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Bismarck's reforms briefly. Otto Bismarck: brief biography, activities, quotes

Moisey Samuilovich Alperovich(1918-2015) - Soviet and Russian historian-Latin Americanist, doctor historical sciences.

M.S. Alperovich was born in Moscow. After graduating from school and working for a year at the Krasny Proletary factory, in 1936 he entered the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. Introduction to the profession of historian began while attending seminars by S. V. Bakhrushin (1882-1950) and V. V. Stoklitskaya-Tereshkovich (1885-1962). Fascinated by the lectures of Vladimir Mikhailovich Miroshevsky (1900-1942), the student chose a specialization in Latin America. On June 21, 1941 he defended his diploma.

In 1941-1946 he served in the ranks of the Red Army, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. In the summer of 1942, M. S. Alperovich, as an excellent master of German language, was enlisted as an assistant to the head of divisional intelligence, performing the functions of a translator.

Together with the 3rd Shock Army, Alperovich reached Berlin. Here, as the head of the investigative unit of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the 3rd Shock Army, he participated in the search for Hitler's corpse and in identifying the corpse of Goebbels.

He was the first to read (and translate for the command) Hitler’s political testament, which the Fuhrer handed over to Vice Admiral Voss before his suicide. He signed protocols for identifying the corpses of Goebbels, his wife Magda and their children. In August 1946 M.S. Alperovich returned to Moscow and entered graduate school at the Pacific Institute of the Academy of Sciences. In 1949 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The Mexican Revolution and American Imperialism (1913-1917).” In 1949-1954. taught at the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute.

Moisei Samuilovich Alperovich was a member of the dissertation council of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of a whole series of fundamental monographs on the history of Latin American countries, the liberation movement in Latin America XVI - early XIX century, history of Mexico and Paraguay. Among the most recently published scientific works historian - chapters on Latin America in the 18th-19th centuries. for volumes IV and V of “World History”.

Historian of the New World, Doctor of Historical Sciences Moisey Samuilovich Alperovich. For more than half a century, his life was connected with the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1968 - with the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, then - with the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Moses Alperovich is the author of fundamental monographs on the history of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917, the Mexican War of Independence of 1810-1824, the revolution and dictatorship in Paraguay of 1810-1840, as well as on the history of relations between Russia and Latin America in the last third of the 18th century V. Using the generalizing works and textbooks of Moisei Samuilovich (including those co-authored with L.Yu. Slezkin), new generations of students continue to study the history of Latin America. Among the latest publications of Moisei Samuilovich are chapters on Latin America in the 18th-19th centuries for the 4th and 5th volumes of World History, prepared by the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (M.: Nauka, 2013, 2014). Until his death he remained a member of the Institute's dissertation council.

On June 21, 1941, he received a diploma from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. In 1941-1946 he served in the ranks of the Red Army, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. At the beginning of July 1941, he was mobilized for the construction of defensive structures in the Bryansk region. By mid-September he returned to Moscow, and on October 16, according to a summons, he appeared at the Kiev district military registration and enlistment office. He was appointed gunner of a battery of 76-mm cannons of the 698th regiment of the 146th Infantry Division, formed near Kazan. Defended Moscow. In the summer of 1942 M.S. Alperovich, as an excellent command of the German language, was enlisted as an assistant to the head of divisional intelligence, performing the functions of a translator.

In the fall of 1943 146 rifle division, in which he served, was transferred to the 2nd Baltic Front and became part of the 3rd Shock Army. Together with her, Alperovich reached Berlin. Here, as the head of the investigative unit of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the 3rd Shock Army, he participated in the search for Hitler's corpse and in identifying the corpse of Goebbels. He was the first to read (and translate for the command) Hitler’s political testament, which the Fuhrer handed over to Vice Admiral Voss before his suicide. He signed protocols for identifying the corpses of Goebbels, his wife Magda and their children.

After the end of the war, Captain Alperovich served in Magdeburg, was demobilized in 1946, returned to Moscow, entered graduate school and began a scientific career. In 1949, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Pacific Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, then until 1954 he worked as a senior teacher at the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute. Since 1954 he worked at the Institute of Natural Sciences (since 1968 - senior, then leading researcher).

Selected works

Alperovich M. S. War of Mexican Independence (1810-1824). - M.: Nauka, 1964. - 479 p. — 1200 copies.
Alperovich M. S. [Introductory article] // Lynch D. Revolutions in Spanish America, 1808-1826 / Trans. from English: E. N. Feerstein, V. N. Pavlova. - M.: Progress, 1979.
Alperovich M. S. Spanish America in the struggle for independence. - M.: Nauka, 1971. - 222 p. — 12,000 copies.
Alperovich M. S. Mexican Revolution and American Imperialism (1913-1917): Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. ist. Sci. - M., 1949. - 15 p.
Alperovich M. S. Liberation movement of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. in Latin America. - M.: Higher. school, 1966. - 119 p. — 3000 copies.
Alperovich M. S. Revolution and dictatorship in Paraguay (1810-1840) = Revolucion y dictadura en el Paraguay. - M.: Nauka, 1975. - 392 p. — 1500 copies.
Alperovich M. S. The Birth of the Mexican State. - M.: Nauka, 1979. - 168 p. — (Countries and peoples). — 34,000 copies.
Alperovich M. S. Russia and the New World (last third of the 18th century) / Rep. ed.: L. Yu. Slezkin. - M.: Nauka, 1993. - 239 p. — 2000 copies. — ISBN 5-02-008692-4.
Alperovich M. S. Soviet historiography of Latin American countries. - M.: Nauka, 1968. - 80 p. — 2000 copies.
Alperovich M. S. Francisco de Miranda in Russia = Francisco de Miranda en Rusia / Rep. ed.: B.I. Koval. - M.: Nauka, 1986. - 352 p. — 15,600 copies.
Alperovich M. S., Rudenko B. T. Mexican Revolution 1910-1917. and US politics.. - M.: Sotsekgiz, 1958. - 330 p. — 5000 copies.
Alperovich M. S., Slezkin L. Yu. History of Latin America: From ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century: [Textbook. for universities for special purposes "Story"]. - M.: Vyssh.shk, 1981. - 30,000 copies. || . — 2nd ed., revised. and additional - 1991. - 286 p. — 25,000 copies. — ISBN 5-06-002003-7.
Alperovich M. S., Slezkin L. Yu. New story countries of Latin America: [Text. manual for history specialties of university and pedagogy. Institute]. - M.: Higher. school, 1970. - 384 p. — 16,000 copies.
Alperovich M. S., Slezkin L. Yu. Formation of independent states in Latin America (1804-1903): A manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 1966. - 243 p. — 25,000 copies.
Essays on the modern and contemporary history of Mexico: 1810-1945 / Ed. M. S. Alperovich and N. M. Lavrov. - M.: Sotsekgiz, 1960. - 511 p. — 10,000 copies.

Moisey Samuilovich Alperovich- an outstanding Latin American historian, whose life for more than half a century was connected with the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1968 - with the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, then - the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Moses Samuilovich is the author of fundamental monographs on the history of the Mexican Revolution of 1910–1917, the Mexican War of Independence of 1810–1824, the revolution and dictatorship in Paraguay of 1810–1840, as well as on the history of relations between Russia and Latin America in the last third of the 18th century V. Using the generalizing works and textbooks of Moisei Samuilovich (including those co-authored with L.Yu. Slezkin), new generations of students continue to study the history of Latin America. Among the latest publications of Moisei Samuilovich are chapters on Latin America in the 18th–19th centuries for the 4th and 5th volumes of World History, prepared by the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (M.: Nauka, 2013, 2014). Until his death he remained a member of the Institute's dissertation council.

Moisei Samuilovich was born in Moscow and, after graduating from school and working for a year at the Krasny Proletary plant, he entered the recently restored history department of Moscow University in 1936. Understanding the craft of a historian began in the seminars of S.V. Bakhrushin (1882–1950) and V.V. Stoklitskaya-Tereshkovich (1885–1962). Fascinated by the lectures of Vladimir Mikhailovich Miroshevsky (1900–1942), the student chose a romantic specialization in Latin America.

The news of the war found Moisei Samuilovich in the hall of the Fundamental Library for Social Sciences, where he was preparing for the entrance exams to graduate school. A recent graduate of the history department, in the first months of the war, built defensive lines at the Snopot station in the Bryansk region, and then was drafted into the active army, where he first served as a battery gunner, and then as a translator in the intelligence department. Moses Samuilovich ended the war with the rank of captain as the head of the investigative unit of the intelligence department of the 3rd headquarters shock army. In May 1945, he participated in the interrogation of Vice Admiral G.-E. Foss, who revealed Soviet authorities information about the suicides of Hitler and Goebbels.

In August 1946, Moisei Samuilovich returned to Moscow and entered graduate school at the Pacific Institute of the Academy of Sciences, where, despite the ongoing struggle against cosmopolitanism, he defended his PhD thesis in 1949 on the topic “The Mexican Revolution and American Imperialism (1913–1917).” . In 1949–1954 Moisei Samuilovich taught at the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute, and since 1954 he worked continuously at the academic Institute of History (since 1968 - the Institute of World History), remaining a member of its dissertation council until his death. In 1966–1968 Moisei Samuilovich was among the most energetic fighters against bullying of Institute of History employee A.M. Nekrich for his book “1941, June 22”.

Moses Samuilovich is the author of fundamental monographs “The Mexican Revolution of 1910–1917. and US politics" (co-authored with B.T. Rudenko, 1958, edition in Spanish - México , 1960), “The Mexican War of Independence (1810–1824)”, 1964 (on its basis a doctoral dissertation was defended in 1965), “ Revolution and dictatorship in Paraguay (1810–1840)", 1975, " Francisco de Miranda in Russia" (1986, edition in Spanish - Mosc ú, 1989), " Russia and the New World (last third of the 18th century)", 1993, essay "Soviet historiography of Latin American countries" (1968, published in Spanish - Caracas, 1969) and dozens of articles, many of which are essentially micromonographs.

Moses Samuilovich also created a number of generalizing works and textbooks on the history of Latin America: “The formation of independent states in Latin America” (1804–1903)”, 1966, “The liberation movement of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. in Latin America" ​​(1966), "New history of Latin American countries" (together with L.Yu. Slezkin), 1970, "Spanish America in the struggle for independence" (1971), "History of Latin America (from ancient times to the 20th century ."), together with L.Yu. Slezkin (1981, revised and additional ed. – 1991). Among the latest publications prepared for publication by Moisei Samuilovich are chapters on Latin America in the 18th–19th centuries. for volumes IV and V of World History.

In the works of Moisei Samuilovich, a careful, scrupulous consideration of details deepens and gives a new understanding of the broad picture of the past. Up to last months Throughout his life, Moses Samuilovich readily passed on his vast experience and encyclopedic knowledge to the next generations of researchers, sharing rare books from his library. In his Methuselah age the historian was attentively immersed in modern life, causing genuine admiration from others. By only ten months, Moses Samuilovich outlived his wife Elena Efimovna Atakova-Akselrud, with whom he had linked his destiny since pre-war times.

Throughout his life, Moisei Samuilovich embodied reason, tact and responsibility, those Faulknerian “honor, dignity and self-control of a man, which is why he is worth preserving, which gives him value” (honor and pride and discipline that make a man worth preserving, make him of any value), are qualities so rare and valuable in any social system.

Moses Samuilovich was awarded two Orders of the Patriotic War, II class, two Orders of the Red Star, many medals, as well as the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle and the Venezuelan Order of Francisco de Miranda, first class.

Cm.: Alperovich M.S. From Moscow to Berlin // Archaeographic Yearbook. 1990. M., 1992. S. 290–295; He's the same. From the summer of 41 to the spring of 45 // Public education. 2002. No. 4. pp. 105–113. A recording of Moisei Samuilovich’s oral history about his student and war years, made in 2009, is stored in the archives of the Battle Glory Room of the History Faculty of Moscow University.

Moses Samuilovich spoke about his path as a researcher in a number of articles: Notes of a Latin Americanist // The Hispanic American Historical Review. 1982. Vol. 62. No. 3. P. 339–368; Reflections not only on craft // American Yearbook. 1998. M., 1999. S. 281–307; Historian in a totalitarian society (historical and biographical notes) // Odyssey. Man in history. 1997. M., 1998. pp. 251–274.

The book about Miranda and its Spanish translation were jointly republished in 2010 in expensive leather binding.

Among the latest examples: South American dictatorship in the mirror of the European press of the 20-40s of the 19th century; The stay of Francisco de Miranda in Russia in the coverage of the press of the Old and New Worlds (XIX–XX centuries) // Myths and Realities American history in periodicals of the 18th–20th centuries. In 3 vols. / Rep. ed. V.A. Koleneko. M., 2008–2010. T. 3. pp. 7–43, 45–86.

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