Home Children's dentistry Original, euphonious and beautiful female dog names. What to name a girl dog? Names for girls' dogs are rare and beautiful: small breed, large, mongrel, black, red, hunting Nicknames of girls' service dogs

Original, euphonious and beautiful female dog names. What to name a girl dog? Names for girls' dogs are rare and beautiful: small breed, large, mongrel, black, red, hunting Nicknames of girls' service dogs

The British say: “Give an excellent puppy a bad name, and you can safely drown him!” It’s unlikely that you are ready to act as Gerasim in relation to your pet, but if you are ready, then there are no problems - call him Mumu and drown him before it’s too late...

Undoubtedly, breed is of primary importance in determining character and habits your his four-legged friend. But his character depends not only on the elitism of his parents and the purity of his blood.

A dog's name is not an empty set of sounds, but encoded information, the sum, of genetic phonemes that dominate the animal, forcing it to behave one way and not another. By giving a puppy a name, you choose its character. We often come across human names in dogs and see that we are not so far removed from our four-legged friends

Choosing a bitch's nickname

ADA (from ancient Hebrew “decoration”). A beautiful nickname for a purebred dog, well suited for females of the Great Dane or Greyhound breed. Ada is very cute and easy to train, but does not always like to play with children. Sometimes she can be capricious.

ADDIE She has a complex character since childhood: she grabs everyone’s hands, is vindictive, depends on her own mood and the owner’s attitude towards her, whom she may even bite. You need to talk to her like a person. Addie's condition can be easily determined by her eyes. Addie is clean, easy to train with contact, and makes a good watchdog.

ADEL (from Old German “noble”). Fully recognizes only its owner. She must be treated strictly. It is not easy to learn right away. It is recommended to give nicknames to dogs of the collie, middle schnauzer, pointer, and shepherd breeds.

ADELINA (from ancient German “noble”). A kind, affectionate, trusting dog that allows children to approach him. Adeline is sociable, cheerful, and smart. Surprisingly, living with a cat, she becomes friends with it! It is advisable to give this nickname exclusively to purebred dogs, but not to small ones. It is suitable for dogs of the St. Bernard, Black Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Terrier, and Setter breeds.

AZA (presumably from Old Hebrew “strong, strong”). This nickname was apparently taken from the play “Gypsy Aza” by I. Kalman. The character of a dog with this name is not easy. Winter Basics are restless and nervous. As a rule, these are lap dogs that rarely live in yards. They always happily greet their owners, greeting them with loud barks. This fearless dog loves traveling by train and car.

ALAYDA There is no translation of this word, name in dictionaries. The vibration of sounds indicates complexity in character. You need to be strict with a dog. Active, playful, loves to bark at passers-by. Alaida is easy to train. Adult winter dogs are restless and should not be let off without a leash. Alaida is the decoration of any exhibition; these beautiful dogs are always medal winners. The nickname is suitable for a Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Rottweiler Boxer; sometimes bulldogs and miniature schnauzers.

ALBINA (from Latin “white”). The nickname comes from a human name. The character of these dogs is complex, but they are easy to train. This is a purebred, beautiful medal-winning dog. The nickname is suitable for the Irish and English setter, Afghan hound. These dogs love to travel, swim, and hunt. Setters never leave their owners; you can take them for walks without a leash - they are very calm both on walks and at home. An atmosphere of calm is created around them, they love to play with children, and cannot respond to evil.

ALVA (Hebrew “dawn”, “dawn”). This is a dog with a restless disposition, unyielding, nervous, although at the same time kind and active. Well trained. When playing with the owner, he can sometimes bite him slightly (out of spite). Nicknames can be given to large and small purebred dogs. This nickname is especially good for poodles, collies, Newfoundlands, and German shepherds.

ALEXANDRA (from the Greek “to protect”). This rare nickname for a dog, beautiful and complex in character. Winter dogs are good watchdogs, but they are difficult to train. According to the exterior they can occupy top places. Dogs are freedom-loving dogs; you can’t walk them without a leash. To be free, they can run away from their owner. This nickname is suitable only for large purebred dogs: Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Boxer, Great Dane, Mastiff. Sometimes this nickname can be used to call a miniature schnauzer.

ALICE(A) This is a beautiful female name. A dog with this name can be big or small, it always calms its owners, is kind, affectionate, has a calm, reserved disposition. Alice gives birth to several puppies, loves them dearly, teaches them, and finds it difficult to part with them. This is a suitable nickname for such not large breeds; like Scotch Terrier, Russian Laika, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, Pekingese.

ALMA (from Latin “nourisher”, “gracious”). People often give this nickname to both yard and purebred dogs, without knowing its decoding. The yard dog's character is kind and affectionate. They give birth to many puppies, become attached to the children who feed them, and are unpretentious in everything. They easily get used to new owners. Of the purebred dogs, this nickname is used to name huskies, German and Central Asian shepherds, Moscow guard dogs, and South Russian shepherds, whose temperament differs from the temperament of mongrel Almas.

AL(b)FA (the first letter of the Greek alphabet is “Alpha/Elf”). Purebred Alphas are strong, self-confident dogs, moderately playful, with a restless disposition. They are not easy to train. Yard Alphas are simpler, they like to wander around until they find a new, more convenient shelter,

AMANDA (from Latin “worthy of love”). The character is not easy. Touchy, you need to communicate with her in a calm tone. She has expressive eyes, is very efficient, and there are almost no problems with her when communicating correctly. Amanda never runs away and serves faithfully. The nickname is best suited for setters.

AMOND (from the English “almond”). This nickname is only for purebred dogs, large and small. Amond is a hunting dog. Kind, with good instincts, loves to frolic. She is not always faithful to her owner and therefore sometimes gets into various troubles. Loves children very much. Suitable for Basset Hound, Blood Hound, Drahthaar, Shorthaired Pointer and Pointer breeds.

ANGELICA (from Latin “angelic”). Lnzhelika's character is complex, the dog is very emotional, affectionate, and loves to play with children. Well amenable to training. The owner must be strict with her. You can walk with her without a leash: she does not run away from her owner. Externally, these are very beautiful dogs. This nickname can be used to call both large and small purebred dogs. It is suitable for Chow Chows, Shih Tzus, Collies, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, Central Asian and South Russian Shepherd Dogs.

ARIADE (from the Greek “very” and “to like”, “very worthy of being revered, respected”). At exhibitions these are medal winning dogs. Their character and disposition are calm, kind, and they do not bark in vain. They are clean, do not annoy the owner, and are trainable. They love to travel in cars, but drafts are scary for them. These are very strong and brave dogs. The nickname is suitable for large dogs of the setter, greyhound, and shepherd breeds.

ARTEMIS In ancient mythology, Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the Moon. The character is gentle, the dogs are sensitive. They must always be protected from colds. Puppies are emotional, playful, good-natured. Winter dogs are restless and difficult to train. There are good watchmen in the house, brave and biting. They grab it with their teeth and pull it until it breaks if the owner does not intervene in time.

BABETHA (French affectionate name for Elizabeth). The nickname was apparently borrowed from the French film “Babette Goes to War” and arose thanks to the talented performance of Brigitte Bardot. The dog has a kind, calm disposition and is easy to train. Wildly rejoicing, he meets the owner. Children's favorite. The nickname is suitable for Scotch terriers, dachshunds, poodles, pugs, and miniature Spitz dogs.

BAGIRA This nickname came to us from the fairy tale by R. Kipling and the film “Mowgli”. Many people know that this is a panther, Mowgli’s friend and protector. Dogs with this nickname are calm and kind, do not growl at strangers, and allow children to pet them. Neat. Until the lalas are wiped off, they will not enter the house. They give birth to several puppies and do not allow anyone near them for a long time. Pleases owners and neighbors.

BARBARA (from Greek and Latin “foreign”). The character is simple and responsive. Behaves modestly. When he comes home after a walk, he lies down and lies calmly. It can be trained even at home - it all depends on the owner. She gives birth to two or three puppies, nurses them carefully and carefully. It is advisable to give this nickname only to purebred dogs.

SQUIRREL A small, active, cheerful dog. Good character, unpretentious character. It can easily do without its owner. Loves freedom and hunting in the forest. Excellent sense of smell, Good nickname for Spitz and Laikas.

BETTY (English abbreviation of the name Elizabeth). The dog has a calm and kind disposition. Beautiful and smart, adores her owners. Brave, strong, loves to scare strangers. Gives birth to two or three puppies. This nickname can be given to all purebred dogs. But only small dogs are kind to people.

BONITA (from the Danish “good”, “kind”). Nickname moved from female name. Impulsive, difficult to train. Much depends on the month of birth - it is easiest for summer and autumn Bonitas. It is not recommended to walk such a dog without a leash. It is advisable to give this nickname to terriers, setters, Irish wolfhounds, Japanese chins, papillons, and miniature Spitz dogs.

BULKA This is the nickname of a yard dog. She is kind and affectionate, and is friends with everyone in the yard. If the dog is homeless, the children usually make a kennel for it. She gives birth to many puppies and parts with them carefree. Everyone feels sorry for her and feeds her

BECKY (an affectionate abbreviation of the female name Rebecca - from the Hebrew “network”). Beautiful nickname, soft sound. It can be given to any purebred dog. Such a nickname does not suit a mongrel. The character is reserved and kind. Bakkie's owners have no problems.

VLADA (abbreviation of the Slavic name Vladislav). Dogs have a cheerful, affectionate disposition. They quickly get used to their owners and learn quickly. They have a keen sense of the timbre of the human voice and are easily offended. Neat, brings peace and warmth to the house. This nickname is intended for large purebred dogs: Doberman, Rottweiler, Collie, as well as for medium-sized dogs: Dachshund, Scotch Terrier. Exterior - Vlada is a medalist.

BERITA (from English “truth”, “truthfulness”). These are dogs attentive attitude towards people, trusting, allowing themselves to be stroked by strangers. Easy to train. They can be walked without a leash: they will never leave their owner. They love to ride in cars and look out the window. The nickname is especially suitable for poodles, Pekingese, and Spitz. It can also be given to setters, great Danes, shepherd dogs, shorthaired pointers, and boxers.

VESTA (from the Greek “home”). In Roman mythology, Vesta is the daughter of Saturn, the goddess of the hearth and fire. The name suits the Japanese Chin or Pekingese. But everything, of course, depends on the owner - he can call a dog of any breed Vesta. And no matter what breed it is, it is distinguished by its touchiness and cannot withstand rough treatment. Beautiful and funny, this dog is easy to train.

GALATEA (from Lat., Greek “milk”, literally “milky white”). In ancient mythology, Galatea is the daughter of Nereus and Doris, a sea nymph, the personification of the calm sea. Good character. A good watchman. This dog can be walked without a leash. Personified calm and equanimity. But all this for the time being is only necessary for someone to encroach on her little world. This is a nickname for dogs of indoor and decorative breeds.

GLORIA (from Latin “glory”). Kind, curious, playful dog. Very homely, slightly capricious. A favorite of the whole family, especially children. Small, almost pocket-sized, Gloria is very elegant and smart.

GRETA (short for Margareta). Greta's trainer must be strict: she is a very spoiled dog. This nickname is best given to hunting breeds: Russian greyhound, pointer, Irish setter. The character is kind and affectionate. Exterior dogs, exhibition medalists.

DAISY (from English “daisy”). The temperament, especially of winter Daisies, is very complex. They may suddenly growl, bite, or simply run away. In general, Daisy is a good watchman, a good mother, tenderly caring for her offspring. Never eats from someone else's hands; it is not recommended to let him off the leash.

JESSICA (from ancient Hebrew “God is watching”, “God is watching”). A dog with this name is strong, brave, with a calm disposition, loves to play with children, and is easy to train. You need to be strict with her, but under no circumstances yell at her. Can walk without a leash and will never run away. Whelps several puppies (sometimes twice a year). The nickname is suitable for collies, Airedales, and St. Bernards.

GILDA is the name of the heroine of the opera by G. Verdi. The dog's character is complex and stubborn. Trains well only in early age. She is spoiled and requires careful care and attention. Having matured, Gilda becomes calmer. This is a beautiful and strong dog. Gives birth to at least 3 - 4 puppies. Quickly gets used to another owner. The nickname is suitable for large purebred dogs.

DINA Presumably this feminine name arose from the name of the Danube River. It's beautiful and good name. Dean's nickname can often be heard in all yards. Dina the yard is an affectionate, well-behaved dog, mother of many children. She takes great care of the puppies. Sometimes this nickname is also given to purebred dogs - mainly decorative ones.

DOLA The dog's name became a woman's name. Calm, balanced, but strict towards people, she will not allow herself to be petted by strangers, but plays only with her owner. Dola never runs away. She is easy to train. The nickname is suitable for large purebred dogs: Doberman, collie, pointer, shorthaired pointer, Scottish setter, English setter, pit bull.

DONA (Russian abbreviation of the name Domna). The nickname is more suitable for yard dogs. It can also be called large purebred dogs. These are easily trained dogs and good watchdogs. This is a kind dog, but it does not let everyone near it. Submits mainly only to the owner. Unpretentious and smart. The nickname is suitable for shepherd dogs, giant schnauzer, and rottweiler.

DOMENIKA/DOMINIKA (from Latin “dominant”). A beautiful nickname. The dog is restless, fussy; He doesn’t let anyone near him, not even children. Obeys only the owner. You shouldn't drive her without a leash. She won't do anything without a command. Proud, neat, excellent watchman. This is a nickname for setters, boxers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, terriers and other large breeds of dogs.

JULIET (from the Latin family name Julius, Julia). In honor of the heroine of B. Shakespeare's immortal work, Romeo and Juliet gave this name to the dog. The dog is friendly and playful. Well trained, caring mother for her puppies. This nickname can be used to call dogs different breeds: large and small. Sometimes these are dogs with a tragic fate.

EVE (from ancient Hebrew “living”). This nickname comes from the female name Eva. Kind, very jealous and suspicious. She is brave, goes to the rescue without hesitation, loves to swim, is easy to train, gives birth to 2 - 3 puppies, takes care of them for a long time. This nickname can be safely given to a black terrier, basset hound, great dane, or pointer.

ZHULKA This is a nickname for a simple, yard, homeless dog, very hardy, which is fed by the entire yard. She has a loud voice and a kind disposition. When she lives with her owner, is well-fed and protected, she becomes phlegmatic. It’s better not to let her out into the street: she chases cars, barks at passers-by.

ZILLA (from Hebrew “shadow”). The character is balanced and proud. It is better to treat her strictly. She feels confident in the circus arena, at an exhibition, in front of the camera. Change of ownership is painful and distressing. Curious, with a good sense of smell. The nickname is suitable for dachshunds, basset hounds, and Scotch terriers.

IZOLDA (presumably from Old English “ice” and “dominance”, from “beautiful, beautiful”). Complex, touchy disposition. Submits only to the owner. The character of Isolde is that of a capricious woman. Cunning. He studies well, loves only himself. The nickname is suitable for guard dogs.

IRMA (dedicated to the ancient German god of war). A dog with such a nickname is difficult to train and restless. You can’t take her out without a leash: she might bite or pick on the cat. A good watchman. The hostess is respected more than the owner. The nickname is suitable for Doberman, Mastiff, Bull Terrier.

ISIS (name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of agriculture). Only from childhood can it be trained; as an adult, it reluctantly follows the owner’s commands. You can't let her go outside without a leash. He does not allow anyone to pet him except his owners. Growling can frighten unfamiliar children. This nickname can only be given to large dogs - Great Danes, Dobermans, Boxers.

KLYAKSA This is a non-pedigreed dog, a yard dog, with good disposition, accessible to everyone. Meeting a man wagging his fluffy tail. Doesn't like to roam like other mongrel dogs. Stays close to human habitation.

KASHTANKA The heroine of Chekhov's story. This is a yard dog with a good disposition, accessible to everyone. Easy to train, loud-voiced, agile.

BUTTON A small, kind dog, very domestic, gets along with everyone, is a little capricious, is friends with the cat, loves children. The nickname is suitable for both yard and indoor dogs.

LADA (from Old Russian “beloved”, “sweetheart”). It's beautiful and clever dog, which is in extreme conditions will be able to stand up for himself and for the owner. Calm disposition, does not cause any particular difficulties for the owner. Learns without problems. It is better to give this nickname to big and strong dogs breeds: Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Boxer, Bulldog.

LAIMA (from Estonian “happiness”). This is a serious, strict, disciplined dog. He trains well, guards and is not afraid of anyone. Born in summer You can walk without a leash Lyma will never run away. He loves his owner more and is more willing to go for walks with her. This nickname is preferable to give to large and medium-sized dogs: Doberman, Collie, Shorthaired Pointer, English Cocker Miniature Schnauzer.

LIZZY (English abbreviation of the name Elizabeth). A persistent and gentle dog with a complex character, easy to train, but requires a special approach. He guards well, and occasionally works in the circus. This nickname is suitable for a boxer, Great Dane, or Miniature Schnauzer.

INDA (abbreviation of the names Theodolinda, Velinda, Ermalinda, etc.). Playful, kind, easy to handle dog. He trains well, practically does not resist, and walks without a leash. She becomes attached to her owner like a child, everyone in the family loves her. A good watchman. This nickname can be given to almost all dogs.

LORNA (presumably from Old English “to leave”, “to disappear”, “to disappear”, “forsaken”). An emotional, playful, efficient, kind dog. Doesn't really like to play with children, but respects the owner. Loves to travel. Very neat, requires careful care. In early childhood, she is predisposed to lung diseases. The nickname is suitable only for blood hounds, setters, and terriers.

LUCIA, LICIA (from Latin “snow”). A dog of a calm, balanced disposition. Learns quickly. Can perform in the circus. It often takes prizes at exhibitions. An excellent watchman in the house. If a stranger comes into the house, then Lucia (Lucia) will not let him out. This nickname is good for large purebred dogs.

MAGDALENA (from the appendix to the name Marin - Marin from Magdala, then became a personal name). A very active, restless, kind dog that loves to play with children and does not bite anyone. It's strong and brave dog, very beautiful, very smart, well trained, loves to give children rides. The nickname is suitable for strong and purebred dogs of the St. Bernard, Irish Wolfhound, Rottweiler, and Airedale terrier breeds.

NAIDA The nickname of everyone's favorite yard dog. She is trainable, but can bite a stranger. Naida rarely lives in an apartment, but gets very used to the owners. Lives with them until the end of his days. She gives birth often and a lot.

NERA A kind and calm dog, never runs away from the owner. He loves children very much, plays with them excitedly, but does not bite anyone. She’s cunning, she can caress, but she won’t take my writing from someone else’s hands. Feels the owners from a distance, even outside the door of the house, and greets them with a joyful bark. Likes to travel in the car and watch TV. Predisposed to colds and lung diseases.

PALMA A universal nickname for both yard and purebred dogs. His character is simple and easy-going. Quiet dog, but can suddenly bite. Domestic Palms are calmer, but they cannot be allowed outside alone.

REGINA (from lat scratch). The dog's name is borrowed from the female name Regina. The dog is beautiful and calm, a real pride of the owner, but is strict with children. Trained without problems. But you can’t walk without a leash: Regina is very annoyed by cats. This nickname can be given to large purebred dogs - setters, Afghan hounds, giant schnauzers, medium-sized dogs, for example, American cocker spaniels.

RITA (colloquial on behalf of Margarita, Latin “pearl”). An obedient, efficient, calm and kind dog. The owners cannot get enough of it, the children simply adore it. Rita can be called a small dog, a poodle, a Pekingese, a pug, or a toy terrier.

SILVA (from Latin “forest”). The heroine of the famous operetta “Silva” by I. Kalman. Playful and kind, Silva is well trained and is an excellent watchdog and guardian of children. She is attentive and never runs away from her owners. You can walk with her without a leash. This nickname can be given to small and large purebred dogs.

TINA (Russian abbreviation of the names Alevtina, Valentina). The bitch can be described in one word - quiet. Very sensitive domestic dog. He allows himself to be caressed by strangers, cries with the owner if there is grief in the family. Kind and affectionate with all family members, she understands everything. It seems that she is about to speak. The nickname is suitable for dogs of indoor and decorative breeds.

FELISA, FELICIA (from the Latin “happy”), the dog’s temperament is calm, she is very sensitive, willingly works with the trainer. Glutton, Strong, can run a lot. The owner has no trouble with it. She only needs to be protected from colds. Once a year she gives birth to several puppies. This nickname is intended for purebred dogs.

FLORA In ancient mythology, the goddess of flowers and spring. The nickname of small (not necessarily purebred) dogs. Dogs are kind, affectionate, and give people joy and peace. But loud barking can scare children.

FLORENCE (from Latin “bloom”). The dog is emotional, playful, but avoids children and only recognizes its owner. A smart, beautiful and brave dog, the envy of others. She is very freedom-loving, behaves calmly at home, and does not react to unfamiliar sounds. But on the street she needs control.

HILDA (from Old German “war”). Dogs are only kind to their owners. Doesn't really like children. Afraid of drafts. Located to colds, is sick for a long time and seriously. She needs special care. Winter dogs are more resilient and strong. This nickname is only for purebred dogs.

ELBA The dog's name comes from the name of a river in Poland. The dog is smart, not irritable, and can accidentally bite your hand in games. She is strongly attached to her owners and has difficulty, even painfully, withstanding separation. This nickname is not at all suitable for small dogs.

ELSA (English, German abbreviation of the name Elizabeth). This nickname is often used to call tigresses in the circus. They also give it to dogs. A dog with a calm, balanced disposition, efficient, intelligent, with a good memory. An excellent watchman and nanny for small children. This nickname can be called a collie, mastiff, Newfoundland, English setter.

UNITA (from English “unity”, “consent”). Unit's nickname is beautiful and kind. A dog with an unobstinate character, kind, beautiful. Loves to play with the owner and his children. Willingly walks in the park and forest. The dog is strong. This nickname is suitable only for purebred and beautiful specimens of the collie breed, Great Dane, St. Bernard Airedale Terrier, as well as poodles and setters.

Having decided on the breed of the puppy, the most important and stressful moment comes for you - choosing a name for it. And if problems rarely arise with a name for a boy (comic book heroes and blockbuster characters immediately come to mind), then choosing a nickname for a girl dog turns out to be an impossible task for many. What to do if you are among those whose beautiful dog Has he been running around the house without a nickname for two weeks now? — This article will help you finally choose a name with which your little puppy will turn into a luxurious bitch.

Choosing a nickname for a pet

It should be said that the nickname in the documents is given according to certain rules - in kennels and kennel clubs, the first letter of the name is determined depending on which litter is registered. The nickname often contains the nursery prefix. The so-called official name is given by the breeder when preparing documents (at 1.5 months), while the owner gives a pet name, which may be the same or different from the official one.

Names for females, as well as for males, should be easy to pronounce and memorable. Of course, no one forbids you to name the shepherd Isolde or Isabella, but is there any common sense in this? Yes, this can attract the attention of the neighborhood, but will the dog be comfortable with such a stupid name? First of all, the nickname should characterize its character, so take a couple of days to take a closer look at the puppy’s behavior and its character, and only then start coming up with a name.

It’s good if the nicknames for female dogs contain the letter “r”, because it is better perceived by the animal’s ears than others. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth agreeing that choosing names for females is more difficult than for males. In addition to the general criteria, their name must be feminine and beautiful, so you probably won’t find a purebred Zhuchka now. Although, if this is not the first time for you to do original things, then it’s not an option.

Do not forget that each has a certain meaning, which can affect the future fate of the pet. But if you don’t believe it, then just trust your intuition and enjoy the moments that your pet will give you.

Nicknames for purebred animals

Names for puppies can be selected taking into account the breed. At the same time, the nickname should characterize their main qualities. For example, the most best options for hunting bitches - this is Bystraya, Volnaya, Molniya, Bullet, for shepherd dogs - Guard, Strength, for huskies - Tundra, Taiga, Siberia, Burya. It is worth noting that these are original Russian nicknames and were used mainly by indigenous peoples.

In the European part of Russia, such original names are not used, so you can give a more beautiful and consonant nickname, since the choice is quite large. You can learn about the importance of a dog’s nickname from the video from the Our Pets channel.

Popular and simply cute nicknames for female dogs

In a separate category you can display names for small female dogs. If large shepherd dogs, huskies and hunting dogs are usually called by appropriate names that emphasize and exalt their dignity, then small bitches of Spitz, Chihuahua and toy terriers can be called diminutive nicknames.

Often, as a joke, owners give them menacing names that have radically opposite meanings. For example, you can give a baby Spitz the name Gromila or even Godzilla, but you will agree that for the baby Russian names are much more familiar - Princess, Buttercup, Masik. IN Lately The nickname Mimishka is very popular, and it is great for miniature purebred bitches, although strict huskies with such a nickname will look quite interesting.

The following options look very cute and unusual: Bounty, Palma, Milena, Cola, Bentley, Amelie, Venice, Betty, Viola, Chloe. It's just small part, but even they may be enough to decide what to name a girl dog.

Antique heroines

A win-win option is the names of ancient heroes. They can be used for bitches of any breed and size. For example, the name Aurora is equally suitable for both a husky and a pug. Each ancient name has a certain meaning and history, but even if the fate of your heroine was not entirely successful, this is not a reason to give up the nickname you like, and there are a lot of them.

The most popular mythological nicknames sound like this: Athena, Aurora, Artemis, Vesta, Venus, Hera, Hebe, Demeter, Isis, Clio, Cybele, Libera, Lyssa, Pandora, Salacia, Selene, Flora, Circe, Euterpe, Juno, Juventa.

Nicknames from cinema, literature and fashion

Beautiful names for female dogs can be taken from films, books and the fashion industry. You probably heard the most popular examples back in childhood, when your parents called their pets heroes from “Santa Barbara” and “Slave Isaura.” Nowadays, new heroines are in fashion, so you can easily meet Rihanna the husky or Joan of Arc the shepherd dog on the street. Well, since domestic cinema is at an eternal stage of development, Russian nicknames can be found extremely rarely.

Among other examples, it is worth highlighting the following names: Lisa, Mata Hari, Audrey, Hayworth, Janer, Jennifer, Sophia Loren, Silva, Sabriana, Uma, Whitney, Charlize, Sharon, Cynthia, Carla, Julia.

If the list of books you have read is not limited school curriculum, then your puppy has a chance to get the name of a literary heroine. Here, Russian writers left a good legacy, so the bitch can safely be called Beata, Ermolov, Ulanova or Tsvetaeva. For a stately shepherd dog, the name Isadora is suitable, and for hunting breeds an appropriate nickname would be Valkyrie or Amazon.

It is better to name small dogs after designers and models, because they are unlikely to be suitable for huskies and shepherd dogs.

Surely owners of miniature pets know better than us who we are talking about, but we will still leave a small list: Vivienne, Versace, Donatela, Prada, Westwood, Coco, Chanel, Monroe, Monica, Romy, Birkin, Vera Wang.

Nicknames for female dogs in alphabetical order

If, having read this paragraph, you still have not decided what name to give your dog, then we are throwing into battle our latest weapon - a list of beautiful names according to the letters of the alphabet. Of these, you simply must choose the appropriate option, and if not, then it’s time to think about whether you need a dog?

AAmanda, Amato, Astra
BBeatrice, Bridget, Brizard
INVectra, Venza, Verona
GGabi, Genoa, Gracia
DDaiquiri, Jolie, Juna
EEve, Ifseah
ANDJade, Jasmine, Giselle
ZFun, Zita, Zuma
ANDIrene, Ingrid, Irga
TOCasandra, Cassie, Kelly
LLinda, Liona, Louise
MMadonna, Mika, Monty
NNaomi, Nika, Nuri
ABOUTAudrey, Oreo, Orica
PPamela, Panda, Petra
RRijeka, Ricarda, Robusta
WITHSamira, Simbada, Sonata
TTampa, Tristana, Toulouse
UUslada, Ursula
FFanta, Florina, Fresco
XHati, Chloe, Holly
HChanga, Cherokee, Chupa
ShChanel, Shegane, Chantal
SCHPike, Pike, Schumika
EEdna, Emily, Esther
YUYula, Yumi, Yurika
IYagoda, Yakuba, Yanga

Video “Best nicknames for female dogs”

A video from the Dog+Cat Channel will help you choose suitable name.

Beautiful, original and common nicknames for female dogs.

You've been looking for a long time suitable breed dogs, read a lot of literature about keeping and raising a girl dog, and finally brought the yapping puppy home. But what to name the baby? This is where the thinking and “trying on” begin. different options name for a four-legged family member.

By choosing a name, we choose the puppy’s destiny. What to look for when choosing a name? How to choose a nickname that is easy to pronounce, so that it matches the dog’s character and appearance?

So that you don't waste a lot of time looking for a suitable nickname for a girl dog, we have collected the most popular names In this article.

What can you name a girl's big dog puppy?

Buying big dog in the nursery, the owner is asked to name her with a certain letter, which is assigned to the litter number. But even if your choice is unlimited, choose a beautiful and sonorous name big dog– the task is not easy.

You will have to watch the puppy so that the chosen name has meaning. Diminutive nicknames are not suitable here: the name should emphasize the majesty of the dog’s appearance.

There is an opinion among dog breeders that the name of a dog leaves a certain imprint on the character of the pet. It is important that the dog’s owner also likes the nickname.

Here are some options for status nicknames for a large dog:

  • Ada, Abigail, Aya, Avina, Assonita, Aurora
  • Alpha, Aphrodite, Athena, Alma
  • Babsy, Bella, Berta, Varda, Volga
  • Vara, Gloria, Hera, Gerda, Daisy
  • Jerry, Dina, Egoza, Elik, Eva
  • Zherika, Zvana, Karina, Krona
  • Cleopatra, Curry, Kasia, Maggie
  • Runa, Camila, Kara, Kenta, Chris
  • Krista, Kerida, Laima, Laida, Lamia
  • Lada, Malta, Nika, Rexa, Sandy
  • Yusta, Chara

The dog needs a short nickname that the pet will easily remember, because you will often walk in crowded places, go to training, and maybe win championship titles, and pronouncing a long, complex nickname every time is quite tiring.

What is a beautiful name for a German Shepherd dog?

It will be difficult for a puppy to remember his name if you call him “Musik, Masik or just baby”

If you are looking for a nickname for German Shepherd girls, then German-sounding nicknames are best suited:

  • Frida
  • Elsa
  • Heidi
  • Katrina
  • Steffi
  • Vistula
  • Greta
  • Vlasta
  • Vaida
  • Dartha
  • Diana
  • Daira
  • King
  • Ditta

In addition, you can give shepherd girl names like:

  • Mary, Noura, Oda, Indie
  • Ilda, Mirta, Mary, Emma
  • Utah, Palma, Ritsa, Ronda
  • Bara, Judy, Kaira, Adele
  • Ira, Krista, Lana, Leah
  • Mira, Angie, Bertha, Britta
  • Hera, Glory, Jessie, Venedika

Among foreign nicknames For shepherd The following are popular:

  • Agatha, Adele, Ivon, Afra
  • Britta, Brittany, Valda
  • Viva, Vilma, Vien, Glory
  • Grace, Greta, Delia, Gemma, Effie
  • Jenny, Jesse, Jude, Judy
  • Indie, Carla, Kelsey, Cora, Christy
  • Xaviera, Katie, Lana, Paula, Angie

How to name a dog a girl Laika?

You bought like and now you’re struggling to find a sonorous name?

Perhaps yours beautiful Laika a nickname that is associated with frost, snow, the north, and will emphasize the harsh origin of the pet is suitable. Or maybe your dog has some individual traits that the nickname will reflect.

The source of inspiration is in this list.

  • Aurora, Agna, Aza, Aina
  • Aita, Aka, Alva, Alma
  • Aman, Ayuna, Baima, Belka
  • Storm, Vega, Blizzard, Dadi
  • Dara, Diva, Dulma, Haze
  • Enya, Suvan, Surma, Taiga
  • Tyra, Taha, Taya, Toka, Tessa
  • Eshka, Zana, Winter, Ichin
  • Kuney, Weasel, Lama, Moon
  • Myra, Maru, Maya, Blizzard
  • Nara, Nora, Noha, Runa
  • Sakari, Sani, Sata, Saya
  • Seville, Sibma, Sitka
  • Tale, Soybean, Chena, Chola
  • Khanda, Khara, Ugra, Yucca
  • Yuki, Yuta, Yushka

Names for Chihuahua girls are beautiful

Small dogs, as a rule, are naive and cute, so names for dogs small breeds have a diminutive suffix - Prissy, Alsha, Busya.

The menacing and majestic nickname given to a small dog causes some imbalance. Don't call your dog Bruiser, like the heroine of the movie Legally Blonde did. Apart from laughter, your beauty will not evoke other emotions in those around you, and in you too.

Choose the best nickname for chihuahua from the following list:

  • Barbie, Buffy, Busya, Businka
  • Baby, Betsy, Beauty, Gabby
  • Glen, Grace, Darcy, Daphne
  • Dekla, Daisy, Dolly, Doni
  • Dora, Dorie, Dorris, Dulcie
  • Pixie, Button, Chamomile
  • Ruby, Ruth, Sali, Sarah
  • Tina, Tracy, Cherie, Chita
  • Sheri, Eileen, Enis, Jena
  • Isa, Toffee, Irma, Kandy
  • Carla, Carmen, Knopa
  • Koni, Christy, Lana, Lizzie
  • Lily, Lola, Laura, Luli
  • Lucia, Lucy, Magi, Maila
  • Mimi, Molly, May, Mary
  • Nancy, Nessie, Trixie, Tusya
  • Floris, Hannah, Chloe, Chema
  • Suga, Abi

What is a beautiful name for a female Yorkshire Terrier dog?

For the sweetest creature - York– an English nickname will sound organically. And of course, the name of a Yorkie girl should be gentle and melodic

When choosing a name, try saying it several times next to the dog: the dog will react to the combination of sounds it likes by wagging its tail or listening carefully. This way you can find out what to name your baby.

Here is a list of suitable nicknames for York girls:

  • Almadel, Azra, Affanita, Antonia
  • Bofari, Bernita, Venisha, Vilena
  • Victoriana, Grina, Guarda, Deolanda
  • Daria, Jarrah, Donisha, Zvyara, Intella
  • Iesha, Isa, Krasma, Laira, Lavicia
  • Lipsa, Merrian, Markhu, Milagro, Mystic
  • Mileena, Mistimari, Monada, Numis, Elega
  • Novella, Ogna, Ralina, Ryan
  • Runda, Celia, Samphira, Sora
  • Stiza, Sisha, Tarita, Tahiara
  • Tanta, Tes, Thea, Flusa, Festi
  • Fransa, Fortina, Cheyenne, Chestity

What is a beautiful name for a dog or a girl, a mongrel?

If you are faced with a difficult choice of a nickname for a mongrel, then the following information is for you.

Don't think that choosing a name for a dog is a trivial matter. You can call a dog one of the common nicknames, but will it be suitable for your pet? But the dog then goes around with this name for the rest of its life.

Here is a list of nicknames for mongrel girls:

  • Adeline
  • Albina
  • Alice
  • Squirrel
  • Greta
  • Julieta
  • Naida

A mongrel puppy is an example of devotion and boundless love for its owner

A dog's nickname can be borrowed from the world of fashion, cinema, and literature. For example, these dog names for a mongrel sound very original:

  • Isadora, Beata, Barbara
  • Vivien, Vekrushka, Ingrid
  • Lisa, Marlene, Mazina, Mukhina
  • Marika, Oprah, Prada, Hayworth
  • Silva, Tootsie, Uma, Franka
  • Flora, Chanel, Cerutti, Shakira

A mongrel, like a purebred dog, will have a nickname from the world of cinema and literature.

What is a beautiful name for a female Labrador dog?

Labrador A short and sonorous nickname in a foreign style will do.

A name for a dog that sounds concise and does not require additional abbreviations is ideal.

We invite you to look at the nicknames presented here for labrador girls:

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara
  • Barracuda, Berta, Warsaw
  • Verona, Gabriella, Donna
  • Dinara, Egoza, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zarina, Irene
  • Christy, Carrie, Leonarda
  • Lorena, Marquise, Michelle
  • Monica, Oji, Pella, Frisky
  • Rune, Siren, Terra, Luck
  • Feona, Franka, Fantasy, Charisma
  • Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica

What is a beautiful name for a female Stafford dog?

The muscular and stocky Stafoord is a reliable guard with a high threshold for irritability. This is a dog of contrasts: he is incredibly patient and level-headed, but can be energetic and daring. What name is suitable for one of the best protectors among dogs?

Stafford puppy

Nicknames for Stafford girls:

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara, Barracuda, Bertha
  • Warsaw, Verona, Gabriella, Greta, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zara, Zarina, Irene, Christy, Carrie
  • Leonarda, Lorena, Marquisaa, Oji, Pella
  • Frisky, Siren, Terra, Luck, Feona, Franka
  • Fantasy, Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Hellas, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica, Jasper, Donna, Dinara

What is a beautiful name for a female Spitz dog?

Spitz– a popular breed due to the playful nature of small compact dogs that give their owners a lot of positive emotions. The following nicknames are suitable for a girl Spitz:

  • Monica
  • Alura
  • Bayra
  • Daniella
  • Dolly
  • Monta
  • Moraine
  • Malla

What is a beautiful name for a female toy terrier dog?

Toy Terriers Among the entire canine fraternity, they are distinguished by their activity, sociability and willingness to always be close to the owner. You need to choose a kind and funny name for a cute dog, because this is exactly what your miniature beauty will grow up to be. Here are examples of nicknames for Toy Terrier girls:

  • Ariel, Amanda, Assol, Irene, Amelie
  • Barbie, Barbara
  • Vivian, Vanessa, Venus
  • Goofy, Geisha, Gerda
  • Jessie, Dixie
  • Jacqueline, Jasmine
  • Ilatti, Yoko
  • Kylie, Kira, Cassandra
  • Laura, Linda, Lady
  • Molly, Martha, Madonna
  • Nicole, Norma, Nellie
  • Omega, Ophelia
  • Peris, Pushinka
  • Rosie, Rochelle, Roksolana
  • Silva, Scarlet, Sandy, Samantha
  • Trixie, Tootsie
  • Felikin, Francesca
  • Heidi, Hannah
  • Cirilla, Cherry
  • Shanice, Cheyenne, Sheri
  • Evelyn, Estella
  • Yuma, Yula
  • Java, Yanetta

What is a beautiful name for a female spaniel dog?

An English-language name is suitable for a girl spaniel of the British-American group, and for a Russian spaniel a nickname from languages ​​common in Russia will sound harmonious.

True friend for life - spaniel

Focus on the color and disposition of your dog.
We offer you a selection of suitable nicknames for spaniel girls:

Quince, Ara, Alisa, Aika, Alva, Assa;
Bertha, Bina, Barbie, Bissa;
Vesta, Vitana, Vilia, Vaxa;
Gana, Gerda, Guria, Gella;
Darcy, Dessa, Donna;
Ekki, Zhanna, Jenny;
Zula, Zira;
Irma, Illa, Etana;
Clara, Corey, Carla, Claire;
Lima, Lori, Linda, Lisa;
Maya, Mina, Moxie, Misty;
Neity, Nikta, Nori, Nisa;
Oprah, Ora;

Pinta, Paiva, Paula, Patti;
Rona, Roxy, Rinta, Rimmy;
Stacy, Sona, Sulla, Santa;
Tracy, Tilla, Tilda, Temmie;
Ursula, Uma;
Phryne, Frida;
Chloe, Helga;
Cintra, Cessa;
Choli, Chippy;
Shaya, Shanni;
Ellie, Eris, Emma, ​​Ethel;
Jutta, Yusta, Yucca, Yuli;
Yana, Yasta.

What is a nice name for a girl's hunting dog?

Hunting dog brings special content to the hunting process. Hunting is more fun and beautiful with a dog. If you have purchased a hunting dog, it means that your plans are to become not only a friend to the four-legged beauty, but also a partner.

During a hunt, results can only be achieved in a well-coordinated tandem. A nickname for a dog that in the near future will help you in hunting is a responsible and serious matter, because the dog will have to easily distinguish its name from other commands.

Nicknames for cops:

  • Puddy
  • Dembi
  • Diana
  • Norm

For pointers and setters:

  • Nellie
  • Paddy
  • Lasta
  • Steinlish
  • Gilda
  • Blanka
  • Gypsy
  • Magda
  • Pride
  • Divar
  • Ferri
  • Delta
  • Jerry

What is a beautiful name for a girl hound dog?

  • Boyka, Budishka, Venus, Voltorka
  • Bagpipes, Vopishka, Vorozheyka, Hyda
  • Jackdaw, Talker, Rumbler, Guslarka
  • Savage, Doborka, Dombra, Dudka, Vest
  • Zhurka, Fun, Zavyalka, Bully, Zadorka
  • Ignition, Lead, Riddle, Star, Snake
  • Zorka, Zurna, Kenarka, Comet, Krasishka
  • Cuckoo, Kutishka, Letka, Lute, Malyuta
  • Milka, Song, Crybaby, Victory, Rushed
  • Pomchishka, Nursery rhyme, Proyda, Prolaza
  • Pipe, Fairy Tale, Violin, Solovka
  • Magpie, Singing, Arrow, Sudarka, Taratorka
  • Alarm, Flute, Laughter, Cytra
  • Chadra, Charka, Shumishka, Shumka, Yula, Yulka

Among the nicknames that appeared later, the following can be distinguished: Baby Pug will win your heart in a few minutes

The main thing is that it is easy for you to pronounce your dog's name. Therefore, choose a nickname consisting of two syllables and with voiced consonants. Please note that short-legged beauties are unusually playful, smart, and hooligan.

List of nicknames for female pugs:

  • Brina, Bianca, Becky
  • Gabriella (Gabri, Gabi), Gladys
  • Jussie, Dominica, Della
  • Jazlin, Geneva, Giselle
  • Kema, Kita, Cleo, Christy
  • Liona, Lola, Madeleine, Maila, Margot
  • Mariel, Mafia, Maya, Milana, Misty
  • Michelle, Merry, Nikki, Princess
  • Rochelle, Samantha, Samfira, Sophie
  • Sandy, Suzanne, Tasha, Tess
  • Fiesta, Philippa, Fifi
  • Floris, Francine, Javiera
  • Heidi, Chacey, Chelsea, Evita
  • Elizabeth, Elsie, Emmy, Annie
  • Ashley, Gabri, Goldie, Gracie
  • Guera, Zuzu, Ilen, Issa
  • Calibri, Karma, Kayla
  • Kiki, Clarita, Leona, Liana, Lily
  • Lulu, Marissa, Marlene, Marceau
  • Mercy, Mini, Miranda, Missy
  • Neila, Nova, Nunis, Pixie
  • Pilar, Squeaky, Pitina
  • Paris, Sandria, Cecile, Cindy
  • Solana, Tamalia, Tequila
  • Tiffany, Tia, Trixie, Tierra
  • Heidi, Juana, Chelsea, Chiquita, Chile
  • Chita, Eli, Esmeralda, Ashley, Viva
  • Vivienne, Hermione, Gretta

What is a beautiful name for a female Pekingese dog?

Imperial dog Pekingese A worthy and noble nickname will do, which will emphasize regal bearing, independence, and self-confidence. You can name a dog in the Chinese style

Getting to know a new pet always begins with thinking about what to name the animal.

Dogs have long been man's best friends, so by having one at home, a person welcomes a new member of the family.

You can name a small breed of dog with a beautiful nickname that will suit the animal.

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Nickname for a dog based on its size

A majestic name will not suit a small dog; it will cause some imbalance.
Appropriate options for a small dog female are such:

  • Arisha
  • Alsha
  • Bead
  • Paw
  • Chit
  • Cherry
  • Toffee
  • Yoke
  • Button

A large breed dog should have a truly royal name. The appearance of the animal allows it to bear a majestic, prestigious nickname. Her choice depends entirely on the owner and his preferences.

  • Aurora
  • Alpha
  • Aphrodite
  • Athena
  • Zvana
  • Zlata
  • Bella
  • Alma
  • Volga

How to name a pet based on its color

A red animal always looks bright and specific. TO bright color For wool, it’s worth choosing an equally impressive name. It can convey all the tenderness that the owner feels for his pet.
For a pet with red fur, the following are suitable:

  • Orange
  • Chanterelle
  • Freckle
  • Ryzhulya
  • Golden
  • Zlata
  • Bagryanka
  • Kashtanka

There are a lot of dogs with dark fur. Black coat color is one of the most common. You can make your pet stand out from others by giving it a beautiful name.
Suitable for a pet with black fur:

  • Bagheera
  • Panther
  • Makovka
  • Waxa
  • Fifteen

Dogs white quite rare. You can emphasize the characteristics of the purest fur with diminutive word forms. In any case, you need to emphasize the angelic appearance of your pet.

You can name a white pet like this:

  • Squirrel
  • Snowflake
  • Dewdrop
  • Snow White
  • Atlanta
  • Marshmallow

Let's name the dog a girl

Many people want to name an animal based on its breed. The approach is quite correct, the nickname should visually suit the pet, and the breed determines appearance, coat color and many other aspects.

Husky is a very beautiful breed

They are considered one of the smartest. This is a rare case when dogs can have sky blue eyes.
Suitable for Husky:

  • Alva
  • Kylie
  • Jack
  • Wave
  • Gaida
  • Erika
  • Jella
  • True
  • Kayla
  • Yesenia
  • Alda
  • Ameta
  • Bella
  • Volta
  • Volga
  • Vlada

The German Shepherd is one of the most worthy breeds

They are used in military service by dog ​​handlers. Very smart animals. An adult German Shepherd has the intelligence of a four-year-old child
For German Shepherd will fit:

  • Amira
  • Gerda
  • Icarus
  • Assol
  • Wanda
  • Gamma
  • Elva
  • Guillemot
  • Camellia
  • Costa
  • Cedar

Alabai is a breed of large dogs

The nickname for such an animal must be appropriate; not all diminutive nicknames are suitable.
Suitable for Alabai:

  • Malta
  • Avina
  • Assonita
  • Elika
  • Zherika
  • Camila
  • Lyme
  • Kenta
  • Chris
  • Laida
  • Lamia
  • Querida
  • Krista

Rottweiler is one of the most beautiful breeds

Often such animals are bought for themselves by breeders or connoisseurs of this breed. The female Rottweiler has a rather luxurious appearance; suitable nicknames will be offered to you below. Suitable for Rottweiler:

  • Abigail
  • Bubsy
  • Varda
  • Gloria
  • Egoza
  • Karina
  • Crown
  • Vein
  • Cleopatra
  • Curry

Original, cool nicknames are suitable for the most characteristic breeds. For convenience, we will separate them into groups.

Chuhuahuas are the smallest dogs

Suitable for Chihuahua:

  • Agatha
  • Alba
  • Aldona
  • Amona
  • Astena
  • Veika
  • Venedika
  • Grace
  • Evita
  • Gironde
  • Knopa
  • Lanara
  • Landa

Yorkie is a small and extremely cute breed

Suitable for York:

  • Agasha
  • Alza
  • Anabel
  • Barbie
  • Greta
  • Josephine
  • Larma

Dachshunds are charming long-bodied and short-legged dogs with protruding ears.

This appearance gives them a wayward funniness.
Suitable for dachshunds:

  • Adele
  • Athena
  • Venus
  • Grinda
  • Weasel
  • Laura

Spitz is a short, black breed of dog

Currently they are quite popular. The compact animal has fluffy fur and a playful character, giving the owner a lot of positive emotions.
Suitable for Spitz:

  • Monica
  • Alura
  • Bayra
  • Vereda
  • Daniella
  • Dolly
  • Monta
  • Moraine
  • Malla

Baby Toy Terrier is now extremely common

This little bundle of joy doesn't take up much space. A girl can be called a Toy Terrier:

  • Aidana
  • Angelica
  • Bianca
  • Oars
  • Delta
  • Dietra
  • Justina
  • Nadira
  • Monica
  • Naida
  • Mlada

Shih Tzu is suitable for girls

Such housewives are referred to as “The Lady with the Dog.” Glamorous people love to take them to beauty salons and do their long hair hairstyles.
The female Shih Tzu can be called:

  • Angara
  • Armita
  • Bumba
  • Spring
  • Derika
  • Diara
  • Bug
  • Zabina
  • Milady
  • Magdalene
  • Milka
  • Nevada
  • Madea

Pekingese is a short breed, one of those that makes you smile

Having a rather funny appearance, a cheerful nickname would suit the Pekingese.
A Pekingese girl can be called:

  • Marusya
  • Anida
  • Blanka
  • Vesta
  • Jewella
  • Bully
  • Mike
  • Nellie
  • Nelma
  • Myra
  • Nerika

Cocker Spaniel is a dog with incredibly positive emotions

Finding such an animal is a great happiness; it not only receives the love of its owner, but also gives it back.
A girl Cocker Spaniel can be called:

  • Alice
  • Aragva
  • Bakara
  • Wilma
  • Jela
  • Jelica
  • Julia
  • Zamira
  • Zanga
  • Malvina

Small breed Jack Russell Terrier

Simple names suit them like no other. However, lovers of creative nicknames also have plenty to choose from.
The female Jack Russell Terrier can be called:

  • Alina
  • Aralia
  • Barbara
  • Westphalia
  • Jessie
  • Malta
  • Nymph
  • Zarella

Labradors are some of the friendliest dogs.

They are not afraid to let them near children. They are truly friends of people, having a special loyalty as their character.
Beautiful names for Labrador girls dogs:

  • Arbella
  • Barletta
  • Burma
  • Biyanka
  • Vignette
  • Gina
  • Zaura
  • Norm
  • Manesta
  • Odette
  • Olvia

Staffords are mostly red in color.

For all their severity and the appearance of a fighting breed, they have a rather kind look, which is difficult not to fall in love with. Girls of this breed are especially feminine, so it is better to choose the most sophisticated and beautiful names.
Names for Stafford girls:

  • Alexa
  • Alita
  • Armanda
  • Basta
  • Beatrice
  • Vaida
  • Jitta
  • Gioconda
  • Star
  • Note
  • Onega
  • Onika

The hound is a breed for everyone

Hound girls may have names related to their speed and endurance, such as Lightning or Arrow.
There are other names for the Hound:

  • Bilda
  • Violet
  • Jonia
  • Zelma
  • Marquise
  • Martha
  • Madder

Dobermans have a special stateliness, this is inherent in them by nature

The muscles on a thin body reflect the fit of the silhouette. Doberman girls should have nicknames appropriate to their special breed. This is especially true for dogs with a pedigree and documents. Refined nicknames are extremely welcome.
Names for Doberman girls:

  • Arlanda
  • Viona
  • Georgia
  • Indira
  • Sylt
  • Ilva
  • Isolde

The Asian breed is not so popular

Buying such a beauty and choosing a beautiful nickname for her is not so simple task.
Suitable for Asian Shepherd:

  • Arleta
  • Bizarta
  • Virta
  • Vista
  • Judah
  • Zinta
  • Marion
  • Ophelia
  • Argentina
  • Cleopatra
  • Quarantine
  • Gina
  • Julia
  • Samira

Making a choice, whatever it may be, is never easy. Rely on your feelings and sensations, listen to your inner voice.

How to name a Laika girl

Laika - common name several subspecies of hunting dogs. They were used both in Russia and in the European northern countries. The coat can be either thick, fluffy or smooth.

When thinking about what to name your husky, look through the list of beautiful northern names:

  • Gerda
  • Tiin (squirrel)
  • Kun (sun)
  • Kykhyn (winter)
  • Urumechchi (butterfly)
  • Chabylban (lightning)
  • Aurora
  • Dinka
  • Svetla
  • Khatyn (birch)
  • Taiga
  • Sugun (blueberry)
  • Mekchirge (owl)
  • Sordon (pike)
  • Algys (blessing)
  • Sheela (flame)
  • Obokhut (nanny)
  • Haya (mountain)
  • Shiegan (wolverine)
  • Midnight
  • Dalyr (name of locality)
  • Harana (darkness)
  • Erbium (saw)
  • Snezhnaya
  • Cuba (swan)
  • Avalanche (English avalanche)
  • Tuun (night)
  • Orus (river)
  • Uu (water)
  • Ice
  • Hopto (seagull)
  • Buuldya (bullet)
  • Claire (light - French)
  • Ice
  • Tikaani
  • Snowstorm
  • Blizzard
  • Zavira
  • Muora (sea)
  • Shtiya (strength)
  • Sulus (star)
  • Silveri
  • Grinda
  • Polar
  • Oton (berry)
  • Ropak (ice floe)
  • Utuluk (mitten)
  • Ebe (grandmother)
  • Dyakhtar (hostess)
  • Cold
  • Haze
  • Siberia
  • Bader (lynx)
  • Yrya (song)
  • Avalanche
  • Chyychaakh (bird)
  • Ystaal (steel)
  • Kvennik (snowflake)
  • Sahyl (fox)
  • Kenul (freedom)
  • Tuus (salt)

Nickname for a mongrel girl

Nothing limits you in choosing a nickname for your yard beauty. But Anetta or O'Grady will sound strange! That's why we selected understandable and mischievous ones that non-pedigreed dogs will wear with pride. When deciding what to name a mongrel, consider external features animal, its disposition.

  • Malvina
  • Dolly
  • Barney
  • Nyurochka
  • Lyme
  • Redhead
  • Martha
  • Katie
  • Lisyasha
  • Alpha
  • Peach
  • Vesta
  • Sandra
  • Linda
  • Naida
  • Knopa
  • Front sight
  • Palm
  • Bonita
  • Baby
  • Bun
  • Pronya
  • Alba
  • Milka

A dog's nickname can be borrowed from the world of fashion, cinema, and literature.

For example, these sound very original for a mongrel:

  • Isadora, Beata, Barbara
  • Vivien, Vekrushka, Ingrid
  • Lisa, Marlene, Mazina, Mukhina
  • Marika, Oprah, Prada, Hayworth
  • Silva, Tootsie, Uma, Franka
  • Flora, Chanel, Cerutti, Shakira

What not to call a pet

First of all, I would like to talk about what not to name a dog. There is even a joke on this topic. The girl got a dog and decided it would be funny to name it own name- Masha. After some time, she got married and noticed that the neighbors were looking at him strangely.

One day she goes up to her floor and clearly hears her husband shouting: “Masha! You've shit on the carpet again! Well, as much as possible!”

This story clearly teaches us the first rule: do not call your dog human names. Even if there is no person with that name in your environment now, he may appear in the future. The only exception may be foreign names, which are not common in your area, for example, Mandy, Violet.

Another mistake is to give a dog a dissonant nickname as a joke. You will quickly get bored and feel unpleasant. You should not give it too long, as it will be difficult for the animal to remember it. It should have a short version that will be used.

Don't give her a name that is difficult for you or your family to pronounce. Think carefully about it. It is unlikely that you will want a beautiful and noble husky to be called Dashka or Palna.

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