Home Hygiene Happy together: the most talked about celebrity couples. The love story of Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov

Happy together: the most talked about celebrity couples. The love story of Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov

is a talented Russian singer and composer, and since 2015 also an actress. The girl has an incredible voice that has captivated many both in Russia and abroad. But, in addition to the star’s creativity, many fans are also concerned about the personal life of the pop singer.

Polina's first husband - Peter Kislov

The singer walked down the aisle for the first time in 2007. Her chosen one was the young theater and film actor Pyotr Kislov.

The couple met in 2006 at the Moscow Art Theater School. The relationship developed rapidly, and soon the young people got married. A year later their son Andrei was born. Polina and Peter lived together for 3 years. But family life did not work out.

“We reacted too violently to each other, constantly arguing. Our home has never been a safe haven. I got tired of it all, and I decided to leave,” Gagarina admitted in an interview.

Kislov said that he also does not regret the divorce. Although he speaks about Polina with warmth: “She is the mother of my only son, and her mother is simply wonderful.”

Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov

Dmitry and Polina met in 2013 at a photo shoot. And already in 2014 they got engaged. The event took place in France. The couple hid their relationship from the public, so they did not often appear together at social events. Gagarina and Iskhakov got married on September 9, 2014 in Moscow. The wedding itself was modest - an ordinary painting in the registry office.

Immediately after the official part, the newlyweds went to the Seychelles, where marriage vows were pronounced on the shores of the Indian Ocean. The beautiful ceremony was attended by all the people close to the couple, including the singer’s son from her first marriage. It is known that the young people held a banquet at the luxurious 5-star hotel Raffles Praslin, Seychelles 5*.

Polina and Dmitry often give candid interviews, and talk about their family life. Iskhakov – famous photographer, and calls his wife his muse.

The man claims that Polina is different everywhere: at home she is a caring mother and wife, on stage she is a fury, with her fans she is a patient socialite.

Polina says that Dmitry endures her violent temperament surprisingly calmly and patiently, and she cannot find a better life partner.

Son and daughter of Polina Gagarina

The singer's son Andrei was born in October 2007. His father is the star’s first husband, actor Pyotr Kislov. The boy enjoys tennis, plays the piano, and loves to travel. Andrey went to school prepared and always does his homework on his own. According to Polina: “He is growing up to be a real man, affectionate and understanding.”

Gagarina’s daughter, Mia, was born in April 2017 from the singer’s second husband. For Iskhakov, who is 39 years old, this is the first child. He actively helps his wife care for their newborn, and shares his impressions of fatherhood on Instagram. According to him, the girl is growing surprisingly quickly and is already showing character.

Miya translates to “rebellious, stubborn,” and it looks like the name was chosen appropriately. By the way, initially the parents chose a different name for their daughter, but on her birthday, as Iskhakov said, there were 2 signs indicating that the child should be named Miya.

Polina visiting – Evening Urgant

In the popular program “Evening Urgant,” Polina Gagarina spoke about her little daughter and her son’s rapid growth. The star mentioned that Mia’s dad sings lullabies. He doesn’t succeed very well, but what’s more important is that he does it with zeal and love. Besides, the girl likes to hear his voice.

They also talked about the singer’s new album, relations with the press and fans. It turned out that the singer has one of the largest fan clubs in the country.

Today Gagarina is one of the most popular pop stars. Her day is literally packed to the minute. And yet she finds time to raise children, travel, discuss her husband’s new creative ideas and delight her fans with new compositions.

Photographer Date of birth January 1 (Capricorn) 1978 (41) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @isxakov

Dmitry Iskhakov is a secular photographer and Russian designer. Dmitry’s personal life is discussed in the media almost more often than his professional achievements. Iskhakov does not like to talk about himself, which serves as fertile ground for speculation and rumors. He is a sought-after international photographer. His photographic works are purchased by art connoisseurs from France, Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, the United States and other countries. The engine and anchor, as Iskhakov admits, is his desire to film. He falls asleep and wakes up with thoughts about which angle will be most successful in upcoming projects.

Biography of Dmitry Iskhakov

Dmitry was born on January 1, 1978 in Moscow. The boy inherited creative thinking from his creative parents. My father is interested in writing poems, my mother is interested in drawing. As a child, Dima was overweight and short in stature, for which his classmates teased him as a “hamster.” He was not popular among girls. He was in love, but did not receive reciprocation. Now everything is exactly the opposite - an attractive, stately man, whom most representatives of the fair sex dream of making acquaintance with.

As a seventeen-year-old boy, Dmitry moved to Germany. He worked in a pizzeria, but soon realized that baking pizza was not his only calling. He got a job as a designer at an advertising agency. When the monotonous work at the computer got boring, he bought a camera. This purchase became the starting point in my career young man as a photographer.

Upon returning to his homeland, Iskhakov worked in Moscow as a graphic designer, while simultaneously improving his skills in the art of photography. A few years later, the hobby became his main activity.

The portfolio includes collaborations with such mastodons as “Bazaar”, “Bosco di Ciliegi”, “Tatler”, “Toyota”, “Magnat”, “Aeroflot Magazine”. He is regularly invited to shoot the cover of WEDDING Magazine and Hello! He is the author of photographs published on the cover and spreads of Glamor and Cosmopolitan, dedicated to his wife, Polina Gagarina. He is the author of the album covers of the famous performer.

The personal website highlights services such as wedding and newborn photography. On the Internet resource you can also see the photographer’s full portfolio, which includes works with famous artists.

Polina Gagarina: “If I really need to, I’ll go through the evening in shoes that are too tight - I’ll test my endurance”

Stars who met their life partners on the Internet

Stars who met their life partners on the Internet

Dmitry Iskhakov is a secular photographer and Russian designer. Dmitry’s personal life is discussed in the media almost more often than his professional achievements. Iskhakov does not like to talk about himself, which serves as fertile ground for speculation and rumors.

He is a sought-after international photographer. His photographic works are purchased by art connoisseurs from France, Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, the United States and other countries. The engine and anchor, as Iskhakov admits, is his desire to film.

He falls asleep and wakes up with thoughts about which angle will be most successful in upcoming projects.

Biography of Dmitry Iskhakov

Dmitry was born on January 1, 1978 in Moscow. The boy inherited creative thinking from his creative parents. My father is interested in writing poems, my mother is interested in drawing. As a child, Dima was overweight and short in stature, for which his classmates teased him as a “hamster.” He was not popular among girls. He was in love, but did not receive reciprocation. Now everything is exactly the opposite - an attractive, stately man, whom most representatives of the fair sex dream of making acquaintance with. As a seventeen-year-old boy, Dmitry moved to Germany. He worked in a pizzeria, but soon realized that baking pizza was not his only calling. He got a job as a designer at an advertising agency. When the monotonous work at the computer got boring, he bought a camera. This purchase became the starting point in the young man’s career as a photographer. Upon returning to his homeland, Iskhakov worked in Moscow as a graphic designer, while simultaneously improving his skills in the art of photography. A few years later, the hobby became his main activity. The portfolio includes collaborations with such mastodons as “Bazaar”, “Bosco di Ciliegi”, “Tatler”, “Toyota”, “Magnat”, “Aeroflot Magazine”. He is regularly invited to shoot the cover of WEDDING Magazine and Hello! He is the author of photographs published on the cover and spreads of Glamor and Cosmopolitan, dedicated to his wife, Polina Gagarina. He is the author of the album covers of the famous performer. The personal website highlights services such as wedding and newborn photography. On the Internet resource you can also see the photographer’s full portfolio, which includes works with famous artists.

Personal life of Dmitry Iskhakov

Iskhakov was credited with having affairs with many beauties from domestic show business, including Renata Litvinova. However, only the affair between photographer Dmitry Iskhakov and actress Ravshana Kurkova is known for certain. Insiders say that Dmitry even proposed to his beloved, but the couple still broke up after several years of relationship. In 2013, fate brought the photographer together with Polina Gagarina. In 2014, the young people officially got married. In 2017, Polina gave her husband their first child, daughter Mia. The couple is also raising Gagarina’s 10-year-old son from her first marriage.

Latest news about Dmitry Iskhakov

Behind last years Several personal exhibitions of Dmitry took place: “Renata. Never hide..." (2014), "Kisses of Russia" (2015), "Life is like a movie" (2016). He prepared an exhibition in honor of the 5th anniversary of the Karusel TV channel. Iskhakov participated as a photographer in the presentation of the limited collection “Econika”.

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He is a successful photographer, she is a popular singer. Now they are husband and wife, she is his muse, he is her reliable shoulder. Let's remember how their relationship developed. Polina Gagarina first met Dmitry Iskhakov in 2010 during a photo shoot for one of the magazines. At that time, the singer was going through a divorce from her husband, actor Pyotr Kislov.

The photographs that Dmitry Iskhakov took then were the first that Polina Gagarina really liked. Plus, the singer’s classmates at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, where she then studied, sang the praises of the photo shoot. In general, the impression of photographer Dmitry Iskhakov was the best. When in September 2013 the need arose to take photographs for the poster of Polina Gagarina’s concert tour, the singer and her director immediately thought of Iskhakov. Photographer Dmitry Iskhakov and singer Polina Gagarina On September 9, 2013, Polina and Dmitry met again. Like the previous one, the singer liked this shoot. Polina sent a thank you SMS to Dmitry. In addition, she began to read his entries in one of the social networks, and once commented on his post. Dmitry immediately wrote Polina a personal message. And it started spinning. When the singer returned to Moscow, Iskhakov invited her for a cup of coffee. On the day of the date, Dmitry was on set, and the work process was delayed. Iskhakov wrote text messages to Polina and rescheduled the meeting, begging her not to cancel it. As a result, they were drinking coffee at 11 pm. The first date, according to Gagarina, turned out to be rather friendly. They started talking and did not notice how the time approached three o’clock in the morning. Then they met several more times, and Polina flew off on tour: that fall she had a very busy work schedule. Dmitry constantly accompanied her to the airport and then met her there. New Year they met together. Polina worked all night, and Dmitry accompanied her everywhere. At 8 o'clock in the morning on January 1, they had to part for a long time: first, Polina flew away to work, and then went with her mother and son on a long-planned vacation. After the singer returned, she and Dmitry decided to live together. Polina's son Andrei and her new lover immediately became friends. They agreed that they would be best friends. They play video games together, go for walks, watch cartoons, play football, in general, do manly things. Dmitry Iskhakov and Polina Gagarina in January 2015 Polina Gagarina introduced Dmitry Iskhakov to her parents after about two months of their relationship. She invited her lover to a festive evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Moscow Art Theater School, which she, as a graduate, was supposed to open. Without warning her lover, Polina picked him up in a taxi with her mother. Dima, in turn, simply offered to visit his mother after the singer’s next concert. By the way, both mothers later went together to Gagarina’s concert in St. Petersburg. In April 2014, singer Polina Gagarina and star photographer Dmitry Iskhakov gave their first joint interview and took part in photography as a couple. In June 2014, it became known about their secret engagement in France. Dmitry Iskhakov proposed to Polina Gagarina in Paris after six months of relationship. On the Bridge of Lovers in Paris, her lover presented the singer with a Tiffany engagement ring. Then they went on vacation to Dubai. This was the first vacation in her life with her beloved man. Dmitry Iskhakov and Polina Gagarina during dinner with family friends In September 2014, Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov got married. They officially registered their relationship on September 9 - exactly a year after they met. Polina and Dmitry got married in Moscow, and got married in the Seychelles. Even before meeting Dmitry Iskhakov, the singer bought an apartment in Moscow, but the renovation is still not completed. Gagarina admits that family discussions on the choice of tiles, paints, plumbing fixtures and furniture are now in full swing. According to the singer, her lover bribed her by calling her 15 times a day and asking how she was doing. In the mornings, Dmitry prepares her breakfast, makes sure that his beloved dresses for the weather, gets enough sleep, is not nervous, and never tires of giving flowers and saying: “I love you.” Now they are happy together. Polina Gagarina admits that with the appearance of Dmitry in her life, she became a homebody and she no longer wants to go out to social events. “My muse and pride”, “my beloved diamond wife”, “Polyushka” - these are the only expressions Iskhakov writes about his wife. Naturally, he went to support Polina at Eurovision. Watch the Eurovision 2015 final on Saturday, May 23, at 22:00 at live on Channel One.

Handsome, charismatic, talented photographer Dmitry Iskhakov! Celebrity photography is largely his work. How did this guy start his activity? an interesting man, who he is married to - everything can be found in our article.

Childhood of Dmitry Iskhakov

Dmitry was born on a frosty New Year's day in 1978. He is a native Muscovite, but for a long time lived and worked in Germany. But first things first.

Dmitry's family consisted of creative personalities: my father wrote poetry, and my mother painted professionally. The boy, looking at his artists, also wanted to be involved in similar professions.

His mother's work was closer to him, but he did not want to draw pictures, he dreamed of becoming a designer.

chubby boy

As Dmitry Iskhakov says, he was not always so attractive. As a child, he was not even chubby, but fat. At school they called him "hamster".

At that time he was terribly amorous and paid attention to every pretty girl. But they didn’t reciprocate his feelings, they just laughed at his clumsiness and feelings.

Now everything is different. Many people dream of falling into the arms of this slender handsome man, but alas, his heart has long been taken!

Own camera

At the age of seventeen, Dmitry Iskhakov became a resident of Germany. To begin with, he got a job as a baker in a small pizzeria! For several months he mastered this craft, but realized that this should not continue.

His next place of work was a design studio advertising agency, where he spent days on the computer building his own thoughts and ideas. It seemed that his childhood dream had come true, but Dmitry could not just sit at the monitor, he understood that this again was not the core of life that he needed to hold on to.

One fine moment he found himself in a photographic equipment store, where he purchased his own first camera. This is how his main activity began.

Photography career

Upon returning from Germany to his native Moscow, Dmitry Iskhakov continues to work as a graphic designer. Photography is a hobby for him. He did not yet know that he would soon devote all his time to photography and through this business he would meet his wife.

Over time, when the collection of his photographs became huge, he began to think about his own photo exhibition. Dmitry Iskhakov chose best works and began to prepare for the first showing of his masterpieces to the general public. The photographs were appreciated, and large companies, popular glossy magazines, wealthy private clients, and celebrities began to offer him cooperation.

His works are often found in Glamor, OK, Allure, Bazaar, Aeroflot Magazine and other popular publications.

Clients of Dmitry Iskhakov

Celebrities often use Dmitry's services. His clients include such people as Zemfira, Renata Litvinova, Ravshana Kurkova.

Renata Litvinova invited him to collaborate with her in one of her big projects. She ordered the official cover for her film "Rita's Last Fairy Tale" from the photographer. Dmitry Iskhakov took on this work with pleasure.

The photographer is popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. He has many contracts with companies and celebrities in Germany, Australia, the USA, Hong Kong and other countries. They order not only photo sessions, but also photo masterpieces to decorate offices, apartments and villas.

Novels by Dmitry Iskhakov

In the world of show business, Dmitry Iskhakov is known not only for his works. Everyone knows that this photographer is a ladies' man and a stealer of women's hearts.

He had many affairs and affairs. It’s not surprising, because the man is endowed with truly beautiful appearance.

He was credited with a long-term relationship with Renata Litvinova. They really collaborated for a long time, appearing together at social events. Everyone was waiting for the couple to officially announce their relationship. But this never happened.

When work on the cover ended, so did the relationship, which may not have existed at all.

Dima's next passion was Ravshana. The photographer met this girl during a photo shoot of Kurkova with her husband in Malta. Returning to Moscow, the photographer and model got in touch and started dating.

Soon their relationship went so far that they stopped hiding and appeared together at parties and various events. Ravshana left her husband and accepted wedding ring from Dmitry.

It looked like there was going to be a grand wedding soon, but it never happened. For unknown reasons, the couple broke up, Dmitry Iskhakov again became a bachelor, followed by beautiful girls in droves.

Dmitry Iskhakov: personal life today

In 2013, a young and successful photographer lost his head during another photo shoot. His chosen one was Polina Gagarina. They did not hide their relationship, since Polina at that time was already divorced from her first husband. She, like Dmitry, fell in love almost at first sight.

In 2014, the couple went on vacation to Paris, where Polina accepted Dmitry’s marriage proposal. He gave her an engagement ring like a true romantic: in Paris, in the place of lovers! Returning to Moscow, the lovers hastened to tell everyone this good news.

In the same year, on September 9, married man Dmitry Iskhakov. You can see a photo with his wife, Polina Gagarina, here.

Only relatives were present at their wedding. Of course, one of the main people at this event was Polina’s six-year-old son, whom Dmitry Iskhakov immediately fell in love with. A photo with a wife and children is a rarity on the Internet, but we still found one for you.

At the end of 2016, rumors began to circulate that Dmitry and Polina were going to become parents again. They themselves have not yet commented on this information.

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