Home Oral cavity 16th Infantry Division. The name "Lithuania" in the history of the great victory over fascism

16th Infantry Division. The name "Lithuania" in the history of the great victory over fascism

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I offer a selection of photographs depicting different stages of the battle path and the people of the 16th Infantry Lithuanian Klaipeda Red Banner Division.

Probably the first famous photo division fighters on the winter march to the place of their first battle - n.p. Alekseevka southeast of Orel, February 21, 1943:

The 76-mm regimental gun fires, covering the first offensive of the division... Unfortunately, it was not crowned with success and paid for with considerable blood:

And the command staff at the division command post is there:

Those who led the Lithuanian division of the Red Army into battle:

1. Division commander (1942-43) Major General F.R. Baltushis-Zemaitis, Russian second lieutenant of the First World War, Lithuanian revolutionary, career military man of the Red Army.
2. Division commander (1943-44) Colonel V.A. Karvalis, later major general... Unfortunately, that's all I know about this officer.
3. Division commander (1944-45) colonel, since 1944 - major general A.I. Urbshas , former officer Army of the Republic of Lithuania, in the Red Army since 1940

Chief of staff of the division, practically permanent in this position in 1942-46. Lieutenant Colonel P.A. Tsyunis, former major in the army of the Republic of Lithuania, and, in addition, a scientist and teacher. In the photo - in the uniform of the Lithuanian Army.
By the way, in 1919, young Petras Tsyunis fought as part of the Lithuanian troops against the Red Army, which, more than two decades later, he commanded...

The unsuccessful “combat debut” near Orel was followed by participation in the Battle of Kursk in the summer of 1943. The division was either defending against the 383rd Infantry and 18th Tank Divisions of the Wehrmacht (five consecutive attacks), or enduring massive air strikes (up to 120 Luftwaffe aircraft according to official data of the division's historiography, however, most likely overestimated), then desperately counterattacking in order to regain lost positions, lost more than 4,000 people in battles, after which the withdrawal of the bloodless unit to the rear for replenishment was scheduled.

Memorial to the fallen soldiers of the 13th Army and the 16th Lithuanian Division in the village. Glazunovka, Oryol region:

In the fall of 1943, the 16th Lithuanian fought again, this time as part of the Kalinin Front. After the initial unsuccessful offensive battles in the Nevel operation (October 1943), in November its banners were finally crowned with the laurels of the first victory, when south of the town of Nevel, Pskov region. she managed to repel a strong counterattack by units of the 43rd Army Corps of the Wehrmacht.

Autumn 1943. Commander of the Karelian Front A.I. Eremenko in the 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division:

Machine gun crew in position.

In the subsequent offensive battles, the division took part in encircling the enemy group and liberating the village. The town, having earned its first award - gratitude from the command. For participation in the Nevel offensive operation, the 16th Lithuanian paid for the loss of 3,000 people, as evidenced today by this modest sign at the battle sites:

In November 1943, the Lithuanian division as part of the 4th shock army was assigned to the 1st Baltic Front and, so to speak, deployed its battle formations towards the house - to Lithuania. However, In fairness, it should be noted that after heavy losses and repeated reinforcements, Lithuania remained home to barely half of its fighters. The rest were waiting for home in various parts of the USSR, including even the Central Asian union republics...
But the divisional newspaper, published in Lithuanian and Russian, reminded in its title - “The Motherland is Calling!”

A political instructor and a group of soldiers are reading a divisional “large circulation”:

In April 1944 for distinction in the liberation of Belarus The division's banner was decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of Battle.

After the liberation of Belarusian Polotsk and a 500-km march near Siauliai, in the summer of 1944, the 16th rifle division finally entered the territory of Lithuania. Where heavy fighting awaited her straight from the march: the 3rd German Tank Army counterattacked near Siauliai. Successfully repelling a counterattack as part of the troops of the 1st Baltic Front, the division again earned the gratitude of the command. Obviously, she has now learned to fight, or “her native walls helped,” and the German in 1944 was objectively “not the same”...

A series of photographs from the spring-summer of 1944, depicting soldiers of the Lithuanian division in battle and on the march:

(For the last two, I cannot guarantee that they depict exactly the soldiers of the Lithuanian division, since they were taken from articles about it available on the Internet, so “what I bought for, that’s what I sell for”).

The final resting places of the division's soldiers and officers in Lithuanian soil:
Mass grave of 147 soldiers of the Lithuanian division (including 82 nameless) in the town of Vainutas:

Hero's Tomb Soviet Union artillery sergeant Stasis Šeinauskas, who fell in August 1944 near Siauliai:

Divisional Heroes of the Soviet Union, photographs of which were found:

1. Sergeant Stasis Šeinauskas (posthumously)
2. Sergeant Grigory Terentyev (posthumously)
3.Red Army soldier Viktor Yatsenevich (posthumously)
4. Red Army soldier Boris (Berel) Tsindelis (posthumously)
4. Jr. Lieutenant Grigory Ushpolis (Hero received a corporal)
5. Sergeant Kalmanis (Kalman) Shur

6. Jr. Sergeant Fedor Zatsepilov.

In total, in the Lithuanian division during the war, 12 soldiers and commanders received the Hero's star, with the most significant group of them being artillerymen - 5 people, followed by scouts - 3 people. then - regiment commander, battalion commander, telephone operator and machine gunner. Ethnic composition Heroes of the Soviet Union - a cast from that division: Lithuanians, Russians (from the USSR and one from pre-war Lithuania), Lithuanian Jews, Lithuanian Poles...

But here are the heroes of the 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division, who did not receive gold stars due to their “petty-bourgeois upbringing.”
1. Divisional celebrity: a brave machine gunner, a sniper, and, if necessary, a nurse, Sergeant Major Danute Staniliene. A simple Lithuanian rural girl, born in 1922. with a shy smile, “peasant Jeanne” in divisional usage - undoubtedly, in honor of the legendary Joan of Arc. One of four Soviet women - full holders of the Order of Glory.

She was the “face” of the division, generously favored by the attention of the Soviet press and the military authorities... Hero of the Soviet Union, however, despite several representations, Danute stubbornly did not receive... As well as lieutenant shoulder straps, despite the training in her specialty completed in 1944 "machine gun platoon commander" Even joining the CPSU (b) at the very end of the war did not change the situation. There is an opinion that Danute was somewhat squeezed precisely because of her “Joan of Arc syndrome” - not just the ambitions of the savior of the Fatherland, but the pity for the defeated enemy that was inappropriate in the war... Which, of course, was noted by the “vigilant comrades” and reported “ where needed."
By the way, there were at least 171 women soldiers in the Lithuanian division...

2. And of course, the epic character standard bearer Monya Tsatskis, divisional either Vasily Terkin, or the brave soldier Schweik, an example of military resourcefulness, absolute disregard for discipline and wonderful black Jewish-Lithuanian humor. The hero of the story of the same name by Ephraim Sevel, a Soviet and Israeli writer, veteran of the Great Patriotic War and the Yom Kippur War:

So, the battle path of the 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division of the Red Army to Victory ran through its native Lithuania. Obviously, for propaganda purposes: the Soviet Lithuanian formation was supposed to join the front ranks in the republic, which was annexed to the USSR only in 1940 and which “showed up” during the years of occupation with a significant level of collaboration (however, there were many anti-fascist partisans in Lithuania - 92 detachments and more than 10 thousand fighters, not counting the underground; today it is customary to “conveniently” keep silent about this).
On January 28, 1945, for the liberation of Klaipeda, the 16th Lithuanian Red Banner Rifle Division received the honorary name Klaipeda.

1st Secretary of the Communist Party of Lithuania A. Snečkus among the division fighters in liberated Klaipeda:

From January 31, 1945, the Lithuanian division of the Red Army took part in the siege of units of Hitler's Army Group North, surrounded in the Courland Pocket. There she met the end of the war.

A group of soldiers and officers of the 16th Infantry Division of the division, spring 1945:

The Victory Parade for the 16th Lithuanian Red Banner Klaipeda Division took place, quite obviously, in Vilnius:

Commemorative sign issued in the Lithuanian SSR in honor of the 30th anniversary of the creation of the division:

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ____Mikhail Kozhemyakin

16th Infantry Lithuanian Klaipeda Red Banner Division of the 2nd formation was formed by a resolution of the State Defense Committee of December 18, 1941.

Combat composition of the division:

156th rifle regiment

167th Infantry Regiment

249th Infantry Regiment

224th Artillery Regiment

282nd separate anti-tank fighter division

148th anti-aircraft battery (161 separate anti-aircraft artillery division) (until 06/01/1943)

18th separate reconnaissance company

93rd separate engineer battalion

73rd (39th) separate battalion communications (367th separate communications company)

80th separate medical battalion

23rd separate chemical defense company

351st (78th) motor transport delivery company

62nd field bakery

965th Divisional Veterinary Hospital

1668th (1985th) Field Postal Station

1209th field cash desk of the State Bank.

The division was formed in the Moscow Military District in Balakhna, Gorky Region. The formation was carried out mainly at the expense of refugees and evacuees from Lithuania, as well as soldiers and officers of the former 29th Territorial Lithuanian Rifle Corps, distributed during the war throughout various parts Red Army, found and transferred to a new division. The core of the division's officer corps was formed by graduates of the Vilnius Infantry School, evacuated to Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region (they underwent a shortened training course). Political workers were mainly former underground workers, party and Soviet workers.

From the Glebovo deployment area, parts of the division arrived in Russian Brod on two night marches from 14 to 15 and from 15 to 16 February 1943. From February 16 to 17, the division moved to the Droskovo area on a night march and became part of the 48th Army. During the period of marches, parts of the division had interruptions in fuel for vehicles, as a result of which the rear was stretched, there were interruptions in food supply for personnel and food allowances for horses.

During the last transition to the concentration area - Alekseevka, Ivanovka, Troitskoye, on the night of February 18-19, 1943, there was a snowstorm, the roads were covered with snow, which further stretched the convoys. All artillery fell behind. In the period from February 19 to 22, the issue of people's nutrition was especially bad.

On February 24, 1943, at 9.30, after weak artillery preparation due to deficiencies in shells, units of the division went on the offensive. The 157th Infantry Regiment, with the support of tanks, attacked with the left flank southwestern outskirts of Nagorny. As a result of the attack, he approached Nagorny, but having come under flanking mortar and machine gun fire from the Emelyanovka areas, height 242.7, Nagorny, he was unable to break into the village. The tanks managed to break into the western outskirts of the village, but due to the infantry lagging behind, the tanks retreated from the village and supported the attack of the 156th Infantry Regiment to a height of 242.7 with fire. The 156th Infantry Regiment, suffering heavy losses from flanking fire from the Khoroshevsky area, with a decisive attack knocked out the Germans from a height of 242.7, where it gained a foothold. As a result of flanking fire from the heights northwest Nagorny and Khoroshevsky, further advance of the regiment was not possible. The remaining units of the division remained at the starting line for the offensive, suffering minor losses from enemy mortar fire. The battle continued until dark, but the division had no further successes. The division's losses on the first day of the offensive amounted to 426 people.

On the night of February 28, 1943, the bloodless division was replaced by units of the 6th Guards Rifle Division, which managed to receive significant reinforcements.

On March 16, 1943, the 16th Infantry Division, by order, went over to the defense west and southwest of Alekseevka.

On March 20, 1943, units of the division were replaced by arriving units of the 399th Infantry Division and retreated to the rear.

The division fulfilled the task assigned to it with honor. Together with other army formations, which also suffered heavy losses, with their active offensive actions, units of the 16th Infantry Division pinned down large enemy forces, which did not allow the German command to withdraw a single unit from this section of the front to help the troops of Manstein, who in March 1943 led counteroffensive near Kharkov.

On March 22, 1943, the 16th Infantry Division was transferred to the second echelon of the 48th Army. The division remained in the second echelon until the start of preparations for the Battle of Kursk, being on rest, reorganizing and receiving reinforcements. It was located in the villages of Trostnikovka, Fedorovka, Kuban, Arkharovskie Vyselki, Bobylevka, Zalipaevka, Nizhnee Arkharovo along the banks of the Sinkovets River. Having concentrated here, 12 kilometers east and southeast of Alekseevka, the division has been equipping an intermediate defensive line since April, fulfilling the task of being ready for a counterattack in the event of an enemy breakthrough at the junction of the 48th and 13th armies, as well as counterattacks in the north. western and western directions.

On April 17, 1943, instead of the retired Major General F. Baltusis-Žemaitis, Major General Vladas Karvelis, previously the deputy commander of the division, was appointed to command the division.

In May 1943, reinforcements arrived in the division from the 2nd separate Lithuanian reserve battalion, among them experienced soldiers who participated in the battles near Alekseevka and recovered from their wounds. But mostly unfired soldiers and sergeants who had not previously participated in battles arrived from Balakhna, and it was necessary to seriously prepare them for the upcoming battles.

In April and May 1943, the division, remaining part of the 48th Army, strengthened its defensive positions, which soon played a role. The division, after suffering heavy losses, was now again staffed to its regular strength with conscripts from areas of the Oryol region liberated in the winter. Accelerated combat training of these young soldiers was carried out, and combat exercises were constantly carried out.

On June 5, 1943, the 16th Rifle Division replaced units of the 399th Rifle Division on the front line of the northern part of the Kursk Bulge in the 48th Army zone. Its positions were now located south of the village of Krestyanovka, the villages of Ekonomichnoe, Panskoye to the village of Krasnaya Slobodka. In the immediate rear of the Lithuanian division there was the village of Nizhnyaya Gnilusha.

In front of the positions of the 156th regiment, which stood north of Kursk by the end of June 1943, was the enemy-occupied dominant height 235.0 near the village of Sandrovki. It dominated the terrain and did not allow our troops to view the enemy’s rear.

Repeated attempts by regimental reconnaissance, commanded by 26-year-old Lieutenant Vaclovas Bernotenas, were unsuccessful. The scouts went on searches many times, suffered losses, but they were unable to take prisoners and open the German defense system. Then the order was given for reconnaissance in force. At seven o'clock in the morning on June 25, with the support of two rifle companies, Bernotenas' reconnaissance platoon crossed the no-man's land during artillery preparation. Having reached the eastern slopes of the height, they burst into the trench with the last shell explosions, and, having occupied it, began to fight off German counterattacks. They waited for darkness to depart. Meanwhile, the scouts captured two prisoners. The wounded with prisoners, captured documents and maps were sent to their own. The lieutenant and several soldiers remained to cover the retreat of their comrades.

In this three-hour battle, Bernotenas was wounded in the legs by a grenade explosion.

The soldiers retreated to their own, the unconscious lieutenant remained lying in no man's land. For seven days, the wounded Bernotenas then crawled from the enemy trenches through no man's land to his own. On the night of the eighth day, already near our positions, soldiers found him and dragged him into their trench, he was unconscious.

Bernotenas became the first Hero of the Soviet Union in the Lithuanian division. The title was awarded to him by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 4, 1944 (in the Decree he was named Vatslavas).

On July 5, 1943, one of the largest battles of the entire war began - the Battle of Kursk. The 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division, as part of the 48th Army, took an active part in both the defensive battle and the counteroffensive.

In the first days Battle of Kursk, July 5 and 6, 1943, the 16th Division, operating as part of the 42nd Rifle Corps (commanded by Major General K.S. Kolganov) of the 48th Army, withstood a powerful blow from the 383rd Infantry and 18th Tank German divisions on its positions north of Kursk, accompanied by raids by about 120 aircraft. In the division's sector, after aerial bombardment and artillery preparation, the enemy began to advance with the support of a significant number of heavy Tiger and Panther tanks, as well as Ferdinand self-propelled guns. The enemy launched strong attacks in the sector of the 167th regiment, at the junction between the 167th and 156th regiments and between the 167th regiment and its right neighbor, the 8th Infantry Division (commander Colonel P.M. Gudz of the 13th Army During the day of July 5, German units penetrated the location of our troops on the left flank of the 167th Infantry Regiment.

By 11 o'clock, German machine gunners broke through to the observation post of the 167th Infantry Regiment. The riflemen of the commander of the 167th Infantry Regiment, Moteki, allowed German machine gunners to get within 20 meters of their trenches and destroyed them with volley fire at point-blank range. The field in front of their trenches was literally littered with dead Nazis. But the attacks were repeated. The battle was fierce, with hand-to-hand fighting in the trenches. The enemy was able to push back part of the units of the 156th and 167th regiments and capture the village of Semidvoriki. Individual enemy tanks managed to break through into the depths of the division's defense with fire and tracks. But there they were destroyed by the batteries of the 224th Artillery Regiment of Major Pranas Petronis. By a decisive counterattack of the 249th Regiment, supported by artillery fire, the Nazis were thrown back to their original positions, and by 12 o'clock the situation had been restored.

Resuming attacks, the enemy again penetrated the location of the 1st battalion of the 167th regiment, while simultaneously knocking the right flank of the 8th division out of position. The battle became extremely fierce. The division's warriors held on tenaciously, repelling the enemy's onslaught with all types of weapons. The infantry was cut off from the tanks by fire small arms, tanks left without cover from the trenches were destroyed with grenades and set on fire with bottles containing a combustible mixture. Several tanks broke through to the firing positions of Major Petronis's 224th Artillery Regiment. Conducting direct fire, the artillerymen knocked out several tanks, and the rest turned back.

The division command, located in the second echelon, placed the 249th Infantry Regiment at a cut-off position facing the south. Counterattacks were organized by the forces of the second echelons of the 156th and 167th regiments, and the previous situation was restored by 17:00, when the enemy was driven out of the trenches of the 167th regiment.

The enemy's attack on the 16th Lithuanian and 8th Rifle Divisions was not the main one; it had a supporting role. The Nazis failed to advance a single step.

Subsequent attacks by the Nazis were also unsuccessful. They were skillfully and courageously repelled by the infantrymen of Colonel Moteka and the artillerymen of the division, whose actions were directed by Colonel Ziburkus. The 167th Regiment repulsed five attacks during the day and by 11 p.m. it was firmly in its position. Intense battles in the areas of the neighbors of the Lithuanian division also ended in vain for the Nazis.

At 4 a.m. on July 6, Nazi machine gunners, accompanied by tanks, again began attacks on the positions of the 167th regiment. They were not successful that day either.

The enemy then subjected the division's positions to artillery fire and air bombardment, but did not attempt any further attacks in this direction. After July 7, the enemy went on the defensive in this sector.

Thus, in two days of fighting, the 16th Division successfully repelled numerous fierce attacks by the Nazis, completely restored its position, thwarted the enemy’s attempts to break through to the junction of the 48th and 13th armies and go to the rear of the troops of the right flank of the 13th Army.

In the following days, units of the division carried out reconnaissance in force, providing assistance to their right neighbor, the 8th Division, which was forced to retreat somewhat during the fighting.

In these battles, the soldiers of the Lithuanian division destroyed up to 2,300 fascist soldiers and officers, knocked out 5 tanks, shot down 12 aircraft, destroyed 5 heavy machine guns and several dozen light machine guns, and 6 vehicles. In addition, 9 artillery and 2 mortar batteries, 4 six-barreled mortars were suppressed, and 4 observation posts were destroyed. Units of the division captured 16 prisoners, three 75-mm and three 37-mm guns, several dozen machine guns, 24 vehicles and many infantry weapons.

At the same time, the division suffered relatively small losses - 285 people were out of action.

Having surrendered its combat sector to the 399th Infantry Division on the night of July 22, the Lithuanian division concentrated southeast of the Zmievka station. The next day, she, along with other formations as part of the 42nd Corps, went on the offensive in the direction of the city of Kromy, south of Orel. For four days it was not possible to break the strong resistance of the enemy. But on July 27, the 3rd Guards Tank Army, brought into battle in the 48th Army zone, broke through the German defensive lines and went 40 km forward. After this, the Lithuanian division broke through the enemy defenses southeast of Zmievka on July 28. Pursuing the defeated German units in the same places where the division tried to advance in the winter, it crossed the Oka River, interrupted the enemy defenses in the area of ​​​​the villages of Verkhnyaya Boevka, Troitskoye, Khmelevaya and gained a foothold on the Ivanovka-Soskovo line. And in just two weeks, the division covered about 100 km and liberated 54 settlements.

Having overcome stubborn enemy resistance, the division crossed the river. Neruch. Heavy bloody battles seriously weakened the formations; very few people remained in the battalions, companies, and platoons. The head of the Smersh counterintelligence department of the 48th Guard Army, Colonel K. Pimenov, whose functions included monitoring the morale of the troops, reported these days in his report to the Military Council of the Army about the mood of fatigue and depression among soldiers and officers due to high losses of personnel Lithuanian division, quoted the following words from the officers of the formation: “I cannot advance with 30 people in battalions. From the battalion, only a platoon remained, and the task was given as a battalion... If we manage to take the village by storm, then there will be no one to gain a foothold in it... There are almost no Lithuanians left in the division, everyone was killed. etc.".

Just at this time, on July 20, 1943, reinforcements of 400 people again arrived in the division from the 2nd separate Lithuanian reserve battalion. The division was ordered to surrender its positions to other parts of the army and withdraw to the second echelon for replenishment.

But on July 23, the division headquarters received an order to immediately concentrate in the village of Alekseevka and begin pursuing the enemy.

Having repelled fierce counterattacks at Borisoglebsky, by July 27 the Lithuanian division approached the village of Nikolsky, a powerful defense center of the Nazis. The battles for the capture of Nikolskoye were stubborn and had to be waged for four days. The division's fighters fought several times into the eastern outskirts of the village, but each time they had to retreat after enemy counterattacks. The advancing units of the Lithuanian division were repeatedly bombed by German aircraft, which carried out more than 300 sorties in two days in groups of 20-30 aircraft. The enemy used tanks and self-propelled guns in counterattacks. In a fierce struggle, units of the division gained the upper hand, taking Nikolskoye, but due to strong enemy fire resistance they could not advance further.

On August 1, 1943, the division resumed its offensive and began a decisive pursuit of the enemy.

On August 3, the division command post moved to the village of Ploty, on August 4 to Novoivanovsk on the banks of the Oka, then to the village of Novy Khutor, and from August 12 to the village of Troitskoye.

On the day of the liberation of Orel, when the first victorious salute during the entire war was given in Moscow, the regiments of the Lithuanian division were solemnly presented with red Battle Banners, which they carried until victory.

Overcoming stubborn enemy resistance at intermediate defensive lines, units of the division crossed the river. Oku and R. In addition, they captured the Verkhnyaya Boevka-Troitskoye-Khmelevaya line.

On August 11, the division liberated the half-burnt Oryol village called Lithuania.

After the division took part in the defensive and offensive operations of the Battle of Kursk, it concentrated in the area of ​​​​the village of Koshelev.

On August 11, 1943, the 16th Infantry Division was transferred to another operational direction, from where the road to the Lithuanian SSR opened. The division was withdrawn from combat and from the 42nd Rifle Corps. It marched to the east, passed through the places it had conquered, and concentrated in the Verkhnyaya Boevka-Sukhoe-Kholodovo area 15 kilometers northwest of Kroma in the reserve of the 48th Army of the Central Front. On August 12, she was withdrawn from the 48th Army and transferred to the reserve of the commander of the troops of the Central Front. August 21st to railway she left for Tula for replenishment and rest. For three weeks, being in reserve at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, the division hastily prepared for new important battles, receiving reinforcements in personnel, weapons, equipment and transport.

The leaders of the republic came to the division on September 14, got acquainted with the situation, mood, and state of the division.

On September 23, the division was raised by order, loaded onto railway trains, and in five days along the Tula-Moscow-Kunya route it was transported to the Velikiye Luki region on the Kalinin Front, where from September 27 it was included in the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps of the 4th Shock Division army (commander Major General V.I. Shvetsov).

During the 1943 operations to liberate Belarus and prepare for the liberation of the Baltic states, the Headquarters planned the Nevelsk operation - a strike in October 1943 at the junction of the German army groups North and Center with the forces of the 3rd and 4th shock armies.

The 4th Shock Army was supposed to advance during this operation on the right wing of the Kalinin Front. The basis of its strike force was the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps of Major General A.P. Beloborodova. The 16th division was included in the corps of the famous commander and took an active part in the Nevelsk, Gorodok and Ezerishchenskaya operations, liberating Belarus.

At the Kunya station, the arriving echelons were quickly unloaded, the regiments, one after another, set out on foot to a position south of the village of Avenishche, where the division entered the second echelon of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps.

By October 8, the division was transported by rail and concentrated in the Usova-Sirotok-Ostrov area, 20 kilometers southeast of Nevel. But on October 10, the division again received orders to march and its first combat mission on the Kalinin Front. This was the order of the commander of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps A.P. Beloborodov, on October 11, enter the battle at Lake Ordovo, expand the occupied bridgehead, advancing in the direction of the villages of Ezerishche, Rudnya, and liberate the village of Palkino. These positions were at the forefront of the Ezerishche grouping of our troops, blocking the narrow defile between lakes Ordovo and Ezerishche, as well as the road to the city of Gorodok, Vitebsk region.

On the same day, the division went on the offensive. The 167th regiment advanced on the village of Palkino, and the 156th on Lobok and Ezerishche. The Germans, with air strikes, strong mortar and machine gun fire, using five tanks and several self-propelled guns, did not allow the offensive of our troops to develop. The advance was 200–300 meters.

At night a roundabout maneuver was undertaken. A detachment of 195 soldiers from the 1st battalion of the 249th regiment was sent behind enemy lines. The detachment bypassed the forests of lakes Melkoe and Ordovo, went to the rear of the enemy’s defense near the village of Palkino, which in the morning was to be taken by a simultaneous attack of the regiments from the front and a strike by the detachment from the rear. But the regiments that went on the attack at 8 a.m. on October 12 were unable to break through, as they suffered heavy losses from heavy fire and air strikes. The attack from the front failed. It turned out that the corps headquarters had undertaken similar maneuvers more than once before, and the Germans could have expected such actions. The detachment, which found itself surrounded, was unable to break through the front line; only 47 soldiers and officers made it through, the rest died, and some were taken prisoner. The Germans immediately shot the prisoners.

On October 17, another detachment of soldiers from the 249th regiment, numbering 317 people, went behind enemy lines; it was armed with mortars and three anti-tank guns. Communication was provided by two radio operators with walkie-talkies. The detachment had the task, bypassing Lake Ordovo, to go through the forests to the area west of Pankra. The detachment, constantly maintaining contact with the command, successfully operated in the German rear, distracting enemy forces. Having occupied the enemy trenches, the soldiers repelled the Nazi counterattacks, destroying two tanks in the process. On the fourth day, having successfully completed the task, by order of the command, the detachment returned to the regiment.

On October 18, the 167th Regiment, after many days of heavy fighting, resumed the offensive and finally took the village of Palkino.

In general, the fighting was fierce, our offensive was unsuccessful, and the enemy continually launched counterattacks. Ultimately, the command of the 4th Shock Army came to the conclusion that attempts to break through enemy defenses with a frontal attack positive results not allowed. The division, by order, stopped active operations and went on the defensive, successfully repelling several fierce counterattacks of the Nazis.

The ferocity of these battles was explained by the fact that the Nazis occupied positions that were very convenient for defense. They prepared the defense here in advance, equipping the area in engineering terms: they filled it with firepower. The reason for their desperate resistance was that the Ezerishche-Ordovo interlake, where the division was breaking through, led to important road junctions - Gorodok and Vitebsk, which the German command called “the gateway to the Baltic states.”

In the second half of October 1943, the 3rd and 4th shock armies again successfully went on the offensive.

They walked through the partisan region, through forests and swamps, in the direction of Polotsk and Pustoshka (Vitebsk region). The troops advanced 70-80 km and reached the approaches to Pustoshka and the distant approaches to Polotsk.

A risky front line configuration emerged. South of Nevel, the German defense was broken through in a very short area. The neck of the breakthrough north of the town of Ezerishche remained narrow - no more than 8-9 km along the front, including the water area of ​​lakes Nevel, Yemenets and Ordovo. It was through this narrow strip that all supplies of ammunition, fuel, and food were carried out for the two shock armies. The road was extremely vulnerable, because it was shot through not only by artillery and mortar fire, but in a number of areas by machine-gun fire from the enemy.

Offensive battles in the Palkino-Lobok sector continued until the end of October. During this time, the division destroyed more than a thousand enemy soldiers and officers and a lot of military equipment. The enemy sought to eliminate our group that had broken through west of Nevel at any cost. The German command constantly brought reserves to the battlefield. The troops of the 4th Shock Army, and among them the 16th Lithuanian Division, developed their success south of Nevel, fighting in difficult conditions lake region.

With the capture of Nevel, directions of action to Polotsk and Vitebsk were opened for the Kalinin Front. Polotsk bordered on the vast Polotsk-Lepel partisan region. The Germans considered Vitebsk “the gateway to the Baltic states.” The loss of these two cities by the Germans meant Soviet troops to positions threatening the rear of Army Groups North and Center.

The town of Gorodok is located between Nevel and Vitebsk. Here, in an attempt to prevent further advance to the west of our advancing fronts, the Germans transferred two infantry divisions, having removed them from near Leningrad, where they had to stop active operations, and from the southern wing of Army Group Center - five infantry and one tank divisions . The aviation group was strengthened.

Fierce fighting continued throughout November and December 1943 north and south of Nevel and east of Vitebsk.

The division participated in these battles until October 25. Separate units of the division and its artillery were used in battles north of Vitebsk. After heavy fighting, the division was relieved on October 25 by units of the 156th Infantry Division (II Formation) and withdrawn from the front line to rest, where it was stationed in the villages of Grishkovo, Matsilishche, and Krasny Bor. During these days, units and divisions of the division received reinforcements and put themselves in order.

On October 29, it left the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps and became directly subordinate to the commander of the 4th Shock Army.

The division, changing areas of concentration, by November 5, 1943, moved to the area of ​​Vysotskoye, Ovinishte, Vashchily. The division headquarters was located in the village of Kozly, Nevelsk district (10 kilometers northeast of Ezerishche). The division was at that moment in the reserve of the 4th Shock Army. But a few days later, early in the morning of November 8, she was alerted.

The Germans struck a strong blow at the junction of the 3rd and 4th shock armies, setting themselves the task of returning Nevel, capturing the inter-lake defile, closing the corridor through which the armies were in contact with the rear, and encircling them. The danger of encirclement became very real.

At noon on November 8, the regiments of the 16th Lithuanian Division met the enemy near the villages of Terpilovo, Belina, Blinki, Borok and height 191.6. On the evening of November 8, the Germans occupied the town of Borok. At all positions, the Lithuanian division defended its lines in a fierce battle.

The positions of the division's artillery regiment (commanded by Colonel Povilaitis Simonaitis) were located in the depths of the division's defense precisely in the direction in which the Nazis launched their attack. The advanced tanks that broke through, accompanied by infantry, unexpectedly appeared in front of the sixth battery of the regiment. When they were seen, they had already approached 500 meters. The outcome of the battle was decided in seconds, and the artillerymen instantly opened accurate fire. The first shot from Sergeant Stanislovaitis' gun knocked out the lead tank. The second tank exploded from artillery fire, after which the third tank disappeared from sight. Following this, the battery fired at the infantry, causing heavy losses. The artillerymen of the neighboring battery had to fight off tanks and infantry that came close to its firing positions with grenades. The fourth battery managed to knock out several enemy tanks, but suffered heavy losses. However, the Germans were unable to break through to the north here either.

Subsequent attacks by enemy tanks and infantry against the positions of the Lithuanian division were repelled with heavy losses for the Germans. In all positions, the Lithuanian division defended its lines in a fierce battle.

In these defensive battles, the division inflicted heavy losses on the enemy (up to 3 thousand people), held the line of defense, knocked out and burned 12 tanks. The Germans also lost many artillery pieces and vehicles and were driven back to their original positions. Together with other formations, the Lithuanian division thwarted the plan to encircle our 3rd and 4th armies. The situation on the isthmus was corrected thanks to the exceptional heroism of the tank destroyer regiment and three rifle divisions, including the 16th Lithuanian, which not only stopped the enemy’s advance towards Nevel, but also destroyed more than 10 thousand of his soldiers.

By December 29, 1943, the division was concentrated in the area of ​​the villages of Barsuchina-Dyatly. The division headquarters moved to the village of Orleya. The division was in the second echelon of the 4th Shock Army, consisting of either the 130th or 60th Rifle Corps, and began organizing defense on the front to the south at the line of the village of Sloboda (22 kilometers west of Gorodok) - the Usysa River - the village of Demenka.

During the period from October 1 to December 31, 1943, the division lost 851 killed, 2,194 wounded, and 189 missing. The total number of casualties was 3,234 people. On January 20, 1944, there were 30–60 people in the companies of the regiments.

IN last days January 1944 parts of the division on a short time were withdrawn to the rear.

In mid-March 1944, before the start of the battles for the liberation of Lithuania, soldiers and officers of twenty-nine nationalities fought in the 16th division. Russians made up 39%, Lithuanians 32.3%, Jews 22%, all other nationalities 6.7%. Moreover, the division consisted of 88% citizens of the Lithuanian SSR.

Until June 12, 1944, the division operated on the right wing of the 1st Baltic Front as part of the 4th Shock Army and took part in the liberation of Polotsk on July 4, 1944 during the Polotsk operation.

Throughout the first half of the victorious 1944, the division frequently maneuvered and was involved in local battles in the general area of ​​Polotsk in the direction leading to the Baltic states. Chronicle of the events of those months.

February: at the beginning of the month, regiments are stationed in the villages of Zastinets, Kovali, Kazyany; at the end of the month they were transferred to the villages of Kozirevo, Petraki, Gribari.

March: soldiers dig trenches, prepare a defensive line along the Obol River, and lay road routes through the swamps.

April: the division, making night marches, is redeployed to villages along the Kovali-Selishche line.

The liberation of Polotsk, this important railway junction covering the approaches to Lithuania and Latvia, was carried out by the left wing of the 1st Baltic Front. It involved the 43rd Army, 6th Guards, 4th Shock and 3rd Air Armies, as well as the 1st Tank Corps.

From June 27 to July 8, the 16th Lithuanian Division fought as part of the 4th Shock Army. Its task was to bypass Polotsk from the north and be ready for an attack on the right flank of the army. The division operated in swampy terrain, overgrown with bushes and forests, and in some places completely impassable, very unfavorable for offensive operations. But the fighters showed persistence, perseverance and rapidly moved forward.

The division began its offensive on June 27, 1944. For two days, she fought in the area of ​​​​the villages of Kovali and Rovnoye Pole. Stubborn fighting had to be endured during the liberation of Dretuni; here the division suffered heavy losses.

Successfully moving forward, the division protected the main forces of the army advancing in the center from enemy flank attacks.

After the war, a monument to the fallen soldiers of the division was erected in Dretuni.

At the height of the offensive, the Nazis attacked the right flank of the Lithuanian division, which turned out to be open due to the lagging behind of the neighboring formation. However, the attacking fascist troops were met by division reserve units led by battalion commander Major V. Vilenskis. Advancing boldly, they defeated and scattered the attacking German units in bayonet fighting. Several such flank counterattacks were repulsed. The Drissa River was crossed with battle: having suffered losses, on June 30 the enemy began to retreat to the west and southwest, hiding behind machine gunner screens and mine laying. Parts of the division that proceeded to pursue the retreating enemy were led by the commander of the 156th regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Anatoly Keselis, a Lithuanian originally from Siberia, a participant in the Civil War. On the day of the liberation of Polotsk, July 4, he died in battle. Lieutenant Colonel A. Keselis was buried at the military cemetery in Polotsk.

The 167th and 249th regiments of the division pursued the enemy in the direction of Uznitsa, Zalesya, Rudnya, Zeleny Bor. Here, at the Zeleny Bor railway station, the last battle of the Lithuanian division in Belarus took place.

On July 8, after the end of the battles for Polotsk, the regiments of the 16th division took up defensive positions on the eastern bank of the Nishcha River.

On July 4, 1944, troops of the 1st Baltic Front reached the area of ​​Lake Drisvyaty (southeast of Daugavpils) to the junction of the borders of the Lithuanian and Latvian SSR.

On July 7, the 3rd Belorussian Front began fighting in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, ending with its liberation on July 13, in which Lithuanian partisans took part. By the beginning of August, other major Lithuanian cities were liberated - Kaunas by the 3rd Belorussian (August 1), Panevezys by the 1st Baltic (July 22) and Siauliai by the 1st Baltic (July 27).

Offensive battles in Belarus ended the second stage of the participation of Lithuanian fighters in the battles against the Nazi invaders on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. It was the Lithuanian division that at that moment represented the main efforts of the entire Lithuanian people in the war Anti-Hitler coalition against Hitler's Germany and its satellites.

Having defeated large forces of Army Group Center in Belarus, the Red Army cleared its way to the Baltic states and in early July 1944 entered the territory of Soviet Lithuania. Then the battles for her release began.

July 11 was the last day of fighting for the division near the Nishcha and Drissa rivers. Having completed the operation near Polotsk, the 16th Lithuanian Division on July 12, 1944 was given the order to go to Lithuania: to march more than 500 km along the route Berezovka-Polotsk-Vetrino-Kutnyany-Sharkovshchina-Tveryachyus-Svedasai-Subachius-Panevezys-Sheduva and on August 2 concentrate at Siauliai. At some stages, the division's fighters walked 50 or more kilometers per day in full combat gear. The march took place in an atmosphere of general jubilation - the fighters knew that while they were still fighting near Polotsk, the battles took place on the territory of Lithuania, that on July 13, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front under the command of Army General I.D. Chernyakhovsky, the encircled 15,000-strong enemy group was defeated and Vilnius was liberated after seven days of bloody battles.

On August 2, 1944, the division concentrated on the southeastern outskirts of Siauliai (the division commander, Major General Vladas Karvelis, was a native of Siauliai). The division became part of the 54th Rifle Corps of the 2nd Guards Army, took up positions and immediately received an order: to organize a perimeter defense on the immediate approaches to the city, focusing Special attention approaches to the city in the area of ​​the Kelme-Siauliai highway. The division was reinforced with anti-tank weapons, it was given two regiments of NKVD troops and replenished with volunteers, many of whom were native residents of Siauliai. The fighters dug trenches and communication passages day and night, improved the fire system, especially anti-tank defense, and built barriers and obstacles.

The 156th Regiment (commanded by Colonel Vladas Moteka), with the 1st Division of the 224th Artillery Regiment attached to it, took up positions on both sides of the Siauliai-Kursenai highway in the area from Vijoliu to Dainiai.

The 249th Regiment (commanded by Lieutenant Colonel F.K. Lysenko), with two batteries of the 224th Artillery Regiment attached to it, was in the second echelon, ready to engage in battle if necessary.

The 2nd Division of the 224th Regiment (16 guns) was placed at a height with the task of direct fire.

Available in artillery regiment 4 howitzers were placed behind the height for firing from cover.

The site of the fierce battle that followed here a few days later has now turned into the built-up urban areas of Siauliai, and it can only be found on maps and battle diagrams of the war years.

From January 19 to February 21, 1945, the division, as part of the troops of the 4th Shock Army, took part in the battles for Memel. On January 26, the 16th Lithuanian Division, concentrated in the Kretinga area, formed the reserve of the army commander. By the evening of this day, reconnaissance of the units established that the enemy was withdrawing to the second and third lines of trenches. The army commander ordered an offensive along the entire front on the morning of January 27. The 16th Lithuanian Division moved forward towards the northern part of Memel, to the left of the 179th Division. The offensive went along the entire front, but by 12 o'clock our troops had captured only the first position of the enemy's main defense line. Going on the offensive at two o'clock in the afternoon, the 156th and 249th regiments advanced four kilometers. The 156th Regiment fought a difficult battle for the heights on the banks of the Dange River, from which the enemy was shelling the Klaipeda-Kretinga highway. Since the frontal attack at six o'clock in the evening was unsuccessful, the 249th Regiment went behind enemy lines. At three o'clock in the morning on January 28, units of the 249th regiment were the first to rush into the city, followed by other units of the division to the northern outskirts. At 5:30 a.m., units of the 167th Infantry Regiment reached the bay.

By the morning of January 29, the troops of the 344th and 70th rifle divisions were withdrawn from Klaipeda. The 16th Infantry Division was left alone in the city. She continued to clear mines from the city, put herself in order and took up defensive positions along the eastern shore of Kurishes Huff Bay in the area of ​​the city and south of it, to the Schmeltelle (Schmelz) River.

From January 30 to February 4, 1945, units of the division fought to clear the Kurishe-Nerung spit near Klaipeda from the enemy. Here the soldiers of the 156th Infantry Regiment distinguished themselves, crossing on the night of January 30 across the ice of the bay, badly cracked from shelling, and unexpectedly entering the Curonian Spit for the enemy. The Nazis could not withstand the sudden blow and, without even having time to blow up the warehouses with military equipment, began to retreat north to the lighthouse, where the ships were waiting for them. At the end of the spit, the enemy was defeated at nine o'clock in the morning.

The Kurishe-Nerung spit was finally cleared of the enemy on February 4 at one o'clock in the afternoon. For its distinction in the fighting during the liberation of Klaipeda, as a result of which the territory of the Lithuanian SSR was finally liberated from the Nazi occupation, the division, among the 18 formations and units that participated in these battles, was given the honorary name Klaipeda. The 167th Infantry Regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. On the occasion of the liberation of Klaipeda, a salute was given in Moscow with 20 artillery salvoes from 124 guns.

On the night of January 31, 1945, the 16th Lithuanian Division received orders to march again to Courland, where it continued to fight against the Nazis throughout the winter and spring. On the morning of May 8, the last battles were still going on, and at 12 noon the division, together with other Red Army formations, accepted the surrender of units of the Nazi group in Courland. http://litresp.ru

18.12.1941 - 1956

At the request of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Lithuania and the Government of the Lithuanian SSR, the State Defense Committee of the USSR on December 18, 1941 adopted a resolution on the formation of the 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division.

The division was formed in the Moscow Military District, on the territory of the Gorky region in the cities of Balakhna, Pravdinsk, Gorodets and the village of Chernoramenka.

Those who formed the core of the division's personnel gathered here from different places: workers, peasants and intelligentsia of the Lithuanian SSR; young officers - graduates of the Vilnius Infantry School, who completed a shortened course at the military school in Novokuznetsk ( Kemerovo region); Lithuanians - natives of other republics of the USSR; Lithuanians transferred from other parts of the Red Army.

On May 1, 1942, the division's soldiers took the military oath, and intensive combat training and armament of the division began, which ended in December 1942. The division was redeployed in August 1942 to the Tula region, where it concentrated in the Yasnaya Polyana area, and then in Tula, and here she was presented with a battle flag. On December 27, 1942, the division was withdrawn from the Moscow Military District and sent to the front.

At the end of December 1942, the division headed to the Bryansk Front, to the Cherni area Tula region , part of the operational group of Lieutenant General Novoselsky.

Then it was transferred to the 48th Army. The division was given the task: to advance together with the 143rd Rifle and 6th Guards Rifle Divisions in the direction of the village and railway station Zmievka, be ready to attack in the general direction to Orel. In the following days until March 16, the division conducted offensive operations in the area southeast of Zmievka station (southeast of Orel). Until March 20, the division participated in continuous battles, trying to break through enemy defenses, but without success. In this case, heavy losses were suffered.

Concentrating 12 kilometers east and southeast of Alekseevka, the division began preparing defenses, as well as counterattacks in the northwestern and western directions. Then she was in defense west and southwest of Alekseevka.

In the summer of 1943, the division took part in the Battle of Kursk. Her defensive positions since June 5 were on the left flank 48th Army in the northern part of the Kursk ledge at the Krestyanka - Panskaya line (southern outskirts) - north of Kursk.

On June 19, the division was inspected by the commander of the Central Front, Army General K.K. Rokossovsky.

In the very first days of the Battle of Kursk, July 5 and 6, 1943, the 16th Division withstood a powerful attack by the 383rd Infantry and 18th Tank Divisions on its positions. north of Kursk, accompanied by a raid of 120 aircraft. After July 7, the enemy went on the defensive. The division received gratitude from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Front Commander K.K. Rokossovsky and army commander.

The division took part in offensive operations Battle of Kursk, going on the offensive on July 23 as part of the 42nd Rifle Corps along with other formations of the 48th Army.

On August 11, 1943, the 16th Rifle Division was withdrawn from combat and from the 42nd Rifle Corps. She concentrated 15 kilometers northwest of Kromy in the reserve of the 48th Army. The next day it was withdrawn from the 48th Army. Later she was near the city of Tula in the reserve of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command and was replenished, receiving additional personnel, weapons, equipment, and transport. On September 27, it was included in the 4th Shock Army of the Kalinin Front.

  • X. Budenieki 27-31.12.1944
  • Pampali village 12/24/1944
  • X. Lucas 12/11/1944
  • X. Tylkas 12/23/24/1944
  • X. Alturne 18-23.11.1944
  • mz. Warms 11/20/1944
  • X. Kunz 20-26.11.1944
  • mz. Lieldzelda 19-26.11.1944
  • mz. Nikrac 20-30.11.1944
  • X. Zimmeri 19-28.11.1944
  • X. Yasmeni 25-26.11.1944
  • missing 19-26.11.1944
  • the body remained on the battlefield 11/19-26/1944


Total: 831


  • Major Aksenov Andrey Pavlovich , chief of staff of the 156th joint venture, born in 1917.
  • Lieutenant Arlauskas Albinas Pranovich, commander of a battery of 120 mm mortars of the 249th SP 1903 - 11/20/1944
  • captain Bolshakov Anatoly Mikhailovich, Art. adjutant of the battalion of the 249th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Major Vilimas Stefan Petrovich, deputy battalion commander of the 249th joint venture 1896 - 11/24/1944
  • Lieutenant Vilkas Kazis Petrovich, commander of the communications platoon of the 249th joint venture 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Volkov Vasily Vasilievich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1917 - 11/23/1944
  • Guards Art. Lieutenant Volkov Nikolai Sergeevich, commander of a rifle company of the 249th joint venture 1901 - 11/19/1944
  • Lieutenant Gimbutis Anton Dominikovich, platoon commander of the 156th joint venture 1920 - 12/29/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Golovin Dmitry Mikhailovich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 12/24/1944
  • Lieutenant Golubtsov Semyon Titovich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 167th joint venture 1908 - 11/20/1944
  • Lieutenant Goryachev Vasily Vasilievich, platoon commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1916.
  • Art. Lieutenant Granovsky Semyon Borisovich, commander of the machine gun company of the 156th joint venture, born in 1913.
  • Captain Grigoriev Yuri Gennadievich, commander of the machine gun company of the 249th joint venture, born in 1919.
  • Art. Lieutenant Grigoryan Suren Semenovich, battery commander of the 224th AP 1922 - 11/28/1944
  • Major Grinkus Mykolas Balisovich, deputy battalion commander for the combat unit of the 249th joint venture 1918 - 11/19/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Guzhinskas Valerionas Mikhailovich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 11/25/1944
  • Lieutenant Guryavichus Leonas Girshevich, company commander of the 249th joint venture, born in 1923.
  • Lieutenant Dobrotvorsky Boris Alekseevich, commander of a platoon of 45 mm guns of the 156th joint venture, born in 1920.
  • Lieutenant Ekimov Petr Evdokimovich, Art. adjutant of the battalion of the 249th joint venture 1918 - 11/30/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Epanchintsev Alexander Martynovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 12/23/1944
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Zanyuk Anton Prokhorovich, platoon commander of the 249th joint venture 1905 - 11/21/1944
  • Lieutenant Zerkaltsev Nikolai Vasilievich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/10/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Kalandarov Abdutlash, commander of a rifle platoon of the 249th joint venture 1923 - 11/24/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Katsas Moses Abramovich, commander of the anti-tank rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 12/27/1944
  • Lieutenant Kibalnik Vasily Trofimovich, platoon commander of a battery of 45 mm guns of the 167th SP 1903 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Kolesnikov Ivan Fedorovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/25/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Krasilnikov Afanasy Ivanovich, commander of a rifle company of the 167th joint venture 1906 - 11/19/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Krizhus Vladimir Avgustovich, commander of a platoon of machine gunners of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 12/03/1944
  • captain Krupeninas Naumas Kondratievich, deputy commander of the 282nd OIPTD born in 1920
  • Guards Lieutenant Kruchinin Fedor Petrovich, platoon commander of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 12/25/1944
  • Lieutenant Kudryashovas Yakov Ivanovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 156th joint venture, born in 1914.
  • ml. Lieutenant Kuleshov Alexey Grigorievich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 12/27/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Latyshev Grigory Dmitrievich, commander of the control platoon of the battery of 76 mm guns of the 224th AP 1916 - 12/22/1944
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Lemeshev Vladislav Vladimirovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 249th joint venture 1923 - 12/27/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Lepesiy Ivan Danilovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 12/23/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Lungevichus Petras Ionovich, platoon commander of the 249th joint venture, born in 1917.
  • ml. Lieutenant Lyadov Vasily Dormidonovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/21/1944
  • Guards Major Lyashenko Pavel Petrovich, commander of the rifle battalion of the 249th joint venture 1908 - 12/30/1944
  • Lieutenant Malakhov Nikolai Ivanovich, commander of the fire platoon of the 224th AP, born in 1910.
  • ml. Lieutenant Martynov Nikolai Petrovich
  • Lieutenant Narbutas Povelas Petrovich, and about. company commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1911.
  • ml. Lieutenant Narimbetov Ibragim Ibragimovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1921 - 12/23/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Nilkin Ivan Nikolaevich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 249th joint venture 1901 - 11/20/1944
  • Lieutenant Niyazov Rafael Agzamovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 156th joint venture, 1925
  • ml. Lieutenant Paramonov Mikhail Trofimovich
  • ml. Lieutenant Petrashunas Vitaly Ivanovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 12/31/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Ragauskas Vikentiy Matovich, commander of a company of machine gunners of the 167th joint venture, born 01/01/1921.
  • Major Relishkis Ivan Konstantinovich, chief of staff of the 249th joint venture, born in 1897.
  • captain Repshis Vytautas Domovich, commander of the mortar battery of the 156th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Lieutenant Romanyuk Nikolai Ivanovich, commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the 156th joint venture, born in 1921.
  • ml. Lieutenant Rutshteinas Evgeniy Davydovich
  • Guards Lieutenant Sabirov Suleiman Sabirovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/21/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Sadauskas Antanas Zigmovich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 156th joint venture 1922 - 11/25/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Sazykin Alexander Fedorovich, commander of a platoon of machine gunners of the 249th joint venture, born in 1924.
  • Lieutenant Serebryakov Pavel Alexandrovich, commander of the communications platoon of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Sokolov Kim Mikhailovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 249th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Sorokin Vasily Dmitrievich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/19/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Sokhov Gruzebiy Tsutsovich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 167th joint venture 1920 - 12/23/1944
  • Lieutenant Strunkus Ivan Fedorovich, commander of a rifle company of the 249th joint venture 1915 - 11/30/1944
  • Major Sukhochev Lev Grigorievich, chief of staff of the 167th joint venture, born 02.1915.
  • ml. Lieutenant Tarkin Petr Ivanovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/24/1944


4th rifle company of the 156th joint venture

1919 - 24.11.1944

  • Captain Tocheny Trofim Semenovich, commander of the machine gun company of the 156th joint venture, born in 1916.
  • Art. Lieutenant Faykov Ivan Sergeevich, commander of a rifle company of the 249th joint venture 1913 - 11/25/1944
  • captain Fafurdinov Zarif Garifulovich, Art. Adjutant of the 282nd OIPTD, born in 1913.
  • Lieutenant Filatov Vladimir Mikhailovich, platoon commander of a battery of 120 mm mortars of the 167th SP 1923 - 11/19/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Khlebtsev Ivan Alexandrovich, commander of a battery of 45 mm guns of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Captain Khrustalev Nikolai Semenovich, deputy battalion commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1918.
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Khudyakov Andrey Pavlovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 156th joint venture 1916 - 12/11/1944
  • Lieutenant Chernyaev Feodosiy Pavlovich, platoon commander of the 249th joint venture, born in 1924.
  • Lieutenant Chizhkov Efim Petrovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 156th joint venture, born in 1924.
  • ml. Lieutenant Shaulin Ivan Mikhailovich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 12/21/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Shirvis Vatsis Iozovich, commander of a rifle company of the 249th joint venture 1912 - 11/25/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Driver Lazar Izraelevich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Shchedrin Ivan Stepanovich, platoon commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Lieutenant Eskin Grigory Arkadevich, fire platoon commander of the 3rd division of the 224th AP 1915 - 12/24/1944
  • Lieutenant Yuganov Ivan Semenovich, fire platoon commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Lieutenant Yudin Fedor Yakovlevich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 249th joint venture 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant I/S Yushkevich Petr Aleksandrovich, head of treasury affairs of the 367th ORS 1900 - 11/14/1944
  • Lieutenant Yakanaev Pavel Yakanaevich, commander of a rifle company of the 167th joint venture 1917 - 11/25/1944

Rank and file:

  • Red Army soldier Antanas Petrovich Abelskis
  • Red Army soldier Abramavichus Yankelis Iosifovich
  • Red Army soldier Agaravichus Mikolas Mikolovich
  • Red Army soldier Agafonov Efim Martinovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1912 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Adamonis Povilas Ionovich, number PTR 167th SP 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Ainbinderis Abram Mikhailovich, deputy squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Aismantas Pranas Silvestrovich
  • Red Army soldier Aleknavicius Jonas Vladovich
  • Red Army soldier Aleknavichus Petras Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Alexandravichus Alexas Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Alekseevas Polikarp Pavlovich
  • Red Army soldier Alperas Khaimas Ileevich, telephone operator of the 156th joint venture 1913 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Alshteinas Jonas Martynovich
  • Red Army soldier Ambrazyavichus Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mikhail Mikhailovich Ambrusevich
  • Red Army soldier Andranaitis Ceslavas Prana, carrier of machine gun cartridges of the 156th SP 1915 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Andryukonis Bronius Zigmantovich
  • Red Army soldier Vasily Danilovich Anisimenko, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1911 - 02/22/1945
  • Red Army soldier Antanavichus Vilimas Yulianovich
  • Red Army soldier Antanaitis Vladas Matovic, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1919.
  • Red Army soldier Antanaitis Ignas Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Anyukshtis Serapinas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Aperavichus Ignas Ignovich
  • Red Army soldier Nikolai Ivanovich Arefiev
  • Red Army soldier Arlauskas Antanas Iozovich
  • Sergeant Aroslanov Kamoludiy Vadudinovich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Asachev Averky Timofeevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1912.
  • Red Army soldier Asachev Isay Timofeevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1909.
  • Red Army soldier Astrauskas Balis Antanovich
  • Red Army soldier Aushnikas Karolis Antanovich
  • Red Army soldier Alexander Yakovlevich Babaev, gun number 224 AP 1911 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Bainarauskas Povelas Alekseevich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1910 - 11/28/1944
  • Sergeant Baleishis Aloizas Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Baleishis Povilas Antanovich
  • Red Army soldier Baltaitis Yurgis Yurgievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Baltushka Pranas Kasparovich
  • Red Army soldier Balgunas Alexas Yurgevich
  • Red Army soldier Balgunas Ignas Petrovich, number PTR 167th SP 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Balchunas Albertas Antanovich, mortarman of the 249th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Banevichus Bernardas Stasovich
  • Red Army soldier Vacis Silvestrovich Banyavichus
  • Red Army soldier Baradauskas Pranas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Baranauskas Iozas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Baranauskas Petras Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Boris Alekseevich Baranov, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1926 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Barauskas Iozas Yurgievich
  • Red Army soldier Edwardas Vintsovich Barshauskas
  • Red Army soldier Baueris Isaacas Moiseevich, telephone operator of the 156th joint venture 1923 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Vintsovich Baukis, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1909.
  • Red Army soldier Mikolas Kazimirovich Bedrov
  • Red Army soldier Belkauskas Bronius Stasnovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Belkauskas Vacis Stasnovich
  • Red Army soldier Belyauskas Andrius Marionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Benkauskas Petras Ludovich, rifleman of the 2nd rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Bernadeckas Petras Adomovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/27/1944
  • Red Army soldier Becelis Vladas Kostovich
  • Red Army soldier Biguzas Pranas Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Bislis Bolis Kostovich, gun number 224 AP 1913 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pavel Pavlovich Bistritsky, artilleryman of the 224th AP 1905 - 11/27/1944
  • Red Army soldier Bitaitis Antanas Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1897 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Blazevicius Megis Antonovich
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Iozovich Bluzhis, shooter of the 249th SP 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Bolna Pranas Kazievich, gunner of the heavy machine gun of the 156th SP 1910 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Boreyka Anzhanas Aleksandrovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1915 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Borisas Petras Kazimirovich, machine gunner of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Borotinskas Mykolas Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Boyarunas Petras Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1911.
  • Red Army soldier Brainin Moisey Itsikovich
  • Corporal Brastovitsky Vladas Ionovich, wagon battery of 76 mm guns of the 156th joint venture 1907 - 11/18/1944
  • Red Army soldier Bredaitis Antanas Iozovich
  • Red Army soldier Bredzhus Alexas Mikolavic
  • Red Army soldier Bredelis Yurgis Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Brishka Jonas Davidovich
  • Red Army soldier Bubinas Felixas Justinovich
  • Red Army soldier Budnyus Kostas Pranovich
  • Red Army soldier Budris Pranas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/30/1944
  • Red Army soldier Budryunas Pavel Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/21/1944
  • Corporal Buinickas Vladas Vinco, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1919 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Bukis Alfredas Katres, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vasily Ivanovich Bulatov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Bulka Iozas Yurgisovich
  • Red Army soldier Alexander Pranovich Bunyus
  • Red Army soldier Burkauskas Iozas Adolfovich
  • Red Army soldier Alfonsas Antanovich Burneyka, number PTR 167th SP 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Butkevicius Iozas Kaziovich
  • Red Army soldier Vadopalas Mykolas Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Vazhnevichus Kostas Justinovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vaigunas Iozas Pavilovich
  • Red Army soldier Vaidzhulis Petras Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Vaidotas Pranas Klemensovich
  • Red Army soldier Vairas Albinas Mikolovich
  • Red Army soldier Vaitekunas Ignas Domasovich, machine gunner of the 156th joint venture 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vaitekunas Povilas Augustovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vaitsekauskas Vincas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vaitsekauskas Petras Kaziovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vaichakonis Petras Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vaichunas Rapolas Kazimirovich
  • Red Army soldier Vaishvila Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1913.
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Iozovich Valanciunas, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Valentas Povilas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1910 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Valentinas Kazis Kaziovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Alexey Mikhailovich Valuev, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Valackas Ignas Iozovich
  • Sergeant Vanin Nikolai Akimovich, room platoon commander of the 4th rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Sergeant Visloguzov Vasily Ulyanovich
  • Red Army soldier Vareika Bolis Domininkovich
  • Red Army soldier Varzhinskas Pranas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Varnas Bronius Kaziovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Varnas Vladas Kazimirovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 156th joint venture 1922 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Varnas Stasis Ambrazovich
  • Red Army soldier Semyon Nikolaevich Vasilenko
  • Red Army soldier Vasilyev Vasily Larionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1916 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sergei Nikolaevich Vasiliev, battery number of the 167th joint venture, born in 1907.
  • Red Army soldier Vasilevichius Julius Iozovich, number PTR 167th SP 1915 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vasilyauskas Iozas Karoliovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1910.
  • Red Army soldier Vasilyauskas Iozas Jurgnovich
  • Red Army soldier Vasilyauskas Jonas Iokubovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vasinauskas Mikolas Mikolovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1915 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Veblauskas Ignas Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vedegis Moteyus Yurgievich
  • Red Army soldier Vederis Stepas Yurgievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Velutis Kazis Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Velutis Stasis Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vilchinskas Juozas Styapovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1913.
  • Red Army soldier Anton Yakovlevich Hungrovsky, 1st number of light machine gun of the 156th joint venture, born in 1912.
  • Red Army soldier Venclovas Iozas Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1909 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Terenty Egorovich Veselov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vetrinas Jonas Augustovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vileikis Jonas Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Vilimas Kazimir Kazimirovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1917 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vilimas Petras Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Vilimas Stasis Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1918 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vilimas Eduard Alekseevich
  • Red Army soldier Vilkauskas Alfonsas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vilunas Bronius Yurgievich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1926.
  • Red Army soldier Vilutis Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Stasiovic Vilginskas, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vindzhanov Kiril Safronovich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1907 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vintskevichus Stasis Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1913.
  • Red Army soldier Viskupaitis Yurgis Yurgievich
  • Red Army soldier Visotskis Pranas Pranavich, sanitary instructor of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vishniauskas Antanas Kazevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Sergeant Vladauskas Berelis Khaimovich, Komsomol organizer of the 3rd rifle battalion of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Grigory Vladimirovich Vladimirov, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Grigory Ivanovich Voznesensky, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Voitkevicius Iozas Vaclovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Volodka Petras Vintsovich
  • Red Army soldier Egor Grigorievich Vorobyov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vrublyauskas Vaclovas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1919 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vladimir Sergeevich Gavrilov
  • Red Army soldier Gadlauskas Vladas Alfonsovich, gun number 224th AP 1913 - 11/13/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gailis Augustus Dovidovich, shooter of the 8th rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gaidamauskas Iozas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Galvanauskas Donatas Adomovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1919.
  • Corporal Galotin Pavel Filimonovich, mortar gunner of the 167th joint venture, born in 1923.
  • Red Army soldier Galyauskas Adolfos Yulevich, orderly of the 156th joint venture 1909 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gantselyauskas Petras Pranovich
  • Red Army soldier Garalgenas Antanas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • foreman Garkusha Nikolai Andreevich, Komsomol organizer of the battalion of the 249th joint venture 1925 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Garnis Vaclovas Mikolavic, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1914 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Garnis Povilas Antanovich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gasyunas Jurgis Kaziovich
  • Red Army soldier Gauchas Ieronimas Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Gedvilas Stasis Iozovich
  • Red Army soldier Gedraitis Gasparas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1923.
  • Red Army soldier Giedraitis Kostas Stepovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Geydonas Julius Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Geitsinas Zelmanas Yudelevich
  • Red Army soldier of Gentvil Mikas Adomovich, PTR number of the 167th joint venture, born in 1919.
  • Red Army soldier Gerasimov Elezary Kondratyevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gerbachauskas Vladas Kostovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1912 - 11/27/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gerve Jonas Petrovich, number PTR 167th SP 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Hertsmanas Leiba Iosifovich, gun number 76 mm gun of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Giedraitis Aleksas Ambrazeevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Gira Alexas Albinovich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1906 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Matvey Semenovich Glushkov, shooter of the 249th SP 1907 - 11/25/1944
  • sergeant Golubauskas Abram Davidovich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Alexander Kazimirovich Golubinskas, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gordon Yankel Davidovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jonas Mikovich Graliauskas, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Grauzhinis Petras Domovich, sanitary instructor of the 156th joint venture 1914 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Grajauskas Stasis Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Corporal Grenda Albinas Vinzo, 2nd number of light machine gun of the 156th SP 1915 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gribas Vintsas Konstantinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Grigaravicius Petras Kazimirovich
  • Red Army soldier Grigas Cheslovas Yurgievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1918 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gruzdas Vaidotas Kaziovich
  • Red Army soldier Grumavichus Edwardas Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Gurkshnis Kazis Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gutauskas Stasis Iozovich, telephone operator of the 224th AP 1916 - 11/26/1944
  • Corporal Gutmanas David Ioselevich
  • Red Army soldier Gushchus Alfonsos Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Davainis Julius Mikolovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Dagvila Stasis Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Dailide Antanas Kozovich, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1926.
  • Red Army soldier Dalindavichus Leonas Aleksovich
  • Red Army soldier Danisevichus Iozas Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Dapshis Ignas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1921.
  • Red Army soldier Dapshis Jonas Petrovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Daubaras Pranas Vaitekovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Daugelavichus Vaclovas Adolfovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1912 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Daugis Mikas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Daunoras Antanas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1919 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Daunoras Pranas Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Deinis Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Semyon Astratovich Dektyarev, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Deninis Balius Bronyusovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Dzvonkus Bronius Iozovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1914 - 11/25/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Dijgalvis Napoleonas Konstantinovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1920 - 11/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Digiokas Jonas Antonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1920 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Dimekis Ignas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Dirvonas Stasis Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Egor Romanovich Dobretsov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Donosas Kazimiras Ludovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 11/26/1944
  • Corporal Dorisas Motel Abramovich, gun number 224th AP 1921 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Drazdauskas Vintsas Vladov.
  • Red Army soldier Drizhas Arkadiyus Vintsovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Driskius Petras Vladovich
  • Red Army soldier Stasis Ionovich Druskevicius, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1919.
  • Red Army soldier Dudzyavichus Ignas Balisovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1921 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kostas Yurgievich Dukauskas
  • Red Army soldier Dukshus Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1923 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Dumsha Ignas Iozovich
  • Red Army soldier Duncius Edwardas Vilkovich
  • Red Army soldier Duoba Jonas Antanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sergei Fedorovich Evdokimov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Elfimov Petr Filippovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Sergeant Eremetsko Leonid Sergeevich, gun commander of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Efremov Petr Kanafeyevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhvikas Antanas Benediktovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhemaitis Antanas Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1923.
  • Red Army soldier Zemaitis Edwardas Vintsovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhibas Pranas Vintsovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhidonis Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhizhas Ignas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1915 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhilenis Antanas Petrovich, number PTR 167th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Sergeant Zilinskas Vincas Yurgievich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1918 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zilinskas Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhilis Iozas Povilovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhisdas Yulyus Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1915.
  • Red Army soldier Zukauskas Jonas Balnovic, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/21/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Zhukauskas Jonas Stanislavovich
  • Red Army soldier Ivan Amosovich Zhukov, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zablotskis Stasis Leonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Semyon Moiseevich Zavadsky, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jonas Iozovich Zagorskis, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zakas Antanas Dionisovich
  • Red Army soldier Stasis Bonifatsovich Zalesskis, shooter of the 7th rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zamkauskas Jonas Stasiovic, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zashchulinskas Stepas Leonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zvirskis Stepas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zenis Zigmas Kostovich
  • Red Army soldier Ziskindas Boris Maumovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1922 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivanauskas Alfonsas Karolevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1921 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivanauskas Jonas Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Ivanauskas Kazis Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Ivanov Ananiy Petrovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1919 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivanov Isay Abvokovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Petr Fedorovich Ivanov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Ivanov Vasily Andreevich, projectile 249th joint venture 1924 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivanovas Vasily Fedotovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1915 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivanovich Ivan Alekseevich, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Corporal Ivashkevicius Ignas Ignatievich, machine gunner of the 156th SP 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivashkis Stasis Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ignatavichus Kazis Kaziovich, rifleman of the 4th rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Idas Iozas Ksaverovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Indrulaitis Petras Petrovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jogintas Boleslavas Mikolovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Iodinis Vladas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Iodis Pranas Gasparovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Iozalis Iozas Antonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Iozyavichus Stepas Adomovich
  • Red Army soldier Iokubaitis Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ionaitis Iozas Stasisovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jonaitis Jonas Mikolovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1910.
  • Sergeant Kaganas Leonas Maushovich, gun commander of the 224th AP, born in 1913.
  • Red Army soldier Kazakaitis Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kazakevicius Kazis Boliovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1915 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kazakevicius Klemas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1919 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kazenas Mikolos Ionovich, shooter of the 4th rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Andreevich Kazera, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kazlauskas Bronius Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Kazlauskas Kazis Bolyugovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1922 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kairis Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1909 - 11/29/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kairis Jonas Justinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kairis Stasis Aleksovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kairiunas Adomas Matausovic, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stepan Konstantinovich Kakoshkin, rifleman of the 2nd rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Corporal Kalinauskas Jonas Antonovich, Art. driver of the 224th AP 1909 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pavel Petrovich Kanin, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vladimir Fedorovich Kaputin, cartridge carrier of the 156th SP 1924 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nikolai Zakharovich Karablikov
  • Red Army soldier Karanauskas Vladas Ignovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Karanauskas Edwardas Iozovich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kareiva Iozas Kaziovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Karlinskas Stepanas Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Karpavichus Vytautas Edwardovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Karpavichus Povilas Iozovich
  • Red Army soldier Katelinas Ignas Martinovich
  • Red Army soldier Kaulakis Mikas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kauneckas Moteyus Moteyevich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kaushakis Povilas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Alfonsas Petrovich Kachinskas, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stasis Adolfovich Kachinskas, shooter of the 156th joint venture, born in 1926.
  • Red Army soldier Kashkyalis Alfredas Styapovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1916.
  • Red Army soldier Kvataitis Kazis Antanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1908 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kvashkevichus Alfonsas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kvedaras Jonas Martsionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1918 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Keblis Petras Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kezhelis Arvydas Iokubovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kelbauskas Iozas Stasiovic, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jonas Aleksandrovich Kelpsha, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ketis Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kibartas Jonas Martinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Ionovich Kiele
  • Red Army soldier Kirilov Aref Ivanovich
  • Red Army soldier Petr Zakharovich Kiselev
  • Corporal Keselmanas Khaimas Mordukhovich, machine gunner of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Corporal Kirzner Boris Yakovlevich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Klimantavichus Jonas Ildefonsovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Klimarauskas Kazis Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1920 - 11/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Andrey Andreevich Klychev, shooter of the 249th SP 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Markion Kondratievich Kolesnikov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Koldis Petras Povilovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Konas Yankelis Girshovich, sanitary instructor of the 156th joint venture 1904 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Konopkin Karp Makarovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Konstantinavichus Vladas Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1913 - 11/27/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kontautas Jonas Ionovich
  • Red Army soldier Konchus Stasis Vatslovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kopilioras Leonid Iokubovich
  • Red Army soldier Ivan Dmitrievich Kopytov, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nikolai Andreevich Korolkov, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Korsakas Povilas Yurgievich
  • Red Army soldier Koryackas Iozas Kazimirovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Koryackas Stasis Kaziovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Krasauskas Vytautas Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Krilis Jonas Mikolovic, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1908 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Krischunas Ignas Vintsovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Krischunas Iozas Vintsovich, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1926.
  • Red Army soldier Krischunas Stasis Karolovich, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Red Army soldier Krisciunas Petras Mikolovich
  • Red Army soldier Alexander Iozovich Krulikas, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Krumilis Mykolas Iozovich
  • Red Army soldier Krumpaitsas Andrius Augustinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Krylauskas Stasis Martinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kostas Tomasovich Kryagzhde, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kryauchunas Jonas Elzbetovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kublickas Algirdas Albertovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kugrinas Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kugrinas Ernst Ernstovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kuzmin Savely Kuzmich
  • Red Army soldier Kukulis Albinas Martinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kulpis Stasis Adolfovich
  • Red Army soldier Kunginas Albertas Albertovich
  • Red Army soldier Kuntse Pranas Iokubovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kupriavichus Alexas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kuras Iozas Antanovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture, born in 1914.
  • Red Army soldier of Kuril Stepas Kaznovich
  • Red Army soldier Jonas Edwardovich Kurlis, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Ionovich Kurchunas
  • Red Army soldier Ladiga Alfonsas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1918 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ladyga Kostas Mikolovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1913 - __.12.1944 (VMN)
  • Red Army soldier Lapenas Martinas Martinovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1916 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Lapshinskas Jonas Petrovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Laurinavichus Leonas Mikovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1917 - 11/23/1944
  • Corporal Levinas Khatskel Fishelevich, gun number 224th AP 1916 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Levendauskas Jurgis Stasevich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Levinskas Jonas Adamovich, signalman of the 249th joint venture 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Levinson Genakh Abramovich, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1911.
  • Red Army soldier Levkauskas Vladas Mikolovich
  • Red Army soldier Levchenko Nikita Emelyanovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Leitmanas Jonas Klyamovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Leitmanas Klemensis Klemensovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Lekevicius Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Lemanavichus Bronius Ludvikovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1919.
  • Red Army soldier Lesmanavichus Alfonsas Antonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1921 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Moisey Aleksandrovich Livshits
  • Corporal Lipshitsas Iokubas Markulovich, loading 76 mm guns of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Albertas Simonovich Lobeykus
  • Red Army soldier Viktor Dmitrievich Logvinov, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - captured (Zimmeri 11/20/1944, liberated)
  • Red Army soldier Loginovas Vasclius Mikovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 156th joint venture 1916 - 11/25/1944
  • Corporal Lomanov Nikolai Grigorievich, scout of the 249th joint venture, born in 1921.
  • Red Army soldier Lopas Stasis Emelyanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1919 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Loshinis Stasis Iozovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1922 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Lukasevicius Alfonsas Pranovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1919 - 11/26/1944
  • Sergeant Lyudkevich Felix Mikhailovich, party organizer of the 2nd rifle battalion of the 249th joint venture 1896 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Lyutkevichus Antanas Feliksovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Lyadukas Petras Mikolovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1912.
  • Red Army soldier Lyaksyavichus Antonas Nikodimovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Magila Alfonsas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mayzelis Israel Shmerelevich
  • Red Army soldier Malinauskas Klyamas Vintsovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Malinauskas Petras Michelo, cartridge carrier of the 156th SP 1909 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Egor Stepanovich Markov
  • Red Army soldier Marochka Vladas Mikolovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Martinkus Mykolas Stasnovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Martisius Alexas Mikolovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Minay Filippovich Martynov, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1909.
  • Red Army soldier Matuzas Zenunas Antano, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1916 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Matuzas Kostas Petrovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Matyukas Juozas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1926.
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Antanovich Matseikis, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jonas Pranovich Mackevicius, shooter of the 249th SP 1927 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Matskevichus Simanas Dementievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Matsyukevichus Marionas Justinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Kaziovich Matsyunas
  • Red Army soldier Matsevichus Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Maciunas Bronius Stasnovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stanislav Stanislavovich Maciunas
  • Red Army soldier Medeksha Iozas Vladovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldierMilonas Kazis Stasevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1924.
  • Red Army soldier Aleksas Antanovich Meskauskas, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Meskauskas Petras Domininkovic
  • Red Army soldier Mikailenis Ionas Vintsevich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1915 - 11/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mikelenas Vladas Petrovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1913 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mikolaitis Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1902 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldierMikoliunas Karolis Ionovich, PTR number of the 167th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Red Army soldier Milchukas Albinas Feliksovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1920 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Misyukas Vladas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Misyus Stasis Kaziovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mikhailov Prokopiy Ivanovich, shooter of the 249th joint venture, born in 1912.
  • Red Army soldier Mitskus Julius Yulievich, shooter of the 156th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Red Army soldier Mishkinis Jonas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mikhail Egorovich Mishkinis, scout of the 249th joint venture 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mishkinis Feliksas Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yulyus Antonovich Monkyavichus, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Morozas Mendel Meerovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vasily Pankratovich Moskalev, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1918 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mosteikis Vytautas Vladovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Motelunas Kazis Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Motiejunas Jonas Kaziovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Edwardas Zigmovich Motsiunas, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Muzhas Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1912 - 11/22/1944
  • Sergeant Muleris Genady Girshovich, room platoon commander of the 249th SP 1903 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Iozas Iozovich Mundeikis, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1914.
  • Red Army soldier Murnikov Sysay Evstafievich
  • Red Army soldier Musnickas Vytautas Feliksovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Navardauskas Petras Antonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture? - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Navardauskas Stasis Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Sergeant Nadelis Selin Abramovich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nainis Anicetas Karolpovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Namayushka Balis Yurgisovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nameika Jonas Kaziovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nanartavichus Stasis Vintsovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1925.
  • Red Army soldier Narkunas Vatslovas Kazimirovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1914 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Naujas Vladas Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Edmundas Ionovich Nevedomskis, shooter of the 249th SP 1908 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nevelskis Martinas Mikolovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nemanis Jonas Matovic, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nenartavichus Vladas Mikolovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nikitin Boris Ivanovich, signalman of the 249th joint venture 1920 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Evgeniy Pavlovich Nikolaev, machine gunner of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nirkilas Baltoras Anastosis
  • Red Army soldier Mitrofan Ilyich Novikov, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1919 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Novickas Vytautas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Norvaisha Benis Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1910 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Norvaisha Ignas Antanovich, 2nd number of light machine gun of the 156th SP 1919 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Norvaishas Ignas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Norvila Iozas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 04/13/1945
  • Red Army soldier Norgilas Alfonsas Vaulovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/24/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Noreikis Viktor Stanislavovich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Art. Sergeant Norkevich Bronislav Yanovich, commander of the communications department of the 224th AP 1905 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Norkus Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Norkus Pranas Mironovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nudas Vilgelmas Povilovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Obakiavichus Tadas Tomovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Odintsovas Stepas Stepovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1906 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Okunevichus Cheslovas Bolysovich
  • Red Army soldier Orlovas Grigory Gavrilovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pabrinkas Vytautas Stasevich, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nikolai Ivanovich Pavlov, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Padora Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Palkyavichus Petras Emelyanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Panorados Benediktas Pranovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1915 - 11/25/1944
  • Sergeant Panfilov Alexander Alexandrovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1924.
  • ml. Sergeant Panyaev Vasily Fedorovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Paryauka Jonas Antaninovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Matvey Terentievich Pastushkov, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Eustace Yustovich Paukshtis, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vacis Iozovich Pashkauskas, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pashkevichus Jonas Martinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pashkevicius Bronius Martinovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1916.
  • Red Army soldier Penkauskas Stasis Klemovich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Perednyus Antanas Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1926 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Perminas Domas Feliksovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1913.
  • Red Army soldier Pernavas Kazis Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/29/1944
  • Red Army soldier Petrauskas Jurgis Yurgievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ionas Petrovich Petrulis, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Petrushka Antanas Petrovich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1919 - 11/28/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pechyukas Leonas Yurgievich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1917.
  • Red Army soldier Pilyavichus Feliksas Stasisovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Piragis Alfonsas Yuozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1911.
  • Red Army soldier Pisezyavichus Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1919 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pisyavichus Stepas Adamovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Aleksas Iozovich Plangunas, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Teodoras Franovich Plaschauskas, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Plukas Povilas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1919 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Plumpa Jonas Vladovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Povilaitis Jonas Kazimirovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Polyukas Kozis Koziovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Alexey Ivanovich Polyakov, machine gunner of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Popov Andrey Kirillovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1907 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Porshonis Antanas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1910.
  • Red Army soldier Dementiy Danilovich Postnov, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pocius Jonas Yurgevich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1913 - 11/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pranko Jonas Antanovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1915 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Prelaidas Antanas Tadovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Priede Arvydas Aleksovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Puidokas Antanas Ferdinandovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1910 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Puodjus Albinas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1915 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Anton Antonovich Purvinas, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1922 - 11/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Putinas Iozas Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 11/25/1944
  • Sergeant Pukhov Vasily Ivanovich, commander of the 76 mm gun of the 167th joint venture, born in 1904.
  • Red Army soldier Vasily Ivanovich Pushchaev
  • Red Army soldier Pyatkunas Viptsas Petrovich
  • Red Army soldier Rabachauskas Iozas Vintsovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ragauskas Alexas Stepanovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1920 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ragenas Longinas Longinovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ragotis Jonas Stasevich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1923 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Radavichus Vladas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Radzyavichus Vincas Viktorovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Evstafiy Savelievich Radionov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Razhinskas Yurgis Yurgievich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Raznauskas Petras Iozovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Raila Jonas Yurisovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1918 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ramanauskas Albertas Povilovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rameikis Kazis Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture, born in 1911.
  • Red Army soldier Ramonas Vincas Prapovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Anton Iozovich Ranonis, shooter of the 249th SP 1917 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rantsevas Karolis Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rasikas Jonas Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1921.
  • Red Army soldier Rastauskas Vytautas Yulyusovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rasyukas Antanas Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rachkauskas Pranas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Remake Felixas Vintsovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Repyachka Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1917 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rishkus Stasis Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rodzyavichus Jonas Benediktovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1918 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Romanas Isnas Zigmovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Romunas Vladas Klyamovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Roshinkovas Jonas Petrovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1916 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rubinas Efim Yakovlevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rudinskas Andrios Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rudis Povilas Matovic, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ruzgas Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Karolis Stasiovich Rukyavichus, squad commander of the 249th joint venture, born in 1915.
  • Red Army soldier Rupeika Boniface Tsesarovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1919 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rusteika Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1918 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Rutkauskas Jonas Mikolavic, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Estifey Elizarovich Rutkovsky, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1912 - 11/25/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Ryabkov Dmitry Nikolaevich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nikolai Ivanovich Ryabokobylenko, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Savickas Antanas Ionovich, 1st number of light machine gun of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Savickas Vincas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Savickas Vincas Tostonovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Savickas Petras Kostovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1901 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Savicius Boleslovas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Savicius Vincas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Savichus Stasis Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1914.
  • Red Army soldier Sadauskas Jonas Vladovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Geonesiy Grigorievich Sazonov, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sakalauskas Bronius Kaziovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1919 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Samas Balis Stasiovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1919 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Samsonov Egor Savelievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sasnauskas Gasparas Iozovi, shooter of the 167th joint venture, 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vladas Kazisovich Satkyavichus, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1911 - 11/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vasily Nikolaevich Svetlakov, machine gunner of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/19/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Sviridov Petr Gavrilovich, deputy squad commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1923.
  • Red Army soldier Svirinavichus Jonas Vaclavovich, number PTR 167th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sebetskis Iozas Yulievich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nikolai Ivanovich Semenov, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Semenyuta Nikolai Grigorievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Senyunas Antanas Aleksovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Alexander Alexandrovich Sergeev
  • Red Army soldier Timofey Nikolaevich Sergeev, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1918 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Anufriy Mikhailovich Sivalov, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1902 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sidoras Vintsas Antanovich, deputy squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sidoras Ionas Antanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Simetsas Efim Solomonovich, telephone operator of the 224th AP 1925 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Simonaitis Bronius Iozovich, gunner of a battery of 45 mm guns of the 156th joint venture 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Simonaitis Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Simonaitis Petras Konasovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1917.
  • Red Army soldier Sinkus Jonas Ignovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sinkevichus Jonas Yurgievich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sinkevichus Stasis Nikodimovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1915 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sinkevičius Tomas Tomovic, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sipavichus Mykolas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sirutis Lyudas Lyudovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Osip Andreevich Skarina, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Skikas Bronius Aleksovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Skorka Iozas Teofilievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1910 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Skurkis Yurgis Tsiprionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Slavinskas Petras Apolinarovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ksenophon Fedorovich Smirnov, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Soblyauskas Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/25/1944
  • Sergeant Sokolov Yarmil Fedoseevich, squad commander of the 93rd OSB, born in 1914.
  • Art. Sergeant Sorokin Iosif Trofimovich, room platoon commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1917.
  • Red Army soldier Sosunov Aniky Matsveya, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1923 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Soeta Ivan Simonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stanislavovas Matvey Andronovich, shooter of the 8th rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jonas Martinovich Stankunas, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1917 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stankus Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Stankus Ustin Iosifovich, commander of the reconnaissance department of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stanulenis Povilas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stanyunas Sylvestras Jaroslav., shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stanevichus Vladas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stanjalka Mamertas Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stasyulis Stasis Yurgievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Staciokas Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Stashan Vaclav Ivanovich, battery gunner of the 167th SP, born in 1921.
  • Red Army soldier Stepankevichus Jonas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Steponavichus Jonas Marionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/27/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Strankauskas Jurgis Antanovich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1918 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stukas Povilas Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stundzhenas Antanas Ionovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Survila Petras Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Surgailis Ionas Ionasovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sutkus Stasis Ionovich, sniper of the 249th joint venture, born in 1915.
  • Sergeant Syrovotkin Serafim Ilyich, squad commander of the 249th joint venture 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Matvey Lvovich Taboriysky, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1910 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Evgeniy Silvestrovich Tamashauskas, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tamashauskas Jonas Onovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1918 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tarasevichus Pranas Silvestrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tarasevichus Stasis Kazisovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tarnauskas Iozas Antonovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1911 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tarulis Vladas Albinasovich, number PTR 167th SP 1919 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tvarkunas Iozas Simonovich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Teberis Kostas Adamovich, light machine gun gunner of the 156th SP 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tiknus Stasis Stasiovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1920 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Timofeev Evlampy Loginovich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Red Army soldier Stepan Lavrentievich Tolkachev, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1913 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tomashas Jonas Kaziovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1921 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Travin Isay Tikhonovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Travin Tetr Ovseevich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Travinskas Vytautas Vintsovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1922 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivan Stepanovich Trastashenkov, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tribuishis Jonas Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Trishko Iozas Ionovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vasily Mikhailovich Trunov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Sergeant Uvarov Alexander Ivanovich, room platoon commander of the 167th joint venture, born in 1924.
  • Red Army soldier Udra Kazis Kaziovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Uzhkuraitis Viktsas Nikodimovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Ungliginskas Jonas Ionovich, squad commander of the 156th joint venture 1910 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Urbonas Marcielis Eduardovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Urmanas Iozas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Urmulyavichus Petras Kaziovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Utkin Lukyan Petrovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1915 - 11/25/1944
  • Sergeant Ukhanov Petr Mikhailovich, clerk-captenarmus of the 249th joint venture 1918 - 11/20/1944
  • foreman m/s Fabelinskas Abelis Benyaminovich, commander of a platoon of porters of the 167th joint venture 1909 - 12/30/1944
  • Red Army soldier Alexey Andreevich Filipov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Filippov Boris Petrovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Flyaras Stasis Veronikovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/19/1944
  • Sergeant Hienas Chaim Zelikovich, squad commander of the 93rd OSB 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vasily Alexandrovich Kholychev, commander of the machine gun squad of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kazimir Iosifovich Tsvinklis, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1908 - 11/27/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tsedronas Pranas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tseyauskas Stasis Vintsovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1917.
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Pranovich Tsibulskis, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tsitsenas Vytautas Andreevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tsitsenas Robertas Adamovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1904 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tsyukshis Alexander Ivanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Chalkis Povilas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1918 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Chapkauskas Pranas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1915 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Nikolai Efimovich Chevakin, squad commander of the 167th joint venture, born in 1913.
  • Red Army soldier Chepinskas Jonas Andreevich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Cheputis Yulyus Adomovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Cherkauskas Pranas Filippovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Eduard Aleksandrovich Chernov, shell 156th joint venture 1915 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Fedor Ilyich Chernokozov, gun number 224 AP 1914 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Petr Simonovich Chertkov, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Chizhikas Antanas Iozovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1916 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Chizhunas Adolfas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1922 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Chichurka Nikodimas Stasevich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Philip Fedoseevich Churov, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1910.
  • Red Army soldier Vladimir Antanovich Chutyals, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shablinskas Eduardas Mikhailovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1915 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Vladimir Kononovich Shalashov, shooter of the 249th SP 1923 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shapranauskas Jonas Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1924 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Šauchunas Albertas Ludovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1914 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shwegzhda Jonas Antanovich, light machine gun gunner of the 156th SP 1915 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shvederauskas Povilas Yurgievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/26/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Shvedchikov Ilya Petrovich, sniper of the 156th joint venture, born in 1904.
  • Red Army soldier Petr Savelyevich Shevelev, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1915.
  • Red Army soldier Sheduikis Iozas Pranovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1924 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tit Loginovich Shelepenkov, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1903 - 11/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Aliferiy Ionovich Shelkunov, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1911 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mikhail Ulyanovich Shershnevas, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sheshkevicius Iozas Kozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1918 - 11/20/1944
  • Sergeant Sheshnev Genady Ivanovich, commander of the battery crew of 76 mm guns of the 156th SP 1923 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shimanskas Bolus Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1920.
  • Red Army soldier Shimas Jurgis Adamovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shimkus Vintsas Vintsovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1910 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shimonis Antanas Adamovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/27/1944
  • Red Army soldier Širvinskas Bronius Jurgis, shooter of the 8th rifle company of the 156th joint venture 1921 - 11/18/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yakov Trofimovich Shirshnev, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture 1920 - 11/26/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Shishas Shapsel Nokhmanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shkudas Kazis Augustinovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1913 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shliogeris Yurgis Kaziovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1909.
  • Red Army soldier Shlyakas Jonas Adamovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1926 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shmegelskas Jonas Cheslavovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1911 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shmigelskis Balis Kazisovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1914 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Iozovich Shopis, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shopis Jonas Ionovich, number PTR 167th SP 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Samuil Khaimovich Shokhatas, shooter of the 249th SP 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shohet Meer Peisakhovich, 2nd number of PTR 156th SP 1920 - 11/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shpalov Georgy Trifonovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1923 - 11/20/1944
  • Sergeant Major Shubas Abramas Tsemakhovich, and about. platoon commander of the 156th joint venture, born in 1922.
  • Corporal Shukis Petras Iozovich, riding battery of 45 mm guns of the 156th SP 1921 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shukyavichus Alexas Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture, born in 1915.
  • Red Army soldier Shukyavichus Petras Domovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Viktor Davydovich Shulzinger, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Platon Andrianovich Shchetilnikov, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Antanas Ionovich Shchukis, shooter of the 249th SP 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Einengas Iozas Stasiovic, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1924 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Elsbergas Efim Isaakovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1925 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yurgaitis Antanas Anupriovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yurgaitis Ionas Anufrievich, shooter of the 249th SP 1913 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yurgaitis Leonas Iozovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture, born in 1909.
  • Red Army soldier Yuryale Pranas Iozovich, number PTR 167th SP 1916 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stasis Antanovich Yucinskas, shooter of the 249th SP 1916 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yushka Jonas Pranovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yushka Petras Pyatrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1914 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yushkus Bronius Antanovich, number 76 mm gun of the 167th SP 1909 - 11/21/1944
  • Sergeant Jakubauskas Ludvikas Grigorievich, gunner 45 mm gun 167th 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Mikhail Davidovich Jakubauskas, shooter of the 249th SP 1912 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yakubka Bronius Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yakuchionis Jonas Adamovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jakshavicius Petras Matovic, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1911 - 11/24/1944
  • Corporal Yakshtas Banos Zigmo, 2nd number of light machine gun of the 156th SP 1925 - 11/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yakshtonis Vincas Iozovich, number PTR 167th SP 1919 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Janavichus Jonas Vaclovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1925 - 11/27/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jankauskas Bronius Pranovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1920 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yankauskas Leopoldas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1926 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yankauskas Feliksas Petrovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jankauskas Justinas Kaziovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1919 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yankunas Kazys Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1913 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yankevichus Mechislav Iozovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1918 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Janulionis Ionas Vintsovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Janulevičius Kazis Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Janusauskas Cheslavas Aleksandrovich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1926 - 11/25/1944
  • Red Army soldier Janušonis Pranas Stepovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jarmulavicius Leonardas Aleksovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1910 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yasaitis Alexas Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yasimonis Vladas Antanovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1925 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jasinskas Stasis Iozovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1912 - 11/19/1944
  • Red Army soldier Jasnauskas Mykolas Kaziovich, machine gunner of the 167th joint venture, born in 1914.
  • Red Army soldier Yastrebov Makar Fomich, shooter of the 156th joint venture 1917 - 11/20/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yasyunas Stasis Ionovich, shooter of the 167th joint venture 1916 - 11/21/1944
  • Red Army soldier Yaschemskas Alexas Antanovich, shooter of the 249th SP 1909 - 11/25/1944

If your family archive contains photographs of your relative and you send his biography, this will give us the opportunity to perpetuate the memory of a soldier who took part in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945, on the territory of the Republic of Latvia.

The feat that the soldiers performed in defense and the liberation of the Republic of Latvia led to Our Victory, and the memory of the people who gave their lives for this will not be forgotten.

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