Home Stomatitis What should I do if my hamster broke his leg? What to do if your hamster breaks its leg

What should I do if my hamster broke his leg? What to do if your hamster breaks its leg

Reading time: 7 minutes. Published 04/09/2019

Suspicion of a broken limb in a tiny animal often causes panic among owners. After all, it is completely unclear how to help the animal, what to do with a tiny paw and how to limit the mobility of an unreasonable pet. If you consider that hamsters are very often kept for children, then you won’t envy adults at all. However, not everything is so scary and in most cases the owners are quite capable of helping their pet.

A hamster may have closed fracture same as open

What is the article about?

How can you tell if your paw is broken?

Even animals that do not leave their cage often suffer bruises, sprains and dislocations. Often these types of injuries go unnoticed because the animal in pain reduces physical activity and hides in his house until the discomfort passes. The fracture can be open or closed:

Closed fracture

  • the limb hangs unnaturally;
  • the animal moves on three limbs, pressing the injured paw to the body;
  • the injured paw is swollen and there is noticeable bleeding;
  • the hamster tries to move as little as possible and refuses food.

IMPORTANT: You should not palpate a rodent's paw to diagnose a fracture because the hamster's bones are too thin for a fracture to be detected by palpation. This will aggravate the injury and cause unnecessary suffering to the animal.

Open fracture

With an open fracture, the picture is clearer; it is impossible not to notice it. Added to the above signs is the most obvious one:

  • the skin is damaged and a piece of bone is sticking out.

With a closed fracture, the bones can heal on their own

Caring for an injured hamster

An injured animal must be provided with quality care and medical care as early as possible. Treatment should be carried out depending on the complexity of the fracture, sometimes even amputation of the limb is necessary. In no case should you leave a hamster without treatment: with an open fracture, suppuration, gangrene and death of the animal are inevitable.

With a closed fracture, the bones can heal on their own, but if they heal incorrectly, they will cause lifelong lameness in the hamster.

Limited mobility

First of all, even before consulting a veterinarian, you need to limit your pet’s mobility as much as possible. To do this, place it in a bowl or container where a drinking bowl and feeder will fit, but there will be little room for movement. Lay on the bottom plain paper- Hamsters don’t like to stir it up.

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How to feed a hamster with a fracture?

The most important rule for feeding an injured animal is moderation and lack of experimentation with food. It is better to reduce the amount of food a little. It is especially important not to allow your hamster to stuff food into its cheeks if its front leg is broken, as the animal may injure it further in the process.

It is best to give a grain mixture in a small bowl, green leaves and vegetables. Insect larvae, cottage cheese and kefir can be given in microscopic doses, provided that they were included in the hamster’s diet before.

There is a chance to get purulent inflammation

Open fracture

An open fracture requires especially careful maintenance of the cleanliness of the cage and careful wound care. The risk of getting purulent inflammation and losing the animal is very high.

The situation is complicated by the fact that hamsters are not wearing collars, which limit the ability to lick the wound, and their saliva contains them huge amount dangerous microbes. In addition, parts of food, bedding and feces will inevitably get into the wound.

Caring for a Hamster with an Open Fracture

In case of an open fracture, the wound should certainly be treated with an antiseptic at least twice, and ideally four times a day.

Treatment is carried out with a solution of chlorhexidine, miramistin or furatsilin. Rinse generously, under pressure - a syringe without a needle works well. A warm solution will cause less suffering to the animal, so it is better to store it at room temperature and warm it slightly before use.

Keeping the cage clean

Cleaning a cage with a sick animal should be done very often, at least once, and preferably twice a day. Completely replace the bedding (use plain paper instead of sawdust), change the water in the drinking bowl, immediately after feeding, remove the remaining food from the feeder so that the hamster does not stock up.

A sick animal needs to change its diet

What NOT to do for fractures in a hamster

  1. Give calcium tablets or increase the proportion of cottage cheese and kefir in daily diet animal. New products cannot be introduced. Excess calcium will inevitably lead to kidney problems, and a new product in the diet will provoke an upset stomach, from which the hamster is much more likely to die than from a fracture.
  2. You cannot put a cast on the paw, as instinct will force the hamster to chew it to get rid of the “trap”, and the paw will be even more injured.
  3. Set the bone, apply bandages and splints. It is impossible to set a bone in an animal on your own; it will bring nothing but torment and aggravation of the consequences of the injury. An infection will quickly develop under the bandage and, at best, the animal will lose its paw. A splint cannot be applied, since the risk of crushing the paw is very high, and this will cause necrosis of the entire limb, and amputation will become inevitable.
  4. Apply Levomekol and similar ointments to a fresh wound (they should be used only in case of purulent inflammation).
  5. Use powders that promote the formation of a crust on the wound, for example, Baneocin and Streptocide. An infection will quickly develop under the crust and the animal will die.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian

Veterinary assistance

It is best to show the animal to a specialized specialist immediately after discovering a fracture. It is best to visit a doctor who specializes in rodents - a ratologist.

The veterinarian may prescribe pain medication for 1-3 days. If you managed to get to the doctor a few days after the injury and the wound has already festered, you may need injections of an antibiotic: Baytril, Enroxil or regular human bicillin-3 diluted with water for injection.

If a doctor recommends amputation of a limb, the owner had better agree. It will be held under general anesthesia, and the stump will heal quite quickly. The animal’s quality of life will not suffer too much; they are quite well adapted to move on three or even two legs.

Limb injuries heal quickly

What to do if it is not possible to show your pet to a doctor?

If the help of a doctor is not available, it is best for the owner to get by with quality care for the sick animal. Limb injuries occur quite often in rodents and heal quickly. The best that an owner can provide for a pet is a perfectly clean small cage, wound treatment and good nutrition.

Rehabilitation after a fracture

Complete recovery of a paw after a fracture can take 2 to 4 weeks. During this period, mobility restrictions are still relevant. If for some reason the animal needs to be returned to the cage, all ladders, running wheels and other toys should be removed from it. Change the litter regularly.

IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances should an injured animal be released from the cage to avoid falling from a table, sofa, etc. You should not pick it up so as not to aggravate the injury.

After consulting a doctor and providing first aid, the pet should be closely monitored. After the first three days, you can judge the success of the therapy. If the paw begins to dry out or turn black, you need to urgently consult a doctor - amputation is required. However, sometimes animals simply gnaw off an injured limb; this instinct is inherent in them by nature.

Hamster broke his leg - video


A broken limb in a beloved animal is often a shock to the owner, but quality care and timely treatment will help your hamster recover quickly and live a long, fulfilling life.

Paw fractures are a common occurrence.

Domestic hamsters are like most small rodents have a rather fragile build. Any blow, attack by a cat or dog, fall from a height, or unsuccessful movement is fraught with mechanical damage to the limbs.

Especially The situation is dangerous when the paw gets stuck in the cage. The animal begins to twitch in different directions and breaks a limb.

If after the incident the animal is injured, then first of all his behavior changes:

Open fracture
  • the limb is swollen;
  • he hides in a house;
  • stops actively running;
  • bends or drags the paw.

All this should alert the owner and become a reason for a more careful inspection.

A fracture of the paw can be suspected if there are one or more signs:

  • the paw became blue-purple in color;
  • the limb hangs or is twisted unnaturally;
  • on the paw are broken skin, and bone fragments are visible from the wound.

In the latter case, making a diagnosis will not cause difficulties - the animal has an open fracture. In all other cases, the animal is carefully placed in a small carrier or box and taken to the clinic.

It is desirable that the hospital have a modern digital installation for X-ray studies the smallest animals.

If the diagnosis of a broken leg is confirmed, the specialist makes prescriptions and gives recommendations for the treatment of the injured rodent.

Will you take your hamster to the vet?

Yes 😄No 😯

How to treat a fracture

So, what to do if it is confirmed that your hamster has broken its leg.

Closed fracture

For the treatment of a closed fracture the hamster is moved into a small carrier for 12 - 14 days.

If the front leg is broken, then feed is given in small portions. After all, if a rodent starts filling bags, it will be impossible to empty them with a broken limb.

After 3-4 days, a callus will begin to form at the site of the closed fracture., and in another 10 days the pet will be healthy. It can be transplanted into a cage. For the first time, all tunnels, ladders, wheels and shelves are removed from it. It is advisable to remove the usual litter and keep the rodent on a bed of pieces of toilet paper for some time.

Open fracture

If an animal is diagnosed with an open fracture of the front or hind limb, the doctor decides on amputation or preservation.

In the first case, timely removal of the damaged paw will help the doctor form a cult so that after the operation the animal will move very dexterously on three limbs. The operation is performed under special anesthesia that is harmless to the rodent.

All help consists in disinfecting the wound and limiting movement. Any error can lead to the development of suppuration, sepsis and death of the animal.

How to feed a hamster with a fracture?

Feed is given little by little.

During the period of treatment of fractures, the animal is given.

Calcium supplements and additional cottage cheese should not be introduced into his diet. This will do little to help the bones heal, but may well cause kidney disease or digestive upset.


To protect your pet's paws from damage, It is advisable to choose special terrariums for it. All equipment should not have closely spaced rods in which a limb could get stuck.

You need to hold your pet carefully in your arms; it is best to do this in a sitting position.

A fall from a sofa can cause damage to your paws, and a fall from a height human size is fraught with serious and often fatal damage not only to bones, but also internal organs.

You should be careful when giving the hamster to children. Kids may squeeze the animal too much or even throw the pet to the floor if it... You should not let your rodent out for a walk if there is a cat or dog roaming freely in the room.

Care and caution in handling a rodent, a comfortable cage or terrarium - all this will protect your pet from injuries and fractures.

Useful video

Often you may not notice your pet's injury immediately, but after several days, when the hamster's paw changes color and the hamster limps. But it is important to provide the right help as soon as you notice the animal’s suspicious behavior.

The foot of a domestic hamster is no more than a couple of centimeters, the size of the bones in it is even smaller. Therefore, limb injuries in hamsters are common. Sometimes the animal does not even realize the presence of injury and continues to lead an active lifestyle, injuring itself even more. How to recognize that your pet needs help? How to treat a fracture in a hamster? What to do if you can’t see a veterinarian? Let's look at it in order.

Causes of fractures in hamsters

Determining the cause of your injury is important to prevent future damage. The origin of fractures can be divided into three groups:

  1. Trauma in the cage. A cage for a hamster is chosen taking into account its characteristics. You should not buy a large cage for a dwarf species, such as a Dzungarik or a Siberian hamster. Sometimes the owner thinks that the more space and floors there are in the cage, the more at ease the pet will feel. But the hamster's fall from high altitude(from the third floor, 80 cm high) can result in more than just fractures. It is better to choose a running wheel without crossbars or gaps; there are often cases when the hamster’s paws get caught in a gap and get stuck. The same rule applies to ladders in the cage. To keep the animal active, it is better to build a labyrinth instead of climbing branches and swings.
  2. Falling from a height. Even if this possibility is excluded in the cage, the pet can escape and fall from the table on which the cage stands. When moving freely around the apartment, injuries occur very often. For walking your pet outside the cage, it is better to have a special ball that will protect against them.
  3. Injuries due to human fault. Due to its small size, the hamster must be handled very carefully. Do not take him out of the cage by force, just put your palm up and the pet will climb into it himself. Do not place the hamster in the hands of small children who cannot control their grip. In addition, the child may be frightened by the sudden movement of the hamster or, having been bitten, will release it from his hands. Such a sudden fall will cause injury.

If a hamster's leg fracture occurs and you know the reason, try to rule it out in the future.


Minor injuries to the limbs may be ignored. But when a hamster breaks its leg, it cannot go unnoticed.

Signs of a fracture:

  • the paw dangles unnaturally, sometimes the bone is visible;
  • the hamster presses its paw to its body, limps, jumps on three legs;
  • swelling or bleeding is noticeable;
  • the pet is passive, tries not to move, refuses food;
  • When examining the damage, the hamster squeaks and bites, this is how he shows that he is in pain.

Fracture treatment

Treatment for a fracture in a hamster can be started before consulting a veterinarian, since therapy consists mostly of proper care. Once you discover that your hamster has broken its leg, try to limit its movement.

Place your pet in a basin or container that will accommodate a feeder and water bottle, but will have some room to move around. It is better to put plain paper at the bottom of the new home; hamsters do not like to dig it up.

The next step should be to contact a veterinarian who will x-ray, confirm or refute the diagnosis, prescribe further treatment and will give advice on care.

What to do if it is not possible to show your pet to a doctor?

Do you live in a small locality, or there is no rodent specialist in the city. At the same time, other veterinarians do not undertake the treatment of a hamster - this is not a reason to leave the animal without attention. Even if it is not possible to quickly contact a specialist, you can still help the animal.

  1. Examine the paw and try to determine the type of injury. If the fracture is open, you need to treat the wound site with an antiseptic. Will fit human drugs, such as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or furacillin solution. Continue treatment 4 times a day until the wound heals.

It is impossible to set the bone and apply a bandage at home; don’t even try, so as not to damage the paw even more. In addition, you should not bandage open wounds - this will lead to the development infectious process, and then the leg will definitely have to be amputated. We'll have to leave the healing to nature. Hamsters are adapted to this; if healing is impossible, the hamster will gnaw off the damaged part of the paw itself.

  1. Hygiene in your pet's home should be done daily to prevent dirt from getting into the wound. Change the paper filling and wipe the bottom of the container. If the paper does not absorb feces well and appears bad smell, you can replace it with a thin layer of corn-based filler.
  2. Continue to keep the rodent in a cramped house to limit movement. When the hamster becomes more mobile, you can return it back to the cage, but remove the wheel, swing, branches and ladders to the second floor.
  3. If the front paw is damaged, limit the hamster's food intake so that he does not stuff excess food into his cheeks with his sore paw. If a hamster breaks its hind leg, it is easy to limit its movement, because rodents perform almost all actions with their forelimbs.
  4. Some sources advise introducing more calcium and protein into your pet's diet. Experienced veterinarians refute this advice, since excess calcium can lead to kidney disease. And introducing new food into the diet can cause digestive upset. If the hamster's menu before the injury included cottage cheese and insect larvae, you can slightly increase their quantity after the fracture. If your pet is accustomed to grain food, it is better not to introduce new products.
  5. Give any medications, painkillers or antibiotics after consultation with a ratologist (a veterinarian specializing in rodents), at least by telephone. You can miscalculate the dosage yourself and harm your pet.

Rehabilitation after a fracture

The period of complete healing of the limb takes from 2 to 4 weeks. Closed fractures heal faster, and the chances of saving the paw are high. Open fractures are more difficult to treat due to the inability to apply a bandage and fix the paw. TO open wound An infection quickly sets in and inflammation begins. This can lead to the death of the animal.

The pet's recovery process will depend only on proper care. It is possible that after a fracture, the pet will limp or twist its paw when walking if the bones heal incorrectly. If complications arise, it is more likely that the leg will have to be amputated. The rehabilitation period will take a long time, this requires the breeder’s patience. It's very important to continue proper care for the pet.

After recovery, the hamster will be as cheerful and active as before the injury. Neither lameness nor the absence of a paw will hinder him in later life. After all, hamsters quickly adapt to new conditions.

The owner’s task is to provide safe conditions for the further keeping of the pet.

Hamsters are small, very active animals that love to run and play. Unfortunately, the active lifestyle of a furry pet often leads to injuries. Additionally, if you have multiple hamsters that don't get along very well, they may fight and cause some pretty serious injuries to each other. If you notice that your pet got injured, you need to act quickly: help your pet necessary help and help you quickly return to a normal, active life.


Part 1

Assess the situation

    Examine the injured hamster. The hamster's body is very small, and the bones are small and fragile, so these fluffy little ones often get various injuries. Fortunately, not in all cases you will need the help of a veterinarian. Quickly examine the injured animal and assess whether it seems to be lung injuries(such as minor cuts and scrapes) or quite serious (such as broken limbs or severe bleeding).

    Call your veterinarian or veterinary clinic. If your hamster is seriously injured, call your veterinarian or veterinary clinic immediately and let them know that you will soon be visiting them with an animal that will need urgent help. Keep in mind that not every pet doctor is skilled in treating small pets (such as hamsters, mice, and guinea pigs). If in veterinary clinic There are no specialists who provide care for hamsters, ask if they can recommend a clinic or veterinarian who specializes in this group of pets.

    • During telephone conversation Ask your veterinarian what first aid you can give your pet before you bring it to the clinic.
  1. Collect necessary materials to provide assistance. If you determine that the injury does not pose a serious threat to the hamster's life, you can treat the animal on your own. To get started, gather all the materials you need for treatment, including clean towels, cotton swabs, several 10 ml syringes (without needles) and sterile gauze pads measuring 5x5 cm. In addition, you will need a bottle of sterile saline solution, wound cleaning solution ( You can buy Betadine, but a regular iodine solution) and antibiotic ointment will do.

    Part 2

    Treatment of small wounds on a hamster
    1. Give the hamster the opportunity to recover on its own. Hamsters are very resilient animals, so small wounds in these animals heal quite quickly without any treatment. If your pet has minor cuts or scrapes, it is wise to leave the animal alone and allow it to fend for itself. In such cases, hamsters lick and clean their wounds, thereby promoting rapid healing.

      Limit your hamster's mobility. This will give you the opportunity to treat your pet's wounds. Before treating wounds, wrap your hamster in a small, clean towel to limit the animal's movement. An injured hamster becomes very restless, so you need to protect yourself from possible bites.

      Treat the wound. Take a syringe and fill it with some sterile saline solution. Carefully pour the solution onto the edges of the wound and blot the liquid using one or two gauze pads. Repeat the procedure several times to clean the wound and remove necrotic tissue.

      • When you treat the wound yourself, it gives you the opportunity to prevent an abscess from forming. While cleaning the wound, you can control how well you cleaned it (which is difficult if your pet licks the wounds on his own).
    2. Treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply ointment. Take a second syringe, fill it with a little iodine solution, pour it onto the surface of the wound, and then blot the solution with several gauze pads. By using cotton swab Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the wound surface.

      • An antiseptic helps destroy microorganisms that cause inflammation.
      • The iodine solution leaves stains on the skin that are difficult to wash off, so you may want to wear medical gloves before treating the wound.
    3. Place the hamster back in the cage. Whatever injury your pet has suffered, it is important that he has the opportunity to rest and recover in the safe, quiet space of his crate. Place bowls of water and food near where your hamster usually sleeps. Find a warm, quiet place in the house for the cage where the hamster will not be disturbed.

      Determine the cause of the injury. Of course, you don't want your pet to get hurt again, so try to determine where exactly your pet got hurt this time. Look for any toys in the cage that have sharp edges that could cut the animal's skin. Carefully inspect the rods: perhaps there is a sharp end of the wire sticking out somewhere, on which your pet was scratched.

    Part 3

    First aid for serious injuries

      Provide first aid to the animal. If your pet has been seriously injured, necessary take him to the vet as soon as possible. Providing first aid to your pet correctly will help stabilize its condition and increase the animal's chances of staying alive until it reaches the veterinarian. First aid is extremely important if your hamster is bleeding.

      Take the animal to the veterinary clinic. The doctor will provide qualified assistance to your pet. When you take your hamster to the vet, wrap the animal in a towel and place it in its regular carrier. This will help provide a calm, safe environment for the animal during the trip.

      • Try to mentally prepare for the fact that you will not be able to save your pet. Some injuries are so serious that a veterinarian may not be able to help your hamster even if they wanted to. If your hamster has suffered injuries that are incompatible with life, it is best to show mercy and euthanize the animal.
    1. Treatment of injury. Your veterinarian will do whatever is necessary to treat your pet's injury. For example, if a hamster has developed an abscess at the site of an infected wound, the doctor will open it and clean it of pus and necrotic tissue. If the hamster was unable to drink water due to injury and became dehydrated, the veterinarian will give a subcutaneous injection of a special solution that will help restore the water-salt balance in the animal's body.

    2. Take care of the injured animal when you return home from the clinic. Once your veterinarian has given your hamster the care it needs, there are a few things you'll need to do to give your hamster a calm environment to recover at home. In addition to painkillers, the doctor usually prescribes a cold compress, which should be applied to the injury site to reduce inflammation. Hamsters are very small animals, so an incorrectly applied cold compress can not only cool the injured area, but also cause general hypothermia in your pet.

      • Wrap your hamster in a warm cloth while you apply the compress, and continue to warm your pet after the procedure is completed.
      • If your pet infected wound, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, which you will need to give to your pet.
      • If injuries cause your hamster severe pain, he may refuse food and water. In this case, try hand-feeding the animal: take small pieces of food with your hand and bring them close to the hamster’s muzzle.
      • Try to handle your pet as little as possible when it is recovering from an injury.

HOW TO ACT IF A DZHUNGARIAN HAMSTER HAS DAMAGED A PAW. Hello, dear friends! A hamster's paws are one of the most vulnerable parts of his body, which are often subject to all kinds of injuries: dislocations, bruises, fractures, etc. Our readers have already asked me several times to highlight this topic , and I’m glad that I was finally able to piece together the necessary information. Today we will talk to you about what to do if your hamster hurts its paw. I am sure that this article will be useful not only to those people who have already encountered a similar problem, but also to all owners of dzhungariks. Let's start, as usual, with the root causes. What is the most common cause of fractures in hamsters? Of course, because of the falls. In this case, falls can be very different: the inattention of the owner, whose dzhungarik slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor; “flying” from a sofa or table while walking; jump from the upper floors of the cage to the first floor. Each of these situations can lead to injury to the hamster's limbs and internal organs. And if in the first two cases you just need to be careful, then let’s look at the third example in more detail. Today on sale we can find a huge selection of cages and terrariums for hamsters. What is often forgotten? Not all of these cages are created equal for your pet. Some people are greatly mistaken in believing that their jungarik will be much more comfortable in a 3-story cage than in a smaller dwelling. The height of some cells reaches 60-70 cm. Can you imagine the consequences of an unsuccessful fall from such a height, for example, onto a plastic feeder? A hamster can easily damage its paw, and this is far from the worst outcome. The second common cause of limb injuries is the mesh running wheels, floors and ladders into which the hamster's legs fall. If you initially purchased a not-so-suitable home for your pet, it is in your power to improve and secure it as much as possible. Nothing complicated - just lay down cardboard. Why am I writing all this? I am simply convinced that it is better to exclude the possibility of any injury than to treat a suffering hamster later. I strongly recommend that you read (or refresh your memory) the information written in these articles: Cages for dwarf birds: how to choose the right home for your future pet? How to properly set up a cage for a dzhungarika? Let's move on. What to do if you still fail to save your hamster? How to determine the severity of an injury: bruise or fracture? Examine your hamster carefully and very carefully. If your pet's paw does not hang or dangle, it is most likely a crack or bruise. A less serious injury also includes a closed fracture (when the bone does not protrude), because, from a treatment point of view, such damage is no different from a bruise. If you see that the hamster has broken its leg so that the bone is sticking out, then the situation is somewhat more serious. There is no need to panic, nothing fatal happened! What to do if a dwarf has broken its leg? As soon as you notice damage to your pet, the first thing to do is to limit your rodent's mobility as much as possible. To do this, we remove the running wheel, upper floors, ladders, tunnels, and all sorts of accessories from the cage - only the feeder and drinking bowl should remain in the home. Please remember the main rule: the key to a successful recovery is that the hamster barely moves. Therefore, next you should put your pet in a large carrier, in which he will recover for about 2 weeks. If there is no special carrier, you can use suitable household containers: a deep plastic container, a basin with high walls, or, for example, a bucket. Next, put ordinary white napkins into the selected container, which will serve as a filler. If you are very bothered by the unpleasant smell, you can pour a very thin layer of filler (preferably corn). Just keep in mind that the layer should be very thin so that the hamster does not have the desire to dig the filler with an injured paw. After the main condition for recovery has been met (the hamster is limited in mobility), you should contact a veterinarian, if possible! Someone will say: “Anyway, it’s unrealistic to put a cast on a dzhungarika, then what’s the point?” There is a point, and it at least lies in the fact that the veterinarian objectively assesses the seriousness of the injury. When a hamster's paw is swollen, it is almost impossible to independently assess the extent of the damage (without special knowledge). This is where your veterinarian will help you. Besides, qualified veterinarian will appoint correct treatment so that your pet can recover as quickly as possible. What to do if your hamster breaks its leg and there is no veterinarian in town? We treat on our own... We all live in different cities, and not everyone has the opportunity to receive qualified veterinary care. Now I will tell you how to act at home. Everything written below is based on the experience of professional breeders and advice veterinarians. If a dwarf has broken its leg, the consequences can be very different. But if you do everything right, the probability of a successful outcome is very high. So, you have already taken the first step towards your pet’s recovery by limiting the hamster’s mobility. For the next 2 weeks for your rodent: no walks around the house, no jogging or playing with the owner. Peace, peace and more peace. This is the main thing. The second important aspect is proper nutrition, rich in protein and calcium. In addition to the grain mixture, feed your hamster heavily with foods such as: low-fat cottage cheese; yogurt (0-1%); kefir (0-1%); boiled egg (white and yolk); leaf lettuce. Third important point- these are correct medicines. Give the injured hamster 1 tablet of calcium gluconate and Mumiyo daily to restore bone tissue. These are common and inexpensive medications that you can buy at any pharmacy. Let's give the dzhungarik whole tablet, let him chew as much as he wants - there will be no overdose. If you can buy Travmatin at any veterinary clinic, feed the hamster with it from a syringe 0.5 ml 2 times a day - this will also help accelerated recovery pet. Important! In the first 2-3 days of treatment you will already see dynamics. If a broken hamster's paw turns black and dries out, it will no longer be able to recover. Tissue necrosis does happen sometimes, and that's a fact. In this case, you will again need the help of a veterinarian to amputate the paw, or the hamster, having lost sensitivity, will chew it off itself. Of course, this is unpleasant, but there is no need to fall into despair: hamsters can live fully on 3 legs, while remaining 100% active. Don't worry, in the vast majority of cases it doesn't come to this, and the paw retains a viable pinkish appearance. To summarize, in summary, I would like to once again highlight 3 most important aspects of the recovery of a hamster that has broken its leg: Constant rest and maximum limited mobility. Proper nutrition, rich in protein and calcium. Medicines that help restore bone tissue. I hope that your Djungarians will never experience limb injuries, and for you this article will remain informational. And for those owners whose hamsters have already damaged their paws, I hope this article will be of great help. Good health for you and your pets! See you again, dear readers!

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