Home Smell from the mouth Chinese medicine wei fu chun. Xuefu Zhuyu Wan Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan to activate blood circulation Foci

Chinese medicine wei fu chun. Xuefu Zhuyu Wan Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan to activate blood circulation Foci

Xuefu Zhuyu Wan Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan drug to activate blood circulation improves blood circulation, strengthens Qi energy in the liver, dilates blood vessels, relieves pain and pressure in the chest. Its use is effective in cases of blood stagnation in the upper part of the body, causing angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, hypertension, intercostal neuralgia, headaches and migraines. Since Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan Pills quickly eliminate blood clots, they can also be used for disorders menstrual cycle and dysmenorrhea.

Pay attention to the same drug from another manufacturer

The drug Xuefu Zhuyu Wan Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan for activating blood circulation consists of 11 medicinal herbs.

  • Peach seed, safflower and ligusticum stop pain and activate blood circulation.
  • Angelica, tsiatula and red peony root have similar pharmacological effects, but affect the vessels of the lower half of the body, ensuring the downward movement of blood to the extremities. They also have a beneficial effect on the smooth musculature of the uterus, therefore they are widely used for gynecological disorders.
  • Rehmannia root stops heat, nourishes and cools the blood, and strengthens Yin.
  • Volupus root is the most effective remedy for regulating liver qi. In combination with platycodonum and bitter orange, it eliminates the feeling of tightness in the chest and promotes the free movement of Qi throughout the body.
  • Licorice root harmonizes the effects of the other 10 herbs.

Indications for use:

  • heart diseases;
  • angina pectoris;
  • thrombosis;
  • headache of vascular origin;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • mechanical damage chest;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • endometriosis.


  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Do not take simultaneously with blood thinning medications.

Compound: peach seed, safflower flowers, ligusticum root, angelica sinensis root, cyatula root, bitter orange fruit, red peony root, platycodon root, vulcanis root, rehmannia root, licorice root.

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan Xue Fu Zhuyu Wan instructions for use: take 8 pills 3 times a day. In severe cases, a single dose can be increased to 12 pills.

Storage conditions: store in a dark, dry place out of reach of children.

Package: 200 pills.

Production: Foci, China.

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brief information


Tao RenPeach seedPersicae seeds
Dang GuiAngelica Chinese rootAngelicae sinensis radix
Chuan XiongLigusticum wallich rhizome (Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome)Ligustici wallichii rhizoma (Chuanxiong rhizoma)
Shu Di HuangRehmannia root processedRehmanniae radix praeparata
Hong HuaSafflower flowerCarthami flos
Zhi Ke (Zhi Qiao)orange fruitAurantii fructus
Chai HuVolodushka rootBupleuri radix
Jie GengPlatycodon rootPlatycodi radix
Niu Xi (Huai Niu Xi)Strawflower bidentate rootAchyranthis bidentatae radix
Chi Shao Yao (Chi Shao)Peony root redPaeoniae radix rubra
Gan CaoLicorice rootGlycyrrhizae radix

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

Action from a TCM perspective. Blood moves. Activates Qi circulation. Eliminates Stagnation of Blood and Qi. Soothes pain. It works most effectively in the Upper heater.

Symptoms. Chest pain, headaches, strictly localized piercing nature, palpitations, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, insomnia, restless sleep, anger, irritability, feeling of internal heat, nausea, bluish lips. The tongue is bluish or purple-red with congestive spots. The pulse is rough or stringy.

Pharmachologic effect. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant, antihyperlipidemic, sedative (if consistent with symptoms).

Clinical indications. IHD, angina pectoris (pain of a piercing, shooting nature), pain caused by chest injuries, rheumatism of the heart, headaches of a piercing nature, headaches and dizziness after a concussion, headaches due to hypertension, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, amenorrhea, algomenorrhea, acute mastitis, tumor of the mammary glands.

Release form

Honey pills - 10 pieces of 9 g per pack, 192 concentrated pills per pack.

Directions for use and dosage

Take orally 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals with warm water. boiled water. Honey pills take ½–1 pill 2 times a day. Concentrated pills - 4-8 pieces 2-3 times a day or as prescribed by a doctor.

Precautions and special instructions

Should not be taken in the absence of Blood Stagnation.

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan, 血府逐瘀丸,


Tao Ren Peach seed Semen Persicae
Dang Gui Angelica sinensis root Radix Angelicae sinensis
Chuan Xiong Ligusticum wallichii rhizome Rhizoma Ligustici wallichii
Shu Di Huang Rehmannia root processed Radix Rehmanniae praeparata
Hong Hua Safflower Flower Flos Carthami
Zhi Shi Orange fruit unripe Fructus Aurantii immaturus
Chai Hu Volodushki root Radix Bupleuri
Jie Geng Platycodon root Radix Platycodi
Huai Niu Xi Strawflower two-toothed root Radix Achyranthis bidentatae
Bai Shao Yao Peony root white Radix Paeoniae alba
Gan Cao Licorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan action from the perspective of TCM. Blood moves. Activates Qi circulation. Eliminates stagnation of Blood and Qi. Soothes pain. All these actions are largely designed for the Upper heater.

Symptoms: pain in the heart and chest, prolonged, strictly localized piercing headaches, insomnia, frequent dreams, palpitations, arrhythmia, anger, irritability, hot flashes, nausea, shortness of breath, bluish lips. The tongue is bluish or purple-red with congestive spots. The pulse is rough or stringy.

Pharmachologic effect: antiplatelet and anticoagulant, antihyperlipidemic, sedative (if consistent with symptoms).

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan is used for: angina pectoris, rheumatic heart disease; pain caused by chest injuries, headaches due to hypertension, headaches and dizziness after a concussion; depressive state, insomnia; trigeminal neuralgia; forgetfulness; amenorrhea, algomenorrhea; acute mastitis, tumor of the mammary glands.

Release form. the package contains 192 concentrated pills, in new packaging 360 pills with measuring cup.

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan method of use and dosage. 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals, washed down with warm boiled water. Honey pills – ½ - 1 pill 2 times a day. Pills – 4-8 pieces 2-3 times a day, or as prescribed by a doctor.

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan precautions and special instructions: Use with caution in the absence of Blood Stagnation.

Contraindications: pregnancy.

Read more about Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang - a decoction that relieves stagnation in the Palace of Blood

A decoction that dispels blood stagnation in her Palace, a combination of peach and safflower

Source: Yi Lin Gai Cuo (Correcting Errors Among Doctors), Wang Qing-Ren

Peach seed (Tao Ren) Semen Persicae 12g
Safflower Flower (Hong Hua) Flos Carthami 9g
Rehmannia root (Di Huang) Radix Rehmanniae 9g
Angelica Root (Dang Gui) Radix Angelicae Sinensis 9g
Red peony root (Chi Shao) Radix Paeoniae Rubra 6g
Ligusticum root (Chuan Xiong) Radix Chuanxiong 4.5g
Chai Hu root (Chai Hu) Radix Bupleuri 3g
Orange fruit (Zhi Qiao) Fructus citri Aurantii 6g
Platycodon root (Jie Geng) Radix Platycodonis 4.5g
Cyathulae root (Chuan Niu Xi) Radix Cyathulae 9g
Licorice Root (Gan Cao) Radix Glycyrrhizae 6g

Dosage/Method of preparation/Method of application

Prepared as a decoction
Therapeutic effect from the point of view of TCM

1. Activates blood circulation and dispels its stagnation
2. Activates Qi circulation and eliminates pain

Clinical manifestations

Stagnation of Blood in the chest and obstructed Blood circulation: chronic stabbing pain fixed localization in the chest and/or head, pain in the hypochondria, chronic and constant hiccups, retching or vomiting after drinking, palpitations, insomnia, restless sleep, anxiety, Bad mood, attacks of heat in the evenings, dark red body of the tongue with dotted petechiae at the tip or along the edges, dark lips, dark eyes, rough or stringy, tense pulse.

Clinical Application

Coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, thrombosis, embolism, myocardial ischemia, bradycardia, stroke, concussion and its consequences, cerebral atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, pneumothorax, mechanical damage to the chest, hepatitis, pancreatitis, headache, headache pain of vascular origin, insomnia, phlebitis, mammary hyperplasia, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, schizophrenia, functional neurosis, endometriosis, amenorrhea.

treats various clinical manifestations caused by stagnation of Blood in the chest (Palace of Blood). Stagnation of Blood in the chest can cause stabbing pain of a fixed localization in the chest and hypochondria. Stagnation of Blood can cause pain in the body, which in turn can lead to anxiety, worry and low mood. Chronic stagnation of Blood can contribute to stagnation of Liver Qi, which when depressing the Stomach can cause hiccups, gagging and vomiting. Moreover, chronic stagnation of Blood contributes to the occurrence of Heat, which causes palpitations, insomnia, and hot flashes. A dark red tongue with petechiae indicates blood stagnation. A rough or stringy, tense pulse is an indicator of blood stagnation with pain.

The design of this formula uses the principles of two formulas: Tao Hong Si Wu Tang (Tao Hong Si Wu Tang) A decoction of four components with safflower and peach seed to nourish the Blood and activate its circulation, eliminate Blood stagnation; Si Ni San Powder for cold extremities to activate Qi circulation, harmonize Blood, calm the Liver.

In this formula, Peach Seed (Tao Ren) and Safflower Flower (Hong Hua) are used to eliminate blood stagnation and promote blood circulation. Rehmannia Root (Di Huang), Angelica Root (Dang Gui), Red Peony Root (Chi Shao) and Ligusticum Root (Chuan Xiong) nourish the Blood, activate its circulation and eliminate Heat. Chestnut Root (Chai Hu) calms Liver Qi and thus relieves chest pain. Orange fruit (Zhi Qiao) regulates Qi in the chest and upper Jiao. Platycodon root (Jie Geng) directs all other plants upward to the chest. Ciatula Root (Chuan Niu Xi) Unblocks Stagnation in blood vessels and directs the Blood downwards. Licorice root (Gan Cao) harmonizes the formula. Moreover, this formula has the unique and valuable properties of activating Blood circulation and eliminating stagnation without damaging the Blood itself, and soothing the Liver and eliminating stagnation of Qi without absorbing the Qi itself.

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Signs and symptoms

Stagnation of Blood in the chest and impaired blood circulation


Chronic stabbing pain of fixed localization in the chest and head and pain in the hypochondria: stagnation of Blood in the chest
- Hiccups, gagging and vomiting: reverse flow of Stomach Qi caused by Blood stagnation
- Palpitations, insomnia, restless sleep, anxiety, bad mood, hot flashes: restlessness of Shen (Spirit) causes stagnation of Blood
- Dark lips and eyes: lack of nutrition caused by stagnation of Blood
- Dark red tongue with petechiae and uneven or stringy pulse, tense pulse: stagnation of Blood


Activate blood circulation and eliminate its stagnation
- Activate Qi and eliminate pain


Peach Seed (Tao Ren) and Safflower Flower (Hong Hua) eliminate blood stagnation and activate blood circulation
- Rehmannia root (Di Huang), Angelica root (Dang Gui), Red peony root (Chi Shao) and Ligusticum root (Chuan Xiong) nourish the Blood, activate Blood circulation, eliminate Heat
- Orchard Root (Chai Hu) soothes Liver Qi and Orange Fruit (Zhi Qiao) regulates Qi in the chest and Upper Warmer
- Platycodon root (Jie Geng) directs all herbs up to the chest
- Ciatula root (Chuan Niu Xi) unblocks stagnation in blood vessels and directs blood downward
- Licorice root (Gan Cao) harmonizes the formula


For the consequences of a concussion, add Scorpio (Quan Xie) and Rhizome Ligusticum (Gao Ben).
- For allergic purpura, add Woad Root (Ban Lan Gen) and Gentian Rhizome (Qin Jiao).
- For pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder, add Pueraria lobes root (Ge Gen) and Rhizome or Notopterygium root (Qiang Huo).
- For headaches in the forehead caused by Heat and stagnation of Blood, add Angelica Root (Bai Zhi) and Raw Gypsum (Shi Gao).
- For headaches in the parietal region caused by Wind, add Rhizome or root of Notopterygium (Qiang Huo) and Rhizome and root of Ligusticum (Gao Ben).
- For headaches combined with dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus, add Chrysanthemum Inflorescence (Ju Hua), Spiny Uncaria Shoot (Gou Teng) and Blackhead Inflorescence (Xia Ku Cao).
- When it is hot, add Skullcap Root (Huang Qin), Gentian Root (Long Dan) and Mudan Peony Root Bark (Mu Dan Pi).
- For colds, add Cinnamon Branch (Gui Zhi) and Fresh Ginger Rhizome (Sheng Jiang).
- For constipation, add Rhubarb Root and Rhizome (Da Huang).
- For stagnation of Blood and Yin deficiency, add Liu Wei Di Huang Wan.
- For stagnation of Blood and Qi deficiency, add Ginseng Root (Ren Shen) and Astragalus Root (Huang Qi).
- For heart palpitations, add Poria Coconut (Fu Shen) and Biota Seed (Bai Zi Ren).
- For angina pectoris, add Sage root (Dan Shen) and Dalbergia fragrant herb (Jiang Xiang).
- If there is a feeling of squeezing, distension and pain in the chest, add Melia Fruit (Chuan Lian Zi) and Corydalis Rhizome (Yan Hu Suo).
- For squeezing and a feeling of congestion or blockage in the hypochondria area, add Turmeric Root (Yu Jin) and Sage Root (Dan Shen).
- For insomnia and excessive dreaming, add Polygonum shoot (Ye Jiao Teng) and Albizia bark (He Huan Pi).
- For amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea caused by stagnation of Blood, remove Platycodon Root (Jie Geng) and Round Rhizome (Xiang Fu) and Motherwort Herb (Yi Mu Cao).
- To dissolve blood clots, add Dried Leech Body (Shui Zhi), Horsefly (Meng Chong), Rhubarb Root and Rhizome (Da Huang) and Earth Turtle (Tu Bie Chong).

Warnings/ContraindicationsXue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Contraindicated during pregnancy and in cases of hypermenorrhea, since this formula greatly activates Blood circulation and eliminates Blood stagnation.

If this formula is taken for an extended period of time, it is necessary to add tonic herbs.

pharmachologic effect1. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant:

The use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang was associated with a noticeable antiplatelet effect in experimental animals. This formula also prevents the formation of blood clots. And finally, it improves circulation by reducing blood viscosity.

2. Cardiovascular:

the use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang has been associated with a decrease blood pressure- this was a response to the decline heart rate and contractile activity of the heart. Subsequently, this had a regulatory effect on the vessels, causing them to relax and contract.

3. Antihyperlipidemic:

the use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang in an experiment on male rats at a dose of 16 g/kg caused a decrease in blood plasma cholesterol levels. However, it did not affect plasma glucose or triglyceride levels.

Clinical observations and studies

1. Myocardial ischemia

One study reported an 89.3% efficacy rate for modified Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang in the treatment of elderly patients with myocardial ischemia. Of the 84 patients, the study recorded significant improvement in 29 cases, moderate improvement in 46 cases, and no effect in 9 cases. The duration of treatment varied from 1 to 3 courses of treatment.

2. Bradycardia

In the study, 92.8% effectiveness was noted with daily use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications in the form of a decoction in the treatment of 28 patients with bradycardia. The herbal formula used in the treatment contained: Peach Seed (Tao Ren) 10 g, Angelica Root (Dang Gui) 10 g, Red Peony Root (Chi Shao) 10 g, Strawflower Root (Niu Xi) 10 g, Processed Side Aconite Root (Fu Zi) 10g, Trichosanth Fruit (Gua Lou Pi) 10g, Safflower Flower (Hong Hua) 5g, Ligusticum Root (Chuan Xiong) 5g, Platycodonum Root (Jie Geng) 5g, Licorice Root (Gan Cao) 3 g and Astragalus Root (Huan Qi) 15 g. Of the 28 patients during the study, recovery was noted in 14 cases, improvement in 12, no effect in 2 cases.

3. Pneumothorax

As a result of the observation, it was recorded full recovery in all 12 patients with pneumothorax after 2-4 weeks of treatment with Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang.

4. Hepatitis

Application of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications in the form of a decoction in 81 patients with chronic hepatitis led to complete recovery in 67 cases, improvement – ​​in 8. In 6 cases, no positive changes were recorded. The overall effectiveness of treatment was 92.6%. In addition to the basic formula, the following modifications were made: Scutellaria Baicalensis Root (Huang Qin) and Gardenia Fruit (Zhi Zi) were added for bitter taste and dry mouth, yellow urine, and yellow, oily-looking coating on the tongue; Poria coconut (Fu Ling) and Rhizome of Atractylodes macrocephala (Bai Zhu) were added for fullness in the abdomen, diarrhea and a pale body of the tongue with a white coating; Processed Rehmannia Root (Shu Di Huang) and Wolf Fruit (Gou Qi Zi) were added for fever in the five points, soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, and a red body of the tongue with a thin coating.


As a result of observation, complete recovery was noted in 128 patients using combination treatment from herbal and chemical drugs. The use of herbal medicines included the use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications in the form of a decoction daily for 7 days, which constituted one course of treatment. Treatment in terms of western medicine included chemotherapy drugs and intravenous infusions (more detailed information was not provided). Recommendations regarding diet were also given, which consisted of limiting fats and increasing the amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Observation recorded complete recovery in all 128 patients during 3 courses of treatment.

6. Headache

One study found 93.33% effectiveness using Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications in the treatment of 15 patients with headaches caused by blood stasis. Modifications included adding Abalone Shell (Shi Jue Ming) and Uncaria Spiny Shoot (Gou Teng) to the formula while raising Liver Yang; Dogwood fruit (Shan Zhu Yu) and wolfberry fruit (Gou Qi Zi) – for kidney deficiency; Magnolia officinalis bark (Hou Po) and Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome (Bai Zhu) - for Turbid Dampness; Angelica daurica root (Bai Zhi) and Rhizome and ligusticum root (Gao Ben) - with external Wind-Cold. Of the 15 patients, 3 had complete recovery, 11 had a noticeable improvement, and 1 patient had no effect from treatment.

7. Headache of vascular origin

50 patients with headache of vascular origin responded well to treatment with Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications. The use of herbal remedies included the use of Peach Seed (Tao Ren) 12 g, Safflower Flower (Hong Hua) 9 g, Angelica Root (Dang Gui) 9 g, Rehmannia Root (Di Huang) 9 g, Ligusticum Rhizome (Chuan Xiong) 15 g, Red peony root (Chi Shao) 6 g, Strawflower root (Niu Xi) 9 g, Platycodon root (Jie Geng) 5 g, Chai Hu root (Chai Hu) 3 g, Orange fruit (Zhi Qiao) 6 g and Licorice root ( Gan Cao) 3 g. Additional modifications were made as follows: for headaches in the forehead, Angelica Root (Bai Zhi), Gastrodia Rhizome (Tian Ma) and Clefthoof Root and Rhizome (Xi Xin) were added; for headaches in the back of the head, Rhizome and Notopterygium Root (Qiang Huo) and Angelica Downy Root (Du Huo) were added; for headaches in the temple area, added Twig Fruit (Man Jing Zi), Chrysanthemum Flower (Ju Hua) and Gentian Root (Long Dan); and for headaches in the crown area, Rhizome and Ligusticum root (Gao Ben) were added. The drugs were used in the form of a decoction daily for 8 days, which constituted the course of treatment. Of the 50 patients, 34 had complete recovery, 11 had significant improvement, and 5 patients healing effect was absent. General level efficiency was 90%.

8. Insomnia

The use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications was effective in 93.5% of cases in 31 patients suffering from persistent insomnia. The basic formula consisted of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with the addition of Shou Wu Teng and Amber and the removal of Chai Hu and Chuan Xiong. Modifications were made depending on the patient's syndrome. For Qi deficiency, Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen) and Astragalus Root (Huang Qi) were added; for Blood deficiency, Processed Rehmannia Root (Shu Di Huang) and Donkey Skin Gelatin (E Jiao) were added; for Yin deficiency, wolfberry fruit (Gou Qi Zi) and dogwood fruit (Shan Zhu Yu) were added; To remove hot Phlegm, add Mandarin Peel (Chen Pi) and Pinellia Rhizome (Ban Xia).

9. Phlebitis

The use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications has shown good results in the effective treatment of phlebitis. In addition to the basic formula, we used: for redness and swelling associated with heat at the Blood level, Mu Dan Pi Root Bark was added; for pain in the blood vessels with swelling and inflammation, false ginseng root (San Qi) was added; when the pulse is thin and weak, Astragalus Root (Huang Qi) was added. The duration of treatment was 7 days. Out of 38 patients, significant improvement was noted in 8 cases, moderate improvement in 29 cases, and no effect in 1 case. Another study report reported a significant effect of using herbal preparations for the treatment of phlebitis, both when taken orally and when local application. The herbal formula for internal use consisted of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with the addition of Zhe Bei Mu and earthworm(Di Long) and was taken daily for 15 days, which constituted the course of treatment. Along with this, they applied directly to the affected areas twice a day. herbal preparations to relieve pain. Of the 12 patients after treatment, 9 had complete recovery, 2 had improvement, and 1 had no effect.

10. Hyperplasia of the mammary glands

According to one study, out of 104 patients with mammary hyperplasia, complete recovery occurred in 68 cases. Moderate improvement was observed in 27 cases. Thus, the overall effectiveness of treatment was 91.4%. Herbal medicine treatment consisted of using Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang as a base formula with the addition of San Leng and E Zhu, and the removal of Di Huang and Jie Geng. ). Other herbs were added at more detailed analysis of necessity.

11. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

One study found that Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications was 92% effective in treating 60 patients with chronic inflammatory diseases pelvic organs. Modifications included adding: Fennel Fruit (Xiao Hui Xiang) and Processed Ginger Rhizome (Pao Jiang) for cold sensation in the lower abdomen; Dandelion Herbs (Pu Gong Ying) and Violet Herbs (Zi Hua Di Ding) for toxic Heat; Bead seed (Yi Yi Ren) for dampness. Of the 60 patients, complete recovery occurred in 24, improvement in 31, and no effect in 5 patients.

12. Concussion

One study reported a 92.3% cure rate for 12 concussion patients using Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications. Treatment with herbal preparations included this formula with the addition of Calamus Rhizome (Shi Chang Pu) 10 g, Istoda Root (Yuan Zhi) 15 g, Sage Root (Dan Shen) 25 g, Ophiopogon Root (Mai Dong) 16 g, Jujube Seed ( Suan Zao Ren) 13 g. Plants were taken in the form of a decoction daily.

13. Stroke

Positive effects in the prevention and treatment of strokes and ischemia are associated with many herbal formulas Chinese medicine, including Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang Yang toning decoction to restore the five, Xiao Xu Ming Tang Small decoction that prolongs life, Tea Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang) A decoction of vodka with fossilized bones and mollusk shell. The mechanism of such a positive effect is due to the fact that these formulas have an antihypercholesterolemic effect, antioxidant activity, and bind free radicals.

14. Cerebral atherosclerosis

63 patients were treated using Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications in combination with auriculopuncture with very good treatment results. Treatment with herbal preparations included: Angelica root (Dang Gui) 15-20 g, Rehmannia root (Di Huang) 5 g, Gastrodia rhizome (Tian Ma) 5 g, Peach seed (Tao Ren) 9 g, Orange fruit (Zhi Qiao) 9 g, Ligusticum Rhizome (Chuan Xiong) 9 g, Safflower Flower (Hong Hua) 6 g, Liquorice Root (Chai Hu) 6 g, Licorice Root (Gan Cao) 6 g, Strawflower Root (Niu Xi) 10 g, Root red peony (Chi Shao) 10 g and multiroot sage root (Dan Shen) 15-30 g. The duration of treatment varied from 1 to 6 months. Of the 63 patients, complete recovery occurred in 42, improvement in 13, and no effect in 8 patients.

15. Hyperlipidemia

The use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang has shown 95% effectiveness in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Out of 20 patients, noticeable improvement occurred in 11 cases, moderate improvement in 8 cases, and no effect in 1 patient.

16. Schizophrenia

According to one study of 66 patients suffering from schizophrenia with illness duration ranging from 3 months to 23 years, the use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang with modifications was associated with various positive effects. The herbal treatments included the following: Chai Hu root 15 g, Safflower flower (Hong Hua) 10 g, Red peony root (Chi Shao) 30 g, Ligusticum rhizome (Chuan Xiong) 15 g, Salvia multiroot (Dan Shen) 30 g, Dalbergia aromatic herb (Jiang Xiang) 15 g. Modifications were made by adding: Satisfying Rhizome (Xian Fu) to regulate Qi, Rhubarb Root and Rhizome (Da Huang) to eliminate Heat, Poria cocos (Fu Ling) and Atractylodes macrocephalus Root (Bai Zhu) to strengthen the Spleen, Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen) and Astragalus Root (Huan Qi) to tonify Qi. The treatment plan involved preparing the herbal ingredients in water and taking the decoction in two equal doses throughout the day for 8 weeks, which amounted to 1 course of treatment. In addition to the herbal components of TCM, patients took small doses daily sedatives(their choice depended on the patient's condition).

17. Endometriosis

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang was associated with 94% effectiveness in treating 83 patients with endometriosis using oral and rectal herbal preparations. The herbal formula for oral administration contained: Angelica Root (Dang Gui) 9 g, Rehmannia Root (Di Huang) 9 g, Safflower Flower (Hong Hua) 9 g, Red Peony Root (Chi Shao) 9 g, Strawflower Root (Niu) Xi) 9 g, Orange Fruit (Zhi Qiao) 6 g, Platycodon Root (Jie Geng) 6 g, Ligusticum Rhizome (Chuan Xiong) 6 g, Licorice Root (Gan Cao) 6 g, Liquorice Root (Chai Hu) 3 g and Peach Seed (Tao Ren) 12 g. Modifications were made by adding: Rhizome and Root of Clefthoof (Xi Xin) and Treated Lateral Root of Aconite (Fu Zi) R under Blood Stagnation and Cold; Melia Fruit (Chuan Lian Zi), Cattail Pollen (Pu Huang) and Flying Squirrel Dung (Wu Ling Zhi) for stagnation of Qi and Blood; Sargentodoxa stem (Da Xue Teng) and Patrinia root and herb (Bai Jiang Cao) for stagnation of Blood with Heat; Astragalus Root (Huang Qi), Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen) and Saussurea Root (Mu Xiang) for Blood stagnation with Qi deficiency; Burberry rhizomes (San Leng) and Turmeric rhizomes (E Zhu) for nodules and cysts; Epimedium herbs (Yin Yang Huo), Curculigo rhizome (Xian Mao) and Dodder seed (Tu Si Zi) for infertility. The herbal formula was taken in decoction form in two equal doses. Also, once a day, a rectal enema was used, which included: Burine rhizome (San Leng) 10 g, Turmeric rhizome (San Leng) 10 g, Sargentodoxa stem (Da Xue Teng) 12 g, Honey locust stem (Zao Jiao Ci) 12 g, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) 12 g, Red Peony Root (Chi Snao) 12 g, Peach Seed (Tao Ren) 6 g. Of the 83 patients, the study recorded complete recovery in 41, significant improvement in 27, moderate improvement in 10 and no effect – in 5 patients.

18. Amenorrhea

One study reported significant success using modified Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang in the form of a decoction taken daily to treat amenorrhea following miscarriage. The herbal formula included the following components: Strawflower root (Niu Xi) 12 g, Angelica root (Dang Gui) 12 g, Rehmannia root (Di Huang) 12 g, Peach seed (Tao Ren) Semen Persicae 9 g, Safflower flower (Hong Hua) 9 g, Red peony root (Chi Shao) 9 g, Orchard root (Chai Hu) 9 g, Unripe bitter orange fruit (Zhi Shi) 9 g, Ligusticum rhizome (Chuan Xiong) 6 g, Platycodon root (Jie Geng) 6 d, Licorice Root (Gan Cao) 3 g. Other modifications were made as necessary depending on the individual condition of the patient. Of 33 patients normal menstruation occurred in 17 of them, significant improvement – ​​in 14, slight improvement – ​​in 2 patients. The duration of treatment varied from 9 to 21 days.

Similar formulas

San Jiao Zhu Yu Tang - A decoction that removes blood stagnation in three heaters


Chuan Xiong Ligusticum wallich rhizome (Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome) Chuan Xiong
Tea Hu Volodushki root Chai Hu
Dan Gui Angelica root Dang Gui
Gan Cao Licorice root Gan Cao
Hong Hua Safflower flower Hong Hua
Jie Geng Platycodon root Jie Geng
Niu Xi (Huai Niu Xi) Straw flower root Niu Xi (Huai Niu Xi)
Shu Di Huang Rehmannia root processed by Shu Di Huang
Tao Ren Peach seed Tao Ren
Chi Shao Yao (Chi Shao) Peony root red Chi Shao Yao (Chi Shao)
Zhi Ke (Zhi Qiao) Orange fruit Zhi Ke (Zhi Qiao)


Heart Blood Stagnation, Blood Stagnation, Qi Stagnation


Chest pain, Headache, Insomnia, Excessive dreams, Palpitations, Irritability, Feeling of heat in the chest, Nausea, Shortness of breath, Purple lips, Purple tongue, Rough pulse (Se), String pulse (Xian)


Angina pectoris (Angina), Chest pain, Primary hypertension, Headache, Dizziness, Trauma, Depression, Insomnia, Forgetfulness, Amenorrhea, Mastitis


Pharmacological properties and indications for use

Action from a TCM perspective. Blood moves. Activates Qi circulation. Eliminates Stagnation of Blood and Qi. Soothes pain. It works most effectively in the Upper heater.

Symptoms. Chest pain, headaches, strictly localized piercing nature, palpitations, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, insomnia, restless sleep, anger, irritability, feeling of internal heat, nausea, bluish lips. The tongue is bluish or purple-red with congestive spots. The pulse is rough or stringy.

Pharmachologic effect. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant, antihyperlipidemic, sedative (if consistent with symptoms).

Clinical indications. IHD, angina pectoris (pain of a piercing, shooting nature), pain caused by chest injuries, rheumatism of the heart, headaches of a piercing nature, headaches and dizziness after a concussion, headaches due to hypertension, trigeminal neuralgia, amenorrhea, algomenorrhea, acute mastitis, tumor of the mammary glands.

Release form

Honey pills – 10 pieces of 9 g per package, 192 concentrated pills per package.

Directions for use and dosage

Take orally 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals, washed down with warm boiled water. Honey pills take ½–1 pill 2 times a day. Concentrated pills - 4-8 pieces 2-3 times a day or as prescribed by a doctor.

Precautions and special instructions

Should not be taken in the absence of Blood Stagnation.


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