Home Prevention My first hedgehog: tips for beginners. How to make the life of a hedgehog in captivity comfortable? What does a healthy hedgehog look like?

My first hedgehog: tips for beginners. How to make the life of a hedgehog in captivity comfortable? What does a healthy hedgehog look like?

If you want a funny hedgehog animal to live in your home, read what you need to feed it and in what conditions it should be kept.

Hedgehogs are small, rather good-natured animals, so it is not surprising that they are sometimes kept at home. These mammals love to visit summer cottages; in vegetable gardens they destroy pests and find food for themselves. People often feed these forest guests; they especially love fish and milk. Unlike some other animals, these are not allergic to it.

Choosing a breed

If you want a little prickly friend to live in your city apartment, you can buy a hedgehog. You should ask the seller to see a veterinary report, as there are cases of rabies among hedgehogs. For this reason, it is better not to take a wild forest dweller; moreover, they are often infected with helminth eggs and can be carriers of leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis - acute infectious disease, the causative agent of which is bacteria of the genus Leptospira. The disease is characterized by damage to the capillaries, often damage to the liver, kidneys, muscles, symptoms of intoxication, and is accompanied by undulating fever.

If you are wondering what breed of hedgehog to buy, Wikipedia will help you figure it out. To make your task easier, we present the classification of these animals here.

Pictured is an African Pygmy Hedgehog

The African hedgehog genus includes:
  • Algerian;
  • Somali;
  • South African;
  • White-bellied.
To the genus Steppe hedgehogs:
  • Chinese;
  • Daursky.
Here are representatives of the genus of Eurasian hedgehogs:
  • Eastern European;
  • Amursky;
  • European or Ordinary.
The genus Eared hedgehogs are:
  • Indian;
  • Collared;
  • Dark needle;
  • Apodal;
  • Ethiopian;
  • Eared hedgehog.

In order for a hedgehog to feel comfortable at home, he needs to create certain conditions. A prickly pet is not so picky; place it in a fairly spacious cage, which will have room for a small house, tray, and feeder. Hedgehogs brought home often spill water that you pour into a saucer, as they stand in it with their feet. Therefore, a stable container is necessary; you can purchase a bowl designed for feeding kittens. In addition to this, hang a special drinking bowl on the side of the cage; the animal will gradually learn to quench its thirst with its help, and the cage will not be wet due to water.

The photo shows a hedgehog bathing

So that it doesn't happen unpleasant odor, put a filler on the bottom of the cage, it is better if it is corn for cats. Some pet hedgehogs learn to go to the litter box, so add some of the litter here too.

On top of the filler, place bedding in the cage with a small amount of straw, moss and dry leaves. Clean the cage 1–2 times a week; do not do this more often, as this may cause the hedgehog to experience stress. If the animal is frightened or afraid, there is no need to play with it, as then it may bite. And not only people, but also other animals in the house, for example, a cat.

Sometimes a hedgehog needs to be given the opportunity to run around; to do this, fence off part of the apartment area so that it does not run away, otherwise you will have to look for it later. It is likely that the hedgehog will hide well and announce that he is here with a loud night stomp.

You need to know that hedgehogs have sharp claws, this can damage the floor, so lay cardboard and newspapers on it to keep the parquet and laminate flooring in order.
Hedgehogs are nocturnal inhabitants. IN wildlife they sleep during the day and are active at night. Such a habit of the new pet Not all family members will like it, so you can change the hedgehog’s daily routine. To do this, feed him during daylight hours. Then he will be awake during the day and not disturb you at night.

In the summer, you can take your pet to the dacha, creating comfortable living conditions for him there. To do this, build him an enclosure. Also lay moss, straw, and leaves there. From these natural materials he himself will build a shelter. To keep him dry when it rains, make a waterproof roof over part of the enclosure. If you live in a rural area permanently, dig a hole for him so that the hedgehog can survive winter hibernation. Please note that it should be of such depth that it does not freeze. Usually it is 1.5 meters. For summer living, a burrow depth of 50 cm is sufficient. Clean the burrow no more than 1–2 times a month so as not to frighten the animal.

IN natural conditions all hedgehog habitats warm time feed for years, accumulating fat. When a hedgehog hibernates, the fat helps it survive the winter. Therefore, if you want your hedgehogs to hibernate safely, control your pet’s weight. It must be at least 800 grams.

Sometimes hedgehogs hibernate in an apartment. At the same time, their body temperature drops to +1.8° and their heartbeat slows down. You can wake up your pet. To do this, wrap it in a towel and place a bottle of warm water next to it.

Hedgehog diet: food

When talking about what hedgehogs eat, it should be noted that the bulk of their diet consists of animal fats. In the wild, these are rodents, midges, worms, and beetles. At home, an ordinary hedgehog will happily feast on lean meat (poultry, beef, veal), fish, which should make up a third of a hedgehog’s diet. This is a very important product for these animals, as it gives them the necessary microelements and vitamins. Meat and fish can be presented both raw and boiled. It is best to scald the meat with boiling water, cool it, turn it into minced meat, mix it with boiled buckwheat or rice and feed it to the hedgehog in this form.

They also love dairy products, give them fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese and milk. Insects, which these animals also enjoy feasting on, can be purchased at a large pet store. There you can also buy crickets, mealworms, and Madagascar cockroaches, which hedgehogs also enjoy eating. If it is not possible to purchase such food, buy food for insectivorous birds. Before giving it to your pet, mix it with raw quail or chicken egg. This mixture is not only useful, but also very popular with prickly animals.

Add fruits and vegetables to your hedgehogs' menu, but in small quantities. Prepare a vitamin mixture for your hedgehog, for this you will need raw carrots. Rub it, add egg powder, a little crushed crackers, mix. When the summer of May beetles begins, they are collected, crushed and one part of the powder from these insects is added to two parts of the carrot-sugar mixture. Sometimes you can pamper your hedgehog with freshly squeezed fruit juice, but not often.

Suitable (untreated if possible) boards are cut to a single size and covered with an environmentally friendly glaze before assembly.

To prevent the needle inhabitants from escaping, it is recommended to lower the wire mesh to the ground and bury it.

In order to prevent climbing, a horizontal bar protruding forward is installed on each element.

If the soil is rocky, you should use a longer wire than specified. However, you should check daily to see if the hedgehog has dug holes (especially after rain, when the soil becomes damp)!

Hygiene at the hedgehog station

Mainly, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

· separate treatment sick hedgehog,

· preventing hedgehogs from colliding with each other

· health protection of personnel caring for hedgehogs

The latter requirement is met by washing and disinfecting hands, respectively, using disposable gloves during cleaning and needle-resistant gloves when working with hedgehogs.

An important condition For hygiene reasons, pets are kept separately at the station. Group housing is not recommended, as it contributes to the spread of possible infections among animals, as well as stress in solitary hedgehogs. Only hedgehogs from the same litter can be kept together for several weeks, unless there are large differences in body weight or injured or sick individuals.

The cages are cleaned daily, preferably in the morning. The newsprint that lines the cages is replaced. It is necessary to remove feces, urine and food debris. This is due to the fact that there may also be threats hidden here for needle patients: both infection through their own excrement and diseases associated with spoiled food.

Next, the cells are washed with a sponge or rag with warm water, to which a universal cleaner is added. Please be aware that when cleaning, diseases can be carried by cleaning liquids and rags. Pathogens “move” from point A to point B absolutely unnoticeably, although the employee believes that he is working correctly and accurately. For example, a salmonella infection can easily spread throughout a station if all cages are wiped with the same cloth.

For this reason, the following disinfection is extremely important: All cells are cleaned with a surface disinfectant (e.g. SafeSeptFlächendesinfektion / HenrySchein®) so that not only bacteria, but also viruses and fungi are killed. It is important to follow the instructions for use: depending on the degree of dilution, the solution may be stronger or weaker. The disinfectant can be poured, for example, into a flower sprayer and sprayed into the cages from it. Finally, they must dry within the specified time: depending on the product and solution, most often 15-30 minutes. Only then does the solution have its full effect, and all pathogens are destroyed.

During this time, the animal is transferred, of course, without contact with other hedgehogs, to a lower level, where the rest house is installed in a clean cage with an exit to the wall.

When changing the occupant of the cage, as well as at the end of housing, a particularly thorough cleaning must be carried out against skin fungi (for example, with DanKlorix / Colgate Palmolive), bacteria, coccidia or cryptosporidium (for example, with Neopredisan 135-1® / MennoChemie). In addition, plastic holiday houses must be thoroughly disinfected. Cardboard houses are thrown away.

The scales and processing table are also potential sources of infection in the station. To avoid direct contact with the surface of the scale, it is recommended that each hedgehog be covered with fresh, double-folded kitchen paper. The same bedding can be used for the hedgehog on the processing table and then discarded.

Special attention requires cleaning dishes and hand towels (see below). Cleanliness must also be maintained in the kitchen: for example, poultry products can become a source of danger.

Also, all devices used at the station must be kept clean.

Food syringes should not be used on multiple hedgehogs; tweezers and other devices should be disinfected after use on an animal.

The German Veterinary Society provides up-to-date information on disinfectants in the lists of disinfectants available at www.dvg.net.

Funny, amusing and very unusual pets are hedgehogs. They are interesting to watch, easy to care for, and in addition, these mammals do not cause any inconvenience even to allergy sufferers. Many people simply fall in love with them after watching enough cartoons; they often feed hedgehogs in their summer cottages, villager They also welcome these prickly little ones, because they protect the farmsteads from rodent pests.

Before the hedgehog appears in the house

You should prepare very seriously for the appearance of this pet, like any other.. Forest dwellers who hide from everyone and go out to hunt only at night, hedgehogs are not very adapted to life in apartments. But they are smart, easily get used to people, adopt their habits and lifestyle.

Therefore, when making a decision, you must firmly remember: caring for him and responsibility for him from the moment he appears in the house will lie with the person; in the wild, most of them will not survive.

a brief description of

The size of hedgehogs depends not only on age, but also on species. Body length can be from 10 to 45-50 cm, weight - from 300 to 1500 g. Triangular head with bright eyes- beads and a very mobile nose, the tip of which in a healthy animal is cold and wet. Hiding in a tiny mouth sharp teeth, the incisors at the front look more like fangs. The tarsus with five dexterous toes (some species have 4 toes) are quite short, the hind ones are longer than the front ones.

The most interesting thing about the appearance of these animals is their spines, the number of which can be more than 10,000. Nature has worked on these rather helpless creatures that fight rats, mice and snakes without fear. The fur of small predators - hedgehogs - has changed, turning hairline in powerful armor.

Important! The needles grow from the follicles, just like hair, but each has a muscle attached to it, which contracts in case of danger, setting the spine in motion. The needles don't just rise, they cross each other.

But that's not all. The head, paws and belly of the hedgehog do not have spines, which makes the animal vulnerable. And here another muscle, located on the back under the skin, comes to the rescue. Thanks to it, the hedgehog can instantly curl up into a ball, reliably hiding all unprotected parts of the body. No animal is able to overcome such reliable protection.

In nature, hedgehogs, despite their armor, have cunning enemies. Foxes and wolves simply push the thorny ball into the water and wait until the hedgehog turns around, and here everything depends on dexterity - hedgehogs swim perfectly, but the enemy still has a few seconds to attack. An eagle owl is able to swallow a hedgehog whole; the thorns will not harm it. Eagles are helped by long claws and rough skin on their paws, which is not afraid of needles.

For winter cold, when hedgehogs go into hibernation, the dwelling is built much deeper, up to one and a half meters deep. Having fattened up and gained weight, the hedgehog climbs into a hole, the body temperature drops, the pulse and metabolism slow down - this helps save energy for several months.

Hedgehogs are quite pleasant neighbors; they do not like unnecessary attention and are unpretentious in food. But at night they behave very noisily: the stomping of a small animal, its snorting and sighs cannot be heard only by the deaf. Future owners should also prepare for the fact that the character of the pet will depend only on their methods of education and ability to care. Just like among people, among hedgehogs there are representatives completely different in temperament.

There are loners who do not need company, just like their wild counterparts: such pets will only patiently endure attempts at communication, but they will happily share the evening by the fireplace, sitting comfortably in their owners’ slippers and watching what is happening, taking a treat from their hands, and coming to the call. The explorer hedgehog will not give anyone peace of mind with his activity, climbing into the most inappropriate places that attracted his attention, and the sense of smell and hearing of these babies is extremely acute.

This is interesting! From childhood, a hedgehog accustomed to people is most often loving; he greets his owners with joy, almost purrs with pleasure when his belly is scratched, climbs onto his lap and generally does not mind being close to him all the time. The complete opposite of him is a hedgehog with an aggressive character, offended by something against the human race.

You should be very careful with such a pet, gaining trust patiently and carefully, constantly talking, and feeding it with your favorite treats. Sooner or later, those who are determined manage to overcome stubbornness and mistrust and take permission into their hands.

Types of hedgehogs

Among the hedgehogs, there are African (Algerian, white-bellied, Somali), steppe (Chinese and Daurian), Eurasian (Eastern European, common and Amur), as well as funny eared hedgehogs. Animals with bright distinctive feature of this genus are divided into Indian, collared, Ethiopian, long-spined and bare-bellied.

Each species has its own habitat, but many people recommend keeping African ones as pets as they are the smallest in size or eared, interesting features behavior.


Resistance to poisons, excellent protection, and the ability to hibernate help hedgehogs in nature cope with many difficulties and fight for their survival. And yet their lifespan rarely exceeds 5 years. But at home, with normal nutrition, absence of stress and illness, hedgehogs can live up to 10 years.

A cute creature, the decision to purchase which was made on family council, needs not only shelter and shelter in which he will feel safe, but also appropriate care.

Cage, enclosure for a hedgehog

This animal cannot live freely in the house, like a cat or dog; curiosity and the ability to climb into the most secluded corners will cause a lot of trouble. This can be dangerous for both the animal and the person. So it’s best to immediately decide on a home for the hedgehog.

This can be a cage, a dune, that is, a half-transparent, collapsible plastic cage, or a spacious plastic container. A hedgehog cage can be “multi-story,” with ladders and toys; these are also easy to purchase today or make yourself.

Another quite common option is a corral or aviary.. They are assembled from mesh blocks in height, which is 2 times the height of the animal standing on its hind legs. It is advisable to install the enclosure on a table or cabinet, but if there are no other animals in the house that can disturb the hedgehog, the room is warm and there are no drafts, then installation on the floor is also allowed.

The cage, dune or container must be well ventilated, Fresh air necessary for hedgehogs. Temperature – 25 degrees, no direct sun rays, heating radiators can also cause harm. A flat floor should not be made of slats or mesh so that the animal does not injure its paws. The house, play wheel, feeder and other accessories should be installed at a distance from each other, in addition, you need about 0.5 square meters of completely free space so that the hedgehog has somewhere to walk. The height of the cage should be 15 cm greater than the highest point of the toys, the lid of the house.

This is interesting! Enclosures are also good because they are easy to disassemble and transport with you to country cottage area, where in good weather a hedgehog can live almost in wild conditions.

It is necessary to exclude all possibilities of escape: hedgehogs perfectly climb ladders, jump, run, despite short legs, nimbly. And in big world apartment, city or suburban house, a small creature is in danger of big troubles.

Care and hygiene

The hedgehog’s home needs to be cleaned at least once every 7 days, changing the filling and replacing materials for building the nest (moss, dry leaves, pine needles, grass). Hedgehogs need to be bathed in warm water at least once a month. If the contact with the animal is good, then the bathing procedure will bring pleasure to both. Just put it in a room temperature container and let it float for a bit; provided that the low water pressure does not bother you, rinse the needles and the skin underneath them under the tap.

You can teach a hedgehog to bathe by simply placing it in a warm bath or letting it find the “pool” on its own. It is best to wash the cage with soapy water or special compounds with an antibacterial effect that are safe for animals.

Nutrition, daily diet

The cage must have a drinking bowl with clean water, in the morning and evening you need to put enough food in the feeder so that the hedgehog eats it right away. This will avoid contamination and souring of food. In nature, hedgehogs feed on insects, larvae, and do not refuse small birds, eggs, and pups.

You can give a hedgehog:

  • Lean boiled meat, cooked without spices or salt (chicken breast - 1 tablespoon, finely chopped).
  • Chicken necks, also without salt and spices (1-2 pieces per animal).
  • Fruits and berries: apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries.
  • Vegetables: carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Quail egg: raw (once a week).
  • Live food: crickets, zoophobes, cockroaches, grasshoppers, worms, caterpillars. If you are afraid of live insects or are afraid that they may scatter, then you can freeze them. Before giving insects to a hedgehog, they must be defrosted to room temperature.

Hazardous substances:

You should also exclude grapes, pineapple, raisins, avocado and all citrus fruits from your fruit diet. Avoid feeding your pet any foods with dyes, additives, or chemical preservatives.

Breeding and offspring

In large cities there are nurseries where you can buy domesticated hedgehogs. If the goal is to obtain offspring, then it is worth purchasing a pair from different families. Hedgehogs become sexually mature in the second year; the breeding season occurs in the spring, when the animals emerge from hibernation. A hedgehog carries babies from 40 to 50 days; there are from 2 to 7 hedgehogs in a litter, which feed on mother's milk, and by 2 months they become independent.

It is better not to disturb the female for the first 20 days so that she does not destroy the offspring. 30 days after birth, hedgehogs need to be taught to feed on their own, giving them a little millet porridge cooked in milk, minced meat mixed with an egg.

Diseases, prevention

Breeders must provide a certificate of health of the pet and its parents, vaccinations. Hedgehogs are different good immunity, but they can catch a cold, develop indigestion by eating something stale or too fatty, and if they eat improperly, anemia can develop. The animals suffer from eye diseases, stomatitis, and are often bothered by poorly healing wounds.

Viral and bacterial infections, which can be dangerous to humans, are best diagnosed and treated by specialists. Preventive examinations Visiting the veterinarian twice a year is the best way to take care of your pet’s health.

Before you start caring for a hedgehog, you need to study the features of its anatomy and behavior. A hedgehog is a small mammal, like a mole and a shrew, and belongs to the order of insectivores. The animal is nocturnal and has a highly developed sense of smell and hearing. Typically feeds on insects (termites, ants, beetles, etc.), small rodents, eggs and some fruits.

It is characterized by the fact that part of its body is covered with needles, with the exception of the limbs, abdomen and head. The number of needles ranges from 5000 to 7000 pieces, and they are attached to strong muscles which are called circular. When these muscles contract, the spines rise vertically, providing the hedgehog with protection against certain dangers and predators.

Another important feature Its anatomy includes 36 teeth, an elongated skull, and a teardrop-shaped body.

There are many types of hedgehogs that are distributed throughout all corners of our planet. Surely many of you have encountered hedgehogs in your garden more than once.

For classification, four main varieties are distinguished:

G. hemiechinus


G. paraechinus

G. Erinaceus

African species have gained the most popularity. Among them

White-bellied (Atelerix albiventris)

Algerian or Moorish hedgehog (Atelerix algirus)

Somali (Atelerix sclateri)

South African (Atelerix Pruneri)

Ethiopian (Paraechinus Aethiopicus)

Egyptian or long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus)

White-bellied hedgehogs were first kept as pets about twenty years ago in North America.

A hedgehog, like any animal, has a skeleton consisting of the following main parts:

Chest and ribs



If you decide to have African hedgehog As a pet, it is important to consider several aspects regarding the nature and behavior of this species, as well as basic rules of care and maintenance. To avoid disappointment and subsequent problems, even before purchasing your hedgehog, you should make sure that this pet suits your tastes and needs.

House for a hedgehog– one of the key points in its content. These are some examples of hedgehog homes, but there are probably many more.

When choosing housing for your hedgehogs and their location, you should avoid:

DRAFT! This will help avoid respiratory tract infections;

LOW TEMPERATURES (below 22 º C)! This may result in an attempt to hibernate;

NO LIGHT DURING THE DAY! This will help avoid disruption of the biological rhythm;

DIRECT SUN RAYS! The hedgehog is a nocturnal animal and does not like direct sunlight;

MESH OR WIRE FLOOR IN A CAGE! A hedgehog can damage its paws.

Wheel for hedgehogs

When choosing a good home for a hedgehog, you must also consider:

Size: The cage should be quite spacious, as the hedgehog needs space to move around. It should fit a house and also a wheel with which the hedgehog will practice running.

Safety: The material from which the cage is made should not contain any hazardous substances, and there should also be no sharp edges, moving areas, or mesh floor, as this can lead to injury. If you plan to have a second floor and a rise, you must be sure that there will be no fall.

Ventilation: Good ventilation is essential to control humidity levels and thus prevent mold growth.

Easy Cleaning: The better you can clean the cage, the better your hedgehog's health will be. It is important that the cage is made of a material that can be easily disinfected and washed regularly.

Let's look at some housing options for hedgehogs:

Metal cages

This is one of the most popular options. Rabbit cages are often used to house hedgehogs and provide the necessary space to move around.

Advantages: Average economic cost, ease of use, variety of sizes, shapes and colors.

Disadvantages: Openings between the bars can be dangerous for young hedgehogs, as they can get stuck in them. It is difficult to keep the cage warm. It is also not recommended to use metal cages with soil; if wet, it can lead to a fungal infection on the hedgehogs' paws.

Plastic cages

They are very similar to twig cages, but with a plastic structure. They retain heat better and are easy to clean, but are somewhat more expensive than metal ones.

Aquariums and terrariums

The options are aesthetically pleasing and good for keeping warm, but have some disadvantages: firstly, they are not the cheapest option (especially terrariums), do not provide sufficient ventilation and, most importantly, are very difficult to clean.

Plastic containers

Making a hedgehog’s life comfortable at home is quite simple; you just need to follow small rules and the nuances of their maintenance. So, if the hedgehog is small (African or long-eared hedgehog), then a very small cage of 60x100 with a height of 40 centimeters will suit it. Larger species of hedgehogs require larger housing. At the same time, it is convenient to build a spacious enclosure outside or to adapt a balcony for your pet.

For small hedgehogs Metal cages with a plastic retractable floor are ideal. You should not keep hedgehogs in aquariums as they are poorly ventilated, and this affects the health of the hedgehogs.

The enclosure can be of any shape and size, but it must be in a dry and sunny place. An aviary is a frame (metal bars or pipes) covered with a metal mesh. The surface must be concreted. You need to pour a small layer of soil on it, preferably with turf. In such an enclosure you can keep a hedgehog outside in the garden of a cottage or summer house.

You need to put a wheel in the enclosure or cage so that the hedgehog can run. It should fit perfectly to the size of a hedgehog. In the hedgehog's enclosure it is necessary to make an artificial hole, or house. To use the toilet, the hedgehog needs to fence off one of the corners; it is better to fill it with large sawdust or medium-sized granules of soft zeolite. In the cage, the floor is covered with disposable paper napkins that absorb odors. They are very warm and also do not contain dyes or other harmful substances. It is not recommended to use sawdust of any kind as bedding. They irritate hedgehogs and make them restless.

A hedgehog does not need to be bathed unless absolutely necessary. Hedgehogs clean their quills by bathing in the sand. Therefore, a small basin filled with sand would be appropriate in a cage or enclosure where your pets will bathe.

If a hedgehog lives in a cage, then it must be let out of it for about 3 hours a day. Hedgehogs need to walk and move, but when moving around the apartment they need to be supervised. You need to keep an eye on them not because they can make a mess in the room, but because small hairs and threads can get wrapped around their paws. This debris must be removed from the paws in time, otherwise the skin will be injured and susceptible to inflammation. If a thread is wound around the paw, the blood supply is disrupted. If the paw swells, you may even lose it. It is very dangerous when a hedgehog has access to a place from which it cannot get out on its own.

The cage needs to be kept clean and the bedding needs to be changed. It is necessary to clean the toilet corner and wash the feeder on time. Hedgehogs are unsociable pets, so you should not keep more than one hedgehog in a cage.

If in the wild this type If a hedgehog hibernates, then in captivity it needs to create similar conditions for hibernation. To do this, you need to feed it intensively in the fall. In October, the hedgehog will sometimes begin to fall into a short-term stupor. If such a condition is noticed, then you need to prepare an insulated place for hibernation. But the temperature should not exceed 5 degrees. The animal wakes up in the spring.

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