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Helios, Helium: Greek pantheon of gods: Mythological encyclopedia. The meaning of the word helios

The all-seeing sun god with golden hair and a crown of bright, dazzling rays, Helios, is the son of the titan Hyperion and Theia (Feyi). Every morning, in a golden chariot with four magnificent winged horses, he leaves the eastern shore of the Ocean to make his daily journey across the vault of heaven. Having traveled the entire earth in a day, giving everyone the warmth of the sun's rays and their healing energy, in the evening Helios descends to the western shore of the Ocean. Here a golden boat awaits him, on which the god sets off on the return journey to his palace to do everything all over again in the morning. And this has been going on for many centuries and centuries, and the god Helios does not get tired of his work and is ready to give his warmth as long as someone needs it.

Helios's wife, the beautiful oceanid Persian, bore him a daughter, Kirka, and a son, Eetes. The sister of the Persians, Clymene, gave birth to Phaeton and several daughters. According to some legends, Helios was still married to Rhoda, the daughter of Poseidon, who gave him the island of Rhodes. Younger son Helios Phaeton was endowed with extraordinary beauty and courage. One day Zeus doubted his divine origin, causing anxiety and doubt in the soul of the young god. Even the assurances of Klymena’s mother could not calm the young man. Then the sun god Helios himself publicly declared that Phaethon was indeed his son. As proof, the young man demanded that his father allow him to ride in a golden chariot. Helios was terribly frightened by such a proposal. After all, not everyone can control the winged four. Therefore, he began to dissuade his son from the risky undertaking. Phaeton insisted on his own. A terrible disaster the frivolity of the inexperienced youth turned around. The zealous horses immediately sensed the inexperienced hand of the driver. They first flew high into the sky towards the constellations Taurus and Scorpina, frightened by the constellation Centaur, the horses sharply descended to the very ground. The fiery heat of the chariot caused the waters of the Euphrates, Danube, Don and Tiber to boil. The resulting fires burned the fertile plains of the Sahara, Numibia and Arabia, turning them into barren deserts. And only the intervention of the supreme ruler Zeus, who threw Phaeton from an uncontrollable chariot, saved the earth from complete destruction.

God Helios - a few photos:

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The meaning of the word helios

helios in the crossword dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


HELIOS (Helium) in Greek mythology Sun God. It corresponds to the Roman Sol.

Mythological Dictionary


(Greek) - god of the sun, son of the titan Hyperion and the titanide Theia, brother of Selene and Eos, father of Phaethon, the Colchian king Eetus, the sorceress Kirke and Heliad. Later, G. began to be identified with Apollo, and he became the god of sunlight, punishing criminals with blindness and at the same time healing the blind. G. was depicted in a dazzling radiance, with sparkling eyes, in a golden helmet and on a golden chariot. According to myth, G. leaves every morning from the east in a chariot drawn by four fire-breathing horses, and in the evening descends into the ocean in the west. At night, G. swims across the sea in a golden shuttle (bowl) and returns to the east. The Odyssey describes how Odysseus’s ship landed on the mythical island of Trinacria (later identified with Sicily), where herds of sacred Greek bulls grazed (seven herds of 50 heads each - the personification of the 350 days of the Greek year). When Odysseus's companions killed and ate several bulls, Zeus crashed the ship with lightning and killed everyone on it except Odysseus himself.


Helium, in ancient greek mythology Sun God. In ancient Roman mythology, G. corresponded to Salt.



Helios (Helium, Eelios) - in ancient Greek mythology, a solar deity, the son of the titan Hyperion and Theia, brother of Selene and Eos.

Since the time of Euripides, Helios, as the all-seeing god of the Sun, began to be identified with Apollo, the all-knowing god-soothsayer; hence another name for Helios - Phebos. In Pherecydes of Syria, Helios is identified with Zeus, in Theagenes - with Hephaestus, Apollo and fire. According to Dionysius Scytobrachion, Helios himself is a boy drowned in Eridanus.

According to Cotta's speech, there were five Helios:

  1. Son of Zeus, grandson of Aether.
  2. Son of Hyperion.
  3. Son of Hephaestus, grandson of the Nile, from Heliopolis.
  4. Born by the nymph Akanfo in Rhodes, the ancestor of the Rhodes heroes.
  5. Father of Eetes and Kirka, from Colchis.

Helios told Hephaestus that Aphrodite was lying with Ares, for which Aphrodite was hostile to the offspring of Helios.

He told Demeter that it was Hades who kidnapped her daughter Persephone.

According to Homer, Helios is the owner of seven herds of cows and seven herds of sheep. His cows lived with Artemisius in Sicily, they were grazed by the nymphs Phaetis and Lamptia. Every morning, rising in the sky, and every evening, descending into the Ocean, Helios admired his eternally young animals. One day Odysseus landed on the island, and his companions killed several bulls of the sun god. As punishment for this, Zeus, at the request of Helios, smashed their ship with lightning. Only Odysseus survived.

The cult of Helios was especially widespread in Corinth, Argos, Elis and the island of Rhodes, where a colossal image of him stood at the entrance to the harbor. Of the animals, the rooster and white horses were dedicated to him. Helios is depicted almost in the same way as Apollo, with whom he was close in solar functions.

In Roman mythology, Helios corresponds to Sol.

Helios (crater)

Helios- a large impact crater on the surface of Hyperion, a moon of Saturn. The approximate coordinates of the center are . Helios crater was discovered in photographs spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1981, and later it was filmed in higher resolution by the Cassini spacecraft.

Helios ( football club)

"Helios"- Ukrainian football club from the city of Kharkov. Plays in the First Ukrainian Football League. Founded on December 1, 2002, and has had professional status since July 1, 2003. The home stadium in Kharkov is Solnechny. The club colors are red and black. In the First League team tournament of the 2015/16 season, he took 5th place.

Examples of the use of the word helios in literature.

I was inclined to believe him: after the Valkyries told me how brave and invulnerable he was Helios in the battle with the mysterious killer, I began to consider him the best of the Olympians.

Zeus, gathering the clouds, answering him, said: 385 - No, Helios, continue to illuminate for the all-blessed gods, As well as for mortal-born people, the life-giving earth.

Temple of Apollo Helios, - Hecate continued, - this is also an entrance to another world.

But the black man grabbed his knees even tighter, and when the children, attracted by the howl of their friend, began to cry loudly with him, and the little Helios began to stroke Zebek's half-lost hair that looked like wool, this vain man felt uneasy and, in order not to succumb to his own weakness, he deliberately loudly and passionately shouted: “Get out!”

Helios and the Oceanids Persians, a sorceress who lived on the island of Eya, where Odysseus and his companions were brought during his wanderings.

But even against the will of Poseidon I will reach my homeland, as Tiresias predicted to me, if only my companions do not touch the bulls Helios on the island of Trinacria.

Everything that was in the palace of Eeta, all the rich decoration, was made to him by Hephaestus in gratitude for the fact that the father of Eeta, the sun god Helios, rushed away Hephaestus, exhausted in the battle with the giants, from the Phlegrean fields in his golden chariot.

We do not want to do violence, but if our will is not fulfilled, then we ourselves will make sure that Helios was delivered from the blasphemous proximity of the Galilean ashes: I will send my soldiers here, they will dig up the bones, burn them and scatter the ashes to the wind.

In the pocket of the unknown poet were: a bunch of unfinished poems, an unusual pencil in a velvet bag and a coin with a head Helios, some old book bound in parchment, a piece of yellowed Brussels lace.

A later stratification must also be recognized as the legend that Prometheus allegedly stole fire from Apollo, or rather, from Helios, and even with the help of Athena.

The eternal gods then sent a prophecy to the island: During the day, amid the radiance of the rays Helios, in the eyes of the people, the Statue of the Winged Nike disappeared from the cliff above the sea - As if the winged Nike created by Skopas, who stepped forward from the ship’s bow, was not here.

Herd Helios on Trinacria - this is one of the paths that will lead you to trouble.

There he must take a diagonal course towards Trinacria, walk along its southern shore, go around the southern tip of its triangle, making a deep bow mentally and physically Helios and many other Immortals, and then go northeast, across the mighty Ionian sea to the islands off the coast of Acarnania.

Once upon a time, long ago, he and his companions passed along the eastern shore of Trinacria through the northern strait, between Scylla and Charybdis, then they killed and ate bulls from a herd that can be called a herd Helios.

In mythology ancient Greece everything is very ambiguous. Here, different authors often have their own point of view on the same character, often contradicting the opinion of another author. One of these controversial figures in Greek mythology is Helios in the role of the sun god. The reason to consider him a solar deity is indeed strong, since his name is from the ancient Greek language and means the Sun. According to legend, the solar deity is the son of the titan Hyperion and Theia, according to other sources Hyperion and Irifessa. Helios is the brother of the goddesses Eos and Selene.

Before Euripides, Helios was strongly associated with the sun god. However, over time, and primarily thanks to the activities of this playwright, the status ancient Greek god The sun is gradually assigned to Apollo, a character who also combines a soothsayer and a doctor. Helios and Apollo have another common name - Phoebus, universal for each of them.

An exceptional vision of the same mythical hero is characteristic of almost every ancient Greek author. So, for example, Ferecydes of Syria did not hesitate to identify Helios with Zeus, and Theagenes - simultaneously with Apollo, Hephaestus, as well as with the element of “fire”. According to the tales of Dionysius Scytobrachion, Helios was drowned in the waters of Eridanus as a boy.

If we collect all the ancient Greek sources, it turns out that there were at least five Helios: perhaps the same character, but clearly from different parents. One of the Helios is the son of Zeus, and accordingly the grandson of Ether. According to the second version, Helios was the son of Hyperion. According to the third, he was the son of Hephaestus and the grandson of Nile, who lived in Heliopolis. The mother of the fourth Helios was the nymph Akanfo, who gave birth to him on the island of Rhodes. According to this version, Helios descends from the heroic Rhodian ancestors. The fifth Helios was born in Colchis and is the father of Kirka and Aeetes.

In the history of mythical heroes, Helios distinguished himself by complaining to Hephaestus that Aphrodite had cheated on him with Ares, after which Aphrodite became an outcast for all of Helios’ offspring. He also revealed to Demeter the secret that it was Hades who stole her daughter Persephone from her. Apparently, it was almost impossible to hide anything from Helios.

According to Homer, Helios had seven herds of sheep and the same number of herds of cows. As for the cows specifically, they grazed in the most picturesque meadow in Sicily, which belonged to Faetis. The shepherds of these cows were the nymphs Lamptia and Faetis. As befits the Sun himself, Helios rose above the earth every morning to admire his grazing herd of never-aging animals; and in the evening he left for the Ocean. Having landed on the shores of the island of Sicily, either through carelessness or ignorance, Odysseus and his crew killed several bulls that belonged to Helios. Having a habit of complaining, the sun god asked Zeus to at least somehow react to the daring of the navigator. Zeus smashed Odysseus's ship with just his lightning. As we already know, only Odysseus managed to survive.

The cult of the sun god in ancient Greek mythology in the person of Helios was especially widespread in Argos, Corinth, Elis, as well as in Rhodes, where, as has already become known, Helios still admires his grazing cattle. By the way, at the entrance to the harbor of this island there once stood the legendary statue of Helios, better known to contemporaries as the Colossus of Rhodes. For the inhabitants of Rhodes, Helios was not only the most revered deity, but also the creator of this island. Both Helios and Apollo, who took over the baton from him, are almost always depicted in the same way, since they are both united by the solar function. The symbolic animals of Helios were a rooster and a white horse.

Helios (Helium) in Greek mythology, the god of the Sun. It corresponds to the Roman Sol (Sol, Sol) - the solar deity. According to the mythical origin, this is the son of the titan Hyperion, the brother of Selene (Moon) and Eos.
Since the time of Euripides, Helios, as the all-seeing god of the sun, began to be identified with Apollo, the all-knowing god-soothsayer; hence another name for Helios - Phoebus.
The cult of Helios was especially widespread in Corinth, Argos, Elis and on the island of Rhodes, where, at the entrance to the harbor, stood the famous "Colossus of Rhodes", one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
The Statue of Liberty is an exact copy of the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes and the earlier statue of the Trojan Apollo.

Apollo (ancient Greek Ἀπόλλων), Phoebus (ancient Greek Φοῖβος, “radiant”) - in Greek mythology, a golden-haired, silver-bowed god - the guardian of herds, light ( sunlight symbolized by his golden arrows), sciences and arts, god-healer, leader and patron of the muses (for which he was called Musaget (Greek Μουσηγέτης)), predictor of the future, roads, travelers and sailors, and also purified people who committed murder. He personified the Sun (and his twin sister Artemis - the Moon).

Birth and childhood.

Son of the goddess Latona (Leto) and Zeus, twin brother of Artemis, grandson of the titans Kay and Phoebe. Born on the island of Delos (Asteria) (Greek δηλόω - I manifest), where his mother Leto ended up by accident, driven by the jealous goddess Hera, who forbade her to enter solid ground. When Apollo was born, the entire island of Delos was flooded with streams of sunlight.

Born on the seventh day of the month, seven months old. When he was born, the swans from Pactolus circled seven times over Delos and sang his praises. Summer did not breastfeed him: Themis fed him nectar and ambrosia. Hephaestus brought him and Artemis a gift of arrows.

Herding the bulls of Python. Apollo matured early and while still very young (on the fourth day after birth) killed the serpent Python, or Dolphinius, who was devastating the surroundings of Delphi. In Delphi, on the site where the oracle of Gaia and Themis once was, Apollo founded his oracle. There he founded the Pythian Games in his honor, received cleansing from the murder of Python in the Tempean Valley (Thessaly) and was glorified by the inhabitants of Delphi.

For the murder of Python, he was banished to the Tempean Plain for nine years. At the age of 4, he began to build a temple on Delos from the horns of Kinthian fallow deer killed by Artemis.
Together with Poseidon he built the walls of Troy.

In the Trojan War, Apollo the Arrow helps the Trojans.

Helios is the god of the sun.

Iconography. He was depicted as a handsome man with a powerful body and sparkling eyes, wearing a radiant crown or helmet, and long sparkling clothes.

He lived on the eastern shore of the Ocean in a palace made of gold and copper. Every morning, standing on a golden quadriga (a two-wheeled chariot drawn by four winged horses), he rode out of the silver gate, from which his daily journey to the western shore of the Ocean began. On the western bank there was another palace from which the Sun God returned back to the east in a golden boat.

In the photo on the right - Helios, Phoebus, below - a statue of Apollo.
The cult of the Sun is worth noting; on the American continent, to the surprise of the Americans themselves, it is not at all accidental and has a very ancient origin. After all, once the inhabitants of the Northern lands (ancient Hyperborea, Apollo is often mentioned in chronicles in connection with this name Hyperborean), moved along the once-existing isthmus on the site of the Bering Strait to the lands of the Northern and beyond South America and laid the foundation for the most ancient pre-Incan civilization.
In particular, a giant rune in PERU with the Slavic name PERUN is to this day a “mystery” of the Nazca desert for many. :-)

Ancient Greece created many beautiful myths, among them the legends about Helios, the sun god. In ancient mythology, the children of the titans Hyperion and Theia were responsible for the celestial bodies: Helios, Selene and Eos. Read more about Helios below.

Helios is the Sun

During the day, the children of Hyperion replaced each other in the sky. The first to appear was Eos - the morning dawn, then Helios - the sun, traveled across the sky, and Selene was the moon, which came into its own when Helios disappeared beyond the horizon. Each of these three is distinguished by their wayward and passionate nature.

Young and golden-haired god

Helios is in many ways related to Apollo - both of these solar deities are all-seeing and all-knowing patrons of the bright side of human nature. Helios is also responsible for the passage of time, keeps many secrets - nothing can hide from his eyes when he passes through the sky.

Helios lives in a luxurious palace in the east beyond the Ocean. Every morning he leaves his palace in a chariot drawn by four fiery horses, and then Eos hands over the reins of power to him. In a day he reaches the other side of the world, where, having descended from heaven, he sits in a golden bowl and returns home to the east along the ocean.

Beloved and offspring

The solar god is distinguished by his ardent disposition - both his lovers and his offspring are numerous. Quite sad legends are associated with many, because, in addition to passion and dazzlingness, the essence of Helios is an exorbitant ego. In order to gain the favor of the object of his adoration, he could take on someone else’s appearance (which later caused the victim of his passion to suffer). Another legend says that he turned his beloved into a dog because she, while hunting a deer, exclaimed that she could catch up with the animal even if it ran faster than the sun.

Helios is the father of the infamous Phaeton. According to legend, the young man either begged his powerful father to ride a chariot, or took it without asking. Carried away by the ride, Phaeton did not notice how the horses deviated from the course and approached the ground. The flames engulfed everything around, and Gaia, the goddess of the earth, appealed to Zeus with a request to pacify the wretch. Zeus, without much ceremony, threw lightning at Phaeton, ending his life.

Colossus of Rhodes: background

One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the famous Colossus statue on the island of Rhodes is the god Helios, something many people don't actually know. According to legend, the sun god personally carried this island directly from the depths of the sea, since there was no place anywhere on Earth where he was revered. And indeed, nowhere within ancient Greece was the cult of Helios as widespread as in Rhodes.

The installation of the statue was preceded by the following events. In 305-304, the island was under siege for a whole year: the ruler of Macedonia, Demetrius Poliorcetes, with many siege weapons and an army of 40 thousand people tried to capture Rhodes, but still failed. Demetrius of Macedon lost so much faith in victory that he even abandoned all the siege weapons and sailed from the island. The inhabitants of Rhodes, delighted that fate had been favorable to them, decided to make an unprecedented offering to the gods. Having sold the guns left behind by Demetrius, the Rhodians used the proceeds to order a huge statue of Helios from the sculptor Chares - this was a kind of gratitude to the most revered god for the victory.

The seventh wonder of the world

The statue was originally planned to be 10 times taller human size, but then the people of Rhodes wanted the sculpture to be twice as large, and paid the sculptor twice as much as expected. It turned out fatal mistake for the sculptor himself - after all, an increase in height entailed an increase in volume, but not twice, but eight times. Hares finished the statue at his own expense, climbed into great amount debts and went bankrupt when he finished the project, and then committed suicide.

Work on the statue took 12 years. The main material was clay with a metal frame at the base, and sheets of bronze covered the top of the sculpture. Myself appearance corresponded to a typical image of the god Helios - he was a stately young man in a crown reminiscent Sun rays. There is still debate among historians regarding the location of the statue. In most images, the Colossus of Rhodes is placed right at the entrance of ships to the harbor. But modern research show that there was simply no room near the shore for such a huge statue. Most likely, the statue was located somewhere in the depths of the city.

The colossus suffered a sad fate: it stood for only 50 years and was destroyed by an earthquake. The inhabitants of the island were going to restore the property of the city, but the Delphic oracle predicted that by doing this they would anger their beloved god Helios. This frightened the Rhodians, and it was decided to abandon restoration. The statue lay on the ground for almost another millennium, surprising generation after generation with its size. But in the end, the island was captured by the Arabs and sold off what was left of the once majestic creation of human hands.

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