Home Hygiene The structure of the human jaw teeth. How many primary and permanent teeth should a child and an adult have? How many molars does an adult have?

The structure of the human jaw teeth. How many primary and permanent teeth should a child and an adult have? How many molars does an adult have?

From this article you will learn:

  • How many teeth should a person normally have?
  • in which cases there are fewer teeth,
  • human dental formula: diagram, numbering of teeth.

Human teeth can be temporary or permanent. Temporary (baby) teeth normally begin to erupt in children from 8 months to 3 months. summer age. In total, a child should erupt 20 milk teeth - 10 teeth per upper jaw+ 10 on the lower jaw.

Main types of teeth

Don't have time to clean after eating? Be sure to rinse your mouth well with water to remove as many food particles as possible before you can reach your toothbrush! Plus, germs love a dry mouth. So, if you drink plenty of water to help flush away any remaining food, there will be fewer places for bacteria to grow!

Apart from brushing your teeth, you should also polish once a day. it's the same great way help prevent gum disease. You should also visit your dentist regularly and eat right. Candy and other sticky, sugary foods are bad for your teeth. Having a good healthy diet, brushing and flossing your teeth often, and visiting the dentist regularly is The best way maintain a healthy smile!

Starting from the age of 6, temporary teeth begin to gradually fall out, and permanent molars erupt in their place. Majority permanent teeth erupt in the period from 6 to 12 years, and only the eruption of the last 8 teeth (wisdom teeth) usually occurs in the period 17-21 years. In total, an adult can erupt 32 teeth - 16 teeth in the upper jaw + 16 in the lower jaw.

Even if you don't have toothache, you should visit your dentist at least twice a year to have your teeth checked. When you visit your dentist, she will examine your teeth and gums, and either the dentist or dental hygienist will clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth.

Dentists and hygienists use special tools to clean and check your teeth. The dentist will use a guidewire to check and clean around the teeth. This metal tool with a hook at the end. Dentists also use a small suction tube to dry water and saliva from the mouth. The dentist will also use a mirror to help you get a better look at all the surfaces of your teeth. If the dentist finds any cavities, they will take an X-ray of your teeth, remove the decaying part of the tooth, and place it in a filling to prevent further decay.

Teeth of a child and an adult on x-rays –

Thus, how many teeth a person has depends on age. Normally, at the end of the eruption of all temporary teeth in children, there will be 20 of them. Then the period of replacing milk teeth with permanent teeth begins, after which a person will normally have 32 permanent teeth (read about exceptions below).

Baby teeth and the process of changing to molars

On land, the mammal with the most teeth is the giant armadillo, which can have up to 100 teeth in its jaws. These teeth are more similar to reptile teeth because they have the same basic shape, thin, sharp little spears.

  • In the oceans, the real master of teeth is the long roaring dolphin.
  • They can have as many as 252 teeth in their long, thin jaws.
  • These teeth are good for catching and holding small fish that dolphins eat.
A shark loses teeth throughout its life, and new ones grow to replace the lost teeth.

Numbering of teeth in dentistry: scheme for adults and children

The numbering of teeth in dentistry seems to be a very interesting point, because... a patient can often hear or read in a medical card that the doctor treated his 37th or 42nd tooth (although there are only 32 of them). The fact is that tooth numbers in dentistry do not correspond to simple ordinal numbers from 1 to 32 in adults, and from 1 to 20 in children.

As soon as one falls out, another one takes its place.

Venomous snakes have specialized teeth called fangs. Fangs are hollow teeth that penetrate the skin and inject venom. Rats chew all the time to help wear down their teeth. If they don't wear them down, their bottom teeth will continue to grow longer - potentially right into their brain.

Some animals dig with their teeth, while others use their teeth for self-defense or display of force, such as when males fight over territory or for females. Wild pigs dig with their tusks, which are actually dog ​​teeth. Even the mighty walrus will use its large tusks to anchor itself to the ice while sleeping.

Formula of teeth in the medical record –

The dental formula of an adult (as well as a child) is in medical card dental patient looks like a schematic table (as in Fig. 5), which will only reflect serial numbers permanent or baby teeth. Right in this formula, the doctor will mark missing teeth, teeth with caries, teeth under crowns, etc.

Video: how a child’s teeth change

Our first president, George Washington, did not have teeth made from wood, but he did have teeth made from hippopotamus teeth. He also had teeth made from ivory, lead, human teeth, cow teeth, and sheep teeth. They thought they had shown devotion to their husbands.

In the ninth century, the Mayans donated their teeth to different shapes and decorated them precious stones. Today, some people get grillz to impress their friends. Think jewelry on your teeth is cool? Maybe, but if you wear it for a long time long period time, it can cause tooth decay and gum disease. So, if you're adding sparkle to your smile, be sure to take care of the teeth underneath so you don't lose all your sparkle!

Dental formula in the form of a table in the medical record –

Since not all teeth are visible - even in the widest smile - it is impossible to know how many teeth there are this person without a thorough inspection. You may be wondering if you or your child have too many or too few teeth. There is an average number of teeth for children and adults.

How many teeth are there in a child's mouth?

How many teeth a child has depends on their age. When it comes to primary or baby teeth, most children have a maximum of 20 that include. Children's teeth begin to fall out around the age of 6 and are gradually replaced by secondary teeth until they are older. Additional teeth also appear at this time. At puberty, most children have 28 teeth.

What are the exceptions to the number of teeth?

There are situations when the number of teeth a person has differs from the norm. For example, the rudiments of some teeth may be completely absent, or they die during development. As a rule, this is a consequence of diseases either suffered by the mother during pregnancy, or diseases of the child in the first years of life.

How many teeth are there in an adult's mouth?

Having any decay, trauma, or extracts repaired by an experienced dentist, the average adult will end up with 32 teeth consisting of. On average, four wisdom teeth usually appear around age. They are usually removed because many adult mouths are not large enough to accommodate them. Often these extra molars are unable to move completely out of the jaw, making them susceptible to contamination or infection.

There are cases when a person can have more than 32 teeth. In fact, just this year, a 17-year-old boy in India had 232 teeth removed in a seven-hour operation! This extreme condition, known as complex odontoma, is quite rare. By regularly examining your mouth and taking x-rays, your dentist can determine whether teeth should be removed for better health oral cavity. You can save up to 60% of your dental visits, when you.

There are situations when a child may experience delayed teething, and parents are worried about this. It should be noted that in modern children, early or late teething is observed in approximately 30-40% of cases from standard periods. This process is influenced not only by diseases of the mother and child, but even by the nature of nutrition during breastfeeding.

An impact tooth is one that did not enter the mouth by the time it was expected. The most common reason for tooth impaction is lack of space. Other causes may include cysts and tumors associated with the tooth, fusion of the tooth with the surrounding bone or row of teeth, or in some cases, for unknown reasons, the tooth simply cannot complete its movement in the mouth.

Which teeth are affected and why?

The tooth most likely to be affected is the wisdom tooth or third molar. These teeth are the third set of permanent molars. They are called wisdom teeth because they are supposed to enter the mouth at the age of wisdom, approximately eighteen years of age. Hence why they are also known as "eighteen year molars" as opposed to first or six year molars and second or twelve year molars. Wisdom teeth are not only the most likely teeth to be affected, but also the most likely to be misshapen, missing, or present in extra numbers.

Important : have a great influence on the eruption of permanent teeth inflammatory diseases at the roots of baby teeth (the latter arise as a consequence of untreated caries). can lead not only to a delay in the eruption of a permanent tooth, but also to the death of the permanent tooth germ. In the latter case permanent tooth will be missing at this location.

Most people have four wisdom teeth: the upper right and left and the lower right and left. Some people are missing one or more wisdom teeth, while others have additional sets. Other common teeth are cuspid or "canine" teeth, also known as "canines" or "eye" teeth, and premolars. Often when people have extra teeth, they are often affected. Any tooth can become impacted if there is not enough space for it, or if its developmental timing is out of sync with the rest of the teeth.

Since many people do not have enough space for all of their teeth, the most likely one to get stuck or damaged is the last one, which forms the wisdom tooth. The remaining teeth used the available space when they entered the mouth. When a person has overcrowded teeth, the wisdom tooth may have even less space after the rest of the teeth are straightened. Not all people have their wisdom teeth worked on, some people have enough space for their wisdom teeth.

Supernumerary teeth

However, it also happens the other way around, when during the formation of the rudiments of teeth, disturbances occur, leading to the appearance of supernumerary teeth. Supernumerary canines or premolars are especially common. In this case, the patient will not have 32 teeth, but all 34 or even 36 teeth. The presence of such teeth is not a problem, and the patient is simply scheduled for their removal. We hope that our article on the topic: How many teeth does an adult have - was useful to you!

Many theories have been proposed to try to explain why so many people do not have enough space for all of their teeth, especially their wisdom teeth. The most popular one was that our jaws became smaller as humans evolved. However, studies done on ancient and modern skulls do not support this idea. What these studies show is that our ancestors, before modern dental care was available and to a lesser extent even today, the most commonly missing or decayed tooth is the first or six-year-old molar.

The basis of the human skeleton is bone apparatus. Almost all bones are protected soft tissues. Precisely “almost”, since the exception is teeth. They are not covered with muscles, mucous membrane, or skin.

Fortunately for humans, teeth change only once during life. But that doesn't make it any less significant. Including compliance hygiene standards will depend on the number of teeth already in mature age, their internal safety and appearance.

By the time the wisdom tooth was ready to start moving into the mouth, it may have had plenty of room in our distant ancestors. The wisdom tooth is not the only tooth that can be affected. Other teeth that are often affected include canine or eye teeth, premolars or bicuspid teeth, and accessory teeth. However, any tooth can be affected if it does not fit into the mouth on time or is somehow blocked.

What if something needs to be done?

Do I need to do anything for the damaged tooth? The answer depends on several things. First, if there is sufficient space and the tooth is important for function or cosmetics, then, if possible, an attempt is made to bring the tooth into position with a combination of surgery and orthodontics. This is usually done for distant dogs or eyes. If a tooth does not have enough space, is an extra tooth, or is misshapen, it often needs to be removed.

There are differing opinions about how many teeth a person should have healthy person, carefully monitoring their health and, in particular, oral hygiene.

Everyone knows: “32 teeth is the norm!” What to do with the so-called? Are they included in this number? Or is this a nice addition to this kit?

How many teeth a healthy mouth should have depends not only on age, but also on individual physiological characteristics.

What happens if nothing is done?

A large cyst is associated with the impact of the third molar, displacing it and destroying the roots of the teeth. Sometimes the answer is nothing, for a while. If the tooth remains while trying to enter the mouth, it may press on the adjacent teeth and damage them. If the gum opens enough above the impact of the tooth to allow bacteria from the mouth to enter the space around the tooth being removed, it can become infected. Depending on the type of bacteria, several problems can arise.

Why do people need teeth?

An impacted tooth can make it difficult to properly clean your teeth and allow plaque to build up. This can lead to periodontal disease over time and spread to adjacent teeth. Other types of bacteria can cause tooth decay. The wisdom tooth or adjacent tooth may become decayed. Less commonly, the sac of tissue that surrounds the wisdom tooth may begin to enlarge and fill with fluid, forming what is called a cyst. The cyst may continue to grow and damage the jaw, adjacent teeth, or other structures.

The third molars, located in front of the “eight”, have up to 5 roots, which can be tightly woven into a single, denser, stronger one. But wisdom teeth have up to 8 roots at once. This is explained by its location close to the pulp. The canals of such teeth can bifurcate, and sometimes several canals are found in one root. For this reason, when removing wisdom teeth, it is imperative to take a photo.

Only in this way will the doctor be able to determine the number of roots and canals of the molar.

Age characteristics

Teeth change throughout life. If in children they are weakly fixed, then in adults completely different processes are observed.

With age, teeth wear out, and according to the degree of wear experienced dentist can easily determine the patient's age quite accurately. Also, wear and tear depends on the texture of the food eaten and physiological characteristics.

Up to the age of 16, no signs of erasure are visible. But by the age of 20, a slight smoothness appears on the teeth, which is quite natural for this age.

Over the next ten years, the tubercles and sharp cutting edges are overgrown with a dentin coating - bone substance. At the age of 45, serious wear of the crown protrusions is already visible, and dentin appears in significant areas.

At the age of 60 they are completely worn out as tooth enamel, and the crown. After 70 years, only the neck and roots remain. Although by this time most of the teeth fall out or are pulled out due to caries.

To summarize, a healthy person should have at least 28 teeth, this is already considered the norm. Depending on a number of nuances, by the age of 30, fourth molars may also erupt, thereby bringing their number to 32.

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