Home Pulpitis Sale of alcohol-containing tinctures in pharmacies. Medicinal herbal tinctures

Sale of alcohol-containing tinctures in pharmacies. Medicinal herbal tinctures

In order to limit the retail trade of alcohol-containing non-food products, their circulation has been suspended, the moratorium was introduced by a decree of the chief sanitary doctor, Rospotrebnadzor reports in a letter addressed to regional departments marked “very urgently” (the document was published on December 26 on the department’s website, the decree came into force on Monday, 26 December).

In the Irkutsk region, a state of emergency has been introduced due to mass poisoning with the “Hawthorn” bath concentrate containing poisonous methyl alcohol, which was added to the product instead of ethyl alcohol. According to the latest data, 76 people became victims of poisoning; a criminal case has been opened, in which 23 people have already been detained.

One of them is the deputy head of the regional department, suspected of negligence. Four suspects were arrested on Monday by the Leninsky District Court of Irkutsk.

The moratorium announced by Rospotrebnadzor was introduced on December 26 for 30 days and orders entrepreneurs to suspend trade in non-food products whose alcohol content exceeds 25%, with the exception of perfumes and windshield washer fluids.

The heads of the regional departments of Rospotrebnadzor and the railway transport departments were ordered to strengthen control over both food and non-food alcohol-containing products, increase the coverage of laboratory control, “particularly paying attention to the detection of toxic impurities.” The results are required to be reported on a daily basis.

Violators face administrative liability for the illegal sale of goods, the free sale of which is prohibited (fine for citizens - from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 30 thousand to 40 thousand rubles, with or without confiscation ).

“We are talking only about cosmetics. Medicines and any tinctures medical purposes this does not apply,” Rospotrebnadzor assured Gazeta.Ru.

This will definitely not affect pharmacies, echoes the executive director non-profit partnership“Pharmaceutical Guild” Elena: “The fact is that tinctures are registered as medicines, and Rospotrebnadzor does not even have the authority to limit them, because the procedure and rules (sales) are determined only.”

The Ministry of Health, according to her, established back in 2010 that all medications containing potent substances should be dispensed in no more than two packages per person. “And since ethanol is a drug subject to quantitative accounting, this requirement also applied to tinctures,” she explains.

Cosmetics containing a high percentage of alcohol are, as a rule, not sold in pharmacies, Nevolina added. “Reputable pharmacies, of which we have the majority, as a rule, do not take these liquids, since such sales only cause reputational damage,” she assured.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin last week made a proposal to sell alcohol-containing medical supplies, such as cardiac medications Valocordin and Corvalol, Hawthorn tincture, according to recipes. The Minister of Health said that this issue has not yet been resolved in the ministry, but other measures have been developed to curb the misuse of alcohol-containing drugs.

In some Moscow pharmacies, according to Gazeta.Ru, after the announcement, there was an increased demand for Valocordin: pensioners bought the medicine in large quantities in reserve. Director Russian Association pharmacy chains (RAAS) announced last week that the transfer of medicinal alcohol-containing products to prescription can lead to excessive demand, shortages and lead to additional burden on clinics.

The government does not plan to ban over-the-counter drugs, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin. “There is no goal to complicate access to these drugs for citizens,” he told reporters. Meanwhile, earlier the Deputy Prime Minister himself spoke about the dispensing of alcohol-containing medicinal tinctures strictly according to prescription and even indicated the date of innovation - the second quarter of 2017.

After the mass poisoning with Hawthorn in Irkutsk, some pharmacies, according to testimonies from customers, began to use drugs that may be of interest to alcoholics. And not only tinctures, but also valocordin, iodine and brilliant green. Correspondent Sergei Gololobov went to check the capital's pharmacies to find out if this is so.

To find out whether it has really recently become problematic to purchase drugs containing alcohol, I decided to visit three pharmacies in one microdistrict. In the first of them, however, there was no valocordin, but its analogue, “Valoserdin,” is available for free sale.

Pharmacist: We have a domestic drug called Valoserdin.

Corr.: On alcohol?

Pharmacist: Yes, they all contain alcohol. "Valoserdin", 25 milliliters, costs 66 rubles. Drunks don’t come to us, we have a pharmacy, you know? And drunks are not interested in drugs. They drink something else. This - medicine. For that kind of money, drunks won't drink anything. Because these are still drugs. Not lotions, not some kind of cosmetic liquids.

Corr.: And iodine, brilliant green - is everything on sale?

Pharmacist: In our this moment Everything is there: iodine and brilliant green - please!

The second pharmacy also has everything, but they sell drugs only by prescription. Besides, it's a vacation alcohol-containing medications limited:

Pharmacist: Alcohol-containing drinks are now on holiday medicines limited for a month. I don’t know what will happen next.

Corr.: What does "limited" mean?

Pharmacist: It is advisable that eitherwasa prescription or statement from a doctor for these drugs.

Corr.: And if I really want it, will you sell it?

Pharmacist: No. That is, if you really want to, go to the doctor. Firstly, it already states that it contains phenobarbital, so even if you really want it, I still won’t sell it to you.

Corr.: Can iodine and brilliant green also be subject to restrictions?

Pharmacist: They are not suitable for oral administration, as a cosmetic product is. I think they are unlikely to get there.

And finally, the third pharmacy is the strictest. No recipes, no “up to two bottles in one hand” - down with all alcohol-containing products. The ban on sales is explained by a certain decree of the chief sanitary doctor:

Pharmacist: Now the order, you know, came out like this, from today. The 195th resolution states that the ban will last for 30 days. Please feel free to read it.

Corr.: And what does it include?

Pharmacist: It doesn't say what's included. It says about all alcohol-containing products containing more than 25% alcohol. And with us everything fits this. Even iodine with brilliant green. Do you understand?

Corr.: But can I still buy greens and iodine or is that no longer possible?

Pharmacist: From today - no. The resolution has arrived - that's it.

Corr.: Is Valocordin included?

Pharmacist: Everything is included. Valocordin, "Valoserdin", Corvalol - all alcohol-containing tinctures that are for oral administration.

The restrictions have been introduced for a month. That is, until the end of January. What will happen next, none of the pharmacists know: they have not yet received any circulars. They do not believe in the introduction of prescription sales of iodine and brilliant green, because alcoholics do not drink them. Well, the prospects for selling Valocordin, as well as all other alcoholic medicinal tinctures according to prescriptions, are treated with understanding.


Broadcasts on the topic: The fight against alcoholism

Will the 24-hour sale of alcohol in cafes on the ground floors of residential buildings be banned?

Local authorities will be able to limit or even prohibit the sale of alcohol in cafes and restaurants located in residential buildings. The corresponding bill is currently being considered in the State Duma. As it became known, the government generally supports this document, although it asks deputies to clarify some provisions.

A ban on retail sales of alcohol-containing non-food products has come into force. The corresponding document was published on the Rospotrebnadzor website.

Earlier, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev demanded to tighten control over the sale of alcohol-containing products after poisoning with concentrate “ Hawthorn”. According to him, it is necessary to withdraw these drugs from retail trade or control the circulation of these drugs, including using the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAI) system.

Now hawthorn tincture and valocordin, as well as other alcohol-containing drugs, will be sold only by prescription. It is also planned to reduce the volume of containers in which tinctures are sold.

According to the document, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to suspend for 30 days retail trade in alcohol-containing non-food products containing ethyl alcohol more than 25 percent of the volume of finished products (with the exception of perfumes and windshield washer fluids).

On December 19, a state of emergency was introduced in Irkutsk due to the mass poisoning of people with hawthorn tincture. Selling “ Hawthorn” banned. 75 people died from liquid poisoning.

According to investigators, between December 17 and 18, dozens of residents of one of the microdistricts of the Leninsky district of Irkutsk bought a concentrate for taking baths.” Hawthorn” with a warning about the ban internal use. Despite this, the victims consumed the product as alcohol, but the product contained concentrated methyl alcohol instead of ethyl.

On December 21, law enforcement officers managed to discover a warehouse with prohibited products and detained 12 defendants in the case - individual entrepreneurs, as well as their employees, who were selling alcohol-containing liquid in small wholesale and retail.

The case was initiated under article “Production, storage, sale of goods and products that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence”.

Among the suspects is Mikhail Luzhnov, deputy head of the Rospotrebnadzor department for the Irkutsk region. A criminal case was filed against him for negligence. Investigators found that the department received repeated requests about the illegal sale of concentrate “ Hawthorn”. Luzhnov, as the investigation believes, did not take the necessary measures to verify the facts specified in the appeal.

/ Monday, December 26, 2016 /

Topics: Crime Small business

Rospotrebnadzor's temporary ban on the sale of non-food alcohol-containing products, with several exceptions, came into force on Monday, December 26. Representative of the regulatory agency Anna Brycheva told m24.ru that the ban applies only to dual-use drugs. Experts also talked about how the decision will affect Muscovites.
“We are talking primarily about cosmetic products - these are the so-called dual-use alcohol lotions. Which could be sold as non-food products, but were widely used for other purposes than their intended purpose, for example, lotion “ Bread”(the product contains ethyl alcohol 75% - approx.)", - explained Anna Brycheva. She added that this ban does not apply to perfume products.
On December 26, a decree came into force on a 30-day ban on the sale of all non-food alcohol-containing products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 25 percent, except for perfumes and windshield washer fluids.
The head of the Pharmacy Guild, Elena Nevolina, told m24.ru that the temporary ban does not apply to alcohol-containing medications.
“Medicines also remained on sale; no one banned them. For example, calendula, motherwort, valerian are medicines, so the Rospotrebnadzor decree does not apply to them.”, - said Nevolina.
According to her, the only restriction related to alcohol-containing medications is in effect by order of the Ministry of Health in 2010. Thus, pharmacies can sell up to two packages at a time, and the volume of containers sold does not exceed 25 milliliters.
Chairman of the Consumers Union Petr Shelishch, in a conversation with m24.ru, said that the temporary block on the sale of alcohol-containing products will not affect ordinary residents in any way.
“In household chemicals, the most important thing where alcohol was used is disinfectants, but they have not been made on an alcohol basis for a long time. Therefore, nothing fundamental will happen, no one will be particularly disadvantaged. The most important thing is to buy different “cosmetic” the drugs that some citizens drank will now not be so simple", he explained.
In the press service of the group of companies “ Dixie" also reported to m24.ru that non-food alcohol-containing products are not sold on their shelves, so the resolution of the regulatory agency will not affect the retailer’s stores.
. . . . . The sale of the cosmetic product was urgently banned, and 75 people died from poisoning with the liquid.
. . . . . Composed of “ Hawthorn” ethyl alcohol was indicated, but in fact it consisted of a mixture of methanol and “anti-freeze”.
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Nikita Shchurenkov

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“As part of the implementation of powers to control the circulation of legal alcohol and alcohol-containing products and in pursuance of the instructions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 195 dated December 23, 2016 "On the suspension of retail trade in alcohol-containing non-food products", - the message says.

In accordance with the resolution legal entities And individual entrepreneurs It is necessary to suspend for 30 days retail trade in alcohol-containing non-food products containing ethyl alcohol more than 25% of the volume of finished products. Perfume products and windshield washer fluids are not prohibited.

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev supported the initiative of Rospotrebnadzor to limit the sale of non-food alcohol-containing products for a period of 30 days.

The ban will last for 30 days.

Legal entities and entrepreneurs in Moscow are ordered to suspend retail trade in alcohol-containing non-food products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 25% for a month. This was reported in the capital's department of Rospotrebnadzor, referring to the decree of the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 23.

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This document was registered by the Russian Ministry of Justice and came into force on the date of its official publication. "The text of the resolution was published on December 26, 2016 on the official Internet portal of legal information pravo.gov.ru", - the department clarified, adding that the capital’s sanitary services "inform consumers that alcohol-containing non-food products are not intended for food use".

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation intends to limit the sale in pharmacies of a number of alcohol-containing medicines, such as peony and hawthorn tincture, which are used by the population for other purposes. The volume of such medicines may be limited to 25 ml bottles and they will be dispensed no more than two per person.

“We are now introducing restrictions on the packaging of medications depending on the degree of abuse and the required quantity of such a drug for a course of treatment. These will be containers, starting with packaging, and they will be sold, say, no more than two per hand. Such a restriction is being introduced,” RNS reports the words of State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Health Dmitry Kostennikov.

If more medications are needed for a course of treatment, the container volume can be increased, Dmitry Kostennikov emphasized. Restrictions on packaging and dispensing of drugs, he said, will be determined by a specially formed commission. “We are most likely talking about tinctures such as peony, hawthorn, antihypertensive and sedatives, which, in principle, are in demand and are used for their intended purpose,” he said.

It is also proposed to introduce a zero excise tax for drugs containing alcohol.

“There are quite a lot of such drugs, including those included in list of vital and essential drugs Therefore, excise tax policy must be approached carefully so as not to increase the cost of drugs and their availability to the population. Excise tax is a method of control. The excise tax can be set at zero, but this kind of funds will already be under control to a greater extent. But the problem, I emphasize, now does not lie in the plane of drugs, because they abuse products that are specially manufactured for this and are in stores, such as food flavoring additives and cosmetical tools“, emphasized Kostennikov.

People in Irkutsk were poisoned not by pharmaceutical tincture, but by its counterfeit, and the problem lies not in the pharmacy segment, but in pseudo-products that are freely available for sale and are not controlled, says the deputy head of the Ministry of Health.

“Even if a person goes to several pharmacies and buys these products, which, by the way, based on the packaging, will not be cheap for him, and abuses them, he will not be poisoned by them, because they contain high-quality alcohol. We are talking about pseudo-products, the same hawthorn, which supposedly should be used for baths, but no one in their right mind would use it for baths, the fumes can poison you. This is purely fake,” he says.

According to him, these products are created specifically for ingestion by certain segments of the population.

“We need to come up with a mechanism that actually establishes liability for the trade and production of such goods, probably still criminal,” added Kostennikov.

Let us remind you that 62 people died in Irkutsk due to poisoning with the “Hawthorn” bath concentrate, which contained methyl alcohol.


Online pharmacy medicinal herbs offers you a large selection of different tinctures for a variety of ailments. After carefully reading the explanation for each of them, you will surely find what you need. Also in the description there are methods and dosages for their use. Our herbalists, as well as traditional medicine, adhere to the principle of “do no harm.” All products offered are of high quality and have been certified. You can find all the necessary information directly on the website. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them by phone (contact numbers are indicated), or by letter to the address: 692527, Primorsky Territory, Ussuriysk, post office box 41, or by e-mail: [email protected].

Most herbal medicinal tinctures are alcohol-based. At home for medicinal herbal tinctures vodka is used on an industrial scale - medical alcohol. This is due to the fact that ethanol, in addition to being an excellent solvent for most biologically active substances, allowing them to be more qualitatively isolated from medicinal raw materials, enhances them healing properties. The beneficial effects of medicinal tinctures when used externally are due to the fact that rubbing alcohol increases blood circulation and accelerates the absorption of active substances into the skin and blood.

Medicinal tinctures with alcohol

It is quite possible to prepare alcoholic medicinal tinctures at home; to do this, carefully grind the medicinal raw material, and then fill it with an alcohol-containing liquid. The duration and conditions under which medicinal tinctures are prepared with alcohol may vary, but, as a rule, darkness and not too much are recommended. heat environment. Tinctures of medicinal herbs can be prepared for up to several months, after which the finished product is placed in a cool, dark place. It is not recommended to strain such a composition, since it is believed that the effectiveness of medicinal tinctures is higher if the roots or stems continue to be soaked in it. You can separate medicinal raw materials immediately before using the medicinal tincture in order to increase the ease of use.

If it is not possible to prepare this composition yourself, then it is quite possible to buy a medicinal tincture, choosing what you need. In our online store we have a large selection of medicinal tinctures with alcohol; we guarantee their quality and healing properties. Let us remind you that before purchasing a medicinal tincture, you must consult a doctor.

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