of a troublesome period. There will be a lot of urgent matters. Perhaps they will be associated with the house.

Was the dream devoid of events? Then there will be few worries, and the person will be able to cope with the situation without losing his positive attitude.

Since Monday is considered a difficult day, there is no need to perceive the vision you had the day before as prophetic. There's probably nothing even symbolic about it. Most often, what is seen is a rethinking of the events of the past week.

From Monday to Tuesday

Talking about the meaning of dreams by day of the week, it is worth noting that on such nights the influence of Mars is especially strong. Dreamed visions, as a rule, foreshadow future confrontations and conflicts. It is also possible that a person will decide to take some actions. Especially if the plot was filled with bright events. Visions on such nights are believed to reflect a person's energy, enthusiasm, and breadth of ability.

The meaning of dreams by day of the week also depends on their nature. Was the vision calm? This means that the dreamer is using his energy in the right direction. There were a lot of events and you remember them all clearly? Apparently, he has too much energy, which means it’s time to take the initiative. Maybe he wanted to do something for a long time, but never got around to it. So, the right moment has come!

You should be wary only if the vision is negative. This usually indicates excessive self-confidence and inflated self-esteem, which can destroy the dreamer in important issues.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

On these nights, the influence of Mercury is especially strong. If you study the features and meaning of dreams by day of the week, you will notice that the visions falling on this day are characterized by amazing diversity. Sometimes dreams consist of several unrelated plots.

The interpretation of visions is usually associated with the sphere of relationships and friendship. And quantity storylines allows you to judge how sociable a person is. Was the vision bright, memorable and interesting? This means that he is in demand in society and is sociable. Was the dream so boring that you didn’t even remember it? It is quite possible that the dreamer is sorely lacking in communication.

From Wednesday to Thursday

The interpretations and meanings of dreams by day of the week, as can already be understood, have their own characteristics. So, the visions that fall on the night from Wednesday to Thursday are of a social and financial nature. The influence of Jupiter can be traced. It is believed that dreams indicate changes in work, and changes in relationships with superiors, sponsors, colleagues and partners are also possible.

If at the center of the plot of the vision there was one specific event, and a person participated in it, then there is a high probability that he will experience career and attractive prospects.

From Thursday to Friday

Most often, it is after a vision that occurred that night that people look into the dream book. The meaning of dreams by day of the week may not be familiar to everyone, but everyone remembers the phrase: “From Thursday to Friday, all dreams come true.” And indeed, among all the visions, it is those that occurred on this night that are more likely to come true.

There is a strong influence of Venus. Therefore, dreams are associated exclusively with personal life, emotions, spiritual values ​​and experiences. Everything you dream about should be perceived as a reflection of your most important and secret desires. In more rare cases, visions may reflect a person's creative predisposition.

By the way, everyone has probably had such dreams, after which you don’t even want to wake up. They are beautiful, pleasant, dreams come true in them, and you can also experience everything in a way that you cannot in real life. So, according to statistics, these dreams occur precisely on the nights from Thursday to Friday.

From Friday to Saturday

Considering the meaning of dreams by day of the week and their interpretation, it should be noted that from Friday to Saturday the influence of Saturn can be traced. This means that all visions are associated with fateful events. They should be taken as a warning about upcoming trials or as a hint as to how to behave in order to successfully overcome them.

It’s good if the vision contained many joyful events. It is believed that this means easily and successfully overcoming any, even the most difficult, obstacles, and also to the implementation of plans. The same thing promises a dream in which there were bright objects and limitless space. But a gloomy vision, accordingly, promises difficult obstacles that will not be easy to get around.

From Saturday to Sunday

On such nights the influence of the Sun is strong. And dreamed dreams are usually a reflection of relationships with people who are closest and dearest to a person. And often they are associated with activities that he either strives for or is already engaged in.

If the dream was vivid and left a pleasant impression, then you should expect to meet new people who can change your life for the better. Did the vision seem boring? This means that no interesting changes are expected in life in the near future. There may even be a period of stagnation. It is possible that the dreamer has lost a lot of energy and needs rest.

The meaning of dreams by numbers

This must also be taken into account. Taking into account the meaning of dreams by day of the week and numbers, it will be possible to more fully interpret the vision. Here are some quick interpretation tips:

  • 1 - prophetic visions;
  • 2 - dreams of little significance;
  • 3 - visions come true, but either immediately or after a long time;
  • 4 - warning dreams;
  • 5 - prophetic, very accurate;
  • 6 - positive dreams that come true quickly;
  • 7 - visions foreshadowing deception;
  • 8 - dreams, after which wishes come true;
  • 9 - visions related to the business sphere;
  • 10 - dreams that come true within two weeks;
  • 11 - visions that may come true in the next three days (if they have not come true during this period, then you should not wait);
  • 12 - insignificant dreams;
  • 13 - all plots are related to personal life;
  • 14 - good prophetic dreams;
  • 15 - visions that mean nothing;
  • 16 - dreams that come true quickly, but they must be accurately deciphered;
  • 17 - dreams promising success;
  • 18 - partially coming true;
  • 19 - visions usually indicate future troubles;
  • 20 - truthful, but before they are executed, no one needs to tell the plot;
  • 21 - dreams reflecting the dreamer’s aspirations (come true in the future);
  • 22 - positive visions;
  • 23 - prophetic, but usually concerns troubles;
  • 24 - subjects symbolizing joy carry favorable signs;
  • 25 - visions that are better to forget (they are difficult to interpret);
  • 26 - dreams that bring joy and goodness come true quickly;
  • 27 - insignificant, but prophetic;
  • 28 - dreams that do not come true, but are not empty (they have a personal meaning);
  • 29 - meaningless visions;
  • 30 - dreams that are divorced from reality;
  • 31 - good visions that lift your spirits.

Interpretations about love

As a rule, people go to study dream books when they have dreamed of some interesting story about love. And the meaning of dreams by day of the week is therefore worth studying using the example of such dreams. In addition, they are usually simple and uncomplicated.

Let’s say someone appears that you like (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a guy). The meaning of dreams by day of the week will be as follows:

  • Sunday Monday. This person means a lot to the dreamer, but he is afraid to admit it to him. If the dream was short, then you need to put aside your fears and decide to act. Was the vision long? Then you shouldn't expose your feelings.
  • Monday Tuesday. You can safely take action to win the heart of your potential soulmate. The feelings are serious and perhaps even mutual.
  • Tuesday Wednesday. Was the dream vivid? This means that your personal life will improve soon. Luck is on the dreamer's side. But a faded and boring dream suggests that a person needs to take his destiny under control. personal control. It depends on him what colors it will be painted in the end.
  • Wednesday Thursday. The image of a person you like that you saw that night speaks of reciprocity of feelings.
  • Thursday Friday. There is no need for unnecessary dreams here - there is a high probability that the dreamed plot will turn out to be true and will soon come true.
  • Friday Saturday. The vision that occurred this night contains either a hint for action or a warning.
  • Saturday Sunday. The dream will show what a person lacks for happiness. A bright and memorable vision indicates success in your personal life. Gray and gloomy indicates that a person is too fixated on the topic of relationships and forgets to enjoy other things.

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