Home Prevention The chinchilla animal is a homemade plush joy. Photo of the chinchilla animal and description

The chinchilla animal is a homemade plush joy. Photo of the chinchilla animal and description

Among other cat breeds, the Persian chinchilla stands out for its special, graceful beauty. The reason for this is the elegant color and expressive emerald eyes. Like other Persians, chinchillas have a peaceful and docile character, but at the same time they show curiosity and activity and require the attention of the owner. When keeping an animal, it is important to provide it with a nutritious diet to maintain health, temperament and good condition wool

Description of appearance

Among cat lovers, Persian chinchillas have gained a reputation royal breed. It is representatives of this breed group that often take first places at exhibitions. Because of their fur coat, the animals resemble appearance arctic fox. Their undercoat is snow-white, and the guard hairs are always of a contrasting color.

Bright, green-blue eyes with black rims stand out against the background of light fur. Within the breed today there are several color options for chinchillas:

  • silver;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • chocolate;
  • red cameo;
  • cream cameo;
  • gold;
  • blue.

Recently, lilac kittens began to appear. All of the listed variations differ in the color of the covering hairs with the same white undercoat. The most common representatives of the breed are silver and golden chinchillas. It is characteristic that in animals with short hair the contrast in color is more pronounced. The fur of these animals seems to be illuminated from within.

The nose of chinchillas is small and neat. The ears are decorated with fluffy tassels. The tail is always very bushy, due to the fact that the hairs on it are longer than on the body. The size of this breed can be considered large. Cats reach a weight of 4 kg, males can have a body weight of 7 kg or more. Animals are distinguished by the proportional structure of their body and legs, but due to their thick, long hair, their limbs appear shortened.

History of the breed

The origins of breeding Persian chinchillas lie in England. Presumably the breed appeared as a result of crossing a smoky cat and a marbled silver cat. Their offspring received the characteristic chinchilla color. To achieve more light color wool, at the beginning of the formation of the chinchilla breed they crossed with the smoky British.

These cats gained particular popularity after they were introduced to the Royal Court. The beauty and easy-going nature of chinchillas appealed to the granddaughter of the English Queen, Princess Victoria. Gradually the breed spread outside of Britain. Today they are bred all over the world.

Character and habits

The main features that can be noted in the character of Persian chinchillas are calmness, unhurriedness and nobility. You can safely leave this pet at home in your absence without fear that it will cause mayhem. Without an owner, the cat will calmly doze on the sofa or look at the landscape outside the window. At the same time, chinchillas are not devoid of natural curiosity. Not a single corner in the house will remain secret; the cat will definitely explore its home thoroughly.

In moments of playfulness, the animal will be able to entertain itself on its own; to do this, just throw a few small toys on the floor. Chinchillas move gracefully and gracefully; during their games they do not drop flower pots, vases and figurines. It is unlikely that such a cat will cause damage to the interior even unintentionally.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that an animal that stays alone all day will require attention and affection from the owner who returns from work. Chinchillas are very friendly and quickly become attached to people. They love to follow their owner's tail or perch on his lap, purring songs.

Cats of this breed get along well with children, but they cannot tolerate other furry pets. They have a highly developed territorial instinct. When another cat or dog appears in the house, fights cannot be avoided. As befits royalty, chinchillas require maximum attention. and do not want to share the love of their owner with any other animals.

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Chinchillas, like other long-haired cats, require increased attention to caring for their coat. To prevent long hairs from tangling, the animal must be combed daily with special brushes. This procedure will not only prevent the formation of tangles, but will also eliminate unnecessary cleaning in the apartment.

No one likes it if there are hairballs lying around everywhere. With proper care, the chinchilla's hair will remain soft, silky and beautiful. If the owner nevertheless overlooks the appearance of the tangle, the ball of matted fur must be carefully cut off with scissors, being careful not to damage the animal’s skin.

Even if the cat doesn’t go for walks, fleas can still get into the apartment from the entrance and attack the animal. In this case, it is recommended to apply special drops to his withers, use an anti-flea collar, or wash the pet with a special shampoo. The litter and those places where the cat likes to lie will also require treatment. For this purpose, appropriate sprays or ampoules with insecticide are purchased to prepare an aqueous solution.

Due to a congenital defect of the nasal septum, which is a feature of the breed, chinchilla Persians often snore in their sleep. This should not frighten the owner, as it is a variant of the norm. You can walk cats in your arms or by letting them go on the grass near you. Due to their stress-resistant nature, chinchillas do not run away, do not hide, or panic in an unusual environment. As a rule, they contemplate with aristocratic restraint everything that happens around them, being in the field of view of the owner.

Unfortunately, representatives of the breed are prone to kidney diseases and other internal organs, so they need regular preventive examination veterinarian. If you do not plan to use animals for breeding, it is better to castrate or sterilize your pet.

Such operations are not complicated, take less than an hour and are performed on an outpatient basis. The doctor can perform castration right at home. It is best to resort to this measure when the animal reaches the age of 9-10 months. We must not forget about vaccination. Even if the cat is at home all the time, the infection can be brought from the street on shoes and the animal will get sick.

Once a week, the Persian chinchilla should be wiped ears cotton swab, previously soaked in baby or olive oil, cleaning them from accumulated sulfur and dirt. If the animal does not attend exhibitions, it can be cut for the summer. With such a hairstyle it will not be hot, and the short pile makes it much easier to care for.

Eye care

Chinchilla care also includes washing the eyes daily. All Persian cats have a shortened coat tear duct and a special structure of the skull, which is why they experience constant lacrimation. If you don't take care of your eyes, unsightly smudges form under them. Brown dyeing wool . For the procedure, use gauze napkins and a choice of:

  • boiled water;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • Black tea;
  • chamomile decoction.

It is not recommended to use cotton pads or swabs to wash eyes. Cotton fibers can get on the mucous membrane and serve as an additional source of irritation. If hygiene is not carried out properly, this can lead not only to aesthetic problems, but also to eye diseases.

cat litter box

Chinchillas are just as clean as other cats. Their toilet should be kept clean - regularly change the filler and rinse the tray. For this purpose, it is best to use a plastic container sold at any pet store. The tray is selected according to the size of the animal.

You can buy a small toilet for a kitten, and an adult cat will need a capacity 2-3 times larger. It is better not to fill the tray with scraps of old newspapers or paper, the animal will get its paws dirty, and the apartment will smell of cat urine. A large selection of special fillers will allow you to choose exactly the one your pet will like.

Granules can be made from silica gel, wood shavings, cellulose, bentonite. The soiled filler is scooped into a garbage bag, and a fresh portion of sorbent is added in return. It is best to place the tray in a secluded corner of the apartment, where the cat will not be disturbed by loud sounds and bright lights. Most often, the cat litter is located in the bathroom or in the hallway.

Proper nutrition

When composing the diet of Persian chinchillas, you should remember their predisposition to obesity and renal failure. The animal must receive food in doses. It is better not to give him fatty foods and food from your table. The less active a pet’s lifestyle is, the fewer calories should be in its diet. It is ideal if the basis of nutrition is boiled meat. It could be:

  • lean beef;
  • chicken;
  • rabbit meat.

You can periodically offer offal to the animal. Boiled eggs, cabbage, pumpkin, and other vegetables are good additions to meat foods. A bone meal supplement may also be helpful. Animal proteins should make up 40% of the total diet.

Milk is offered to cats up to 4-5 months of age. Adult animals are often lactose intolerant, causing diarrhea. If your chinchilla loves dairy, you can offer her fresh kefir. It is recommended to supplement the diet with cottage cheese. It is better to give food in small portions 2-3 times a day; uneaten leftovers are removed after 30 minutes.

The animal should always have fresh food freely available boiled water. If desired, you can feed Persian chinchillas with professional food from well-known manufacturers. It is not recommended to give cats cheap dry chips; they often cause digestive upset, allergies and urolithiasis disease. You should not save on your pet’s health; its treatment will cost much more.

It would be reckless to call the character of chinchillas simple: these animals have a rich set of reactions and a whole range of characteristics. These animals feel like royalty and require appropriate treatment.

It is important to understand by what criteria one can evaluate the intelligence of an animal. When it comes to training, a chinchilla cannot be put on the same level as a rat: shishi have difficulty learning commands. The chinchilla is not always human-oriented, and quite tolerates his absence if there are relatives. However, to call an animal with such an arsenal of interpersonal relationships stupid would be blasphemy.

A flock of animals has a clear hierarchy. In addition, they have a matriarchy - smart females dominate the community. The language of rodents is so rich that the following sounds can be distinguished:

  • communications - soft grumbling when communicating with fellow tribesmen;
  • call - a jerky sound when an animal is looking for someone;
  • mating - the sounds of a male calling a female: a squeak of resentment or tender notes;
  • satisfaction - hiccupping sounds of the male after mating;
  • baby - high-pitched sounds, demanding when the baby is hungry and joyful if he has eaten;
  • infringement of rights - a plaintive signal when a chinchilla is constrained by its relatives;
  • protest - the sound of irritation;
  • defense - a croaking, abrupt sound;
  • rage – a grinding sound, in a female it may be accompanied by “shooting” of urine;
  • family quarrel - grunting sounds of the male and sharp grinding sounds of the female;
  • warnings of danger - expressive quacking;
  • pain or extreme situation- a sharp cry.

Chinchilla cubs are more talkative, their chatter can be heard constantly.

Characteristics of a chinchilla

Chinchillas have a busy social life

In chinchillas different character: There are cute, tame animals and, on the contrary, distrustful and paranoid ones. Such rodents are typical inhabitants of chinchilla farms, where the animals are mistreated. This must be taken into account when purchasing an animal. , who groomed and cherished his animals. Try to come to his house and look at the seller’s pets. Some animals never become tame.

Habits of chinchillas of different sexes

The dominant females in the pack are more powerful. This also manifests itself in relationships with people. Ladies are less tame, although you can “negotiate” with them. Females have another unpleasant feature - the ability to shoot urine at an object of irritation.

The female is able to shoot urine at an irritating object

Males are calmer and easier to make contact. Their subordinate position in the pack determines their more peaceful disposition. And they also don’t know how to “shoot.” However, this does not mean that the male is absolutely harmless: strong pain or panic maybe

What is the character of a chinchilla?

Shushiki are gentle creatures, but rather capricious. Unlike rats, they do not have such devotion and adoration for their owner, but when good relations they get bored and require the owner's attention. A group of chinchillas, unlike rats, are more likely to socialize in their community without the need for human contact.

There is a trepidation in the character of the animal that does not allow rude treatment. You should not take a chinchilla by the tail, much less lift it: you can lose its trust for a long time. How, she requires a respectful attitude: if you take her in your arms, then only with her consent. It is enough to stretch out your hand, and the animal decides for itself whether it will go or not.

Behavior of chinchillas at home

The behavior of the animal is connected not only with its origin, but also with the conditions of its detention. It is necessary to provide a spacious cage, quality food and sufficient leisure. For the first 2-3 days, the animal should not be touched; it must get used to the new place. After the adaptation period, you need to start establishing contact. You can only use affection and treats.

You should not touch the animal with your hands - this is stressful for him.

Handmade chinchilla loves affection

If the credit of trust is received, the chinchilla itself will begin to show signs of attention. It is better to observe the behavior of the animal in the house. A awake chinchilla is constantly on the move, it is active and playful. This pet is not for cuddling. It is not suitable as a living toy for a child, but young naturalist will enjoy learning the habits. Be prepared for night noise from jumping and rearranging “furniture” and scattering of hay.

If your chinchilla is acting aggressively

Chinchilla aggression is almost always associated with fear, pain or negative experience. , so they are accustomed to reacting suspiciously to any changes.

Important! Chinchillas should not be covered with your palm, as a falling shadow is associated with a bird of prey.

Animals rarely bite and are repeatedly “warned” before doing so. The female chinchilla becomes angry during pregnancy and after the birth of the cubs.

Biting is not an act of aggression, but a way of communication. A real bite that draws blood should alert you. If a chinchilla has become aggressive, it means that some changes have occurred in its life. A change of scenery can turn a gentle animal into a defensive savage. Adult males dominate by biting, including “testing” the owner. In this case, you need to carefully stop the pet’s actions by moving the overplayed animal away.

Important! The male should see not a withdrawn hand, but a gesture of a confident person.

Why does a chinchilla wag its tail?

Typically, a male chinchilla wags his tail when courting a female. This is typical sexual behavior. Regardless of whether the girl is nearby or not, the male sweeps the floor furiously. If the male is alone, he can wave his tail, greeting the mistress, making attempts to mate with her hand. Sometimes mating games do not go according to the male’s plan; his beloved begins to chase him around the cage, accompanying the chase with furious wagging of her tail.

In everyday life, a lonely male, and sometimes a female, uses his tail to enhance emotions. The animal demands or asks for something.

Even a lonely male can take revenge with his tail

It is impossible to question the intelligence of chinchillas, though. Pets are inquisitive and gentle with a good owner.

Video: habits and character of chinchillas

Peculiarities of behavior and character of domestic chinchillas

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Pet chinchilla bites
Weight, height and size of chinchillas by month Breeds, types and colors of chinchillas
How long does a chinchilla live at home? Interesting Facts about chinchillas

The chinchilla is a rodent native to South America, in nature it lives in the South American Andes, where the climate is cool, humid, and harsh. During the day, chinchillas sleep, hiding in holes or rock crevices, and at night they are active in search of food. The main food for these rodents are stems of grasses, branches of low-growing shrubs and their dry fruits (berries and seeds). The source of moisture for chinchillas is dew.

Chinchillas have short front legs, which they use to grab and hold food, and strong back legs, which help them move easily over rocky terrain. These features must be taken into account when thinking through place to keep a chinchilla at home. These animals require a large, spacious high cage, the size of which will allow the animal to actively move and jump. The cage must have shelves or steps, as well as something like a house or hole.

Be sure to equip the cage with a special water bowl for rodents. This device has a long tube at the end, which is covered by a ball, which provides the chinchilla with easy access to water. Place a small handful of compressed sawdust, a special wood filler, at the bottom of the cage. It must be changed as needed to avoid the occurrence of unpleasant odors in the apartment and discomfort both for the rodent and for you and your household. Pour the filler into the same corner of the cage: chinchillas are very clean animals and their toilet is only in one place in the cage.

Also purchase special sand for bathing chinchillas. Once every 5 - 7 days, pour a small handful of sand, which looks like very fine sand. gray dust, to the bottom of the cage, but not in the same place as litter or food.

Chinchilla nutrition

Provide your pet with a variety of foods, including seeds and shelled nuts, and occasionally add dried fruit as a treat. It is not recommended for rodents kept at home to be given wet food, such as pieces of vegetables or fruits, as this can lead to serious disturbances in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. There are enough dry nuts, seeds, fruits and berries, and the chinchilla will find the required amount of water in the drinking bowl. The water needs to be changed daily, since a chinchilla may not drink stale water at all, and a lack of moisture will negatively affect the pet’s health. Once every 2-3 days, offer the rodent dry hay purchased at a pet store. Hay should be placed in a special wire mesh so as not to create unsanitary conditions for an animal.

Peculiarities of behavior of chinchillas

When deciding to buy a chinchilla, consider several features of these animals:

  • not all animals make contact equally easily;
  • chinchilla is a nocturnal animal and at night is capable of creating a lot of noise, running and jumping in its cage;
  • As a rule, a chinchilla is ready to play with its owner late in the evening, then it easily allows itself to be controlled, it can be released to run around the apartment and explore the territory.

At the same time, try to ensure maximum safety for your belongings and equipment, since a chinchilla is, first of all, a rodent and can chew on everything, especially likes to chew on wires.

Character of chinchillas

Chinchillas are sociable and inquisitive, they easily get along with other pets, and take part in games with cats, which are also more active in the evening and at night.

When experiencing severe stress, rodents tend to shed their fur. For the animal to come to its senses, you just need to leave it alone, let it hide in a hole and sit for a while.

In general, keeping and caring for a chinchilla does not present any difficulties for the owner. A chinchilla is suitable for busy people who, due to their busyness, cannot afford a more sociable animal, for example, a dog or cat. A chinchilla, provided with a sufficient amount of food and water, does not experience melancholy or any discomfort if the owner is forced to be absent for a relatively long time.

The usual behavior of chinchillas at home is calm and friendly. The animal sleeps during the day, feeds and is active in the evening and at night. In a cage, a chinchilla spends most of its time on the top shelf. The animal sleeps sitting or in funny positions on its side. Chinchillas are active, at night they start a merry run around in the cage. The animals occasionally make sounds. You are probably familiar with the behavior of cats and dogs. It is very varied and informative, but chinchillas show emotions in their own way and show affection for humans. However, the conversation will not be about cuteness, but about the practical side of studying behavior. Let's try to understand by activity, behavior and emotions whether the chinchilla feels good or bad.

Recognizing abnormal behavior

For the owner of a chinchilla, it is important to distinguish the normal state of the pet from the abnormal one by its behavior. The owner of a chinchilla must understand the behavioral signals that his pet gives. The animal’s behavior shows its condition – whether it is stressed, sick or aggressive. It is important to notice, first of all, negative signs and correct the situation.

Behavioral Signs of Stress

Chinchillas are susceptible to stress, which occurs under the influence of external or internal reasons. Signs of stress in an animal are decreased appetite, motor activity, avoiding people, gnawing fur. In details . Identify and eliminate stressors.

It happens that a wild chinchilla is not easy to handle, it will not bite or shoot urine, but will shed its fur. When you grab the animal, the fur will fall out at the point of contact with your hand. This is their protective natural instinct of “freeing themselves from the clutches of a predator.” Don't worry, the fur will grow back quickly. Try not to grab the chinchilla too harshly, especially not with a sudden movement from above.

Manifestations of aggression

When under stress, a chinchilla can become aggressive. We once bought a young female, brought her home, put her in a cage, and did not bother her for the first few days so that she could get used to the environment. The animal turned out to be wild; its previous owners did not tame it in any way. When trying to pick it up, the female stood up and shot out a stream of urine. Such an act is the highest degree of aggressiveness in chinchillas. We managed to gain trust with walks on the couch and pumpkin seeds.

Chinchilla bites are not aggressive. Firstly, the chinchilla, like a rodent, tastes everything, including outstretched fingers. Secondly, an attack on a larger creature with an attempt to bite is not typical of rodents. It happens that chinchillas bite each other, showing dominance. Just in case, when handling an animal, do not put your hands near its face.

How does a chinchilla's behavior change if it gets sick?

You will see external symptoms diseases by regularly examining the animal. It’s not difficult for you to glance at your chinchilla at any moment; suddenly you notice changes in behavior that should alert you.

  • The pet is wilted, does not go into the arms of the owner, hides from the person
  • The chinchilla is inactive, sits hunched over
  • Lost appetite, scatters food
  • Stays at the bottom of the cage for a long time, not on the shelves
  • A very alarming sign if the animal turns its muzzle into a corner
  • If a chinchilla sits day and night down with its head in a corner or in a litter tray. This is a very bad sign. The disease is probably advanced. I don’t want to scare anyone, but often a chinchilla just sticks its nose into the corner of the cage before dying.

These are behavioral signs animal diseases. If you see something like this, immediately get to work, weigh it, etc.

Just as an animal’s distress is determined by its behavior, progress in treatment is also observed. A chinchilla, recovering, becomes mobile, climbs high shelves, and its appetite improves. The animal gives small but important signals. For example, a pet sat in the corner of the cage in the morning, and after taking medication, it moved to the bowl in the afternoon. It seems like a small thing, but it's good sign. This is how you know you are on the right track.

Chinchillas make sounds, some trills resemble the whining of a dog. We have not yet been able to understand what the sound signals indicate. One thing is obvious: if an animal is hurt, it will squeak briefly. However, chinchillas endure illnesses and internal pains courageously and silently, unlike cats and dogs.

Questions arise about the behavior of chinchillas during pregnancy. According to observations in our nursery, an animal’s pregnancy has virtually no effect on behavior. When pregnancy is progressing normally, the chinchilla behaves as usual. Only immediately before giving birth, the female goes downstairs, clears the area and gives birth to chinchillas without any unnecessary sounds. We determine the fact of pregnancy mainly by the dynamics of the animal’s weight.

During a female's heat, the male gets excited and runs after her. If the female is already pregnant, she may refuse courtship. Then you will see fights, fuss, hear the squeaking of animals.

Individual character and habits of chinchillas

Chinchillas vary in temperament to the same extent as humans. Select three groups of pets according to the degree of taming - “quiet”, “ordinary”, “active”. According to our observations, boy chinchillas and girl chinchillas differ little from each other behaviorally. Both can be quiet or active. “Quiet” people avoid people more than others and are reluctant to give in to people’s hands. "Regular" domestic chinchilla She is accustomed to being handled, but due to her nature she is mobile and restless. “Active” pets are more tame, allow themselves to be held, accept affection, and even “extort” preferences from humans. One of our active pets was vigorously shaking the cage bars with her teeth, trying to be let out for a walk on the sofa. It is interesting that the same habit was formed in the chinchilla daughter, who grew up separately from her mother. It is likely that behavioral character traits are inherited.

Consider individual characteristics character of chinchillas, observing behavior. If your pet, active by nature, suddenly does not go to his hands and is depressed, is this a sign of a disease?

In the photo: Angora chinchilla baby Misya is very friendly, she approaches people herself

On video: Chinchilla Queen loves having her chest scratched

Health to you and your chinchillas!


Habits of chinchillas.
“My character is not bad, I just have it!” (WITH).

This phrase could not be more suitable to describe chinchillas. Judging by the stories of the owners, the variety of characters is in no way inferior to human ones. But you can find out what your furry’s character is and enjoy his friendship only if you yourself are ready to be a patient and understanding friend.

What can't you do?
1. Don't grab or squeeze chinchilla. This is completely unacceptable treatment, for which the chinchilla can repay you with all its defense methods: from a stream of urine to a bite.
2. You can’t scare chinchilla: scream, scold loudly, and even more so beat, even symbolically spank. The animal's trust can be lost forever.
3. It is undesirable to change her daily routine and make frequent rearrangements in the cage. All changes must be made extremely slowly and carefully.
4. When training, the commands once chosen should remain the same. If you have taught chinchilla to the word “impossible”, then let it continue to be exactly this word, and not “stop, stop, ah-ay-ay”, etc.
5. Disturb her sleep. During the day chinchilla sleeping And this means that you cannot scratch her, stroke her, grab her, talk to her, etc., etc. She's asleep, and that's all.

What should you do if you want to tame a chinchilla?
First, be patient. It would be very nice if you read about how they live in wildlife, - this way you will better understand your tailed one. In nature chinchilla Reaction speed saves you from danger. That's why chinchilla always on guard. Natural instincts force her, at the slightest suspicion, to make a lightning-fast jump in a direction unpredictable for the enemy. Definitely chinchilla The movements of the hand from above are frightening. Apparently, this is because birds of prey are the main enemies of rodents and a shadow looming from above is a clear signal of danger. Therefore hand chinchilla It’s better to bring it from below, back side palms up. There's no need to rush. Even if you are already old friends, let the animal sniff you and take a closer look.

Also chinchillas are afraid of snakes. Therefore, avoid the sounds of hissing, anything long-crawling, rapid movement, in general, imitation of a snake’s presence and attack.
If the animal has not yet become comfortable with you, then immediately prepare yourself for the fact that it will need as much time as it wants. The first few days it is better not to pay attention to it: just change the water, add food, put on a bathing suit (this is not only hygiene, but also pleasure, a cure for stress). And only when you see that the chinchilla is no longer shying away from you to the opposite corner of the cage, you can start communicating with it. To begin with, you can talk to her very quietly. Kind words and an affectionate tone may not be on the first day, but they will definitely calm the baby. Then you can open the door, put a treat on your palm and quietly move your hand into the cage. There is no need to rush further. To the eyesight chinchillas weak, but the sense of smell - wow! If the chinchilla shows interest in the tasty treat, then there is no need to rush further. If the baby takes the treat, consider half the job done. After that you need to leave him alone.
In our case, several days were enough for the mustachioed one to run to the palm when the cage door opened, and then eat the treat while sitting on the hand.

The next moment of taming was walking. I’ll say right away that chinchilla breeders have very different attitudes towards walks. There are people who, having heard about walking outside the cage, are ready to burn you at the stake. And there are those who think this a necessary condition health and development chinchillas. We'll talk about walks later, I'm just sharing my taming experience here. Actually, our main communication takes place on walks. When Shurshik runs around the whole room, swims to his heart's content in the sand and makes the required number of leaps, leaps, somersaults and flips, he certainly goes to the one who is walking him.

I usually sit on the mat and wait patiently. I already have a tasty treat in my hand, and Shurshik knows this very well. He stands on his hind legs and looks at me with a sly look. You can play staring contest for a long time, but if you tell him: “Shurshik, here!”, then the little hooligan rushes headlong, jumps on his knees and begins to squeak impatiently and poke his nose with a long mustache into his palm - vibrissae. Having eaten, Shunya begins the second series of “Marlezonsky Ballet”. Having made sure that there is nothing else tasty, he again runs in Brownian order throughout the room, not forgetting, however, to run over me. Can jump on your shoulder, sit on your lap, hide behind your back. And then the test of strength begins. Suddenly jumping up, Shurshik rushes to a corner convenient for gnawing wallpaper or to a pile of wires behind the computer. Pretending that now he will gnaw on this property, the little bandit takes an expectant pose and looks back at me.

At this moment, you need to say in a reproachful tone that, in fact, mom sees everything, and therefore you need to behave reasonably. Shurshik drops everything, stands on his hind legs and pretends that wallpaper is the last thing that could interest him in this life. If he really starts gnawing on something or finds a piece of paper that he drags into the cage or under the table, then you need to strictly and loudly say “no”. You can also teach that “no” is accompanied by clapping of palms - this is non-traumatic and intelligible.

The cage door must be open during the entire walk. If your child runs home and stumbles upon the impossibility of getting there, or, even worse, hits it, consider that you have injured him and undermined his trust. The next walk may not take place very, very soon.
I trained Shurshik for three main commands: "It is forbidden", "on the" And "home". WITH "it is forbidden" everything is simple - you see illegal actions and clap your palms, repeat this word in a firm voice. If you stop, you immediately praise him and give him a treat. With the second word, everything also turned out to be quite simple: every time you treat with a treat or a stick, extend your palm and repeat "on the" until he takes it. But with the team "home" It turned out to be more difficult. Shurshik wanted to sneeze at my training and run into the cage on command. Then I began to guess the moment when the animal got tired and went into the cage itself. At that moment I quietly but persistently repeated “Home, Shurshik, home.” When the chinchilla jumped into the cage, I immediately gave him a treat and praised him, repeating: “I came home, home, well done, home.” Two weeks later, Shunya went home without a treat, just on command.

Don't think that everything chinchillas so understanding and sociable. These animals have different temperaments, different trust in the world, different speeds. But they all have a need for communication. And that's why you can make friends. Now, when I open the cage, and Shurshik has already woken up and is sitting on the shelf, I slowly offer him my palm, and then approach him with my shoulder. Our sun jumps on my shoulder, then on my head, squeaks joyfully, and tickles me with its mustache. A little later he will ask to go for a walk, standing on hind legs and holding the front bars of the cage. He will run from one wall to another, flashing his touching fluffy belly and putting on a naturally pleading look. An orphan, no matter what. Give me something to drink, good people, otherwise I’m so hungry that I have nowhere to sleep. We are not locals ourselves...

I must say that even now, when Shurshik and I are on excellent terms, I try to respect his boundaries and habits. And if I want to caress him, and he starts to grumble with displeasure, then I obediently remove my hands, no matter how much I would like to feel this unimaginable softness of fur in my hands. For this Shurshik rewards me with fame "chinchilla smile".

The only exception in which I am tactless and shameless is treatment and scratching. Well, here you have to spit on etiquette and decent manners, catch the gray aristocrat by the tail, grab him in the right way and execute necessary procedures. After this, Shurshik sulks for a while, turns sideways, or even swears with his unique bark-croak. However, deliciousness and a sincere request for forgiveness soon do their job - I am graciously forgiven.

What else can be said about taming chinchillas? For me this is a friend. I respect his boundaries and habits, I make sure to talk to him, find time to scratch his cheeks and neck, and give him a treat. Not every day, but I try to find time for a walk. And the animal pays me with affection, clearly distinguishing me from the rest of the family. Do you want tenderness and affection from your pet? Then be patient and you will discover a completely different chinchilla- the sweetest creature on earth. She comes into your heart once and remains there forever...

To be continued

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