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Bull castration technique. Percutaneous and open castration methods Tools for castrating kids

The bloodless method of castration of bulls is a whole variety of methods that make it possible to turn bulls into oxen (castrated bull), which differ from one another both in the solution of the task and in the technique of performing the operation. Despite the variety of these methods, they all boil down to disruption of the blood supply to the gonads, and in another to percutaneous disruption of the structure of the tissues of the testes.

The bloodless method of castration of bulls includes either percutaneous (bloodless) violation of the integrity of the spermatic cords, or percutaneous violation of the integrity of the testes. The integrity of the spermatic cords can be disrupted by crushing them, ligating the cords, or elastration. The integrity of the testes can only be damaged by compression.

At the beginning of mastering the method of operation, it is necessary, 2 months after castration, to check the operated livestock, and if animals with non-absorbable testes are identified, they should be castrated by repeated application of forceps, but 2 cm higher than in the first attempt.

Percutaneous castration of bulls by crushing the spermatic cords can be carried out using Telyatnikov forceps, as well as Khanin forceps or Golensky and Glushko forceps. It is advisable to remove the testes at the age of six months. Bulls are operated on in a standing position, convenient for the surgeon, without treatment surgical field. If there are lumps of dirt on the coat, they are cut off.

Using the fingers of one hand, the vascular cone of the right spermatic cord is felt and moved to the side so that it is covered with the skin of the scrotum. The easily palpable elastic vas deferens is moved to the vascular cone. Forceps are applied to the latter at a short distance from the head of the appendage so that the spermatic cord is captured by the middle part of the instrument's jaws. Next, squeeze the handles of the tongs with moderate force. The same is done with the left testis. If there is a crunching sound when you squeeze the handles of the forceps, then this is the main indicator that the operation was successful. Without violating the integrity of the skin of the cervix of the scrotum, the general and special vaginal membranes, the tissues of the vascular cone of the spermatic cord and the vas deferens are ruptured, as a result the patency and blood supply of the testes are disrupted. At the site of crushing of the tissues of the vascular cone and blood vessels spermatic cord, a hematoma the size of Walnut. If the forceps are applied incorrectly, a disruption of the blood supply may not occur above the vascular cone, and therefore, the castration effect will not occur.

An interesting fact is that bulls castrated by the percutaneous method are 15-20% higher in weight gain than bulls castrated by another method, and non-castrated counterparts by 8-12%. The slaughter yield of bulls castrated using forceps is 2-4% higher than that of bulls castrated using a ligature.

Castration of bulls by ligating the spermatic cords was proposed by Povazhenko. In this way, bull calves are castrated up to 6 months. The animal must remain on its feet. The spermatic cord is grasped with the fingers of one hand, then using a surgical needle with a No. 8 silk thread, the neck of the scrotum is pierced near the fingers. The first knot is tightened gradually 2-3 times, after which another knot is tied. The same is repeated on the other spermatic cord. Ligatures are removed after 14 days.

Bulls are rarely castrated by compression; Mochalovsky forceps are used for this purpose. Elastration involves placing an elastic ring on the neck of the scrotum, which is also rarely used in bulls.

The bloodless method of castration of bulls has proven itself well in the vastness of our country. It is simple to perform, little time is spent on castration, and postoperative complications in the form of bleeding or prolapse of intestinal loops does not occur at all.

These include many methods based on the use of special, various designs forceps, and in some cases - ligatures. Castration by these methods involves disrupting the blood supply and innervation of the testes by destroying the vascular cone through the skin. The testes remaining after castration are subsequently resorbed and act as autobiostimulants. long time act on the body of operated animals, promoting an increase in body weight gain.

Technique of operation. The spermatic cord is felt with your fingers, pushed to the lateral side and tightly covered with the skin of the scrotum. Forceps are applied near the head of the appendage (Fig. 16). Then the jaws are sharply compressed. As a result, the blood hits the bends of the blood vessels with great force and breaks them, a hydrodynamic effect occurs. At the same time, a characteristic crunch is heard, which serves as an indicator of a high-quality operation, however, squeezing the handles of the forceps with unrelenting force is continued for up to 5 s. The same is done with the second testis.

The serous membrane covering the spermatic cord remains intact in most cases after crossing the spermatic cord. In it, between the ends of the separation of the spermatic cord, a hematoma is formed, which is easily palpable through the skin of the scrotum. Animal testes dissolve within 5-8 months.

After 1.5-2 months, the operated bulls are examined and, if they are found with unresolved testicles, they are castrated again, but the forceps are applied 2 cm above the original place.

For subcutaneous castration of bulls, M. A. Khanin, I. A. Tynybekov, M. Ya. Krukovsky (1965) proposed percussion lever forceps, which require less effort from the operator to compress the spermatic cord. Animals are fixed in a standing position. The operator presses the spermatic cord with his fingers to the edge of the neck of the moscoica, and the assistant applies forceps. The jaws of the instrument are applied in such a way as to completely capture the spermatic cord. Then, departing 2 cm from the previous one, closer to the head of the appendage, they are reapplied.

Percutaneous castration with forceps by K. G. Galensky and I. A. Glushko. The operation is performed on the animal in a standing position. After fixing the spermatic cord under the skin with your fingers, stepping back 2-3 cm from the testis, apply the sponges of special castration forceps and compress the jaws. The spermatic cord of the second testis is also destroyed.

Open method of castration. Of the bloody methods of castration of bulls, the open method is most often used, and less often the method of partial castration according to A. A. Baiburtsyan. Bulls are castrated openly at any age when, for some reason, it is impossible to use other methods.

Technique of operation. With the left hand they grab the scrotum, pull it on the testis, use a scalpel to make an incision in the back, side and front, while dissecting all layers of the scrotum and the common vaginal membrane. You can also cut off the top of the scrotum of both testes, having previously pushed them as far as possible abdominal wall. The exposed testicle is removed from the cavity of the vaginal membrane, the transitional ligament is cut, and a piercing ligature or castration loop is applied to the thinned area of ​​the spermatic cord. Having departed from the latter by 1-1.5 cm, the testis is cut off, the stump is treated with iodine solution.

Young bulls can be castrated by open castration by “tearing”, after first cutting the layers of the scrotum and the common vaginal membrane.

Partial castration according to A. A. Bayburtsyan (1961). The parenchyma of the testis is removed through a puncture of the scrotum, leaving the epididymis, which ensures the cessation of spermiogenic, while maintaining hormonal, function.

Animals are operated on in a standing position. In the middle third of the lateral surface of the testis on the side opposite the body of the appendage, the skin of the scrotum, general vaginal and own shell testis to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Then the scalpel is rotated around its axis by 120-125°, removed and the testicular parenchyma is squeezed out with your fingertips. The same is done with the second testis.

However, as shown clinical experience, in bulls, due to insufficient extrusion of the parenchyma, its regeneration often occurs. In these cases, the animal is castrated in a bloody manner with complete removal testes.

Possible complications and ways to eliminate them. Bleeding from the sperm duct artery is stopped by introducing several cotton gauze swabs into the wound or, by opening the wound, they try to find the source of bleeding, grab it with a hemostatic clamp and apply a ligature. Prolapse of the omentum and intestines is very rare in bulls.

Castration of bulls is carried out in an open or closed way. In addition, they can be castrated using Telyatnikov forceps.
Open castration. This method is used mainly for castration of young bulls.
There are different methods for making incisions in the scrotum. Most rational in young bulls cross section the bottom of the scrotum, and in adults - an anterior longitudinal incision along the long axis of the testis from its upper edge to the apex of the scrotum. The common tunica vaginalis is opened, the testis is removed and the thickened part of the transitional ligament is cut. In adult bulls, a ligature is applied to the spermatic cord or it is unscrewed after applying Sand forceps. In young bulls, in addition, the testes can be unscrewed by holding the spermatic cords between two Pean tweezers, or they can be removed with a small model emasculator (Nikiforova et al.).
Closed castration. The scrotum is pulled back by the top and its bottom is amputated with scissors or a scalpel at a height of 2-3 cm. With light pressure on the scrotum, both testes, covered with a common vaginal membrane, are pushed out. The scrotum is moved to the abdominal wall and a stitched ligature made of silk or catgut is applied to each spermatic cord, covered with a common vaginal membrane, 5–7 cm above the testis. The cords are cut off 1.5-2 cm below the ligature.
Castration using Telyatnikov forceps. The bulls are fixed in a standing position. The surgeon, standing behind the animal, takes the forceps in his right hand, and with the fingers of his left hand he feels the right spermatic cord, pushes it to the lateral side towards the edge of the scrotal neck and grabs the spermatic cord between the branches of the forceps in the area of ​​the first third of the vascular cone (no closer than 0.5 cm to the testis and no further than 3 cm from it). To reduce pain, the spermatic cord along with the scrotum is pulled down. Then, with your hands, moderately but sharply squeeze the ends of the handles of the tongs. The characteristic crunch heard at the same time indicates that the cord is crushed and the blood supply to the testis is disrupted. The handles of the tongs are held in a compressed state for 5 seconds.
After this, without changing the position of the animal’s body, the left spermatic cord is felt with the fingers of the left hand and pushed to the lateral side, and forceps are applied to it with the right hand. At the moment of grasping the spermatic cord, the arms are crossed, palm right hand at this time it is facing upwards. Subsequently the operator releases left hand, turns the ends of the handles of the tongs towards himself, and then also moderately and sharply squeezes them with both hands. After the operation, areas of the skin of the scrotum that were under the influence of forceps are lubricated with 5% alcohol solution Yoda.
The serous membrane covering the spermatic cord remains intact in most cases. In it, between the ends of the severed spermatic cord, a hematoma the size of an acorn is formed, which is easily palpable through the skin of the scrotum.
In case of incomplete intersection of the spermatic cords, the forceps are immediately reapplied 1.5 - 2 cm above the site of initial application.

Castration can be carried out by two main methods - bloody And bloodless(percutaneous). Each of them, in turn, includes a number of technically different methods, which depend on the type of animal being operated on, the purpose of castration, the instruments used, etc.

Bloody methods are divided into open (with dissection of the common tunica vaginalis) and closed, in which the common tunica vaginalis is preserved. Bloody methods can also be complete, in which the testes, their appendages and part of the spermatic cords are removed, and partial, in which the testis or its appendage is removed. The open method is used in working animals and livestock of many meat breeds. Its essence lies in the fact that after dissection of all layers of the scrotum (including the common vaginal membrane), the testes are exposed, after which it is removed. The closed method aims to close the entrance to abdominal cavity from the vaginal canal and prevent prolapse of the viscera, as well as avoid infection of the abdominal cavity.

The closed method is used most often in boars and stallions, if excessive expansion inguinal rings poses a threat of post-castration loss internal organs through a castration wound. Rabbits are also castrated using a closed method, since the enlarged inguinal canals are species feature these animals. This type castration is also indicated in animals with inguinal hernias. IN clinical practice Complete (surgical) castration (orchidectomy) is widely used.

Bloodless ways consist of subcutaneous reproduction of the spermatic cords or testes (the latter is not used in clinical practice) with special forceps. At the same time, such methods can only be called bloodless.

With partial removal of elements of the gonads The secretion of the sex hormone is preserved with the actual cessation of the release and even production of germ cells. The most common types of such castration are:

Resection of the tail of the appendages. Initially it was proposed for the preparation of test male bulls and rams (V.A. Andrievsky, Rosenberger, Tilman). Attempts have been made to use it to improve the fattening of bulls.

Percutaneous violation of the viability and integrity of the spermatic cords- a widespread method of castration of productive animals, which includes the following methods:

  • percutaneous crushing of the spermatic cords is used in large and small ruminants. Subcutaneous crushing of the testes - compression castration (according to A. N. Mochalovsky). Currently not applicable;
  • percutaneous ligation of the spermatic cords - usually used in bulls. Accompanied in some cases by severe swelling;
  • removal of the parenchyma of the testes while preserving their connective tissue base and appendages can be used in rams and bulls (A. A. Baiburtsyan’s method), but is currently performed very rarely;
  • elastration is a method used in lambs in the first days of life. In this case, the scrotum with its contents is completely rejected due to the application of a compressive elastic rubber ring to its neck. Widely practiced abroad.

Bistournage(twisting) of the spermatic cord (creation of artificial cryptorchidism) occupies a special place among percutaneous methods of castration. Some authors believe that this method guarantees success and is not accompanied by any complications. The method is used when the testes are sufficiently developed and can be fixed bimanually through the skin (percutaneously). With this method, conditions are created under which the nutrition and innervation of the testes, their appendages, mesentery and vas deferens are disrupted, as a result of which the testes atrophy and subsequently dissolve.

Bistournage is performed in four steps: 1) the surgeon, grasping the skin of the bottom of the scrotum with his hand and changing the position of the hands upward, quickly moves the testes to the inguinal canal. In this case, the transitional ligament is torn, and the common tunica vaginalis is peeled off from the fascia in places. Then the testes are lowered to the bottom of the scrotum and again shifted upward. Several such techniques ensure that the testes move freely. They easily move to one side when pressed with fingers, when the wall of the scrotum is fixed with the other hand; 2) after this the testis is turned along longitudinal axis so that it top edge(the head of the appendage) was directed downwards. To do this, fix the lower part of the vascular cone with the left hand, and with the right hand, grasping the bottom of the scrotum, move the testis upward to the left palm. This technique involves displacing the lower edge of the spermatic cord downward with the expectation that the semicircle of the testis, sliding along the fingers of the right hand, moves its lower edge upward and it is in horizontal position; 3) both previous techniques provide conditions for twisting of the spermatic cord. For this purpose, fixing the spermatic cord with the fingers of the left hand near the appendage, turn the testis in one direction 4...5 times. When performing this technique, the vessels of the testis, its appendage and the vas deferens are torsed. The same is done with the other testis; 4) in conclusion, it is necessary to fix the testes so that the torsioned vessels are obliterated. For this purpose, using the first technique, both testes are pressed to the inguinal canals and held in this position for 2...3 days. To do this, the scrotum, grasped with the left hand, is tied with a soft braid or rope directly under the testes. The degree of compression of the scrotal tissue should be moderate so as not to disrupt blood and lymph circulation.

At complete absence blood circulation, the testes are reabsorbed in the following months without complications. Due to the high labor intensity, this operation was not found wide application. Even experienced surgeons spend about 30 minutes to carefully perform all the manipulations, and after 2…3 days it is again necessary to restrain the animal in order to remove the rope from the scrotum.

Piece cryptorchidism can be caused by another method. The operation is performed on bulls 1.5…2 months of age. The testes are pressed as much as possible against the inguinal canal, and they do not develop, but the incretion (internal secretion) of a small amount of testosterone contributes to the intensive development of the animal’s body. Having pressed both testes to the inguinal canal, a rubber ring is placed on the scrotum below them using an elastrator (amputator). After about 15 days, part of the scrotum below the ring is torn away, and the testes remain near the inguinal canal.

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