Home Prevention Dmitry Yarosh: I am not a supporter of revolutionary actions now. Dmitry Yarosh – right sector

Dmitry Yarosh: I am not a supporter of revolutionary actions now. Dmitry Yarosh – right sector

People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VIII convocation (self-nominated). Politician. Public figure of Ukraine, head of the Right Sector political party.


Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich was born on September 30, 1971. A native of the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk, in the Dnepropetrovsk region.


Graduated from school in 1988.

Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich has a higher philological education, graduating from Drohobych State University in 2001. Pedagogical University named after I. Franko.


— “Ukrainian revolution: XXI century.”

— “Nation and Revolution.”

— “A word to brothers-in-arms: Past, present, future.”

— “The Way of the Nation.”


Immediately after graduating from school, he signed up and became a participant in the national liberation movement.

At the end of the winter of 1989, Dmitry Yarosh joined the “People's Movement of Ukraine” and in the same year left for military service in Soviet army, where he stayed until 1991.

In April 1989, Yarosh took part in raising the first yellow-blue flag in Dnepropetrovsk.

After the army, Dmitry Yarosh became even more entrenched in his nationalist views and decided to create his own organization, which he called Trizub. S. Bandera. The views of this Ukrainian figure formed the basis of the organization’s ideology and determined the activities of Trident. He was the head until 1999, after which he transferred management to his friend and first deputy Andrei Stempitsky. Also Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich headed the Kamensky plant, the Sicheslav regional detachment, the Dnieper hut and the Naddnepryansky kosh.

From the summer of 1999 to 2002, he was a member of the Council of the Central Committee, where he was responsible for the activities of organizational units in the Dnieper region and the external political course of the organization. From 2002 to 2005 future people's deputy Dmitry Yarosh served as the Chief Inspector of Trident, and then became the acting Chairman of the Central Committee. And on August 14, 2007, he was confirmed in this post.


In the fall of 2010, he initiated the creation of a unified Nationalist Movement of Ukraine, where he worked as a coordinator and leader.

Since April 2013, Dmitry Yarosh held the position of assistant and consultant to the People's Deputy of Ukraine Valentin Nalyvaichenko. It was he who invited Yarosh to the Udar party, headed by the current mayor of Kyiv V. Klitschko. In the recent future, Nalyvaichenko was the Head of the SBU, and they have a long-standing friendship with Yarosh. Dmitry is also friends with Andrey Parubiy, who until August 7, 2014 served as Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. They have known each other since the 90s.

At the end of November 2013, on the basis of Trident, the Right Sector organization was created, the goal of which was to carry out a national revolution and overthrow the then-current President Yanukovych. This movement included right-wing nationalist forces, which, having united, set the tone for the events at Euromaidan, as a result of whose actions the President of Ukraine had to leave his post and the country. During a meeting with Yarosh in February 2014, Viktor Yanukovych offered him a truce, which he flatly refused. The PS leader believed that the reforms were being carried out too slowly and that the Agreement, supposedly, did not stipulate anything regarding the punishment of officials and those in power. As a result, he demanded the immediate resignation of the president and the entire Verkhovna Rada. Subsequently, this conflict resulted in the overthrow of the President.

There were rumors among the people that “Right Sector” was the “Cerberus” of the new government that came to replace the overthrown one. Indeed, at one time the PS blindly followed the orders of the government, defending its interests. And only closer to March 2014 they began to demonstrate themselves as a separate political force with their own interests and personal ambitions. Thus, on February 26, 2014, the leader of the Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh, was offered the position of Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council in the government of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. But Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich remained dissatisfied with the proposal; he aimed at the post of Deputy Prime Minister for the security bloc.

At the beginning of March 2014, Dmitry Yarosh decided to run for president of Ukraine, and a month later the Central Election Commission registered him as a self-nominated candidate. At the same time, he paid 2.5 million hryvnia bail. He considered Oleg Tyagnibok, the leader of the VO Svoboda, to be his main competitor. According to the results of the last elections, the leader of the Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh, received only 0.70% of the votes.

But that didn't stop him! And in November of the same year, he ran for the Verkhovna Rada and became the people's deputy of the VIII convocation, gaining 30.27% of the votes in the majority single-mandate constituency No. 39.

In 2015, Viktor Muzhenko, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, offered Yarosh the position of his adviser.


Money for the presidential campaign came out of nowhere

In the income declaration for 2013, recorded Tax Service Ukraine, it was noted that for the past period, the leader of the Right Sector, Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich, indicated the amount of 803 UAH. At the same time, he stated that this was a scholarship for his eldest daughter Anastasia, and he himself had no income at all for the year! It turns out interesting situation. This means there was no income, but to pay a fee for participation in presidential elections in the amount of UAH 2.5 million – was it found right away?

By the way, after the overthrow of Yanukovych, the leader of the PS was seen driving around Kyiv in the presidential car, which was “requisitioned” from Viktor Fedorovich’s garage.

Appeal to Doc Umarov with a call to attack Russia

As you know, Dmitry Yarosh is an ardent opponent of everything Russian. IN in social networks His appeal to Doc Umarov, a well-known terrorist in the world, was recorded, calling for an attack on the Russian Federation. He came up with the idea of ​​organizing a guerrilla war with the goal of exterminating civilians.

For this, on March 3, 2014, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under the article on calls for terrorism and extremism. A hunt began for Yarosh by the Russian intelligence services and Interpol. The culprit himself refused to comment on this situation, and the PS press secretary stated that Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich had nothing to do with the mentioned scandalous letter, and also that there was a fact of hacking of the account. But the administration of the social network denied this statement, explaining that no one filed a complaint about the hack, and no work was carried out to restore the account.

By this case The Moscow district Basmanny court decided to take Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich under arrest (in absentia). To these actions, the Ukrainian politician replied that Moscow would not be able to influence what he was doing. And on March 12, 2014, lawyer Alexander Fomin sent an appeal, which the panel of the Moscow Court rejected, thereby recognizing the first decision as legal. In response to the request of the Russian authorities to extradite Yarosh to them, the Ukrainian side refused, explaining that the accused was under the protection of Ukraine.

Let us recall that the leader of the PS had in his close circle aggressive criminal personalities, such as the late Alexander Muzychko, known under the pseudonym “Sashko Bely”, with whom he fought together in Chechnya on the side of the Chechens.

Nationalism against common sense: Yarosh on Crimea

On March 16, a National Referendum was held in Crimea, as a result of which the peninsula went to Russian Federation. This event caused a strong reaction from the head of the PS D. Yarosh and his entourage. He threatened to carry out sabotage and destroy gas and oil pipelines that pass through the territory of Ukraine and supply raw materials to Europe. This moment This once again demonstrates that nationalists’ hatred of Russia is stronger than common sense. At that time, the future people's deputy Dmitry Yarosh did not think that by destroying these pipes, they would thereby deprive the whole of Europe of gas and oil, which, by the way, the Ukrainians were so eager to reach.

Earlier, in February, Yarosh insistently demanded a ban in Ukraine Communist Party and the Party of Regions. He also actively called for the deliberate destruction of the Russian-speaking population of Eastern Ukraine and proposed an end with the help of the Crimean Tatar people guerrilla warfare on the Crimean Peninsula with the aim of returning it to Ukraine.

Ban of the Right Sector in the Russian Federation

On April 2, 2014, Roskomnadzor made a categorical decision to ban and close all websites and Internet pages with information about the “Right Sector” and its leader on the territory of the Russian Federation, in connection with extremist-nationalist activities that violate people’s rights and incite ethnic strife.

Initiative to create a volunteer battalion "Donbass"

On the 20th of April 2014, Dmitry Yarosh took the initiative to create a volunteer battalion “Donbass”, the purpose of which was to exterminate the Russian-speaking population of south-eastern Ukraine under the auspices of the ATO. In this regard, a letter was sent to Arsen Avakov with a demand to immediately organize the issuance of weapons to this formation. He also announced his intention to take hostages in order to subsequently exchange them for his activists. These actions are clearly illegal and more like an act of terrorism. In August of the same year, the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine accused the leader of the PS, Dmitry Yarosh, of the death of 32 members of the Right Sector activists who died near Donetsk while carrying out the orders of his leadership.

Yarosh and Kolomoisky

There were rumors that the Right Sector was somehow connected with the governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region, Igor Kolomoisky, who at one time sponsored this organization, and Yarosh even moved the PS headquarters to Dnepropetrovsk, supposedly to control events in the southeast of the country. The PS was also sponsored by Dmitry’s best friend, Valentin Nalivaychenko, who, selling American intelligence services access to materials of any classification, subsequently used the proceeds for “good deeds” of the Right Sector.

Militants and PS activists actively participated in the events that took place in Odessa on May 2, 2014. It was they who destroyed the tent city of anti-Maidan civilians, forcing the latter to take refuge in the House of Trade Unions. Then they fired aimed fire at the windows of the building and set fire to the central doors. Then they came in from the back door and scattered burning tires and Molotov cocktails across the first floor, which caused the fire. It took the Ministry of Emergency Situations officers who arrived to the call for a long time to begin extinguishing the fire and rescuing people inside the building. The Right Sectors blocked the road and interfered with them in every possible way. The situation reached the point where civilians locked inside the House of Trade Unions were forced to jump out of the windows to escape the fire. Many died amid the jubilant cries of the right-wing radical aggressive crowd. Those who managed to escape were brutally beaten by the nationalists, some to death... The Prosecutor General's Office initiated criminal proceedings on this fact.

Yarosh is wounded, but not killed

In January 2015, the leader of right-wing radicals Dmitry Yarosh was wounded in the arm during active hostilities at an airport near Donetsk. After surgical intervention Doctors replaced the damaged joint with an artificial one.

"Right Sector" in Mukachevo

On July 11, 2015, in the Transcarpathian city of Mukachevo, a clash occurred between fighters of the DUK “Right Sector” and people from the circle of people’s deputy Mykhailo Lanyo. As a result of the conflict, a shootout occurred, during which people died. At the same time, when law enforcement agencies arrived at the scene, PS soldiers, using smoke bombs, machine guns and machine guns and having destroyed three police cars, fled out of the city, where they set up a defensive camp in the forest. Not only employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were injured, but also three civilians who ended up there completely by accident. The GPU opened criminal proceedings on this incident, defining it as a “terrorist act.”

The head of Ukraine, Poroshenko Petro Alekseevich, immediately ordered the punishment of the perpetrators, as a result, under the leadership of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasily Gritsak, preparations began for an operation to neutralize right-wing criminal elements. Then People's Deputy Dmitry Yarosh entered into negotiations with the Kyiv authorities in order to resolve this “skirmish.” He demanded that Poroshenko arrest Lanyo and Viktor Medvedchuk, to whom the local police are subordinate. But his demands were denied. After which Dmitry Yarosh organized protests near the walls of the Administration of the Ukrainian President. Subsequently, PS rallies took place in many major cities Ukraine. The leader of the Right added to his demands the dismissal of Arsen Avakov. Thus began the confrontation between the “Right Sector” and the Ukrainian government, as a result of which the Head of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration was fired, and all the heads of the regional administrations of Transcarpathia resigned.


Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich's parents were ordinary people. His father (he is no longer alive) worked all his life as a shift manager in the gas shop of a metallurgical plant in Dnepropetrovsk, and his mother was a worker at a carriage building plant.

Yarosh Dmitry Anatolyevich is married. He and his wife Olga are raising three blood heirs: their eldest daughters, Anastasia (was a member of Trident) and Irina, younger son- Dmitriy. There is evidence that on March 11, 2014, the head of the Right Sector became a grandfather. The grandson was named Nazar. It is also no secret that Dmitry Yarosh hides his wife from the paparazzi and does not appear publicly with her. There is information that the family of People's Deputy Dmitry Anatolyevich Yarosh has been living in London for several years.

The leader, or as his fellow Banderaites call him, the “conductor” of the odious “Right Sector” Dmitry Yarosh, suddenly left his post. Now jokers call him nothing more than a “semiconductor” - after all, half of Yarosh’s “brothers” did not want to recognize the self-recusal of their “conductor”. What prompted the leader of Bandera’s army to so suddenly go into the shadows - in the midst of the triumph of the “Maidan”? It's simple - Yarosh decided to flee from the reprisal prepared for him by his former partners.

“In the profession of a thief, as in the profession of a saint, the main thing is to get away on time,” assured the character of the Russian film classic “The Feast of St. Jorgen.” The statement equally applies to Ukrainian politicians - for them it is also vitally important to go into the shadows in time. Formally, Yarosh left so that, in his own words, he would not become a wedding general. Like, real heroes don’t wash their pants in parliamentary seats, especially in conditions of an unfinished war. And yet, Yarosh’s recusal has another, more clear and plausible explanation.

Ukraine is going through difficult times. President Petro Poroshenko seeks to concentrate all the reins of power in his hands, and is extremely jealous of potential competitors whose overseas partners may, at any time, replace him. Dismissal of SBU head Valentin Nalyvaichenko, criminal proceedings surrounding trade high positions with the participation of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the ousting of oligarch Igor Kolomoisky overseas and his house arrest “ right hand"Gennady Korban - these are links in one chain. Some have resigned themselves, like Yatsenyuk, while others, like Nalyvaichenko, are preparing revenge, systematically and persistently convincing the Americans of their own indispensability and of Poroshenko’s uselessness. Yarosh is one hundred percent Nalyvaichenko’s man. Moreover, Yarosh leads almost the most combat-ready and well-equipped armed unit, which remains loyal to Nalyvaichenko. Moreover, Yarosh continually irritates the president’s entourage by announcing “campaigns against Kyiv” and a new “Maidan”. Of course, Poroshenko knows about this, and for him Yarosh is a threat, or, if you like, a thorn in the most sensitive place. Which, for your own peace of mind, is easier to pull out immediately.

And Valentin Nalyvaichenko needs Yarosh alive - after all, his American handlers continue to convince the retired intelligence officer that he is about to be trusted to replace Poroshenko, who is rapidly losing support. Thus, Yarosh should temporarily go into the shadows, without irritating the president and without provoking him to make sudden movements - as is now happening with the UKROP party and its leader Korban.

Biography former leader"Right Sector" Dmitry Yarosh, who is preparing a new national movement, hides his wife and involves children in his political work. Where did you study and how did you build your political career? What do famous politicians say about Yarosh?

Dmitry Yarosh biography:

Education of Dmitry Yarosh

In 1988 he graduated from secondary school No. 24 in Dneprodzerzhinsk.

In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Drohobych pedagogical university, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature.

Family of Dmitry Yarosh

My father (now deceased) worked at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant in the gas shop and was a shift supervisor. Before retirement, my mother worked at a carriage building plant as a simple worker.

Married, together with his wife Olga he has two daughters: Anastasia and Irina, and a son, Dmitry.

“I will not introduce my wife to anyone, she is not public. I came from the army and met her in a general circle. We dated for a year - there was no love, we were just friends. And then love appeared. I made an offer that she could not refuse refuse,” says Yarosh.

In the spring of 2014, Dmitry’s daughter Anastasia gave birth to a son, who was named Nazar. Son-in-law, former head of the Ivano-Frankovsk cell of the Right Sector Vasily Abramiv (in January 2016, put on the wanted list by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a case of hooliganism).

Political career of Dmitry Yarosh

Since February 1989, he has been a member of the People's Movement of Ukraine.

In 1994 he became one of the founders of the nationalist organization “Trident” named after. S. Bandera.

In 1996 he entered central committee organization "Trident" and until 1999. led the organization.

Since 2002 - chief inspector of the All-Ukrainian organization "Trizub", member of the Central Wire. Since January 2005, he served as chairman of the Central Wire.

On August 14, 2007, at the VI Extraordinary Great Gathering of the All-Ukrainian organization “Trident” named after. Stepan Bandera was approved as Chairman of the Central Wire.

In 2007, he became the initiator of the creation and leader of the International Anti-Imperial Front.

On October 14, 2010, he resigned as Chairman of the Central Branch of the VO "Trident named after S. Bandera" and became the initiator of the creation and coordinator of a unified Nationalist movement.

Since April 1, 2013, Dmitry Yarosh has been an assistant-consultant to Verkhovna Rada deputy from the UDAR party Valentin Nalyvaichenko.

At the end of November 2013, Dmitry Yarosh became one of the initiators of the creation social movement"Right sector".

On March 5, 2014, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against the leader of the Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh. He is accused of calling for terrorist activities. In the news about Yarosh, it was announced that Russia had submitted documents to Interpol to put Yarosh on the international wanted list. In January 2016, Interpol removed information about the international search for Dmitry Yarosh from its official website.

On March 8, 2014, Yarosh announced his participation in the 2014 presidential elections. On May 25, 2014, he received 127,818 votes (0.70 percent).

He took part in the elections of people's deputies and has been working in the parliament of the 8th convocation since November 2014. He is deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense. Dmitry Anatolyevich Yarosh is one of the top three truants in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. As of October 2015, he was present at 5 meetings and absent from 99.

On January 21, 2015, Yarosh received shrapnel wounds in the ATO zone. The car of the leader of the Right Sector received a direct hit from a Grad. He had shrapnel open fracture lower third of the shoulder to the elbow. On September 10, it became known about Yarosh’s hospitalization in Dnepropetrovsk regional hospital named after Mechnikov. "Due to excessive exercises to develop the wounded elbow joint The internal metal structures completely shattered,” doctors said at the time.

In April 2015, he was appointed Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On July 11, 2015, a shootout took place in Mukachevo with the participation of Right Sector fighters, for which Dmitry Yarosh later took responsibility. “They are my brothers-in-arms, I fought with them, took Karlovka, Avdeevka, Peski, was under fire, ate from the same pot, and we will not abandon them. Back in the fall of last year, I drew the attention of the authorities to the fact that front-line soldiers who return from there, from the front line, see the world differently, and if the authorities do not radically restore order in the state, do not resolve the issues that are most painful for the Ukrainian people, then they will restore order in their own way, according to their vision,” Yarosh said.

In July 2015, Dmitry Yarosh called on employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Border Guard Service not to follow the orders of the authorities. “At a time when we are shedding our blood defending our homeland, they are making billions of dollars for themselves and are doing everything to make this war last as long as possible,” Yarosh wrote.

On November 8, 2015, Yarosh announced that he was resigning as leader of the National Liberation Movement “Right Sector”.

“We, as before, do not abandon the revolutionary path, but categorically deny pseudo-revolutionary activities that threaten the existence of the state of Ukraine and tarnish the reputation of patriots. We are in opposition to the current government, but we do not consider bloody (and doomed to defeat) riots against it appropriate,” said Dmitry Yarosh.

At the end of 2015 he created “ National movement Dmitry Yarosh." According to Yarosh, he does not plan to create a new party, but the movement will participate in elections at all levels. According to Yarosh, this movement will be “vaguely reminiscent of the People’s Movement of Ukraine before independence.

Yarosh's video about the new national movement

What they say and write about Dmitry Yarosh

Arsen Avakov, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:“I treat Yarosh well. For his honesty on the Maidan and honesty at the front. Even though he is in favor of my resignation. He noted that he has a “militantly bad attitude” towards “bandits who put on the clothes of the Right Sector, hiding behind the backs of real patriots.”

Igor Kolomoisky about the Right Sector:“I have never financed it, I don’t finance it and I don’t intend to. Although I respect Dmitry Yarosh.”

In August 2015 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko spoke about the Right Sector: “They have no political motivation... They should be treated as criminals. But this danger should not be exaggerated. We control the situation and will not allow destabilization in the country.” As for the then leader of the PS Dmitry Yarosh, Poroshenko does not consider him a criminal and notes that radicals have the right to their own political parties.

Former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko, who fled from Ukraine to Russia in February 2014, said at a round table in Moscow that Ukraine is acting in conjunction with ISIS, and Dmitry Yarosh is coordinating his anti-Russian activities with Islamists.

Semyon Semenchenko, former battalion commander of Donbass, stated that Dmitry Yarosh was forced to leave his post as head of the Right Sector. “I believe that these are actions of power or encouragement by power. It is beneficial, first of all, for the president, so that all those forces that are associated with the Maidan are either discredited or fragmented. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that this could not have happened here,” Semenchenko said.

Today, a lot of contradictory information is being circulated regarding the figure of Dmitry Yarosh and the Right Sector. On the one hand, he is shown as a hero who managed to coordinate the rebel movement and force President Viktor Yanukovych to flee the country. On the other hand, he is considered almost a Nazi who is striving for power. Some say that Yarosh does not obey anyone, others that he maintains contact with Valentin Nalyvaichenko, who headed the SBU and allegedly plays on the side with him. The leader of the Right Sector said that after the revolution in Ukraine, perhaps his force will become a party, and they will nominate their own candidate for President. At the same time, he says that he does not set himself the task of leading the country.

“Bandera” with “Moskal” roots

Dmitry Yarosh, who is called a true Banderaite and nationalist, comes from Dneprodzerzhinsk. Born on January 30, 1971, graduated from school No. 24. Like all children in the Soviet Union, he was first an October child, then a pioneer, and then a Komsomol member. After graduating from school, he joined the ranks of the “People's Movement”, in 1989 he raised the national level of Ukraine in Dneprodzerzhinsk, which at that time was a feat. Served in the army. In 1994 he created the Trident named after Stepan Bandera movement. I worked in this organization all the time in different positions. In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Drohobych Pedagogical University. As Yarosh himself notes, by training he is a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature.

Has two daughters and a son. He notes that he is preparing to become a grandfather. Yarosh notes that he does not aspire to go into politics. When the revolution is over, he can calmly return to his family and start raising his grandson.

According to him, he did not take his family out of the country, but still changed their place of residence, since there is a threat to their life and health.

Yarosh talks about how he has always tried to educate young people in a national patriotic spirit. According to him, the language factor does not matter at all, since he himself comes from Russian-speaking Dneprdzerzhinsk. According to him, about 40% of Right Sector members speak Russian. Nevertheless, they want Ukraine to be an independent state. Yarosh, a nationalist, notes that the entire ideology of “Trident” is based on the ideology of Stepan Bandera. People who share it are “brothers” for him. Those who do not accept the postulates of the OUN-UPA leader, but do not interfere with “Trzub”, do not cause Yarosh any concern. And the organization is loyal to them and is not going to impose its views. But there is a third group of people who are trying to enslave the country. For the organization, they are enemies that must be fought.

Yarosh believes that Ukraine should sign an Association Agreement with the EU, but he is extremely cautious about membership in the European Union itself. He notes that the morality of Europeans completely destroys the institution of family, which has traditionally developed in Ukraine. He also does not like NATO and the United States, which are trying to control processes in all countries. This is probably why the Europeans have already stated that if the new government includes people from the “Right Sector”, then the country may not be given a loan.

Revolutionary "Right Sector"

Right Sector first became known in December last year. It is known that this is not a monolithic organization, but a confederation of several nationalist movements. Such as “Trident”, UNA-UNSO, “Volya”, SNA, “Patriots of Ukraine”, “White Hammer”. The association has no head; Dmitry Yarosh is considered the leader.

The decision to unite into the Right Sector was made after the bloody dispersal of students on the night of November 30 last year. The organization was created to protect civilians. Yarosh says that all decisions in Right Sector are made by a special council, which includes 12 people. He claims that the organization is not extremist or radical - all members of the Sector defend the ideas of an independent Ukraine. This is a revolutionary organization, Yarosh notes.

“Right Sector” became widely known after the events of January 18, when its members fought the security forces and threw Molotov cocktails at them. If these events had not happened, the dictatorial laws would not have been abolished, Dmitry Yarosh believes.

However, he refutes the information that the Right Sector consists only of young people with a dubious reputation. The organization really has a lot of students who also speak excellent English. But among the members of the Sector there are professors and scientists, for example the rector of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy. This is the elite of the nation, Yarosh believes, the right sector for them is the movement that should lead the country out of ruins.

Dubious connections

Heroes are not judged, but Yarosha and his Right Sector are heroes for many. Especially after on February 21, Dmitry Yarosh declared from the stage on the Maidan that the Right Sector takes responsibility for all further revolutionary events in the country. Even some Russian media write that he acts the way Lenin acted in his time, and they are very sorry that the leader of the Right Sector stood under the red and black flags of Bandera, and not under the red flags.

However, there is a lot of ambiguous and alarming information regarding Yarosh on the Internet. Firstly, a video from the “taboruvan” of the “Right Sector” in Zarvanitsa. There is nothing reprehensible in the “tent camps” themselves; even children from Plast go on such “camping trips” and survival exercises. But, unlike the same plastuns, the people’s deputy from the UDAR party, Vitaly Nalyvaichenko, was invited to the Trizuba camp. Yarosh presented him as the most genuine and honest head of the SBU. It is clear that intelligence officers certainly keep an eye on all organizations that might “manifest themselves somehow.” Nalyvaichenko even addressed the members of Trizub with a fiery speech about the fact that the fate of Ukraine would soon be decided. In this regard, there is information circulating on the Internet that Nalyvaichenko wrote a memo to Vitali Klitschko regarding Yarosh, in which he indicated that he could be involved in work during the presidential elections. For example, use it to discredit Svoboda. Allegedly, the leader of Trident is ready to help with his ideological guys for money.

Indirect evidence may indicate that Yarosh could still support UDAR and the fact that he did not meet with opposition leaders, only a few times with Klitschko. Also, the “chief radical” has repeatedly said that the Right Sector is in favor of negotiations between the government and the opposition, with the participation of representatives of the Maidan. And he is even ready to withdraw his people from the barricades if the “hostages” are freed. Later, Yarosh, in an interview with journalists, noted that his people were the first to comply with the authorities’ demands and left the barricades on the Maidan so that all those detained were released. In addition, the leader of the Right Sector noted that his organization is ready to support the idea of ​​strikes. The authorship of the strike plan belongs to the UDAR party.

Secondly, at almost the last “camp”, Yarosh informed his members that soon the events that many expected would take place in Ukraine, the national liberation movement would begin. In this regard, he asked the guys to prepare for such events.

Thirdly, it is unknown who funds Right Sector. Yarosh himself notes that after the events in Kyiv, Ukrainians take money to the organization’s headquarters “in batches.” The source of funding before the events on the Maidan is unknown.

Fourthly, in Lately information appeared that on February 18-20, there were neither the leaders of Self-Defense, nor the Afghans, nor the leader of the Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh, on the Maidan. Regarding the latter, they still add that perhaps he was wearing a balaclava and they simply did not recognize him. However, now some are trying to prove that the volunteers did not see Olga Bogomolets, and she did nothing to save the wounded. Although it is possible that they are trying to discredit and discredit some Maidan leaders in the eyes of the public.

According to Yarosh, he met with Viktor Yanukovych on February 20. This information was confirmed by the leader of the Right Sector. He said that he was invited to a meeting with Yanukovych, at which the president offered to sign an agreement for him that the Right Sector would no longer use force. Yarosh says that he refused Yanukovych and said that the Ukrainians would stand until the end.

Place of birth, education. Born in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region. In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Ivan Franko Drohobych Pedagogical University. Author of the book "Ukrainian Revolution: XXI Century".

Career. Since October 1988, Dmitry Yarosh took an active part in political activities.

Since February 1989 he was a member of the People's Movement of Ukraine.

In 1989-1991 served in the ranks of the Soviet army.

In 1994, Dmitry Yarosh became one of the founders of the nationalist organization Trizub named after. S. Bandera, headed its regional division.

In 1996 he joined the central committee of the organization, from 1996 to 1999. Dmitry Yarosh led the organization.

Since 2002 - chief inspector of the All-Ukrainian organization Trizub, member of the Central Wire. Since January 2005, he served as chairman of the Central Wire. Subsequently, he again led the organization, after which he transferred this post to his deputy Andrei Stempitsky, during the Euromaidan period he was the first deputy head of the central leadership.

Since October 2010, he has been the initiator of the creation and coordinator of the united Nationalist movement.

Since April 1, 2013, Dmitry Yarosh has been an assistant-consultant to a Verkhovna Rada deputy from the UDAR party, with whom they have long-term friendly relations.

At the end of November 2013, during the Euromaidan in Kyiv, Dmitry Yarosh was one of the initiators of the creation of the Right Sector social movement - an association of nationalist organizations and individuals to eliminate the so-called “regime of internal occupation” and accomplish the Ukrainian national revolution. Helped in the creation of the Maidan Self-Defense. The leaders of the Right Sector remained in the shadows for a relatively long time and did not participate in public politics. Only at the end of January 2014 did they begin to put forward their own demands to the authorities, positioning themselves as an independent socio-political force, and declared their desire to act as a third party in negotiations between the authorities and the opposition.

On February 20, 2014, Dmitry Yarosh personally met with the president and, according to him, refused to accept the president’s proposal for a truce. On February 21, when the leaders of the parliamentary opposition publicly announced the terms of the Agreement on the Settlement of the Political Crisis in Ukraine signed with President Yanukovych, it was representatives of the Right Sector who declared that they were not satisfied with the gradualism of political reforms stipulated in the document and demanded the immediate resignation of President Yanukovych. Dmitry Yarosh said that the Agreement does not contain clear obligations regarding the resignation of the president, the dissolution of the Verkhovna Rada, the punishment of the heads of law enforcement agencies and the executors of “criminal orders, as a result of which about a hundred Ukrainian citizens were killed,” he called the Agreement another blindfold and refused to implement it.

On February 26, 2014, candidates for the government being formed were presented on Maidan, in which Dmitry Yarosh was offered the position of Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. He himself applied for the position of Deputy Prime Minister for the security bloc.

On March 3, 2014, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened criminal proceedings against the leader of the Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh, and was put on the international wanted list through Interpol for public calls for terrorism and extremism. Allegedly, on social networks he appealed to the late terrorist Dok Umarov to intensify the fight against Russia. Moreover, Dmitry Yarosh did not directly carry out or control publications on pages on social networks, and according to a statement from a representative of the organization, the information appeared after the account of one of their administrators was hacked.

On March 12, the Basmanny District Court of Moscow, known as an instrument of political repression, through its scandalous decisions, in particular in the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, granted the investigation’s request and issued a decision on arrest in absentia. Dmitry Yarosh himself stated that this decision will not affect his activities. On March 17, Dmitry Yarosh’s lawyer Alexander Fomin filed an appeal against the decision of the Basmanny Court. On April 2, the appeal panel of the Moscow City Court recognized the decision of the trial court as legal and left it unchanged.

On March 8, 2014, Yarosh announced his intention to participate in the 2014 presidential elections. On April 1, 2014, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine registered Yarosh’s candidacy.

On May 25, 2014, Dmitry Yarosh stood as a candidate in the presidential elections and received 127,818 votes (0.70%).

Since November 2014 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VIII convocation. Not part of any faction. He is deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense.

At the beginning of 2015, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the leader of the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps agreed on the appointment of Yarosh as an adviser to the Chief of the General Staff.

On November 8, 2015, a conference of the leadership of the Right Sector took place in Kyiv, after which Yarosh announced that he was resigning as the leader of the National Liberation Movement of the Right Sector. He explained his decision by saying that “the initiators and some participants in the meeting took on illegitimate functions: defining strategic development PS and the election of another Provod, where I was allocated the position of Conductor." Yarosh refused, noting that he could not be a "wedding general" in the Right Sector.

After this, a statement from the commanders of the reserve battalions of the DUK PS appeared on the PS website stating that Yarosh’s decision came as a shock to them. And the head of the NOD PS information center noted that Yarosh was not present at the conference, and “to say that Dmitry Yarosh was granted the powers of a “wedding general” is unfair - the conference confirmed the highest powers of the Guide.”

Yarosh later assured that he “did not consider and is not considering his possible participation in any other political and public organizations. “In my subjective opinion, Ukrainians have not created anything better than the Right Sector in the twenty-first century.”

Income. In the submitted income statement, Dmitry Yarosh indicated 803 UAH for a family of five for 2013. At a press conference, Yarosh explained that he himself has no income at all, and the indicated amount is a scholarship for his eldest daughter.

In the declaration filed for 2014, total amount total income amounted to 6188 UAH 68 kopecks.

Family. Wife - Olga. Three children: daughters Anastasia and Irina, son Dmitry. On March 11, 2014, grandson Nazar was born.

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