Home Prosthetics and implantation Presentation on the topic of human blood. Presentation on the topic "blood"

Presentation on the topic of human blood. Presentation on the topic "blood"

Plan 1.
Functions of blood, its composition
Red blood cells, properties and functions
Leukocytes, types, properties and functions
Platelets, properties and functions
Hemolysis and its types
Hemostasis, its mechanisms
Blood groups
Rh factor

What is blood

blood is a complex
liquids that wash
cellular elements and
participate in metabolism in
tissues and organs.
blood is liquid tissue
has no communication with
external environment.

Blood functions

1. transport
2 thermoregulatory
3. respiratory
4. nutritious
5. excretory
6. regulatory
7. immune
8. maintaining water and salt
tissue balance

Blood composition

Plasma organic compounds

1. Proteins
a) albumins
b) globulins
c) fibrinogen
2 Nitrogen-containing compounds
a) urea
b) creatine
c) residual nitrogen
3 Nitrogen-free compounds
a) glucose
b) enzymes
c) hormones
d) fats, lipids
Meaning: Maintains oncotic pressure,
viscosity, suspension properties of blood

Inorganic Plasma Compounds

Na+ - 138 – 148 mmol/l
- 3.5 – 5.3 mmol/l
Ca++ - 0.75 – 2.75 mmol/l
Tr++ - 8.9 – 28.6 µmol/l
Meaning: Support osmotic
blood plasma pressure

Formed elements of blood

Er-Red blood cells

Er-erythrocytes are red, anucleate
blood cells look doubly concave
Perform the following functions:
Nutritional (trophic)
Protective (enzymatic)
M - 4.5 - 5.5 *10 12 in 1 l
F - 3.7 - 4.7 *10 12 in 1 l

Increased Er content - erythrocytosis
Reduced Er content – ​​erythropenia
Hb O2 – oxyhemoglobin
Hb CO2 – carbhemoglobin

L - Leukocytes

L - white blood cells, have
phagocytosis. They are carriers of antibodies.
leukocytes live 8-12 days
4 - 8.8*10 9 in 1 l
Perform functions

Leukocyte formula -

The leukocyte formula is the percentage of all forms

Leukocytosis is an increased content
Leukopenia - reduced content

Tr - Thrombocytes

Platelets - blood platelets
Perform the following functions:
Blood clotting
Changes the permeability of capillary walls

Physicochemical properties of blood

1. Blood pH or blood reaction
pH=7.36 – slightly alkaline
Acidosis – acid more than 7.36
Alkalosis - alkaline, less than 7.36
2. Osmotic pressure – provided
salts it is constant = 0.9%

3. Oncotic pressure is provided by dissolved
blood plasma proteins
4. Blood viscosity (suspension
4-5 USD

5. Colloidal properties (sedimentation rate
erythrocyte ESR)
M 6-12 mm/hour
F 8-15 mm/hour
6. Specific gravity blood
1.052-1.064, depends on quantity
red blood cells to
blood plasma composition
7. Blood clotting
Capillary blood 3-5 minutes
Venous blood 5-10 minutes

Buffer properties of blood

1. Phosphate buffer
2. Hemoglobin buffer
3. Bicarbonate buffer
4. Protein buffer
acidosis - acidification
alkalosis - alkalization


Hematopoiesis is a complex set of mechanisms
, providing education and
destruction of blood cells.
1.The first blood cells appear on
third week of intrauterine life.
2. At 4-5 weeks the center of hematopoiesis
is the liver.
3.By the end of the 5th month the organs
hematopoiesis becomes the spleen and
The lymph nodes
4. from the third month red bone

Slide 1

blood Generalization and consolidation Khannanova Valentina Nikolaevna MBOU "School No. 62", Kazan

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Blood - internal environment organism formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures (erythrocytes and platelets). On average, the mass fraction of blood to the total body weight of a person is 6.5-7%

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Did you know?: The power of the human heart is no more than 0.8 W; The human heart pumps 30 tons of blood per day; Blood circulation period big circle blood circulation is 21c, and in the low blood circulation - 7c. Think about it, why is this possible? Why does this logical paradox not contradict the laws of physics?

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Blood plasma contains water and substances dissolved in it - proteins albumin, globulins and fibrinogen. About 85% of plasma is water. Inorganic substances make up about 2-3%; these are cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and anions (HCO3-, Cl-, PO43-, SO42-). Organic matter(about 9%) proteins, amino acids, urea, creatinine, ammonia, glucose, fatty acid, pyruvate, lactate, phospholipids, triacylglycerols, cholesterol. Blood plasma also contains gases oxygen, carbon dioxide and biologically active substances hormones, vitamins, enzymes, mediators

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Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are the most numerous of the formed elements. Mature red blood cells do not contain a nucleus and have the shape of biconcave discs. Red blood cells contain iron-containing protein - hemoglobin. It provides main function erythrocytes - transport of gases, primarily oxygen.

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Platelets (blood platelets) are limited cell membrane fragments of the cytoplasm of giant cells Together with blood plasma proteins (for example, fibrinogen), they ensure the coagulation of blood flowing from a damaged vessel.

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Leukocytes are white blood cells; heterogeneous group of different appearance and functions of human or animal blood cells, identified on the basis of the absence of independent coloring and the presence of a nucleus.

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Answer the questions and fill out the crossword puzzle Vertical: Formed element of blood that ensures gas exchange. The liquid part of the blood that does not belong to the formed elements. Part of the cell missing from red blood cells and platelets. Horizontal: Formed element responsible for the body’s immunity. A uniform element that begins to work in case of injuries and wounds. It is liquid, but belongs to connective tissue. A vital gas that transports red blood cells.

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Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich (1845-1916) An outstanding Russian scientist who laid the foundation for many important trends in biology and medicine. The author of the famous phagocytic theory of immunity, for which he, the first Russian biologist, was awarded Nobel Prize. I.I. Mechnikov created the theory of inflammation as a protective reaction of the body in the fight against disease. Founded the first Russian bacteriological station. The name of I.I. Mechnikov is world famous.

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Shaped elements Formed elements Cell structure Place of formation Duration. functioning Place of death Contents. in 1 mm3 of blood Functions Erythrocytes Red Blood Nucleated cells Red bone marrow 3-4 months. Liver, spleen 4.5-5 million. The hemoglobin pigment forms fragile compounds with O2 and CO2 and transports them. Leukocytes White blood amoeboid cells with a nucleus. Red bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes. 3-5 days Liver, spleen, as well as places where it goes inflammatory process 6-8 thousand. Protection of the body from pathogenic microbes by phagocytosis. They produce antibodies, creating immunity. Platelets Blood platelets Red bone marrow 2-5 days Liver, spleen. 300-500 thousand Participate in blood clotting when damaged blood vessel, promoting the conversion of fibrinogen protein into fibrin, a fibrous blood clot.

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Blood is an amazing liquid. Since ancient times, she has been credited with powerful strength. Ancient priests sacrificed it to their gods, people sealed their oaths with blood... Blood is a special type of connective tissue, the cells are located far from each other, there is a lot of intercellular substance.

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Blood functions. Nutritional Respiratory Humoral Excretory Protective Thermoregulatory Homeostatic

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Plasma. Inorganic substances: Organic substances: proteins Glucose Fats Carbohydrates Hormones Breakdown products vitamins Sodium, potassium, calcium salts: water

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Erythrocyte hemoglobin Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, are clearly visible under a microscope in a drop of fresh blood. There are a lot of them, so they are clearly visible: in 1 mm3 there are 4.5 – 5.5 million red blood cells. These are small, anucleate, biconcave cells. This form significantly increases the surface of red blood cells. A special protein, hemoglobin, gives reddish color to red blood cells. Thanks to him, red blood cells perform respiratory function blood: hemoglobin easily combines with oxygen and just as easily releases it. Red blood cells also take part in the removal of carbon dioxide from tissues. Red blood cells are formed in red bone marrow. Their lifespan is short - 100-120 days. Every day, up to 300 billion new red blood cells are formed instead of dead ones.

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Blood transfusion. Blood groups. Blood transfusions treat many diseases. Blood groups were discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century. Since that time, it has become possible to correctly select a donor - a person who gives his blood for transfusion. When receiving a blood transfusion, it is necessary that the blood type of the donor and the recipient - the person receiving part of the blood - be compatible. In 1901, the Austrian researcher K. Landsteiner investigated the problem of blood compatibility during transfusion. By mixing erythrocytes with blood serum in an experiment, he discovered that with some combinations of serum and erythrocytes an agglutination reaction (sticking together) of erythrocytes is observed, while with others - not. The process of agglutination occurs as a result of the interaction of certain proteins: antigens present in erythrocytes - agglutinogens and antibodies contained in plasma - agglutinins. Upon further study of the blood, it turned out that the main agglutinogens of erythrocytes were agglutinogens A and B, and in the blood plasma - agglutinins a and b. There are 4 blood groups.

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Leukocyte Leukocytes (white blood cells; from leuko ... and Greek kytos - container, here - cell), colorless blood cells of humans and animals. All types of leukocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils) are spherical in shape, have a nucleus and are capable of active amoeboid movement. White blood cells play important role in protecting the body from diseases - they produce antibodies and absorb bacteria. 1 micron of blood normally contains 4-9 thousand leukocytes. The number of leukocytes in human blood is subject to fluctuations: it increases towards the end of the day, when physical activity, emotional stress, eating protein foods, sudden changes in temperature environment. There are two main groups of leukocytes - granulocytes (granular leukocytes) and agranulocytes (non-granular leukocytes). Granulocytes are divided into neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. All granulocytes have a lobed nucleus and granular cytoplasm. Agranulocytes are divided into two main types: monocytes and lymphocytes.

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Platelet Blood platelets (thrombocytes) are small, non-nuclear formations; 1 mm3 contains up to 400,000 of them. Their lifespan is 5-7 days. They are formed in the red bone marrow. The main function is related to the process of blood clotting.

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Blood clotting. damage (Platelets are destroyed) THROMBOPLASTIN prothrombin thrombin fibrinogen fibrin thrombus + blood cells Blood clotting is a protective reaction of the body that prevents blood loss and the penetration of pathogenic organisms into the body.

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Immunity Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from pathogenic microbes and viruses, as well as foreign bodies and substances. It comes in several types. Natural immunity is developed as a result of illnesses or is inherited from parents to children (this immunity is called innate immunity). Artificial (acquired) immunity occurs as a result of the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body. This occurs when a sick person is injected with blood serum from recovered people or animals. Artificial immunity can also be obtained by administering vaccines - cultures of weakened microbes. In this case, the body actively participates in the production of its own antibodies. This immunity remains for many years.

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Test 1). Nuclear-free blood cells containing hemoglobin - Leukocytes, Red blood cells, Platelets

Presentation on the topic "Blood" in biology in powerpoint format. This presentation for 8th grade schoolchildren gives the definition of blood, briefly describes the composition of blood, and also provides reinforcement material in the form of a crossword puzzle. The work contains 12 slides. Author of the presentation: Hannanova Valentina Nikolaevna.

Fragments from the presentation

Blood- the internal environment of the body formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures (erythrocytes and platelets). On average, the mass fraction of blood to the total body weight of a person is 6.5-7%

Blood composition

  • erythrocyte
  • platelet
  • leukocyte

Do you know?

The power of the human heart is no more than 0.8 W; The human heart pumps 30 tons of blood per day; The period of blood circulation in the systemic circulation is 21 seconds, and in the small circle – 7 seconds. Think about why this is possible? Why does this logical paradox not contradict the laws of physics?

Blood plasma contains water and substances dissolved in it - proteins albumin, globulins and fibrinogen. About 85% of plasma is water. Inorganic substances make up about 2-3%; these are cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and anions (HCO3-, Cl-, PO43-, SO42-). Organic substances (about 9%) proteins, amino acids, urea, creatinine, ammonia, glucose, fatty acids, pyruvate, lactate, phospholipids, triacylglycerols, cholesterol. Blood plasma also contains gases oxygen, carbon dioxide and biologically active substances hormones, vitamins, enzymes , mediators

Red blood cells(red blood cells) are the most numerous of the formed elements. Mature red blood cells do not contain a nucleus and have the shape of biconcave discs. Red blood cells contain iron-containing protein - hemoglobin. It provides the main function of red blood cells - the transport of gases, primarily oxygen.

Platelets(blood plates) are fragments of the cytoplasm of giant cells bounded by a cell membrane. Together with blood plasma proteins (for example, fibrinogen), they ensure the coagulation of blood flowing from a damaged vessel.

Leukocytes- white blood cells; a heterogeneous group of human or animal blood cells of different appearance and functions, identified on the basis of the absence of independent coloring and the presence of a nucleus.

Answer the questions and complete the crossword puzzle

  1. A formed element of blood that provides gas exchange.
  2. The liquid part of the blood that does not belong to the formed elements.
  3. Part of the cell missing from red blood cells and platelets.
  • A formed element responsible for the body's immunity.
  • A uniform element that begins to work in case of injuries and wounds.
  • It is liquid, but belongs to connective tissue.
  • A vital gas that transports red blood cells.

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