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Lappo Georgy Mikhailovich geography of cities. Electronic versions of articles by G.M.

Honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1987), Honored Scientist Russian Federation (1998).


Born in the city of Lgov, Kursk province. In 1940 he entered the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering, after completing the first year, he went to the front in 1941. After being demobilized in 1946, he worked as a flight radio operator in the aerial survey report of the Moscow Aerogeodetic Enterprise GUGK. In 1953 he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, in 1953-56. He studied at the graduate school of the same faculty. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Cities of the Moscow Region” in 1962.

Scientific career

In 1957-63. worked at the Research Institute of Urban Development and Regional Planning of the USSR Academy of Construction and Architecture. In 1964 G.M. Lappo returned to Alma mater and until 1969 was an associate professor at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, where he taught the course “City Geography with the Fundamentals of Urban Planning” (published as a monograph in 1969).

Since 1969, Georgy Lappo has been working at the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences, studying problems of urban development Soviet Union. Since 1973, he has headed the economic geography department of this institute.

In 1975 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Problems of the development of large urban agglomerations in the USSR.” In parallel with scientific work gave lectures at universities in Ufa, Krasnodar, Tashkent, Smolensk and Saransk.

Contribution to science

Georgy Lappo, along with other geo-urbanists, came up with the concept of a frame-network structure of a territory, in contrast to the regional approach to the study of cities that was dominant in Soviet economic geography. The essence of this concept is that in mature urbanization, cities interact more with each other rather than with the surrounding area. In the 1970-80s. this direction was criticized from ideological positions as “anti-zoning”, but later became dominant in Russian geourbanism.

Awards and titles

  • Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus" (1943)
  • Order of the Red Star (1944)
  • Medal "For Victory over Germany" (1945)
  • Order Patriotic War II degree (1946)
  • Medal "For Labor Distinction" (1952)
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1998)
  • Honorary radio operator of the USSR (1951)
  • Honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society (2000)

Main works

  • Geography of cities with the basics of urban planning. M.: MSU, 1969. 184 p.
  • Stories about cities. M.: Mysl, 1972. 192 pp. (republished in 1976)
  • Moscow. Capital of the Soviet Union. M.: Progress, 1976. P. 189 (with the participation of A. Yu. Bekker and A. G. Chikishev)
  • Urban agglomerations in the USSR and abroad. M.: Znanie, 1977 (together with V. Ya. Lyubovny)
  • Development of urban agglomerations in the USSR. M.: Nauka, 1978. 152 p.
  • Geograpia de las Ciudades y fundomentas de Urbanismo. M.: Wneshtorgizdat 1983. P. 204
  • Geo-urbanistics in the USSR. Main achievements and directions of research. M., 1986 (co-authored with N.V. Petrov; translated to the USA)
  • Cities on the way to the future. M.: Mysl, 1987. 237 p.
  • Packaz for Mockva. Science and art. Sofia, 1987. 199 p. (co-authored with A. Abadzhiev)
  • Geography of cities. M.: Vlados, 1997. 481 p.
  • Georgij M. Lappo und Fritz W. Honsch. Urbanisierung Ru?lands. Berlin: Stuttgart: Borntraeger, 2000. P. 215

Born in the city of Lgov, Kursk region. In 1940 he entered the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering, after finishing the first year, he went to the front.

Military awards:

  • Order of the Red Star (1944)
  • Order of the Patriotic War, II degree (1946)
  • Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus" (1943)
  • Medal "For Victory over Germany"(1945)

Having been demobilized in 1946, he worked as a flight radio operator in the aerial survey report of the Moscow Aerogeodetic Enterprise GUGK. In 1953 he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, in 1953-56. He studied at the graduate school of the same faculty. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Cities of the Moscow Region” in 1962.

In 1957-63. worked at the Research Institute of Urban Planning and Regional Planning of the USSR Academy of Construction and Architecture. In 1963, the Academy was abolished, and the Research Institute of Urban Development and Regional Planning was merged with Gorstroyproekt. After the reorganization of the Academy, Lappo returned to Alma mater and in 1964-69. was an associate professor at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, where he taught the course “City Geography with the Fundamentals of Urban Planning” (published as a monograph in 1969).

Since 1969 Georgiy Lappo has been working in Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences, studying the problems of urban development Soviet Union. Since 1973, he has headed the economic geography department of this institute.

In 1975 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Problems of the development of large urban agglomerations in the USSR.” In parallel with his scientific work, he lectured at universities in Ufa, Krasnodar, Tashkent, Smolensk and Saransk.

Contribution to science

Georgiy Lappo, among other geourbanists, spoke with the concept of the frame-network structure of the territory. Among other popular ideas of Georgy Lappo is a forecast of the inevitable merging of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod into a single agglomeration (not yet realized). Among Lappo's students, the most famous is Pavel Polyan, who often becomes an expert on various issues of population geography and geo-urban studies.

Main works

  • Geography of cities with the basics of urban planning. M.: MSU, 1969. 184 p.
  • Stories about cities. M.: Mysl, 1972. 192 pp. (republished in 1976)
  • Moscow. Capital of the Soviet Union. M.: Progress, 1976. P. 189 (with the participation of A. Yu. Bekker and A. G. Chikishev)
  • Urban agglomerations in the USSR and abroad. M.: Znanie, 1977 (together with V. Ya. Lyubovny)
  • Development of urban agglomerations in the USSR. M.: Nauka, 1978. 152 p.
  • Geograpia de las Ciudades y fundomentas de Urbanismo. M.: Wneshtorgizdat 1983. P. 204
  • Geo-urbanistics in the USSR. Main achievements and directions of research // Preprint. M.: 1986 with 61-200
  • Cities on the way to the future. M.: Mysl, 1987 237 p.
  • Packaz for Mockva. Science and art. Sofia, 1987. 199 p.
  • Geography of cities. M.: Vlados, 1997. 481 p.
  • Georgij M. Lappo und Fritz W. Honsch. Urbanisierung Rußlands. Berlin: Stuttgart: Borntraeger, 2000. P. 215

Lappo Georgy Mikhailovich(b. 1923), economic geographer, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1976). Since 1969 at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Works on the problems of cities and urban agglomerations, on the theory of the supporting framework of the territory. USSR State Prize (1988).

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"Lappo Georgy Mikhailovich" in books

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From the book Tula - Heroes of the Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Vozhakin Georgy Mikhailovich Born in 1921 in the village of Oskolkovo, Aleysky district Altai Territory in the family of a middle peasant. In 1941 he graduated from Sary-Ozek secondary school and was sent to study at the Higher Military Hydrometeorological Institute of the Red Army. In 1942

Georgy Mikhailovich Shiyanov (USSR)

From the book Great Pilots of the World author Bodrikhin Nikolay Georgievich

Georgy Mikhailovich Shiyanov (USSR) Georgy Shiyanov was born in Moscow on December 7, 1910. In 1928, he graduated from the Moscow Radio Engineering School, where he received a specialty as a radio installer. Then he worked as a loader and mechanic for about a year. From 1930 to 1932 he worked at the Krasny Proletary plant. Since 1932

Place of work: Academic degree: Academic title: Alma mater: Scientific adviser: Notable students: Awards and prizes:

Georgy Mikhailovich Lappo(born April 18, Lgov) - Soviet and Russian urban geographer. Doctor of Geographical Sciences (), professor (1988).


Contribution to science

Georgy Lappo, along with other geo-urbanists, came up with the concept of a frame-network structure of a territory, in contrast to the regional approach to the study of cities that was dominant in Soviet economic geography. The essence of this concept is that in mature urbanization, cities interact more with each other rather than with the surrounding area. In the 1970-80s. this direction was criticized from ideological positions as “anti-zoning”, but later became dominant in Russian geourbanism.

Awards and titles

  • Order of the Patriotic War, II degree (1946)
  • Honorary radio operator of the USSR (1951)
  • Honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society (2000)

Main works

  • Geography of cities with the basics of urban planning. M.: MSU, 1969. 184 p.
  • Stories about cities. M.: Mysl, 1972. 192 pp. (republished in 1976)
  • Moscow. Capital of the Soviet Union. M.: Progress, 1976. P. 189 (with the participation of A. Yu. Bekker and A. G. Chikishev)
  • Lappo G. M. Stories about cities / Design by artist E. V. Ratmirova. - Ed. 2nd, add. and processed - M.: Mysl, 1976. - 224 p. - 150,000 copies.(region)
  • Urban agglomerations in the USSR and abroad. M.: Znanie, 1977 (together with V. Ya. Lyubovny)
  • Development of urban agglomerations in the USSR. M.: Nauka, 1978. 152 p.
  • Geograpia de las Ciudades y fundomentas de Urbanismo. M.: Wneshtorgizdat 1983. P. 204
  • Geo-urbanistics in the USSR. Main achievements and directions of research. M., 1986 (co-authored with N.V. Petrov; translated to the USA)
  • Cities on the way to the future. M.: Mysl, 1987. 237 p.
  • Packaz for Mockva. Science and art. Sofia, 1987. 199 p. (co-authored with A. Abadzhiev)
  • Lappo G. M. Geography of cities. - M.: Vlados, 1997. - 480 p. - 20,000 copies.(region)
  • - ISBN 5-691-00047-0.

Georgij M. Lappo und Fritz W. Honsch. Urbanisierung Rußlands. Berlin: Stuttgart: Borntraeger, 2000. P. 215.

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  • Literature Krasnopolsky A.V. Domestic geographers (1917-1992): Bio-bibliographic reference book (in 3 volumes) / Ed. prof. S. B. Lavrova; RAS, Russian Geographical Society. - St. Petersburg. : B.I., 1993. - T. 2 (L-X). - P. 9-10. - 456 s. - 1,000 copies.

(in translation)


Excerpt characterizing Lappo, Georgy Mikhailovich
“I think, however, that there is a basis in these condemnations...” said Prince Andrei, trying to fight the influence of Speransky, which he was beginning to feel. It was unpleasant for him to agree with him on everything: he wanted to contradict. Prince Andrei, who usually spoke easily and well, now felt difficulty in expressing himself when speaking with Speransky. He was too busy observing the personality of the famous person.
“There may be a basis for personal ambition,” Speransky quietly added his word.
“Partly for the state,” said Prince Andrei.
“I am an admirer of Montesquieu,” said Prince Andrei. - And his idea that le principe des monarchies est l "honneur, me parait incontestable. Certains droits et privileges de la noblesse me paraissent etre des moyens de soutenir ce sentiment. [the basis of monarchies is honor, it seems to me undoubted. Some rights and the privileges of the nobility seem to me to be a means of maintaining this feeling.]
The smile disappeared from Speransky’s white face and his face gained a lot from this. He probably found Prince Andrei’s idea interesting.
“Si vous envisagez la question sous ce point de vue, [If that’s how you look at the subject,” he began, pronouncing French with obvious difficulty and speaking even more slowly than in Russian, but completely calmly. He said that honor, l "honneur, cannot be supported by advantages harmful to the course of service, that honor, l "honneur, is either: the negative concept of not doing reprehensible acts, or a well-known source of competition for obtaining approval and awards expressing it.
His arguments were concise, simple and clear.
The institution that supports this honor, the source of competition, is an institution similar to the Legion d'honneur [Order of the Legion of Honor] of the great Emperor Napoleon, which does not harm, but promotes the success of the service, and not class or court advantage.
“I don’t argue, but it cannot be denied that the court advantage achieved the same goal,” said Prince Andrei: “every courtier considers himself obliged to bear his position with dignity.”
“But you didn’t want to use it, prince,” said Speransky, smiling, indicating that he wanted to end the argument, which was awkward for his interlocutor, with courtesy. “If you do me the honor of welcoming me on Wednesday,” he added, “then I, after talking with Magnitsky, will tell you what may interest you, and in addition I will have the pleasure of talking with you in more detail.” “He closed his eyes, bowed, and a la francaise, [in the French manner], without saying goodbye, trying to be unnoticed, he left the hall.

During the first time of his stay in St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei felt his entire mindset, developed in his solitary life, completely obscured by those petty worries that gripped him in St. Petersburg.
In the evening, returning home, he wrote down in a memory book 4 or 5 necessary visits or rendez vous [meetings] at the appointed hours. The mechanism of life, the order of the day in order to be everywhere on time, took a large share of the energy of life itself. He did nothing, didn’t even think about anything and didn’t have time to think, but only spoke and successfully said what he had previously thought about in the village.
He sometimes noticed with displeasure that he happened to repeat the same thing on the same day, in different societies. But he was so busy all day that he didn’t have time to think about the fact that he didn’t think anything.
Speransky, both on his first meeting with him at Kochubey’s, and then in the middle of the house, where Speransky, face to face, having received Bolkonsky, spoke with him for a long time and trustingly, made a strong impression on Prince Andrei.
Prince Andrey is like this great amount He considered people to be despicable and insignificant creatures, so he wanted to find in another the living ideal of the perfection for which he was striving, that he easily believed that in Speransky he found this ideal of a completely reasonable and virtuous person. If Speransky had been from the same society from which Prince Andrei was, the same upbringing and moral habits, then Bolkonsky would soon have found his weak, human, non-heroic sides, but now this logical mindset, strange to him, inspired him with respect all the more that he did not quite understand it. In addition, Speransky, either because he appreciated the abilities of Prince Andrei, or because he found it necessary to acquire him for himself, Speransky flirted with Prince Andrei with his impartial, calm mind and flattered Prince Andrei with that subtle flattery, combined with arrogance, which consists in silent recognition his interlocutor with himself, together with the only person capable of understanding all the stupidity of everyone else, and the rationality and depth of his thoughts.
During their long conversation on Wednesday evening, Speransky said more than once: “We look at everything that comes out of general level ingrained habit..." or with a smile: "But we want the wolves to be fed and the sheep to be safe..." or: "They cannot understand this..." and all with an expression that said: "We: you and I, we understand what they are and who we are.”
This first, long conversation with Speransky only strengthened in Prince Andrei the feeling with which he saw Speransky for the first time. He saw in him a reasonable, strictly thinking, enormously intelligent man who had achieved power with energy and perseverance and used it only for the good of Russia. Speransky, in the eyes of Prince Andrei, was precisely that person who rationally explains all the phenomena of life, recognizes as valid only what is reasonable, and knows how to apply to everything the standard of rationality, which he himself so wanted to be. Everything seemed so simple and clear in Speransky’s presentation that Prince Andrei involuntarily agreed with him in everything. If he objected and argued, it was only because he deliberately wanted to be independent and not completely submit to Speransky’s opinions. Everything was so, everything was good, but one thing embarrassed Prince Andrei: it was Speransky’s cold, mirror-like gaze, which did not let into his soul, and his white, tender hand, which Prince Andrei involuntarily looked at, as they usually look at people’s hands, having power. For some reason this mirror look and this gentle hand irritated Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei was unpleasantly struck by the too much contempt for people that he noticed in Speransky, and the variety of methods in the evidence that he cited to support his opinions. He used all possible instruments of thought, excluding comparisons, and too boldly, as it seemed to Prince Andrei, he moved from one to another. Either he became a practical activist and condemned dreamers, then he became a satirist and ironically laughed at his opponents, then he became strictly logical, then he suddenly rose into the realm of metaphysics. (He used this last tool of evidence especially often.) He transferred the question to metaphysical heights, moved into the definitions of space, time, thought, and, making refutations from there, again descended to the ground of dispute.

Georgy Mikhailovich Lappo
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Lgov, Kursk province, RSFSR, USSR

A country:

USSR, Russia

Scientific field:

economic geography, urban studies

Place of work:

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences, Institute of Geography RAS

Academic degree:

Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1975)

Academic title:


Alma mater:

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova

Scientific adviser:

Yu. G. Saushkin,
N. N. Baransky,
I. M. Maergoiz

Notable students:

P. M. Polyan

Awards and prizes

Georgy Mikhailovich Lappo(born April 18, 1923, Lgov) - Soviet and Russian urban geographer. Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1975), Professor (1988).

Honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1987), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1998).


Born in the city of Lgov, Kursk province. In 1940 he entered the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering, after completing the first year, he went to the front in 1941. After being demobilized in 1946, he worked as a flight radio operator in the aerial survey detachment of the Moscow Aerogeodetic Enterprise GUGK. In 1953 he graduated in absentia from the Department of Economic Geography of the USSR (1953) Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University, in 1953-56. He studied at the graduate school of the same faculty. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Cities of the Moscow Region” in 1962.

Scientific career

In 1957-63. worked at the Research Institute of Urban Planning and Regional Planning of the USSR Academy of Construction and Architecture. In 1964, G.M. Lappo returned to Alma mater and until 1969. was an associate professor at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, where he taught the course “City Geography with the Fundamentals of Urban Planning” (published as a monograph in 1969).

Since 1969, Georgy Lappo has been working at the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences, studying the problems of the development of cities in the Soviet Union. Since 1973, he has headed the economic geography department of this institute.

In 1975 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Problems of the development of large urban agglomerations in the USSR.” In parallel with his scientific work, he lectured at universities in Ufa, Krasnodar, Tashkent, Smolensk and Saransk.

Contribution to science

Georgy Lappo, along with other geo-urbanists, came up with the concept of a frame-network structure of a territory, in contrast to the regional approach to the study of cities that was dominant in Soviet economic geography. The essence of this concept is that in mature urbanization, cities interact more with each other rather than with the surrounding area. In the 1970-80s. this direction was criticized from ideological positions as “anti-zoning”, but later became dominant in Russian geourbanism.

Awards and titles
  • Order of the Patriotic War, II degree (1946)
  • Order of the Red Star (1944)
  • Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus" (1943)
  • Medal "For Victory over Germany" (1945)
  • Medal "For Labor Distinction" (1952)
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1998)
  • Honorary radio operator of the USSR (1951)
  • Honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society (2000)
Main works
  • Geography of cities with the basics of urban planning. M.: MSU, 1969. 184 p.
  • Stories about cities. M.: Mysl, 1972. 192 pp. (republished in 1976)
  • Moscow. Capital of the Soviet Union. M.: Progress, 1976. P. 189 (with the participation of A. Yu. Bekker and A. G. Chikishev)
  • Lappo G. M. Stories about cities / Design by artist E. V. Ratmirova. - Ed. 2nd, add. and processed - M.: Mysl, 1976. - 224 p. - 150,000 copies.(region)
  • Urban agglomerations in the USSR and abroad. M.: Znanie, 1977 (together with V. Ya. Lyubovny)
  • Development of urban agglomerations in the USSR. M.: Nauka, 1978. 152 p.
  • Geograpia de las Ciudades y fundomentas de Urbanismo. M.: Wneshtorgizdat 1983. P. 204
  • Geo-urbanistics in the USSR. Main achievements and directions of research. M., 1986 (co-authored with N.V. Petrov; translated to the USA)
  • Cities on the way to the future. M.: Mysl, 1987. 237 p.
  • Packaz for Mockva. Science and art. Sofia, 1987. 199 p. (co-authored with A. Abadzhiev)
  • Lappo G. M. Geography of cities. - M.: Vlados, 1997. - 480 p. - 20,000 copies.(region)
  • - ISBN 5-691-00047-0.
  • - ISBN 5-691-00047-0.
Cities of Russia. A geographer's view. M.: New chronograph. 2012

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