Home Hygiene How to properly call an emergency psychiatric team. About emergency psychiatric care Reasons for calling a psychiatric team

How to properly call an emergency psychiatric team. About emergency psychiatric care Reasons for calling a psychiatric team

The procedure for admitting a patient to a psychiatric hospital, if the sick person does not mind, is quite simple.

You need to come for an appointment at the district dispensary at the place of residence of the sick person, to a psychiatrist during his working hours, and after an examination, the doctor will write out a referral and call psychiatric help himself for transportation to a psychiatric hospital.

You can also go to the emergency room of a psychiatric hospital, which is open 24 hours a day, and after examining the patient by a psychiatrist, the issue of hospitalization is decided on the spot.

But such methods are possible only if the sick person agrees and is not against hospitalization.

The difficulty of hospitalizing a sick person is that having a mental illness, especially in its acute period, a person loses the ability to adequately assess reality and loses the perception of criticism of himself and his actions. Therefore, hospitalization by a sick person is perceived as a threat or punishment.

But in case of emergency conditions of the disease, relatives themselves can call an ambulance for psychiatric help. In the ambulance team psychiatric care There must be a psychiatrist. After an examination and conversation with the patient, the doctor himself decides on the issue of hospitalization.

And on the basis of what laws this happens is described below.

Calling and providing ambulance. Legal aspects.

The provision of emergency psychiatric care is regulated by:

Articles 11, 16, 29,30 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “On measures to prevent socially dangerous actions of persons suffering from mental disorders "(No. 133/269 dated 04/30/1997), Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.0 for emergency psychiatric care" (No. 108 dated 04/08/1998)

As follows from the text of the Commentary to Article 16 of the Law,

"...emergency psychiatric care is understood as a set of measures aimed at providing emergency assistance patients who are or are in a state of acute psychosis, often accompanied by confusion, agitation, severe emotional disorders, confusion, figurative delusions, deceptions of perception (hallucinations), or revealing, although chronic, but severe mental disorder, which causes given time their danger to themselves or to others..."

One of the main measures of emergency psychiatric care is hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital, as well as (to a lesser extent) the use of medications, reducing arousal, inhibition and other methods of restriction motor activity sick.

Since most of these measures can be taken by decision of a psychiatrist (see commentary to Articles 11, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30), their execution is mainly entrusted to the emergency psychiatric service or to institutions providing out-of-hospital psychiatric care (psychoneurological clinics or offices).

Partially, within the limits of their competence, these functions are forced to perform before examination by a psychiatrist, ambulance and emergency medical teams, doctors of general somatic hospitals and clinics, who in their practical activities often encounter people suffering from mental disorders, as well as police officers (in terms of preventing dangerous actions).

Determining the presence or absence of a mental disorder in a person, as well as establishing a diagnosis of mental illness (according to the rules set out in the commentary to Part 1 of Article 10 of the Law) is the competence of a psychiatrist.

Doctors of other specialties, encountering cases that raise suspicion of the presence of a mental disorder, can make their diagnostic conclusions about this tentatively, for example: “Acute mental disorder?” In the future, consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary.

Psychiatric examination and hospitalization, usually carried out with the participation of emergency psychiatric care teams, can be voluntary, when the patient himself requests or does not object to examination by a psychiatrist and hospitalization, or involuntary, when the patient is examined and hospitalized against his wishes.

The law (Articles 23, 24, 25, 29) provides that involuntary examination is carried out if, according to available data, the person being examined commits actions that give grounds to suspect, and involuntary hospitalization is carried out if a doctor determines that he has a severe mental disorder that stipulates:

A) his immediate danger to himself or others, or
b) his helplessness, that is, his inability to independently satisfy the basic needs of life, or
c) significant harm to his health due to deterioration mental state if the person is left without mental health care.

With the same criteria for involuntary examination and hospitalization, there are differences in the legal procedure. The decision on involuntary hospitalization is made by the doctor himself, and the decision on involuntary examination by the doctor is made only if the condition meets criterion “a”. If we are talking about criteria “b” and “c”, it is necessary to obtain the sanction of a judge for an involuntary examination.

The law does not highlight any of the three criteria for involuntary hospitalization as the main one. In order to avoid failure to fulfill a medical duty, it is unacceptable to absolutize the criterion of the patient’s danger to himself and others (a), as the most demonstrative, and ignore the other two criteria. It is important that the doctor’s decision is always sufficiently motivated by a description of the patient’s mental state.

In cases where the patient, due to his mental state, cannot express his attitude towards hospitalization (make a request or give consent), when he, for example, is in a state of altered consciousness (delirium, oneiroid, twilight state), or when there is acute psychosis with severe confusion, extreme preoccupation with psychotic experiences, or severe dementia, in which a personal attitude towards the fact of hospitalization cannot be established - in all these cases, referral and delivery to a psychiatric hospital must be formalized as involuntary.

Involuntary hospitalization begins from the moment of implementation of the decision made by a psychiatrist to place the patient in a hospital, regardless of his wishes, after his examination at the place of call, since from this moment, if necessary, coercive measures are taken.

When referring for hospitalization, the psychiatrist must give a substantive and evidentiary description of the patient’s mental state, from which it can be concluded quite definitely that it meets one of the three criteria for involuntary hospitalization: it must be indicated that the patient is being hospitalized involuntarily, as well as which criterion Article 29 of the Law his condition is consistent.

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 30 of the Law, police officers take measures to prevent actions life-threatening and the health of others on the part of the hospitalized person or other persons.

Police officers are obliged to assist medical workers during involuntary hospitalization and provide safe conditions for access to the hospitalized person and his examination. If it is necessary to hospitalize mentally ill patients who have no relatives or live separately, police officers take measures to ensure the safety of their property.

Legal aspects related to the peculiarities of emergency (emergency) psychiatric care.

Call psychiatric team should be accepted if the patient is in unfavorable living conditions and his “severe mental disorder” meets any of the three criteria.

When conditions are unfavorable (lack of observation, care for the patient, being away from the family, on the street, etc.) helpless patient(criterion "b") and a patient with poor clinical prognosis if left without psychiatric help (criterion “c”), they become dangerous to themselves. In these cases, criteria “b” and “c” of Article 23 of the Law coincide with criterion “a” and the patient must be involuntarily examined by an emergency psychiatrist.

In rural areas and small towns where there are no psychiatrists.

IN in case of emergency question about referring the patient to psychiatric hospital It is advisable for doctors of other specialties to decide. Upon admission to a psychiatric hospital, such a person will be examined by a psychiatrist in reception department(Commentary to Article 20 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On psychiatric assistance and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision”).

The dispatcher (doctor on duty) of emergency psychiatric care, when accepting a call, may be misled by the fact that those calling erroneously assessed and presented the person’s actions as painful or biasedly presented the facts.

In such cases, if this person refuses psychiatric help, the psychiatrist, having arrived at the place of call and assessing the situation, independently decides on the issue of conducting a psychiatric examination and may refuse to conduct it or, after conducting a conversation with this person, can only establish that he is not needs emergency psychiatric care on an involuntary basis (the psychiatrist does not decide whether the person suffers from a mental illness and what type of psychiatric care he needs).

This is what he writes about in medical documentation, justifying it with data obtained on site. In these cases, the involuntary examination is considered not to have been carried out, and the doctor does not violate Art. 23 of the Law on Psychiatric Care. The patient, the applicant who called the psychiatrist, and other persons should be explained that the circumstances specified in the conversation are necessary to make a decision on the need for an examination.


There are two types therapeutic measures for acute and emergency conditions in psychiatry at the prehospital stage. The first is related to the fact that the doctor decides to hospitalize the patient. In this case, the assignment medicines, primarily used to stop or reduce the severity of psychomotor agitation.

The use of psychotropic drugs to reduce affective tension, the presence of psychopathological experiences, mitigating anxiety and fear contributes to greater safety when transporting a patient and leads to a reduction in the use of measures of restraint, fixation, immobilization of an agitated patient in accordance with the Law on Psychiatric Care (Article 30, Part 2).

Another type of emergency treatment is associated with the need to provide assistance that does not involve hospitalization of the patient. We are talking about people with a wide range of conditions, including those that do not constitute a severe mental disorder, who require emergency psychiatric care, which can be provided on an outpatient basis.

This includes, in particular, non-psychotic level disorders (neuroses, psychogenic reactions, decompensation in psychopathy), some cases of transient and rudimentary exogenous-organic mental disorders(transient mental disorders of vascular, intoxication origin, neurosis-like and some affective, psychopathic states in chronic mental illness, side effects of psychotropic drugs prescribed to patients in neuropsychiatric dispensaries).


Emergency psychiatric care is provided to patients who often suffer from severe mental disorders and, due to their mental state, can pose a danger both to themselves and to others. At the same time, measures such as gas canisters and handcuffs are not used.

The peculiarities of providing assistance lie in the need, at the same time, to strictly implement a number of measures aimed at preventing suicidal acts, aggression, and harm to the patient himself, those around him, as well as the medical personnel providing assistance.

It must be remembered that the patient’s behavior under the influence of psychopathological disorders can suddenly change, be unexpected, impulsive, and become extremely dangerous, both for him and for others.

Due to this:
  1. The dispatcher (doctor on duty), having received information about a patient who has committed dangerous acts or made threats, having accepted the call, is obliged to notify the team doctor, informing him of all the details of the patient’s behavior that have become known.

    Having received a call to a socially dangerous patient (aggressive, armed, proficient in hand-to-hand combat etc.) the doctor of the emergency psychiatric medical care team must seek assistance from the internal affairs bodies in whose service territory the mentally ill person is located.

  2. Medical workers have the right not to enter without police officers into a room where a socially dangerous (aggressive, armed, etc.) patient is located.

  3. When examining a patient, the doctor’s behavior should be calm, restrained, without fussiness or unnecessary movements that can provoke aggression. The conversation should be conducted in a respectful, friendly, correct manner, both with the patient and with others.

  4. The measures taken by the team at the direction of the doctor, determined by the specific situation and characteristics of the patient’s condition, must be carried out quickly enough, coordinated and accurately.

  5. During the examination, as well as during all movements of the patient, the paramedics of the team must be located in close proximity to him in such a way as to prevent a possible dangerous act or escape. It is necessary to carefully monitor the patient’s behavior (direction of gaze, hand movements, facial expressions, etc.), remove all piercing, cutting, etc. from the patient’s field of vision (with the help of surrounding persons). items.

  6. Examination of persons with mental disorders in institutions, organizations, medical institutions, etc. carried out, if possible, in a separate room (administration office, medical center, etc.) in the absence of employees, without unnecessary publicity (that is, if possible, measures must be taken to avoid a situation that, in the patient’s opinion, may compromise him in the eyes of surroundings), as well as away from operating units.

  7. An examination of the patient in order to detect objects that can be used by him as weapons of attack and auto-aggression is carried out as directed by the doctor (usually before transportation, with the help of his relatives, as well as police officers or other persons) and in all cases carefully. In cases where circumstances require, the inspection must be carried out without delay.

  8. When boarding a patient in a vehicle, care should be taken due to the possibility of injury. During transportation, the patient's behavior must be constantly monitored. The conversation (if it is possible to establish contact) should not touch on his painful experiences, it should be distracting and calming.

    When leaving the premises (apartment, entrance, etc.), when getting into and out of a car, the staff is required to be especially vigilant, since at this moment the patient may attempt to escape and show aggression in this regard! When transporting a patient at night, it is necessary to illuminate the interior of the car.

  9. Vehicles should be located as close as possible to the entrance to the premises, convenient for quickly boarding or disembarking the patient.

  10. Transport no more than one excited patient in a vehicle at a time.

  11. If a person with mental disorders, at the time of examination or transportation, develops a state of psychomotor agitation, then, on the instructions and under the supervision of a doctor, it is necessary to apply measures of physical restraint if other methods cannot prevent the patient’s actions that pose an immediate danger to him or to others.

    About the forms and time of application of measures of physical restraint, make an entry in the medical documentation - call card, referral for hospitalization (Commentary to Article 30 of the Law).

    The psychiatric ambulance must be equipped with appropriate equipment, in particular, securing straps. Inside the car, the patient can be fixed to the stretcher in the area of ​​the limbs, waist, chest at the level armpits. The use of such restraint measures when transporting a patient is also permissible in cases where this measure is forced due to the patient’s condition (Commentary to Article 30 of the Law).

  12. Upon arrival at the hospital, you should inform the admissions department staff about the characteristics of the patient’s condition that poses a danger; V necessary cases provide assistance to the reception staff.

  13. The clothing of employees of psychiatric teams should not impede movement; there should be no hard objects in their pockets that could cause injury when the patient is immobilized.

As the great Russian poet of the 19th century said: “God forbid I go crazy, it’s better to have a staff and a bag...” At all times, deviation from the mental norm has caused fear and misunderstanding on the part of ordinary people. The need to place a mentally ill person in a specialized medical institution is still perceived as a life sentence. Doctors are constantly faced with myths and speculation regarding mental illness and methods of treating them. Thanks to modern science and medicine, methods of treating various mental illnesses have achieved unprecedented effectiveness. But people living in ignorance are still afraid to seek specialized psychiatric help. Some believe that schizophrenia should be treated in the church, others go to a fortune teller with problems on the depressive spectrum, being fully confident that they have been “jinxed.” To help mentally ill relatives, many turn not to a doctor, but to those who have nothing to do with medicine. It is not difficult to explain this phenomenon. On the one hand, the experience of the Soviet era is still alive in memory: people were taken to a mental hospital simply based on a complaint from their neighbors. On the other hand, many simply do not trust doctors and doubt their competence and ability to really help. And let’s not forget about the influence of funds mass media: “Battle of Psychics”, “Fortune Teller”, “Mystical Stories”... Modern Russian television is a testing ground for charlatans of all stripes and calibers. It is explained there that mental disorder- the result of the sins of ancestors or one’s own unrighteous life. And to the question, what to do? They offer to tell fortunes, perform a ritual of expelling an evil spirit, appease the dead, and so on. Skillfully using manipulation for their own purposes, “magicians” profit from the relatives of sick people. Therefore, psychiatrists, in addition to their direct activities, have to carry out educational work with visitors, explaining that superstitions are harmful, and convincing them that the effectiveness of psychiatric care in a specialized inpatient setting is much higher than is commonly believed.


The question of when to call an ambulance for psychiatric help is especially acute. The diagnosis itself cannot be the main reason for hospitalization. An exacerbation of the disease may occur in cases where outpatient treatment does not provide positive result. Unfortunately, many people are so deeply misconceived about psychiatric hospitals and psychiatrists that they prefer to hide their illness even from their loved ones, which ultimately leads to disastrous consequences. It has been proven that the majority mental disorders successfully treated in the early stages. Therefore, the sooner a person seeks help, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery or long-term remission will be. However, this is ideal, but in reality, you have to call a psychiatric ambulance due to aggravated symptoms of the disease. If a person neglects treatment, then at some point the disease becomes stronger, the patient loses control over his own consciousness and actions. In such cases, calling an ambulance for psychiatric help is required. Most often, a person needs the help of doctors when he is in an inadequate state: he is trying to commit suicide, behaves aggressively, threatens physical harm to others, is in a state of delirium, or hallucinates. Such conditions are classified as acute and require immediate hospitalization of the patient. The patient’s relatives or neighbors have a question: how to call a psychiatric ambulance? Call the phone number provided. The operator will ask about the reason for the call. You should describe in detail what happened, what condition the person is in, then a medical psychiatric specialist will be sent to you. ambulance. Many people doubt whether to call the government service or go to a paid psychiatric ambulance. Read on about the advantages of calling a paid psychiatrist to your home.

It is known that our medicine is going through difficult times. Psychiatry, as a separate field of medicine, is also not in the best condition. Government funding is constantly being reduced, this naturally affects the quality of services provided to the population. An alternative was private emergency psychiatric care. The first advantage of this service is complete confidentiality. By contacting a private clinic, for example, our medical center, you ensure absolute anonymity. No one will ever know that a person suffers from a mental illness. The second plus is the high qualifications and professionalism of the doctors. A psychiatrist of the highest category, an experienced doctor, an attentive and tactful specialist, will come to your home. Already on the spot, after collecting anamnesis, interviewing the patient and his relatives, a decision will be made on the need for hospitalization. The patient will be taken to a comfortable room in a specialized hospital, where he will receive medical care. Treatment is carried out according to new highly effective programs developed abroad by leading psychiatrists of our time. The greatest value is human life. The task of modern psychiatry is to make the lives of people with mental disorders dignified and fulfilling, not to isolate them from society, but to teach them to be part of a team. Guided by high international standards for providing emergency psychiatric care in Moscow and beyond, our clinic has reached a new level of efficiency in the treatment of mental disorders and various types of addictions. We provide 24-hour emergency psychiatric care; our teams are ready to respond to calls at any hour of the night or day. The team includes a psychiatrist-narcologist, a paramedic, two orderlies and a driver. The car is fully equipped with the necessary equipment and medicines. You can see the number of our emergency psychiatric help on the website, write it down so as not to look for it at the most crucial moment.


Let's look at the most common mental illnesses and their symptoms that require specialized medical care. Most often, we are talking about providing emergency assistance to patients in a state of acute psychosis. This may be due to the patient’s alcohol or drug addiction, as well as an exacerbation of schizophrenia when the patient stops taking medications. A person’s condition, accompanied by clouding of consciousness, excessive agitation, severe emotional disorders, confusion, imaginative delusions, and deceptions of perception, requires contacting an ambulance. Mentally ill people who pose a danger to themselves and others should be sent for treatment to a specialized institution. This is what the law on mental health care says. The decision on hospitalization is made by the psychiatrist who arrives on call. Help for a mentally ill person can also be provided at home if a specialist deems it possible to avoid hospitalization. Most often, emergency psychiatric care is called for people suffering from schizophrenia, senile dementia, disorders associated with organic changes in the brain, and alcoholics with the development of alcoholic delirium. Recently, emergency psychiatric care teams have become increasingly called to spice smokers. People under the influence of a synthetic drug behave unpredictably, often aggressively, exhibit a desire for suicide, self-harm, assault, and attack others. Such patients cannot be called mentally ill people, but at a particular point in time, while under the influence of drugs, the patients’ behavior is classified as a psychotic spectrum disorder, and, therefore, they should be provided with appropriate help. If you witness inappropriate behavior of a person associated with the use of illegal substances, dial the psychiatric emergency number. By doing this you will protect him and yourself from unpredictable consequences.

It has already become a classic for psychiatric teams to save alcoholics in a state of alcoholic delirium, or delirium. The so-called “squirrel”, a favorite topic of jokes, is not at all funny in reality. It is important to understand that delirium tremens occurs in a person after a binge, that is, we are not talking about a drunken stupor. The man, on the contrary, is absolutely sober. Therefore, if there is a “squirrel”, you need to call psychiatric help. How to call a psychiatric ambulance for alcoholics? The state of alcoholic delirium develops gradually. At the peak, a person suffers from delusions, deception of perception, and he develops conspiracy ideas. It seems to him that he is being watched, that he is being overtaken by aliens, rats, devils (images of pursuers are in direct connection with the patient’s fears). In such a state, a person sees the only way out - suicide. This is indeed a very severe syndrome that requires specific treatment and referral to a psychiatrist-narcologist. You can carry out a detoxification procedure at home and use sedatives. But you should not contradict the doctor if he insists on hospitalization. organism, long time poisoned by alcohol and its surrogates, can give an unpredictable reaction to the most harmless drugs. Treatment is best done in a specialized clinic under supervision experienced doctors. A serious barrier to accessing public mental health services is the fear of publicity. Withdrawal syndrome is not always a consequence of many years of alcoholism. A person who has experienced a loss, against the backdrop of extreme stress, may go on a drinking binge. Timely medical and psychological help will prevent further development of addiction. Therefore, you should not hide the problem. If you are afraid of public outcry, then an anonymous paid psychiatric ambulance is at your service. Prices in Moscow for this type of service are above average and correspond to the effectiveness of treatment. This is justified by the fact that the organization of psychiatric care is carried out exclusively by highly qualified doctors who use advanced techniques and the latest drugs. Stationary conditions correspond to the “premium” class.


In paid hospitals, a lot of attention is paid to organizing patients’ leisure time, art therapy, walks in the fresh air, and restoring social and communication skills. Modern approach in the treatment of mental disorders allows a person to return to his previous profession or choose a new type of activity that is more suitable for his character. Helping mentally ill people in a private clinic is much more effective, thanks to individual work with each patient. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about state medical institutions. “Psychiatric hospital” is the popular name for a budgetary medical organization that provides psychiatric care. A hospital for the mentally ill is associated in people's minds with a place of torture, torment, and abuse. In horror films, a mental hospital is often the site of the most terrible events. The gloomy image of a medical facility where people with mental disorders are kept is partly true. Anyone who has ever been to a state boarding school for the mentally ill knows the conditions in which the patients are kept. Often, the building requires major repairs, doctors' offices do not have basic office equipment and air conditioning, treatment is carried out exclusively with medications, most of which have long been prohibited for use abroad. This is the situation in state mental health care. However, in Russia there is an alternative in the form of a private clinic for the mentally ill. Using our example medical center You can talk about what a private psychiatric hospital is. The center is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region. New buildings with fresh renovation. Clean, bright, spacious rooms, with an individual bathroom, TV, and necessary furniture, are more reminiscent of a single room in an elite hotel than a hospital ward. The organization of assistance to mentally ill people meets international standards, is humane and effective. It is important that after initial appointment from a psychiatrist, the patient independently decides on hospitalization; placement in the clinic occurs only on a voluntary basis. The clinic provides assistance to relatives of mentally ill people. The specialist explains what features of behavior and communication must be taken into account so that a person does not lose peace of mind. A family psychologist works with relatives. This multifaceted, large-scale approach allows us to achieve high results in the treatment of various mental illnesses.

In cases where a person for some reason refuses to be placed in a hospital, outpatient psychiatric care must be organized. Often, psychiatrist help can be provided at home. For symptoms such as prolonged insomnia, headaches, panic attacks, depression, Bad mood, pathological fatigue, anxiety and fears, emergency psychiatric care is not required. Patients are usually advised to go to their local psychiatrist. However, there is a more comfortable way to get qualified help from a specialist without leaving home - calling a psychiatrist at home. This service is very relevant, because a person does not need to go to the hospital, stand in line, visit the uncomfortable office of a local psychiatrist, just call our clinic and order a consultation with a psychiatrist at home. The doctor will examine the patient, talk with him, and give recommendations to relatives on how to care for the patient. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed. The patient receives the full range of psychiatrist services, only not in the hospital, but at home. This option is very popular among people with disabilities and people with disabilities. It is important that the service can be ordered at any time convenient for the patient and his relatives. It is important that a psychiatrist comes to the house only if the patient’s relatives are present during the examination. Our clinic provides home visits by a psychiatrist not only in Moscow, but also in the Moscow region. By contacting us for help, you receive complete anonymity, guaranteed quality of services provided, consultation with a psychiatrist of the highest category, round-the-clock support throughout the entire therapy, and the opportunity for rehabilitation in a specialized private boarding house for the mentally ill.


Our clinic pays special attention to providing psychiatric care to older people. We kindly ask relatives not to delay in calling a psychiatrist at home, since with age the number of diseases increases, the nervous system is depleted, a person becomes capricious, demanding, aggressive, it seems to him that something is not really there. At the first signs of illness, hurry up and invite a psychiatrist for an elderly person. The doctor will come to the house and, first of all, interview the patient’s relatives, then proceed to examine the patient and listen to his complaints. Having collected an anamnesis and received explanations from relatives regarding problems that have arisen in the behavior of the grandmother or grandfather, the doctor makes a diagnosis, draws up a treatment plan, prescribes medications, and prescribes additional forms of examination, if required. The sooner you invite a gerontologist to your home, the more effective the treatment will be. Mental illnesses in old age Not unusual. Depending on the nature of the disease, rapid progression of the symptoms of the disease may be observed. Just yesterday the pensioner was cheerful and looked after himself, but today he already confuses the window with the door, hides documents and money, is about to leave home, and so on. You cannot leave to chance such harbingers of senile dementia as insomnia, headache, dizziness, mood swings, weakened memory, difficulties in perceiving information, delayed reactions, and absent-mindedness. Calling a psychiatrist to your home is an opportunity to avoid additional stress for an elderly person. A friendly and attentive specialist will examine and listen to the patient, tactfully and gently explain the need for therapy. A psychiatrist for the elderly at home is not only help for mentally ill people, but also advisory support for the whole family. Having determined the circumstances, the doctor can recommend how best to organize care for the patient. If we are talking about placement in a hospital (at the first stage of treatment this is often a necessity), he will give a referral to good clinic. Not to a state hospital for the mentally ill, from where the pensioner will never return, but to a modern specialized medical institution, where the person will be restored and brought back to normal.


There is another category of people with mental disorders who need constant supervision by an experienced specialist. These are mentally ill children. The onset of many severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, neuroses, bipolar disorder, - often occurs in adolescence. The difficulty of diagnosing at an early stage of the development of the disease lies in the fact that the child is not able to formulate his problem, explain what is happening to him, what he feels. Therefore, if parents notice strange behavior in their child, then it makes sense to call a psychiatrist at home for a consultation. Many diseases and mental disorders respond well to treatment at an early stage of development. This allows children with a diagnosed mental disorder to maintain social skills, learn a job, and lead a full life. On the other hand, child psychiatrists are concerned about the increase in child suicides and the increase in drug addiction among adolescents. Parents should be attentive to changes in the teenager's behavior, and invite a child psychiatrist to the home if there is cause for concern. In particular, suicide attempts can be both a symptom of mental illness and a sign of severe psychological trauma. It is impossible to resolve such issues during a telephone consultation; a personal conversation with the parents and the teenager is required, so you can make an appointment with a doctor or invite a psychiatrist to the child’s home. It is extremely important to recognize the signs of the disease, conduct a competent diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment(drug or psychotherapeutic). Help from a psychiatrist at home for adolescents is the most gentle option for providing child psychiatric care. The child does not experience unwanted stress and pressure, all conversations take place in a calm, familiar environment, which makes it much more successful to establish a trusting relationship between the patient and the doctor. Is it possible to call a psychiatrist to your home if a child behaves strangely, withdrawn, or, on the contrary, is aggressive, anxious, or overexcited? Our clinic provides the opportunity to receive advice from a competent specialist around the clock, not only by phone, but also in person. High-quality organization of psychiatric care for children suffering from diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychosis, psychopathy, neuroses, encephalopathic manifestations can significantly make life easier not only for the patients themselves, but also for their parents.


Often, the onset of a psychiatric illness takes you by surprise. People simply get confused, start to panic and don’t know how to call a psychiatrist at home. To do this, just dial our 24-hour service number. Just write down the telephone number for emergency psychiatric help so that, if necessary, you can receive prompt and high-quality medical care at home. The price of calling a psychiatrist to your home is higher than the market average, which can only be explained by high level qualifications of specialists, round-the-clock availability, prompt response to requests, and the use of only high-quality foreign medicines. It is important to emphasize the specificity of the work of the psychiatric team, since often people have to be literally “lifted” from the roof. Aggressive and violent patients may defend themselves, resist, and try to strike the orderlies and doctor. Most often, these are patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Urgent Care in case of schizophrenia, it requires mandatory hospitalization, since it is impossible to treat the patient at home. During exacerbations of schizophrenia, calling a psychiatrist to your home is simply necessary. When is first aid indicated for schizophrenia? If the patient poses a threat to himself and others, suicidal intentions and actions appear, the patient is in an altered state of consciousness, refuses food and drink, in such cases urgent therapeutic measures are necessary. Helping a patient with schizophrenia during exacerbation and psychosis consists, first of all, in establishing contact, a trusting relationship between the patient and the doctor, then the specialist makes a diagnosis at the syndromic level and develops a plan further tactics for the provision of medical care. During this time, the doctor should not lose “psychiatric” vigilance, soberly assess the situation, not allow the patient to approach the window, make sure that there is no potential dangerous items with which he could harm himself or others. Qualified medical care for mental patients during an exacerbation of the disease, provided by a competent specialist who follows the correct psychiatric tactics, can replace drug care. Calling a private psychiatrist to your home with a team will allow you to carry out hospitalization as gently as possible without the use of harsh measures and coercion.

Quite often, relatives of a mentally ill person listen to neighbors’ complaints. The behavior of a person with obvious mental disorders can cause dissatisfaction among all residents of an apartment building, and they will demand that the person be sent for compulsory treatment, or they may contact the local police officer. In this situation, it is necessary to call a psychiatrist to examine the patient at home. Most often, a mentally ill person does not recognize himself as such, does not consider it necessary to undergo treatment, refuses hospitalization, while at the same time continuing to violate the rules of living in the house. The family of a mentally ill person clearly needs help. Involuntary examination may be used if:

  • A sick person poses a threat to himself and others ( aggressive behavior, suicide attempts, immoral behavior);
  • A sick person cannot take care of himself (he is helpless, cannot prepare food, or perform hygiene procedures);
  • The patient's health condition deteriorates significantly; he cannot be left without treatment and medical care.

If you know that the patient will resist, hide, or close himself in the room, then the district police officer must be involved in the process of involuntary examination. Often, there is a need to break down a door, but a psychiatrist cannot do this. When ordering a paid home call from a psychiatrist, tell the operator of our clinic the specifics of the condition of your relative who requires psychiatric help. Perhaps it is necessary for not only a doctor to come, but also a full psychiatric team. If the doctor considers it possible to leave the patient for home treatment, then help may be needed to care for a mentally ill person. It is important to understand that a mentally ill person needs a special approach, taking into account his illness. The doctor will explain how to behave with the patient and what the basic safety rules are. The best way to avoid unexpected injuries and complications is vigilant monitoring of the patient. If the family cannot provide this, then it is worth considering the possibility of hiring a nurse or hospitalizing the patient. All questions and concerns can be discussed with the psychiatrist who arrives on your call. Once again I would like to emphasize that there is no need to hush up or hide the disease; at the first signs of a mental disorder, call our clinic, we will definitely help you.

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