Home Smell from the mouth What to make a magnifying glass from. In difficult conditions, this LED-illuminated magnifying glass will always help you

What to make a magnifying glass from. In difficult conditions, this LED-illuminated magnifying glass will always help you

A lighted magnifying glass is, of course, most needed by forensic scientists studying fingerprints. It is also needed for children who are interested in wood burning. But it can be very useful for you and me in everyday life. As is known, according to current legislation helpful information information about the product must be printed on its packaging.
But you probably noticed that it is printed in small print (especially if this information is undesirable for the seller or manufacturer).

How to make a magnifying glass with LED light

An illuminated magnifying glass will help you easily read the instructions for any medicine, the inscription on any package, or the intentionally small print of a credit or insurance agreement. It allows you to read small but necessary text in any conditions, for example, in a dimly lit store or in a gateway.

The good thing about backlit text is that it is perceived as having more contrast, so your eyesight doesn’t strain or get tired when reading for a long time.

An illuminated magnifying glass helps men with soldering and repair work with small parts, women with searching for small pieces of jewelry that have fallen out of a dark entrance, and children with studying insects, philately, and working with microcircuits.

That’s why we suggest you make such a backlit lamp with your own hands.

Preparing materials:

– 8 white SMD PLCC LEDs;
– 8 SMD resistors (size 0805 or 1206) 100 Ohm each;
– an ordinary magnifying glass;
– a printed circuit board cut in the shape of a ring from a foil blank (according to the size of a magnifying glass);
– battery compartment for AA batteries (for 4 places);
– 4 batteries;
– Moment glue;
– connecting stranded wires of two insulation colors – one meter of wire of each color;

– wire cutters;
– soldering iron and solder;
– Dremel with cutting wheel;
– a drilling machine with large diameter drills.

Designing an illuminated magnifying glass

First, we prepare the printed circuit board to which the LEDs will be soldered. It should consist of two concentric rings separated from each other. The inner diameter of the ring plate should be equal to the diameter of lens A, and the outer diameter should be equal to the diameter of the lens frame B.

Such a copper foil board can be cut into milling machine. But you can also do it manually - using a Dremel and a drilling machine.

Now let's prepare the LEDs. We have white SMD LEDs in PLCC housing. The size of the LEDs does not matter - any one will do: 0805. or 1206. Let us only take into account that it is easier to solder large LEDs. It’s the same with resistors: it’s more convenient to solder resistors in large cases. Solder a resistor to the positive terminal of each of the 8 LEDs at a right angle, as shown in the photo.

We mark eight equidistant positions along the edge of the ring board and solder a pair of LED-resistor at each mark, as shown in the photo. To ensure that soldering occurs without unnecessary heat and without fuss, we first tin the soldering areas with tin. Having soldered each LED-resistor pair, use a multimeter to check whether the LED lights up. This way we make sure that the LEDs were not damaged during the soldering process.

Having carefully aligned the board with soldered LEDs, we glue the LEDs outwards to the lens frame from the lens side (we use Moment glue). We solder lead wires of different colors to the inner and outer rings.

Now we connect a current source to the copper strips of the ring board: we solder the negative terminal from the battery compartment to the inner concentric ring, and the positive terminal to the outer one. You can also include a switch in the circuit, although to turn off the device you can simply remove the battery.

Hi all!
It's time for Photoshop lessons.
In this article I will tell you, how to draw a magnifying glass in Photoshop(magnifying glass) and convey the correct reflection in it.
After all the steps are completed, you will end up with something like this:

For the lesson I will use this photo:

Save and open this image in Photoshop.
Of course, you don’t have to use this particular picture; you can find any other picture on the Internet.

Select from the tools on the left " Oval selection»

To draw an even circle, press and hold the "Shift" key while using the mouse to start making an oval selection.

Now press the “Ctrl+J” keys on your keyboard. You will get a duplicate selection on a new layer:

Go back to the first layer "Layer 1". This image needs to be scaled down a bit. On your keyboard, press “ Ctrl + T" and write 85% to Width and Height at the top:

Then click on the checkmark to the right:

Now go to “Layer 2" and click on the menu “Select” => “Select again”.
Then click on the menu "Filter" => "Distortion" => "Spherization" with the following settings: “Amount -80%”. Click "OK":

This is the result you should get:

Let's apply some effects to the same layer. Select from the top menu "Layers" => "Layer Style" => "Inner Shadow" with these settings:

The image can be enlarged

Let's add a reflection on the magnifying glass for realism
Create a new layer.
From the tools on the left, select " Oval selection". Draw and fill with white a circle like the one in my picture:

Deselect and click on "Layer 3" with highlight “Filter” => “Blur” => “Gaussian Blur...”. Select 17px.

This is roughly how it will work out for you:

Now let's create another layer for the second highlight. Only the highlight will be smaller and without blur, as in my picture:

Making a frame for a magnifying glass

Hold down the "Ctrl" key and select "Layer 2" for selection. Now create and go to a new layer. Color it with #202020 :

Now in the menu click “Select” => “Modify” => “Compress” and select “Compress by” 7 pixels there. Now click on the “Delete” button to clear the selected area:

Now duplicate Layer 5 (the same one) and go back to the same layer (Layer 5).
Select in "Layers" => "Layer Style" => "Gradient Overlay" with these settings:

Move this layer a little lower:

Create a “Duplicate Layer” and move it even lower and so on 3 times:

A lens is a necessary tool in everyday life. Probably the most irreplaceable optical instrument. Telescopes, microscopes, cameras, magnifiers, and the like use lenses. Some people cannot even see normally without them, so they wear glasses, which also consist of lenses. This is the importance of lenses in our lives. In this case, lenses are divided into two more types: diverging lenses and converging lenses. For example, diverging lenses are worn by people with myopia, and converging lenses are worn by people with farsightedness. And these two types are divided into several more types. But let's not talk about theory, let's move on to practice. In this article, I will show you and tell you how to make a converging lens yourself at home from the most readily available materials, which every home definitely has. And so, to make a homemade collecting lens we will need:

1) Sharp stationery knife,
2) Sharp needle,
3) Scissors,
4) Glue gun and hot glue,
5) Medical syringe.

1) A transparent plastic bottle from some kind of lemonade or other drink,
2) Water.

The process of making a collecting lens with your own hands.

We take any plastic bottle, the most important thing is that the bottle must be transparent.

Now we will need a round-shaped object, in my case it is the cap of the plastic bottle itself. The good thing about it is that it's big. Other bottles have small caps, so they will not fit, otherwise the collecting lens will be very small. We insert the cap onto the bottle and trace it with a sharp needle, it is important that the circle scratched with the needle remains on the bottle. However, this action can be performed with a felt-tip pen or marker. But you just need to be careful not to smear the future lens with the paint of a felt-tip pen or marker. And then the circle must be convex, otherwise you simply won’t be able to make a lens.

You will get a circle like this.

Using scissors or a stationery knife, cut out this circle along the contour.

Using exactly the same actions, we make another exactly the same circle.

Now glue them to each other using hot glue. But at the same time, you need to leave a small hole in order to pour water into the resulting lens.

Using a syringe, fill the lens with water. To prevent life from appearing inside the lens, it must be boiled and salted. However, this is not necessary. After filling the lens with water, close the remaining hole with hot glue.

This is what my resulting lens can do. It magnifies quite decently, but is visible blurry.


To build lens Fresnel You yourself need to have a significant understanding of optics. So, unlike conventional lenses, fresnel does not consist of solid glass, but of concentric rings with a cross-section special form prisms. Make calculations and determine zone boundaries Fresnel. They are determined by the intersection of the wavefront of the original wave with a sequence of wavefronts of the “projected wave” shifted relative to each other by l/2.

Make clear rings to cover odd-numbered areas Fresnel. Their thickness must correspond to the additional phase shift l/2. For convenience, use the drawing.

To achieve the greatest effect, coat the ends of each prism with a coating, for example, aluminum. Articulate the structure by checking the position of the prisms using the equation.

There are two types of lenses Fresnel– ring and belt. Unlike ring lenses, which direct the light flux in a strictly defined direction, waist lenses distribute light from the source in all directions. At the lens Fresnel The scope of application is very diverse: from marine beacons and photographic lenses to a special film that is applied to the rear window of a car to reduce the blind spot behind the car when using the rear-view mirror.

Simultaneously with the creation of the lens O.Zh. Fresnel developed the most complex technology for its production. In a nutshell, we are talking about making a lens consisting of a set of several prisms in the form of thin rings. In modern conditions, such production is possible only with the use of modern high-precision processing, vacuum-spraying and control-measuring equipment.

In the production of lenses Fresnel HOTLENS technology uses holography, thanks to which infrared radiation is more accurately focused and the ingress of, for example, visible light is reduced. Such lenses make it possible to create a more accurate detection zone in space. A set of technological equipment for the production of lenses Fresnel includes precision lathes, which carry out trimming and preliminary rounding of workpieces. Sphero-lathes machine the outer and inner surfaces of lenses.

The most important step is grinding the surface of the lens. It is carried out on polishing machines. The polishing process simultaneously removes roughness and improves the cleanliness of the spherical surfaces of the lenses. The edges of the lenses are polished on special machines, and special diamond cutters are used to process the concave and convex surfaces of the lenses. In addition, all necessary technological equipment is manufactured at such enterprises.

A lens is a transparent device, mostly made of special glass, designed to magnify an image. The lens is the main part of any optical system. The principle of its operation is based on the refraction of light rays. Make glass lens It’s very difficult to do it in a homemade way, especially since you can’t do it without the necessary equipment. But based on the effect of light refraction, we can do lens liquid based.

You will need

  • Plastic bottle, plasticine, glycerin or water, syringe with needle, plastic bag.


Take a one and a half liter plastic bottle. From the top of this bottle, cut out two identical, convex circles (for convenience, cut out one circle first, and then cut a second one along its diameter).

Then, take ordinary plasticine or some other sticky material. Use this plasticine to glue both halves of the lens so that it is convex on both sides.

After this, make holes in two places between the halves of the lens. Pour liquid into one of these holes using a syringe (you can pour ordinary water, but it is better to use a liquid with a high refractive index, try filling lens glycerin, the effect will be better), fill it to the brim and there should be no air bubbles in it. The second hole is designed to allow air to escape so that pressure does not build up. After filling the lens with liquid, seal the holes.

IN extreme conditions, for example, being in the taiga in winter, without matches, you can make lens for making a fire. To do this, take an ordinary plastic bag and fill it with water. Shape the bag into a ball and let the water freeze. Once frozen, tear off the bag to create a lens. The lens can also be cut out of frozen ice.

Good light in a car is the most important safety parameter. Modern technologies develop at speed spaceship and the solutions used 5 years ago already look hopelessly outdated today. It is not profitable for automakers to update old products, but third-party developers actively support this topic. To improve the design and luminous flux, it is proposed to install lens into the reflective design of the headlight.

You will need

  • - lenses;
  • - industrial dryer;
  • - Screwdriver Set;
  • - gloves;
  • - plastic and soldering iron


First remove and completely disassemble headlight on your car. When removing headlights, follow the repair instructions. To disassemble the headlight, warm it up with an industrial low heat.

The Fresnel lens is almost the very first, according to historical chronology, device, the basis of which is the principle of light diffraction. Despite the age of this invention, it has not lost its relevance today and has found application in many areas.

What is a Fresnel Lens

A Fresnel lens is a complex compound lens. Unlike ordinary lenses, it does not consist of a single ground piece of glass with a spherical surface, but of individual concentric rings. They are tightly adjacent to each other and have a small thickness. In cross-section they are prisms of a special profile. This type of lens got its name from the French physicist Augustin Fresnel, who proposed it, who worked in the field of physical optics.

Thanks to its unique design, this lens model is lightweight and thin. The sections of its rings are constructed in such a way that its spherical aberration is extremely small, as a result of which the rays refracted by it emerge as a single parallel beam. The diameter of the Fresnel lens varies from a couple of centimeters to several meters.

Fresnel lenses are usually divided into ring and belt. The first direct a beam of light in one predetermined direction. The latter send light from the source in all directions in one plane.

Application of Fresnel Lens

To date, the Fresnel Lens has found wide application in many areas.

For example, they are used in large lighthouses, projection televisions, navigation lights, railway lens traffic lights and semaphore lights. And due to its low weight, the Fresnel lens is also used in lighting devices that need to be moved during operation.

And when placed on the rear window of a car in the form of a thin film, it significantly reduces the “dead” zone behind the car, as seen in the rearview mirror.

An ultra-flat, lightweight magnifying glass is created based on the Fresnel Lens. It is her help that people with low vision resort to when reading texts in small print.

In addition, similar lenses are used in infrared motion sensors and lens antennas.

There are a couple more promising areas in which the Fresnel Lens can be used. Its use is presumably possible in the construction of space telescopes of gigantic diameters.

It is also likely to be used as a solar energy concentrator for solar panels.


  • Simple about science

How to make a lens?

If you don’t have a lens at hand at the right time, don’t be upset, as you can make one yourself very quickly. To do this, you need to study the recommendations on how to make a lens with your own hands.

Plastic bottle lenses

IN in this case Let's try to make a biconvex lens. During the work you will need:

  • paper;
  • plastic bottle (preferably transparent);
  • scissors;
  • plasticine/clay;
  • tubes;
  • water.


You can also use an ordinary syringe instead of tubes and use it to fill the lens with water. In this case, insert the syringe needle on one side and gradually fill the lens with water, and on the opposite side you need to make a hole for air.

Ice Lens

If you are in a cold area and don't have a bottle or materials at hand, you can make a simple optical lens using ice. To do this, fill a bag with water and place it in a cold place (preferably in the freezer). As it hardens, give the lens a flattened shape. After the water in the bag turns into ice, the lens can be used.

The next thing to consider is processes production of contact lenses. IN modern world, there are three main methods for manufacturing these simple devices.

The oldest method currently used is centrifugal formation. A liquid polymer is injected into a mold spinning at high speeds, where it is instantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation and high temperature, resulting in fairly rapid hardening of the material.
Next, the prepared contact lens is removed from the mold and saturated with water, this stage is also called hydration. Afterwards it is polished, tinted and thoroughly chemically cleaned.

There is also such a way lens manufacturing, as turning - it is used in the manufacture of soft and hard, more often called hard, contact lenses. To do this, workpieces are used from a pre-polymerized substance, after which they are processed on a lathe. Then these lenses are carefully polished, saturated with water, chemically cleaned to remove all foreign impurities, and tinted. The final stage of the process is sterilization, where the lens is heated to 121°-124° C. After which the contact lenses should be packaged and labeled.

Another popular method production of contact lenses- this is casting. It is the least labor-intensive of the above methods. All that is required is a metal matrix form; it should be taken into account that for each type of lens, with certain parameters, it is individual. Thousands of plastic copies are cast using this matrix. The lower part of each mold is filled with liquid polymer, the upper part of the mold is inserted on top, this acts as a kind of press. In the space between the two halves of the form, our lens is obtained. Next, the contact lens is saturated with water, then polished, cleansed, tinted, sterilized, and packaged, as in all previously discussed cases.

It should be noted that there are also combined manufacturing technologies that are often used in the production of lenses. The most common example of a combined method is Reversible Process III. Its essence is based on the fact that the back part of the lens is formed by turning, and the front part is obtained by centrifugal molding.

There are quite a few similar techniques. Each manufacturer focuses on efficiency, speed and ease of production, and has the right to choose any of the listed technologies, introducing their own subtleties and wishes, inventing new and new methods. Progress does not stand still, we can be absolutely sure that in the near future, the production of contact lenses will reach a new level, making our vision ideal, our gaze natural and beautiful, and us - more successful and more self-confident.

A telescope is a device that receives electromagnetic radiation from distant objects and brings it into focus to produce a magnified image. The most important part of it is the lenses. To make a simple working telescope, you can buy them at any optics store or make them yourself.

You will need

Window glass;
- tubular drill;
- coarse abrasive;
- Metal sheet;
- plasticine;
- balsam.

Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic “How to make your own lenses for a telescope” What is a telescope How to make the simplest amplifier How to make a homemade antenna for a 3g modem


Place the glass sheet on a flat board and secure it with three wooden strips so that they form an equilateral triangle. Nail the ends of the planks to the table. Insert a tubular drill bit into the triangle formed. Drill through the glass using coarse sandpaper. Wet the drilling area generously with water so that the abrasive gradually falls into the recess. To prevent chips from forming when the drill comes out of the glass, a sheet of metal 3 mm thick is glued to the back side of the glass with hot resin. To prevent water from spreading on the glass, make a low plasticine side. When cutting, rotate the drill bit vigorously from side to side. Make a step grinder from bronze, brass or other metal. Grind the lens on a turntable, having previously secured the workpiece in a special mandrel. Pre-grind the convex lens using an emery wheel. Start sanding with M40 micropowder. Having smoothed out the unevenness after stripping, change the powder to M20, and after 20 minutes - to M10. After sanding, polish the product. Form a polishing pad from the hardest resin. While polishing, let the resin cool every 3 minutes and form a polishing pad on the lens to polish the flat side of the lens. Glue achromatic lenses with Canada balsam or balsam. Place the pieces of balm in a test tube and place it in a metal mug with water. When the water boils, the balm is ready for use. 11 Place a board a few millimeters thick on the burner, turned on low. Place the lenses on it and heat them to 70? C. 12 Place a drop of balm on the concave surface of one lens, place it on the second lens and squeeze them tightly. 13 When the balm spreads over the surface to be glued, let the lenses cool. Remove excess balm with a knife, wipe the lens with turpentine, wash with soap and wipe with alcohol. Before the alcohol dries, rinse it with water. Place the finished lens in the frame.

How simple

Other news on the topic:

A telescope is an optical instrument in astronomy, which is designed for studying and observing the starry sky. The cost of such a device ranges from $250 and above. If you do not have the means, but want to have a telescope at home, then you can easily make it yourself. To you The one who has been wearing for a long time, won’t even remember what it’s like to not be able to put them on? Everything is so simple that, over time, the process becomes automatic and routine. Like brushing your teeth or making tea. But beginners are always calmer if there are clear recommendations. To you

Eyeglass lenses are a good material for a high-quality telescope. Before you buy a good telescope, you can make one yourself from inexpensive and available funds. If you or your child want to get interested in astronomical observations, then the construction homemade telescope will help you study both the theory of optical devices and observational practice.

Despite the fact that a refracting telescope built from spectacle glasses will not show you much in the sky, the experience and knowledge gained will be priceless. Afterwards, if you are interested in telescope construction, you can build a more advanced reflecting telescope, for example Newton's system (see other sections of our website).

There are three types of optical telescopes: refractors (a lens system as a lens), reflectors (a lens - a mirror), and catadioptric (mirror-lens). All modern largest telescopes are reflectors; their advantage is the absence of chromatism and possible large sizes lens, because the larger the diameter of the lens (its aperture), the higher its resolution, and the more light is collected, and therefore the fainter astronomical objects are visible through the telescope, the higher their contrast, and the greater magnifications can be applied.

Refractors are used where high precision and contrast are required or in small telescopes. And now about the simplest refractor, with a magnification of up to 50 times, with which you can see: the largest craters and mountains of the Moon, Saturn with its rings (like a ball with a ring, not a “dumpling”!), bright satellites and the disk of Jupiter, some stars invisible to the naked eye.

Any telescope consists of a lens and an eyepiece; the lens builds a magnified image of the object that is viewed, then through the eyepiece. The distance between the lens and the eyepiece is equal to the sum of their focal lengths (F), and the magnification of the telescope is equal to Fob./Fok. In my case it is approximately 1000/23 = 43 times, i.e. 1.72D with an aperture of 25 mm.

1 - eyepiece; 2 - main pipe; 3 - focusing tube; 4 - diaphragm; 5 - tape that secures the lens to the third tube, which can be easily removed, for example, to replace the diaphragm; 6 - lens.

As a lens, let's take a blank lens for glasses (can be bought at any "Optics") with a power of 1 diopter, which corresponds to a focal length of 1 m. Eyepiece - I used the same achromatic coated gluing as for the microscope, I think for this simple device- this is a good option. As a body, I used three tubes made of thick paper, the first about a meter, the second ~20 cm. The short one is inserted into the long one.

The lens - the lens is attached to the third tube with the convex side facing outwards, a disk is installed immediately behind it - a diaphragm with a hole in the center with a diameter of 25-30 mm - this is necessary, because a single lens, and even a meniscus, is a very bad lens and for obtaining of tolerable quality, you have to sacrifice its diameter. The eyepiece is in the first tube. Focusing is done by changing the distance between the lens and the eyepiece, moving the second tube in or out, focusing conveniently on the Moon. The lens and eyepiece must be parallel to each other and their centers must be strictly on the same line; the diameter of the tube can be taken, for example, 10 mm larger than the diameter of the aperture hole. In general, when making a case, everyone is free to do as they wish.

A few notes:
- do not install another lens after the first one in the lens, as advised on some sites - this will only cause light loss and deterioration in quality;
- also do not install the diaphragm deep in the pipe - this is not necessary;
- it’s worth experimenting with the diameter of the diaphragm opening and choosing the optimal one;
- you can also take a lens of 0.5 diopters (focal length 2 m) - this will increase the aperture opening and increase the magnification, but the length of the tube will become 2 meters, which may be inconvenient.
A single lens is suitable for the lens, the focal length of which is F = 0.5-1 m (1-2 diopters). It's not difficult to get; it is sold in an optical store that sells glasses lenses. Such a lens has a whole bunch of aberrations: chromaticism, spherical aberration. Their influence can be reduced by using lens aperture, that is, reducing the entrance aperture to 20 mm. What's the easiest way to do this? Cut a ring out of cardboard equal to the diameter of the pipe and cut the same entrance hole (20 mm) inside, and then place it in front of the lens almost close to the lens.

It is even possible to assemble a lens from two lenses in which the chromatic aberration that appears as a result of light dispersion will be partially corrected. To eliminate it, take 2 lenses of different shapes and materials - collecting and diverging - with different dispersion coefficients. A simple option: buy 2 spectacle lenses made of polycarbonate and glass. In a glass lens the dispersion coefficient will be 58-59, and in polycarbonate it will be 32-42. the ratio is approximately 2:3, then we take the focal lengths of the lenses with the same ratio, say +3 and -2 diopters. We add these values ​​and get a lens with a focal length of +1 diopter. We fold the lenses tightly; the collective should be the first to the lens. If it is a single lens, then it should have the convex side facing the object.

How to make a telescope without an eyepiece?! The eyepiece is the second important part of the telescope; we would be nowhere without it. It is made from a magnifying glass with a focal distance of 4 cm. Although for the eyepiece it is better to use 2 plano-convex lenses (Ramsden eyepiece), setting them at a distance of 0.7f. The ideal option is to get the eyepiece from ready-made instruments (microscope, binoculars). How to determine the magnification size of a telescope? Divide the focal length of the lens (for example, F=100cm) by the focal length of the eyepiece (for example, f=5cm), you get 20 times the magnification of the telescope.

Then we need 2 tubes. Insert the lens into one, and the eyepiece into the other; Then we insert the first tube into the second. Which tubes should I use? You can make them yourself. Take a sheet of whatman paper or wallpaper, but be sure to have a thick sheet. Roll the tube to fit the diameter of the lens. Then you fold another sheet of thick paper and place the eyepiece (!) tightly into it. Then insert these tubes tightly into each other. If a gap appears, wrap the inner tube in several layers of paper until the gap disappears.

Now your telescope is ready. How to make a telescope for astronomical observations? You simply blacken the inside of each pipe. Since we are making a telescope for the first time, we will use a simple method of blackening. Just paint the inside of the pipes with black paint. The effect of the first telescope created independently will be stunning. Surprise your family with your design skills!
Often the geometric center of the lens does not coincide with the optical center, so if you have the opportunity to have the lens sharpened by a specialist, do not neglect it. But in any case, an unground spectacle lens blank will do. Lens diameter of great importance does not exist for our telescope. Because spectacle lenses are highly susceptible to various obberations, especially the edges of the lens, then we will aperture the lens with a diaphragm with a diameter of about 30 mm. But to observe different objects in the sky, the aperture diameter is selected empirically and can vary from 10 mm to 30 mm.

How to make 3D glasses at home using cardboard frames or old glasses

Today, an increasing number of films and cartoons are produced in 3D format, so that viewers can enjoy three-dimensional images and three-dimensional images, they are given special red-blue anaglyph 3D glasses. The illusion of a three-dimensional image is created through color coding, i.e. instead of ordinary lenses, such glasses have special light filters; a red color filter is used for the left eye, and a blue color filter for the right eye. In order to make such glasses yourself, you do not need any special skills or expensive materials. This article will present two master classes that will describe step by step how to make 3D glasses at home using cardboard frames and old glasses.

The surface of the water drop comes out to make a dome. This outer or convex curvature bends the light rays inward. The result is an enlarged image on the retina. The object appears larger than it is. The surface of the smaller droplet is even more curved, resulting in a greater change in the direction of the light beam. The result is greater magnification. Changing the position of the water drop relative to the letters and eyes will also affect the magnification factor. However, due to something called capillary effect, the layer of water in the cup shows a surface that is slightly bent inward.

In these videos, masters share the secrets of creating 3D glasses. It will be shown how to make such glasses for viewing three-dimensional images at home and using scrap materials.

Method 1: from a cardboard frame

The first option for making such glasses involves using a cardboard frame. In order to make 3D glasses with your own hands, you will need to purchase the following materials: a sheet of cardboard, a pencil, scissors, thick transparent silicone or transparent film, wide transparent tape and markers of three colors, namely blue, green, red.

It will act like a concave lens that bends the light rays outward. As a result, the letters visible through the layer of water in the cup appear smaller than they are. When you combine multiple lenses, the magnification factor of the set of lenses is the product of the magnification factors of the individual lenses.

Any clear liquid will work as a lens. As long as the bottom and top surfaces of a layer or drop are not parallel, the lens will change appearance object. Depending on the liquid, the magnification factor of such drops consisting of different liquids will change.

First of all, on a sheet of cardboard, using a simple pencil, you need to draw the contours of the frame and spectacles. Then you need to bend a sheet of cardboard in half and use scissors to cut out the shape of glasses without lenses in duplicate. Then you should cut out two squares of equal size from transparent film. Next, one square must be colored on one side with a blue marker, on the other side with a green marker. The second prepared square must be colored on both sides with a red marker. Then both painted squares must be covered with tape on both sides, but in such a way that even small air bubbles do not remain, otherwise the image quality will be poor.

More to explore Simple Magnification, from Florida State University. Use a water dropper or finger to let two or three drops fall onto the film and merge into one large drop. Is the top of the drop surface flat, inwardly curved, or outwardly curved? Slide your clear film so the water droplet rests on top of the small block letters. Close or cover one eye and look from above with the other eye at the letters under the drop. Compare them with the letters nearby, but not covered by the drop. Do they look the same? Does it look bigger or smaller than the other? Using two hands, carefully lift and hold the clear film about half an inch above the newspaper, leaving the newspaper on the work surface. You may need help removing the clear film if you like to cover one eye with your hand. Close or close one eye and carefully look down at the drops of water on the letters in the newspaper. Will the letters be different than when the transparency was resting on the newspaper? What happens when you move the transparent film further? Move the transparent film up and down several times while looking down through the drop of water with one eye. How does your perception of the letters change when you move the transparent film further or further back? Why do you think this is happening? To measure the magnification factor of a water drop, place a ruler under your clear film on your work surface and another ruler next to the trap on top of the clear film, but be sure to let the ruler touch the drop. Lift the transparent film with the top ruler and lower the drop 3 centimeters upward and do your best to measure the length of the millimeter indication of the bottom ruler as seen from the drop of water. How many millimeters does a millimeter measure? This number tells you which factors are more significant when viewing a drop of water. Are you surprised by the magnification factor you got? Measure the coefficient of increase in water drop as the transparency film is raised higher. Does the magnification factor change as you raise the transparency higher? Could you find ways to increase the magnification factor? Repeat the operation, this time using a large drop of water. What happens to the curvature of the top surface of a water droplet as you increase the size of the droplet? Is it larger, smaller, or similarly curved? Do large drops of water give a different magnification factor? Additionally: What do you think is the optimal size of a water drop and its height above the newspaper to increase the readability of your chosen newspaper line? Would you choose the same conditions if you were studying the details of insects? Optional: Walk around your house or garden looking at objects through your new magnifying glass. What amazing details can you find? Extra: you just used water to create magnifying glass, which makes objects appear larger. What do you think will happen if you look at a large layer of water that is in a cup? To test this, find a small or tiny clear plastic cup with a flat bottom. To ensure that the cup itself is not acting as a lens, place an empty cup in a straight line found in your newspaper, scan the cup and observe. Straight line? Does it look the same when you lift the cup? If not, find another cup because Bottom part This bowl already acts as a lens. Why do you think it is important that the cup used to test that the layer of water in the cup is acting as a lens no longer acts as a lens? Once you have a cup that doesn't act as a lens, fill it with a layer of water and look through the water at the letters in your newspaper. How do letters appear? Does their appearance change when you move the cup up and down? You can switch to a font with capital letters. Can you calculate the magnification factor of this lens? Note that a magnification factor less than 1 indicates that the object is smaller than it is. For example, a one-half magnification factor indicates that the object appears to be half its size. Additionally: optical instruments often use a combination of multiple lenses. If you have made both a waterproof lens and a water cup lens, watch what happens when you combine both. You can place the transparency on top of your cup and look from above, or have a helper hold the transparency with a drop of water as you hold the cup over it. What do you think will happen? Can you measure the magnification factors for both lenses individually and in combination? If you do this at a couple different distances, you can work out a formula. Additionally: will other liquids also create an increase? Will one fluid work better than another? Think oil or vinegar or soy sauce. Which ones do you think might work and why?

  • Place the clear film over the newspaper page.
  • Create a drop of water near the middle of the transparent film.
  • Check the water drops.
When you wear glasses, it is important to clean them frequently.

On final stage the prepared squares must be glued to the cardboard form of the glasses, and a second cardboard form must be glued on top.

Glasses cleaner can be expensive, which is why many people look for their own. There are different ways to do home remedy for eyeglass care is much less than what you'll pay at the store. An easy way to clean your glasses is to start with a medium-heat bowl of warm water. Add just a couple of drops of any liquid dishwashing detergent to the bowl. Then take the glasses by the hands and gently and slowly stir the lenses through the water.

Washing glasses in warm soapy water works best to remove any small or abrasive objects that may be on the lenses. After washing thoroughly, the 100% cotton cloth can be used to dry completely. In a popular recipe for cooking home cosmetics for glasses there is a mixture of two common household ingredients. Using any size spray bottle, fill the bottle ¾ full with alcohol. Add two small drops of liquid dish soap. Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water.

Method 2: from old glasses

You can also make 3D glasses at home according to the second option, namely: using old glasses. To work, you will need unnecessary glasses, transparent thick film, red and blue markers, and scissors.

First you need to prepare your glasses, take out your regular lenses. According to the shape of the old lenses, it is necessary to cut out two parts of the same shape from a thick transparent film. Then one part should be colored with a red marker, the other part should be colored with a blue marker. It is important to paint the parts evenly with a marker and make sure that no streaks or smudges form. After the parts are painted, you need to wait a little until the paint dries. Next, you need to carefully insert the prepared colored parts instead of the lenses, the red part should be inserted instead of the left lens, and the blue part - instead of the right lens. After this, the 3D glasses can be considered ready, and you can start watching movies or cartoons in 3D format. But do not forget that viewing images in such glasses puts a lot of strain on the eyes; adaptation to such glasses will take about thirty seconds, and after removing the glasses, it usually takes some time for light perception to be restored.

Shake mixture gently; you don't want to create bubbles. Spray the sides of each lens with cleaner and then wipe them with a clean, soft 100% cotton cloth. This homemade glasses cleaner also works as a steam preventative. Use ¼ bar of Castile soap, one tablespoon of glycerin, and half a teaspoon of sassafras oil to make this type of cleaning solution. To make the cleaner, cut the Castile soap into tiny pieces and place in a small pot; add a small amount of water - just enough to cover the soap.

Bring to a boil slowly, stirring continuously until all the pieces are dissolved. Add the glycerin and sassafras oil, stir for a minute and remove the heat. Once the mixture has cooled, store it in a small bottle or jar.

To use this homemade glasses cleaner, apply a small amount with your fingers to both sides of the lenses. Buff immediately with a soft, dry cloth, buffing until the lenses are clear and dry. Never use strong pressure on eyeglass lenses when cleaning or drying them. Do not use paper towels toilet paper or any form of newsprint for cleaning glasses, as this may scratch the lenses. Any cloth used must be clean and dry. A dirty towel may carry abrasive particles that can scratch your lenses.

How to change eye color at home without lenses

The desire to change appearance is inherent not only to those who follow fashion trends. It sometimes becomes an obsession among people who want to change something in life, to be like someone. And very often this is a specific desire to change eye color. given by nature from birth. Of course, the easiest way to achieve the goal is lenses. Colored contact attributes for the eyes will help you do this quickly. But not everyone is comfortable wearing lenses; many complain about the appearance of allergic reactions after wearing them. So, how can you change your natural eye color without them? What methods exist for this today?

Cloths or towels that are used to clean glass should not be pre-dried with fabric softener as this may cause a small amount of smearing. Softener cloth is very difficult to remove, so be sure to use a suitable cloth.

If you put the lens directly on your eye, it blurs things, but it doesn't magnify distant scenes. They change the blurriness or sharpness of what you see, but they don't act like magnifiers in normal use. If the lens is concave, everything you see in the lens will become smaller and smaller as you move the lens further away from your eye. If you use a convex lens instead, everything will get bigger and bigger as you push it back.

Changing eye color, or rather their shade, is possible without the use of lenses, if you choose your wardrobe wisely. Thus, gray eyes change their shade when wearing clothes of blue or green saturated colors. This method requires no effort and is completely safe. You just need to experiment with existing clothes, especially the top, accessories in the form of scarves, frills, beads, gerdans.

The convex lens is interesting because it makes things look bigger when you move it further away from the eyes. Keep moving on and on. Move the lens a little further and everything becomes small again, but now everything seen through the lens is upside down.

By moving the convex lens in and out, we can change the size of everything, or make it all upside down or right-sided. Unfortunately, everything is very blurry when you look through the lens. If only there was a way to remove blur, we could hold a convex lens in front of our eye and use it to magnify distant scenes.

Cosmetics of different shades also help in achieving the goal. In order to make the dull green color of the eyes brighter, you need to use brown eye shadow and a contour pencil in your makeup, gray. Eye color changes immediately after applying makeup and serves as a good alternative to colored lenses. Experiment with cosmetics during the day and evening time. Thus, in combination with an outfit, you can make the shade of your eyes more expressive, or mute it.

It should be noted that as children grow, their eye color also changes. Often babies born with blue eyes, within a month they become brown-eyed. If a child is born with blue eyes, then the color may change to brown, green, and genetics plays a dominant role in this. Further, in the process of growing up, or rather aging, the eyes become lighter, they seem to fade. So the brown, rich shade becomes honey, blue - light gray.

Sometimes changes in eye color occur naturally after illness. This can be either lightening or darkening. It has been noticed that this happens more often in people with blue eyes. But this is not typical for brown-eyed people. Such diseases may be Posner-Schlossman and Fuchs syndromes. In these cases, the iris takes on a greenish color.

It should be noted that such changes are sometimes heterochromic. This means that the shade of only one eye changes, the second remains the same as before the disease.

When a person has glaucoma, the shade of the iris also changes. And this is most likely due to the use of medicinal drops. Hormonal medications are used to reduce intraocular pressure, and with their prolonged use, the iris darkens. The shade is also affected by eye drops containing substances that are identical to the hormone prostaglandin F2a.

There is a theory that eye color can be changed using visualization, that is, self-hypnosis. According to this axiom, you should imagine yourself every day with the desired shade of eyes, visualize your desire. You need to do this for at least a month. In order to remember to do this, you can hang a portrait of an artist, model or other woman with the eye color that you like above your bed or computer table. Every day, in a relaxed state, you need to imagine yourself with the same eyes, repeating affirmations like: “I have rich green eyes.” Try it!

You can also change the shade of your vision with the help of modern medicine. Today thanks to action laser beam the eyes can be given a blue color. This is a method developed by American ophthalmologists. The procedure is, of course, expensive. And its essence is to remove brown pigment from the iris. The method only works on dark eyes; it can have unpredictable results.

Therefore, it is better and safer to correct the visual appearance of the eyes with cosmetics and clothing. A woman can be different every day if she wants.

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How to make 3D glasses at home

Have you seen the movie "Spy Kids 3D"? In any case, you did, you still have these glasses, but a few years after the film was shown, the glasses may have gotten lost or gone into the trash. Our guide to the three-dimensional dimension will be built on the basis of its ancestors.

There is no point in replacing lenses in sunglasses; the work is quite painstaking and takes a lot of time. Therefore, we will create a project from scratch.

You will need the following materials: two name tags, a piece of cardboard, red and blue markers, scissors and glue.

You should use a pencil and ruler to mark cuts, etc. Once you have made the “lenses”, they should be painted red and blue. When painting with a marker, you will notice that there are streaks left and the area thickens. Do you think this will interfere with viewing? Of course not. But you also need to apply the paint on only one side. Try to move the marker smoothly over the surface to leave straight horizontal lines. Never start at the corners.

Now mark a rectangle on a sheet of cardboard, determine the location of the “lenses”. Now cut out a place to secure them. It is best to take a knife with a sharp tip and make cuts along the outlined contours.

Based on materials from soft4nokia.net.ru

For convenience, cut the rectangle into two parts, each of which has empty place. Using glue, attach our lenses to this empty space with a thin strip of glue. Now we cut out the element that will hold our creation together. Don't forget that the left eye has a red lens and the right eye has a blue lens. You need to cut a semicircle on this element so that the glasses fit comfortably on your nose. And the arms can be made from long rectangular pieces of cardboard. Later, you'll want to strengthen your 3D glasses so they don't break. But this should not be done, since these glasses are only for home, there is no point in taking them anywhere, believe me, nothing will break at home.

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

YoniYen: a cloudy screen is not red and blue nonsense, it’s more complicated. There are already flirtations with frequencies and all sorts of other muddiness. Quite an advanced type of stereo, but you can’t make it at home on your knees. And forget this sucker term - “3D”. Just stereo cinema. 3D is when you sit inside a hologram, we are still like China before cancer

gt22: I watched a program about this. Clear lenses are not completely transparent - they are polarized. The screen receives an image from two projectors on which the same filters are installed, only in reverse (roughly speaking, they “rotate” the light waves in space), but the glasses “collect” this into one picture. like that. By the way, the first “3d system” was invented at the beginning of the 20th century. so-called “3D photographs”, visitors were given colored glasses))

indeed, it’s easier to buy&hellip

Korobok: Buy cheaper, but not more interesting. Nobody forces you to do it) but I won’t either. I'm just as lazy as you XD

How to make 3d glasses at home?

Modern technologies, modern trends, but the Slavic mentality remains the same. Folk magicians and craftsmen can always find a solution to all sorts of problems. Not long ago, movies appeared in 3D format. There is nothing unusual about this. Everyone knows that Slavic children are better at physics than in the West, so the schoolchildren found how to use Western practice in their own way.

Origins of the 3D format

The 3D format is a three-dimensional image that has long been known to scientists. IN scientific world it is called stereoscopic, that is, one when a person can receive information not only about the height and width of an object, but also about its distance and depth. This all creates the impression of volume and you can see a capacitive image on a flat screen.

Circulation-polarized glasses

The three-dimensional image is conventionally divided into a couple of views. The difference between them is the method of transmitting information. In cinemas, modern films must be watched using circulation-polarized glasses, which adjust the images to each other. At this time, the image supplied to the screen passes through special filters. If the viewer wears circulation-polarized glasses, he will be able to perceive the picture more clearly and succinctly, because they also have filters.

At the same time, if a person wearing these glasses looks at other objects, they will be ordinary. You can also watch movies in 3D without glasses, but the picture will be a little blurry.

Anaglyph glasses

The most simple method To achieve a three-dimensional effect is the use of anaglyph glasses. They will help you view even ordinary static images in 3D format. Naturally, they will not fully convey clarity and contrast, but the perception will be quite adequate.

It takes 30 seconds to a minute for the person and his eyes to get used to these glasses. But they cannot be used for too long, it is better about 0.5 hours, and for children - half or even three times less. Otherwise, the natural perception of colors may be disrupted. If the film lasts about 1.5 hours, then you should take at least 2 breaks.

If you want, you can find many images on the Internet that are designed to be viewed with anaglyph glasses. Often these are pictures of small life forms, such as mosses, insects, etc., as well as photographs from space.

Making 3D glasses at home

First of all, you need ordinary children's plastic glasses, which sell for pennies. Blue and red markers are also needed. However, keep in mind that they must be saturated. You should not be content with buying their shades, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Next, remove the lenses from the glasses, and instead of them, cut out lenses of similar sizes from a transparent hard film (1.5 liter plastic transparent bottles). Also, the starting material can be cases for CD and DVD discs, which are made of transparent plastic. Then evenly color one lens blue and the other red. Remember that the lens opposite the right eye should be blue, and the one opposite the left eye should be red. If you change places, nothing will work.

Now insert these lenses into the frame and you can look at 3D images, but do not forget about the duration of their use. In order for your eyes to rest faster, you need to close them and wait a little, then do gymnastics - move them in different directions.

You can buy similar glasses, but making them yourself will bring more pleasure.

A telescope is a device that receives electromagnetic radiation from distant objects and brings it into focus to produce a magnified image. The most important part of it is the lenses. To make a simple working telescope, you can buy them at any optics store or make them yourself.

You will need

Window glass;
- tubular drill;
- coarse abrasive;
- Metal sheet;
- plasticine;
- balsam.

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Place the glass sheet on a flat board and secure it with three wooden strips so that they form an equilateral triangle. Nail the ends of the planks to the table. Insert a tubular drill bit into the triangle formed. Drill through the glass using coarse sandpaper. Wet the drilling area generously with water so that the abrasive gradually falls into the recess. To prevent chips from forming when the drill comes out of the glass, a sheet of metal 3 mm thick is glued to the back side of the glass with hot resin. To prevent water from spreading on the glass, make a low plasticine side. When cutting, rotate the drill bit vigorously from side to side. Make a step grinder from bronze, brass or other metal. Grind the lens on a turntable, having previously secured the workpiece in a special mandrel. Pre-grind the convex lens using an emery wheel. Start sanding with M40 micropowder. Having smoothed out the unevenness after stripping, change the powder to M20, and after 20 minutes - to M10. After sanding, polish the product. Form a polishing pad from the hardest resin. While polishing, let the resin cool every 3 minutes and form a polishing pad on the lens to polish the flat side of the lens. Glue achromatic lenses with Canada balsam or balsam. Place the pieces of balm in a test tube and place it in a metal mug with water. When the water boils, the balm is ready for use. 11 Place a board a few millimeters thick on the burner, turned on low. Place the lenses on it and heat them to 70? C. 12 Place a drop of balm on the concave surface of one lens, place it on the second lens and squeeze them tightly. 13 When the balm spreads over the surface to be glued, let the lenses cool. Remove excess balm with a knife, wipe the lens with turpentine, wash with soap and wipe with alcohol. Before the alcohol dries, rinse it with water. Place the finished lens in the frame.

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