Home Tooth pain Short stories about dogs. Essay on the topic my favorite animal is a dog. A short story about my dog.

Short stories about dogs. Essay on the topic my favorite animal is a dog. A short story about my dog.

We have a cat living at home. As soon as he appeared, we named him Marquis for his beauty and proud disposition. But he did not want to respond to this name. But he liked the name Fluff. It suits him very well, because he is a Siberian breed and his fur is long, fluffy and soft, as if it were real fluff.

Nature painted Fluffy smoky gray, and her belly, paws and triangle on her face white. The tail is fluffy, like a fan. And he wears it proudly, like a flag.

He also uses his tail to express his mood: he tugs when he’s angry, hits grandma’s legs when they don’t let him eat, and quietly moves the tip when he’s happy.

Our cat is a little predator, so he caught all the mice in the basement of our two-story house. He is dexterous and smart. And how interesting he is, just a funny guy. Can jump over one leg, from chair to chair.

Fluff loves potatoes, meat, and fish very much. He knows no limits when it comes to food. And when he eats too many fish bones, his tummy starts to hurt. then he gives him injections. As soon as Fluff sees that she took the syringe, she immediately hides either under the closet or under the sofa.

And what a sweet tooth he is! Loves candies and chocolate. And also valerian. If someone smears a bottle with it, he chases it around the room.

Our cat is very affectionate. Loves to sit in your arms to be petted or brushed.

And my mother says that he is a real doctor, because better than tablets cures headaches.

We all love our real family member – Pushka.

Pet essay about cat | February 2016

An essay about "My pet". About the dog

Probably every person has his own favorite pet. Most of my classmates and friends have cats, hamsters, and dogs at home. It seems to me that without a pet it will become boring and uninteresting, because how much joy these furry creatures bring us. In my essay I want to tell you about the pet that lives in my apartment. This - dog.

Our four-legged faithful friend is already five years old. The story of his appearance is simple: the whole family went to the bird market to choose a kitten. But when we passed by owners selling puppies, a fluffy white lump caught our attention. The lump turned out to be a small mongrel dog puppy. A woman was selling a puppy, she assured us that with such a “miracle” we would have fun. Despite the fact that the purpose of our visit to the bird market was to purchase a purebred cat (my mother really wanted it), everyone immediately forgot about it. The puppy amazed us with his intelligent look, we made a unanimous decision that he would live with us.

The puppy, and it was a girl, was named Kashtanka. You probably already guessed that the name we chose for the dog is the same as that of the “heroine” of Chekhov’s story. And they were not mistaken. Our Kashtanka turned out to be very smart dog. I tried not to make trouble in our absence, I understood everything the first time. In addition, the further she grew up, the more obvious her resemblance to Chekhov's Kashtanka became: she was also small in size, only she could perform in the circus.

In our yard she immediately became the mistress. It was funny to watch how she faithfully guarded the territory of the playground when “strange” cats or dogs entered it: small, but barked so loudly. All our neighbors immediately fell in love with Kashtanka.

Now our Kashtanka is already five years old. I'm so glad that we bought her at the poultry market. She brings us many positive moments. If someone has Bad mood or he is upset about something, Kashtanka will definitely “sympathize.” We value and care for our pet.

Pet essay about dog | February 2016

An essay about "My favorite animal" 6th grade

It seems to me that every person has their own favorite animal. As a rule, when talking about our pets, we mean the pets that live next to us in our apartments. We are talking about dogs, cats, turtles, hamsters.

Indeed, these furry creatures make our lives more interesting and varied. Probably, without pets we were just bored and lonely. I also have Pets(these are two cats). Of course, I love them, I care about them, just like the rest of my family. But in my essay I want to tell about horses. I boldly call this animal mine loved ones.

A horse is also a domestic animal. Man domesticated wild horses many millennia ago. Since those times, horses have become real for people.

Horses attract me with their grace, intelligence, greatness, and courage. Throughout the history of mankind, these animals have provided invaluable assistance to people. Remember, for example, the years of the Great Patriotic War. During this difficult time, horses were a help both on the battlefield and in the rear. These slender and hardy animals also deserve respect and admiration.

In the post-war period, horses helped people plow fields, harvest crops, and carry building materials to restore cities and villages.

Today horses are also used. In villages, they have long been replaced by modern harvesting and sowing machines, but only horses will be able to get to the right place, despite bad weather or washed-out roads.

Horses today are true friends for children and adults who learn horse riding. They give their owners joy and good mood. Without horses, our life would be boring and uninteresting.

The horse is my favorite animal. By the way, this animal has always been admired not only simple people, but also creative: poets, artists, singers. Remember how many songs and poems have been written about horses! And how many paintings exist with their images! I will always be in awe of the capabilities of this majestic animal.

Essay “My favorite animal” about a horse, grade 6 | February 2016

An essay about "My favorite pet is a dog"

I love all animals, but most of all I like dogs. Dog- This true friend person. I can completely agree with this statement. These animals bring joy to people, they are always ready to play with you, be it a ball, a stick or a bone. They protect their territory from strangers and protect their owners. Dogs are loyal to their owner and are easy to tame and train.

There are a lot of dog breeds. There are small dogs, there are big ones, there are fluffy and short-haired ones, there are red, white and black ones. Every dog ​​breeder gets exactly the dog that he likes best. But they are all loyal to their owners, no matter what breed they are. They become attached to their owners like no other animal. Dogs sense changes in the mood of their owners and take on the feelings themselves.

Sometimes it happens that the behavior of dog owners leaves much to be desired, but the dogs still consider them the best and most beloved.

Dogs need to be looked after. They give us warmth and love, protect us and our home. Often our four-legged friends cure our illnesses. If they do not see their owner for a long time, they begin to get bored and sad. But when we meet again, we are very happy, because the dog is really waiting for us and is happy about our arrival.

Dogs are our most faithful and devoted friends. We need to love them and just be glad that we have them, to know that someone is waiting for you at home, misses you and loves you.

Essay on Pets Grade 7 | February 2016

Composition My pet. About the cat

I want to tell you about the cat. This furry animal lives with my grandmother. I really like him, despite the fact that I have never seen such an arrogant cat anywhere. His name is simply Gray or Gray for his silver coat color. This is a lively and bouncy young animal, like a ball. Just recently he was still a kitten.

Gray always demands to eat, no matter how much he is fed! Without any remorse, he meows loudly in the kitchen, spins around underfoot, climbs on the table, and rummages through bags. If grandma doesn't feed him right away, this impudent guy bites her legs! And at the same time the cat looks quite well-fed.

The cat is afraid of my grandfather. When grandfather is in the kitchen, Gray does not climb onto the table, but puts his front paws there and sniffs the plates.

But it would be boring without the gray cat! When he walks in the yard, you feel that something is missing. It would seem that the house is calm. No one meows in a bad voice, no one sucks up, no one gets in your face with a wet mustache. And you don’t have to look at your feet all the time so as not to accidentally step on Gray. But for some reason you look forward to this harmful cat coming!

I love it when I sit on the couch and the cat, finally fed, jumps onto my lap. By the way, Gray does this without invitation. On his knees, he begins to prepare a place for himself to rest. The cat amusingly tramples with its soft paws, tickles, and caresses. And then he purrs loudly, as if a tractor is rumble! For this affection my beloved cat can be forgiven everything!

pet cat essay on literature | October 2015

Mini-essays about pet

Option 1. I have pet - dog. Her name is (name). She is very affectionate and kind. In the morning and evening, she and I go for a walk, and after we come home we play. Sometimes when I go to school, it sometimes seems to me that (name) is very bored without me. Going out into the street, I see her sitting on the window and watching me with a sad look. At these moments it is especially difficult for me to forget her. But when I come home she greets me with joy and barking. She marks, jumps around me, waits for me to change clothes and start playing with her. I love my pet very much.

Option 2. I have pet. It's a cat. His name is…

Moore. We named our cat that because he always purrs. He is very kind and sweet. Every day when I get up, he runs up to me and starts rubbing himself against me. But to be honest, the first time he ran up, I thought he wanted to bite me, but he came up and started purring. Because of his loud purr, I often call him Purrpaw. He and I play together very often after I do my homework. He has various ribbons, colored balls, and all sorts of soft toys. In general, I’ll tell you this, my cat is the best!

Option 3. Last year I was given a kitten for my birthday. I named the little one Marquis. Now she has grown up and turned into a beautiful cat.
Marquis is a Persian cat. He is very beautiful, fluffy, as if dressed up in a fur coat. Like all cats, Marquis is smart, cunning and loves his owners very much, that is, our entire family: mom, grandma, me, and even dad.
Marquis has his own character. He loves to meet me after school, he is happy, he caresses me, he rubs me on my knees, he purrs. We don’t let Marquis go outside after he was almost killed by a huge Rottweiler. But our cat doesn’t worry too much, he’s very lazy.
Marquise is loved not only by our entire family, but also by our neighbors and friends. All guests like him for his affection and beauty.

Option 4. I believe that animals- these are our friends. My cat lives in my apartment, Barsik, and our whole family loves him very much. When he was little, he was very fast, we couldn't keep track of him. Now he has grown up and become beautiful, fluffy cat. Barsik's fur color is red and his eyes are green. I take care of him: I feed him, play with him, etc. He loves to sharpen his claws on our sofa, to which mom always yells at Barsik, but then she calms down and pets him again, as if nothing had happened. In general, our red-haired friend is obedient. I really love my green-eyed cat - Barsik, he is part of my family.

… « Mini-essay My pet. pet cat essay»

Composition My favorite pet

I never really wanted to have home animal. Unless, when I was still very little, I asked my parents to have little kitten. I didn’t get a kitten - my parents were very busy, and my grandmother didn’t agree to take care of the animal.

One autumn morning, rushing to class, I saw a crowd of children and adults near a tree. On it, very high, sat little red kitten and meowed pitifully. No one knew how to remove it - the tree was quite thin, the branches could not support the weight of a person.

I ran to class; a busy day lay ahead. I didn't remember the kitten. In the evening I went to the pharmacy to buy medicine and suddenly heard a quiet squeak. It turned out that the frightened animal I sat there all day on the tree.

At first I was confused, and then I stretched out my palms and shouted: “Jump quickly, otherwise I’ll leave. I won’t beg for too long.” A couple of minutes later the ginger kitten was sitting on my shoulder. It was obvious that he was completely cold and hungry.

I brought my find home. I fed the small, skinny one animal. It turned out to be a cat. His nose was bruised and his eyes were swollen. Most likely, the cat fell from the window of a high-rise building. I woke up in the morning and found a cat on the closet. This is how Sibirka appeared in our house.

For three days Sibirka sat on the cabinet, carefully studying what was happening below. She ate only from my hands and shuddered at any noise. A year and a half has passed since then. The Siberian has become a real beauty with an independent character.

My observations of the animal.

I really love watching my beautiful cat. It was a real discovery for me that there was something to learn from her. Moreover, the cat does everything with enviable consistency and is never lazy. For example, how to wake up correctly.

First, the cat listens, opens its eyes, and yawns. It rises silently, stretches its hind and front legs, bends its back, and washes itself. The fur is always licked, clean, shiny! I may be lazy to do exercises or wash my face, but the cat never is!

And how gracefully she moves! How does he choose? natural products! He will never eat my favorite sausages, it’s unclear what they’re made from. But he will never refuse fresh fish. That's how smart my Sibirka is!

… « essay description of a pet»

Composition Cat is a favorite pet

Already in deep childhood I dreamed of pet. I dreamed that a funny little puppy or a fluffy little ball in the shape of a cat appeared at home. Then my mother and I read (watched a cartoon) about “The Kid and Carlson,” and then my desire became constant and ineradicable.

For many years I begged for a pet from my parents, and every time I came across a refusal. But I still wanted to have a real live furry friend at home.

And, just like in the book, my wish suddenly came true. I myself didn’t believe my eyes, but on… my birthday I opened the door to my room and saw there… a real live kitten! I couldn't believe my eyes!

At first everyone swore at his appearance in the house. Mom that he constantly tears something and tears up furniture, dad that he chews on the TV remote control and sleeps in his favorite place on the sofa, even I realized that a kitten is not only a living toy, but also a living soul, and the source of constant problems. I should get up - he peed in his slippers, I should go for a walk - he tore my down gloves, I should do my homework - he lay down on the table, I should go to sleep - and the cat decided to play or meow.

But over time, we all got used to the cat, and he got used to us. And it turned out that the cat is a wonderful creature! He is my friend for many games. Helper for mom in cleaning the kitchen - spill milk there, and the cat will happily lick it, and at the same time wipe the entire floor, dad - a wonderful heating pad, they enjoy watching football, dad watches, and the cat warms him up, and his younger brother (sister) got a wonderful nanny - the cat happily crawls with the baby (baby) on the floor and purrs and falls asleep in his (her) arms, lulling the baby (baby) with its purring.

So now we can’t imagine life without our beloved and necessary cat!

There is a cat in our family. His name is Masik. He will soon turn one year old. He is like a member of our family. When we sit down to dinner, he’s right there. He hits the tablecloth with his paw and asks for food. It turns out funny. He loves fish and bread. He also loves it when I play with him. And during the day, if no one is home, he basks on the balcony in the sun. Does Masik sleep with me or older sister Christina.

I love him so much.

Tymin Anton, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

I have a feathered pet at home - Kesha the parrot. He came to us two years ago. Now he knows how to talk and feels quite confident with people. My parrot is very cheerful, smart and talented.

I love him very much and am very glad that I have him.

Varfolomeeva Ekaterina, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My friend

My mother and I went to the market, bought a kitten and brought it home. He began to hide everywhere. We named him Tishka. He grew up and began to catch mice. We soon found out that it was a cat, and now we are expecting kittens.

Belevich Ksenia, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My turtle

I have a little turtle living at home. Her name is Dina. We go for a walk with her. She eats fresh grass outside. Then I take it home. She walks around the apartment and looks for a dark corner. When he finds it, he sleeps in it for an hour or two.

I taught her to eat in the kitchen. Dina loves apples, cabbage, soaked bread, and raw meat. Once a week we bathe the turtle in a basin.

This is my turtle.

Miroshnikova Sofia, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My favorite rabbit

I have a little rabbit. He is so cute, he has tiny red eyes. He is the most beautiful in the world! When I saw him for the first time, I could not take my eyes off his beauty.

The rabbit never runs away from me, but on the contrary, as soon as he sees me, he immediately asks to be held in my arms. Well, just like my little brother! He is very smart. Likes to eat grass and corn.

I love my bunny!

Bobylev Denis, 7 years old

Kitty Samik

I don’t have any animals at home, but my friend the cat Samson lives with my grandmother in the village. Beautiful, fluffy, black with white spots on the chest.

Usually houses are guarded, and at my grandmother’s house Samik is the guard. First, he drove all the mice out of all the sheds and out of the basement. And for several years now, not a single mouse! But that is not all. He doesn’t let other people’s cats or dogs into the garden, or the garden, or the yard, and this helps my grandmother! Even if someone approaches the house, Samik begins to meow loudly, and the grandmother already knows that someone stranger has come!

Granny pampers her guard with milk, fish, and sausage. After all, he is so smart! He deserves it!

Baidikov Vladislav

When I was little, we lived in the North in the city of Noyabrsk. Mom, dad and I were at the market and bought two rabbits. One was white and the other was gray. I was very happy! We bought food for them. They lived in a cage on the balcony. I fed them carrots and cabbage every day and cleaned their cage. I really loved rabbits and played with them.

When we left the North, we were unable to take the rabbits on the long journey. They were afraid that they would die. Mom took a photo of me with them. I think about them often and miss them.

Eremeeva Sabina, 7 years old, 2 "A" class, school No. 11, Belgorod

Eduard Uspensky

How to love dogs correctly

Little dog Astra

This was my main dog love. One day, under pressure from my four-year-old daughter Tatyana, I began a search new dog. This time I decided not to make a mistake. Since I live in the city, I will get not just any dog, but a strictly city dog.

Firstly, it must be small so that it can easily run and jump in a city apartment.

Secondly, she should not be a hunter, so as not to yearn for holes, swamps with ducks, badgers and wild boars. Thirdly, it should not be an indoor dog, such as a lapdog, so as not to turn into a toy, but still remain a DOG.

Tibetan Terrier dogs were best suited for this purpose. This breed had only just begun to appear in Moscow.

As the breeders told me, these dogs were bred by the Dalai Lama in Tibet. The dogs were small, shaggy enough not to be afraid of the snow. Biting so as not to be a toy. And they are very self-respecting and even majestic, because Tibet does not tolerate fuss. The lamas did not allow them to be taken out of Tibet:

We bred them for ourselves, and not for some Europeans!

But one day an English doctor cured the chief Tibetan lama, and he was given two of these dogs as a gift. And dogs appeared in Europe.

And we decided:

Daughter, let's go.

When we entered the room where the dogs lived, the dog’s mother rushed to bite us.

And the cheerful shaggy puppies, on the contrary, were very happy and urgently ran to us to lick our fingers.

“So cute,” said the hostess, “that it’s a pity to give them away.”

That’s why we sell them,” the husband added.

My daughter and I chose the most active puppy with a white chrysanthemum on a black shaggy nose, paid the required money (one third of an engineer’s monthly salary) and left joyfully.

It turns out that we chose the most best puppy(bitch), the rest were rejected by specialists from the club as not corresponding to the characteristics of the breed (either the paws are longer, or the tail is shorter).

The name for the dog was immediately clear - because of the white chrysanthemum on its nose, it was called Astra.

I decided that I would raise her as a dog soldier. No sofas, no cushions. Sleep on a mat, eat from a bowl (not from your hands), follow all commands (“lie down”, “sit”, “come towards me”, “no”) without question.

AND decision I put it into practice, despite the plaintive requests of my daughter and wife:

Dad, can the dog sleep with me? - asked daughter Tanya.


Listen, let the dog lie on the sofa,” the wife demanded. - She warms me.

Astra, take your place! Sit! - I ordered in a stern voice.

My friend, writer Yuri Postnikov, also known as Yuri Druzhkov, a great writer and publisher, author of Karandash and Samodelkin, could hardly stand this attitude towards animals. One day he came to me with a homemade protest poster. The poster had a sad dog's face crossed out by black prison bars, and along the bars there was a bright inscription:


He attached this poster to the bottom shelf of the wardrobe - where the shoes live. Because Astra chose an observation post in the depths of her boots.

My friend, the Finnish writer Hannu Mäkelä, still shouts this slogan when I want to change his route in Moscow or take him to a different museum than the one he dreams of visiting.

And here Astra showed one valuable quality. She couldn't bear it if anything was taken out of the house. The man leaving the house with a briefcase was an enemy. Even animal rights activist Yura Druzhkov left the house separately from his briefcase. They brought him the briefcase later.

So Astra became our guard dog.

Then it turned out that I lived alone with my four-year-old daughter in the country. And sometimes I had to go to the store, leaving my sleeping daughter alone.

Astra sat next to her, and if someone approached, she immediately ran up to this “someone” and tried to bite him on the nose. I could be calm about my daughter.

So Astra became our guard dog.

I have never seen a smarter dog in my life. If she wanted to eat, she would go to the refrigerator and touch it with her paw. If she was thirsty, she would go to the sink with the tap and bark.

She also loved to take the ball out of the water. I remember late autumn. I walk with Astra around the dacha village of Mozzhenka, collecting dung mushrooms. Such umbrella ones on a thin stem. Nobody collects them, but I love them. Moreover, I was poor then.

While searching, I walk along the steep and high bank of the Moscow River and see below - summer residents bathing their dogs. They throw sticks into the water and order:

Check it out!

Caesar, fetch!

The dogs joyfully enter the water with half a paw, and then joyfully run back. Not a single parcel is delivered.

I have a ball with me. I swing and throw it into the middle of the fast river.

Astra, give it to me!

Little Astra rolls down from the high bank in a furry ball, jumps into the water and desperately swims after the ball, carried away by the strong current. She grabs the ball, climbs onto the shore and rushes up to me.

That's it, the ball is in my hands. I calmly move on. And from below comes the cry of wiser and clearer summer residents:

Shah, who am I telling, give it to me!

Caesar, go ahead!

Astra was ready to swim for the ball in any body of water, in any weather, a hundred times.

Then I taught Astra to play hide and seek with her daughter.

Little Tatyana climbed into the wardrobe or onto the refrigerator, and I ordered Astra:

She ran and ran around the apartment. Then she ran up to the closet and said:

Aff! - to the complete delight of the whole family.

Tanya crawled out of the closet and gave Astra a piece of sausage.

So Astra became our nanny.

And now we live permanently in the village of Troitsky near Pereslavl-Zalessky. My wife, daughter and I bought a house there next to the artists Viktor Chizhikov and Kolya Ustinov.

The first thing I did was improve the huge barn adjacent to the house. I cut several windows into it. Fortunately, in Moscow they could be found easily and for free. Many people, when moving into new buildings, changed everything they could: doors, windows, floors.

And everything that was replaced was put out into the courtyards.

With three bright large windows (to the surprise of the entire Pereslavl area, I cut one window into the ceiling) the barn turned into a magical house. In any thunderstorm, on any evening, it was bright and comfortable.

I set up a table tennis table in the barn, and all the village and country kids grazed with me from two o’clock until dark. Unless, of course, Astra was locked.

Astra was friends with the village children and even played with them - she brought a ball from the water. But this is only outside the house. On a pond, in a forest, in a field - please. But as soon as the whole group approached the gate of our site, Astra stood on the threshold and growled terribly. Like, that’s it, the friendship is over, then the service begins.

The guys were even offended:

Astra, Astra, we are our own.


If I went into a house with Astra, the first thing I did was throw some item of mine in the corner - a backpack, a bag, a hat, or just Astra’s leash.

Astra sat on the floor and began to protect the leash. If one of the owners approached closer than a meter, she growled and made small attacks. Then she expanded the radius of protection of the object; the owners were allowed to approach no closer than two meters. And in the end she threw herself at someone who simply moved on his stool.

The villagers respected Astra very much. They called her Extra in honor of the famous Extra vodka and asked for puppies.

One day Astra gave birth, albeit only to one puppy. And it’s generally unknown from whom, from some rural Sharik.

And everyone who asked for puppies began to say:

I wouldn’t mind, but my wife...

We are leaving for the city soon, and it is difficult to raise a dog there.

Come on! He will bark in the winter and scare him.

I had to keep Toffee for myself. By this time we lived in a small wooden house at Klyazma station. But if Astra was a golden dog, then Iriska turned out to be garbage. She took everything bad from daddy. She barked at nothing, was afraid of anything larger than a chair, and stole food. But what can you do? She lived with us for twelve years.

And Astra lived with us for fifteen years. And suddenly she got cancer. She got huge cancerous tumors. We learned that the institute where cancer is treated has a department for sick dogs. I brought Astra there, they examined her and asked me to leave her. Soon she was operated on. Operation was successfully completed. We went to the dog department, fed Astra, petted her.

And here she is, alive and well, again working as the commandant of the house.

Unfortunately, cancerous tumors are designed in such a way that once they are disturbed, they metastasize throughout the body.

And very soon they finish off a living creature. This happened with Astra. Three months later she died. In subsequent years, I did not allow dogs to be operated on, and they lived with tumors for quite a long time.

Dog Leech

The dog that brought me the most grief was called Leech. The most interesting thing is that the name was given to her many days before her leechiness truly manifested itself. I gave her this name ahead of time. Just for the breed. And as it turned out, not in vain.

What kind of breed is this? This is a Jagd Terrier. A dog bred to hunt burrows - badgers, foxes. And for boar hunting.

These dogs are usually kept in barns: they are not well suited for family life, since they are completely uncontrollable.

Here's what one English book says: “Jagdterriers can be used to carry ducks from the water when hunting. But, as a rule, the duck is not given to the owner.”

Why did I decide to get such a dog? Because she was the least expensive of the small angry dogs. (In the end result, the most inexpensive dogs cost more than the most expensive ones. One of my friends’ Jagdterrier made a hole for himself in a feather bed. And another’s jumped from the refrigerator onto the chandelier and crashed to the floor along with the chandelier.)

Just one racing driver told me that his Jagdterrier Mishka perfectly guarded his racing car. Not a single hijacker dared to approach her. And in general, his dog was a family favorite. This is what won me over.

Subsequently, when I talked to his wife, it turned out that the dog was not so happy. In her youth, she jumped from the refrigerator onto the chandelier, and in her middle years she made herself a hole out of a feather bed.

When my secretary Anatoly and I arrived for the Jagdterrier either in Lyubertsy or in Bitsa, it turned out that the dogs did not live in the city where the owners were, but in a neighboring dacha village, in a barn.

We went to a holiday village.

In a holiday village, inside a barn, there was a booth, and in front of the booth there was a small pen for poop. A dog, looking like a large rat on thin legs, flew out of the booth and began to gnaw at the mesh of the pen with a growl.

Following her, two cheerful puppies poured out, each more cheerful than the other, and began to drag each other by the tail. We went home with one of these merry fellows.

At first the dog was like a dog, it obeyed, came to me when called and happily ran around the house.

Then it became noticeable that she was not very keen to approach the owner. She had to beg her for a long time and show her something interesting. She came up, looked at this interesting thing and quickly ran away. Sometimes it was possible to grab her, but this happened rarely. Her movements were instant.

One day, much later, they didn’t have time to close the gate in the yard. The leech immediately looked outside, saw the retreating citizen and, without asking anyone, flew towards him like a torpedo. She quickly grabbed her uncle properly and, satisfied, flew home. And with all her appearance she showed:

“That’s how great I am! It’s not for nothing that I eat bread.”

The unfortunate citizen limped back to our gate and rang the bell.

I know what your dog is in good hands and she had all her vaccinations. I won’t make a scandal, I just ask you to buy me new trousers for a thousand rubles.

We immediately allocated him the required amount. The citizen softened slightly:

I know this breed. This hunting dogs. On the boar. In our village, two of these dogs killed a bull.

It’s a pity that I wasn’t at home; all the negotiations with the citizen were conducted by my family. I would know everything in detail about this felled bull, but I’m saying this without details.

If Leech bites him again, I will question him in detail.

Together with Leech we lived with a dog, Dir, a black terrier. And while Leech was little, she obeyed Diru. But as soon as the small Leech grew up, she somehow imperceptibly became the main one. She pulls Dira’s legs and hangs on her ears. Sleeps on Dir.

The leech always chooses the more interesting bowl and always manages to be the first to grab a piece of bread or a bone that is thrown to the dogs. Or even both pieces.

She brought her terror to the point that Dira guard dog became useless. Both dogs live in one big Dire’s booth, although Leech has his own small one.

As soon as Dira wants to leave the booth to bark at the guest, the Leech clings to her fur, begins to growl and does not let her go to work. I had to keep them on opposite sides of the pen.

Thank God, one of our pets, Claudius the raven, did not obey the Leech. On the contrary, he drove her crazy.

She usually ran up to his enclosure and began yapping for half an hour. This continuous yap-yap-yap... lasted for kilometers and hours with short breaks to take in air.

The raven also learned to bark. But he barked calmly and importantly: “Aw! Aw! Aw-aw!”

He walked to the edge of the enclosure and pecked Leech on the nose. She wanted to grab him by the beak, and he took aim and pecked her on the nose.

When a crow was given a meat bone as a delicacy, the Leech first of all rushed to the crow and raised a wild scandal - how come, why did they dare to give this bone not to the Leech, but to some stupid big-nosed dog?

One day a raven struck us. Instead of flying up onto a pole in the enclosure and calmly dealing with the bone there, he sank to the floor, went up to the net, lay down on his side on the wing and, taking the bone with one paw, began to dangle it in front of the Leech’s nose.

The scream that Leech raised was incredible. It was a long one: "Breying ... on a half a kilometer ... yaying!" It seems to me that Leech did not die of anger just because he lost consciousness.

It was difficult to walk with Leech in the park. She wanted to run in all directions, but not where we wanted to go.

There was a way to keep Leech close.

This is a ball. If she saw a tennis ball in your hands, she would look at it, hypnotized. She had to throw the ball as far as possible, and she ran after it like an arrow. Before the ball could hit the ground, she would grab it with her teeth and rush towards you.

The ball could be thrown twenty, fifty, a hundred times. And she ran after him twenty, fifty, a hundred times.

In the end, the hand dried up, and at the last serve of the ball it was necessary to urgently grab the Leech and stuff it into the collar. Otherwise, she was hiding on unknown paths of the park with unpredictable consequences...

Two additions to Leech


One day we took Leech to city ​​apartment. She quickly sniffed all the corners, ran across the dining table, drank water from a saucer and noticed a cage with a parrot.

The cage was empty. Usually our parrot Jean Jacques (rosella) flew around the rooms freely. It was unthinkable to put him in a cage.

He gnawed baseboards, bit off the spines of books, and flew home only to have breakfast or dinner. Moreover, he watched very carefully to make sure we didn’t close the cage door behind him.

The leech realized: since there is a cage, there must be a bird, and she went to look for this very bird.

She found her in the next room sitting on the door. The leech found her not by the sound of her wings, but by the droppings under the door. She looked up and, seeing the bird, ran up the door towards the parrot.

It just seemed like she was running.

In fact, she jumped and, moving her paws, flew almost to the top. And it seemed like she was running.

The parrot grabbed his heart and didn’t even fly up out of horror.

The leech jumped a second time. This time her mileage was slightly lower. But she stubbornly jumped and jumped. Each time she managed to fly less and less. From the outside, her senseless jumps caused laughter, because it was clear that soon she would not jump higher than the baseboard, but her character and breed took their toll. So she could have died from a broken heart.

Compassionate Eleanor took Leech in her arms and slowed down this senseless attraction.

And for the first time in his life, parrot Jean Jacques rushed into his cage at direct fire. It even seemed to me that he closed the door behind himself.


In our enclosure, partly facing the street, lived Claudius the raven. The same one who teased Leech with a bone. He could talk a little.

One day a very pleased old woman came to us and said:

And I talked to your raven.

How did you talk to him?

I tell him: “Carlusha, Carlusha,” and he tells me: “Get out of here!”

We were dumbfounded. Let our Claudius say such things! And then we thought and understood. When we were talking with the raven, Leech constantly got in the way. She ran around the enclosure and barked. And we always shouted to her:

Get out. Get out!

So he learned. Crows are very capable.

The leech lived with us for a long time. Her work ethic was incredible. Asking to go into Dira's house or to be released, she could bark and yelp for several hours in a row without stopping. This is especially unpleasant early summer at five o'clock in the morning.

To avoid injuring our neighbors, we locked Leech in the garage. And then we were the only ones who heard her incessant, muffled barking.

In short, for the last two years our whole life has been a constant struggle with the Leech.

I beg you very much, if you don’t need to hunt wild boars, don’t need to hunt foxes and badgers, don’t get yourself a Jagdterrier.
Copyright: stories about dogs for children

Stories about dogs. Egina the black angel

I want to tell you about myself best friend, my beloved Jinka. Unfortunately, in 2008 she left this world. I really miss her. Now only in a dream can I play with her again, see her kind eyes, hold her close to me. Why is life like this?
Gina came into our family as an adult, she was 4 years old. Her uncle gave it to us. They were expecting a new addition to the family, and the opportunity to keep a Rottweiler in a small city apartment had disappeared. My sister and I were looking forward to Gina's arrival. And finally, this day has come! Our girl turned out to be such a hooligan! Immediately there was a stir: Tikhon the cat was driven up a tree; Having run to check out her new possessions, she found a sweet pepper in the garden and bit into it all. Oh, how she loved to misbehave! For example, when dad took her out for a walk late in the evening, she seemed to know that she had a dark color and little by little, without making a single sound, she ran away from dad and disappeared into the night, and then no matter how much you called, she pretended that she didn’t hear and came only when she considered it necessary. Don't think that the formidable Rottweiler walked alone along the dark streets, instilling fear in local residents. We walked her in our fenced area, she is quite large.
My sister and I loved to go hiking and always took Jinka with us. How many funny incidents happened along the way with this naughty girl! One day we found a huge old willow, its crowns invited us to rest on them after a long journey. Tanya (my sister) and I climbed a tree. But imagine our surprise when we saw that Gina also did not want to stay down on the soft grass, but decided to climb in with us. As a result, she hung on a branch, holding onto it with her paws. We had to quickly go down and lower this fat girl to the ground in our arms. How much laughter there was then! And at the picnic, the hooligan, having quickly finished her portion, stole baked potatoes from Tanya and me, approaching them on her bellies.
At the same time, this dog was a true friend! Every morning I got up early and went with her to meet the sunrise, and she always sat next to me and also looked into the distance with fascination. What thoughts visited her then? I shared my sorrows and joys with her, and she listened attentively and looked at me with her kind eyes. How I miss my sweet girl! May it be very good, wherever her soul is now, and may her memory always live in our hearts!

Stories about dogs: A dog is an invaluable companion

They say that a dog is just one of many best friends for every person. But when I saw what I was going to talk about, I understood for the rest of my life - you will never find a better friend than a dog, responsive and selfless...
On a summer morning, when the sun was not yet high enough to be annoying with its incredibly hot power, I left the house holding my favorite backpack in my hands. I was going to training. To catch the bus, I needed to cross the road in several places...
My neighborhood, my favorite residential area, was always crowded with small children and young parents with strollers at such times. It was a classic day for relaxing and walking with the kids...
I walked slowly, and something made me look back - a little boy stepped out onto the road with uncertain steps, whose mother was probably engrossed in a book and didn’t notice it... From somewhere came the sound of a car - a sports car vehicle rushed towards the child. I was far away and even being a superman, I still wouldn’t have time to help...
Everything happened in a few seconds. When the car was already close to the child, who began to cry as if feeling threatened, the dog came running. He jumped on the boy, and the baby’s small legs could not stay on the ground - he fell and rolled a meter from the place where the car had passed in an instant. When the dust cleared, everyone saw a dead dog with a broken head. Dead, but faithful dog...

Dog Stories: My Eri

My Eri (a purebred Doberman, the daughter of multiple winners of various dog shows, and just a great friend) has never had an exemplary character. Perhaps the blood of wayward and proud ancestors played a role, or perhaps she was simply not taught good manners in childhood.
She came to us at the age of 6 or 7 years from relatives who were moving to Germany for permanent residence. The dog was not allowed on the plane, so Eri was given to our care. We suffered with it at first! My uncle, the previous owner of the dog, prepared a detailed list of the features of feeding, care and education. According to him, if Eri was mischievous (for example, ruining the carpet), she was supposed to be lightly spanked on the backside with a slipper. One day, however, mom got really angry and hit Eri on the back with a metal mop. As a result, Eri, completely unharmed, ran away, and her mother looked madly at the bent handle of the mop.
Eri used to ride me on a sled when I was a child, accelerating to supersonic speeds, dancing on hind legs with dad, constantly begging for food from guests. But she always remains our pride and joy!

Dog Stories: My Dog's Favorite Toys

My English cocker spaniel, girl, chooses toys for herself in a very original way. At first we didn’t notice this feature and bought her toys from the most different colors. A large number of green rubber ducks and tennis balls have accumulated in the house. yellow color, multi-colored thread braids. One day, quite by accident, we bought a pink grunting pig, which our dog chose as his favorite toy. After the pink pig, a pink sheep appeared, then a pink hippopotamus, and then we were surprised to notice that all our dog’s favorite toys were pink. With incredible persistence, she selects only pink items from the basket. The duck and the balls have long been forgotten, but absolutely all the pink toys are neatly stacked under kitchen table, where our dog has a “kennel”. For a very long time it was believed that our pet dogs do not distinguish colors, their world is black and white. It is noteworthy that American scientists have proven that dogs have color vision, dogs are excellent at distinguishing shades of gray. And my dog ​​loves pink color. And it makes me happy!

Stories about dogs: Not just a dog, but a friend

My mother lives in the countryside. Several years ago, a man from a neighboring village hired workers to weed beets. He invited her too. For the whole summer, several people worked for him for 15 hours, although he was reluctant to pay: either he had not yet repaid his debts on the loan, or he had no money, in general, he was disingenuous as best he could.
It is worth noting that this man is from Turkey, and lived here with his huge family and two dogs - Linda and Nadya. Mom was terribly afraid of these huge German Shepherd dogs. During the day they were on a leash and when they saw strangers, then they broke off the chain with all their might, baring their teeth sharp teeth. Nariman (that was the owner's name) constantly abused the dogs, beat them, and rarely fed them. At the beginning of autumn ended field work, and the mercenary never paid the workers. People began to demand their own, however, Nariman became furious and promised to let hungry dogs attack them. Everyone quickly ran away, fortunately some had cars...
It was already getting dark. On the way home, we passed through a forest plantation. Mom heard someone's footsteps behind her. She stopped and the steps stopped, she walked forward again and someone followed her. She turned around and froze... The black silhouette of a wolf was visible in the darkness. There was a lot of things at that moment: fear, despair and complete hopelessness...
Although more than 3 years have passed since then, she was not left without hope, but quite the opposite. The smart and obedient dog Nadya still lives with her.

Dog Stories: Our Savior Brittany

We adopted a Pitbull dog named Brittany six years ago. Today there is a huge amount of bad information about this dog breed. And I want to tell you how our dog saved my 2-year-old daughter Anastasia, pulling her out of the room in time, in which there was a short circuit and a fire started.
My daughter Anastasia was born when Brittany was one and a half years old. Before our daughter was born, my husband and I thought for a long time about whether to keep the dog or not, fearing how Brittany would react to our newborn daughter. As a result, we could not give up our pet, and in the future we have never regretted our decision. Nastya and Brittany became friends immediately. They played together, Brittany did not leave her playpen.
And so one July day, as usual, I put Nastya to sleep in her crib, Brittany, out of habit, lay down next to her. The child was sleeping carefree, the dog was dozing nearby, at that time I decided to cook dinner and went to the kitchen. After a while, I heard Brittany bark, and I rushed into the children's room. Running out of the kitchen, I saw a dog dragging my daughter out of the room by the sleeve of her pajamas, and in the corner of the nursery an outlet started to catch fire and the room was gradually filled with smoke. I called the fire brigade and took the child out of the house. Thanks to the fact that the fire brigade quickly arrived on the scene, the fire was extinguished, and we all remained alive and well. And it's all thanks to our beloved dog Brittany!

Stories about dogs: Charlie and Alice - a story of sweet deception :)

I like animals a lot. That’s why I couldn’t get by with just a cat in the house, and after a while I also got a puppy German Shepherd.
Initially, I didn’t even think that the animals would get used to each other so quickly and literally become friends. They are very interesting to watch, and each time their adventures together around the house amaze me more and more.
So, for example, one day I began to notice that when I left home and left something sweet on the table, it all mysteriously disappeared when I returned. This happened more than once, so I decided to record it all on camera and see what was really going on in the kitchen.
The puppy was still very small and he certainly would not have been able to climb onto the table on his own.
I laughed for a long time when I looked at what actually happened in my absence. So, my cat (Alice), who never ate and did not like sweets, climbed onto the table and threw everything that was there down from the table. Actually, Charlie (the puppy) finished everything there, without leaving any traces, so without a camera I would definitely not have known any of this.
I still can’t understand how Charlie was able to, so to speak, “persuad” Alice to do such labor-intensive work in order to get enough of sweets: D

Stories about dogs: The story of the appearance of a dog in our house.

We have a wonderful and very friendly dog ​​at home. This is an American Staffordshire Terrier female. Our Dora is already nine years old. The dog has a very beautiful black and white color.
The story of her appearance in our house is quite interesting. My son always wanted to get a puppy of a serious breed, but I... various reasons, has always been against it. And then one day I went to work a little later than usual. I was about a hundred meters from the office when a car stopped next to me on the side of the road. The door opened and a man asked if I wanted a dog. I paused in bewilderment and asked if this was a joke. It turned out not. There was a dog sitting in the front seat of the Tavria. When I saw what kind of breed it was, I began to refuse in horror. The man assured me that the dog was very kind and well-mannered. It turned out that her owners went abroad for permanent residence, and left the dog with him. Somewhat later he realized that he did not need it. I didn’t dare throw it outside because of its breed, so I drove it around the industrial zone in the hope that someone would take the dog to guard the office. I felt sorry for her. I called my son and he happily rushed to get her. When we took her home, we knew that she was one and a half years old and her nickname was Dora. Maybe my action was reckless, but I have never once regretted doing it. All these years, a true and strong friend has lived next to us.

Stories about dogs: My faithful friend Rex.

Almost every family has its own pet - in my family it is a dog. Rex appeared in our family unexpectedly. One day my parents were walking from the store, and a small puppy ran out towards them and barked loudly. Dad told mom: “Laura! I want this dog..” That’s how Rex came into our family and, by the way, adapted very quickly.
Rex is the most ordinary dog, not purebred, but very smart and beautiful. When my dad comes home from work, Rex runs up to him and waits for dad to take off his socks, then takes them and takes them to the laundry. It's very funny to watch him at this moment, and then he comes back and waits to be petted. When my sister was born, at lunchtime my mother put her to sleep in her stroller on the street. Rex lay down next to the stroller, and when his little sister woke up and started crying, Rex ran up to his mother and started barking, pointing his muzzle in the direction of the stroller.
One day they wanted to steal my neighbor's car. It happened in the following way: at night they removed the gate (the car was in the yard) and rolled it out, but they didn’t have time to roll it far because the neighbor woke up. And he woke up from the barking of our Rex. In the morning, a neighbor told my dad that thanks to our dog, he was left with the car. And he brought Rex a piece of meat as a sign of gratitude. But, unfortunately, Rex refused to eat... He lay near his booth all morning and didn’t want to eat anything. This behavior of the dog seemed strange to us. When dad came to pet him, he saw a half-eaten sausage in the booth. We immediately realized that they wanted to poison the dog. Rex lay on his dad's lap, and tears were flowing from his eyes, as if he wanted to say: “Help me...” Dad took him to the veterinarian, where he was given an injection and, thank God, my dog ​​survived. After this sad incident, I realized that I was very afraid of losing my pet, and my neighbor decided to get himself a dog...
Love dogs! After all, it is from these animals that we can learn devotion, courage and other equally valuable qualities.

Dog Stories: Dear Missing.

We have had a dog for over three years now. This is an ordinary mongrel. For its small size and quiet disposition, we named our pet Tishka. Usually he sits on a leash with us, because we have a private house in the city, and only in the evenings he walks in our yard. But last winter it was cold, and we decided not to tie Tishka. One day we left for a visit, and our devoted friend ran after us all the way, but we only found out about this when we returned.
The little daughter cried for a long time when we discovered the loss. Several days have passed and our pet has not returned. We began to look for him wherever he could possibly be. There was no result, and we almost didn’t believe that our Tishka would return to us.
A week later we again gathered to visit the same friends. On the way, we automatically looked out the window, hoping that we would suddenly see our dog. Suddenly my daughter started shouting loudly: “Mom, mom, look!” My husband and I turned our heads to our daughter. Our little, but so dear, lost one was sitting outside our friends’ house, shivering from the cold. Tishka lost a lot of weight during this time. He immediately ran up to us when we got out of the car. It's hard to believe, but he barked loudly and there were tears in his eyes.
Since then, we love our younger friend even more, and our daughter walks with him every morning, never letting him go anywhere unattended.

Dog Stories: Arnold

My dog's name is Arnold (Playboy by pedigree), he has been living with me for 7.5 months. I remember... I came to the breeder following an advertisement... and she brought me two little pug puppies. My Arnold, already in childhood, was distinguished by his shapes... he was twice as big as his own brother, when I saw his cheeks and how he clumsily tried to run - I fell in love with him at first sight! Naturally, at first there was a lot of hassle with this little lump, because he only fell asleep in my arms, and when I put him back in the “bed,” he woke up after 5, or at best 15 minutes. Well, he doesn’t like to be left alone) I was amazed how loyal and smart these dogs are! My pug wears slippers (at first one, and then a second one - his mouth is small)! They are simply trainable! We have our first exhibition ahead! I am a person who has never taken part in this before! I had to turn to a professional Handler! She teaches him the correct stance, and jogging side by side, and also showing off his teeth! Naturally, it is necessary to encourage the dog - give it a treat for each completed command! My Arnyushka was given sausage, he ate it with pleasure (as it seemed to us). When there was a short break in training, I saw that my Arnyushka had very huge cheeks, well, I think it seems! Break is over! The handler asks to show his teeth - and, pay attention, Arnold opens his mouth, and behind our cheeks we have sausage storage!) It turns out he didn’t eat it, but put pieces in his cheeks - in reserve, like a hamster!) How I laughed at my little one when everything his supplies fell to the floor)))

In Moscow, in a quiet side street, there is the Moscow City Service Dog Club. When I first came to the old premises of this club, I involuntarily drew attention to the scarecrow huge dog with protruding ears. Below, at the dog’s feet, one could read its name: “Karo.”

Karo was a wonderful dog, an all-Union champion. Champion means “winner”. So Karo was the winner at all dog shows.

I was interested in the fate of Karo. From conversations with club instructors who were dog leaders during the war, I learned that Karo is just one of many wonderful dogs that faithfully serve man. I began to write down everything that the instructors and dog owners who often come to the club said. And so there were many stories about dogs that carried the wounded from the battlefield during the war, helped sappers find mines, went with scouts behind enemy lines, and about dogs that save travelers during landslides or snow drifts in the mountains, and about dogs who guard apartments and go shopping with their owners, and even about the dog that I raised myself.

The Moscow Service Dog Club has sites in various parks in Moscow. There, every Sunday, dog owners, many of whom are boys and girls, bring their animals for training. Dogs jump over barriers and learn to follow various commands.

Each trained dog must perfectly know as many as fifteen dog disciplines. As if these disciplines are not complicated and each consists of only one word: “near”, “sit”, “fetch”, “to me”, “lie down”, but try teaching a dog to walk the way it’s supposed to - clinging closely to the left side of the owner, instantly lie down and get up, bark on command. This requires a lot of patience and endurance. You can’t get angry and irritate the dog yourself; you need to be able to pet the animal, praise it if it fulfilled the command well, give it a piece of sugar, sausage or meat.

But there are still guys who tease dogs and beat them, not realizing that they are man’s true friends.

I decided to retell all the stories that I had collected to my little readers.

Those dogs that you will read about in this book - Dick, and Dzhulbars, and Reggie, and Malysh, and Orlik, and Elbrus, and Chalka and Rozka - are real, living dogs. The stories about them are not made up.


Slava was still in the fifth grade when his dad brought home a light gray fluffy ball. From this ball of soft wool only a black, cold nose peeked out and brown eyes, like small chestnuts, blinked.

This is Palma, - said dad. - If you study well, I will allow you to raise a dog and train it.

Slava fell in love with the puppy, walked with him, played and tried to bring home only A's.

In the summer everyone went to the dacha. The palm tree was given a bed in the barn. Next to her, behind a low partition, lived a heifer. At first Palma was angry with her, growled and, although she was ten times smaller than the heifer, even bit her good-natured muzzle. Then I got used to it. They became friends... They walked together. When the chick was sleeping, Palma climbed onto her head and sat comfortably between big ears. The two of them slept so sweetly that snoring could be heard from the barn.

The two of them had a great time and had a lot of fun. And if any other dog ran up to the heifer, Palma would growl at it.

When the family returned to the city, Palma immediately had enemies: a car on the street, and a floor brush at home. The palm tree looked at the brush from around the corner for a long time. She doesn't look like anyone else! It doesn’t look like a cat, and it doesn’t look like a dog: there’s no muzzle, there’s no tail, but the fur is black and stiff! The palm tree could not pass by the brush indifferently - it would quietly bite it, then jump back and move sideways, sideways...

The cat Barsik lived in a city apartment. One day Palma wanted to play with him. But the cat was not young, did not like liberties and grabbed Palma in the face with his paw. And on his paws the claws are sharp, like thorns on a fence. Palma squealed and from then on began to politely walk around Barsik. If Barsik is lying on an armchair, Palma does not even look in that direction, as if there is no armchair.

One day Barsik was given two pieces of sausage. He ate one piece, but did not eat the second: he left it on the saucer and went to the sofa to sleep. Palma carefully approached the sausage, sniffed it, and wanted to take it, but at that time Barsik raised his head. The palm tree dropped the sausage, licked its lips and moved away from the saucer.

One day dad said:

Well, how long will you be chasing each other to no avail? You need to learn Palma.

Slava went to the kennel club and talked with the instructor there. He said that if he wants to teach a dog to obey, he must first complete the courses for young dog breeders himself.

So the classes began: in the evening, after school, Slava studied with an instructor, and early in the morning he taught Palma.

Oh, how difficult it was at first! Palma thought that they were playing with her: she jumped, grabbed Slava by the pants and did not pay any attention to his commands. Many days passed until Palma realized that if Slava says “to me,” she must run up to the owner and obediently walk next to him. The “stop” command was especially difficult to remember. This is not because Palma is such a stupid dog, but because she is lively, active, loves to run and hates standing still.

Gradually Palma became quieter and more reserved. Sometimes, however, she forgot and began to behave badly on the street: she rushed to small children to play with them, and ran away from her owner. Then Slava said to her menacingly: “Ugh!” This means “you can’t”, “stop”, “stop”. At this prohibition command, Palma immediately stopped with a guilty look.

When Slava trained Palma in the yard, spectators gathered. But Palma did not pay attention to them. She looked only at Slava with her wet brown eyes. Everyone laughed a lot when Slava commanded: “Voice!” Then Palma barked briefly, abruptly. Barks twice: “Woof, woof!” - and waits to see if Slava will repeat his command again.

When Palma correctly carried out Slava’s orders, he told her every time: “Good!” - stroked and gave something tasty: a piece of sausage, meat or sugar. Slava began to call sausage a "four" and sugar a "five." He got so used to it that one day at breakfast he said to his mother:

Unsweetened tea, high five!

And everyone laughed.

Once Slava accidentally deceived Palma. He told her: “Go for a walk!” Palma ran for the leash and collar, placed them near Slava and wagged her tail. She was always very happy when they went for a walk.

But someone came, Slava stayed late and forgot that he wanted to go for a walk with Palma.

Then he called Palma again, but she no longer believed him and did not bring her leash. Slava told the trainer on the site about this, and he said:

You should never lie to a dog. She must definitely trust her master. You deceive her once, twice, three times, and then she will stop listening altogether.

Since then, Slava has never deceived Palma.

Slava and Palma - great friends. The palm tree protects its little owner and guards the apartment.

One day they brought firewood to Slava’s parents. The firewood was dumped right on the street, and there was no one to put it in the barn - everyone was at work. Then Slava said: “Guard!” The palm tree lay down near the firewood and looked at everyone passing by with distrustful, wary eyes.

Slava’s comrades decided to play a joke: they quietly crept up from the other side and pulled out several logs. Palma jumped up and rushed at the guys. No one else dared to approach the firewood while the Palm lay near them.

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