Home Stomatitis The wall of Tsoi was painted over with the inscription Tsoi is dead. Changes according to the capital authorities: restore, paint over and move to Luzhniki

The wall of Tsoi was painted over with the inscription Tsoi is dead. Changes according to the capital authorities: restore, paint over and move to Luzhniki

More than 20 years have passed since the day it was believed that the talented singer and composer Viktor Tsoi died.

As time passes, the details of that tragic night and the truly mystical popularity of the singer become clear.

After his death, Victor became even more popular than he had once been while playing on stage.

Immediately after Victor's death, the inscription "Tsoi is alive!" appeared on many walls of houses. It all started in St. Petersburg, where the singer’s body was taken by army plane, to the Burdenko hospital, on Vasilievsky Island

Colonel Dorenko, at that time the navigator of the plane transporting the body, says: “It was night, we were urgently alerted. Everyone had a bad feeling in the evening. Something was going to happen. We arrived at the scene of the tragedy 6 hours later. The weather conditions were terrible. and even the departure of the army plane was delayed. There were three of us - me, the chief pilot and the senior machine gunner. We loaded the body into the cargo compartment. During loading, I held Victor’s hands. They seemed warm to me.

“I listened to “Blood Type” on headphones,” says Viktor Tsoi fan Pyotr Gribarko. “Nobody knew about death yet. I listened to my favorite song and looked out the window. It was late evening and it was pouring rain. I then lived on Vasilyevsky Spusk, the windows of the St. Petersburg communal apartment overlooked the Burdenko hospital, or rather the morgue department. I saw how they carried the body. It was like a vision. It seemed to me that the face of the deceased was similar to Tsoi’s face. Incredible. It even seemed to me that his lips were moving to the beat of the song that I was listening to at that time... In the morning, an inscription appeared on the wall of the morgue - “Tsoi is alive!” I am sure this was the very first inscription, which later spread throughout the country. The first inscription was applied unevenly, nervously. It was clear that the person who wrote it suffered a deep shock. A piece of stone similar to chalk was lying right there."

The editors managed to establish the name of the person who made the first inscription. Everyone called him Mitrich. Mute and illiterate, he worked in a morgue as a night watchman. We were never able to find Mitrich; he disappeared into oblivion. He had no registration and no relatives; he lived in a morgue and often drank. We managed to find and talk with his acquaintance, or rather drinking buddy, Timofey Trokhin.

“Mitrich never liked music. He was deaf and dumb. And when this Tsoi died, he became a fanatic - wherever he could he left inscriptions “Tsoi is alive!” He drinks a glass and starts humming something, indicating that he wants to write something. If you give him a pencil or a piece of chalk, he’ll immediately write on a piece of paper or scribble on the wall: “Tsoi is alive!” This went on for three days. Then he stopped. disappeared somewhere."

We also managed to get in touch with former state security colonel of the KGB of the USSR Vadim Gnomov (name changed). Currently Vadim lives in one of European countries far abroad. At that time, he headed the youth affairs department and controlled, so to speak, the youth sub-culture. According to the colonel - “An order came from above - to close the singer. Hunchback (M.S. Gorbachev - at that time Secretary General Central Committee of the USSR) I liked Tsoi. The neighbors in the dacha were talking - Gorbaty and his comrades were singing songs to the accompaniment of a guitar - they especially liked “Eighth-Grader”. But Tsoi himself was never invited - they were afraid of exposure. Therefore, “to close the singer” meant to bury him fictitiously. In August, Operation Dream was carried out. Well, sleeping Tsoi, "Ikarus", accident. It's like in the newspapers. Vitek turned out to be accommodating. There were no problems. And for the successful completion of the operation they gave me an order and an American sheepskin coat...” The colonel did not tell the details, he hung up.

We managed to negotiate with the administration of the cemetery where the singer’s body was buried about exhumation. The exhumation was carried out by Academician Kopay.

In general, they dug, and there was Mitrich...

Where is Tsoi - who the hell knows. On Elvis Presley Island, an eighth-grader is probably singing...

Published 06/20/16 16:19

Anonymous Moscow artists painted an inscription on the “Tsoi Wall” on Arbat as a sign of protest against its existence in the city center.

Unknown people painted over the “Tsoi wall” on Arbat and wrote “Tsoi is dead” on it, a law enforcement source told RIA Novosti.

A number of media outlets reported that this was done by a group of anonymous artists out of dislike for the fans of the Kino group, who, in their opinion, “disgrace the cultural heritage of the public.”

“Unknown people painted over the “Tsoi wall” and wrote in large letters “Tsoi is dead,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to the source, the writing on the wall was clearly visible around 10 am, then it was painted over by employees intkbbee utilities.

Earlier, the press service of the Moscow City Heritage Agency reported that the inclusion of Viktor Tsoi’s wall on Arbat in the list of objects cultural heritage impossible, since from the date historical event- the death of the famous musician, leader of the Kino group - less than 40 years have passed.

According to the father of the rock musician, it is necessary to conduct a survey among fans: is it worth improving the area around the “Tsoi Wall”. Robert Tsoi, in a conversation with Life, said that it is impossible to please everyone, because in addition to fans, there are those who do not love his son, so there is no need to punish the artists who defaced the “Tsoi Wall” on Old Arbat with the inscription “Tsoi is dead.”

“There is no need to put this artist against the wall. Some fringe person was found and expressed his opinion. There are fans of Viktor Tsoi, there are his haters. You can’t please everyone,” he said.

Robert Tsoi added that over a quarter of a century, much has changed at the wall dedicated to his son. The father of a rock musician believes that the issue of improving this place should be resolved through a survey. However the last word should remain with the leadership of Moscow.

The death of Tsoi is described here. With events last day life, the cause, date, time and place of death are indicated. Post-mortem, funeral and grave photos are included. Therefore, all people with unstable mental health, as well as persons under 21 years of age this information Absolutely not recommended for viewing.

Viktor Robertovich Tsoi
21/06/1962 - 15/08/1990

Cause of death

The officially recognized cause of Tsoi’s death is considered to be a traumatic brain injury received as a result of a car accident. The car Viktor Tsoi was driving collided with an empty passenger bus. The bus driver was not injured, but Victor received severe injuries from which he died before the ambulance arrived. And although the producer of the KINO group, Yuri Belishkin, was an active supporter of the version of deliberate murder, the official version is still considered an accident.

Victor Tsoi. Last photograph during life. Jurmala, st. Jomas, 08/13/1990

Death certificate of Tsoi V. To Act No. 76

Blood was taken for testing to determine group affiliation. Court. Honey. Expert Simanovsky A.

Severe combined body trauma: open severe craniocerebral injury, fractures of the facial and cerebral skull bones, severe brain contusion with crushing of the frontal lobe, extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage and contusion of the soft tissues of the head, bruised wounds, facial abrasions, right fracture humerus, bones of the right thigh, both bones of the leg on the right, both 2 ribs on the right, rupture of the spleen, multiple abrasions of the body, head and cut wounds limbs, pulmonary and cerebral edema.


Based on the forensic medical examination of the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., and taking into account the results laboratory research, the circumstances of the death, I come to the following conclusion:

  1. During the examination of the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., the following bodily injuries were discovered - Head bones - comminuted fracture of the bones of the head and facial skull. Severe brain contusion with crushing injury frontal lobes. Extensive hemorrhage under the soft membranes of the head, bruise of the soft tissues of the head, incised wounds, facial abrasions. Chest bones – fractures of both collarbones, 1-2 ribs on the right, extensive abrasions of the chest. Abdominal area – rupture of the spleen, extensive abrasions Bones of the extremities – fractures of the right humerus, right femur, both bones of the right leg, multiple abrasions, bruised and cut wounds.
  2. The death of Mr. Tsoi V. was violent. Date of death of Tsoi V. August 15, 1990, due to combined severe blunt trauma to the body in the form of a comminuted fracture of the bones of the brain and facial skull, severe contusion of the brain with crushing of the frontal lobes, extensive hemorrhage under the soft meninges, fractures of the humerus, femur, both bones of the lower leg on the right, injuries to the chest and abdomen with rupture of the spleen, fractures of both collarbones and 2 ribs.
  3. The bodily injuries on the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V. were of intravital origin and could have occurred immediately before death, in the conditions of a traffic accident when the victim was in the passenger compartment of a car during a collision with a road obstacle, for example, with an oncoming bus. Traumatic brain injury is obtained as a result of the impact-traumatic impact of hard blunt objects, for example, deformed parts of a car, with subsequent compression of the head in the anterior-posterior direction. Fractures of the bones of the right shoulder, right thigh, right shin, keys and ribs on the right, bruised wounds of the body also arose from the traumatic impact of hard blunt objects - protruding parts of the car interior. Multiple abrasions on the front surface of the body caused by sliding / friction / on an uneven surface of blunt objects. The traumatic force was applied from front to back and from right to left.
  4. By its nature, the totality of bodily injuries is classified as serious, as life-threatening. There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the injuries sustained and the causes of death...

Date and place of death

Viktor Robertovich died at the age of 29, on August 15, 1990. The time of death was recorded as 12 hours 28 minutes. Place of death: Latvia, Tukums region, Sloka-Talsi highway, thirty-fifth kilometer.

Place of Tsoi's death


There was no official civil memorial service or farewell ceremony as such. However, on the cemetery wall of the Theological Cemetery in Leningrad, a spontaneous exhibition of posters, flags, and poems dedicated to the artist was organized. At the insistence of his relatives, Viktor Tsoi was buried in a closed coffin.

Funeral of Viktor Tsoi. Theological Cemetery, Leningrad.

Tsoi's funeral. Video.

Watch newsreel footage of the funeral of Viktor Robertovich Tsoi. In the video you can see many people famous throughout the country: Yuri Aizenshpis, Alexander Abdulov, Konstantin Kinchev and other stars. Victor’s wife and child, Marianna and Alexander, are present at the funeral. It came to honor the memory of the artist great amount fans of the artist.

Burial place

Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was buried at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery St. Petersburg(Leningrad).

Death of Tsoi. Details

A large number of photographs and materials included in the publication of Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group. The memorial album is published for the first time.

In addition, we recommend that you read the memoirs written by Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis. The book was published under the title Viktor Tsoi and others. How the stars light up. The name of Yuri Aizenshpis does not need any additional introduction. The opinion of a direct participant in the events, a person who knew and closely communicated with Victor during his life, and who saw Tsoi’s death, is always priceless.

Death of Tsoi. Circumstances

As always in the case of the sudden death of a public person, Tsoi’s death gave rise to a number of conspiracy theories. However, it makes no sense to present them here; we will focus only on the most plausible reconstruction of the events of that day.

The tragedy occurred in the middle of the day last month summer. The weather was warm, the asphalt was dry. Viktor Tsoi was returning home from fishing by car. I usually liked to go fishing with him little son, but on this day Tsoi was alone. No one can now say what exactly distracted Victor’s attention from the road, but the fact remains: the car driven by Victor Tsoi lost control, did not fit into the turn, and, in the oncoming lane, made a head-on collision with an empty bus moving towards him.

Scheme of the accident in which Viktor Tsoi tragically died

As a result of the accident, the bus driver was not injured, but the passenger car was crushed by a strong impact and the driver was thrown out. Victor died on the spot from his injuries.

From the testimony of Janis Fibikis (the bus driver involved in the accident):

That day marked my twenty wedding anniversary. In the morning I took workers to the airport in Riga. On the way back I wanted to buy flowers and a cake. Then I got the feeling that something was specially keeping me in the city so that I could drive back at exactly that time... I saw how he was walking in his lane and suddenly turned into the middle. I tried to turn away, but it was too late - my speed was under 70, his speed was under 100. We collided 12 meters from the bridge over the river. His car then went over the top and hit the railing. In such situations, some are lucky, some are unlucky. I'm lucky...

It’s good that I didn’t have people, otherwise the bus would have overturned, and there would have been casualties... Tsoi died immediately. The impact caused him to fall out of the car. right leg stuck in the twisted door. He had a deep dent on his forehead... I had never seen Tsoi before or heard his songs, so I didn’t recognize him when we collided.

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