Home Children's dentistry Open the English lock of the earrings up or down. How to remove earrings after a piercing

Open the English lock of the earrings up or down. How to remove earrings after a piercing

When choosing earrings, we first look at the design, think whether they will suit the color of the eyes, certain clothes, and whether they will create the desired effect. “Blinded” by the beauty of the product, we rush to buy it, but after wearing the jewelry several times, we often realize that it is uncomfortable. What is the reason?

Paying close attention appearance decoration, we forget about a small but very important part of it - the clasp. But the ease of wearing, reliability and safety of the earring depends on it.

We will talk about the types of clasps, their pros and cons, and what you should pay attention to when buying earrings with a particular lock.

Pros: English clasp - comfortable and very reliable. Thanks to its elegant appearance, the lock is organically included in the design of jewelry. The English clasp is usually used in jewelry with precious and semi-precious inserts, as well as weighted models with pendants.

Cons: The distance allocated for the earlobe cannot be adjusted. If the lobe is thinner than provided for in the product, the decorative part of the decoration will outweigh. If the earlobe is wider than this distance, wearing earrings will not only be uncomfortable, but also painful. Besides, important point is the height of the puncture. Therefore, when trying on, pay attention to the distance between the lock and the ear - it should be comfortable.

Pros: wearing earrings with this type of lock does not cause absolutely any discomfort. The French clasp is very light, so it is used not only for women's, but also for children's jewelry.

Cons: the elegant loop can be damaged if pressed hard, so earrings with such a lock are not recommended to be worn during outdoor activities or left overnight.

Pros: very comfortable and modern clasp, which is easily adjusted depending on the width of the earlobe. Unlike regular clips, earrings with such a lock have an additional pin, so that the jewelry is securely fixed on the ear.

Cons: To prevent the lock from malfunctioning, earrings with an Italian clasp must be removed at night.

Stud clasp (or stud)

There are two types of studs: pin and screw.

The difference is that pin studs are a nail with a special recess that secures the clip, while on screw studs this clip is not fixed, but is screwed onto the thread.

Pros: the undeniable advantages of this castle are its versatility and democracy. Studs are considered an ideal clasp for everyday jewelry. Stud earrings match different styles clothes. In addition, the clasp can be adjusted to suit any earlobe thickness.

Cons: in order to tighten the screw stud clamp, the earring must be held as straight as possible. The sharp ends of the studs can cause discomfort during sleep, so it is recommended to remove stud earrings at night. Additionally, the retaining clip may become loose over time and become lost. But the reasonable prices of the studs make it easy to replace them - and this is another plus.

Pros: Jewelry with this lock is easy to put on and take off. The clasp does not weigh down the product and, due to its elegant appearance, is most often placed on earrings with pendants.

Cons: Since the thin loop is not fixed, there is a chance that you will lose the earring (which is why the loop is usually placed on jewelry with pendants to “balance” the item). When purchasing jewelry with this clasp, make sure that the end of the loop is not too sharp: the clasp should not prick your neck or catch on clothing or hair.

Pros: a simple and convenient lock with a reliable fastening mechanism. This type of clasp is used mainly on voluminous jewelry and hoop earrings.

Cons: The distance left for the lobe (i.e. the length of the pin) may be too small. Please pay attention to this when purchasing earrings with a pin clasp.

Pros: this is the oldest type of fastener, and the fact that it has stood the test of time already inspires confidence. The clamp lock is easy to use and does not cause any inconvenience. This clasp can withstand even the weight of fairly large earrings.

Disadvantages: Jewelry with a clasp clasp requires delicate handling, as the delicate clasp is easily deformed.

Pros: classics of the Congo earrings and Creole rings genre. A thin pin hidden in the earring is invisible when worn. At the same time, the clasp securely fastens the two parts of the decoration.

Cons: earrings with this type of lock must be removed at night to avoid damaging the earlobes.

Pros: the clasp, which appeared quite recently, has already gained incredible popularity. This method of fastening allows you to painlessly wear even the heaviest earrings of complex design, evenly distributing the load. In addition, the cuff is reliable.

Cons: ear cuffs are an original decoration for special occasions, but hardly anyone will decide to wear them every day. It will take time to get used to this clasp.

Pros: Clip-on earrings are easy to put on and take off. They perfectly follow the shape of the earlobe and look like a glove. Depending on the model and degree of curvature of the earring, jewelry with a clip clasp will suit any woman.

Cons: small distance for the earlobe. Despite their name, earrings with such a lock should not compress the ear. Please pay attention to this when trying on.

Pros: Thread earrings are very light and elegant, they are easy to take off and put on. Due to the weight and length, jewelry with such a lock holds quite firmly and at the same time does not deform, since it does not have a rigid shape.

Cons: perhaps the only drawback of these earrings is that they cling to the hair more than others. Therefore, pay attention to the quality of fastening the inserts and connecting the chain links.

Whatever earrings you choose, be sure to try the jewelry on in the store. Pay attention not only to the design of the product, but also to the clasp and decide whether it is right for you.

Experts believe that girls after three years of age can have their ears pierced for earrings. They motivate this by the fact that at this age the child behaves quite consciously and will not cause injury to himself.

However, according to psychologists, it is better for babies between the ages of nine and eighteen months to have their ears pierced, since they are still unfamiliar with the feeling of fear.

Simple and painless

The procedure is performed in specialized centers using a gun and medical earrings. Wear them for three weeks while the lobe heals.

This piercing is hygienic and completely safe. The fabrics are gently pulled apart and not torn.

The pain is practically not felt, and there is no risk of accidentally infecting dangerous infection. Using this method, ears can be pierced not only in childhood, but also at any age.

The earring-needle clasp is built into the cartridge, so the earring itself will not fall out of the ear. At the same time, the lobe is not pinched and nothing prevents it from healing quickly.

The first stud earrings have a beautiful design, so you can continue to wear them, but still, sooner or later, you will want to take them off and put on others. This is where difficulties can arise, so you need to know the intricacies of the process of removing them from your ears.

Neat and calm

First of all, you need to stock up on gauze and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. After this, we proceed to the delicate procedure:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly, always with soap, to eliminate the risk of infection in the earlobe.
  • Using the fingers of one hand, take the earring by the front part, and with the other hand, slowly remove the clasp from the back. At first, that is, for the first time, the product will come out difficult, but next time everything will be easier and faster. But if the earring “does not want” to be removed, then there is no need to make any efforts, but it is advisable to contact the specialist who previously performed the puncture.
  • When both earrings are removed, use a piece of gauze soaked in peroxide to clean the channels in the earlobe.
  • Now you should wait two hours, and then you can insert other decorations, but be sure to first treat it with alcohol or peroxide.

It is important that for new jewelry the diameter of the stud, that is, the pin, is the same as that of the original needle earrings. Cheap jewelry is harmful to your health, so it is better to wear high quality gold or silver earrings.

Such decorations emphasize the image and often play a role important nuance in creating a certain image.

How to remove medical earrings carnations from a child. Watch the video for a very simple way:

How to remove stud earrings after piercing with an ear gun? Actual question for people who decide to pierce their earlobes using special equipment. This is the most painless and safe way, which is used even for small children. According to doctors, it is reliable in terms of hole formation and sterile. A few seconds of specialist work and small studs appear in the ears. The puncture and fixation of the product occur simultaneously.

Features of ear piercing with a gun

Girls from the age of three can have their ears pierced with an automatic pistol. At this time, the child gives an account of the action, will not cause injury, or pull out the decoration.

The procedure is carried out in a cosmetology salon. It uses medical earrings and an automatic pistol. During piercing, the tissues are carefully pulled apart without tears or microcracks.

The risk of infection is minimized. No pain is felt. The canal is formed in three weeks, the lobe heals quickly, nothing pinches or injures it.

Ear piercing is contraindicated for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • neurological diseases;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • rheumatism;
  • allergic complications;
  • chronic ear diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • blood diseases.

The procedure cannot be carried out during colds, infectious diseases, after vaccinations and when teething in children. Health must be good for the recovery process to proceed quickly.

How is piercing done with a gun:

  1. A sterile earring is threaded into the tip of the gun, and English clasp is fixed at the other end.
  2. The cosmetologist disinfects the puncture site.
  3. Marks are made.
  4. First, an instrument is applied to one ear, then to the other, and with one shot a hole is made, an earring is inserted, and a lock is fastened.

The client hears only a small click and does not even have time to react to the doctor’s actions. The method is used when it is necessary to pierce the cartilage on the ear or the nose in the wing area. Piercing in other areas is done with a needle.

How long after a piercing can you remove earrings?

The first earrings should be worn as much as possible. a long period time. For the manufacture of nails, medical steel is used, which does not contain allergens and promotes fast healing fresh wound. A precious metal does not have such an effect and in some cases is rejected by the body.

Do not carry out the procedure in winter, as cold wind, hat, scarf will damage the fresh wound. Summer, heat, and sweat are also not the best companions for successful healing. They create a favorable environment for infection. The ideal time is cool spring or autumn.

Doctors believe that how long you can wear earrings depends on individual characteristics. The fastest healing period is 3 weeks; in most cases, healing lasts for 1.5-2 months.

To determine the condition of the puncture, move the product a little; if blood or ichor does not flow from the hole, then you can make a replacement.

From the moment of the procedure until complete healing, the punctured canal exudes ichor and blood, and sometimes pus, which come into contact with dirt, dust, and water. During recovery, it is important to provide proper care, otherwise secretions will accumulate on the earring stem, which in the future can cause inflammation and suppuration. Therefore, experts advise removing the carnations after a couple of weeks, treating them with alcohol or an antiseptic, and putting them on again.

  1. Skyce on a tooth: what is it and how is tooth piercing installed?

How to remove carnations correctly

When performing manipulations, you should be careful and maintain sterility.

Instructions on how to remove earrings:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap (fragrance-free, chemical elements, dyes). Have a bottle of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine on hand to treat earrings, instruments and hands. Prepare several cotton pads and clean gauze.
  2. Medical nails have a very tight clasp, so you will have to use some tricks to remove them. The first method is to hold the head with the pebble with one hand, and with the other grab the clasp and gently pull it back, twisting it in different directions. The second method is to grab the head. Insert nail scissors into the curved ends of the clamp, open them slightly and pull back.
  3. Apply a cotton pad moistened with a disinfectant solution to the earlobe and remove all discharge. Give your ears a rest for half an hour.
  4. Using another cotton pad with antiseptic, go over the earring post and lock. Rinsing in alcohol poured into a small container is allowed.
  5. Wait until the product is completely dry, then start threading it into the punctures.

When putting on new jewelry, make sure that the clasp does not pinch or put pressure on the lobe, otherwise inflammation will occur.

If the carnations cannot be removed, then a video from YouTube will come to the rescue, which describes the whole process in detail.

What earrings are suitable after a piercing with a gun?

The metal from which the product is made plays an important role. Gold, platinum, and silver jewelry decor is best suited for an already formed channel. Products made from them do not cause allergic reactions, contribute to the death of microbes that accidentally fall on the surface of the earring.

When choosing a replacement, pay attention to the rod. Its diameter must clearly correspond to the diameter of the earrings that were worn after the piercing. If it is larger, then the ears will be injured and micro-tears will form on the earlobes, requiring healing and care.

The shape of the product is selected in accordance with personal preferences and can take the form of rings, studs, or chains.

Jewelry should be easy to put on and fit securely without any effort. Check the clasp to ensure it does not come loose if touched accidentally. They shouldn't interfere active recreation and lifestyle.

How to remove stud earrings after piercing your ears with a gun - the most common phrase which cosmetologists hear from their clients. If you are one of the people who have encountered the problem described, then try to use the suggested methods and release the latch. After several failed attempts, we recommend going to a specialist salon for help. Manipulations should be carried out carefully, without damaging the healed canal in the hole.

Today, women and girls strive to look good. They carefully select their clothes and decorate their bodies, in particular, piercing their ears. Earrings really make a woman look beautiful. That's why many mothers pierce their daughters' ears at a very young age. However, pierced ears can bring some problems to their owner. For example, an earring will not want to leave your ear. How to act in such a situation? How to remove an earring?

First of all, you should steam your ear thoroughly. To do this, you need to lie in the bathroom or take a shower. Although you can soak your ear with oil, such as camphor. This is done in order to soften the ichor that has formed in the ear. Then, you need to carefully twist the earring in your ear. After this procedure, the earring should be easily removed. In order to remove an earring from a little girl’s ear, you should take the moment while she is sleeping. After the earring is removed, the ear should be treated with an antiseptic, such as Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, and the ears should be dried a little before putting the earrings back on.

How to remove earrings without pain is now clear. But what to do if you want to decorate yourself with original earrings? How to make earrings from beads? After all, beaded jewelry is very original. In addition, they require minimal costs. But before you start weaving earrings from beads, you need to decide in advance on the pattern, shape, size and color of the beads. In addition to the beads themselves, you will need a strong thread or fishing line, earrings, and a needle. You may need other tools and parts, but this depends on the type of earrings.

Often women are faced with the fact that they cannot wear earrings. This happens when a woman wears the same earrings for a long time. Or if she recently got her ears pierced. So how to wear earrings? Probably the simplest method is to ask someone for help. But what if there is no such “helper” nearby? Then try putting the earring on backwards. That is, wear the front side of the earring with reverse side ear. And then try again to put the earring on as it should be. This usually helps. If it doesn’t help, you should put on your old earrings and try to move and twist them every day so that the hole from the puncture becomes a little larger. After this you will be able to wear other earrings.

To highlight their individual style, many modern girls strive to make jewelry with their own hands. How to make earrings with your own hands? Here is one of the simplest options. For it you will need: fishing line, two earrings, beads of the same color and size, 4 huggers (for beads), two beads (of the same color as the beads). Fix two strands of fishing line of equal length on the hooks. Each earring will have two “tails”. You need to put seven beads on each “tail”, after which you need to pass both threads through the hook and fasten to form a bow. Place a hugger, a bead, another hugger and 10 beads on both ends of the fishing line. Then, thread the fishing line through the bead and fix it on the hook. Do the same with the second shvenza. The earrings are ready.

Thus, it has now become clear what to do when the earring cannot be removed and, on the contrary, cannot be put on. It is also known that earrings can be purchased not only in the store.

Piercing of the earlobes in the salon is usually carried out with a gun into which a special sterile stud earring is inserted. Since the machine fastens the clasp very tightly during the procedure, it is not always easy to remove it when it comes time to change the jewelry.

If you compare carnations with earrings with English castle, then in both cases the products close in two clicks, making it possible to adjust the tightness of the earring to the earlobe, but in the second case it is much easier to remove the jewelry due to the movable part. In the first case, it is not always possible to cope with this task manually. Everyone who has ever encountered this problem has wondered how to remove a stud earring after a piercing with a gun, so as not to injure the ear.

When it comes time to remove medical earrings from your ears, you should understand that the puncture site needs careful handling after recent healing, you need to act as carefully as possible. Without aids, it is not always possible to cope without damaging the ear, so at first you can manually just move the clasp a little, without trying to remove it completely.

Next, you should prepare cotton pads and healing hygiene products to care for the puncture site (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, chlorhexidine), and you will also need scissors with rounded ends, which should fit into the holes of the fastener.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to treat the earlobe, hands and scissors. Holding the earring by the stud itself, slightly open the scissors, the ends of which are inside the clasp, and pull it towards you.

You can also use regular eyebrow tweezers with non-pointed ends. With their help, you will be able to firmly hold the fastener and, just like in the first case, hold the stud itself and pull it towards you.

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to remove the jewelry until the puncture has completely healed. The tissue around the puncture should not be swollen; this will make the removal process easier and will not cause unnecessary discomfort. After finishing, immediately treat the earlobe again and it is advisable to let it rest for at least an hour, only after that select a new earring.

When it comes time to choose accessories, you should remember that new piercings require attention and care. You should not opt ​​for a second pair of silver jewelry, as this material oxidizes and can harm fresh holes. Products made from low-quality gold-plated materials, jewelry, are strictly not recommended.

If we talk about the diameter of the base of the earring, then you should not take very thin ones, since fresh channels quickly become overgrown and in the future difficulties may arise with earrings of a different thickness. Among the fasteners, it is better to give preference to silicone ones, since they are easy to use, soft to the touch, and removing them will not be difficult.

What to do if difficulties arise?

It may happen that the decoration fits very tightly and does not lend itself to any influence. In this case, it is better to stop any attempts to do this at home and contact any salon for professional help. It is not only people with ear piercings who experience difficulty in removing earrings; it is also quite difficult to remove jewelry from other parts of the body.

For example, for navel piercing, barbells are used, which, despite the fact that they are secured manually by the master, are much more difficult and painful to remove. The clasp of such jewelry is in the form of a ball, which is difficult to grasp due to the fact that it will slip; in such cases, it is also better to seek help from a specialist.

  • The healing time for a hole is different for everyone, but when proper care and observing all precautions - about three weeks.
  • Professionals recommend doing piercing with a special machine only in the earlobe. In other places, such as ear cartilage, navel, wings of the nose and lips, it is strictly not recommended. The punctured part may become deformed and healing may take longer.

  • After performing such a minor operation as piercing the ears or other parts of the body, it is not recommended to take a very hot bath or visit the sauna and swimming pool for the first time. By steaming the puncture site, the healing process will be long and painful.
  • Clean sea ​​water benefits the healing of punctures.

  • You should not agree to piercing while your body is recovering after surgical interventions and diseases.
  • During a session in the salon, the visitor can always request anesthesia.

  • There is an opinion that the earlobe contains more than a hundred active points responsible for hearing, vision and work internal organs. And if you make an unsuccessful puncture and get into any of them, the functioning of any of these senses may be disrupted. It's just a myth. Of course, these zones really exist, but not in the lobe area.

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