Home Prosthetics and implantation Doctor died in a plane crash. Plane crash over the Black Sea: Doctor Lisa among the dead

Doctor died in a plane crash. Plane crash over the Black Sea: Doctor Lisa among the dead


The hard landing cost little Nelkan dearly - three-year-old Jasmina was the only one of the seven people flying in the light aircraft from Khabarovsk who survived. The rest, both passengers, mostly villagers, and pilots died on the spot.

Everyone, and even the attending physician, do not hesitate to call Jasmine’s salvation a miracle. The villagers believe that the teacher Olga Laponnikova, who was flying with her, covered the girl with her body; they even asked the governor to erect a monument to the deceased teacher. However, the governor believes that the secret of a successful rescue is strict adherence by the accompanying flight safety rules - Jasmine was very tightly fastened in the seat.

Be that as it may, the girl, despite the fact that she survived, suffered greatly.

The initial diagnosis was made in a rural hospital - a broken leg, traumatic brain injury and bruise abdominal cavity. But a local hospital is not a regional one medical Center- so it was decided to send the girl to Khabarovsk for a more thorough examination.

A special board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with psychologists, disaster medicine doctors, members of the regional government and the governor on board took off from Khabarovsk at eight in the morning, three hours later the plane landed in Nelkana. The doctors examined the girl, made sure that the child would survive the flight normally and gave permission for transportation.


The An-74 landed at the airfield of the Khabarovsk Aviation Rescue Center at five o'clock in the evening. The doctors carried Jasmina Lentyeva, wrapped in a warm blanket, out of the plane and immediately transferred her to the bright yellow car of the Disaster Medicine Center. The girl behaved calmly, it seemed that she was more embarrassed by the journalists, who were constantly clicking cameras, than by the flight she had just suffered.

The girl behaved normally, calmly, cried a little, then we gave her the phone - she calmed down, the doctors monitored her breathing and her condition every second,” he said Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Vyacheslav Shport, which also arrived on this plane.

As soon as Jasmine was inside, the medical Fords, without wasting a second, took off and rushed to the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2, where a tomograph and a team of doctors had already been prepared. The examination using modern equipment did not take much time; within half an hour the doctors rendered their verdict.

I would rate the girl’s condition as stable and of moderate severity,” he commented on the results. Leonid Pak, Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery at Clinical Hospital No. 2.- The girl received a combined injury - craniocerebral and skeletal. I can say that there is no threat to life, surgical interventions not required. AND further treatment it will take place at the regional children's hospital.

If the need arises, the doctors of the 2nd regional clinical hospital promise to come to the aid of their colleagues, but they believe that this will not be necessary.

The girl was born wearing a shirt, I think it’s a real miracle,” the surgeon concluded the conversation.

Just an hour ago, a child was brought to us who miraculously survived a plane crash in the village of Nelkan. The girl was hospitalized in a specialized department - traumatology and orthopedic, with a diagnosis of a concussion and closed fracture the lower third bone of the left tibia with displacement. The child was delivered in satisfactory condition; naturally, emotional instability was noted. The girl is very worried. She came to us accompanied by relatives, a team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and resuscitators. She is currently scheduled for closed reduction. The length of hospitalization, roughly speaking, can last up to 21 days,” said Nikolai Rybachuk, a traumatologist on duty at the Anatoly Piotrovich Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital.

Yesterday it was very bad, but today it’s more or less,” she shared her experiences in a conversation with correspondents Maria Leontyeva, mother of little Jasmine. “I’ve already moved away a little, because the doctors called me yesterday and said that there was nothing very bad, they had already put a cast on my leg and my soul calmed down a little. It’s even difficult to imagine, especially since you don’t know whether your child is alive or not. Most of all I want to see the child.

The meeting between mother and miraculously saved Jasmine took place in the nursery clinical hospital, where the girl will undergo treatment.

“KP”-Khabarovsk contacted an independent aviation expert to establish the exact cause of the disaster, which claimed the lives of six people. Specialist Yuri Antipov I am sure that the tragedy occurred due to a technical malfunction of the aircraft.

The weather, as we already know, was good. The plane was landing. According to statistics, it is known that planes mainly crash due to technical problems in two cases: during takeoff and during landing. At these moments, increased pilot attention is required. Accordingly, it is at this time that the main work of all mechanization takes place. Here the pilot was flying in good weather, so I personally do not consider him to be at fault. The fact that the plane fell on its side indicates a failure of the equipment. I lean towards this option the most. Of course, I personally don’t know how the investigation will be conducted. By personal experience I can assume that most likely the IAC (Interstate Aviation Commission) will say that the pilots were to blame. This happens because technical problems are difficult, very difficult to investigate. Especially when it comes to airplane ruins. Therefore, as a rule, everything is attributed to the pilots,” says Yuri Antipov. - The number of people did not exceed the permissible limit, unless they took extra cargo with them. This is unlikely. All cargo must be documented, so I don't think anything could have gotten through. Please note that the plane was landing, which means it had already used up most of its fuel, that is, it simply became lighter. Even if he took off with an overload, he would lose enough weight to land safely.

MAK specialists in turn, I can’t start the investigation because of the frost; in Nelkan it’s now -35 degrees. The black box, which will help determine the exact cause of the crash, is still on board the plane. The commission does not announce preliminary versions.

The girl who survived the plane crash was transported from Nelkan to Khabarovsk. A girl was brought from the village of Nelkan to Khabarovsk, who miraculously survived the crash of the L-410 plane.

This was reported in Scientific center obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after V. I. Kulakov.

Colleagues of obstetrician-gynecologist Talgat Patsaev, who died in a plane crash near Almaty, spoke about his activities and merits. According to the head of the department of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after V.I. Kulakov Laura Kayupova, he had been observing the patient for a long time, because of whom he flew to South Kazakhstan region on board the air ambulance, reports.

"Despite all his regalia, he was very a kind person, very responsive - towards his colleagues, towards his family. Indeed, dad with a capital D, husband with a capital D, friend with a capital D. You know, obstetrics and gynecology is such a complex profession, there are two lives here - mother and child. And despite all this, he was trouble-free. He was the curator of a very complex region - the South Kazakhstan region. He also traveled to Mangistau, Kyzylorda, and Almaty regions. That is, the assistance he provided locally was very fruitful. The doctors know him as a professional,” said Kayupova.

According to the head of the department, Kazakh doctors owe a lot to the deceased Patsaev.

"Those protocols that the whole of Kazakhstan uses are his merit. For us, this is a big, irreparable loss. We work together a lot and for a long time. One for all and all for one. He himself was from medical family. And that upbringing came from my parents - respect for elders, work, others. “When it comes to providing assistance, this was above all,” she explained.

Kayupova also spoke about the tragic day.

According to the specialist, Patsaev had been monitoring the patient’s condition for a long time, for whose sake he flew on the plane that later crashed.

“It was an ordinary day at work, he is the head of the department. We have known about this patient for a long time, and there were consultations. Considering the severity of the condition, that the condition was getting worse, I had to fly out. It was not an emergency, this is everyday work. I would like it to be the last a loss in our medicine,” she concluded.

An-28 crash near Almaty

Let us remind you that on October 3, an An-28 aircraft of East Wing airlines was seen on radar 28 kilometers from Almaty airport. The sanitary flight took off from Almaty to Shymkent.

After the plane crashed. Five people were killed in the crash.

On board the plane, two doctors - obstetrician-gynecologist Talgat Patsaev and resuscitator Zhanibek Artykbaev were flying to Shymkent for a woman who had recently given birth.

In 2016, Talgat Patsaev was a liver, which for the first time in Kazakhstan gave birth to a healthy child.

Subsequently, the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology announced plans to provide assistance to Patsaev’s family.

A special commission headed by Vice-Minister for Investments and Development Roman Sklyar has already arrived at the scene of the disaster.

East Wing Airlines announced its intention to conduct an internal audit, as well as the fact that the families of the deceased pilots will be provided with financial assistance.

Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yelzhan Birtanov that the death of doctors was a “severe and irreparable loss” for all Kazakhstanis.

In the hospital where the patient is located, for whom the air ambulance was called, that the woman’s condition is serious and her lungs are being artificially ventilated.

Some details of the crash of the Tu-154 aircraft, the wreckage of which was found in the Black Sea, have become known. According to media reports, philanthropist and resuscitator Elizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Lisa, was supposed to be on board the ship.

According to Life.ru, she might not have taken off on the crashed Tu-154. According to the publication, Doctor Lisa was on the passenger list, but may not have passed pre-flight control, and therefore did not get on board. “It didn’t pass control and was removed from the list,” said a source in the Ministry of Defense.


At the same time, Glinka’s press secretary has not yet confirmed nor denied this news. He emphasized that he has no information about Glinka’s possible presence on board the crashed plane.

Dr. Lisa - Director of International public organization"Fair help" She was one of the first to speak out in favor of creating a humanitarian mission in Syria that would deal with the delivery and distribution of medicines, which are lacking in the country.

A total of 91 people were on board, including eight crew members. According to RIA Novosti, among the passengers were musicians from the Alexandrov ensemble, as well as nine representatives of the Russian media.

The crew included: Major Volkov R. Colonel Rovensky A.; navigator Lieutenant Colonel Petukhov; navigator captain Mamonov; flight engineer senior lieutenant V. Hairdressers; flight engineer Major A. Tregubov; flight mechanic senior sergeant Sushkov V.; flight interpreter, senior lieutenant Sukhanov; Lieutenant Colonel Negrub A.; Major Dolinsky A.]

As the site wrote, the Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense began its route from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow, and landed in Sochi for refueling and technical inspection. The plane disappeared from radar at 05:40 Moscow time, 20 minutes after taking off from Sochi airport. The wreckage of the liner was found several hours later in the Black Sea.

MOSCOW, 12 Feb— RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. In the An-148 plane crash that occurred on February 11 in the Moscow region, 71 people died. The search operation in the crash area lasted almost a day, the wreckage of the car was scattered over an area of ​​30 hectares. Experts have already discovered black boxes that should shed light on this tragedy. Read about the conditions under which the rescuers worked, who the passengers of the ill-fated flight were, and how the failed deal saved lives.

Fatal flight

On the afternoon of February 11, a Saratov Airlines An-148 passenger plane was flying from Moscow to Orsk. At 14:21 the plane took off from Domodedovo and began to gain altitude, but after a few minutes the airport dispatchers lost contact with it. “At first there was a strong bang somewhere in the sky, and then something fell loudly and exploded,” residents of the village of Stepanovskoye, Ramensky district told RIA Novosti. “We didn’t even immediately understand what had happened.”

The plane crashed onto a snow-covered field. All six crew members and 65 passengers were killed. According to villagers, some fragments of the plane fell just a few hundred meters from residential buildings. About an hour later, the first emergency services arrived in the area of ​​the tragedy. But it was not possible to get to the crash site right away. “The road leading to this area was almost completely covered, so we decided to wait for the snow removal equipment. And in the field itself there was waist-deep snow, and underneath there were just as many weeds,” Andrei, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, explained to RIA Novosti. “Only in one there was a crater with a diameter of about 12 meters."

Gradually, journalists, as well as friends and relatives of the victims, arrived in Stepanovskoye. “I took a woman there whose relatives had died,” taxi driver Lyudmila told RIA Novosti. “She cried all the way.” At the turn to the village, traffic police officers were on duty, allowing only emergency vehicles through. However, due to heavy snowfall, a multi-kilometer traffic jam still formed on the road with vehicles from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee and ambulances. The police also cordoned off the search operation area within a radius of two kilometers. Even the residents of the neighboring village could not break through the cordon. settlement, to your home. Finally, when the road was cleared and the main forces arrived, the rescuers who were the first to arrive at the crash site were given a short respite. “There are debris and fragments of bodies scattered throughout the field, because of the wet snow and deep snowdrifts it is very difficult to get to them,” one of them told RIA Novosti. “In the area of ​​​​the forest belt, the top of a birch tree was completely cut off - apparently, it was caught when it fell.”

© Photo: Russian Ministry of Emergency SituationsRescuers at the site of the crash of the Saratov Airlines An-148 plane in the Moscow region. February 11, 2018

Soon, employees of the central apparatus of the Investigative Committee of Russia moved to the scene of the tragedy. It is they who will have to determine the cause of the crash and identify its culprits. “A criminal case has been opened on the grounds of a crime provided for in part three of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence,” the Investigative Committee’s Investigative Directorate informed. “Currently, investigators are working not only on at the scene of the incident, but also in Saratov, Orsk, Orenburg, and at Domodedovo airport. this moment It was established that there were no reports of aircraft malfunction from the crew."

Black list

EMERCOM psychologists spoke with the relatives of those killed in Moscow and Orsk throughout the night. Today is a day of mourning in the Orenburg region. At the Orsk airport, people carry flowers and candles all day to a stand with lists of victims of the plane crash. “When I found out about the tragedy, I hoped until the very end that Vika, for some reason, would not be on board,” Anastasia, a close friend of flight attendant Victoria Koval, tells RIA Novosti. “But when I saw the names of the crew members, all hopes were dashed.” According to her, the deceased flight attendant was always very responsive, kind and smiling. “Heaven was her dream, the meaning of her whole life,” the girl continues. “She discovered her calling when she was in college, but she managed to work very little. She was only 21 years old.”

A dentist with 40 years of experience, Lyudmila Kovchuga was returning home from Moscow that day. “My relatives called me and said that a plane en route to Orsk had crashed. I immediately dialed Lyudmila’s number, but her phone was no longer available,” says her colleague Lidiya Piskunova. “Then I realized that Lyudmila was no longer alive, although until the last I believed in miracles."

In the 1980s, Kovchuga worked at a clinic in Orsk. Then she opened her own clinic. Her daughter followed in her mother’s footsteps - she is studying to become a dentist at RUDN University. This weekend Lyudmila just flew to visit her. All its employees are in in a state of shock. “She was a kind-hearted person with a heart of gold; in her life she managed to do a lot of good to people,” continues Piskunova. “Recently, Lyuda treated a group of mothers from a convent completely free of charge.”

The second birthday

A resident of the city of Sochi, Maxim Kolomeytsev, was supposed to fly on the crashed plane. “In Orsk, I was going to buy myself a car,” he told RIA Novosti. “There was already an agreement with the seller, but the deal fell through at the last moment. Therefore, I had to return the ticket I had purchased and postpone the trip for a week.”

He didn't have any bad feelings. On February 11, Maxim just celebrated his 37th birthday. “All the relatives, when they found out what happened, were simply shocked,” he continues. “My daughter said that now I will have a double birthday.” Maxim has not canceled his trip to Orsk, but is thinking about buying a train ticket.

MINSK, December 25 – Sputnik. On the plane of the Russian Ministry of Defense Tu-154 that crashed on Sunday morning was the head of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Glinka, better known as Doctor Lisa, said the head of the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC) Mikhail Fedotov.

The tragedy occurred early on Sunday morning: a Russian military aircraft Tu-154 with artists from the Alexandrov ensemble, journalists and military personnel on board. Among the 84 passengers on board was also Elizaveta Glinka.

Dr. Lisa was a miracle

“The mind refuses to understand that she is no longer with us. The heart refuses to believe it... We knew that she had to fly to Syria, to the Khmeimim airbase, to take medicine to the university hospital in Latakia,” Fedotov said, as quoted by HRC website.

“We hoped until the last for a miracle. And she herself was a miracle, a heavenly message about virtue,” writes the head of the Council.

According to Fedotov, he also planned a flight to Syria with Glinka. "I knew that she had to fly. Moreover, we were going to fly together, but, unfortunately, only she was allowed. And I know that she went there to take medicine. This is not an excursion, not a pleasure trip, she was carrying medicines to the university hospital in Latakia,” said the head of the HRC.

According to him, “these were medicines, first of all, for cancer patients, for newborns, these were medicines, Consumables for medical equipment that did not arrive there due to sanctions and war."

Fedotov emphasized that he did not want to believe what happened, this terrible news. “I’m now looking at the latest mail and see more letters from Lisa, where she writes about helping a disabled person who has two dependent children. I still receive her greetings, I still receive instructions and requests from her. I can’t believe that she’s not there,” Fedotov said.

“And if it’s true that she was on this particular plane and this plane crashed, everyone died - if this is true - I don’t want to believe it, it’s impossible, it’s terrible,” he added.

What is Doctor Lisa known for?

Glinka has often visited Syria for the past two years, where she helped in the delivery and distribution of medicines and medical care to the civilian population of the country.

Glinka is a resuscitator by training. In 1999, the physician founded the first hospice in Kyiv at an oncology hospital, and for the last nine years she has worked in Moscow.

Dr. Lisa created the Fair Aid Foundation and personally provided medical care homeless. In addition, the physician’s fund helped those affected by forest fires and many other vulnerable categories of citizens.

For his charitable and medical activities Glinka has received many Russian and international awards, including the Order of Friendship and the State Prize of Russia.

Glinka was 54 years old.

Sputnik expresses condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the plane crash.

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