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How virgin women love. Able to control emotions

Virgo ( August 23 – September 22) is considered an intellectual and practical sign. For beautiful representatives, an analytical mind and the ability to calculate everything in advance do not always bring happiness. Virgo woman loves order in all areas of her life. She's a fan of lists, plans and schedules. Not everyone is able to withstand such a pace, especially since Virgo is demanding not only of herself, but also of everyone around her.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a rather modest character. They are not interested in relaxing in crowded places; they would prefer a quiet dinner with their family. The sign has a hard time getting along with people: a strong desire for justice, frankness and straightforwardness do not contribute to the appearance of many friends. But those who are ready to put up with Virgo’s demanding nature will find in her the most faithful friend.

This zodiac sign is not used to giving in to problems; his sharp mind finds a way out of any situation. Moreover, she is ready to try not only for herself, but also for other people. Of course, not selfishly. Virgo loves comfort, she has the character of a materialist who clearly understands that you have to pay for everything.

Virgo's complex character is explained by her inability to lie, play around and find a compromise. This zodiac sign is used to telling the truth, even if it harms their career or relationships.

The Virgo woman is very principled; it is unpleasant for her to communicate with boors, lazy people or dirty people.

Appearance and health

The modest Virgo exudes calm and confidence. Her appearance is always impeccable: there is not a stain on her clothes, perfectly styled hair and neat makeup. Virgo girl doesn't like bright colors in her wardrobe, so she complements her outfit with expertly selected accessories. At first glance, the representative of this sign seems like a gray mouse. But if you look closely, you can easily discern royal chic and nobility in her.

Virgo’s health is negatively affected by her self-criticism. Nervousness has a bad effect on the digestive and cardiovascular system representatives of the zodiac sign. They often have headaches and may develop pulmonary diseases. They are simply obsessed with cleanliness, hygiene and disease prevention. Sometimes it comes to obsessive states, which a psychologist can help cope with. Virgo usually retains her attractive appearance and slender figure for a long time.

Attitude to work and career

The character of Virgo makes representatives of the sign one of the most hardworking and disciplined workers. They are result-oriented and always know what they want and how to achieve it.

Virgo is suitable for professions related to large amounts of information, databases and documents. She is not late, does everything on time and very efficiently.

Virgo according to the zodiac sign could fly to the top in a few years career ladder. But excessive self-criticism and perfectionism become a hindrance. Virgo is a good performer, but as a boss she tortures herself and her subordinates with checks and overtime. Employers adore employees with this zodiac sign: they are ready to work around the clock for the success of their business.

Behavior in love

How does Virgo’s complex character manifest itself in love? Representatives of this zodiac sign are very feminine and affectionate, but despite this it is difficult for them to find mutual language with men. In love, these women are very careful, always trying to keep their feelings under the control of their minds. They do not show emotions, they do not like to talk about how they feel, so it is not easy for a man to understand his beloved.

In love, this zodiac sign is overly picky. Such exactingness often leads to Virgo not finding a mate or getting married several times. You need to be the perfect man to win the love of a Virgo woman. But even in this case, she is in no hurry to admit her feelings. A Virgo in love, even in sex, remains herself: strict, secretive and honest.

Virgo's reserved character does not allow her to liberate herself in love and sex. The constant desire to control everything and the fear of making a mistake often prevent representatives of this zodiac sign from enjoying intimate relationships. But what does not contradict Virgo’s principles, she will do “excellently”. It’s the same in love: its manifestations will not violate the moral standards and personal beliefs of Virgo. In sex, the sign rather fulfills a duty, so a man will have to try hard to awaken a woman in Virgo.

Family behavior

As in love, in marriage Virgo often has many problems communicating with her partner. It's hard for her to choose ideal man, and another sign simply won’t suit. But a loving Virgo wife will be a real reward for her husband. The devoted character of the representative of this zodiac sign and integrity in all areas of life make her a faithful friend, adviser and support to her loved one.

In order not to miss an important component family life Virgo needs to add romance and love to her daily communication with her husband. The sign has another huge plus: Virgos are practically not jealous and do not make scenes. Another one positive characteristic sign - loyalty and devotion to your family.

Virgo is a wonderful housewife, her house is always clean and cozy. The sign tends to comfortable life Therefore, he chooses comfortable housing, high-quality furniture and appliances. Virgo mother teaches her children and husband to maintain cleanliness and adhere to family traditions.

Women of this zodiac sign can be called mother hens, vigilantly guarding their chicks. The Virgo mother is very responsible about upbringing, so she does not dare to give birth to many children. Her family has one, maximum two children. But from birth they receive all the best. True, the sign requires much more from them than the mothers of other zodiac signs.

Virgo mother emphasizes formation in her upbringing good habits and children receiving quality education. Virgo is worried about proper nutrition, about grades and good behavior. But she is very stingy in showing emotions. The child often feels unloved, lacks maternal affection and kind words. IN adolescence this can lead to conflicts with parents.

Virgo is sometimes overly protective of her children. They always have the cleanest hands and are vaccinated on time. For her child, the representative of this zodiac sign is ready to destroy the whole world into dust. She protects the child from everything in the world, while limiting his personal space. Virgo does not allow even mature children to make their own decisions.

More famous women of the Virgo zodiac sign

If you meet a Virgo woman along the way, it is difficult to forget her, although she cannot be called bright and eccentric.

A meek, sweet Virgo woman attracts with her sincerity, kindness, vulnerability, modesty and good manners. In friendship she knows how to keep secrets and not gossip, in love she is faithful and devoted, in family she is ideal.

Paired with her

In love, the romantic Virgo woman seeks an ideal. She believes in fortune telling and checks the horoscope of a potential chosen one, knows whether Cancer or Capricorn is suitable for her, what is good about Leo and whether Gemini is dangerous.

She loves dating, accepts courtship with grace and feels like a fish in water in a male environment. In love, she dissolves in her partner and gives him all of herself, without being jealous, trusting and in need of protection.

But in intimate love, this zodiac sign is tenderness itself. She will turn your head, envelop you in affection and shower you with tender words. She needs strong man who will dominate and rule in love.

If Virgo is easy and romantic in love, then she is reluctant to walk down the aisle. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not marry for convenience or because of youthful romance.

Among other signs, Virgos get married later than everyone else, but out of intelligence, out of true mature love, they create strong families to the envy of everyone. They are excellent wives, mothers and housewives.

In search of the ideal

The characteristics of the union of Virgo and other zodiac signs, its compatibility with their representatives, be it Gemini, Cancer, Taurus or Scorpio, will allow you to understand what the chances are for a strong union.

If a Virgo woman and a woman come together, then the union will be unequal, but convenient for both. He is free and dominant, she will not limit this and recognizes his primacy. Romance and mutual understanding may be lacking, but compatibility is there.

5. Although Leo is proud and rude, when he meets Virgo, he becomes meek. They complement each other and together form a surprisingly harmonious union. Leo and Virgo have excellent compatibility and every chance of happiness.

When Virgo meets someone like herself, a representative of her own sign, the search for a “soul mate” ends and the long-awaited happiness begins. The characteristics of this amazing couple are simply wonderful: complete mutual understanding, no complaints or reproaches - just a couple made in heaven!

7. Libra is an emotional zodiac sign that Virgo will find difficult to understand. Libra is changeable, constantly on edge, does not know what they want, and the modest, simple Virgo will irritate such a partner. Low compatibility and risky relationships.

8. Opposites don't always attract, but Scorpio and Virgo are that case. Scorpio is stormy - Virgo is quiet. Scorpio is strong - she is weak. They are two halves of a harmonious whole, and the couple’s compatibility is simply perfect!

9. Even though the horoscope says that they are different, Sagittarius and Virgo feel great together. Sagittarius is swift and bright, he is like a ray of sunshine and will give her what she didn’t know, show her new world. This odd couple has excellent characterization, and if not strong marriage, then they are guaranteed a whirlwind romance.

10. Neither Capricorn nor Virgo are prone to violent feelings, and the couple may seem boring to others, but the horoscope assures that they belong next to each other. Capricorn is smart, stands firmly on his feet and will be glad to meet a couple like Virgo. Let passions not boil, but harmony and mutual understanding are guaranteed.

Eastern style

To make the characteristics more complete, the eastern horoscope will help.

  • The Virgo-Rat is incredibly smart, loves research, experiments, and is very inquisitive and inquisitive. She is obligatory, responsible, punctual and does not tolerate people who do not have these qualities.
  • In the year of the Ox, domestic Virgos are born. This woman puts coziness and comfort first, loves aesthetics and appreciates beauty, and knows how to run a household impeccably. This is an ideal mother and wife, calm and hardworking, but it’s better not to piss her off.
  • Tiger is a strong sign. This combination gives birth to an exalted woman with a rich spiritual world, prone to self-improvement, not lazy, active and successful.
  • The cat is a dreamy and romantic creature. Such a woman lives in a fantasy world, dreams of incredible adventures, but does not dare to realize her dreams. She is creative, interesting, loves to tell stories and enjoy good company.
  • The Dragon - decisive sign. This lady can change fate loved one, leave a bright mark, it is impossible not to notice or forget. She is honest, courageous, and does not tolerate deception and insincerity.
  • The snake is dangerous: incredible intelligence, insight, intuition, magical attraction and the ability to manipulate. She knows everything about everyone, feels the hidden, sees weak spots, it is better not to enter into confrontation with her.

  • A horse is a free and swift creature. Will achieve any goal, take risks and will never sit still. If she said it, she will do it, if she wanted it, she will receive it.
  • The Goat is romantic, flirty, graceful and a little capricious. She will bring originality and freshness to any relationship; she was born for love and admiration. Any man nearby will lose his head and forget about his principles, she will be enchanted, dizzy and driven crazy.
  • A smart Monkey keeps emotions and feelings under control, knows how to use them, is very resourceful and does not get confused in difficult situation. She looks at the world positively, is sociable, and is not at all naive, although she can feign naivety and stupidity.
  • A rooster in this combination is not a brawler and does not get into trouble. This is an intelligent and reserved woman, fair, courageous and striving for the ideal. She is independent, responsible for her actions, but does not forgive the offender and knows how to take revenge in a sophisticated manner.
  • The dog cannot stand loneliness, it sets itself high goals, sometimes simply unattainable, and actively strives for them. She will not give offense, will save you from trouble and sacrifice herself for a friend.
  • The Pig also cannot imagine his life alone, and the main thing for her is family. She loves to gather guests in her cozy home, she is very kind, positive and sweet. Everyone likes her, she is incredibly hospitable and friendly, she will cheer you up, cheer you up and calm you down.

Virgo woman horoscope

Virgo woman: appearance

Virgo woman - behavior characteristics

Intellectual, owner logical thinking and a keen analytical mind, Virgo can become an excellent adviser to others. She is ready to help in situations when others give up. At the same time, such a woman does not try to shine in public - she is generally not inclined to stand out from the crowd. Public opinion and mood are not a guide to action for her; she lives in accordance with her internal convictions, and does not like to pretend and be a hypocrite. Communicating with her is not always easy, because she is very demanding and critical. You have to be perfect so that she doesn’t make at least a couple of sarcastic remarks about you. As the horoscope assures, the Virgo woman especially does not like people who have bad manners, express themselves illiterately, or use swear words who do not take care of their appearance.

Zodiac sign Virgo - woman in work and career

Work is of great, if not paramount, importance for Virgo women. As a rule, in this regard, they are always given clear life goals. At the same time, they tend to underestimate themselves and suffer from an inferiority complex, which prevents them from finding positions that they deserve thanks to their brilliant intellect and many other advantages. The Virgo woman is an excellent worker because she is critical, including of herself, hardworking, concentrated, neat, punctual, and focused on better results. It is difficult to catch her idle; moreover, among women of this sign, real workaholics are more often found than others. One can only dream of such conscientious performers as the Virgo woman.

Virgo woman in love

Virgo's reason in the overwhelming majority of cases takes precedence over emotions - in any case, representatives of the sign strive for this. It is difficult for them to reveal their feelings in front of the stronger sex, so relationships are often complicated by mutual misunderstanding. Men like Virgos for their calmness, tenderness, femininity, and affection. They themselves, in turn, are often “strange little animals” for Virgo women, which must first be carefully studied, observed, and only then allowed in. Such a woman continues to remain secretive even after she develops feelings for someone. A man must have a number of undeniable advantages for a woman of this zodiac sign to choose him.

Virgo woman in sex

The Virgo woman’s temperament cannot be called ardent; it is difficult for her to relax in bed; she is afraid of losing control over herself, her behavior and over everything that happens. A representative of this zodiac sign will never allow a man to cross the line of what is permitted by her, and even the most unbridled passion will not force her to move this bar one iota. However, in sex, a Virgo woman can open up to her partner with unexpected side. What in her opinion is appropriate and acceptable in bed, she can perform this “obligatory program” so masterfully that the man will receive great pleasure and only then will he understand that, in fact, there was nothing special. But if he thinks that next time he will be able to realize his more wild dreams, then he is deeply mistaken.

Virgo woman in marriage

Among such women you can find many old maids, since their choice of a life partner is especially lengthy and scrupulous. But if Virgo chose someone over all other men and her own loneliness, she is able to make this person truly happy, giving herself to him alone with all her soul and body. She is able to flirt with men without going beyond certain limits, quite strict ones at that, she always condemns women who cheat on their husbands. Virgo “grounds” the spouse, does not allow him to get involved in any adventure, but at the same time encourages the desire to move up the professional and social ladder. In her person, the husband finds an excellent adviser, but, at the same time, a witty critic. Her other half will have no reason to be jealous, and it’s hard to imagine Virgo herself making such a scene. By nature, she is less jealous than representatives of many other signs and is also secretive.

Zodiac signs: Virgo woman - mistress of the house

She can be called an excellent housewife, in whose house constant cleanliness reigns. All things lie strictly in their designated places, which is why Virgo’s home sometimes gives the impression of being uninhabited. You can hardly find luxury items or beautiful trinkets in it, but such a woman can create a completely cozy interior even from the simplest and most ordinary items. In addition, she tries to arrange the family’s life so that everything is as convenient, useful, and does not cause harm to health. Virgo women tend to treat their own well-being and that of their household members with special trepidation, so they try to prepare not just tasty, but also healthy food. The house of a Virgo woman always smells pleasantly of cooked food, flowers, etc., and in general her home makes an extremely favorable impression.

Characteristics of a Virgo woman - mother

The maternal instinct of the Virgo woman is not as developed as that of representatives of many other signs. Usually it is limited to the birth of one child, less often two, and treats upbringing with extreme responsibility. The character of the Virgo woman forces her to take parental responsibilities so seriously that she experiences constant anxiety, including about reasons that parents of other zodiac signs are not likely to worry about. Virgos focus on nurturing hard work, good habits, and intellectual skills. What to give a Virgo woman

A Virgo woman will always have gifts such as Appliances(including small ones), various devices that make housekeeping easier and save time, for example, a slow cooker, blender, electronic notebook, etc. You can also give smaller things, but they must be useful, stylish and of very high quality, since people of this zodiac sign cannot be denied good taste. A branded pen, an originally designed flash card, a business card holder, an elegant mirror, a comfortable bag, a beautiful case for a mobile phone - such offerings may not be appreciated by representatives of other signs, but not by Virgo, who pays a lot of attention to any little things. A gift for a Virgo woman should be personalized, and if you intend to give something for your home, you need to be sure that the item will organically fit into the interior carefully thought out by the owner of the house.

The woman of the Virgo zodiac sign is very practical, modest and has an easy-going character. “Always ready for anything” is her life motto and she tries to follow it in life. Her purely business attitude allows her to capture and analyze any situation, and she improves everything she touches. You should be as organized as the Virgo woman when you, for example, draw up a script for a walk. Whether it's a camping trip, a party or an emergency, she always knows exactly what she needs to do in a given situation. People often turn to her for help, especially emergency help, and she always tries to help them. Her analytical and pragmatic mind will find a way out of any current situation.

The Virgo woman can calm someone's nerves with a gentle word and a little affection, and she has the gift of smoothing out any chaos. This doesn't mean she's perfect, although she is a perfectionist. This means that it pays attention to its environment, calculates a simple solution and executes everything the best way which she is capable of.

Since Virgo women are very methodical, they excel in any career that requires analytical warehouse mind. Her problem solving skills are second to none and she thrives even under pressure from her superiors. A job that requires a lot of education such as a doctor, scientist or lawyer suits her very well. As a perfectionist, she will stop at nothing to get correct results, making her one of the most hardworking signs in the zodiac. It is best to leave the Virgo woman alone to solve the problem, as she will not rest until the job is done. She is usually very successful and rich because of this, but she does not focus on material possessions. She likes to live comfortably, but is too smart to desire frivolous things.

As an intuitive person, the Virgo woman can easily make friends with anyone. She is kind, sincere and ready to offer a helping hand at any time. Her friends can rely on her because... she will complete any task, and she will be on time for all events. Her only flaw is that she expects the same consistency in actions from everyone else. The Virgo woman hates drama and wants nothing to interfere with her stability. She sees potential in everyone and will do whatever it takes to ensure people realize it. Her friends just have to be willing to trust her once they enter her inner circle.

All these qualities also flow into her personal life. Virgo women don't need grand romantic gestures, just give them a sense of security and devotion. She doesn't care about fantasies; she wants a real deal and she won't settle for anything less. Someone who can express his feelings concisely will win her heart.

The Virgo woman prefers a gentleman who will treat her as a lady, traditional in every sense of the word. He must be polite, intelligent and conservative, and treat her with the same respect that she inspires in everyone. But don't think she's a prude. Once she finds a gentle soul, her sensuality takes over and she does not disappoint her chosen one. She will satisfy any lover as long as he assures her of a long-term relationship.

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Virgos remain lonely more often than representatives of other zodiac signs. The problem is that Virgo has a hard time finding a person who meets her requirements.

She tends to judge people superficially and attach excessive importance to neatness and cleanliness. As a result, Virgo sometimes misses out on a suitable partner.

The key to understanding her character: do not consider Virgo too rational or cold. She's just great at managing her emotions. Her feelings are no different from those of other women, but she knows how to keep them in check. Virgo's desires will most likely remain a secret to others.

She behaves seriously, with dignity. Modesty is one of her innate qualities. You won't hear Virgo boasting about their accomplishments. She has impeccable manners and behaves like a true lady - unless provoked. According to Virgo, a lady is a woman who loses her temper only out of calculation. And then beware! It's better to hide in cover. Virgo is capable of such verbal outpourings that can destroy the most persistent and protected ego.

She is a supporter of self-improvement, working hard on herself and her position in society. Virgo studies literature, music and art with special interest. Many representatives of this sign have sharp and subtle critical abilities.

Virgo is prone to excessive worry. This is partly due to the fact that she looks for a rational solution to any problem. She trusts her mind more than her intuition. When faced with another problem, she chews it up like a dog chews a juicy bone, getting to the bottom of it.

Virgo can be generous, patient and kind, but at the same time she is also very purposeful - her heart always obeys her mind. Once she has chosen a course, nothing will make her go astray.

Virgo's energy is enough for two or three women. She takes on any job with the firm conviction that no one can do it better than her. Once she gets down to business, she will take all measures to avoid failure. Like an acrobat performing without a safety net, Virgo needs to know where the next trapeze will be waiting for her when she completes a triple somersault.

Her sphere is the house in which she rules, and a wise man will give her creative freedom. Virgo's apartment looks as if no one lives in it. She wants every little thing to be in its place. Virgo knows how to spend money in the most rational way.

She knows what a man wants. If he doesn’t understand this himself, she will help him understand the situation. She is an excellent analyst. Her goals are practical and achievable with the right amount of dedication and energy.

Virgo usually gets married late. She will become an ideal housewife, an excellent mother (but quite strict) and an interesting companion for her husband. Unfortunately, sex for her is more a means of procreation than a source of pleasure. As a rule, she is pretty and retains her attractiveness for a long time.

Virgo loves to throw small and impeccably organized parties. Guests who drop ashes and food on the floor, or dress too casually, should not expect to be invited next time. Virgo excels in intellectual parlor games.

If Virgo is forced to earn a living, her exactingness and pedantry manifest themselves in the business world. She is excellent at mathematics and can be an excellent accountant. Virgo is also capable of becoming an impeccable personal secretary - especially in a business that requires constant self-improvement from a person. Whatever business Virgo devotes herself to, she will demand a salary that will ensure her independence. However, if she has to choose between high paying job and the one in which she is guaranteed a friendly and respectful attitude from her superiors, she will give preference to the latter.

Virgo’s objectivity and impartiality can falter only when it comes to her lover. She does not see his shortcomings and weaknesses. She is true to her idealized image of him. Her feelings are deep, but she does not advertise them.

She tends to treat a man as an unknown territory waiting to be explored, mastered and improved. She is well versed in male psychology, intuitively deciphers motivation and ultimately becomes the mistress of the objects of her research.

Virgo demands from those around her that they be as clean and tidy as she herself is. Virgo will not appreciate charming neglect like that of the famous philologist Samuel Johnson. One day he found himself at dinner as the neighbor of an elegant, fragrant lady. "Dr. Johnson, you smell," she remarked. The author of the first English dictionary, a man with an extraordinary sense of words, replied: "No, ma'am, it's you that stinks. It stinks me."

If this lady was a Virgo, she was unlikely to be amused by Dr. Johnson's words.

However, if she was a Virgo, then you can guarantee that she was a real lady.

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