Home Wisdom teeth Fiba basketball court dimensions. Basketball rules: latest changes in rules

Fiba basketball court dimensions. Basketball rules: latest changes in rules

Basketball playground

The playing area must be a flat, rectangular, hard surface without any obstructions.
For the main official FIBA ​​competitions, as well as for new playing courts under construction, the dimensions, measured from the inside edge of the boundary lines, must be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. For all other competitions, the relevant FIBA ​​structures, such as the Zonal Commission or National Federations, have the right to approve existing playing courts with a minimum size of 26 meters in length and 14 meters in width.

The ceiling height or distance to the lowest object above the playing area must be at least 7 meters.

The playing surface must be evenly and sufficiently illuminated. Light sources must be located where they will not interfere with Players and Referees.

All lines must be painted in the same color (preferably white), have a width of 5 cm and be clearly visible.

Front and side lines.
The playing court must be limited by two front (on the short sides of the court) and two side (on the long sides of the court) lines. These lines are not part of the site. The playing area must be at least 2 meters away from any obstructions, including the team bench.

Central line.
The center line is drawn parallel to the end lines from the middle of the side lines and should extend 15 cm beyond each side line.

Central circle.
The central circle is marked in the center of the site and has a radius of 1.80 m, measured to the outer edge of the circle. If the center circle is painted a different color, it must be the same color as the restricted areas.

Free throw lines, restricted areas and free throw areas.

The free throw line is drawn parallel to each end line. Her far edge is located at a distance of 5.80 m from the inner edge of the end line, its length should be 3.60 m. Its middle should be on an imaginary line connecting the midpoints of the two end lines.
Restricted areas are designated areas on the court bounded by the end lines, free throw lines and lines that start from the end lines. Their outer edges are 3 m from the middle of the end lines and end at the outer edge of the free throw lines. These lines, excluding the end lines, are part of the restricted area. The restricted areas may be painted a different color, but they must be the same color as the center circle.
Free throw areas are limited areas extended towards the playing court in semicircles with a radius of 1.80 m, the centers of which are located in the middle of the free throw lines. The same semicircles should be drawn with dotted lines inside the limited areas.
The spaces along the free throw areas occupied by Players during free throws are marked as shown in the diagram.

Three-point shooting zone.

The three-point field goal zone for a team is the entire playing court, with the exception of the area near the opponent’s basket, limited by:
Two parallel lines starting from the end line at a distance of 6.25 m from a point on the court, obtained at the intersection of a perpendicular dropped from the center of the opponent’s basket. The distance from this point to the inner edge of the middle of the end line is 1.575 m.
A semicircle with a radius of 6.25 m to the outer edge of its line, centered at the same point as above, until it joins the parallel lines.


Shields must be made of an appropriate transparent material (preferably tempered safety glass), which is a monolithic piece.
If they are made from other opaque material(s), they should be painted in White color.
The dimensions of the boards should be: 1.80 m horizontally and 1.05 m vertically.
All lines on the shield must be drawn as follows:
- white if the shield is transparent.
- black in all other cases.
- 5 cm wide.
The front surface of the shields must be smooth.

Shield markings.
The boards must be rigidly mounted as follows:
- at both ends of the court at right angles to the floor, parallel to the end lines.
- the vertical center line on their front surface, extended down to the floor, must touch a point on the floor lying 1.20 m from the inside edge of the middle of each end line, on an imaginary line drawn at right angles to that end line.

Shield supports.

The shield supports should be designed as follows:
- the front part of the structure (including upholstery) must be located at a distance of at least 2.00 m from the outer edge of the front line, and be painted in bright color, contrasting with the color of the walls so as to be clearly visible to Players.
- the shield support must be so attached to the floor that it cannot be moved.
- any structure to which the shield is attached must be upholstered with soft material behind the shield along the bottom surface of the structure at a distance of 1.20 m from the front surface of the shield.
- the minimum thickness of the upholstery must be 5 cm. It must have the same density as the upholstery of the panels.
- all shield support structures must be completely upholstered with soft material to a height of at least 2.15 m along the surface from the site side. The minimum thickness of the upholstery should be 10 cm.


Baskets consist of rings and nets.

The material is durable steel, internal diameter 45 cm and painted orange.
The metal rod of the ring must have a minimum diameter of 16 mm and a maximum of 20 mm. The bottom of the ring should have provisions for securing the nets, such as to prevent finger injuries.
The mesh should be attached to the ring at twelve equally spaced points along the entire perimeter of the ring. Devices for attaching nets must not have sharp edges or crevices into which the Player’s fingers could get caught.
The ring is attached to the structure supporting the basket in such a way that no force applied to the ring is transmitted directly to the backboard. Therefore, there should be no direct contact between the ring and the device securing the ring to the shield and the shield. However, the gap should be small enough that fingers cannot get into it.
Top edge each ring should be located horizontally at a height of 3.05 m above the surface of the site at an equal distance from the vertical edges of the shield.
The closest point of the inside of the ring should be located at a distance of 15 cm from the front surface of the shield.
You can use rings with shock absorbers.

Made of white cord and designed to momentarily hold the ball as it passes through the basket. The length of the mesh must be at least 40 cm and no more than 45 cm.
Each net must have 12 loops for attaching to the ring.
The upper sections of the mesh must be sufficiently rigid to prevent:
The mesh wrapping around the ring and possibly getting tangled.
Getting the ball stuck in the net or being thrown back out of the basket by the net.

Official Basketball Rules

Basketball is an active team game that is very popular among young people and adults. This sport is characterized by exciting gameplay and great benefits for physical health. However, the effectiveness of training is directly related to the convenience and quality of the sports field. That is why the popularity of such a service as the construction of a turnkey basketball court is rapidly growing.

Basketball court dimensions

The basketball court is a rectangular, hard and level surface. The following requirements apply to it:

  • The minimum size of a basketball court is 26x14 meters. For official competitions, the size of the basketball court must be 28x15 meters;
  • marking lines are applied with special paint of one color, preferably white;
  • safe uniform coating;
  • professional certified equipment;
  • high quality lighting.

Turnkey construction stages

Turnkey construction of a basketball court includes the following work:

  • choosing the location of the object;
  • drafting and budgeting;
  • preparation of asphalt or concrete base. This is the most important stage of construction, since the foundation directly affects the reliability and durability of the site;
  • choice of sports surface;
  • installation of equipment and sports equipment;
  • installation of a protective barrier and lighting.

Choice of coverage

There are many requirements for a basketball court surface. First of all, it must be uniform, flat and safe. This is why we recommend choosing crumb rubber. This material is suitable for outdoor and closed areas. Rubber coating has a number of advantages:

  • high resistance to external influences And climatic conditions;
  • durability and all-weather;
  • excellent water permeability;
  • absence of seams, which makes the platform homogeneous;
  • low risk of injury due to good adhesion of the coating to the players’ shoes;
  • quick installation;
  • easy way to care.

The rubber coating for a basketball court does not break when frozen, does not fade or fade. The damaged area can be easily and quickly replaced.


For a full-fledged game on the basketball court, there must be a backboard, basket, ball, etc. Technical equipment. Basketball backboards and stands are made of durable plastic, artificial glass and a metal frame. These are strong and durable structures that are not afraid of temperature changes, dampness and bright sun.

The TramplinSport company has been developing and creating sports playing fields for more than 10 years. We offer you a turnkey basketball court, taking into account all standards, sizes and requirements. Attractive prices, flexible terms cooperation, high-quality materials and equipment, excellent results - all this will make the game of basketball even more enjoyable and exciting.

You can order a turnkey basketball court by calling: +7 495 723-26-86

Basketball (from English. basket- basket, ball- ball) - an Olympic sport, a sports team game with a ball, the goal of which is to throw the ball into the opponent’s basket larger number times than the opposing team will do it in set time. Each team consists of 5 field players.

History of the emergence and development of basketball

In 1891, in the United States of America, a young teacher, a native of Canada, Dr. James Naismith, trying to “revive” gymnastics lessons, attached two fruit baskets to the railing of the balcony and suggested throwing them there. football balls. The resulting game only vaguely resembled modern basketball. There was no talk of dribbling; the players tossed the ball to each other and then tried to throw it into the basket. The team that scored the most goals won.

A year later, Naismith developed the first rules of the game of basketball. The very first matches under these rules caused their first changes.

Gradually, basketball from the USA penetrated first to the East - Japan, China, the Philippines, and then to Europe and South America. After 10 years on Olympic Games In St. Louis, the Americans organized a demonstration tour between teams from several cities. In 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed. The first match under her auspices took place on November 1 of the same year in Toronto between the Toronto Huskies and New York Knickerbockers. In 1949, the association merged with the US National Basketball League to form the National Basketball Association (NBA). In 1967, the American Basketball Association was created, which for a long time tried to compete with the NBA, but 9 years later merged with it. Today, the NBA is one of the most influential and famous professional basketball leagues in the world.

In 1932, the International Amateur Basketball Federation was founded. The federation includes 8 countries: Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania. Sweden, Czechoslovakia. Based on the name, it was assumed that the organization would be headed only by amateur basketball, however, in 1989, professional basketball players received access to international competitions, and the word “amateur” was removed from the name.

The very first international match took place in 1904, and in 1936 basketball was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

Basketball rules (briefly)

The rules of the game of basketball changed several times until 2004, when the final version of the rules was formed, which is considered relevant to this day.

  1. Two teams play basketball. A team usually consists of 12 people, 5 of whom are outfield players and the rest are considered substitute players.
  2. Dribbling the ball in basketball. Athletes holding the ball must move around the field, hitting the floor with it. Otherwise, it will be counted as “carrying the ball”, and this is a violation of the rules in basketball. Accidentally touching the ball with a part of the body other than the hand is not considered a violation, but deliberate play with the foot or fist is.
  3. A basketball game consists of 4 periods or halves, but the time of each half (game time) varies depending on the basketball association. So, for example, in the NBA a match consists of 4 halves of 12 minutes, and in FIBA ​​each such half lasts 10 minutes.
  4. There are short breaks between periods, and between the second and third periods the break time is increased.
  5. A ball thrown into the basket can bring a different number of points to your team. If the ball is scored during a free throw, the team earns 1 point. If the ball is thrown from a medium or close distance (closer than the 3-point line), then the team is given 2 points. A team earns three points if the ball is scored from behind the three-point line.
  6. If in regular time both teams scored the same number of points, then a 5-minute overtime is assigned; if it ends in a draw, then the next one is assigned, and so on until a winner is determined.
  7. The 3-second rule is a rule that prohibits any player on the attacking team from being in the free throw zone for more than three seconds.
  8. The two-step rule in basketball. A player is only allowed to take two steps with the ball, after which he must either shoot or pass.

Basketball field

The playing field for basketball is rectangular in shape and has a hard surface. The surface of the site must not have any bends, cracks or any other deformations. The size of the basketball court should be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide (standard). The ceiling height must be at least 7 meters, and at professional sites the ceilings are raised to a height of 12 meters and higher. The light on the field must be made so as not to interfere with the movement of players and must evenly cover the entire court.

Until the end of the 60s, tournaments could be organized outdoors. However, now basketball matches are held only in indoor courts.

Site marking

  1. Bounding lines. They run along the entire perimeter of the court (2 short end lines and 2 long side lines).
  2. Central line. It is carried out from one side line to another and at the same time it is parallel to the front lines.
  3. The central zone is a circle (radius 1.80 m) and is located exactly in the center of the basketball court.
  4. Three-point lines are semicircles with a radius of 6.75 m, drawn to the intersection with parallel (front) lines.
  5. Free throw lines. A free throw line is drawn 3.60 meters long parallel to each end line with its far end 5.80 meters from the inside edge of the end line and its midpoint on an imaginary line connecting the midpoints of both end lines.


The basketball is spherical in shape, painted in an approved shade of orange, and features an eight-panel design with black stitching.

Basketball hoop and backboard dimensions

The height of the basketball hoop from the floor level is 3.05 meters (standard). The diameter of a basketball hoop ranges from 45 cm to 45.7 cm. The hoop itself should be painted bright orange. A special net 40-45 cm long is attached to the hoop. The basketball hoop is located at a distance of 15 cm from the backboard.

The shield to which the ring is attached also has a number of important parameters. Basketball backboard size: width - 1.8 m, height - 1.05 m. Modern basketball backboards are made of tempered glass.

Basketball refereeing

Present at the basketball match:

  • senior judge and judge;
  • timekeeper;
  • secretary;
  • assistant secretary;
  • operator 30 seconds.

Judges Uniform:

  • gray shirt;
  • long black trousers;
  • black basketball shoes.

Basketball Federation

  • International Basketball Federation (French Fédération Internationale de Basketball, FIBA).
  • Russian Basketball Federation (RFB).

We tried to cover the topic as completely as possible, so this information can be safely used when preparing messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic “Basketball”.

October 30, 2014

Today, basketball is one of the most popular and spectacular team sports. Its goal is for the players of the opposing sides to move around the court, guided by special rules, and throw as many balls as possible into the baskets installed on the backboards.

Basketball court

The field in this sport is a flat rectangular surface with a hard surface. There should be no obstacles or projectiles around its entire perimeter.

Any gaming platform official types sport has its own standards, which are registered in the code of the relevant federation. The international basketball association is called FIBA. It has the right to change the dimensions of the field, markings, height of the backboards, etc. According to FIBA ​​standards, the dimensions of a basketball court should be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. One of the association's main requirements for a field is a flat and hard surface. The surface of the site must comply with generally accepted standards and be free of bends, cracks and other obstacles. It is important that the field is a rectangle with an approximate aspect ratio of 2 to 1. Previously, the size of a basketball court (standard until 2011) was about 30 meters long and 15 meters wide.

It is worth noting that since the late 60s, according to the regulations, all official competitions must be held indoors. Until this time, tournaments could be organized outdoors.

Basketball court dimensions

On the playing field there are two boards with baskets and corresponding markings. Along the edges there may be a fence in the form of a high fence (mesh) or wall.

The dimensions of a basketball court for public use must be at least 26 meters long and at least 14 meters wide. Such playing fields may have an additional 2 meters of reserve for races. Thus, sites with dimensions of 30 by 18 m are permitted.

According to the regulations, a deviation in dimensions of 1-2 meters is allowed, but official competitions cannot be held at such sports grounds. The dimensions of a basketball court at a school or university can vary from 12 to 16 m in width and from 20 to 28 m in length. The fact is that municipal and amateur gyms do not fall under the jurisdiction of FIBA.

For mini-basketball, the court dimensions are 18 meters long and 12 meters wide. The main difference between this type and the main one is the sports equipment, which is suitable only for small children.

For official tournaments, the basketball court dimensions must be 15 m wide and 28 m long. The measurement is taken from the inside edge of the lines that define the playing area of ​​the field. The height of the hall should not be less than 7 meters, but at professional venues it is customary to raise the level of the ceiling and hanging scoreboard to 12 m and higher.

Another important requirement is luminescence. It is necessary that its sources do not interfere with the movement of players and the ball, and that the light covers the entire surface of the field along with the shields.

Video on the topic

Basketball court markings

The playing field can be divided into five components, which are outlined by a special contour:

1. Boundary lines. They are carried out along the perimeter of the entire site. The lines that run across the width are called front lines, and those that run along the length of the field are called lateral lines.

2. The central zone, which is a circle. The measurement is taken along the outer edge. Placed in the middle of the field relative to all 4 sides.
3. Center line. It runs parallel to the facial straight lines. It is carried out from one side line to the other.

4. The three-point line is a half-ellipse. In fact, the entire basketball court is a long-range shooting zone, except for the area near the opponent’s backboard.

5. Free throw line. It is applied to the surface parallel to the front line. Its length is limited to the penalty area.

All contours and lines must be the same color. In most cases, white paint is chosen. The standard line width is 5 centimeters. The contour must be clearly visible from anywhere on the site.

Marking: general lines

The basketball court must be 2 meters or more away from spectators, benches, advertising boards and other obstacles. The playing field is limited by the side and end lines. The first represents the width of the rectangle, and the second represents its length. At the point where the lines intersect, there should be no recognition contours, as in football. The front side of the site can be from 12 to 16 meters, and the side - from 18 to 30 m.
The center line divides the length of the field into two equal zones. It is carried out through the middle of the lateral straight lines and should extend beyond their edges by 15 centimeters on each side.

The central circle is located in the middle of the site relative to each of the boundary lines. Its radius to the outer boundary of the circle is 1.8 meters.

Marking the throwing line

Before holding official competitions, the FIBA ​​Commission pays Special attention checking the penalty area. The marking of the basketball court with the dimensions specified in the regulations must strictly comply international standards and the rules adopted in 2011.

By these standards, the three-point zone should be limited to two parallel lines that begin and end at the same end line. The extreme point must be 6.25 meters from the center of the opponent’s basket. The distance between the intersection points of the three-point line and the end line is 1.575 m.

The free throw zone consists of limited areas that are semicircles with a diameter of 3.6 meters. It is indicated on the court by a dotted line on the inside and a solid line on the outside (side towards the opponent). The center of the zone is located in the middle of the penalty line, the length of which is 3.6 m. Throws are made from this area after violations by the opponent. It should be noted that the penalty line must be 5.8 meters from the edge of the end line.
There is one designation in the marking - the throwing area. From this zone, players take penalties earned on their opponents. The first line of the area should be at a distance of 1.75 meters from the front line. It limits an area 85 cm wide. Next comes a neutral zone with a diameter of 0.4 meters. Next are two more penalty areas, each 85 cm wide. Each line should be 10 centimeters long.

Team bench area

Basketball court, in addition playing field, also includes areas for coaches and substitutes. Bench areas should be located on the same side as the scorer's table.

Limited to lines no longer than 2 meters. Bench areas can be either a rectangle or a square.

It is important that the substitute area is located at a distance of 2 meters or more from the site, and also at least 1 m from spectators and advertising boards.

Optimal coverage

A specialized basketball court is a flat, hard surface on which players can move without any obstacles. This is why the surface is so important for the field. It must be strong and elastic, since the platform is constantly under stress in the form of impacts.
The covering can be made of different materials, but the most common are rubber and parquet. It is important that the site is durable and resistant to many factors. Therefore, rubber coating is most often used, as it is universal and waterproof. On the other hand, parquet is considered more environmentally friendly and reliable.

The covering is laid in two stages: first, a diagram of the basketball court is made, then installation work takes place based on it.

Supports and shields

The markings and dimensions of the basketball court also depend on the structures to which the baskets are attached. The supports must be 2 meters from the front line. They are painted in tones that contrast with the walls and the platform itself. The supports must be covered with protective material to a height of at least 2.15 meters.

The shields are made of wood or monolithic glass 3 cm thick. Dimensions are 1.8 by 1.1 meters. They are installed at a height of 2.9 m from the site. Marked in the center with a rectangle with the following sides: horizontally - 59 cm, vertically - 45 cm.

" In this article I would like to continue the topic of basketball rules, but, unlike previous articles, we will not talk about the historical origins of basketball rules, but about modern stage their development. As you know, on April 17, 2010, the FIBA ​​Central Bureau, located in the town of San Juan, Puerto Rico, approved the next edition of the basketball rules, which came into force on October 1, 2010. It would probably be superfluous to say that this particular edition, today, is the latest and most refined.

What has changed? in the rules of basketball after release new rules? It is these changes that we will talk about in this article, trying to touch on all the significant amendments to the new basketball rules. For comparison with the old 2008 rules, we selected official rules FIBA in Russian, the text of which was approved by the Executive Committee Russian Federation basketball, and prepared by judges of international categories.

I want to make a reservation right away that there are quite a lot of changes, but most of them come down to additional interpretation of an already existing rule. In this article I will focus on the BASIC and most SIGNIFICANT changes for the player. Conventionally, I divided them into three groups:

  • changes related to game layout;
  • changes related to player uniforms and accessories;
  • changes, one way or another, related to the game time allocated for a particular action.

New basketball rules related to markings.

In a nutshell, European markup is practically ceased to exist, turning into American. The three-second zone ceased to resemble a trapezoid in its shape and turned into a rectangle, which all NBA fans are accustomed to. The three-point line is moved 6.75 meters from a point on the floor directly below the exact center of the opponents' basket to the outer edge of the semicircle. And also, by analogy with the NBA markings, the semicircle turns into parallel lines in the corner of the court. There are also two new throw-in lines: “Two (2) lines, 0.15 m in length, shall be drawn outside the playing area on the touchline opposite the scorer's table, with the outer edges of these lines being 8.325 m from the inner edges of the nearest front lines." The new markup is shown in the figure below.

The second significant change to the markings is to draw a semicircle under the ring, in which collision fouls are not recorded. Here's what they say about this semicircle:

"The lines of semicircles in which Collision fouls are not recorded, must be marked on the playing area and limited to:

  • A semicircle with a radius of 1.25 m, measured from a point on the floor directly below the center of the basket to the inner edge of the semicircle. This semicircle connects:
  • Two (2) parallel lines perpendicular to the end line, 0.375 m long, the inside edge of which is 1.25 m from a point on the floor directly below the center of the basket, and ending 1.20 m from the inside edge of the end line.

The semi-circle areas where collision fouls are not recorded include imaginary lines connecting the edges of parallel lines (0.375 m long) directly below the backboard faces. The semicircle lines are not part of the semicircle areas in which collision fouls are not called."

And a small interpretation of the semicircle rule itself:

“Semi-circle areas where no collision fouls are called are marked on the playing court to designate a special area for handling collision/blocking situations under the basket. In any play situation of passing into the semi-circle area in which no collision fouls are called, contact caused by the offensive player against a defender inside the semi-circle shall not be penalized as a foul to the offensive player, except in situations where the offensive player is improperly using his arms, legs or body in that moment when:

  • the attacker controls the ball while in the air, and
  • he shoots or passes and
  • both feet of the defender are on the floor completely inside the semi-circle area in which no collision fouls are called.”

Here is an illustration of what the markings under the ring will look like.

Basically, I believe that this rule has great importance For increasing the entertainment value of basketball, because now you can complete the pass with a powerful jump and, perhaps, a dunk, without fear of getting offensive foul due to a collision with a defender who suddenly appears under the basket. So, we’re done with the markup, now let’s move on to the next subsection.

New basketball rules related to player uniforms and accessories.

“The team uniform must consist of... socks of the same dominant color for all players on the team.” This is the dress code

New sports technologies have led to the fact that athletes began to use new equipment. So what equipment can you use now? The list of prohibited items included “plaster casts or staples, even if covered with soft material.”

The permitted ones included:

  • Compression (padded) sleeves are the same dominant color as the T-shirts.
  • Compression (thickened) stockings of the same dominant color as the shorts. For the upper part of the leg they should not be below the knee, and for the lower part of the leg they should not be above the knee.
  • Colorless jaw guard.
  • Colorless tapes for arms, shoulders, legs, etc.

Okay, so we figured out the form. Next up is the final section!

New basketball rules related to timing

So, the first interesting rule:

When remains on the game clock 0:00.3 (three tenths of a second) or more, the player who gains possession of the ball after a throw-in or rebound after the last or only free throw has the opportunity to shoot for a field goal. If the game clock shows 0:00.2 (two tenths of a second) or 0:00.1 (one tenth of a second), the only way to score a field goal is to finish or directly dunk.

8 second rule.

Every time when:

  • The player gains control of the live ball in his backcourt,
  • On a throw-in, the ball touches or is legally touched by any player in the backcourt and the team of the player taking the throw-in remains in control of the ball in their backcourt.

that team must move the ball into its frontcourt within eight (8) seconds.

A team moves the ball into its frontcourt when:

  • The ball, which is not in control of any player, touches the frontcourt.
  • The ball is touched or legally touched by an attacker who has both feet in contact with his frontcourt.
  • The ball is touched or legally touched by a defender who has part of his body in contact with his backcourt.
  • The ball touches the referee, who has part of his body in the front zone of the team in control of the ball.
  • When dribbling from the backcourt to the frontcourt, the ball and both feet of the player dribbling it are in contact with the frontcourt.

The eight (8) second count continues from whatever time remains at the time of stop.

Every time when:

  • The player gains control of a live ball on the playing court,
  • When a throw-in is touched or legally touched by any player on the playing court and the thrower's team remains in control of the ball, that team must attempt a field goal within twenty-four (24) seconds.

If the referee stops play:

  • When a foul or violation (but not when the ball goes out of bounds) committed by a team not in control of the ball,
  • For any other reason related to the team not being in control of the ball,
  • For any reason not related to either team, possession of the ball shall be awarded to the same team that previously controlled the ball.

If the throw-in is administered in the backcourt, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall be reset to twenty-four (24) seconds.

If the throw-in is conducted in the frontcourt, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall be set as follows:

  • If there are fourteen (14) seconds or more remaining on the twenty-four (24) second clock when play is stopped, the clock must not be reset and the clock must continue from the time it was stopped.
  • If there are thirteen (13) seconds or less left on the twenty-four (24) second device when play is stopped, the device must be reset to fourteen (14) seconds.

However, if, in the opinion of the referee, the opposing team will be disadvantaged, the twenty-four (24) second count shall continue from the time of stoppage.

A few more little things:

  • Dribbling is the process of moving a live ball when the player in control of the ball throws, rebounds, rolls it on the floor, or intentionally throws the ball into the backboard.
  • In the event that a team repeatedly loses a game by forfeit in a tournament, it must be disqualified from the tournament and the results of all games played by that team must be voided.
  • During the last two (2) minutes of the fourth (4th) period and during the last two (2) minutes of each extra period after a time-out called by the team entitled to possession of the ball in its backcourt, the throw-in shall be administered from playing court from the throw-in line opposite the scorer's table in the team's frontcourt.

Well, that's all, these were the most significant changes in 2010, and it was by these rules that we played in 2011, and most likely we will play in 2012.

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