Home Smell from the mouth How long to wait for a quote for surgery. When and to whom is a quota issued for free surgery for eye cataracts - all stages of obtaining a quota Long wait in line for surgery

How long to wait for a quote for surgery. When and to whom is a quota issued for free surgery for eye cataracts - all stages of obtaining a quota Long wait in line for surgery

There are married couples who cannot have children for certain reasons. In addition, a young family does not have the financial ability to pay for artificial insemination. Therefore, they are waiting for the quota for IVF.


The IVF program is included in the state guarantee program, so it can be done for free. The federal quota involves a free procedure. Despite the fact that the state allocates money for thousands of operations every year, it is still not enough to meet the needs of people.

Along with the federal one, there is also a regional quota for free IVF. It is worth noting that not every region can afford such costs, since the procedure is expensive.

Approximate steps:

  1. to receive a quota for IVF, a couple must be diagnosed with infertility for unclear reasons, ineffective standard methods of conception, male factor;
  2. find out the queue for IVF according to quota. This is done in antenatal clinic at the gynecologist;
  3. collect all necessary documents;
  4. pass all tests according to the list. The patient does this at her own expense. In addition, it is recommended to focus on tests that are taken in a certain order. There are really a lot of them, and the shelf life is quite short;
  5. submit documents to the medical commission for an IVF quota, an application from the expectant mother.

As soon as received positive result from the commission, the documents are transferred to another commission, where a decision is made that the right to assistance is granted. The patient is then placed on a waiting list for a quota.

With a voucher for the queue, the patient is sent to the appropriate clinic.

In the future, a clinic is selected where the procedure will be performed. Therefore, the next question will be how long to wait for the IVF quota.


Quite often the procedure turns out to be more complicated. Many women claim that they are treated poorly, they have to wait a long time, and bureaucracy reigns everywhere. But such a test must be completed, because it is an expensive procedure. The state provides quotas to those people who really need it.

How long to wait for IVF quota? There is no definite answer, but certain dates are still foreseen. Tests are completed within two months. The first commission issues the result on the third day, and the next one makes a decision within ten days. Then the patient either gets in line or is turned away. Then it is impossible to guess how much you have to wait. Some wait several months, and some wait several years. This is influenced by the workload of the clinic.

As soon as a patient is added to the quota waiting list, she can monitor her queue via the Internet. The Ministry of Health provides such information on its website. When applying for a regional quota, auxiliary tests may be required, there are age restrictions, and you cannot choose a clinic yourself.

List of documents for IVF quota:

  • decision of the medical commission;
  • written statement from the patient;
  • passport;
  • referral for IVF according to the collected documentation;
  • tests that confirm the diagnosis;
  • the patient’s consent to the processing of personal data.

How many times is the IVF quota given? The law does not limit the number of times people can try. The attending physician decides how appropriate it is to make further attempts. But about five opportunities are allowed per year. It should be remembered that each time you need to take tests again and collect a list of documents.

Thus, free quota IVF is the inseparable right of any woman to motherhood. If the state gives guarantees for this, then it would be stupid not to use them. If a woman is denied such a right, the commission issues an extract indicating the reasons for the refusal. Naturally, not everything works out right away; you have to wait in line.

Replacement operation knee joint– expensive surgical intervention, which not all of our fellow citizens can afford. However, there is Government program quotas under which patients will be able to receive medical care free of charge. In order for a knee joint replacement to be carried out according to the quota, you need to collect the required documents, take tests and wait for your turn.

How to get a quota for joint replacement?

Knee replacement is an expensive service. Medical care of this kind costs about 60 thousand rubles, not counting the cost of hospital stay, purchase of medications, examination, purchase of a prosthesis and rehabilitation. After the operation, the damaged parts of the knee are restored and the person can move as before the illness.

Agree that saving the required amount is an impossible task for most. Queuing up to receive a quota in such cases is the only way to recover.

But even here one cannot do without bureaucratic issues. Those wishing to receive a quota will need to collect a package of documents, undergo an examination and wait for the decision of a special commission. The following papers are needed:

  • a conclusion from the attending physician indicating the need for knee replacement;
  • test results, x-rays etc.;
  • general civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • application for a quota;
  • signed consent to the processing of personal data;
  • a document confirming the status of a disabled person, if any;
  • SNILS.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Contacting your doctor and obtaining a medical opinion on the need surgical intervention.
  2. Providing documents to the commission of the medical institution where the patient is being observed. The review period is three days.
  3. Transfer of papers to the health department of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Here the decision on granting a quota is made. The review period is 10 days.
  4. Redirection of documents to the clinic where the knee joint replacement will be performed.

At the medical institution where endoprosthetics is performed under a quota, they study the documents received and decide on the length of wait for the operation. Typically, joint replacements are performed on a first-come, first-served basis.

After a decision is made, the applicant is notified about the date of hospitalization. In some cases, additional preparation steps are required (undergo examination, etc.). The waiting period is at least three months. Sometimes citizens are forced to wait a year or more for their turn.

Who is entitled to the quota?

Only citizens of the Russian Federation can count on receiving a quota. In addition, you must be an insured person under the compulsory medical insurance program.

Now the state budget fully pays for knee replacements, primarily for children and adults who suffer oncological diseases with complications on the musculoskeletal system. If a prosthesis is required due to another diagnosis, you still need to submit documents for a quota. However, the wait for your hospitalization date may be lengthy.

In some cases, knee replacement surgery cannot be performed. Contraindications include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • diabetes.

Contraindications may be temporary. The commission considers each case individually.

Cost of treatment

Usually the quota covers only the immediate replacement, hospital stay and necessary medications. Most often you have to purchase a prosthesis at your own expense.

The cost of the prosthesis depends on the country of origin and the material used. Imported prostheses are more expensive than those produced in Russia. By type of material, the average prices were distributed as follows:

  • cement - from 120,000 rubles;
  • made of metal and polyethylene - from 130,000 rubles;
  • made of metal and ceramics - from 170,000 rubles.

Prostheses made of metal and ceramics last the longest. However, their price is the highest. To choose the optimal prosthesis, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will study the characteristics of the patient’s body and select the best option.

The cost of treatment may increase due to the need for special types of examination, if prescribed by the attending physician. Their feasibility is also determined on an individual basis.

A limited number of citizens can receive medical care on a preferential basis. The number of quotas is limited and set annually. Often people have to wait until next year to participate in the quota program, since the current year's quotas have already been allocated.

There is a possibility that someone in the queue for hospitalization will refuse the operation, then the waiting period will be reduced. However, this rarely happens.

Features of quota knee replacement

Citizens awaiting surgical intervention under a quota face two problems:

  1. Long terms of receipt medical care.
  2. Quality of prosthetics according to quota.

If a person requires a knee replacement, and the wait for hospitalization under the quota threatens to drag on for several years, there is a possibility that by that time the ability to move will be completely lost. In this case, practically the only way out is to pay for prosthetics at your own expense. Timely medical care significantly increases the chances of full recovery the patient's previous lifestyle.

In this case, you can save money by contacting public clinic. There you will not have to pay for hospital stay and surgery - this is included in the list of services covered by standard insurance. You will have to pay the cost of the prosthesis, medicines and additional measures to examine the patient.

If a citizen does not have that kind of money, you can try contacting charitable foundation. There are several organizations in our country that provide all possible assistance in raising funds for surgical intervention.

In the future, it is recommended to submit documents to receive compensation for funds spent on treatment from the state budget. To do this, all receipts and other documents related to the knee replacement performed are provided to the health department. Compensation is possible either in full or in part.

The second problem is related to the quality of the prosthesis, which is installed according to a quota. As a rule, the patient does not have to choose - they install the prosthesis available in the clinic. If a citizen is not satisfied with the quality of the prosthesis according to the quota, he has the right to purchase his own, but at his own expense. However, all other treatment will continue to be provided at the expense of the state budget.

Now exists great amount types of prostheses. This allows you to choose the option that suits your needs. individual characteristics person.

27.09.2015, 08:15

Hello! Please help me with advice -
My mother, 70 years old, went to the doctor 4 months ago with pain and lumps in her chest, and says that almost immediately she was put on the waiting list for surgery to remove the tumor. Only a few days ago, after all the tests, she was confirmed that it was breast cancer, C50E, and was told that the operation needed to be done within a month. At the same time, the turn for the operation has not yet arrived and no one knows when it will be (??). And of course they offered some kind of paid scheme for an expedited operation at some unimaginable price (I’m not sure if this is even legal...).

What documents do you have on hand (apparently, the necessary set for the operation): Clinical analysis blood, ecg, biochemistry, rw hiv hepatitis bc, general analysis blood, x-ray of the lungs, mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, abdominal cavity, pelvis, conclusion of a therapist and gynecologist and a referral from an oncologist. All that remains is to do a biopsy. I don’t understand why they didn’t target her earlier. And I also understand why they didn’t say what stage of cancer, maybe it can’t be determined without a biopsy?

Where was examined: Hospital No. 57 in Moscow, Mikhail Bannikov

- Tell me, please, is it abnormal to have such queues in Moscow for urgent surgery? Mom didn’t understand, but maybe she’s waiting for her turn for the quota? But at the same time, I read that in order to register in the queue for quotas, the patient himself must contact the health department, but she did not do this. Or could the hospital send the documents themselves? Or are there no quotas needed for breast removal surgery?
- Do I understand correctly that it makes sense to contact another institution (62nd, Herzen, Blokhin)? They will ask you to carry out all the examinations again, and will they not accept documents from Hospital No. 57? Could it turn out that the operation will be scheduled there faster?
- Probably, we urgently need to undergo a paid emergency operation? In one of the above hospitals? Please tell me what is the normal price for such an operation? Somewhere they write that the money for it can then be returned through the Ministry of Health, but this is probably a fantasy.
- Is it normal that the doctors didn’t say what stage of the cancer, maybe it can’t be determined without a biopsy?

Thank you very much in advance for your advice and understanding!

28.09.2015, 00:50

Julia123, hello.
Waiting for the patient to receive special medical care for cancer within 4 months. not only abnormal, but also illegal!

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2014 N1273 approved. The program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017, in which the waiting period for routine medical care in a hospital is set at 30 days.

Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 23, 2014 N 811-PP approved. Territorial program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens in the city of Moscow for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017.
Clause 2.8 of the Appendix provides that medical care in inpatient conditions as planned ( planned hospitalization) is no later than 14 working days from the date the attending physician issues a referral for hospitalization of the patient.

The waiting time for high-tech medical care (according to the quota) may be different, but from your message it follows that we are talking about providing high-tech assistance does not work, quota registration was not offered.

Who diagnosed your mother and what? Who appointed surgery? Did she receive a referral to a medical institution to provide her with specialized medical care in a hospital setting? Did you go to the hospital after that? There are doubts about whether the patient would be put on a waiting list for surgery immediately after going to a medical facility with complaints and before a diagnosis is made.

If in a medical institution where the patient is sent for specialized inpatient care, such assistance cannot be provided within the established time frame, then the patient must be referred to an institution where such assistance can be provided.

I'll make a few more additions later.

Best regards, Love.

29.09.2015, 16:27

PS: Oncological diagnosis requires morphological confirmation (histology, IHC). The final stage of the disease is determined by the results of histological examination of the surgical material, taking into account the prevalence of the oncological process.

Imposing paid services for the provision of medical care, which should be provided free of charge (included in the list of state guarantees), under the pretext that the wait free help can be at least 4 months, - money scam. And who told your mother about this waiting period?

At the Herzen Institute, surgical treatment is carried out on a paid basis and according to a quota. From the experience of my relative (non-resident): 3 years ago I came in with the results of examinations and a diagnosis of breast cancer, the examination was carried out again in the conditions of the institute, they trust only their specialists. The examination cost about 100 thousand rubles. The operation was based on a quota; there were no problems with registration. After the operation, the patient was told the desired amount of “gratitude” (similar to “tradition”), the patient is in the hospital, postoperative period, waiting for histology results, relatives are looking for opportunities.

It is possible to talk about the judicial prospect of recovering the costs of treatment, which is included in the list of guaranteed free treatment for a citizen, only if indisputable evidence is presented to the court that the patient applied for such help, the guaranteed care was not provided free of charge, including within the stipulated time frame, and the patient was forced to apply for medical care on a paid basis. There are also some nuances with the processing of such payment.

What to do: do a biopsy and get histology results from the biopsy, at the same time figure out whether the mother received a referral to a medical institution for specialized inpatient medical care (surgical treatment), whether she applied to this medical institution and is included in the waiting list. If not, this must be done. If at the same time she is informed about long term waiting for medical assistance, you should contact the head doctor of the medical institution or his deputy at therapeutic work for an appointment and submit a written request to ensure the provision of medical care within the prescribed time frame (have a copy with a mark of acceptance on hand). The content of the appeal must be to the point. If necessary, let me know and I’ll sketch out a sample. This will probably be enough. If not, then contact the Moscow Department of Health (there is an opportunity to contact them on the website) with questions about the legality of the “proposals” about paid services, and with a request to ensure the provision of medical care in a timely manner.

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