Home Pulpitis Medicinal herbs in a home medicine cabinet. Home first aid kit

Medicinal herbs in a home medicine cabinet. Home first aid kit

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Plants in home medicine cabinet

Pharmacy- an establishment in which they sell or manufacture

medicines, medicinal products

Medicinal plants- these are plants whose parts (flowers, fruits, leaves, stem,

roots) are used to treat diseases of humans or animals or are used in

as raw material for production medicines

Collection of wild raw materials and

cultivation of medicinal

plants were widely developed during the reign of Peter I, who issued several decrees, including the organization of “pharmaceutical gardens” in all major cities Russia at military hospitals. Subsequently from

these “vegetable gardens” were beautifully organized botanical gardens


Oregano is a perennial herbaceous plant. For the preparation of medicines, its entire above-ground part is used.


For headaches, migraines, wash your hair oregano decoction


Mint is a perennial herbaceous plant. Peppermint leaves are prepared for medicinal purposes.

Accept mint infusion at:

  • insomnia
  • headaches
  • neuralgia
  • bronchitis
  • nausea, vomiting


Tansy is a perennial herbaceous plant. Flower baskets with inflorescences are used in medicine.

Infusion and decoction of leaves and flowers tansy used for:

  • gastritis
  • fainting
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system


This is a perennial herbaceous plant, known in medicine for centuries. The rhizome and roots of the plant are harvested for medicinal purposes.

Root infusion Licorice is used as expectorant remedy for treatment:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis, especially in old age and in children
  • bronchial asthma in children
  • laryngitis
  • stomach ulcer


Dandelion is a perennial herbaceous plant. For medicinal purposes, the roots of the plant are collected in the fall.

Use an infusion of dandelion root for:

  • gastritis
  • lack of appetite
  • psoriasis
  • eczema
  • bronchitis


The fruits and flowers of this thorny shrub are harvested for medicinal purposes.

Hawthorn infusion is used for:

  • nervous experiences
  • shortness of breath
  • cough
  • insomnia
  • arrhythmias


Who doesn't know this plant? Nettle “burns” with formic acid, which is injected from the plant cells into the skin when touched. The leaves of stinging nettle are used in medicine.

The decoction is used for:

  • bleeding
  • iron deficiency anemia
  • gastritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • rheumatic diseases
  • skin itching...


Coltsfoot is a perennial herbaceous plant. For medicinal purposes, leaves are collected, and less often, flower baskets.

The decoction is used for:

  • bronchitis
  • cough
  • laryngitis
  • tuberculosis
  • kidney inflammation, Bladder and urinary tract


The leaves of this perennial plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Sage tincture is taken for:

  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, liver
  • gastritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • sore throat
  • obesity


Fruit viburnum (viburnum berries) are used as antifever, diaphoretic, vitamin

Applicable for:

  • stomach diseases
  • diabetes mellitus
  • hysteria
  • metabolic disorders


Did you know that Scots pine is a medicinal tree? All parts of the tree are used in medicine, especially the buds.

Take a decoction of pine buds for:

  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • tuberculosis


For medical purposes, rowan fruits are used, which are harvested at full maturity.

The fruits in the form of infusion or tea are used for:

  • vitamin deficiency

The leaves of this tree are heart-shaped.

People love this tree. Its fragrant flowers attract bees.

In the old days, spoons, dishes, and bast shoes were made from the wood of this tree.


In linden, both bark, buds, bracts, and inflorescences are medicinal.

Linden blossom essential oil has a calming effect on nervous system. If you have a cold, linden blossom and linden honey will help you quickly cope with the disease. Linden blossom used in the treatment of bladder and kidneys, sore throat and bronchitis. Linden is also used in the treatment of cancer.


It is a perennial plant with rhizomes and roots that emit a pungent aroma. Cats like it so much. Man has long become friends with this plant. In Russia, even under Peter I, valerian was prepared for hospitals. This plant will help a lot if a person is very nervous.

Soothing drops are prepared from the roots of valerian.


The rhizome with roots is used for medicinal purposes.

Valerian root has the following effects:

  • calming
  • relaxing
  • vasodilator
  • anticonvulsant
  • choleretic


They are often grown in flower beds, gardens and squares. We often use medicines made from marigolds. When a person gets a sore throat, the doctor advises gargle with calendula tincture , it kills harmful microbes.

Medicine from inflorescences used for treatment

wounds, burns,

liver disease.


Yarrow has, of course, not a thousand leaves, but much fewer. But each leaf is cut, cut into many slices. There is a white cap on a tall stem. People have known this herb for a long time. Another 900 years

back famous greek

the physician Dioscorides wrote that

yarrow heals

wounds and stops

bleeding . And he

helps with diseases

stomach and intestines . Grass

improves appetite. And people use it for toothache .


Plantain means it grows along the roads. This plant has been used as a medicine since ancient times. Plantain leaves are applied to wounds when a person is cut, scratched, or rubs his leg. He has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties .

Decoction of leaves -

useful remedy

for stomach illness .


Plantain is a perennial plant. Its leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

Plantain preparations have the following effects:

  • wound healing
  • expectorant
  • painkillers
  • enveloping
  • anti-inflammatory
  • hemostatic
  • antiseptic

A decoction of plantain leaves is taken for:

  • gastritis
  • acute and chronic colitis
  • stomach ulcer
  • diseases respiratory tract neurasthenia


People call it wild rose.

It grows in forests and ravines.

Rose hips are an invaluable gift given to us by generous nature. It is enough to eat a few pieces to provide yourself with vitamins for the whole day. Rose hips are used to treat various diseases. Its beneficial properties were first described in the 4th century BC. Ancient Greek naturalist, “father of botany” Theophrastus. Since then, infusion, decoction, tincture, and rosehip oil have been used to increase mental and physical ability and strengthen the immune system. The plant helps cope with colds.

rose hip

The rose hips of this shrub are used in medicine.

An infusion of rose hips is taken for:

  • acute and chronic infections
  • liver diseases
  • intestinal diseases
  • lung diseases
  • skin diseases


Chamomile is an annual plant. Flowers and inflorescences are prepared for medical needs.

Chamomile infusion is used for:

  • intestinal spasms
  • gastritis
  • cholecystitis
  • neuroses
  • cold
  • diseases of the bladder and kidneys
  • migraine
  • insomnia...

Chamomile flowers have the following effects:

  • antimicrobial,
  • laxative,
  • choleretic, anti-inflammatory.

You should know it!

Medicinal plants, like all medicines, can be harmful to health if used incorrectly.

  • Valerian preparations for long-term use and in large doses disrupt the functioning of the heart, excite the nervous system, promote headaches, disrupt digestion, and reduce performance!!!

Medicinal plants


















rose hip


What parts of plants are used in medicinal purposes?










Rose hip




Rules for collecting medicinal plants

  • Must collect medicinal plants knowledgeable person. He must distinguish between medicinal plants and know what to take from this plant: a leaf, a root or an inflorescence.
  • Medicinal plants are collected when they contain a lot of active substances.
  • When collecting, each plant must be placed separately from the other, using linen bags.
  • When collecting, you need to take as much as you need.
  • You cannot collect medicinal plants near the highway, road, highway.
  • There is no need to take plants listed in the Red Book.




http:// nsportal.ru/sites/default/files/2012/6/prezentaciya_lekarstvennye_rasteniya3333333.ppt

Textbook A.A.Pleshakov, M.Yu.Novitskaya the world 2nd grade Moscow “Enlightenment” 20113

List medical supplies is replenished with new titles every year. Despite this, many people still continue to use medicinal plants. The list of fans of herbal medicine is replenished every year due to the fact that drugs of synthetic origin cause the strongest side effects and allergies. Medicinal plants, on the other hand, can be taken for years due to their unique composition. They contain a number of chemically complex substances, the spectrum of which is very wide.


All parts of this plant are used in herbal medicine, although the roots are the most popular. Valerian is a universal remedy that helps relieve stress and calm the body.

Traditional medicine suggests using the leaves of this plant, less often the flowers. Decoctions and infusions obtained from the leaves are effective expectorants and are used for coughs of various origins.


Medicinal plants in Russia are represented by another species that cannot be ignored. This plant stimulates the nervous system. In addition, it is indispensable for the patient during the recovery period, as it promotes the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. We are talking about sage. An infusion of its leaves and flowers is recommended for people who suffer from depression and neurotic conditions. Also, a decoction of this plant helps prevent excessive sweating, which is especially useful for patients with tuberculosis during menopause, as well as people with excessive sweating hands

Regular use of sage infusion helps regulate blood pressure levels for those who have high blood pressure.

Sage leaves are also used to disinfect the room in which the patient was. To do this, they are burned on charcoal.


Infusion of leaves and ground parts peppermint- this is, first of all, the best remedy for the treatment of stomach diseases and intestinal disorders. Not all types of medicinal plants have this wide range acts like mint. It increases secretion gastric juice, relieves indigestion and intestinal colic, relieves pain from ulcers. A small amount of peppermint infusion helps fight toxicosis in pregnant women, as well as attacks of seasickness.

People who suffer from nervous or heart diseases also talk about healing. It is indispensable in a home medicine cabinet in cases where it is necessary to relieve toothache. To get rid of migraines, just apply a few fresh peppermint leaves to your head.

Milk thistle

Medicinal plants in Russia number more than a thousand species. Some of them, for example milk thistle, are used not only in herbal medicine, but also in traditional medicine. This unique plant is able to protect the liver from toxins, as well as remove from it those that have accumulated (including due to the use of synthetic drugs). All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes: stem, leaves, roots, seeds and flowers. used in cases of indigestion and anorexia. This plant is also known for its properties to restore blood. Young mothers also know about milk thistle, since its use during lactation helps increase the amount of milk.

What you should pay attention to

Most people don't know about everything beneficial properties that have medicinal plants. The list provided here goes on. But one cannot be sure that these plants are completely harmless. Like any other treatment, they must be taken as directed and followed correct dosage. Self-medication may interfere with performance gastrointestinal tract, cause liver and kidney diseases. Besides serious illness cannot be cured using only medicinal plants. It is better to show the list of those you are going to use to your doctor. He can approve it only after he conducts a comprehensive analysis and makes a diagnosis.

Let's remember

  1. What do you know about medicinal plants?
  2. What medicinal plants have you used for treatment?
  3. Have you ever collected medicinal plants? If yes, tell us how it's done.

Treatment with plants originated in ancient times. The forest and meadow became man's first pharmacy. Dry medicinal herbs were often kept in special healer dolls. Knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants was accumulated among the people and passed on from generation to generation.

For a very long time, plants remained the only medicine. But even now, when many other medicines have appeared, plants continue to heal people.

Scientists have confirmed many folk recipes and discovered new medicinal properties of plants. Today, medicinal plants can be found in any pharmacy. They are also in every home medicine cabinet.

  • Look at the drawing. Find out the names of these medicinal plants. Find a tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant among them.

Let's discuss

    In the book “The Giant in the Glade” we will read about the variety of medicinal plants and the rules for collecting them. Why should these plants be treated with care? Why can’t medicinal plants be collected everywhere?

Let's take a look at the home medicine cabinet

Here are the same plants as on the previous pages, but only prepared for use (dried, crushed). Recognize them in the photographs. Determine which parts of these plants are used for medicinal purposes. Test yourself on the “Pages of the Smart Owl” (10).

What are the plants we met used for? Rose hips contain many vitamins and are used for general strengthening body. Linden flowers are brewed for colds. Valerian roots are a sedative.

Calendula inflorescences are brewed to gargle for sore throat. A fresh plantain leaf applied to the wound can stop bleeding. The dried, crushed leaves of this plant are used for coughs. Yarrow tincture is taken before meals to improve appetite.

Medicinal plants, like all medicines, can be harmful to health if used incorrectly. Therefore, children can use plants from a home medicine cabinet only with the permission of adults!

Let's think!

  1. How did people in the distant past learn about medicinal properties plants?
  2. What medicinal plants are in your home medicine cabinet?

Let's check ourselves

  1. When did plant healing begin?
  2. Name a few medicinal plants.
  3. What are these or other medicinal plants used for? Give examples.

Let's conclude

From ancient times to the present day, people have used medicinal plants for treatment. Medicinal properties Many plants have it. Children can use plants from a home medicine cabinet only with the permission of adults.

Subject: “Plants in the home medicine cabinet” (Design and research technology)

The purpose of the lesson: To develop knowledge about the variety of medicinal plants and how they are used by humans


I. Learning objectives aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes:

Forming a respectful attitude towards the opinion of another student, another point of view;

Development of motives educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Developing the ability to work in groups.

II. Learning objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes:

Development of the ability to work with information;

Development of the ability to work with text,

Formation of the ability to accept and maintain goals and educational objectives;

Develop the ability to evaluate your activities;

Formation initial forms cognitive and personal reflection.

Formation of the ability to competently construct speech statements;

Formation of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express one’s point of view;

III. Learning objectives aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes:

– generalization of knowledge;

Give an idea of ​​medicinal plants in the process of work;

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, cards for group work.

During the classes.

I.Organizing time. Working with a mood dictionary. Slide 1

I came to your lesson.

It will be good for you guys.

Try to understand everything

Remember everything, tell it.

Try - don't be lazy

And for starters - smile!!!

II. Updating knowledge, problem statement, difficulties.

1. Goal setting

- Guys, have you ever played hospital? So today we will play. You brought your dolls, toy bunnies and dogs to class today. Imagine that they are sick and we will treat them. Please tell me what happened to you. What hurts?

How do you propose to treat our animals?

- Who can tell me how they treat him at home? sore throat, cough, cold?

What does your mother do when you are sick? (goes to the pharmacy, gives medicine, calls a doctor)

Where does mom get her medicine? (at the pharmacy)

What is a pharmacy? Where can I find out about a pharmacy? (in adults, from the dictionary, from the Internet, etc.) Slide 2

A pharmacy is an institution that sells (or prepares) medicines and therapeutic agents. This is a set of first aid medications, a cabinet or box with such a set.

Do you know that there is a travel first aid kit, forest pharmacy

Who guessed? What are we going to talk about in class? What will we learn and what will we learn?

About plants that help cure diseases - those medicinal plants

What would you like to know according to our topic? What goals will we set?

1.how medicinal plants were discovered Let's get acquainted with how medicinal plants appeared

2.what are the medicinal plants?

3. learn how to properly collect medicinal plants

4.select treatment for our friends

And let's create our own green pharmacy in the form of a newspaper. Slide 3

III. Solving a learning problem.

-We begin our work.

Let's answer the first question. How did you learn about medicinal plants? Sveta will tell us about this.

Medicinal plants have been known to man since ancient times. People noticed that animals greedily ate some plants. And man gradually began to collect these herbs and dry them. By collecting fruits, roots and herbs, a person tried to use them to get rid of the suffering that various diseases caused him. People passed on information about such plants from generation to generation and composed legends and myths about them. Even in big cities such as Moscow and Saint Petersburg They planted so-called PHARMACEUTICAL GARDENS, where they grew various medicinal plants in order to be treated with them. Medicinal plants are called GREEN PHARMACY.

Guys, there is a flower in front of you - take it and color one petal. yellow those who learned something from Sveta’s story, in green - they remembered, in red - they did not understand anything, did not recognize anything.

To find out more, what should you do? -How can we find out? (in adults, from a textbook, from books, from the Internet, etc.)

I suggest you work in groups, you are given pictures of plants, names and their descriptions, you will need to match the name, description and picture of the plants.

Choose the most necessary, interesting, useful information and share it with friends.

1In Rus' it was considered “herb for ninety-nine diseases.” In folk medicine, St. John's wort is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants. It is used primarily as a treatment for stomach ulcers. peptic ulcers on the skin, and the so-called St. John's wort oil is used for stomatitis, etc.

2Plantain is used for inflammatory conditions of the stomach and intestines. The leaves have an astringent effect. They prevent bleeding, and when dried, they promote the healing of old and fresh ulcers, and have a wound-healing and bacteriostatic effect in the treatment of wounds. Plantain has some calming effect, reduces arterial pressure. Used for tachycardia, headache, toothache, ear pain

3Chamomile Use an infusion of the herb for colds, headaches, and abdominal pain.

Used externally as an anti-inflammatory for gargling. Used as a hair root strengthener

4 Blueberries - Fresh blueberries are useful for stomach and intestinal disorders, to improve visual acuity, for rheumatism, gout and some other inflammatory processes.

5. In folk medicine, raspberry fruits are considered an antipyretic for influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, and an expectorant for coughs.

6.Birch leaves help relieve swelling of the cardiovascular and renal


7. In folk medicine, a decoction of lingonberry leaves is taken as a diuretic for kidney diseases. Berries are recommended for vitamin deficiencies, as a thirst quencher, for increased blood pressure, for gargling with sore throats

8. In folk medicine, yarrow is used as a hemostatic agent for liver diseases, cough, colds as a sedative

9.Nettle is both a weed and a medicine at the same time.

This plant can stop bleeding and saturate our body with vitamins. It is used when various diseases heart, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergies. Externally – for wounds, skin diseases, to strengthen hair

Let's evaluate your work.

Color one petal yellow for those who learned something new, green for those who remembered, red for those who did not understand or recognize anything.

What interesting messages you have!

But I also prepared for you interesting information- I was thinking about how to surprise you so that you would want to learn more about medicinal plants - and I found a LEGEND. Slide 9.10.11

-What is a legend? (story, legend about some event) Sit down more comfortably. I found a legend about a plant -medicinal mother-and stepmother.

-Who is mother? (woman in relation to her children)

-Who is this stepmother? (father's wife in relation to his children, step-mother)

One evil woman planned to destroy her husband’s daughter because she didn’t want him to go meet her and his ex-wife. She lured her to a cliff and pushed her off it. Meanwhile, the mother, having discovered that the girl was missing, rushed to look for her, but was too late: the girl was no longer breathing. The mother rushed at the stepmother and, grappling, they flew to the bottom of the ravine. And the next day, its slopes were covered with a plant, the leaves of which were soft on one side and hard on the other, and small yellow flowers, reminiscent of the girl’s blond hair, rose above them.

IV.Exercise and self-esteem

There are many plants in nature that people have called medicinal.

Why did people call them that?

Where can they be purchased?

How do they get to the pharmacy?

And who collects them?

What kind of people collect them? (knowledgeable)

What's our next question?

We'll find out how to assemble correctly medicinal plants.

Where can I find this out?

Why do we need this?

Summer is ahead, you all have the opportunity to collect your own small herbarium. But what do you think you need to know before collecting lek. plants?

We will now work using cards

V. Solving an educational problem. WORK In groups. Drawing up rules for collecting medicinal plants.

Connect the beginning of the sentence and the end. Each group has one sentence on cards

Comparison with the standard. slide 15














Samootse nka its activities.(petal)

What else do we have left to do? Find treatment for your friend. Let's go back to our toy hospital. Remember which of the patients complained about what? This means we need to find remedies for coughs and sore throats. colds and cuts. Listen to what the plants you meet are used for and try to choose a treatment for them. I will read, and as you read, you choose the plant that is suitable for treating your friend. And clap your hands So let's begin. Slides

VI.Lesson summary. Reflection.

Guys, let's remember what the topic was in our lesson?

What did we want to know?



It was interesting to me……………

I want to know more…………………..

I like it………….

……………………Slide 22..

Guys, look, we have created our own newspaper - medicinal plants " Green pharmacy", by reading which everyone can learn about what medicinal plants there are and how to collect them correctly.

D/z (to choose from)) - prepare a message about a medicinal plant that you do not yet know or have not talked about.

Show your flowers - those with more yellow petals - did a good job, those with all the yellow petals - well done. Pin them to the board

Thank you for the lesson.

Reading poems by prepared children:

All herbs are healers - oregano,

And St. John's wort and lungwort,

And strawberries and blueberries,

And lingonberries and blueberries.

Celandine, wormwood, viburnum,

Flax, calendula, nettle.

All medicinal plants

We know without exception

You just need to not be lazy,

You just need to learn

Find plants in the forest

Which are suitable for treatment!

basis all recipes are herbs, roots, berries . Therefore, the question often arises: what medicinal herbs in a home medicine cabinet necessary, and what properties do they have?

Nowadays, when chemistry has become the ruler in medicine and cosmetology and we trust only it, it is worth taking a close look at the experience of traditional medicine. And it’s very good that we are finally turning to face it and starting to study traditional medicine and use its cosmetics and treatment methods in practice. It's doubly nice that traditional medicine also implements in practical treatment recipes from traditional healers.

June and July are the most best months to prepare the components of your home green first aid kit. It is imperative to collect herbs on a dry, warm, sunny day. Do not mix the collected plants, keep them in separate containers.

When you get home, lay out everything you collected on a clean, dry towel or boards. Do not use newspaper for this; printing ink will ruin the grass. Dry herbs in the shade in a drafty place. If there is an attic - best place can not found.

To dry herbs, you can use the oven of a gas stove: you need to turn on a low flame, stir the herbs often and make sure that they do not dry out.

Place each type of plant separately in a linen bag, label which plant it is and when it was collected. Store hanging in a cool, dry place.

List of medicinal herbs in a home medicine cabinet


This unique medicinal plant is widely used for treatment and prevention. inflammatory processes, relieving pain in the stomach and intestines, for rinsing the nasopharynx and teeth, including dentures, prices for which can be found if you follow the link. Chamomile is a great cleanser purulent wounds and successfully fights infectious lesions of various localizations.

St. John's wort

Included in various fees. It is used to relieve pain in the stomach and intestines due to ulcers, colitis, inflammation of various etiologies, and calms the nervous system.


Treats many internal diseases, including the urinary organs, and is especially effective for kidney diseases.

Motherwort and hawthorn

They effectively treat the nervous system and are part of the cardiovascular system to regulate blood pressure and improve heart function. They are used for neuroses as calming herbs and are very effective for angina pectoris.


A diuretic, as an addition to tinctures that help with various kidney diseases.


Calendula flowers are included in preparations for the treatment of stomach, liver, and kidneys. Calendula has a strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.


It is used for various bleedings, increases blood clotting, cleanses it and improves blood composition. Often used for gynecological diseases, as well as in home cosmetics for hair and skin care.

Birch buds

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