Home Gums Use of service dogs in the police. Police dogs, border guards, sappers and other canine professions Dogs that serve in the police

Use of service dogs in the police. Police dogs, border guards, sappers and other canine professions Dogs that serve in the police

A dog has been man's friend for many centuries. At home, she is a favorite and fun to play with, but if she serves in the police, she is obliged to comply with standards and follow commands to help a person. There are more than 100 dog breeds in the world, we invite you to get acquainted with the ten most best breeds, which are ideal for police service.

The German Shorthaired Pointer or Kurzhaar is one of the best dog breeds for the police. The breed was developed in the 19th century and has a spotted coat, small size, short smooth coat, and an energetic and friendly personality. In addition to the fact that this breed is excellent for police service, it is also an excellent hunter.

The English hound has long big ears, this feature makes the breed original in appearance. This is an excellent breed for police service as it is disciplined, muscular and strong dog. This is almost the only breed that stands still and waits for the owner’s command to complete the task. The English hound was bred as hunting dog, which, unlike the shorthaired pointer, hunted larger game than birds, for example, deer.

The name of the breed indicates that it is a fighting breed. There are two types of boxers: the service boxer and the German boxer. Thanks to their athletic constitution, boxers are able to jump well in height and length, which is what they rely on during training. Boxers' agility and instant reaction are the main qualities of a real police dog.

This smart-faced dog breed is considered the friendliest, which is why it is so common among families with children or elderly people around the world. This smart dog with the character of a puppy will always come to the rescue and will serve faithfully. Despite the listed characteristics, Labradors are ideal for police service. The dog will easily find explosives, drugs, and will be the eyes and ears of the policeman. You need to be a brave and selfless dog to find bombs.

The reputation of the Dutch Shepherd speaks for itself. In the police they are used to perform various official tasks. This is a very smart and strong dog. After 10 years of service, dogs in the Dutch police are replaced with young ones, and those who have served are sent to a well-deserved retirement.

Big dog already wins due to its size and can easily detain a criminal. Few people would be afraid of a small decorative dog, but a giant schnauzer by its very appearance evokes fear and respect. The Schnauzer has long hair on its face and looks like a retired general with many years of service and a long track record behind him. The dog is ideal for police service due to its height, body length, sharp teeth, powerful jaw, courage and devotion. In addition, the dog is highly trainable.

Adult dog It is very difficult to teach new tricks and commands, but the Doberman is a dog that learns all its life. This is a medium-sized dog, ideal for police service. The Dobie, as this breed is affectionately called, is an athletic and graceful dog, light in weight, but with excellent speed and physical characteristics. These dogs are valued by the police because they are real bloodhounds, hunters and have the stamina that is necessary when tracking or chasing a criminal.

The Belgian Tervuren is not a traditional breed, and its name also has a root from the word “terror” (fear), which is exactly what it was supposed to evoke. Everyone is afraid large dog, even if he is kind at heart. The Tervuren is a long-haired dog that looks like a wolf, and therefore, as people thought, it is as ferocious as a wolf. But, in fact, this is a kind and friendly dog, but which behaves like a wolf or a lion if necessary to protect the owner. The Tervuren is a good watchdog and search dog.

Rottweilers are famous for their aggressive behavior and energetic character. Without being myself big dog From the presented list, he is without a doubt the bravest fighting dog who will make the ground burn under the feet of a criminal. He can easily bite off your finger. A criminal will think twice about his actions when meeting a Rottweiler. Taking into account the fighting and aggressive qualities of the dog, which he shows even in puppyhood, during training and training, emphasis is placed on discipline. You must be extremely strict and careful with this dog.

In many law enforcement agencies Russian Federation dogs serve. How are dogs selected and prepared for police service? What tasks do they perform? Can dogs keep people safe at public events? How should service dogs eat, and is it possible to pamper them with something tasty? Dmitry Fetisov, senior inspector-canine officer of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, answered these and other questions of Pravda.Ru .

Do you know what the intelligence level of a service dog is?

- Somedogs they sniff out explosives, others sniff out drugs, but they, and especially explosives, are carried quite rarely; Much more often people have food in their bags, including meat. In life, a dog, having smelled sausage, must let the owner know: there is sausage here, but these drugs are of no use -Thatno. Are there such problems?

- No, they don’t. The dog, of course, will smell the sausage - everything that is natural is not ugly; but there is a special technique for weaning dogs from extraneous strong odors, including meat ones. This is even more due to the safety of the dog itself, because it can be poisoned. The general training course, which is taken before teaching a dog to work with explosives or narcotic substances, includes weaning the dog from extraneous stimuli. A dog can only eat from the hands of its dog handler.

— A dog is a lot like a child, right?

— As the physiologist Ivan Pavlov said, a dog distinguishes about 250 words. They are thought to have an intelligence level similar to that of a three-year-old child.

— In what power structures of the Russian Federation do dogs serve?

— In almost all of them: the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the military, the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

— Diet different dogs is different?

— Of course, it all depends on the weight and conditions of use of the dog. For example, in the North you need more fats and carbohydrates so that the dog does not freeze, and accordingly, food is added.

— Is there an exhaustive list of tasks that service dogs must perform?

“It all depends on what is required from the dog, on its psyche and intelligence. Formally, a dog can be trained to smell any smell except money, since money smells like printing, and printing is lead. And so they can, by and large, look for truffles. There are also tracking dogs that follow the scent, looking for villains, barmalei and the like.

Basically, of course, dogs help our service in searching for explosives and narcotic substances. A dog trained to detect drugs indicates their presence by digging in the ground near them. And in the case of explosives, it simply marks a place to avoid catastrophic consequences. Therefore, there must be an optimal division of tasks.

- TOhow they cookdog handlers? Do they also work in certain areas?

— When a dog handler receives his primary education, he undergoes training to gain certain general skills. In the process of work and service, he can work with a drug dog, an explosives dog, and a search or security dog. A dog handler, essentially speaking, can work in any direction.

— What can a dog do while guarding a mass event?

— Here, the emphasis is still on prevention and suppression; because a dog, with a large crowd of people at such public events as football or a concert, of course, is physically unable to sniff out everyone. Therefore, the chosen tactics are used here: we have experience and some techniques on how in the general mass it is possible to identify, based on certain signs, an inadequate person who has the intention of ruining the lives of others.

Accordingly, if a police officer, examining a person, sees something suspicious, he can call a dog handler, the dog handler will promptly connect the dog, it will sniff and show whether there is something dangerous there or not. There are dogs that are just trained to sniff out continuous traffic and crowds of people. Of course, the emphasis is on the dog handler, who picks out people from the crowd who are carrying something or arousing suspicion. This is largely the work of a psychologist.

- That is, a police dog handleractuallyWorks with people, not dogs. His target is people, and the dog is a weapon, right?

— A dog as a tool. The dog handler himself organizes the work, guides the dog, identifies dangerous situations, draws conclusions, and the dog is like a reagent. The main work of a dog handler: 80% - people, 20% - dogs.

Interviewed by Said Gafurov

Prepared for publication by Yuri Kondratyev

Today it is difficult to imagine the work of special services without the participation of dogs. Bloodhounds search for explosives and drugs, missing people and criminals, and thus greatly help law enforcement officers in their case.

From a young age

There are more than a hundred search dogs in service with the police in the Kirov region. Mostly German Shepherds, there are also Belgian Malinois. They are distinguished by high intelligence and good search abilities. In addition, they quickly adapt to different conditions. Dogs of other breeds are brought in to solve special problems.

“Labradors and spaniels are commonly used for drug detection, weapons and explosives detection, and for tracking work,” says junior inspector, dog handler of the breeding group Vadim Ogorodnikov.

Four-legged police officers enter service at a young age, having gone through a serious selection process.

“The requirements for puppies are quite high. They must be socialized, respond adequately to shots and unfamiliar stimuli, easily navigate unfamiliar terrain, and so on. When choosing dogs for service, we are guided by the tasks that face us,” notes Head of the Canine Service Center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kirov Region Andrey Sadakov.

At the Center, puppies undergo primary school training and prepare to fulfill the goals set for them, and their training continues almost throughout their lives.

Puppies undergo a strict selection process before entering service. Photo: AiF/Yulia Ivakina

“We teach all dogs commands during play. If the puppy is accustomed to play, then the training will go quickly, shares Vadim Ogorodnikov. - In just 3 months, animals acquire the necessary skills to work at the scene of an incident. The main task is to make the dogs eager to work - this takes time. To consolidate the skills they have learned, they must constantly practice and gain experience.”

“We usually conduct a general training course (GTC) for young dogs: we teach the commands “Come to me”, “Sit”, “Nearby”, “Lie down”. Then we teach them how to select an item, follow the trail, and search the area. For training to bear fruit, you need to work hard. Sometimes it takes a lifetime,” explains police dog handler of the PPSP department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Kotelnichsky” Marina Samodelkina.

The requirements for puppies are quite high. They must be socialized, respond adequately to gunfire and unfamiliar stimuli, and easily navigate unfamiliar terrain.

Service tandem

Each puppy admitted to the Center is assigned a dog handler. He takes charge of him: he looks after him, feeds him, trains him, and then goes out with his assistant to work. There are such specialists in the criminal investigation department, in the patrol service, in escort units, and in riot police. Training lessons take place both day and night, in different areas, so that the dog can go on a mission at any time of the day.

“Our service does not allow dog handlers to sit still. It happens that in a day they go to incidents 10 times and often go on business trips. Sometimes they are sent to “hot spots,” says Andrei Sadakov. - Our work is very intense, not everyone can withstand such a regime. However, we have golden employees! I can’t single out just one pair - they all work for high level. Some specialists perform tasks as part of several departments.”

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The main thing is the mode

To ensure that search dogs are always in shape, dog handlers strictly monitor their diet, daily routine and health. Their diet is calculated down to calories and grams. Food is prepared only from natural products: meat, cereals and vegetables, sometimes offal and fish are given. The animals are given mush soup. Only one shepherd dog, who arrived in Kirov from far abroad, is never accustomed to “Russian cuisine” and eats exclusively dry food.

“The dogs live in enclosures; in the winter they are given straw for bedding, and the winter house door is protected from the wind by curtains. There are those who freeze, and there are also real Spartans who are not afraid of even 30-degree frost, notes the inspector-dog handler of the breeding and training department service dogs Dmitry Sandalov. “Some animals have clearly expressed character and temperament, others love all the people around them, while others perceive only their trainer.”

When a dog handler has raised a dog from puppyhood, it becomes his second self - he will not give it to anyone.

Service dogs live at a frantic pace and are able to withstand enormous loads. They are not pampered like pets, but, of course, they know what human loyalty and attention are.

“Our dogs undergo annual medical examinations. The center has its own veterinary service and a well-equipped veterinary center. This became possible thanks to federal program on the development of canine service. We have an ultrasound machine and cardiograph, an operating table and shadowless lamps and much more necessary for the treatment of dogs. The head of the veterinary service can perform serious operations on our four-legged assistants. Fortunately, they don’t get sick often,” shares Andrei Sadakov.

All dogs are different in character: some perceive only their trainer, while others love all the people around them. Photo: AiF/Yulia Ivakina

It's time to retire

Search dogs spend an average of 7-8 years of their lives in police service. Often the period is extended for another 2-3 years.

“By the age of 8, sniffer dogs usually exhaust their resources. When a dog reaches this age, a special commission evaluates whether its further use in service is possible. If not, we hand it over to the police officer who worked with her. When a dog handler has raised a dog from puppyhood, it becomes his second self - he will not give it to anyone. Most often, employees leave it with themselves or place it with relatives. Dogs “retire” and live in the family for as long as they are destined from above,” assures Sadakov.

Labradors, Rottweilers, spaniels and the hardiest and most intelligent German Shepherds are the most popular breeds dogs who currently serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They decided to call on animals to help the police first in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. And the first hero of crime chronicles was a Doberman pinscher named Tref. During his life, he solved more than one and a half thousand crimes.

From a dozen shoes, service dogs will always choose the right one; they are taught this literally from birth - it is believed that all the natural skills of a puppy begin to dull after two months. First, work is carried out on a fresh trail - as a rule, everyone copes with this task with a bang.

“It is a very erroneous opinion that it comes only from the imprint of a shoe. When a person moves, a lot of particles, molecules, belonging to a particular person, fall off. That is, his individual smell,” dog experts explain.

The target is found - the four-legged serviceman receives a treat as a reward. Motivation is the main thing in learning. For some it's sweets, for others it's toys. It all depends on the dog and, of course, the dog handler.

“For me, let’s say, it would be easier to work with food, because it’s like with a person. You did a bad job - you didn’t even eat. Not to say that we are starving them, but this can be controlled. But with the game, well, not she played for one day - this is not a vital necessity,” says senior dog inspector Yulia Konina.

So the smell of explosives and narcotic drugs Service dogs evoke only positive emotions. The main thing is to remember all their diversity. A dog's olfactory abilities are approximately eight thousand times greater than those of humans - that's why the "wet nose" best helper in catching criminals. Last year, dogs helped solve more than 60 thousand crimes.

Dogs were first put into service in 1909 in St. Petersburg. They were mainly used when it was necessary to catch up with a criminal. The experiment was so successful that within three years four-legged police officers appeared in every province. Now the list of their responsibilities has expanded significantly - search for explosives, drugs, rescue and search operations, identification and capture of the criminal.

“When training dogs, we use such a concept as a helper. Here’s a helper - he can be in special equipment, because after all, this is associated with pain, with problems when a dog bites. They bite very hard,” explained the head of the Canine Training Center. provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" Sergei Kachkin.

But the dog is not allowed to bite. The suspect may not be a criminal, and then the four-legged assistant will have to attend court proceedings instead of serving. The task is only to detect the target and lead the police officer to it. Teeth should only be used as a last resort.

Dogs are unique animals. For many centuries, they are infinitely faithful and devoted to humans, occupying different niches in our lives. Some accompany on the hunt, others become faithful companions or protectors. For example, police dogs saved more than one human life and help in solving crimes. What tasks do they perform? service dogs and why are they hired? What breeds of dogs are most often used as reliable assistants in human activities?

In theory, a dog of any breed with proper training, socialization, systematic training can become a service dog, show its maximum potential and be useful to a person.

It is believed that the natural ability of a dog to track its prey by smell (footprints) began to be used in solving crimes, searching and apprehending criminals, starting in 1896. The Austrian investigator Hans Gross convinced the world that our smaller brothers are ideal for investigative work. Thus, in the city of Hildesheim, for the first time, 12 dogs were selected, who completed a special training course and later successfully worked in the police.

The first to use his pet The bull terrier breed in the gang's arrest was Scottish policeman Malcolm Gillepsie in 1816. His faithful dog scared the horses on which the criminals were escaping and thanks to which the bandits were neutralized and taken to the police station.

Important! In Russia, dogs were first used in police services in St. Petersburg in 1906. And already in 1909, on June 21, a professional holiday was officially approved - the Day of the canine units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today it is difficult to imagine the work of intelligence services without the participation of different breeds of dogs. Four-legged friends are used in the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the search, border services, and military affairs.

Among dog professions we can distinguish:

  • Saperov. They look for explosives and explosive devices by smell.
  • Rescuers. Rescue dogs are used in the emergency services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They take part in fires. They work on wrecks, in places natural disasters. They help find people under the rubble. When completing tasks, a bell is tied to the animal's collar. In this way, the dog handler will be able to find the dog, because the dog may accidentally fall into the ruins.
  • Border guards. All border services use dogs. They help in the fight against smugglers and prevent illegal crossing of state borders.
  • Bloodhound. Dogs, thanks to their well-developed sense of smell, help intelligence services not only in searching for people and detaining criminals “on the trail,” but also in identifying smuggled caches of drugs or other drugs. hazardous substances. Sniffer dogs work in the police and border services.
  • Guards, escorts. They work as security guards at sensitive, important strategic sites.

Faithful four-legged friends significantly facilitate the work of special structures, faithfully performing their difficult service.

In the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the canine service uses specially trained dogs for:

  • establishing the route of criminals;
  • protection of important objects;
  • examination of territories, terrain, premises, vehicles to search for items that were lost or related to crimes committed;
  • odor recognition based on an object given to the dog, seized from detained criminals;
  • security of public events;
  • search for corpses, people, weapons, drugs;
  • to pursue persons who have committed crimes or missing people “hot on their heels.”

Different breeds of dogs are specially trained and used for different jobs.

TOP 5 best dog breeds for police service

Each structure gives preference different breeds dogs. Here are the TOP 5 best dog breeds for police service according to dog handlers and specialists:

  • . This breed has unique working qualities, high intelligence, and a balanced disposition. Shepherds learn quickly. They are smart, quick-witted, courageous, hardy, unpretentious in care and maintenance and adapt to various conditions without problems. These are loyal, noble dogs who have saved more than one human life and successfully cope with tasks of varying complexity. Thanks to many years of selection, this breed has significantly improved its working and service qualities. That is why Germans are used not only in the police, but also in other structures.

Read also: Why you shouldn't hit a dog on the nose

  • Rottweilers. This breed, despite its average size, has endurance, physical strength. Rottweilers are brave, energetic, courageous dogs with well-developed guarding and fighting qualities. They work in the police, security services, and patrol state borders. They help in detaining and immobilizing criminals.
  • Belgian Tervuren. Representatives of this breed are quite large in size and have long, thick hair. Outwardly, the dog somewhat resembles a wolf, which instills fear in people. But in general, these are hardy, brave and rather good-natured dogs. They are excellent bloodhounds and guards.
  • . Dobermans have high intelligence, sharp mind, innate dexterity. They are highly trainable and can learn new tricks and commands throughout their lives. Dogs are hardy and brave. They have an athletic, but very graceful physique, excellent speed and physical characteristics. They help in searching and prosecuting criminals.
  • . Despite its friendly disposition and somewhat phlegmatic character, this breed successfully works in the police. Labradors are highly trainable. They are inquisitive, smart, selfless, respond adequately to stimuli and can independently make decisions in a given situation. They do an excellent job of finding explosives and drugs. You could say that these dogs are the eyes and ears of the police.

The police also have representatives hunting breeds, such as: English hound, German shorthaired pointer, . Thanks to their excellent sense of smell, they find narcotic and other substances faster than other dogs.

Likes are also suitable for the police and work in other services. and are used as assistants in rescue services and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Features of training police dogs

Security, guard, and police dogs must have a keen sense of smell, developed hearing, and fearlessness.

The dog must come to the defense of the person at any time on command.

Training a four-legged law enforcement officer takes on average from 6 months to a year. Dogs can begin training from four to six months and up to three years of age. The duration of one lesson is 2-2.5 hours. Trainings are held in different places. This is necessary so that the dog does not get confused in an unfamiliar area or environment.

Dog trainers themselves build a training program based on the natural and breed inclinations of the dog. The first training takes place in the form of a game, so that the process captivates and interests the dog. For each correctly executed command or task, the dog receives a reward.

The training uses the so-called contrast and mechanical training methods. In the first weeks, the dog should establish a rapport with its trainer. Only by trusting the person will the dog strictly follow commands and show obedience. Therefore, until the dog gets used to the handler, mechanical training methods are not used. They use the method of encouragement (voice, food motivation).

The mechanical method (physical impact) is used only for adult dogs who have completed the basic training course. Helps develop the dog's protective skills. At the same time, the dog handler should not shout or use violence towards his ward. Otherwise, the dog will begin to show causeless aggression towards people.

  • Imitative method training is used for learning large groups dogs. Dogs are pack animals and are often guided by the actions of their fellow dogs. This technique uses experienced dogs and novice dogs.
  • Contrast training method. A dog trained using this method does not associate obedience skills with treats or physical impact. That is, he will follow commands without expecting any reward.
  • Combined program. For example, a dog can take part in detaining criminals and searching for drugs, weapons, and explosives.

Important! In the first two to three weeks, service dogs develop their own specialization in the process of training and education. Qualified dog handlers and experienced trainers work with the dogs. One trainer or several dog handlers can be assigned to the dog.

The specifics of training police dogs depend on the area in which the four-legged guard will be used. So, when training police dogs Special attention is focused on following commands and chasing with live bait.

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The dog must, on command, chase, stop the “criminal”, whose role is played by a dog handler in a protective suit, and, upon order, retreat after his arrest.

  • Search dogs are trained to search for objects and people by smell. The dog must, based on one thing or object, determine who this thing belongs to.
  • To search for narcotic drugs during training, they use the animal’s favorite toy, inside which a drug simulator is disguised - a harmless, non-addictive substance.
  • Well-socialized dogs of a good-natured disposition are selected for the rescue service. Sanguine dogs are ideal for working in areas of rubble and wrecks. Four-legged rescuers must respond adequately to stimuli and be able to make decisions in emergency situations.

Important! When searching for narcotic substances, the dog begins to dig in the ground, raises a voice, or behaves restlessly. When explosives are detected, in order to avoid serious consequences, the dog simply marks the location without making a voice.

TOP 5 most famous police dogs and their stories

Dogs have saved more than one human life. Some dogs, famous for their exploits and achievements, have gone down in history. Here is the ranking of the TOP 5 most famous dogs police officers and their stories.

German Shepherd named Gecke

This is the first dog to prove itself in police service. The dog brought from Germany to work in the police department did not immediately become famous. Having gone with the agent to the crime scene, the dog was unable to identify anyone among a large crowd of people, but upon returning to the police station, Gekse immediately rushed at one of the group of suspects. And this was just one of the many crimes that were solved with the help of this dog.

German Shepherd Leo

The unique dog went down in history as a drug-detective dog. During his nine years of service, thanks to Leo, more than three hundred people were arrested who were trying to transport drugs across the border. The German found more than 17 kg of cocaine, 29 kg of heroin, and more than a ton of marijuana. The total cost of the intoxicating arsenal amounted to tens of billions of dollars.

After completing his service, the dog was awarded a state pension and was given shelter at a hotel for older working dogs. For searching for drugs and detaining smugglers, Leo received an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records.

Golden Retriever Trepp

During his years of service with the Florida Police Department, Retriever Trepp detained more than 100 dangerous criminals and found drugs worth more than 63 billion. dollars.

At demonstrations, the dog found 11 instead of 10 bags of drugs.

Malinois Diesel

Belgian shepherd Diesel served for 5 years in the French unit of the French police unit RAID and became the first dog to die in the line of duty.

Diesel, together with a group of police officers, took part in a special operation in the suburb of Saint-Denis to search for, capture and eliminate Islamic terrorists who carried out terrorist attacks in Paris.

Unfortunately, one year short of his well-deserved retirement, the dog died while inspecting the top floor of one of the buildings during the explosion of a suicide vest. The dog saved its owner at the cost of his life. The Paris police leadership awarded Diesel an honorary award for his courage.

In December 2015, the British Charitable organization The PDSA awarded the dead sheepdog the Mary Dickin Medal, Britain's highest honour.

Doberman Club

The Doberman Pinscher named Tref is a detective police legend. Brave dog served in the police Tsarist Russia and during his service he helped police officers solve more than 1,500 crimes.

To stop robberies, crimes, and other atrocities, one news about the visit of Club and his owner Dmitriev to one city or another was enough. The criminals left their homes in fear so that the smart dog would not get on their trail.

In 1911, the abilities of a unique bloodhound were used in the fight against terrorists in Bryansk. In addition, the dog was involved in capturing spies, as well as a group of bandits who attacked Lenin’s car.

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