Home Wisdom teeth Why do you dream about a dead newborn? Why do you dream of a dead child: interpretation of dream books

Why do you dream about a dead newborn? Why do you dream of a dead child: interpretation of dream books

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a dead Child in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

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    I had a dream where my mother, sister, me and my daughter were standing in a cemetery near a dug up, empty grave. I hold my daughter’s hand, I feel her nearby, I feel her hand, but I don’t see the girl herself. Then three men pass by and carry a dead child in a blanket, followed by a woman is walking and holds on dead man's hands baby. Then a concrete wall grows behind me, I go behind it and see these children in a coffin. In the dream it was late autumn, it was about to snow, it was very cold. And in my dream I felt my fingers and toes ache from the cold.

    I had a dream in which my child is sick, we go to institutions, like hospitals, there are three of us. These people in real life Don't know. So, I come to one of the institutions, agree to put the child in, turn my head to my fellow traveler, tell him that I have agreed where my son is, and he points to the window, and there in a black bag (opaque, my son is wrapped), to which I I burst into tears, I start screaming, he can’t breathe there, he suffocated and died. With full understanding that this is the end, I woke up, then fell asleep again, and I dreamed of a continuation, that everyone felt sorry for me, I walked around and told everyone that if he didn’t come to life, I would die (and I thought about suicide options, but on the third day the child is alive. But it’s so strange, it’s as if he doesn’t come to life, but has been alive all this time. I had this dream as a child. Often dreams are prophetic or interpreted. In real life, I have a child of the same age and appearance.

    I dreamed that I met a guy at some party, I just met as friends, and for some reason I invited him to my house. Strangely enough, my dad saw him and didn’t swear and reacted normally. I heard the children playing in the aquarium. I was shocked and spent the night trying to get the kids out. there were three of them from the aquarium and one of them was dead, at night I took it out and my hands were covered in blood, I turned around and then a woman unfamiliar to me stood in front of me and realized that this was the mother of the child who was in my hands, then everything seemed to rewind and I took out only two children and said that there were no more children there, this woman was surprised, I quietly approached the guy I brought and told him everything so that we would call the police. The last thing I remember is that I and someone else are standing behind this guy and this fearsome woman stands before us.

    Hello! I dreamed of a cemetery, there were a lot of people there. These people buried children and covered them with a white sheet, I took one sheet, but they took it away from me. I was very scared in my dream. Then I left. What does it mean?

    I dreamed of my son being dead, my husband and his parents were there, my husband called me and I started to approach and they were crying, I picked up my son, pressed him to me, told them that I didn’t hate them and left them, my son was so warm, I started saying something and woke up

    in the hospital I stand next to the surgeon and demand a cardiogram of the dead child, and I cry and this is my child, but in real life I don’t have him, I also dreamed of my sister and friend. And the girl, I realized that she was like my wife

    Hello, on the night from Friday to Saturday I dreamed that I was pregnant in a medical institution, but the period was still short, everything seemed to be fine, but I started touching my stomach with my hands and felt the baby eating with its legs and at the same time I felt contractions, the feeling that it was trying to get out straight through the stomach, I was reaching before the doctors and already between my legs I feel the child’s legs, while the doctors are in a stupor the child climbs out into my arms, I look at him, he has no head, I throw him away from me and immediately wake up...

    I dreamed that a boy died. I dreamed that it was my brother, but with my mind I understand that I don’t have a brother. I only have a sister in real life and in my dreams I also saw her. We (mother, sister and I) found this boy dead, but reacted very calmly. I remember that I wrapped him in a towel, but then I don’t remember where things went. I very rarely have dreams and it seems to me that I am being warned about something.. Thanks in advance for your answer

    Hello, my name is Olga...I’m 33 years old...today I had a dream...it haunts me all day...I keep thinking about the dream...I would like to know the interpretation: I have a son Denis...in real life he often participates in football competitions (in different cities) ... I dreamed that I, along with my son and his football team, went to a competition on a bus ... on the way we stop somewhere in the forest ... we all get off the bus ... and Denis (my son, he is now 12 years old) in some body of water...finds the corpse of a baby with a placenta and umbilical cord...and this baby is dead...we are of course horrified...we approach...trying to pick it up...tear the placenta...and the baby comes to life...and I wake up......I would like to know why I had this dream...

    I came to the funeral to condole with people I didn’t know. in a separate room there is a child lying on something, but not in a coffin. the child is 8-10 years old, a boy whom I don’t know. the child moved and fell to the floor. I looked at it cadaveric spots. I thought he looked at me. I picked it up and put it back, at the request of some woman, it almost fell again. the dream ended.

    the child is bathing in the bathtub. I am sleeping, my husband controls everything. I wake up and see a dead child in the bathtub, but he is not alone with her, another daughter lies with her, then there is a carousel, children hang like puppets on strings, one child pulls the string, but this is not my daughter

    Good evening. I had a dream about how I accidentally pushed a 2-3 year old baby, he fell and cried. I thought I pushed my son, but when he cried and I took him in my arms, I saw a completely strange baby, it was winter outside, he was dressed in only a thin sweater, his cheeks were chapped and red (I pressed him tightly to I kissed myself, but then I realized that he died, the doctors said it wasn’t my fault, he was just frozen/hypothermia

    I was lying on the bed, put my hand on my stomach and felt the baby’s small hand, but I was not pregnant. Then the child lay dead on my stomach, and then he took my hand and came to life

    I stood in my country house, began to open doors on their own inside the house and outside
    I locked the door and then looked out the window. I didn't see anything at first. Then I breathed on the window, it began to grow and I saw the face of a dead child in street clothes, behind him there was a black spot. I couldn’t speak, I woke up groaning, I was very scared

    On my hands. A dead child woke up. Not mine. But I after he woke up. I couldn't let him go anymore. I began to look after him and put him on his feet. He was a wonderful boy.

    I dreamed that my son was actually alive. In my dreams I see him dead. The funeral is going on and suddenly he takes a breath. Next, for some reason, I take care of the cat, which came to life, and not my son. What would that mean? .

    I, my husband, two children and a third (non-existent) flew in balloons over the islands, the water was clear, there were palm trees. Colored balls. During the flight, two children fall into the water. They were looking for them for a very long time. Found dead. I saw my son dead from afar.

When a deceased child dreams of his living parents, this dream signals that the loss is still fresh in the memory, and they continue to mourn him in their hearts. But if a child appears in a dream as if alive and says something important, you should try to remember these words in a dream in order to listen to them in the future.

However, if a son or daughter resurrected in a dream invites you somewhere in a dream or makes an offer to do something, do not accept these offers and invitations. Such an attitude must exist in advance, because dreams with deceased relatives often become prophetic. For example, if you dream of an accident with victims or a plane crash, and your long-dead child is present in the car or on board, you should take such a dream as nothing more than a warning, and refuse to travel in the near future so that trouble does not happen.

A dead child dreamed of a living child

If in a dream your child dies, who is now alive and well, the dream seen by the mother warns of a possible serious conflict with the children. If the mother of a sick child has such a dream, then it should be perceived as good sign- The child will get better soon.

If you dream of a mother’s dead child in a coffin, according to some dream books such a dream is associated with the beginning of a favorable period in life, and according to others with upcoming everyday adversities. Whether a streak of disappointments and failures awaits you, or whether you enter a bright streak, depends on the feelings that you experience in a dream.

If you dream of a deceased child, a boy who is actually alive, and he dies in your arms, the dream indicates health problems or household troubles that await him in the near future. The support of loved ones will help him overcome all difficulties.

A pregnant woman dreams that her child has died

During pregnancy, frightening dreams are associated with fear for your baby. If a pregnant woman dreams that a miscarriage occurred or the child died in the womb, or died after birth, such dreams should not be taken into account. The dream is empty and does not contain any prediction. You should complain to a doctor about bad, frightening dreams so that he can prescribe sedatives for the pregnant woman and help her cope with psychological difficulties period of gestation.

Often dreams indicate to us some upcoming changes. That is why solving them becomes so attractive. The death of a child is a very vivid, memorable image that is sometimes used by our subconscious. There are many different dream books. Moreover, the interpretation of death in each of them can differ significantly. Let's say, in some, such an event is considered as a warning, a signal from the unconscious that one should behave more attentively, more carefully and cautiously. They indicate that a person’s position is now precarious and a probable threat hangs over him.

General value

If a dying person whispered something shortly before death, then the dreamer in reality will receive good advice. This hint will allow him to take a step forward in the desired direction.

If a person dies in a dream, then this means that the sleeper is very confused in life, in himself. He needs to think about his own behavior, understand his thoughts.

Although everything should not be taken literally. Perhaps the fading life of a child symbolizes internal image sleeping, speaks of his worries, emotional state and so on. On the other hand, such dreams can be interpreted as a person experiencing exciting moments, events that have no outlet in everyday reality. They do not indicate any upcoming changes, but only give vent to those thoughts that are studiously ignored during the daytime.

What could a dream about a dying baby mean?

Holding a fading baby in your arms is a harbinger of a future serious illness.

In other situations, the death of one’s own child may symbolize a serious deterioration in the relationship with the child, when everything seems to come to a dead end. If the baby was brought back to life and he felt better, then everything will be fine. Controversial issues will become clearer, and your life will become more fun and happier.

The death of an unfamiliar boy or girl indicates that there are enemies lurking in your environment who are preparing an insidious plot against you.

On the one hand, a dream about a baby can promise the occurrence of some business that takes a colossal amount of time and effort. On the other hand, the worse the baby looks in his sleep, the more neglected and deplorable the state of affairs of the sleeping person.

Lunar dream book

It is usually believed that such dreams indicate joyful changes in the foreseeable future. It is assumed that such a person stands on the threshold of new opportunities, opening up new horizons. One of the stages of his life is coming to an end and he needs to find his future path.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Did you dream about your baby? Be careful. Perhaps he will soon get hurt or receive some kind of injury. Moreover, the younger he is, the more severe the damage will be.

Depending on the day of the week

What does it mean to see a girl's life fading? At night:

  • on Monday - there is a risk of being deceived by others;
  • on Tuesday - you cannot be called a free person;
  • on Wednesday - beware of a catch;
  • on Thursday - a wardrobe update awaits you;
  • on Friday - promises additional profit;
  • on Saturday - portends amazing sex;
  • on Sunday - for upcoming trips or travels.

If you dream of a red coffin, then the work you have begun will be crowned with success. A dream involving unfamiliar teenagers foreshadows the realization of existing plans and well-being. If in a dream a child appears before you, who is your previously unknown relative, then you can expect to receive an inheritance or sudden income. Seeing your adopted baby in a dream means acquiring someone’s support or an offer to participate in a profitable business in reality. If in a dream the desire to accept an adopted child into your own family was not realized, then in life you should expect that someone will get ahead of you in a significant matter.

Dream Interpretation according to Nostradamus

The death of a newborn girl is the achievement of mutual understanding in the family. Seeing in a dream how a child is dying or has already died is a sign of imminent positive changes. These same events can also be interpreted as an omen of the arrival of a new baby.

Did the dead call with you? A bad sign. Did you give in to persuasion and follow him? This means that you may soon have to face health problems. Often such a plot is interpreted as a sign of approaching death.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

In this dream book, a dying child is associated with a warning about an impending threat, the destruction of grandiose hopes and plans, as well as the emergence of family troubles.

According to Rick Dillon's dream book

A dream where someone dies may reflect strong, internal feelings about another person.

According to the dream book of N. Grishina

The death of one's own children in a dream indicates that family happiness and prosperity await them.

According to the dream book of Catherine the Second

A dying person is a harbinger of inevitable misfortune. Moreover, this misfortune will come as a complete surprise to the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation by A. Meneghetti

Dying is a dual process. On the one hand, this is a given, a certain form of being. On the other hand, this is the end of everything for an individual being, a transition from one state to another.

What does the birth of a child portend in a dream? You should not take this vision too simply and expect a quick addition to the family. The event has a different, deeper meaning. The birth of a baby is a rebirth of the dreamer himself on the internal plane, his transition to a new level of development, to a qualitatively different stage in his life.

Another important aspect that must be taken into account when analyzing a dream is your emotions and thoughts that arose after it. What mood did you wake up in?

The study and interpretation of dreams is a rather interesting and entertaining process. However, you should not get carried away by it too much, because exceptional faith in the veracity of such predictions can make you live in anticipation of those very negative changes. In addition, there are a lot of directions for deciphering the same events. What to believe is up to you. There is no need to focus on the most attractive option when interpreting your dream. His interpretation must be true. Do you remember any dream that really became prophetic? Tell us about it in the comments!

Why did the Stillborn dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

A deceased child symbolizes your desires and aspirations: if a child dreams of being dead, then either nothing came of what you had planned earlier, or it is a symbol of your fear for your future. Why are you afraid that your plans will fail?

Why do you dream of a dead child - if you have a child in reality, then such a dream does not bode well for anything bad, but you should still be careful and show increased attention to him.

Died Child – If a child dies and is resurrected in a dream, this indicates that you are still trying to achieve what you want, but you understand that it is unattainable.

To dream that a child has died - if it was your child in the dream, he may have health problems or be injured. The younger the child, the more serious everything may turn out to be in reality.

A deceased child dreamed of by parents whose children have grown up long ago - perhaps you are brushing off the problems of your already adult children? You should help them at any age.

Dead child in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

  • Unfamiliar - to a change in weather.
  • Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream are most often a warning to you to be careful.
  • The relative himself is not in danger.
  • Those who have died, but are alive in a dream: mother for good luck; father for support.
  • Loved ones, friends, relatives are called to think about the meaning of life.
  • Friends, you are in for a blow to your pride.
  • A dead child is calling with you; if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; don't go, be careful, you are in mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action.
  • dead child- Offers to eat - at your place dangerous disease, need medical help.
  • If you eat with a dead person, death is on your doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but alive in a dream. It is better to give yourself this setting in advance so that it works clearly in a dream.
  • A dead child comes to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures.
  • Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol. The information that we actually receive from the dead is received by us in a way that is clear through other images. The dead do not need to appear to us to guide us on the right path.

What does it mean to dream with a Dead Child (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream about dead in the dream child - bad weather.

In the summer, what did you dream of about a dead child - a threat against you.

In the fall, what did a dead child dream about - the return of a previous illness.

In winter, what does a dead child dream about - a new dead person.

Of course, the question of why a son dreams is of interest to many dreamers. This is quite understandable, since such a dream is unlikely to go unnoticed. It is believed that dreamed relatives are necessarily, in a certain way, connected with real life. It is noteworthy that a son cannot necessarily be dreamed of only if he exists in reality. For example, a young girl who does not yet have children in real life can see her son in a dream. A pregnant woman also often dreams about her son. That is why you need to be able to decipher such night dreams in order to understand how they can affect events that occur in reality.

Birth of a son

When you dream of the birth of a son, this is in any case a very good omen. Such a dream indicates that in real life there comes great happiness that no one can destroy. If a newborn baby is cheerfully healthy in his night dreams, then he is very lucky life period when fate will be more favorable to you than ever. You will be able to fulfill all your deepest desires and achieve everything you have long dreamed of.

When interpreting dreams associated with the birth of a son, you need to pay attention to the smallest nuances of the plot. So, if in your night dreams you understand that you were born unwanted child, then this foreshadows quarrels and conflicts with people from your immediate environment, perhaps even with relatives.

Crying baby

When you dreamed that you were born crying baby, and you are trying to calm him down, this indicates that an important meeting will take place in the near future. Moreover, it will be so significant that it can have a significant impact on your future.

The birth of a sick child - dream book

The birth of a sick child is not a very good sign. This foreshadows big troubles in real life, which will take a lot of time and effort, but over time will turn out to be empty and unnecessary.

Some other interpretations of dreams associated with the birth of a child:

    If a pregnant woman dreams that a boy is born, then this prophetic dream and she will actually have a son in reality; When a man saw in a dream that his wife was giving birth to a son, then in real life he is afraid for his reputation; If, according to the plot of the dream, you observe your own childbirth, then this indicates that in reality you are tormented by some - fears; When a mother sees in a dream that her pregnant daughter has given birth to a son, then she needs to prepare for great achievements in life; Giving birth to a son for an unmarried woman means a happy marriage in the future; If, according to the plot of the dream, a son is born to a friend, then this predicts happy changes in my friend's life.

Why does a man dream of giving birth to a son?

According to interpretation universal dream book When you dream of giving birth to a son, you need to enlist the support of loved ones. Such a dream is especially significant for a man. It is a harbinger of success in business. But at the same time, such night dreams indicate that the time has come to be active. life position. If a man dreamed a strange dream If he himself gives birth to a son, this portends participation in a risky event that will bring great profit.

Dreaming of a little son

When you dream little son, then this foreshadows changes in the near future. Moreover, if in real life you have an adult son, then such a dream can be classified as prophetic. We need to remember that Small child tells you in a dream, it can be very important advice, which you should definitely listen to. But on the other hand, when you dreamed of an adult son being small, then perhaps you continue to take great care of him.

Joyful or crying son

If you dream of your mother’s son being healthy and smiling, then this foreshadows the onset of a favorable period in life. A very calm life begins, in which you will not need to worry about the fate of your loved ones.

A cheerful playing son, seen in night dreams, is very good sign which foreshadows:

    Material or moral profit; Successful completion of a risky event; A positive event that fills life with joyful emotions.

If you see in your dream how your little son became upset and cried, then in reality you should pay attention to your own health. You may be working hard and tired, so it's time to get some rest.

It is important to pay attention to what you did in the plot of the dream with your son. If you hug your child, it symbolizes your plans and hopes for the future. Most likely, after such nightly dreams, your affairs will improve, and you will begin to successfully move towards your intended goal. But if, according to the plot of the dream, someone forces you to hug your little son, then this indicates that quarrels and conflicts await you in reality.

Fight with your own son

You should not be upset if in a dream you have to quarrel with your own son. This is a good omen, which indicates that a prosperous and harmonious atmosphere will reign in the family.

Other dreams in which a son appeared:

    If your little son is calling you, then your child may soon need help in real life; When in your night dreams your son falls into a well, then in reality you should go through serious troubles associated with the illnesses of loved ones; If in a dream you managed to save your little son, then you should realize that only you can save your loved ones from the danger that threatens them and get down to business; Beating a little son means achieving great success in the business you have begun; When you dreamed that your son was drowning, it means that in real life you unexpected news will come, and it can be both good and bad; If you had to roll your son on a swing in his night dreams, then soon you should expect changes in life.

Adult son - interpretation of sleep

If you currently have a small son, and in a dream you saw him as an adult, then this dream is a prophecy. It indicates that the time will come when you will be proud of your child. Of course, many dreams with your son are often associated with the fact that you are constantly thinking about your blood. Therefore, very often they may not carry any special meaning, but simply indicate that you miss your son and really want to see him.

When an adult son dreams of being a child, then different dream books Such stories are interpreted differently. So in eastern dream book such a dream is explained by the fact that the mother or father continues to take care of her child, which becomes a burden to him. And if the baby also cries in such night dreams, then this indicates that the son does not know how to communicate with you. That is, if you don't correct conclusions, then he will move away from you even more.

It is very important in such dreams to remember the smallest nuances of the plot. So, if a woman sees her adult son as a child in a dream and notices that he is leaving her, then this may be a harbinger of illness, both for the mother and for the son. After such a dream, specialists are recommended to contact the son as quickly as possible and inquire about his affairs. Perhaps he really needs moral support.

If an adult son dreams of being small, then, according to the interpretations of some dream books, this may portend a change in activity in reality. Perhaps a situation has arisen in life where there is a need to change the direction of life. But it should be remembered that such a dream calls on you to think everything over very carefully, and not to act out of your hand.

Seeing an adult son in a dream

If in the plot of a dream you see a real-life adult son who is healthy, confident and looks very good, then this indicates that in reality your child is entering a successful period. He will become successful person. On the other hand, dream books contain information that an adult son complaining about his life always portends trouble. But at the same time, troubles will not necessarily happen to him, but they will definitely affect the dreamer. Quite often, dreamers are interested in the question of why they dream about their son’s wedding. If it was a joyful dream, then all things will go well for your adult son. But if in the plot you see a sad groom, then this indicates that your son is tired of your advice, and it’s time to let him live an independent life. Other interpretations when a father or mother dreams of a son:
    The son is ill - you need to wait for bad news in reality; You beat an adult son - you yourself will change his fate for the worse with your behavior; The son is crippled - which means he is in dire need of your help; The son is covered in blood - this means that there are problems between you big problems, which you can only resolve yourself; A drunk son is a sign that he will commit unseemly acts that will disappoint you.

Sometimes dreams with adult sons are completely strange. So, in some dream books there is an interpretation of the plot in which a woman kisses her friend’s adult son. This means that soon a love passion of a very dubious nature will awaken in your soul. Perhaps it will even be associated with betrayal. Care must be taken as the consequences of such love can be severe. In addition, such night dreams can be a harbinger that your secret, which you have been hiding for for long years will be revealed, which will have a detrimental effect on real life.

Why do you dream about your husband’s son?

If you dream about your husband’s son, then such a dream simply indicates what unites you close person, so you need to always find a common language with each other.

When you dream about the death of your son, it is always frightening. But don’t panic, because many plots of such dreams are interpreted positively by dream books. If you dream that your son has died, then you should expect positive changes in life. Most likely, they will be related to career growth or acquaintance with influential people. For your son, such a dream can only be interpreted positively, as it promises him a long and happy life. Some dream books associate the death of one’s own son with the day of the week on which the dream occurred. So:
    On Monday night, a dream foretells good luck in the near future; On Tuesday night - material losses should soon be expected; On Wednesday night - a period of love and peace begins; On Thursday night - predicts a trip or journey; On Friday night - to improve material well-being; On Saturday night - foreshadows deception; On Sunday night - it is a sign of love and understanding with loved ones.
It is important who had a dream related to the death of a son who is alive:
    For a woman, such night dreams indicate that she will be able to cope with the difficulties that have arisen on her own; For a man, such a dream is a warning that he will not be able to satisfy his passion.

Death is interpreted a little differently small child. Sometimes this indicates that the son has certain problems, perhaps related to his studies. Such a dream can be considered advice that the time has come to pay more attention to your own child. When you dream of the death of someone else’s son, this indicates that in real life you will have to face betrayal. There is also a high probability that you will be disappointed in someone from your immediate environment.

Little dying son

If you dream of a small dying son who is actually alive, then this may indicate that family relationships are not prosperous. You need to analyze your behavior and try to correct everything as quickly as possible. You may need to reconsider your life priorities and place emphasis differently.

Stillborn baby

If a pregnant woman had a dream in her night dreams that she had a dead son, then this dream means nothing and you just need to brush it aside. Such a dream is associated with subconscious worries about the birth of an unborn child.

Seeing a dead son in a dream

A very common question is, why do you dream about a dead son? Such a dream is always warning in nature. Maybe you are in danger in real life, so you need to be alert. If you dream of a deceased son who says something, then you should definitely try to remember it. Such a dream is prophetic and can serve as a hint on how to act correctly in a particular situation. difficult situation, which has developed in reality. A conversation in night dreams with a deceased son can be a harbinger of new acquaintances. If you remember that the deceased son tells you about illness and suffering, then this indicates that you may become the cause of disagreements in the family. When the son, according to the plot of the dream, laughs and joyfully tells you something, then positive changes are coming in life. A bad omen is a dream in which you see that your son is calling you to him or leading you along. This portends the development of a serious illness, which may even lead to fatal outcome. It is important to pay attention to your own health in the coming period of life.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to listen to the voice of your deceased son, then you should expect that in reality very soon they will come bad news. It is unlikely that anything can be changed in such a situation, so you can only prepare for future shocks. You can also highlight the plot of a dream in which the deceased son behaves very strangely. For example, he does not speak, but only looks mysteriously or averts his eyes altogether. Such a dream focuses attention on the fact that the dreamer has a deep resentment in his soul towards one of his loved ones. You should analyze the existing relationship and try to resolve the problems. Everyone knows that accumulated grievances never bring benefit to a person. If in your night dreams you see your dead son in a coffin with with open eyes, then in family relationships a crisis will come. Thus, the son seems to be trying to warn his parents and save the family. It is also very bad if, according to the plot of the dream, you close the eyes of the deceased. This foreshadows the development of a serious illness in the dreamer, which can lead to death. You need to be careful about the plot of a dream in which a deceased son hugs his parents. In different dreams, such a dream is interpreted differently. Sometimes this is interpreted as confirmation that the parents’ life will begin to improve after a bereavement. Perhaps this will help career, which will allow you to forget your sorrows and forgive each other’s mistakes. But some other dream books provide an interpretation of the plot that predicts the development of serious illnesses in one of the parents.

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Marina, better go to the temple. Say your prayers. Son died in childhood? Your dream is your feeling of purity, you are thus trying to understand and accept that he is there... but you cannot help, you cannot return him!

Hope, this is your longing for him and the thoughts that you didn’t save him and that you would like to return everything back, when he is so small and so easy to keep him near you, easy to protect his sleep.. This is all just from your grief. Go to the grave and light candles for the repose in the church.

I dreamed of a son who died due to heart disease. Died 9 months ago. Today I dreamed that my husband and I came to visit our son and my husband was playing with him, then he went out somewhere and the son said that he had a second heart operation here, I kissed the scar from the stitch and he asked what I was doing, I told him to hurry up They healed in the end, he told me that he was very hot and his feet were sweating a lot and that he was cramped and there was not enough space here, he had already grown up and said. Why could such a dream occur?

Natalia, his soul is in another world, but you still want to believe that he is still alive. He will forever remain in your heart, a piece of your beloved and bright. Don’t mourn, let go, leave only memory and love.

The son died on October 5, 2014. I often dream about him, but sometimes I dream about him as if he were small. Today I dreamed of him as a little boy and he was lost, I searched for so long, screamed his name, I couldn’t find him. It’s as if some woman brought me a note where he is and says hurry up, otherwise he will be sent to the Orphanage. I didn’t dream about him alone, but as if I had a bear living with me (on a chain). The bear was also lost.

Today I dreamed that I was telling my friend that his son had died, and at the same time I understood that he was my son too and I knew that he was 13 years old. I don’t have children in my life and I had a dream on Epiphany night and from Thursday to Friday, doesn’t this mean that my child will really die in the future?

Irina, just your grief and desire to take care of your boy. In his name, do this for yourself.

Love, your subconscious sometimes cannot accept the loss and tries to find him and return him, you believe that he lives, that he can be alive, that he must still live. You need to accept your grief and believe that his soul is in best place and you didn’t betray him, he feels your love and you can always love him. And for the bear, read the interpretation in another article.

Elena, perhaps you have a prophetic dream.

I lost my son in 2001, he was 1 month old. Died due to medical negligence in 3 days. He needed an urgent operation, and we were treated for an intestinal disorder....(((I cried day and night for a whole year, turned gray at the age of 23...I was diagnosed with infertility, due to stress. Thank God, after 2 years I have a daughter was born, 7 years later a son....
So...I dreamed of a son who died only once. A year after the funeral. After this dream, some time later, I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter. So I dreamed about him at 5 summer age. He told me not to cry so much... that everything was fine with him, that he loved me very much, that he lived in another family and his name was Alyoshenka!!! The son's name was Vadim! Before this dream, I showed the photo to the healer...she treated me with herbs for inflammation. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have children at all! She did not practice black magic, but from the photo she unmistakably said whether a person was alive or not, and from what he died. When I showed her a photo of my son after his death........... She didn’t see anything, she said that everything was fine with him!!! When I told her that he was no longer alive... she was speechless, hesitated and said... like yes, he is your angel... But her face read something else!!! 17 years have passed, but I’m still not sure that I buried my son! Even though I saw him before the funeral... but I was in such a state..... This dream still haunts me!!! I never dreamed about my son again...

Irina, something from the past haunts you, it’s connected with your husband and child. Think maybe you should just let something go.

Marina, this dream is difficult to interpret, perhaps your child is alive, but he should have been born in another family and there he will be named Alexei. You dreamed of him from the future, when he was already older and could speak and answer you. And so you dreamed to calm your soul, and he was an angel who brought you a daughter, at that moment you became pregnant... He is a harbinger of happiness for you, but your pain from loss did not allow you to live on. Go to the grave, say thank you, wherever he was.

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