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Gogol's work Dead Souls summary. Retelling of the poem "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol

Brief retelling, summary of “Dead Souls” - a poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. “Dead Souls” is one of the brilliant works of Russian and world literature. The poem presents the image of serf Russia in the 30s and 40s of the 19th century. “Dead Souls” shocked all of Russia. Present modern Russia such an accusation was necessary. This is a medical history written by a master. Gogol's poetry is a cry of horror and shame that is uttered by a man who has fallen under the influence of a vile life, when he suddenly sees his bruised face in the mirror. But in order for such a cry to escape from the chest, it was necessary that something healthy remained in it, so that the great power of revival lived in it...” Alexander Ivanovich Herzen.

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov arrives in the small town of N. At the hotel during dinner, he asks the innkeeper about the city, rich landowners, and officials. Soon, at a reception with the governor, Chichikov personally meets rich people and gains a positive reputation. Then he pays visits to the vice-governor, the prosecutor, the tax farmer, and receives an invitation to visit the landowner Manilov and Sobakevich.

First, Chichikov goes to visit Manilov, in the village of Manilovka, which was a boring sight. Manilov himself at first glance seemed to be a prominent man, but in reality “neither this nor that.” Chichikov invites Monilom to sell him peasants who have died, but are still listed as alive in the audit documents. Manilov was at first confused and perplexed by such a proposal, but still agrees to conclude a deal when they meet in the city.

On the way to Sobakevich, Chichikov was caught in bad weather; he who lost his way decides to spend the night in the first estate that happens to be on his way. This was the house of Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka, a thrifty and thrifty landowner. Chichikov made her the same offer as he made to Manilov. (asked to sell dead peasants) She accepted his request with surprise, but then began to bargain with Chichikov, fearing to sell her too cheap. After completing the deal, Pavel Ivanovich hurried to leave quickly. Continuing on his way, he stopped for lunch at a roadside tavern.

There he meets the landowner Nozdryov, whom he had previously met at a reception with the governor. Nozdryov is sociable and open man a lover of drinking and playing cards, and he played dishonestly. Therefore, he often took part in fights. When asked to sell him “the souls of dead peasants,” Nozdryov invited Chichikov to play checkers. This game almost ended in a fight; Chichikov hurried to leave quickly.

Finally, Chichikov ends up with Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich. Sobakevich himself is a large and straightforward person. Sobakevich took the proposal to sell the “souls of peasants” very seriously, and even decided to bargain. They also decide to formalize the deal in the city. In a conversation with Chichikov, Sobakevich let slip that the stingy landowner Plyushkin lives not far from him, and he has more than a thousand peasants, people are dying like flies or simply running away.

Chichikov finds his way to the landowner Plyushkin. In the courtyard of the house, Chichikov meets a man about whom he cannot even say “a man or a woman,” and decides that the housekeeper is in front of him. Chichikov is unpleasantly surprised to learn that in front of him is the owner of the house, landowner Stepan Plyushkin. Having learned about the purpose of Chichikov’s visit, Plyushkin sold the “dead peasants” (120 dead souls and 70 whites) with joy, considering the guest a fool. Chichikov returns to the hotel.

The next day, Pavel Ivanovich meets with Sobakevich and Manilov to finalize the deal. They signed a bill of sale. Afterwards, we decided to celebrate the successful completion of the case with a festive lunch. At the table, Chichikov said that he would take all the peasants to the Kherson province, allegedly buying land there.

The rumor about the purchases quickly spread throughout the city, the townspeople were surprised at Chichikov’s wealth, not knowing what souls he was actually buying. The ladies began to worry very much about not missing out on the rich groom. Chichikov receives an anonymous love letter. The governor invites him to his home for a ball. At the ball he is surrounded by many ladies. But Chichikov really wants to know who sent him the love letter. Having found out that this is the governor's daughter, Chichikov neglects the other ladies, thereby offending them greatly. Nozdryov appears at the ball and blabs how Chichikov tried to buy the “dead souls” of the peasants from him. Pavel Ivanovich got very excited and left the ball. The next day, the landowner Korobochka arrives in the city. She wants to know how much “Dead Souls” cost these days, fearing that she has sold it too cheap.

Unbelievable rumors began to spread around the city that Chichikov and Nozdryov wanted to kidnap the governor’s daughter. Residents of the city gather at the chief of police and try to understand what Chichikov represents. It is believed that this is Captain Kopeikin. Who was expelled from the city for bad deeds. Then society decides that it is not him, and they send for Nozdryov. Nozdryov skillfully begins to compose: supposedly Chichikov is a counterfeiter spy and wanted to take away the prosecutor’s daughter.
The rumors negatively affect the prosecutor's well-being, he suffers a stroke and dies.
Nozdryov comes to Chichikov’s hotel and keeps telling him that he is accused of forging banknotes in the death of the prosecutor.

Chichikov decides to leave the city; on the way he meets a funeral procession where the prosecutor is being buried.
And now it’s time to find out who Chichikov really is. He himself was one of the poor nobles; his mother died early, his father was often ill, and he left a small inheritance. In order to somehow survive, Pavel Ivanovich got a job at customs. There he was caught running a scam, escaped prison, but lost his entire fortune. In order to get rich again, he had the idea of ​​buying up the “dead souls” of peasants (lists of peasants who died, but according to the audit were still listed as alive; the audit took place every few years) and pawning them in the treasury as if they were alive, to receive money.

This concludes the first volume. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol burned the second volume, only the drafts survived.

Section topic; Brief retelling, summary of “Dead Souls” - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 1

A carriage drove into the gates of a hotel in the provincial town of NN, in which sits a gentleman “not handsome, but not of bad appearance, not too fat, not too thin; I can’t say that I’m old, but I can’t say that I’m too young.” This gentleman is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. At the hotel he eats a hearty lunch. The author describes the provincial town: “The houses were one, two and one and a half floors, with an eternal mezzanine, very beautiful, according to the provincial architects.

In some places these houses seemed lost among a street as wide as a field and endless wooden fences; in some places they huddled together, and here the movement of people and liveliness was more noticeable. There were signs with pretzels and boots, almost washed away by the rain, and in some places with painted blue trousers and the signature of some Arshav tailor; where there is a store with caps, caps and the inscription: “Foreigner Vasily Fedorov”... Most often, the darkened double-headed state eagles were noticeable, which have now been replaced by a laconic inscription: “Drinking House”. The pavement was pretty bad everywhere.”

Chichikov pays visits to city officials - the governor, vice-governor, chairman of the chamber * prosecutor, police chief, as well as the inspector of the medical board, the city architect. Chichikov builds excellent relationships with everyone everywhere and with the help of flattery, gaining the trust of each of those he visited. Each of the officials invites Pavel Ivanovich to visit them, although they know little about him.

Chichikov attended the governor’s ball, where “he somehow knew how to find his way around everything and showed himself to be an experienced socialite. Whatever the conversation was about, he always knew how to support it: whether it was about a horse factory, he talked about a horse factory; did they talk about good dogs, and here he reported very practical comments; whether they interpreted the investigation carried out by the treasury chamber, he showed that he was not unaware of the judicial tricks; whether there was a discussion about the billiard game - and in the billiard game he did not miss; they talked about virtue, and he talked about virtue very well, even with tears in his eyes; he knew about the production of hot wine, and Tsrok knew about hot wine; about customs overseers and officials, and he judged them as if he himself were both an official and an overseer. But it’s remarkable that he knew how to dress it all up with some kind of sedateness, he knew how to behave well. He spoke neither loudly nor quietly, but absolutely as he should.” At the ball he met the landowners Manilov and Sobakevich, whom he also managed to win over. Chichikov finds out what condition their estates are in and how many peasants they have. Manilov and Sobakevich invite Chichikov to their estate. While visiting the police chief, Chichikov meets the landowner Nozdryov, “a man of about thirty, a broken fellow.”

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 2

Chichikov has two servants - the coachman Selifan and the footman Petrushka. The latter reads a lot and everything, while he is not occupied with what he reads, but with putting letters into words. In addition, Parsley has a “special smell” because she very rarely goes to the bathhouse.

Chichikov goes to Manilov's estate. It takes a long time to find his estate. “The village of Manilovka could lure few people with its location. The manor's house stood alone on the jura, that is, on an elevation open to all the winds that could possibly blow; the slope of the mountain on which he stood was covered with trimmed turf. Two or three flower beds with lilac and yellow acacia bushes were scattered on it in English style; Five or six birches in small clumps here and there raised their thin, small-leaved tops. Under two of them was visible a gazebo with a flat green dome, blue wooden columns and the inscription: “Temple of Solitary Reflection”; Below is a pond covered with greenery, which, however, is not unusual in the English gardens of Russian landowners. At the foot of this elevation, and partly along the slope itself, gray log huts were darkened along and across...” Manilov was glad to see the guest’s arrival. The author describes the landowner and his farm: “He was a prominent man; His facial features were not devoid of pleasantness, but this pleasantness seemed to have too much sugar in it; in his techniques and turns there was something ingratiating favor and acquaintance. He smiled enticingly, was blond, with blue eyes. In the first minute of conversation with him, you can’t help but say: “What a pleasant and a kind person!” The next minute you won’t say anything, and the third you’ll say: “The devil knows what it is!” - and move away; If you don’t leave, you will feel mortal boredom. You won’t get any lively or even arrogant words from him, which you can hear from almost anyone if you touch an object that bothers him... You can’t say that he was involved in farming, he never even went to the fields, farming somehow went on by itself... Sometimes, looking from the porch at the courtyard and the pond, he talked about how nice it would be if suddenly an underground passage was built from the house or a stone bridge was built across the pond, on which there would be shops on both sides, and so that merchants and they sold various small goods needed by the peasants... All these projects ended with just words. In his office there was always some kind of book, bookmarked on page fourteen, which he had been constantly reading for two years. There was always something missing in his house: in the living room there was beautiful furniture, upholstered in smart silk fabric, which was probably quite expensive; but there was not enough for two chairs, and the chairs were simply covered with matting... In the evening, a very dandy candlestick made of dark bronze with three antique graces, with a mother-of-pearl dandy shield, was placed on the table, and next to it was placed some simple copper invalid, lame, curled up on side and covered in fat, although neither the owner, nor the mistress, nor the servants noticed this.”

Manilov's wife suits his character very well. There is no order in the house because she doesn't keep track of anything. She is well brought up, she received her education in a boarding school, “and in boarding schools, as is known, three main subjects form the basis of human virtues: the French language, necessary for the happiness of family life, the piano, for making pleasant moments for the spouse, and, finally, the economic part itself: knitting purses and other surprises.”

Manilov and Chichikov show inflated courtesy towards each other, which leads them to the point that they both squeeze through the same doors at the same time. The Manilovs invite Chichikov to dinner, which is attended by both of Manilov’s sons: Themistoclus and Alcides. The first one has a runny nose and bites his brother's ear. Alcides, swallowing tears, covered in fat, eats a leg of lamb.

At the end of lunch, Manilov and Chichikov go to the owner’s office, where they lead business conversation. Chichikov asks Manilov for revision tales - a detailed register of peasants who died after the last census. He wants to buy dead souls. Manilov is amazed. Chichikov convinces him that everything will happen in accordance with the law, that the tax will be paid. Manilov finally calms down and gives away the dead souls for free, believing that he has done Chichikov a huge service. Chichikov leaves, and Manilov indulges in dreams, in which it comes to the point that for their strong friendship with Chichikov, the Tsar will reward both with the rank of general.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 3

Chichikov goes to Sobakevich's estate, but gets caught in heavy rain and gets lost on the road. His chaise overturns and falls into the mud. Nearby is the estate of the landowner Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka, where Chichikov comes. He goes into a room that “was hung with old striped wallpaper; paintings with some birds; between the windows there are old small mirrors with dark frames in the shape of curled leaves; Behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking; a wall clock with painted flowers on the dial... it was impossible to notice anything more... A minute later the owner entered, an elderly woman, in some kind of sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers, small landowners who cry over crop failures , losses and keep their heads somewhat to one side, and meanwhile they collect a little money in colorful bags placed on the drawers of the chest of drawers ... "

Korobochka leaves Chichikov to spend the night in his house. In the morning, Chichikov starts a conversation with her about selling dead souls. Korobochka can’t understand what he needs them for, so he offers to buy honey or hemp from her. She is constantly afraid of selling herself short. Chichikov manages to convince her to agree to the deal only after he tells a lie about himself - that he conducts government contracts, promises to buy both honey and hemp from her in the future. The box believes what was said. The bidding went on for a long time, after which the deal finally took place. Chichikov keeps his papers in a box that consists of many compartments and has a secret drawer for money.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 4

Chichikov stops at a tavern, to which Nozdryov’s chaise soon arrives. Nozdryov is “of average height, a very well-built fellow with full rosy cheeks, teeth white as snow and jet-black sideburns. It was fresh, like blood and milk; his health seemed to be dripping from his face.” He said with a very satisfied look that he had lost, and not only lost his money,

I but also the money of his son-in-law Mizhuev, who is present right there. Nozdryov invites Chichikov to his place and promises a delicious treat. He himself drinks in the tavern at the expense of his son-in-law. The author characterizes Nozdryov as a “broken fellow”, from that breed of people who “even in childhood and at school are reputed to be good comrades and, for all that, they are painfully beaten... They soon get to know each other, and before you have time to look back, they are already telling you” You". They will make friends, it seems, forever: but it almost always happens that the person who has become friends will fight with them that same evening at a friendly party. They are always talkers, carousers, reckless people, prominent people. Nozdryov at thirty-five was exactly the same as he was at eighteen and twenty: a lover of a walk. Marriage did not change him at all, especially since his wife soon went to the next world, leaving behind two children who he absolutely did not need... He could not sit at home for more than a day. His sensitive nose heard him several dozen miles away, where there was a fair with all sorts of conventions and balls; in the blink of an eye he was there, arguing and causing chaos at the green table, for, like all such people, he had a passion for cards... Nozdryov was in some respects a historical man. Not a single meeting he attended was complete without a story. Some story would certainly happen: either the gendarmes would lead him out of the hall by the hand, or his friends would be forced to push him out... And he would lie completely unnecessarily: he would suddenly tell that he had a horse with some kind of blue or pink wool, and the like nonsense, so that those listening finally all leave, saying: “Well, brother, it seems you have already begun to pour bullets.”

Nozdryov is one of those people who have a “passion to spoil their neighbors, sometimes for no reason at all.” His favorite pastime was exchanging things and losing money and property. Arriving at Nozdryov’s estate, Chichikov sees an unprepossessing stallion, about which Nozdryov says that he paid ten thousand for it. He shows a kennel where a dubious breed of dog is kept. Nozdryov is a master of lying. He talks about how there are fish of extraordinary size in his pond, and that his Turkish daggers bear the mark of a famous master. The dinner to which this landowner invited Chichikov is bad.

Chichikov begins business negotiations, saying that he needs dead souls for a profitable marriage, so that the bride’s parents believe that he is a wealthy man. Nozdryov is going to donate dead souls and, in addition, is trying to sell a stallion, a mare, a barrel organ, etc. Chichikov flatly refuses. Nozdryov invites him to play cards, which Chichikov also refuses. For this refusal, Nozdryov orders that Chichikov’s horse be fed not with oats, but with hay, to which the guest is offended. Nozdryov does not feel awkward, and the next morning, as if nothing had happened, he invites Chichikov to play checkers. He rashly agrees. The landowner begins to cheat. Chichikov accuses him of this, Nozdryov starts fighting, calls the servants and orders them to beat the guest. Suddenly, a police captain appears and arrests Nozdryov for insulting the landowner Maximov while drunk. Nozdryov refuses everything, says that he does not know any Maksimov. Chichikov quickly leaves.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 5

Through Selifan's fault, Chichikov's chaise collides with another chaise in which two ladies are traveling - an elderly and a sixteen-year-old very beautiful girl. The men gathered from the village separate the horses. Chichikov is shocked by the beauty of the young girl, and after the chaises have left, he thinks about her for a long time. The traveler approaches the village of Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich. “A wooden house with a mezzanine, a red roof and dark or, better, wild walls - a house like the ones we build for military settlements and German colonists. It was noticeable that during its construction the architect constantly struggled with the taste of the owner. The architect was a pedant and wanted symmetry, the owner wanted convenience and, apparently, as a result, he boarded up all the corresponding windows on one side and screwed in their place one small one, probably needed for a dark closet. The pediment also did not fit in the middle of the house, no matter how hard the architect struggled, because the owner ordered one column on the side to be thrown out, and therefore there were not four columns, as was intended, but only three. The yard was surrounded by a strong and excessively thick wooden lattice. The landowner seemed to be concerned a lot about strength. For stables, barns and kitchens, full-weight and thick logs were used, determined to stand for centuries. The village huts of the peasants were also built marvelously: there were no brick walls, carved patterns or other tricks, but everything was fitted tightly and properly. Even the well was lined with such strong oak, the kind that is used only for mills and ships. In a word, everything he looked at was stubborn, without swaying, in some kind of strong and clumsy order.”

The owner himself seems to Chichikov to look like a bear. “To complete the similarity, the tailcoat he was wearing was completely bear-colored, the sleeves were long, the trousers were long, he walked with his feet this way and that, constantly stepping on other people’s feet. The complexion had a red-hot, hot complexion, like what happens on a copper coin..."

Sobakevich had a manner of speaking straightforwardly about everything. He says about the governor that he is “the first robber in the world,” and the police chief is a “swindler.” At lunch Sobakevich eats a lot. He tells the guest about his neighbor Plyushkin, a very stingy man who owns eight hundred peasants.

Chichikov says that he wants to buy dead souls, which Sobakevich is not surprised by, but immediately begins bidding. He promises to sell 100 steering wheels for each dead soul, and says that the dead were real masters. They trade for a long time. In the end, they agree on three rubles apiece and draw up a document, since each fears dishonesty on the part of the other. Sobakevich offers to buy dead female souls cheaper, but Chichikov refuses, although it later turns out that the landowner did include one woman in the deed of purchase. Chichikov leaves. On the way, he asks a man how to get to Plyushkin.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 6

Chichikov heads to Plyushkin’s estate, but for a long time cannot find the owner’s house. Finally he finds a “strange castle” that looks like a “decrepit invalid”. “In some places it was one floor, in others it was two; on the dark roof, which did not always reliably protect his old age, two belvederes stuck out, one opposite the other, both already shaky, devoid of the paint that once covered them. The walls of the house were cracked in places by the bare plaster lattice and, apparently, had suffered a lot from all sorts of bad weather, rain, whirlwinds and autumn changes. Only two of the windows were open; the others were covered with shutters or even boarded up. These two windows, for their part, were also weak-sighted; on one of them there was a dark stick-on triangle made of blue sugar paper.” Chichikov meets a man of indeterminate gender (he cannot understand whether he is a man or a woman). He decides that this is the housekeeper, but then it turns out that this is the rich landowner Stepan Plyushkin. The author talks about how Plyushkin came to such a life. In the past, he was a thrifty landowner; he had a wife who was famous for her hospitality, and three children. But after the death of his wife, “Plyushkin became more restless and, like all widowers, more suspicious and stingy.” He cursed his daughter because she ran away and married an officer of a cavalry regiment. The youngest daughter died, and the son, instead of studying, joined the military. Every year Plyushkin became more and more stingy. Very soon the merchants stopped taking goods from him, because they could not bargain with the landowner. All his goods - hay, wheat, flour, linen - everything rotted. Plyushkin saved everything, and at the same time picked up other people’s things that he did not need at all. His stinginess knew no bounds: for all of Plyushkin’s servants there are only boots, he stores crackers for several months, he knows exactly how much liqueur he has in the decanter, since he makes marks. When Chichikov tells him what he came for, Plyushkin is very happy. Offers the guest to buy not only dead souls, but also runaway peasants. Bargainable. The received money is hidden in a box. It is clear that he will never use this money, like others. Chichikov leaves, to the great joy of the owner, refusing the treat. Returns to the hotel.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 7

After all the deeds of sale have been completed, Chichikov becomes the owner of four hundred dead souls. He reflects on who these people were when they were alive. Coming out of the hotel onto the street, Chichikov meets Manilov. They go together to complete the deed of sale. In the office, Chichikov gives a bribe to the official Ivan Antonovich Kuvshinnoye Rylo to speed up the process. However, the bribe is given unnoticed - the official covers the note with a book, and it seems to disappear. Sobakevich is sitting with the boss. Chichikov agrees that the deed of sale will be completed within a day, since he supposedly needs to leave urgently. He gives the chairman a letter from Plyushkin, in which he asks him to be an attorney in his case, to which the chairman happily agrees.

The documents are drawn up in the presence of witnesses, Chichikov pays only half of the fee to the treasury, while the other half was “attributed in some incomprehensible way to the account of another petitioner.” After a successfully completed transaction, everyone goes to lunch with the police chief, during which Sobakevich eats a huge sturgeon alone. The tipsy guests ask Chichikov to stay and decide to marry him. Chichikov informs those gathered that he is buying peasants for removal to the Kherson province, where he has already acquired an estate. He himself believes in what he says. Petrushka and Selifan, after sending the drunken owner to the hotel, go for a walk to the tavern.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 8

City residents discuss what Chichikov bought. Everyone tries to offer him help in delivering the peasants to their place. Among the proposals are a convoy, a police captain to pacify a possible riot, and education of the serfs. A description of the city residents follows: “they were all good people, living in harmony with each other, treated themselves in a completely friendly manner, and their conversations bore the stamp of some special simplicity and brevity: “Dear friend Ilya Ilyich,” “Listen, brother, Antipator Zakharyevich!”... To the postmaster, whose name was Ivan Andreevich, they always added: “Sprechen zadeich, Ivan Andreich?” - in a word, everything was very family-like. Many were not without education: the chairman of the chamber knew by heart “Lyudmila” by Zhukovsky, which was still big news at that time... The postmaster delved more into philosophy and read very diligently, even at night, Jung’s “Nights” and “The Key to the Mysteries of Nature” by Eckartshausen , from which he made very long extracts... he was witty, flowery in words and loved, as he himself put it, to equip his speech. The others were also more or less enlightened people: some read Karamzin, some “Moskovskie Vedomosti”, some even read nothing at all... As for appearances, it is already known, they were all reliable people, there was no one consumptive among them. All were of the kind to whom wives, in tender conversations taking place in solitude, gave names: egg capsules, chubby, pot-bellied, nigella, kiki, juju, and so on. But in general they were kind people, full of hospitality, and a person who ate bread with them or spent an evening playing whist already became something close ... "

The city ladies were “what they call presentable, and in this respect they could safely be set as an example to everyone else... They dressed with great taste, drove around the city in carriages, as prescribed latest fashion, a footman was swaying behind, and a livery in gold braids... In morals, the ladies of the city of N. were strict, filled with noble indignation against everything vicious and all temptations, they executed all kinds of weaknesses without any mercy... It must also be said that the ladies of the city of N. were different, like many to the ladies of St. Petersburg, with extraordinary caution and decency in words and expressions. They never said: “I blew my nose,” “I sweated,” “I spat,” but they said: “I relieved my nose,” “I managed with a handkerchief.” In no case could one say: “this glass or this plate stinks.” And it was even impossible to say anything that would give a hint of this, but instead they said: “this glass is not behaving well” or something like that. In order to further refine the Russian language, half of almost the words were completely thrown out of the conversation, and therefore it was very often necessary to resort to French, but there, in French, it’s a different matter: there words were allowed that were much harsher than those mentioned.”

All the ladies of the city are delighted with Chichikov, one of them even sent him a love letter. Chichikov is invited to the governor's ball. Before the ball, he spends a long time spinning in front of the mirror. At the ball, he is the center of attention, trying to figure out who the author of the letter is. The governor's wife introduces Chichikov to her daughter - the same girl he saw in the chaise. He almost falls in love with her, but she misses his company. The other ladies are outraged that all of Chichikov's attention goes to the governor's daughter. Suddenly Nozdryov appears, who tells the governor about how Chichikov offered to buy dead souls from him. The news spreads quickly, and the ladies convey it as if they don’t believe it, since everyone knows Nozdryov’s reputation. Korobochka comes to the city at night, interested in the prices of dead souls - she is afraid that she has sold too cheap.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 9

The chapter describes the visit of a “pleasant lady” to a “lady pleasant in every way.” Her visit comes an hour earlier than the usual time for visits in the city - she is in such a hurry to tell the news she heard. The lady tells her friend that Chichikov is a robber in disguise, who demanded that Korobochka sell him dead peasants. The ladies decide that the dead souls are just an excuse; in fact, Chichikov is going to take away the governor’s daughter. They discuss the girl’s behavior, herself, and recognize her as unattractive and mannered. The husband of the mistress of the house appears - the prosecutor, to whom the ladies tell the news, which confuses him.

The men of the city are discussing the purchase of Chichikov, the women are discussing the kidnapping of the governor's daughter. The story is replenished with details, they decide that Chichikov has an accomplice, and this accomplice is probably Nozdryov. Chichikov is credited with organizing a peasant revolt in Borovki, Zadi-railovo-tozh, during which assessor Drobyazhkin was killed. On top of everything else, the governor receives news that a robber has escaped and a counterfeiter has appeared in the province. A suspicion arises that one of these individuals is Chichikov. The public cannot decide what to do.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 10

Officials are so concerned about the current situation that many are even losing weight out of grief. They call a meeting with the police chief. The police chief decides that Chichikov is Captain Kopeikin in disguise, an invalid without an arm and a leg, a hero of the War of 1812. Kopeikin received nothing from his father after returning from the front. He goes to St. Petersburg to seek the truth from the sovereign. But the king is not in the capital. Kopeikin goes to the nobleman, the head of the commission, for an audience with whom he waits for a long time in the reception room. The general promises help and offers to come over one of these days. But the next time he says that he cannot do anything without the special permission of the king. Captain Kopeikin is running out of money, and the doorman will no longer let him see the general. He endures many hardships, eventually breaks through to see the general, and says that he can’t wait any longer. The general very rudely sends him away and sends him out of St. Petersburg at public expense. After some time, a gang of robbers led by Kopeikin appears in the Ryazan forests.

Other officials still decide that Chichikov is not Kopeikin, since his arms and legs are intact. It is suggested that Chichikov is Napoleon in disguise. Everyone decides that it is necessary to interrogate Nozdryov, despite the fact that he is a known liar. Nozdryov says that he sold Chichikov several thousand worth of dead souls and that already at the time when he was studying with Chichikov at school, he was already a counterfeiter and a spy, that he was going to kidnap the governor’s daughter and Nozdryov himself helped him. Nozdryov realizes that he has gone too far in his tales, and possible problems scare him. But the unexpected happens - the prosecutor dies. Chichikov knows nothing about what is happening because he is sick. Three days later, leaving home, he discovers that he is either not received anywhere or is received in some strange way. Nozdryov tells him that the city considers him a counterfeiter, that he was going to kidnap the governor’s daughter, and that it was his fault that the prosecutor died. Chichikov orders things to be packed.

“Dead Souls” summary chapter 11

In the morning, Chichikov cannot leave the city for a long time - he overslept, the chaise was not laid, the horses were not shod. It is possible to leave only in the late afternoon. On the way, Chichikov encounters a funeral procession - the prosecutor is being buried. All the officials follow the coffin, each of them thinking about the new governor-general and their relationship with him. Chichikov leaves the city. Next is a lyrical digression about Russia. "Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautiful distance I see you: poor, scattered and uncomfortable in you; the daring divas of nature, crowned by the daring divas of art, cities with many-windowed high palaces grown into the cliffs, picture trees and ivy grown into houses, in the noise and eternal dust of waterfalls will not amuse or frighten the eyes; her head will not fall back to look at the boulders of stone endlessly piled up above her and in the heights; the dark arches, entangled with grape branches, ivy and countless millions of wild roses, will not flash through the dark arches thrown one on top of the other; the eternal lines of shining mountains, rushing into the silver clear skies will not flash through them in the distance... But what incomprehensible, secret force attracts you? Why is your melancholy song, rushing along your entire length and width, from sea to sea, heard and heard incessantly in your ears? What's in it, in this song? What calls and cries and grabs your heart? What sounds painfully kiss and strive into the soul and curl around my heart? Rus! what do you want from me? what incomprehensible connection lies between us? Why are you looking like that, and why has everything that is in you turned its eyes full of expectation on me?.. And a mighty space threateningly embraces me, reflecting with terrible force in my depths; My eyes lit up with unnatural power: oh! what a sparkling, wonderful, unknown distance to the earth! Rus!.."

The author talks about the hero of the work and the origin of Chichikov. His parents are nobles, but he is not like them. Chichikov's father sent his son to the city to visit an old relative so that he could enter college. The father gave his son instructions, which he strictly followed in life - to please his superiors, hang out only with the rich, not to share with anyone, to save money. No special talents were noticed in him, but he had a “practical mind.” Chichikov, even as a boy, knew how to make money - he sold treats, showed a trained mouse for money. He pleased his teachers and superiors, which is why he graduated from school with a gold certificate. His father dies, and Chichikov, having sold his father’s house, enters the service. He betrays the teacher who was expelled from school, who was counting on the fake of his beloved student. Chichikov serves, trying to please his superiors in everything, even caring for his ugly daughter, hinting at a wedding. Gets a promotion and doesn't get married. Soon Chichikov joins the commission for the construction of a government building, but the building, for which a lot of money has been allocated, is being built only on paper. Chichikov's new boss hated his subordinate, and he had to start all over again. He enters the customs service, where his ability to conduct searches is discovered. He is promoted, and Chichikov presents a project to capture smugglers, with whom at the same time he manages to enter into an agreement and receive a lot of money from them. But Chichikov quarrels with the comrade with whom he shared, and both are put on trial. Chichikov manages to save some of the money and starts everything from scratch as an attorney. He comes up with the idea of ​​​​buying dead souls, which in the future can be pledged to a bank under the guise of living ones, and, having received a loan, escape.

The author reflects on how readers might relate to Chichikov, recalls the parable about Kif Mokievich and Mokiya Kifovich, son and father. The father's existence is turned into a speculative direction, while the son is rowdy. Kifa Mokievich is asked to calm his son down, but he does not want to interfere in anything: “If he remains a dog, then let them not learn about it from me, let it not be me who gave him away.”

At the end of the poem, the chaise travels quickly along the road. “And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?” “Oh, three! bird three, who invented you? You know, you could only have been born among a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, but has spread out smoothly across half the world, and go ahead and count the miles until it hits your eyes. And not a cunning, it seems, road projectile, not grabbed by an iron screw, but hastily equipped and assembled alive by an efficient Yaroslavl man with only an ax and a hammer. The driver is not wearing German boots: he has a beard and mittens, and sits on God knows what; but he stood up, swung, and began to sing - the horses like a whirlwind, the spokes in the wheels mixed into one smooth circle, only the road trembled, and a pedestrian who stopped screamed in fear - and there she rushed, rushed, rushed!.. And there you can already see in the distance, like something is gathering dust and drilling into the air.

Aren't you, Rus, like a brisk, unstoppable troika, rushing along? The road beneath you smokes, the bridges rattle, everything falls behind and is left behind. The contemplator, amazed by God's miracle, stopped: was this lightning thrown from the sky? What does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses, unknown to the light? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there whirlwinds in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear burning in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once tensed their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into just elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes!.. Rus', where are you rushing? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything on earth flies past,
and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give her way.”

Detailed summary of dead souls

Tags:brief detailed content dead souls, detailed, brief, dead souls, contents, chapter by chapter, brief detailed content on heads dead souls , Gogol

Detailed contents of "Dead Souls" by chapters

Chapter first

"In thecompany of the hotel of the provincial town of NN drove into a rather beautiful spring small chaise, in which bachelors travel." In the chaise sat a gentleman of pleasant appearance, not too fat, but not too thin, not handsome, but not bad-looking either, one cannot say that he was old, but he was not too young either. The chaise drove up to the hotel. It was a very long two-story building with a lower unplastered floor and an upper one painted with eternal yellow paint. Below there were benches, in one of the windows there was a beater with a samovar made of red copper. The guest was greeted and taken to show his “peace”, usual for hotels of this kind, “where for two rubles a day travelers get... a room with cockroaches peeking out from everywhere, like prunes...” Following the master, his servants appear - coachman Selifan , a short man in a sheepskin coat, and the footman Petrushka, a young man of about thirty, with somewhat large lips and nose.

Chapter second

After spending more than a week in the city, Pavel Ivanovich finally decided to pay visits to Manilov and Sobakevich. As soon as Chichikov left the city, accompanied by Selifan and Petrushka, the usual picture appeared: bumps, bad roads, charred pine trunks, village houses covered with gray roofs, yawning men, women with fat faces, and so on.Manilov, inviting Chichikov to his place, told him that his village was fifteen miles from the city, but the sixteenth mile had already passed, and there was no village. Pavel Ivanovich was a smart man, and he remembered that if you are invited to a house fifteen miles away, it means you will have to travel all thirty.But here is the village of Manilovka. She could lure few guests to her place. The master's house stood on the south, open to all winds; the hill on which he stood was covered with turf. Two or three flower beds with acacia, five or six sparse birch trees, a wooden gazebo and a pond completed this picture. Chichikov began to count and counted more than two hundred peasant huts. The owner had been standing on the porch of the manor house for a long time and, putting his hand to his eyes, tried to make out a man approaching in a carriage. As the chaise approached, Manilov’s face changed: his eyes became more and more cheerful, and his smile became wider. He was very happy to see Chichikov and took him to his place.What kind of person was Manilov? It is quite difficult to characterize it. He was, as they say, neither this nor that - neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan. Manilov was a pleasant person, but this pleasantness was laced with too much sugar. When the conversation with him just began, at the first moment the interlocutor thought: “What a pleasant and kind person!”, but after a minute I wanted to say: “The devil knows what it is!” Manilov did not take care of the house, nor did he manage the farm; he never even went to the fields. Mostly he thought and reflected. About what? - no one knows. When the clerk came to him with proposals for managing the household, saying that this and that should be done, Manilov usually answered: “Yes, not bad.” If a man came to the master and asked to leave in order to earn his dues, then Manilov would immediately let him go. It didn’t even occur to him that the man was going out to drink. Sometimes he came up with various projects, for example, he dreamed of building a stone bridge across a pond, on which there would be benches, merchants sitting in the shops and selling various goods. He had beautiful furniture in his house, but two armchairs were not upholstered in silk, and the owner had been telling guests for two years that they were not finished. In one room there was no furniture at all. On the table next to the dandy one stood a lame and greasy candlestick, but no one noticed it. Manilov was very pleased with his wife, because she was a match for him. During their rather long life together, the spouses did nothing but press long kisses on each other. A sane guest might have many questions: why is the pantry empty and why is there so much and senseless cooking in the kitchen? Why does the housekeeper steal, and the servants are always drunk and unclean? Why does the mongrel sleep or openly idle? But these are all low-level questions, and the mistress of the house is well-bred and will never stoop to them. Over dinner, Manilov and the guest said compliments to each other, as well as various pleasant things about city officials. Manilov's children, Alcides and Themistoclus, demonstrated their knowledge of geography.After lunch there was a conversation directly about the matter. Pavel Ivanovich informs Manilov that he wants to buy souls from him, which, according to the latest revision tale, are listed as living, but in fact have long since died. Manilov is at a loss, but Chichikov manages to persuade him to make a deal. Since the owner is a person trying to be pleasant, he takes upon himself the execution of the deed of sale. To register the deed of sale, Chichikov and Manilov agree to meet in the city, and Pavel Ivanovich finally leaves this house. Manilov sits in a chair and, smoking a pipe, ponders the events of today, rejoices that fate brought him together with such nice person. But Chichikov’s strange request to sell him dead souls interrupted his previous dreams. Thoughts about this request could not be digested in his head, and so he sat on the porch for a long time and smoked his pipe until dinner.

Chapter third

Chichikov, meanwhile, was driving along the main road, hoping that Selifan would soon bring him to Sobakevich’s estate. Selifan was drunk and, therefore, did not watch the road. The first drops dripped from the sky, and soon a real long pouring rain began to fall. Chichikov's britzka completely lost its way, it got dark, and it was no longer clear what to do, when a dog was heard barking. Soon Selifan was already knocking on the gate of the house of a certain landowner, who allowed them to spend the night.The inside of the rooms of the landowner's house were covered with old wallpaper, paintings with some birds and huge mirrors hung on the walls. Behind each such mirror was tucked either an old deck of cards, or a stocking, or a letter. The owner turned out to be an elderly woman, one of those landowner mothers who always cry about crop failures and lack of money, while they themselves little by little save money in little bundles and bags.Chichikov stays overnight. Waking up, he looks through the window at the landowner’s farm and the village in which he finds himself. The window overlooks the chicken coop and fence. Behind the fence are spacious beds with vegetables. All the plantings in the garden are well thought out, here and there several apple trees grow to protect against birds, and from them there are scarecrows with outstretched arms; one of these scarecrows was wearing the cap of the hostess herself. Appearance peasant houses showed "the contentment of their inhabitants." The fence on the roofs was new everywhere, no rickety gates were visible anywhere, and here and there Chichikov saw a new spare cart standing.Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka (that was the name of the landowner) invited him to have breakfast. Chichikov behaved much more freely in conversation with her. He stated his request regarding the purchase of dead souls, but soon regretted it, since his request caused bewilderment of the hostess. Then Korobochka began to offer hemp, flax, and other things, even bird feathers, in addition to the dead souls. Finally, an agreement was reached, but the old woman was always afraid that she had sold herself short. For her, dead souls turned out to be the same commodity as everything produced on the farm. Then Chichikov was fed pies, crumpets and shanezhki, and a promise was made from him to also buy lard and bird feathers. Pavel Ivanovich hurried to leave this house - Nastasya Petrovna was very difficult in conversation. The landowner gave him a girl to accompany him, and she showed him how to get onto the main road. Having let the girl go, Chichikov decided to stop at a tavern that stood on the way.

Chapter fourth

Just like the hotel, it was a regular tavern for all county roads. The traveler was served a traditional pig with horseradish, and, as usual, the guest asked the hostess about everything in the world - from how long she had been running the tavern to questions about the condition of the landowners living nearby. During the conversation with the hostess, the sound of the wheels of an approaching carriage was heard. Two men came out of it: blond, tall, and shorter than him, dark-haired. First, the blond man appeared in the tavern, followed by his companion who entered, taking off his cap. He was a fine fellow of average height, very well built, with full rosy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, jet-black sideburns, and as fresh as blood and milk. Chichikov recognized him as his new acquaintance Nozdryov.The type of this person is probably known to everyone. People of this kind are considered good friends at school, but at the same time they often get beaten. Their face is clean, open, and before you have time to get to know each other, after a while they say “you” to you. They will make friends seemingly forever, but it happens that after a while they fight with a new friend at a party. They are always talkers, revelers, reckless drivers and, at the same time, desperate liars.By the age of thirty, life had not changed Nozdryov at all; he remained the same as he was at eighteen and twenty years old. His marriage did not affect him in any way, especially since his wife soon went to the next world, leaving her husband with two children who he did not need at all. Nozdryov had a passion for playing cards, but, being dishonest and dishonest in the game, he often brought his partners to assault, leaving two sideburns with only one, liquid. However, after a while he met people who pestered him as if nothing had happened. And his friends, oddly enough, also behaved as if nothing had happened. Nozdryov was a historical man, i.e. he always and everywhere ended up in stories. There was no way you could get along with him. short leg and even more so to open his soul - he will shit on it, and invent such a fable about the person who trusted him that it will be difficult to prove the opposite. After some time, he would take this same person by the buttonhole in a friendly manner when they met and say: “You’re such a scoundrel, you’ll never come to see me.” Another passion of Nozdryov was barter - its subject was anything, from a horse to the smallest things. Nozdryov invites Chichikov to his village, and he agrees. While waiting for lunch, Nozdryov, accompanied by his son-in-law, gives his guest a tour of the village, while boasting to everyone right and left. His extraordinary stallion, for which he supposedly paid ten thousand, is in fact not worth a thousand, the field that ends his domain turns out to be a swamp, and for some reason the Turkish dagger, which the guests are examining while waiting for dinner, has the inscription “Master Savely Sibiryakov.” Lunch leaves much to be desired - some things were not cooked, and some were burnt. The cook, apparently, was guided by inspiration and put in the first thing that came to hand. There was nothing to say about the wine - the mountain ash smelled like fusel, and the Madeira turned out to be diluted with rum.After lunch, Chichikov nevertheless decided to present his request to Nozdryov regarding the purchase of dead souls. It ended with Chichikov and Nozdryov completely quarreling, after which the guest went to bed. He slept disgustingly, waking up and meeting his owner the next morning was just as unpleasant. Chichikov was already scolding himself for trusting Nozdryov. Now Pavel Ivanovich was offered to play checkers for dead souls: if he won, Chichikov would get the souls for free. The game of checkers was accompanied by Nozdryov's cheating and almost ended in a fight. Fate saved Chichikov from such a turn of events - a police captain came to Nozdryov to inform the brawler that he was on trial until the end of the investigation, because he had insulted the landowner Maximov while drunk. Chichikov, without waiting for the end of the conversation, ran out onto the porch and ordered Selifan to drive the horses at full speed.

Chapter fifth

Thinking about everything that had happened, Chichikov rode in his carriage along the road. A collision with another stroller shook him up somewhat - a lovely young girl was sitting in it with an attendant old woman. After they parted, Chichikov thought for a long time about the stranger he had met. Finally the village of Sobakevich appeared. The traveler's thoughts turned to his constant subject.The village was quite large, it was surrounded by two forests: pine and birch. In the middle one could see the manor's house: wooden, with a mezzanine, a red roof and gray, one might even say wild, walls. It was clear that during its construction the taste of the architect was constantly in conflict with the taste of the owner. The architect wanted beauty and symmetry, and the owner wanted convenience. The windows on one side were boarded up, and one window was checked in their place, apparently needed for a closet. The pediment was not in the middle of the house, since the owner ordered one column to be removed, of which there were not four, but three. The owner’s concerns about the strength of his buildings were felt throughout. Very strong logs were used for the stables, sheds and kitchens; the peasant huts were also cut down firmly, firmly and very carefully. Even the well was lined with very strong oak. Approaching the porch, Chichikov noticed faces looking out the window. The footman came out to meet him.When looking at Sobakevich, it immediately suggested itself: a bear! perfect bear! And indeed, his appearance was similar to that of a bear. A big, strong man, he always walked at random, which is why he constantly stepped on someone’s feet. Even his tailcoat was bear-colored. To top it all off, the owner's name was Mikhail Semenovich. He hardly moved his neck, kept his head down rather than up, and rarely looked at his interlocutor, and if he managed to do this, then his gaze fell on the corner of the stove or on the door. Since Sobakevich himself was a healthy and strong man, he wanted to be surrounded by equally strong objects. His furniture was heavy and pot-bellied, and portraits of strong, big men hung on the walls. Even the blackbird in the cage was very similar to Sobakevich. In a word, it seemed that every object in the house said: “And I, too, look like Sobakevich.”Before dinner, Chichikov tried to start a conversation by speaking flatteringly about local officials. Sobakevich replied that “these are all swindlers. The whole city there is like this: a swindler sits on a swindler and drives the swindler.” By chance, Chichikov learns about Sobakevich's neighbor - a certain Plyushkin, who has eight hundred peasants who are dying like flies.After a hearty and plentiful lunch, Sobakevich and Chichikov relax. Chichikov decides to state his request regarding the purchase of dead souls. Sobakevich is not surprised by anything and listens carefully to his guest, who began the conversation from afar, gradually leading him to the subject of the conversation. Sobakevich understands that Chichikov needs dead souls for something, so the bargaining begins with a fabulous price - one hundred rubles apiece. Mikhailo Semenovich talks about the merits of dead peasants as if the peasants were alive. Chichikov is perplexed: what kind of conversation can there be about the merits of dead peasants? In the end, they agreed on two rubles and a half for one soul. Sobakevich receives a deposit, he and Chichikov agree to meet in the city to complete the deal, and Pavel Ivanovich leaves. Having reached the end of the village, Chichikov called a peasant and asked how to get to Plyushkin, who feeds people poorly (otherwise it was impossible to ask, because the peasant did not know the name of the neighbor's gentleman). "Ah, patched, patched!" - the peasant cried and pointed the way.

The poem “Dead Souls” was conceived by Gogol as a grandiose panorama of Russian society with all its features and paradoxes. The central problem of the work is the spiritual death and rebirth of representatives of the main Russian classes of that time. The author exposes and ridicules the vices of the landowners, the corruption and destructive passions of the bureaucrats.

The title of the work itself has a double meaning. “Dead souls” are not only dead peasants, but also other actually living characters in the work. By calling them dead, Gogol emphasizes their devastated, pitiful, “dead” souls.

History of creation

“Dead Souls” is a poem to which Gogol devoted a significant part of his life. The author repeatedly changed the concept, rewrote and reworked the work. Initially, Gogol conceived Dead Souls as a humorous novel. However, in the end I decided to create a work that exposes the problems of Russian society and will serve its spiritual revival. This is how the POEM “Dead Souls” appeared.

Gogol wanted to create three volumes of the work. In the first, the author planned to describe the vices and decay of the serf society of that time. In the second, give its heroes hope for redemption and rebirth. And in the third he intended to describe the future path of Russia and its society.

However, Gogol only managed to finish the first volume, which appeared in print in 1842. Until his death, Nikolai Vasilyevich worked on the second volume. However, just before his death, the author burned the manuscript of the second volume.

The third volume of Dead Souls was never written. Gogol could not find the answer to the question of what will happen next to Russia. Or maybe I just didn’t have time to write about it.

Description of the work

One day, a very interesting character appeared in the city of NN, who stood out very much from other old-timers of the city - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. After his arrival, he began to actively get acquainted with important persons of the city, attending feasts and dinners. A week later, the newcomer was already on friendly terms with all the representatives of the city nobility. Everyone was delighted with the new man who had suddenly appeared in town.

Pavel Ivanovich goes out of town to pay visits to noble landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Sobakevich, Nozdryov and Plyushkin. He is kind to every landowner and tries to find an approach to everyone. Natural resourcefulness and resourcefulness help Chichikov to gain the favor of every landowner. In addition to empty talk, Chichikov talks with the gentlemen about the peasants who died after the audit (“dead souls”) and expresses a desire to buy them. The landowners cannot understand why Chichikov needs such a deal. However, they agree to it.

As a result of his visits, Chichikov acquired more than 400 “dead souls” and was in a hurry to finish his business quickly and leave the city. The useful contacts Chichikov made upon his arrival in the city helped him resolve all issues with documents.

After some time, the landowner Korobochka let slip in the city that Chichikov was buying up “dead souls.” The whole city learned about Chichikov's affairs and was perplexed. Why would such a respected gentleman buy dead peasants? Endless rumors and speculation have a detrimental effect even on the prosecutor, and he dies of fear.

The poem ends with Chichikov hastily leaving the city. Leaving the city, Chichikov sadly recalls his plans to buy dead souls and pledge them to the treasury as living ones.

Main characters

Qualitatively new hero in Russian literature of that time. Chichikov can be called a representative of the newest class, just emerging in serf Russia - entrepreneurs, “acquirers”. The hero’s activity and activity distinguishes him favorably from other characters in the poem.

The image of Chichikov is distinguished by its incredible versatility and diversity. Even by the appearance of the hero it is difficult to immediately understand what kind of person he is and what he is like. “In the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not of bad appearance, neither too fat nor too thin, one cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young.”

It is difficult to understand and embrace the nature of the main character. He is changeable, has many faces, is able to adapt to any interlocutor, and give his face the desired expression. Thanks to these qualities, Chichikov easily finds mutual language with landowners, officials and wins the desired position in society. Ability to charm and win over the right people Chichikov uses it to achieve his goal, namely receiving and accumulating money. His father also taught Pavel Ivanovich to deal with those who are richer and to treat money with care, since only money can pave the way in life.

Chichikov did not earn money honestly: he deceived people, took bribes. Over time, Chichikov's machinations become increasingly widespread. Pavel Ivanovich strives to increase his fortune by any means, not paying attention to any moral standards and principles.

Gogol defines Chichikov as a person with a vile nature and also considers his soul dead.

In his poem, Gogol describes typical images of landowners of that time: “business executives” (Sobakevich, Korobochka), as well as not serious and wasteful gentlemen (Manilov, Nozdrev).

Nikolai Vasilyevich masterfully created the image of the landowner Manilov in the work. By this one image Gogol meant a whole class of landowners with similar features. The main qualities of these people are sentimentality, constant fantasies and lack of active activity. Landowners of this kind let the economy take its course and do nothing useful. They are stupid and empty inside. This is exactly what Manilov was - not bad at heart, but a mediocre and stupid poser.

Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka

The landowner, however, differs significantly in character from Manilov. Korobochka is a good and tidy housewife, everything goes well on her estate. However, the life of the landowner revolves exclusively around her farm. The box does not develop spiritually and is not interested in anything. She understands absolutely nothing that does not concern her household. Korobochka is also one of the images by which Gogol meant a whole class of similar narrow-minded landowners who do not see anything beyond their farm.

The author clearly classifies the landowner Nozdryov as an unserious and wasteful gentleman. Unlike the sentimental Manilov, Nozdrev is full of energy. However, the landowner uses this energy not for the benefit of the farm, but for the sake of his momentary pleasures. Nozdryov is playing and wasting his money. Distinguished by its frivolity and idle attitude towards life.

Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich

The image of Sobakevich, created by Gogol, echoes the image of a bear. Something from the big one wild beast There is in the appearance of the landowner: clumsiness, sedateness, strength. Sobakevich is not concerned about the aesthetic beauty of the things around him, but about their reliability and durability. Behind his rough appearance and stern character lies a cunning, intelligent and resourceful person. According to the author of the poem, it will not be difficult for landowners like Sobakevich to adapt to the changes and reforms coming in Rus'.

The most unusual representative of the landowner class in Gogol's poem. The old man is distinguished by his extreme stinginess. Moreover, Plyushkin is greedy not only in relation to his peasants, but also in relation to himself. However, such savings make Plyushkin a truly poor man. After all, it is his stinginess that does not allow him to find a family.


Gogol's work contains a description of several city officials. However, the author in his work does not significantly differentiate them from each other. All officials in “Dead Souls” are a gang of thieves, crooks and embezzlers. These people really only care about their enrichment. Gogol literally describes in a few outlines the image of a typical official of that time, rewarding him with the most unflattering qualities.

Analysis of the work

The plot of “Dead Souls” is based on an adventure conceived by Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. At first glance, Chichikov's plan seems incredible. However, if you look at it, the Russian reality of those times, with its rules and laws, provided opportunities for all sorts of fraud associated with serfs.

The fact is that after 1718 in Russian Empire A capitation census of peasants was introduced. For every male serf, the master had to pay a tax. However, the census was carried out quite rarely - once every 12-15 years. And if one of the peasants ran away or died, the landowner was still forced to pay a tax for him. Dead or escaped peasants became a burden for the master. This created fertile ground for various types of fraud. Chichikov himself hoped to carry out this kind of scam.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol knew perfectly well how it worked Russian society with its serf system. And the whole tragedy of his poem lies in the fact that Chichikov’s scam absolutely did not contradict the current Russian legislation. Gogol exposes the distorted relationships of man with man, as well as man with the state, and talks about the absurd laws in force at that time. Because of such distortions, events become possible that contradict common sense.

“Dead Souls” is a classic work, which, like no other, was written in the style of Gogol. Quite often, Nikolai Vasilyevich based his work on some anecdote or comical situation. And the more ridiculous and unusual the situation, the more tragic the real state of affairs seems.

Title of the work: Dead Souls
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Year of writing: 1835
Genre of the work: prose poem
Main characters: Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov- nobleman, Manilov- landowner, Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna- landowner, Nozdryov- landowner, Sobakevich Mikhail Semenovich- landowner.


Chichikov is a middle-aged collegiate adviser. He arrives in a provincial town. After asking at the hotel about the main people of the area, Chichikov visits them. He manages to make a pleasant impression on landowners and officials. But his goal is not noble - to buy up dead peasants. As it turns out, Pavel Ivanovich wanted a high status in society. Previously, working at customs and facilitating smuggling, I got everything I wanted. But then his employee denounced him and the case threatened with prison, where the informer himself ended up. But Chichikov deftly avoided imprisonment using connections and giving bribes. As a result, because of his scam with dead souls, Pavel Ivanovich again barely escaped prison.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Gogol clearly showed the reality of Russia. Against the backdrop of picturesque corners, greed, ambition, and avarice flourish. The landowners behave as they want, and the peasants suffer. Being a deceptive person does not mean real success. Moreover, this causes harm to the soul. An honest life would eliminate many of society's problems. The main thing is not to become “ dead soul", devoid of humanity, like Gogol's heroes.

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