Home Dental treatment How to call orderlies from a mental hospital. Mental health care at home

How to call orderlies from a mental hospital. Mental health care at home

Emergency psychiatric care is provided to patients with acute form mental illness, including exacerbation of schizophrenia, epilepsy, acute psychoses (including senile and alcoholic), and depressive states.

Signs of acute mental disorder There may be delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate behavior - strong motor and speech agitation, disorientation in space and time, attacks of rage and aggression, attempts to hide from invisible pursuers.

A specialized team should be called if the patient is confused, does not recognize loved ones and does not understand what is happening to him, is immersed in a stupor, or is helpless, unable to care for himself due to a mental disorder.

Urgent help A psychiatrist is necessary for persons who have attempted suicide or are threatening suicide. However, you should first make sure that physical state suicide is not a concern. Otherwise, you must call a regular ambulance. After the patient is hospitalized and the threat to life is eliminated, the psychiatrist will consult him in the hospital.

If the patient’s behavior does not pose a danger to himself or others, he is able to navigate reality, you can try to persuade him to see a doctor or local psychiatrist. Indications for calling emergency assistance in this case no.

Emergency psychiatric care is also not required if the patient is in a state of severe intoxication (alcohol or drugs), but there are no symptoms of psychosis, as well as with severe withdrawal syndrome (“” in alcoholics or “withdrawal”).

What to do if a loved one needs help from a psychiatrist?

When calling emergency psychiatric help, describe in detail the patient’s behavior, be sure to indicate whether he is in a state of narcotic or alcohol intoxication, how aggressive it is, whether this is the first case of such a disorder or disorders of this kind have been observed in the patient before. The dispatcher will tell you what to do before the arrival of a specialized team.

If emergency psychiatric help cannot be found, call a regular ambulance or rescue service, they will redirect the call to the necessary specialists.

Do not leave the patient alone, and if staying in the same room with him is dangerous, try to isolate him and call the police. Do not try to immobilize an agitated patient yourself if you are not confident in your own abilities.

If the patient is aggressive, quietly remove objects that could harm himself or others. Children in the apartment and

Are not indications for sending emergency psychiatric care teams:

1. Alcohol intoxication of any degree, regardless of the nature of the behavior of the person in a state of intoxication (with the exception of the mentally ill, disabled persons for psycho-VTEK).

2. Acute intoxication without mental disorders caused by narcotic and other substances.

3. Non-mental (somatic) variants of withdrawal syndrome.

4. Acute affective (situational) reactions in persons who do not pose a danger to others and are not registered as a psychiatric patient ( conflict situations at work, in the family, at home).

5. Antisocial actions of persons who are not registered as psychiatric patients.

6. Chronic alcoholism with a prescription for hospitalization, as well as when referred for planned treatment.

7. Scheduled consultations of mentally ill patients in somatic hospitals (consultative psychiatric care in somatic hospitals is provided by a consultant psychiatrist of the corresponding hospital, these doctors are methodologically subordinate to the chief psychiatrist of the city, in the absence of a consultant in the hospital advisory assistance provided by psychiatrists of the district PND).

8. Calls to ATC authorities for expert purposes.

9. Calls to the mentally ill at their place of residence, released from a psychiatric hospital on “trial leave”, in the absence of a threat to the life of the patient and surrounding persons.

Indications for referral of emergency psychiatric care teams

Main indications for sending emergency psychiatric care teams are:

1. Public dangerous actions mentally ill, expressed in aggression, death threats, destructive actions, suicidal intentions and a desire for self-injury.

2. Psychotic states and acute psychomotor agitation leading to socially dangerous actions:

- hallucinations, delusions, mental automatism syndrome, syndromes of disturbed consciousness, severe dysphoria, pathological impulsivity;

- systematized delusional syndromes if they determine a socially dangerous action of the patient;

depressive states if they are accompanied by suicidal tendencies;

- acute alcoholic psychoses, as well as psychotic components of withdrawal syndrome (not only alcohol);

— socially dangerous actions of mentally ill people who have a disability group according to psycho-VTEK, who are registered as psychosocial patients and who are in a state of alcoholic intoxication;

- manic and hypomanic states, causing gross violations of public order, overestimation of one’s professional and financial capabilities, sexual disinhibition, or aggressive and sadistic manifestations towards others, including antisocial harassment towards the “object of love”;

- acute mental states and acute affective reactions psychopathic personalities, oligophrenics, patients with organic brain diseases, accompanied by agitation or aggression;

- suicide attempts of persons who are and are not registered with a psychiatric institution, who do not need somatic help;

- states of deep mental defect, causing mental helplessness, hygienic and social neglect, vagrancy in public places.

3. Reactive states with signs of depression and suicidal or aggressive manifestations.

4. Postpartum psychoses.

The procedure for the departure of emergency psychiatric care teams

Psychiatric emergency teams are dispatched to:

- to institutions, enterprises, organizations, public places, on the street - around the clock;

— on weekdays from 9.00 to 19.00, patients registered and at home are served by district PNDs. When relatives of patients and other persons contact the dispensary with a request to visit a registered patient at home, the dispensary does not have the right to refuse or redirect the callers to an ambulance. The operating hours of dispensaries on holidays are announced by the organizational and methodological department for psychiatry of the health authority;

— emergency psychiatric care goes to the apartments of registered patients around the clock in the event of a sharp exacerbation of the condition, including: aggressive or suicidal intentions, psychomotor agitation, all cases of impaired consciousness;

— around the clock to patients who are in other people’s apartments;

— to the ATC authorities around the clock for patients who are not registered with the PND. To patients who are registered but live in other areas of the city; to out-of-town patients and patients without a fixed place of residence. Calls to patients registered in the PND of the same district with the police are accepted only from 19.00 to 9.00; during the daytime, these patients are consulted by psychiatrists from the district PND;

- to persons who are not registered with the PND and exhibit socially dangerous actions due to mental illness - around the clock;

- to somatic hospitals for consultations only on days when there are no regular psychiatrists-consultants;

— round the clock, on weekdays, Saturdays and holidays, calls are made only after the closure of the emergency room and with the exception of hours during which full-time consultant doctors provide consultations;

- when psychomotor agitation for a patient with aggressive and suicidal tendencies, calls to somatic hospitals are carried out around the clock;

- to persons with abnormal behavior, who are not registered with a psychiatric hospital, who are admitted to somatic hospitals and police departments while intoxicated, calls are accepted and carried out no earlier than 12 hours from the moment of drinking alcohol;

- V emergency departments somatic hospitals - around the clock;

— in military units, emergency psychiatrists go to see civilians and military personnel only on an urgent call and with the permission of the unit’s command. Military personnel are visited in public places and apartments for general reasons.

According to statistics recent years The prevalence of mental illnesses for which emergency psychiatric care is called is very high. This is also due to the fact that the number of patients with drug addiction and alcoholism has increased. Between many psychiatric diseases and dependence on psychoactive substances there is a strong cause-and-effect relationship. This group of mental disorders is called endogenous. These diseases develop due to imbalance chemical substances in the brain, and the reason for this is most often alcohol and drug abuse, stress, and brain injuries, which can provoke existing bad heredity. One of the most common endogenous diseases- this is schizophrenia. Patients with this diagnosis are susceptible crazy ideas, mania, suicidal tendencies.

Psychiatrist services at home

We guarantee confidentiality

Sensitive and attentive staff

We work with complex conditions both at home and in a hospital setting.

If the disease manifests itself acutely, then without psychiatric team an ambulance is indispensable. To admit a mentally ill person to a clinic, you must not only obtain his consent, but also prove that he is dangerous to society. The procedure for voluntary and involuntary placement in a psychiatric hospital is described in the relevant law. For example, before reaching the age of fifteen, consent for examination of a patient must be obtained from his parents or legal guardian. Every third home call from a child psychiatrist is related to suicidal intentions. However, this is only one of the reasons why a psychiatrist may be needed at home. The most common reason for calling paid emergency psychiatric care is acute psychosis is a state in which a person may threaten to harm himself or others. Psychosis is accompanied by delusions and hallucinations. If you observe a person in a similar state, then do not hesitate, dial the psychiatric emergency number.

Still have questions? Can't call?

Fixed price per call, Additional services are paid separately.

Cost of services

We will provide qualified assistance without registration.

Emergency psychiatric care for alcoholics deserves a separate discussion. Alcoholic psychoses are an integral part of binge drinking, or rather the condition that occurs a few days after stopping drinking. Delirium tremens - dangerous condition, requiring a psychiatrist to visit your home. Diagnosed this disorder It’s quite simple: pretend to take a thread from an alcoholic’s clothes and ask him what color the thread is. If a person answers what color it is, then he has obvious delirium, that is, delirium. As they say, it’s time to call the “psycho ward”. How to call a psychiatric ambulance for an alcoholic? You can dial the general number 03 and explain the situation to the public service dispatcher. A paid emergency psychiatric service will definitely come to you. But there is one unpleasant moment - a state ambulance that comes to an alcoholic will be forced to register the patient at a drug treatment clinic.

If you want and have the opportunity to avoid publicity, then call a paid psychiatric ambulance. Our single rescue service will readily respond to a call and provide necessary help completely anonymous. It is especially critical to call a specialized psychiatric ambulance team if the alcoholic is violent and physically strong. Our teams include a narcologist-psychiatrist and two trained orderlies. They can cope even with a very strong patient in a state of delirium. Often help with alcoholic psychosis is required at night, since all mental disorders worsen at this time of day. Our 24-hour psychiatric emergency service will arrive both at night and during the day within 15 minutes from the moment of the call. If you don’t know how to call an alcoholic “psychiatric”, then dial our phone number. This is all that is required of you; our team will do the rest of the work.

Another reason for seeking emergency or emergency psychiatric help is various neurodegenerative diseases in older people, when they need a psychiatrist at home. The reason for seeking help may be not only memory deterioration, but primarily suspiciousness, suspiciousness, increased anxiety, irritability, quarrelsomeness, aggressiveness, which often accompany senile dementia. The state ambulance can only limit itself to a sedative injection and suggest hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Our rescue service offers more options for normalizing the condition of an elderly person without resorting to extreme measures. First of all, a paid psychiatrist will conduct a consultation at home for the relatives of the sick person, where a joint decision will be made on the optimal set of measures that can be taken.

If a person’s condition is classified as acute, then our paid psychiatric ambulance will take him for treatment to a hospital in Moscow. If the person’s condition allows, a treatment and observation regimen will be proposed. outpatient setting. If necessary, a psychiatrist can arrange hospitalization at home. The price is negotiated separately. Often, neighbors of a lonely elderly person experience discomfort because of his quirks. It is not always possible for emergency psychiatric care in Moscow to take responsibility for placing a person in a psychiatric clinic without his consent. For compulsory treatment, a person must commit an illegal act, and unsanitary conditions, a cat shelter in an apartment, or constant quarrels with neighbors are not grounds for hospitalization.

It often happens that there is a need to help someone around you psychiatric care, since the person’s condition clearly indicates that not everything is all right with him. At the same time, there are some nuances that should be taken into account. Before finding out, you should inform the person who needs it, because in this case, it is important not to violate the rights of a sick person. However, there are exceptions; these are cases when a person’s condition is dangerous and threatens his own life, as well as the lives of those around him.

If the patient’s mind is clouded at the time of the need for psychiatric help, then, of course, it is not advisable to ask his approval to call for help. In addition, you should make sure that you require this type of medical care and not another. The need for psychiatric care is required by a separate group of patients in manic state. Including if there are seizures, severe depression. The help of a psychiatrist is necessary for patients who have various disorders of consciousness and inadequately perceive reality. If in your case there are such signs, then you should call for psychiatric help immediately.

You can find out the telephone number for psychiatric help in the city telephone directory, or by calling a regular ambulance operator. The rescue service also has similar information. When the operator answers, it is necessary to provide him with the necessary information, talk about the details of the behavior of the person who needs psychiatric help. You should name the telephone number from which you are making the call, then you must provide the patient’s last name, first name, and patronymic. It is important to talk about the circumstances that led to the call for psychiatric help. It is also necessary to tell what actions have been taken by others. The caller must provide his information.

Features of providing psychiatric care

The provision of psychiatric care has its own characteristics that will help to optimally cope with the situation. If the patient’s behavior is aggressive, and he is capable of harming himself or harming others, then psychiatric care alone may not be enough; the participation of law enforcement officials will also be required. It is possible that the police will arrive at the scene faster and help hold the patient until the doctors arrive. Often the patient has suicidal tendencies, and in such cases it is always necessary to contact a psychotherapist and know how to call an ambulance.

Each such case must be taken very seriously. It is often obvious that the threat of suicide is just a way through which the patient tries to manipulate others. But even in such a situation, one should not provoke the patient with contradictory statements and actions. It is better to call professionals who are well versed in such issues and will find the most effective method correction of the situation. If you call for psychiatric help, it is necessary to give clear and as clear information as possible about the patient, and in no case hide anything.

Thus, specialists will be able to correctly diagnose the existing mental disorder and, based on this, choose adequate therapy. Doctors arriving at the place of call give orders to examine the patient to find out whether the person has any dangerous item, or weapons. As a rule, such actions are performed before transporting the patient to medical institution. If circumstances so require, the inspection is carried out immediately. Sometimes, before the doctor arrives, the patient manages to lock himself in the room, barricade himself, etc. In this case, the doctor must find out where the windows go, whether the patient has a weapon, and what his physical capabilities are.

Hospitalization of a patient by a psychiatric care team has its own rules, and how it goes depends on their implementation. this procedure. When examining a patient, the doctor must maintain restraint and calmness; he must not fuss or speak in a raised voice. The behavior of others should be such as not to provoke the occurrence on the part of the patient. It is necessary to talk kindly and respectfully, correct treatment is mandatory. The team of orderlies must accurately carry out the orders given by the doctor. At the same time, specific conditions and circumstances are taken into account. All this must happen accurately, and most importantly, without delay, so that the patient does not have time to think and discuss the proposed actions of doctors.

Moreover, the doctor cannot always give open orders regarding the patient, therefore, there is often a conditional form. Such orders are given in a low voice during a conversation. Based on this, medical personnel must be extremely careful so that, upon receiving such disguised instructions, they immediately begin to implement them. , everyone should know. It is known that the patient is often tense and overly suspicious, so the orderlies and paramedics of the team should be closer to the patient in order to be able to prevent escape or dangerous action.

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