Home Wisdom teeth Competition program for Mother's Day for high school students. Competition program for Mother's Day

Competition program for Mother's Day for high school students. Competition program for Mother's Day

Game program for Mother's Day for junior schoolchildren"MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS"

Scenario for an entertainment program dedicated to Mother's Day

Z al is colorfully decorated. In the corner there is a huge box where the Doll is hidden.
The music starts and the presenter comes out.

Presenter: Hello guys!
I am very glad to meet you!
And it’s a wonderful reason for a meeting -
Let's talk about different holidays.
We can talk about them endlessly,
After all, there are a great many of them!
Every day is a date.
We'll sort them out with you guys.
I'll show you the sign
And I’m waiting for an answer from you -
I need to guess the date
Tell me the name of the holiday!
Game “Name the Holiday”
The presenter shows a sign with the inscription, and the children name the holiday:
January 1 – New Year
January 7 – Christmas
February 23 – Defenders of the Fatherland Day
March 8 – International Women's Day
May 9 – Victory Day
June 12 – Russia Day
November 4 – National Unity Day
The presenter shows a sign with the inscription “November 29”
What holiday will we celebrate on November 29? (children answer)
On November 29 we will celebrate Mother's Day. This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 1998 on the last Sunday of November. This year it falls on November 29th.
Among the many holidays. Mother's Day holds a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
Guys, how do you think we can celebrate this day?
What proposals will there be? (children answer)
Absolutely right!
Give a gift to mom
Which is made by hand.
It's not a secret to anybody -
A wonderful bouquet will delight your mother!
Your mother will remember this day,
If you need help around the house!
A knock is heard.
Presenter: Guys, which of you knocked?
The knock is repeated.
The knocking comes from this box...
I wonder what's there?
Opens the box. Music plays, a doll comes out of a box and dances
Doll: Hello, hello, hello!
What are you celebrating here?
So many guys! I like this place!
Presenter: Hello! Who you are? Would you like to introduce yourself?
Doll: I am a Doll!
Presenter: What is your name?
Doll: I've just come from the store.
My name is probably Zina,
Maybe Masha, or Dasha,
And perhaps Natasha too.
Ksyusha, Sveta, Veronica,
Tanya, Lena, or Vika.
I'll tell you a secret -
No name yet!
Presenter: We will solve your problem -
There will definitely be a name!
Now the guys are calling names -
You choose your own name!
Auction "Names"

Doll: The word “Marina” sounds beautiful -
This will be my name!
So, I am Marina! What's your name?
We'll get acquainted in five minutes:
How can I say the number three?
Everyone is loud, very loud
Say your name! One two Three!
(children scream)
Oh, how quiet! Isn't it already
Did you eat little today?
One more time: one, two, three -
Say your name!
(children scream)
Well done! What a class!
That's how strong you are!
Even though you screamed indistinctly,
I realized something
Nice to meet you -
Now I know your names!
And I also want to know
What holiday have you decided to celebrate here today?
Presenter: Today we are talking about Mother's Day, which is our
the country will celebrate on Sunday – November 29!
Here we are talking about what to give mothers for the holiday...
Doll: Understand the essence of this issue
It's very simple:
I suggest to all of you
Put yourself in moms' shoes!
Presenter: Tell me, Marina, how is this?
Doll: You need to do it like this:
There is one entertaining game,
It's called "Mothers and Daughters"!
Presenter: What kind of game is this?
Doll: Listen to everyone - I explain!
Mothers and Daughters is a children's game that imitates an adult family game.
life. Not only girls, but also boys play it.
For the game, as a rule, dolls and all kinds of
children's "equipment" - toy dishes, linen, interiors
furniture, household items.
I have two wonderful girlfriends -
Masha doll and Dasha doll (shows)
They will be daughters,
And all the guys are their parents, the girls are their mothers, the boys are their dads!
Presenter: Well, how to play this game:
There are many parents, but only two daughters?
Doll: By the way, we
Let's take turns playing!
They play first
Who can guess the riddles?
When a child is born,
He needs many things.
There will be riddles about these things.
Guess them, guys!
Puzzles(select 8 people)
1. A piece of fabric,
Mom really needs it.
They will have a mother
Swaddle the baby………….NAPPY.
2.These children's pants
The little ones need…..ROMPERS.
3.This shirt cannot be buttoned,
It can be opened.
All the boys and girls
As a child, they wear…………..BUNTS.
4. This item will be useful for the baby,
Until he starts asking to go potty…….DIMPERS.
5. While the legs are small,
They will not wear sandals or boots.
Little baby's first shoes
It's called………………..Booties.
6. So that the baby doesn’t cry,
They give her a pacifier called……….DIMMER.
7. If you shake it, it will thunder,
The baby is having fun.
This is the first toy
And it’s called…………….RATTLE.
8. One more question remains to be answered:
What is the name of the child’s first hat?.......... CAP.

You need to stand in 2 teams -
We will explain the game!

Props: tables – 2 pcs., doll – 2 pcs., scarf – 2 pcs., diaper – 2 pcs., bedspread – 2 pcs., ribbon – 2 pcs.

This is a changing table
There are babies and special objects on it:
Scarf, diaper, blanket and ribbon -
We will need all this for the game.
The first one must come running -
Tie a scarf for the baby.
The second one swaddles the baby
In a diaper.
The third task is
The baby is wrapped in a blanket.
The fourth one completes the relay -
Ties a ribbon!
The task is clear to you,
Or repeat it again?
One two Three -
Let's start the relay race!
Relay race “Swaddle the baby” music in the background

Doll: We played great -
The baby is swaddled!
Now it's time to feed.
Who will do this?
Presenter: I have one game!
You guys will have to try.
The best food for a baby is porridge.
He will go feed the children,
Who will call me porridge?
Auction "Porridge"
(children call porridge, select 10 people)
You need to stand in 2 teams -
We will explain the game! (line up children in 2 teams)
The doll arranges the props and shows what needs to be done.
Props: tables with dolls and plates,
In front of the teams is a box containing dummies: vegetables, fruits.
Each team has a spoon.

There are products in the box here.
You feed your child vegetables,
You are fruit.
The first one puts the product on the spoon
And off we go.
runs to the table,
The product is placed on a plate,
And join the team as fast as you can,
So that the next one can start the task.
Whose team will complete the task faster and not make mistakes -
She is recognized as the best mother!
One two Three -
Feed the baby!
Relay race “Feeding the baby” music in the background

Presenter: We fed the child
Now it's time to go for a walk.
Who will perform this task?
Doll: The first transport for babies is a stroller,
Presenter: Unfortunately, it’s not safe to walk down the street with her!
Doll: Who follows traffic rules?
He won't get into trouble.
You will be the one to go for a walk with the child,
Who will give the correct answers to my questions?
Questions about traffic rules:
(select 10 people)
1. Which traffic light allows you to cross the street?............ GREEN;
2. What do you use when crossing the street?................................................. ............PEDESTRIAN CROSSING;
3. Which organization monitors compliance with…………………..State Traffic Safety Inspectorate;
4. What is the name of the place in the middle of the street where a pedestrian feels safe?.................................... ........SAFETY ISLANDS;
5. How should you get around a bus standing at a stop?....................FROM BACK;
6. Where should you stand while waiting for the bus?....................AT THE STOP;
7. On which side should you walk on the sidewalk?........................RIGHT.

Doll: You need to stand in 2 teams -
We will explain the game! (line up children in 2 teams)
The presenter arranges the props and shows what needs to be done.
Props: skittles - 8 pcs., baby strollers - 2 pcs.

Parents will go for a walk,
Put the children in strollers.
The presenter puts the dolls in the strollers.
How will you walk?
You need to go around obstacles -
Go this distance.
First, the first one performs the relay race,
Then the second, third, fourth, fifth...
Is the task clear?
One two Three -
Let's start walking!
Relay "Walk" music in the background

Just a great walk!
There is another game for you.
I give you a hint, friends -
Let's talk about fairy tales now.
Children ask for their mother
Tell a bedtime story.
And all mothers and fathers should know a lot of fairy tales.
I'll tell you fairy tales
You must be careful
If something goes wrong I’ll tell you -
Stomp diligently!
Game “Find the mistake in a fairy tale”
1. Good Doctor Aibolit
Sits under a birch tree (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Dear Doctor Aibolit,
He is sitting under a tree.
2. Fly-fly Tsokotukha
Silvered Belly (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Fly-fly Tsokotukha
Gilded Belly
3. A fly walked across the field
A fly found boots (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) A fly walked across the field
The fly found the money!
4.Mukha went to the market
And I bought a sandwich. (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Mucha went to the market
And I bought a samovar!
5.Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman
And they had Little Red Riding Hood ( children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman
And they had Chicken Ryaba.
6. Grandfather is crying, woman is crying, and the chicken is laughing...
How will be correct?
(children answer) Grandfather is crying, woman is crying, and the chicken is clucking
7. Grandma swept the box, scraped the bottom of the barrel,
I collected flour and baked pies!
How will be correct?
(children answer) Grandma swept the box with a broom, scraped the bottom of the barrel,
I took some flour and baked a bun.
8. Grandma answers: “Pull the string, my child, the door will fall off.” (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer)“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.”
9. Little Red Riding Hood asks: “Grandma, grandma, why do you have such big hands?”
And the wolf answers her: “So that more money rake!” children stomp
How will be correct?
(children answer) And the wolf answers her: “To hug you tighter, my child!”
Doll: Dear dads, moms, you are here all day today
We fed the child, walked, played,
You were not too lazy to swaddle him.
But then evening came, everyone was very tired,
Time to go to bed, good night everyone!
Presenter: Let's all do it together
Let's sing a lullaby for the baby.
Song “Tired toys are sleeping”
Tired toys are sleeping,
The books are sleeping
Blankets and pillows
The guys are waiting
Even a fairy tale goes to bed,
So that we can dream at night,
Close your eyes

You can ride in a fairy tale
On the moon,
And rush across the rainbow
On horseback
Make friends with a baby elephant
And catch the feather of the Firebird,
You wish her -
Bye - bye.

Bye bye, all people should
Sleep at night
Bye-bye, it will be tomorrow
Day again
We were very tired during the day,

Sleep - go to sleep,
Bye - bye.

We were very tired during the day,
Let's say good night to everyone,
Sleep - go to sleep,
Bye - bye.

Everyone knows what's going on around the house
At this hour
The doze walks quietly and quietly
Near us.
It's getting darker outside the window,
Morning is wiser than night...
Close your eyes
Doll: The children fell asleep, the game ended,
Presenter: She turned out very good.
Doll: Don't forget to congratulate moms!
Presenter: A best gift- be obedient!
Doll: They raised you from the cradle,
Presenter: Prove your love to them in action:
Study for "five"!
Doll: Help around the house!
Presenter: Mommy will be happy with such a gift!
Doll: We wish you happiness forever!
Presenter: Happy mother if children are happy!
Doll: I’ll definitely play “mother and daughter” with you again!
And now I invite everyone to a fiery dance!

Scenario for Mother's Day 2014 with competitions

Let's praise woman mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breasts fed the whole world! Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from the Mother's milk, this is what saturates us with love for life.

“Let us praise the Woman – Mother...”

Dear Guys! Dear parents!

It’s so good that we have gathered together today. You undoubtedly have a lot of urgent matters and worries, but forget about them for a while and try to have a good rest.

Of course, you already guessed who today is about we'll talk. On the last Sunday of November, Mothers' Day is celebrated in Russia. All children are preparing to congratulate their mothers. Our first graders will now tell you how they prepared for the holiday.

Song "Song for Moms"


Dear mothers, dear women

This autumn evening is dedicated to you

We only learned over the years
Find solutions for all problems.
We and the children are growing up with us,

But living life is not easy at all!
To be able to forgive, hope, love...
No longer children, not teenagers,
But how can we live in the world without a mother?

She will help and console
With one wise smile!
And let the whiskey snow in winter,
But a mother never grows old for her children!

We congratulate mothers today,
We wish you to preserve youth in your heart!
And we wish you to live a long, long time,
After all, how can we live in the world without a mother?

IN . Dear mothers and their charming daughters will take part in our competition program today. Introducing our participants _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IN. And now we would like to introduce you to the members of our jury ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: Do you know which mother has the most children? In the 19th century, Russian peasant woman Ivanova gave birth to 69 children. First, she gave birth to twins (as many as 16 times), 7 times she gave birth to triplets and 4 times to quadruplets. Like this unusual fact, even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. And we will also try to remember what each of the mothers can boast of? We offer you time to think and go ahead - share your achievements.

The presenters prompt mothers if some of them doubt. For example, on the day a woman gave birth, there were 5 other mothers in the maternity hospital, but her son was born the heaviest in weight. Or, my mother once won the Miss Beauty contest. Or maybe mom was best employee month.

IN. Our first competition is called “Presentation”. In this competition, our participants will have to talk about their family and joint hobbies. Before we start this competition we will hold a draw. Dear girls, come to the table, choose an envelope that will contain serial number participation in competitions. (Draw of lots)

(The “Presentation” competition is ongoing)

IN. Before the jury announces its decision, watch the concert number “Matryoshka”

IN . And now the jury will announce the results of the competition to us" Presentation".

(Speech by members of the jury)

IN . All children love fairy tales. And all mothers know fairy tales because they read them to their children.

Fairy tale, fairy tale! A world of colors!
A world where good reigns,
Where at the pike's command
Magic happens!

IN. Where is Princess Nesmiyana
Cries tearfully day and night
Where did the princess give birth?
Either a son or a daughter.

IN. Where is Ivan the fool, the slacker,
Surprisingly, he became a prince.
Where are the sisters under the window
Everyone talks in the evening:

IN. “If only I were a queen,
I would read all the fairy tales
In every fairy tale for yourself
I have found eternal wisdom.”

IN . Today we will see how well our participants knowfairy tales . In 5 seconds you need to find the answer to asked question. Either mother or daughter can answer. If the participants do not answer the question, it goes to the next participant. So, we ask questions and you answer according to your serial numbers.

    A fairy-tale creature who knew how to mint gold coins with a blow of his hoof. (Antelope)

    Chip and Dale - what kind of animals they are. (Chipmunks)

    He used a heating device as transport. (Emelya)

    An epic hero from the city of Murom. (Ilya)

    The scientist cat was telling tales as he headed in this direction. (Right)

    In fairy tales it is said to make a miracle happen. (Spell)

    A genie from a bottle who performed many miracles for his savior. (Hottabych)

    What is the name of the heroine of one of the fairy tales, whose name comes from the name of the headdress (little red riding hood)

    We want to know how you know the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

    1. What did the buzzing fly find? (money)

    2. What did the butterflies eat? (jam)

    3. Where did Aibolit fly to treat animals? (In Limpopo)

    4. What did he give them? (thermometers)

    5. Who ran away with all the dishes? (Fedora)

    6. What is her middle name (Egorovna)

    7. What were the names of the sons of the crocodile from the verse. "Moidodyr"? (Totosha and Kokosha)

    8. What did gazelles ride on? (on the carousel)

    9. Whom the sparrow (cockroach) ate

    10. How was the cat driving? (backwards)

    For children:

    1. What did the buzzing fly buy? (samovar)

    2. Who is sitting under the tree? (Dr. Aibolit)

    3. What did the bears ride on? (Bike)

    4. What did the crocodile ask you to send? (Galoshes)

    5. Where did the elephant call from? (from camel)

    6. Whose blanket ran away? (they're dirty)

    7. Who bit the fox? (wasp)

    8. Where did the hippopotamus end up? (into the swamp)

    9. Who came out of mom’s bedroom? (Moidodyr)

    10. Who stole the Tsokotukha Fly? (cockroach)

Quiz:1. The very first mother on Earth (Eve) . 2. The most mother of many children in Russian pop culture (Valeria. She has three children) . 3. There is such a tradition in Japan. A wife always obeys her husband, a daughter always obeys her father. And who does the widow obey? (To his eldest son) 4. What is the name of your husband’s mother? (mother-in-law) 5. What is the name of your wife's mother? (Mother-in-law) 6. What are the names of dad's mom and mom's mom? (Grandmother) 7. Sing songs about mom (Song of Baby Mammoth, Song about Mom, Mom is the best friend and others)

(Members of the jury announce the results of the fairytale competition)

Everything in the world comes from mother’s hands, caring, tender, knowing neither fatigue nor rest, now cooking, now darning, now washing.

Competition for our mothers"Button “You need to sew on a button quickly and efficiently. The difficulty is that the button is cut out of cardboard and has a diameter of 20cm.

- The boy chose the rose carefully,
So that the rest don’t get crushed,
The saleswoman looked worried:
Help him or not help him?

With thin fingers covered in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns,
I chose the one that revealed
There are petals in the morning today.

Scooping out your change from your pockets,
To the question - who did he buy it for?
I got embarrassed in a very strange way:
“Mom...” he whispered barely audibly.

It's her birthday, she's thirty today...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I am over forty, she is over fifty.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this.

For the competition you will need: a stopwatch, cards with words from different groups(transport, fairy-tale characters, various objects, products, etc.).

Couples of mothers and children participate. The mother explains the word written on the card, and the child must guess what it is about. Time is recorded for each pair; when explaining, you cannot use words with the same root, or point to an object if there is one in the room. If the card with the word is not guessed, then it is put aside.

For example: * "two" - five upside down * “tears” - sometimes when they are upset, they are shed * "grandfather" - there is a grandmother, and there is... * “plate” - they eat from it, it breaks easily, it can be deep and for the second one.

Families are small and large, and the relationships in them are different. Watch a skit performed by 4th graders

“On a bench, near the house”

scene for Mother's Day.

On a bench near the house


On a bench near the house,

Tom sighs heavily

Toys lie to the side

She doesn't care about her friends.

Neighbor Leila came up:

Leila: “Why are you sitting, aren’t you tired?

Let's play catch up

Hopscotch or jump ropes"

Toma: “No,” the friend answers,

Shakes his head sadly

"I have great grief,

I’m in a quarrel with my mommy.”


Leila said anxiously:

“Is it possible to argue with mom?”

Toma: “No, I wasn’t rude to my mother,

My mother stopped loving me

All attention brother

Fruits, diapers, panties,

I asked for a new doll,

But my mother didn’t buy it for me

She looked and said,

To play with the old ones.

He buys everything for Andryushka,

But he doesn’t notice me.”


Leila Tomu understood

And she called her sisters

She has six of them

And there is also a brother.

Leila: “Look at us, friend,

It's good for us to live with each other,

And we have enough toys,

And no one bothers us

We are a wall for each other,

How bad is it to be alone?!

We sit at the table together,

Mom knows what we need

We help her with everything

We don’t offend mommy

After all, she is the only one we have,

She gets tired during the day.

Are you helping your mom?

Do you play with your brother?


Tom felt very ashamed

She is of no use in the house

Walks and whines all day long,

She is too lazy to clean up after herself.

Tom: “I’ll go home now

And I’ll put things in order,

I'll wash the dolls' dresses

And I’ll play with Andryushka.”

Leila: “Well done, I understood everything” -

Presenter: Leila hugged Tom,

Leila: “Mom’s heart is like this,

Very kind, big,

How much love, warmth,

And it doesn’t hold a grudge.”


Tom said goodbye to Leila,

And she quickly rushed home. . .

I took a broom and dustpan

I swept in the corridor,

And then toys, books -

I gave everything to my brother,

Quietly rocking the stroller,

I told my brother a story,

I put the rompers in a stack,

I really surprised my mother:

Mom: “What happened? That's it,

Our daughter has grown up!” -


Mom said kindly

And I took out the box:

Mom: “Here, daughter, take it,

Play with your new doll."


Tom kissed his mother

And whispered in her ear:

Toma: “I won’t be capricious,

Want? I'll wash the dishes

I'm going shopping

I’ll sit at home with my brother...”

Mom: “Daughter, what’s wrong with you?”

Toma: “My brother and I are just two,

Talk to dad

And give me a little sister.”

Mom: “Tom, I’m surprised

Did you want to be alone?

Toma: “No, mummy, dear,

We need big family,

Here we have Andryusha,

And you need six sisters,

Like Leila, the neighbor,

Dasha, Sasha, Ksyushka, Svetka...

Tom and Mom:

The world will become brighter, kinder,

Let the laughter of children ring in it!”

Contest"Collective portrait". Today we will draw the most beautiful mother and the most beautiful grandmother. We will divide the guys into two teams and line them up in columns.

For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers.

1st runs and draws the head, eye, nose, 2nd - hair, second eye - mouth, 3rd - torso, 4th - hands, 5th - legs without feet, 6th - shoes, 7th - beads, 8th - handbag. Whichever team is faster wins.

As soon as mothers do not call their children affectionately. Listen to the song “Button”

IN . Our last competition is over. We ask the jury to calculate the number of points. The jury gives the floor. (Summing up and awarding the winners)

IN . Our joyful holiday has come to an end. And we want to wish you with all our hearts.

Let love inspire you
Let friendship bring joy to hearts.
Let dreams know no barriers
Happiness will never end!

And at the end of our program we invite students to the stage primary school(concert number)

Our mothers will have a little rest and now for you viewers the competition is called “Mysterious”. Guess the riddles:
1) These balls are on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For every taste
In my mother's box...(beads).
2) Mom’s ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops and crumbs turn silver
3) Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
Our mother has...(hat).
4) Name the dishes:
The handle pinched to the circle.
Damn bake for her - nonsense
This is... (frying pan)
5) He has water in his belly
Lost from the heat.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly...(kettle).
6) This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
He will pour ... (soup) into plates.
7) Dust will find and instantly swallow -
It brings cleanliness for you.
A long hose, like a trunk nose,
The rug is being cleaned... (vacuum cleaner).
8) Irons dresses and shirts,
He will iron our pockets.
He's on the farm true friend-
His name is...(iron)
9) Here is the cap on the light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges there is an openwork
This is wonderful...(lampshade).
10) Mom's striped animal
The saucer begged for sour cream.
And after eating it a little,
Our...(cat) will purr.


Ved: we thought and had fun,

And sometimes they even argued

But we became very good friends

Behind our game.

Today is the holiday of women, mothers -

And the young people whose babies are still in the stroller,

And the elderly who give fairy tales to their grandchildren,

And those whose children are smarter than everyone else at school.

To all mothers of all sizes, colors and positions

We bow low to the ground!

Let your house be full!

You are the best example for your children!

Festive gaming entertainment for Mother's Day


- Hello! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our wonderful mothers. This is the most tender and most touching holiday for everyone.

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.
This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!


There is an eternal word in our world,

Short, but most heartfelt.
It's beautiful and kind
It is simple and convenient,
It is sincere, beloved,
Incomparable to anything in the world:


Mom - this means tenderness,
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story,
This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer,
This is snow, an autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!


- We are all someone's children, for everyone sitting in this room, the word mother is the most important and most beautiful. So let's warm the hearts of our mothers with our love.

- Dear mother, congratulations to you,
On Mother's Day I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if you are apart,
I always remember your gentle hands.

- May your every day be filled with light,
Be warmed by the love of your family, like the sun.
Sorry, sometimes I upset you,
Believe me, it’s involuntarily... I scold myself.

- We give our mothers our love
Today we sing a song for them.

1.Song “Mom is my sunshine”

And our holiday today is unusual. As you know, mothers are not born, mothers are made. Once upon a time, our mothers were restless, cheerful girls who loved to play different games.

Therefore, today we invite mothers to remember their childhood and feel like little girls again and take part in our competition game program

Today we will hold a festive competition

3 mothers with their children are invited to participate in the competition.

And so we meet…………Svetlana Alekseevna Lakaeva with her son Nikita

Glazyrina Olga Anatolyevna with her daughter Anna

Bobleva Sofia Yurievna with her son Egor

To conduct the competition we need jury members. We present to you the Jury.

1 presenter Our first competition is called

"Mother's name"

Assignment for children: to list the qualities of her character using the letters of her mother’s name. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; delightful, intriguing, sociable, demanding, charming, determined, sparkling with humor, bright - Victoria
While the jury is working, a musical gift for mothers.

1 presenter. Dance as a gift to you
Dance being performed

Leading. Do you know that during the year mothers wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

leading. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year.

leading. During the year, our mothers walk more than 2,000 km for shopping.
The next competition of our program
In our next competition
You need to be blindfolded and determine by touch what is on the plate.
(On the saucer there is sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley. Participants in the competition guess what kind of cereal is in front of them.)


The bag contains 5 items (mug, grater, teapot, meat grinder). Participants in the competition must, without looking into the bag, determine what kind of dishes are there and write it down on a piece of paper.
All women are excellent housewives; they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And our mothers are the most best housewives in the world.
And so it ended
another competition.
While the jury is deliberating,
The dance celebration continues!
Dance being performed 1 presenter. The floor is given to our esteemed jury. Thank you.

leading. Guys, did your mothers read fairy tales to you when you were a child? And now we’ll check if mothers have forgotten the fairy tales, because the children have grown up.


So, you need to guess the fairy tale. For example, a tale about the first victim of a bad investment? The answer is the fairy tale “The Golden Key”, and the victim is Pinocchio. You are ready?

I leader. A fairy tale about how love turns a beast into a man (“The Scarlet Flower”).
II presenter. A fairy tale about a farm growing vegetables (“Turnip”).
I leader. A fairy tale about the advantages of stone buildings over straw ones (“The Three Little Pigs”).
II presenter. A fairy tale about a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage 3 times, but then finally found her prince (“Thumbelina”).
I leader. A tale about overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (“Teremok”).
II presenter. A fairy tale about how a large animal used child labor in the household (“Mashenka and the Bear”).

Well done, moms! Remember fairy tales well.

1 presenter. Contest "Learn fairy tales"

3 crossover tales have been prepared. The moms' team captain pulls out a piece of paper at random and reads it expressively. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved, and mothers write down the names. The whole team participates in guessing.

1. Once upon a time there lived with a woman and her grandfather Kolobok. One day he was lying on the window. And then the Mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate everything, leaving the crumbs behind. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. Geese-swans flew in, began to peck at the crumbs and drink from the puddle. Then the learned cat says to them: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats!”

( answer : 7 fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Swan Geese”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

2. Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Little Mouse and Frog Frog were running past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, went to the door, and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Apparently, Sleeping Beauty is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.
( answer :7 fairy tales: “Three Bears”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga”, “Turnip”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “At the Order of the Pike”)

3. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Frog Princess. So one day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist Yasna Falcon. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she says to him: “Don’t sit down, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.
answer :7 fairy tales: "The Frog Princess", "Finist" Clear Falcon", "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf", "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushina's Hut", "Cinderella", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

Dance being performed

The jury's word

Farming is business, but you shouldn’t forget about yourself. A woman should be beautiful, mysterious, charming.

Competition “Oh, how beautiful I am!” Props are provided and children are invited to dress up their mother for the holiday. Children leave with their mothers to get ready (3 minutes) Returning, mothers present their outfit with the words “Oh, how beautiful I am!”

Host: Now I will ask you riddles about mothers. Whoever guesses first raises their hand! Ready? Go.

Examples of riddles:
1. These balls are on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box...
(ysub - read from right to left)

2. Mom’s ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops and crumbs turn silver

3. Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
Mystery headdress -
Our mother has...

4. Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense

5. He has water in his belly
Seething from the heat.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly...

6. This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
He will pour it into plates...

7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -
It brings cleanliness for us.
A long hose, like a trunk-nose,
The rug is being cleaned...

8. Irons dresses and shirts,
He will iron our pockets.
He is a faithful friend on the farm -
His name is...

9. Here is the cap on the light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of its openwork -
This is wonderful... (ruzhaba)

10. Mom's striped animal
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And after eating it a little,
Ours will purr...

And now let’s greet our beautiful mothers who are ready to show off their outfits. Presentation of mother's outfits

Moms come in. Let's give them a round of applause.

I’ll ask moms to take their seats. And the last competition
Competition No. 9. "Guess the melody"

Teacher: You haven't forgotten children's songs yet. A fragment of a song plays for a few seconds, you need to guess the name of the song. You can sing a little.

Thanks moms.

The jury gives the floor (awarding, presenting gifts, certificates)


1.The sun is brighter for me -Mother!

2.Peace and happiness for me -Mother!

3. The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields -Mother!

4.Call of flying cranes -Mother!

5. The spring has clean water -Mother!

6. In the sky bright Star - Mother!

7. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.

We are for everything, for all relatives

Let's talk"Thank you! We end with the song “Mama”

Our holiday has come to an end! But I want to wish you, dear mothers, that the holiday never ends in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

There is an eternal word in our world,

Short, but most heartfelt.

It is sincere, beloved,

Incomparable to anything in the world.

Explanatory note.

Aids: two baskets for mushrooms, dummies of mushrooms; two baskets with clothespins, rope; 10 hoops; two gymnastic sticks, two children’s buckets; hats: sun, two frogs, two clouds, bunny; plumes for the breeze.

Musical instruments: spoons, bells, maracas, tambourines.

Equipment: Projector, screen, laptop, stereo, piano.

Goal: Creating a joyful, festive mood, an atmosphere of kindness, family comfort and general joy for adults and children.

Progress of the holiday.

Music sounds, mothers are invited into the hall, and sit on large chairs.

Slide No. 1 (Happy Mother's Day)

Host: Hello, hello, hello moms! It’s great that despite your worries, you found a free hour and came to us. Today we celebrate the kindest, warmest holiday - Mother's Day.

Mom, mommy... This word gurgles cheerfully, like a spring stream, gently warms, like a warm sun, fills the heart with joy, kindness and love. Mom, mommy... It’s her gentle voice that sings lullabies, it’s her gentle hands that smear children’s bruises and bumps with green, it’s hers kind heart forgives children everything in the world.

Who is dearer to mom than anyone?

Of course, these are children! Not always obedient, sometimes stubborn, but the most, most beloved! And for children, the most important word is mother. AND better words not in the world!

Slide No. 2 – picture (mother with child)

The introduction of the song “MOM” sounds, the children run out and stand scattered. Dance composition "Mom".

When finished, the children sit down.

Slide No. 3 (congratulations)

Host: Let me congratulate you,

Leave joy in your soul,

Give you a smile, wish you happiness,

Away from adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

On this festive day of ours.

On this beautiful autumn day, children give you poems and congratulations!

Slide 4 (flowers)

Children come out - readers. (senior and middle groups)

1. Today is our holiday,

We are celebrating Mother's Day! Our grandmothers and mothers

We congratulate you today!

2. Let this day be frosty, snowy,

Will be remembered as the most tender,

Like the most affectionate and sweetest,

Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

3. Who opened this world to me,

Sparing no effort?

And always protected?

The best in the world -

All children: MOTHER.

4. Who is the cutest in the world?

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

All children: This is my MOMMY.

5. I walk along the path,

But my legs are tired.

Jump over the hole

Who will help? I know -

All children: MOTHER.

6. Reads fairy tales in the evening

And he always understands everything,

Even if I'm stubborn

I know he loves me

All children: MOTHER.

7. Let's sing a song for mom!

It rings and flows.

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

Slide No. 5 (picture of a child giving flowers to his mother)

Song performed by middle school children

Invited to visit us

We are our mothers today.

We have experienced mothers.

Mom's experience is very important.

Affection, wisdom and care

Can mothers show

And today this experience

Pass it on to your children.

We will hold today's holiday in the form of games - relay races. Today we are not having an ordinary competition, but a family one. We want to bring you joy from playing together and spending time with your children.

Dear mothers. During the holiday, unexpected tasks await you and your children. Thus, every mother and her child will take part in some interesting activity. No one will be left unattended. So we begin...

We know that you all love to travel. Well, let's take off. We'll fly on an airplane - we'll fly around the entire globe.

Slide No. 6 – (airplane)

Everyone stands in a circle. Children are in the outer circle, and mothers are in the inner circle.

Game "Pilots to the airfield."

At the end they sit down.

Presenter: B different countries We’ve been there, but there’s no land closer to ours on earth.

Slide No. 7 - photo of Miass

The Ural land, beloved Miass - there is no one more beautiful and sweeter than you. Poets write poems about you, sing about you in songs! Moms, come out and show your talents.

The song “Our Land” by M. Dunaevsky is performed by parents

Presenter: And what fairy tales our people composed!

Slide No. 8 (fairy tale)

Our mothers also love to tell fairy tales to their children. And now they themselves will act out a fairy tale for you guys.

Fairytale pantomime “Sunny” - (roles performed by mothers).

Characters: sun, oak, breeze, clouds, bunny.

Presenter: On an autumn November day, the sun was shining brightly. It stretched its rays far, far away to touch all the children. A light breeze was blowing, blowing the sun. A tall oak tree grew in a forest clearing and stretched its branches towards the sun, the breeze shook its mighty branches. A bunny jumped merrily around the oak tree, he also stretched his paws towards the sun. But suddenly the wind grew stronger and clouds flew in, covering the sun, and the bunny hid under a tall oak tree. But the cheerful sun peeked out from behind the clouds and embraced everyone with its warm rays.

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!

The mothers take their seats.

Host: Our children and their mothers love to walk in the forest: picking berries and mushrooms. Let's go into the forest and pick baskets full of mushrooms.

Slide No. 9 (mushroom)

Attraction “Who will collect the most mushrooms”.

/Two baskets, fake mushrooms/.

Presenter: Well done. There is another task for you. To cook mushroom soup, you need to dry the mushrooms!

Attraction: “Dry the mushrooms.”

Description: Take a large clothesline, divide it in half, and tie a bow in the middle.

Parents, while listening to music, attach flat mushrooms with a clothespin to a rope, each on their own side (one before the bow, one after the bow). Mushrooms can be placed nearby in small baskets or buckets, or you can arrange for parents to be helped by their children. Children take mushrooms from the basket and bring them to their parents, and their parents hang them on a rope to “dry”.

Host: We have made provisions for the winter - let's dance merrily now.

Slide number 10 (clowns dancing)

Clown dance. Senior group

Host: We congratulate mothers again and read poems for mothers.

Slide No. 11 (flowers)

Children take turns: Senior group

1 child:

Mother's Day across the country

Today they celebrate

One thing in the world is clear to me -

I adore mom!

She's my beloved

There is nothing stronger in the world!

There is comfort on it, there is family on it,

I love her for this!

2nd child:

Mom, my mom!

You are so close, your own.

Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you!

I wish you happiness and health!

Always be young

And of course, next to me.

I know mom won't betray me. And he will give me his hand!

3rd child:

Mommy, dear mother,

Happy Mother's Day to you

I congratulate you today

Sincerely, tenderly loving.

Clearly, you are the best

My dear man!

May it be long and joyful

Mom's and grandmother's century!

4th child:

The golden sun rolled down like a wheel,

The gentle sun turned into a mother,

Dear mommy, smile

Come closer to me quickly!

General dance of children

Host: Well, now it’s time to bring cleanliness and order to the house. We invite our teams to take part in the “Order in the House” competition

Slide No. 12 (children clean up the mess)

Relay race “Order in the House”

Description: Mothers lay out small hoops 4 pcs. in a straight direction to a landmark, and the children collect them.

Presenter: Now I’ll ask the mothers a question: “Two brothers want to fight, but their arms are short” (yoke)

Slide No. 13 (girl with a rocker)

Relay “Rocker”

Description: The child and mother take a gymnastic stick on which a bucket (of mayonnaise) hangs and run to a landmark, run around it and pass it to the next team members.

Our dear mothers!

We sincerely congratulate you,

So that you, mommies, don’t be sad

Children dance for you.

Fidgets, naughty girls,

Both girls and boys!

Slide No. 14 (children do laundry)

Dance "Wash" - middle group

Song sung by children senior group

Host: We sang, danced and played with our mothers, but we haven’t played in the orchestra yet. I’ll ask everyone to take instruments and play for us in the orchestra.

Slide No. 15 (orchestra)

Orchestra of mothers with children Music by P. I. Tchaikovsky

Leading. Oh, how quickly time has flown by. It's time for us to end the holiday.

But at least for a moment, let’s go back to childhood, dear mothers, we will return again!

Slide No. 17 (dance)

"Dance with Children"

They take their seats.

Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. Let joint preparation for the event remain forever a good tradition of your family. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. And your children give you gifts that they have lovingly prepared for you - these are small hearts with two doves, a symbol of fidelity and unity between mother and child. - Slide No. 18

We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of your children. We thank all participants of the competition for their active participation in joint event and for the fact that you are always with us, for the fact that you are the most, the most, the most beautiful, smart, attractive, charming.

Music sounds, children stand up scattered.

Children: Our dear mothers! Don't get sick, never grow old. Stay this young forever!

Scenario of a competitive and entertainment program at school,

dedicated to Mother's Day

“You are the only one - the only one and dear!”

(The presenter comes on stage.)

1 presenter:

Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are very pleased to see you all in this room! It’s especially nice to see moms here, because it was in your honor that we organized this event! Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

2 presenter:

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.
This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

1 presenter:

There is an eternal word in our world,

Short, but most heartfelt.

It's beautiful and kind

It is simple and convenient,

It is sincere, beloved,

Incomparable to anything in the world:


Song "Song about Mom"

Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.

It happens at night
Mom slowly
Will cry
How's your daughter doing?
How is her son doing?
Only in the morning
Mom will fall asleep.
Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.
Mom the earth and the sun,
Life gave
Me and you.

It happens,
If it happens suddenly,
There is grief in your house,
Mom, the best
Trusted friend,
Will be with you
Always nearby.

Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.
Mom the earth and the sun,
Life gave
Me and you.

It happens,
You will become more mature
And like a bird,
You will fly high.
Whoever you are, know
What are you to your mother?
As before,
Cute baby.

Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.

2 presenter: The celebration of Mother's Day began in ancient Rome, when people praised the goddess of earth and fertility. In Christianity, this holiday is associated with honoring the Protection of the Mother of God.
Since 1998, Russia has celebrated Mother's Day, the Guardian of the Hearth, on the last Sunday in November. This is a kind of thanksgiving day, an expression of love and respect for mothers. They gave us life, affection and care, warmed us with love. . The words “mother” and “mother” are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost identical in languages different nations. This suggests that all people honor and love mothers. In many countries it is celebrated Mothers Day . People congratulate their mothers, come to visit them, give them gifts, and organize a holiday for them.

1 presenter

Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer,
This is snow, an autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

2 presenter : To participate in competitions, we need to create 2 teams and select jury members.

1 presenter The task for the participants is to come up with name, motto your team and choose a captain.

2 presenter : While the teams are coming up with a name, listen to a song performed by third grade girls"Mom's Smile"

1 presenter : Now the team captains must introduce their team

2 presenter:

Our dear mother,

These gentle lines are for you!
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.

1 presenter Our first competition is called

"Mother's name".

To participate in the competition, children must come to the aid of mothers.

Assignment for children: to list the qualities of her character using the letters of her mother’s name. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; delightful, intriguing, sociable, demanding, charming, determined, sparkling with humor, bright - Victoria

2 presenter: Now listen ditties performed by 2nd grade students

1) Our dear mothers,

We'll sing ditties for you!

Congratulations on your holiday

And we send you a big hello!

2) We are cheerful girlfriends.
We dance and sing
And now we will tell you,
How joyfully we live.

3) So that mom is surprised,
Dad made us lunch.
For some reason, even a cat
She turned away from the cutlets.

4) Dad polished the floor until it shined,
Prepared vinaigrette

And, I'll tell you a secret,

Did a lot of trouble:

5) He boiled milk,

He went far away.

I approached him again:

There's no milk in sight!

6) The soup and porridge were burnt,

He poured salt into the compote,

How our mother returned,

She had a lot of trouble.

7) Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity, mom again
I washed everything.

8) Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math.
Then we decided with my mother,
Something he couldn't decide.

9) Smoky pan
Lena cleaned with sand,
Two hours in Lenu's trough
Mommy washed it later.

10) We sang to you as best we could,
We're just children,
We only know that our mothers...
The best in the world.

1 presenter.

All women are excellent housewives; they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And our mothers are the best housewives in the world. In our next competition"Mistress"

You need to be blindfolded and determine by touch what is on the plate.

(On the saucer there is sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley. Participants in the competition guess what kind of cereal is in front of them.)

2nd presenter:

And so it endedanother competition.

While the jury is deliberating,
The dance celebration continues!

1 presenter. Watch the dance performed by 7th and 9th graders

2 presenter. Do you know that during the year mothers wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

1 presenter. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year.

2 presenter. During the year, our mothers walk more than 2,000 km for shopping.

1 presenter.

The next competition of our program


The bag contains 5 items (mug, grater, teapot, grater, meat grinder). Participants in the competition must, without looking into the bag, determine what kind of dishes are there and write it down on a piece of paper.

2 presenter. Another competition has ended. The jury sums up the results, and we continue: listen to the song performed by third grade boys

"Don't be afraid mom"

1 presenter. The floor is given to our esteemed jury

2 presenter.

Do everything on the run, on the fly,
Sewing, ironing, cooking and cleaning the stove,
Wash, clean, teach homework -
Try to live at this pace!
1 presenter. Yes, you need to have a special talent!

After all, the whole house rests on mom!

2 presenter. Listen to a poem performed by 8th grade student Nikita Kulaev

"The Man Who Runs the House"

1 presenter. And here are mommy's hands

It's just a treasure

Being idle for mommy

Hands don't tell

2 presenter. A child cannot live without toys. Yes, and hand-made toys are much more more expensive than a child than store bought ones. So our mothers will have to show their talent for needlework and make toys for their children from the materials that we offer them.

Competition "TOY"

Mothers must make a toy for their child from scrap materials in a limited time. Possible list of materials for the competition: colored paper, scraps, shells, matchboxes, balls, markers, scissors, glue, stapler, cotton wool, thread, postcards, paper, etc.

1 presenter. While mothers are crafting,
The children will entertain us!
We present to your attention a skit performed by 5th graders

"Three Moms"


The role is played by an adult:


The roles are played by children:




(In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table and three chairs. A doll sits on one of the chairs. There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table).
Our children are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this themselves.
Mothers often tell them,
But they don't hear their mothers.
Tanyusha in the evening
I came from a walk

And the doll asked:
Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.
Tanya .
How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Tanya's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:
Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.
Mother .
How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
Granny screamed for dinner more than once,

And you answered: “Now and now.”
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go have lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And I asked my mother:
The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again there was not a minute to eat,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without lunch.
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today! (
Everyone eats cheesecakes.)
Leading .
Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
All three. Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

2 presenter. Another competition is over.The jury is back at work.

1 presenter. We give mothers a song,

It rings and flows,

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

2 presenter.

Listen to the song performed by a 5th grade song"Mom's eyes" to the words of M. Plyatskovsky and music by E. Martynov,

The rain will fall to the ground like a tear,
And the road will beckon us into the distance in the morning.

They will look after us affectionately and sternly.

Everything in life can happen - both joy and thunder,
Fate does not favor us at times.
A mom's eyes, and mother's eyes
They always watch us with excitement.

In search of a dream, we change addresses,
Rare letters forgive us at home.
And my mother's eyes, and my mother's eyes
Out of habit, we are returned to childhood.

1 presenter. What did our jury decide?

The jury's word

2 presenter. Now we'll play a little

Competition "Venicobol".

Each team is given a broom, and each player balloon. A basket is placed at a distance in front of each team. The victory is awarded to the team that gets the most balls into the basket faster.

1 presenter Listen to the song performed by 7th and 8th graders. "Mom and daughter"

Where there is spring, there are flowers and gifts,
Good songs, familiar lines...
On a clear day, take a walk in the park
Mother and daughter are getting ready.
A ray of sunshine, thin in spring,
I forgot about the frosts and blizzards.
The girls in the class admire:
“You and mom are just like friends!”

Mom and daughter - they are so similar!
Mom and daughter are two drops of sunshine.
Childhood goes away, goes away - and yet
Love remains in the heart forever!

The daughter is sad, the daughter doesn’t know the answer,
My soul is heavy and anxious.
Mom will say with hope: “Dear!
It’s possible to return everything, to fix everything!”
Mom's voice, both gentle and strict,
It sounds in us through the winds and losses.
Mom and daughter walk along the road -
On the road of love and trust.


2 presenter Guys, did your mothers read fairy tales to you when you were a child? And now we’ll check if mothers have forgotten the fairy tales, because the children have grown up

1 presenter. Competition “Find out fairy tales”

3 crossover tales have been prepared. The moms' team captain pulls out a piece of paper at random and reads it expressively. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved, and mothers write down the names. The whole team participates in guessing.

1. Once upon a time there lived with a woman and her grandfather Kolobok. One day he was lying on the window. And then the Mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate everything, leaving the crumbs behind. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. Geese-swans flew in, began to peck at the crumbs and drink from the puddle. Then the learned cat says to them: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats!”

(answer : 7 fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Swan Geese”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

2. Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Little Mouse and Frog Frog were running past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, went to the door, and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Apparently, Sleeping Beauty is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.
( answer : 7 fairy tales: “Three Bears”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga”, “Turnip”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “At the Command of the Pike”)

3. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Frog Princess. So one day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist Yasna Falcon. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she says to him: “Don’t sit down, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.
answer : 7 fairy tales: "The Frog Princess", "Finist the Clear Falcon", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushina's Hut", "Cinderella", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

2 presenter . Listen to the song performed by 9th grade “ Mother"

1 presenter. And another mobile one

competition "Relay"

The first team member runs to the chair, puts on an apron, ties a scarf on his head, runs around the chair, runs to the team, taking off the apron and scarf, passes it to the second participant, etc. until the last participant.The last participant in the relay runs to a chair on which cards with the names of products for porridge are laid out, takes a card with the desired ingredient, and puts it in the pan. (Cards with the names of the ingredients should be varied: water, peas, salt, sugar, semolina, carrots, etc., but the same for both teams.) The team that is the first to complete the relay correctly is awarded

2 presenter. Another competition has ended. The jury sums up the resultsand we are watching a skit performed by 9th grade students

1 presenter Love your mother, little children,
After all, it’s so difficult to live in the world without her,
Her attention and affection and care,
You will not be replaced by someone else.
Love your mom, young teenagers
She is your trunk, and you are her shoots,
She is alone, only a loving mother,
She will always understand you, her stubborn children.
2 presenter. And the children are adults, always love your mother,
Don’t skimp on her tender words,
The road to it is akin to the road to the Temple,
And when you enter the house, bow at her feet.

Love your mother, adults and children,
There is no one in the world more dear to her!

2 presenter To sum up the results of the competition, the jury speaks

1 presenter And now the awards ceremony

2 presenter Our holiday has come to an end! But I want to wish you, dear mothers, that the holiday never ends in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

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