Home Dental treatment Coloring pages connect the lines. Drawing by points

Coloring pages connect the lines. Drawing by points

Under Android control SMS messages do not arrive or have stopped being sent. What to do and how to fix it?

Many users encounter a problem when phone or The Android tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with However, it stopped sending/receiving SMS, mms or any other messages. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software glitch- i.e. the problem is the crash software

2nd: Hardware failure- i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases there are problems work of the service manager responsible for receiving/sending messages smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings", find there "backup and reset" in which you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone number and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, than fewer features contains an application, the more it is usually effective. The best way to monitor system functions, corrects, and correct all possible settings and synchronization errors is a small, easy-to-use, free utility for Android-based devices. Download the app from Google Play and you can see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)

  • In addition, it is worth cleaning the system using a NORMAL antivirus. Best suited for this task Kaspersky antivirus , which you can download. Unlike the “multi-cleaner”, the Kaspersky Lab software is paid, therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to install such protection, you can skip this step...

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or as it is also called "re firmware ".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be resolved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact Service center For repairing your tablet a or smartphone a.

Your Android smartphone or tablet does not receive or has stopped sending SMS messages. What to do and how to fix it?

Dear readers of the site! Today I will explain to young and perhaps inexperienced Android users how to use email.

If you have an Android smartphone, then you already have Account (account) Google that you created when you first launched your new smartphone. This means you have access to numerous Google services, including to e-mail Gmail. I have already written about what Gmail is and what its main advantages are.

This mail is convenient to use from the web interface on a browser by typing https://mail.google.com/ in the address bar. But it’s even more convenient to use a special Gmail application, which can be downloaded for free on the Google Play market.

By opening this application and entering your username and password specified when registering with your Google account, you will find yourself in the folder by default Inbox.

However, by pulling the left border of the window, you find yourself in Menu, where you can select any other folder to view.

To do this, in the lower corner you click on circle with pencil(the version for Android 4.4.2 is being considered, in others the interface may differ slightly from the one presented). A window appears with your email address in the first line. On the next line you need to place the cursor and enter Latin alphabet addressee's email. If you have already entered this address before, then at the very first characters you enter, a hint appears and you can tap on it so as not to have to worry about typing further.

Next, enter any topic messages (can be omitted) and himself text. You can attach to message photo or any other file (and several are possible). To do this, you notice in the top line paper clip icon, by clicking on which you get a selection menu:

By choosing, for example, Gallery, you go to it and select required photo. It is immediately displayed in the text of the letter. If you need several photos, repeat the last steps.

If you don't send the email immediately, it is automatically saved in the folder Drafts and you can always change or add to it. To send, click on paper airplane icon in the top line and the letter will go away immediately. A copy of it will be automatically saved in the folder Sent(remember the menu that slides out on the left?).

Namely. figured out how, and began to deal with the keyboard. Let's now understand the messages. To do this, click on the icon Messages, which is located to the right of the icon Contacts, and you will see a list of messages that you sent and that came to you. Now press the left touch button at the bottom (shaped like a rectangle). A window appears containing three icons: Search , Settings And Delete conversations .

Go to settings. In point Message font size You can choose the font size: it can be regular, small or very small.

You can also choose the background color, delete old messages, and set limits for the number of SMS and MMS.

Now go back to the list of messages, and click on the icon at the top right Create a message with an image of an envelope. A window opens with fields in which you can write the contact's name and the message itself. Click on any field and you will see a touch keyboard. Press the button on your keyboard Settings(with a gear image), and in a new window you can select the keyboard type by clicking on the corresponding item.

You can work with Android on one of four types of keyboards. First view Qwerty- standard. There is also a keyboard 3x4, which is similar to the keyboard of a regular telephone. You can also choose Handwriting window . In this case, squares appear instead of the keyboard. In the upper squares you can draw letters with your finger, in the lower left - numbers, and in the lower right - signs. If you select the option Handwriting window 2 A large field appears in which you draw letters, numbers and signs for the message.

If you draw the letters clumsily, then options will appear at the top, from which you will need to choose the correct one.

In the keyboard settings there is also an item XT9 Settings . By clicking on it, you can configure various auxiliary functions. For example, you can enable the option to complete words, correct errors, predict words, or autocorrect.

When you write a message, you just need to write the first letter in the contact input field, and a list of contacts that begin with that letter will appear in front of you. You can continue writing the name further, or you can choose from the list.

Also to the right of the contacts field there is a button, by clicking on which you open a list of contacts and select from it.

You are in the Connect the dots coloring page category. The coloring book you are considering is described by our visitors as follows: "" Here you will find many coloring pages online. You can download Connect the dots coloring pages and print them for free. As is known creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme Connect the dots develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, introduces us to all the variety of colors and shades. We add new ones to our site every day free coloring pages for boys and girls, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by category will make it easier to find the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new one every day interesting topic for coloring.

Drawing by dots for children of lines, shapes and animals. Draw by dots to develop writing skills.

Beautiful handwriting and successful learning to write depends on proper use of a pencil, skillful pressure and the ability to draw lines of all possible shapes. Start by teaching dot-to-dot drawing of lines and shapes, and then have your child do to dot-to-dot drawing of animals and coloring them.

We draw by dots, developing skills gradually

Drawing lines with a pencil or pen is an excellent practice that helps accustom your hand to writing, develop small muscles, and teach your baby to hold something tightly.

The dotted line serves as a guide and helps the child, because at any moment you can slow down the speed of drawing, increase or decrease the pressure on the pencil, without spoiling the picture, and, therefore, without losing interest.

As soon as the child learns to draw lines, straight lines and all kinds of waves using points, move on to shapes and then to animals. The curves of the dotted lines will develop drawing skills enough to begin learning how to spell letters and numbers.

When offering your child a printed material with a picture on which you need to draw something dot by dot, first ask the child to trace the lines index finger his right hand(or left if the child is left-handed). Then ask him to draw with his finger not on the sheet, but as if in the air above the picture. Repeat the exercise several times, and then complete the task with a pencil.

When your child learns to draw dots with a pencil, offer him a pen or marker.

Pay attention to drawing animals point by point, without lifting your hand from the paper.

How else to develop fine motor skills, besides drawing with dots?

If your child for some reason is not interested in dot-to-dot materials, you can have fun developing fine motor skills in other ways.

  1. String large beads together on strings or sort through the beads;
  2. Glue a large sheet of paper or old wallpaper onto the wall and let your child draw his own pictures on the sheet. Drawing on a vertical surface requires more effort and the pens are trained faster;
  3. As soon as your child is already able to hold small things firmly enough in his hands and does not let go of them if he pulls lightly, start teaching him how to tie shoelaces or braid braids from any ribbons or ropes;
  4. If you read newspapers or magazines, give your child a marker and encourage him to circle all the headlines with it;
  5. A good grip between the thumb and forefinger is most easily developed by transferring beans or even peas from one bowl to another, using only two fingers rather than the entire palm.
  6. Frosty windows or foggy bathroom mirrors are a great place to learn to draw with your index finger.

If desired, you can use Everyday life Each of the ways to develop your child's fine motor skills will help him learn to write faster in the future.

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