Home Oral cavity Tight English lock on earrings. How to remove stud earrings: recommendations and tips

Tight English lock on earrings. How to remove stud earrings: recommendations and tips

Among the types of piercing, the safest and most common is piercing the earlobes: it is done even for small children. And doctors call the simplest and most reliable way to carry out the procedure a puncture using a special gun, which fixes the lobe, fires an instant shot, which reduces the degree of pain, and immediately places a stud earring. After some time, the need arises to replace the decoration, and here the question arises - how to do this correctly?

When and how to remove medical studs after piercing with a gun?

First of all, you need to figure out how long the first earrings should be worn. They are made from medical steel, which is not an allergen, making it preferable for open wound than anyone a precious metal or costume jewelry. From a safety standpoint, you need to wear these nails until the puncture site has completely healed, so this period varies from person to person - some people can easily remove them after 3 weeks, while others have to wear them for 1.5-2 months, or even six months.

  • You can determine the condition of the puncture by slightly moving the earring in your ear. If ichor (or blood) comes out, it has not yet healed.

However, there is one important nuance: from the first day until the moment of complete healing, the pierced channel releases blood, one way or another, encountering dirt in the air. From it may appear ichor, and sometimes pus. No matter how well you take care of the puncture site, the slightest mistake leads to the fact that all the released substances begin to accumulate on the stem of the stud; upon contact with air they decompose, and if they are not removed, everything will fall back, which will lead to suppuration. For this reason, doctors advise that after 2-3 weeks you must remove the carnation earrings, treat them with alcohol and put them back. And here the question of how to do this also becomes relevant.

When putting back stud earrings, do not try to press the clasp tightly to your earlobe: leave a small distance. It should sit tightly on the rod, at risk, but nothing more.

Experts believe that girls after three years of age can have their ears pierced for earrings. They motivate this by the fact that at this age the child behaves quite consciously and will not cause injury to himself.

However, according to psychologists, it is better for babies between the ages of nine and eighteen months to have their ears pierced, since they are still unfamiliar with the feeling of fear.

Simple and painless

The procedure is performed in specialized centers using a gun and medical earrings. Wear them for three weeks while the lobe heals.

This piercing is hygienic and completely safe. The fabrics are gently pulled apart and not torn.

Pain is practically not felt, and there is no risk of accidentally infecting dangerous infection. Using this method, ears can be pierced not only in childhood, but also at any age.

The earring-needle clasp is built into the cartridge, so the earring itself will not fall out of the ear. At the same time, the lobe is not pinched and nothing prevents it from healing quickly.

The first stud earrings have a beautiful design, so you can continue to wear them, but still, sooner or later, you will want to take them off and put on others. This is where difficulties can arise, so you need to know the intricacies of the process of removing them from your ears.

Neat and calm

First of all, you need to stock up on gauze and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. After this, we proceed to the delicate procedure:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly, always with soap, to eliminate the risk of infection in the earlobe.
  • With the fingers of one hand, take the earring by the front part, and with the other hand, slowly remove the clasp from the back. At first, that is, for the first time, the product will come out difficult, but next time everything will be easier and faster. But if the earring “does not want” to be removed, then there is no need to make any efforts, but it is advisable to contact the specialist who previously performed the puncture.
  • When both earrings are removed, use a piece of gauze soaked in peroxide to clean the channels in the earlobe.
  • Now you should wait two hours, and then you can insert other decorations, but be sure to first treat it with alcohol or peroxide.

It is important that new jewelry has the same diameter of the stud, that is, the pin, as the original needle earrings. Cheap jewelry is harmful to your health, so it is better to wear high quality gold or silver earrings.

Such decorations emphasize the image and often play a role important nuance in creating a certain image.

How to remove medical earrings carnations from a child. Watch the video for a very simple way:

Piercing of the earlobes in the salon is usually carried out with a gun into which a special sterile stud earring is inserted. Since the machine fastens the clasp very tightly during the procedure, it is not always easy to remove it when it comes time to change the jewelry.

If we compare studs with earrings with an English lock, then in both cases the products close in two clicks, making it possible to adjust the tightness of the earring to the earlobe, but in the second case it is much easier to remove the jewelry due to the movable part. In the first case, it is not always possible to cope with this task manually. Everyone who has ever encountered this problem has wondered how to remove a stud earring after a piercing with a gun, so as not to injure the ear.

When it comes time to remove medical earrings from your ears, you should understand that the puncture site needs careful handling after recent healing, you need to act as carefully as possible. Without aids, it is not always possible to cope without damaging the ear, so at first you can manually just move the clasp a little, without trying to remove it completely.

Next, you should prepare cotton pads and healing hygiene products to care for the puncture site (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, chlorhexidine), and you will also need scissors with rounded ends, which should fit into the holes of the fastener.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to treat the earlobe, hands and scissors. Holding the earring by the stud itself, slightly open the scissors, the ends of which are inside the clasp, and pull it towards you.

You can also use regular eyebrow tweezers with non-pointed ends. With their help, you will be able to hold the fasten firmly and, just like in the first case, hold the stud itself and pull it towards you.

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to remove the jewelry until the puncture has completely healed. The tissue around the puncture should not be swollen; this will make the removal process easier and will not cause unnecessary discomfort. After finishing, immediately treat the earlobe again and it is advisable to let it rest for at least an hour, only after that select a new earring.

When it comes time to choose accessories, you should remember that new piercings require attention and care. You should not opt ​​for a second pair of silver jewelry, as this material oxidizes and can harm fresh holes. Products made from low-quality gold-plated materials, costume jewelry, are strictly not recommended.

If we talk about the diameter of the base of the earring, then you should not take very thin ones, since fresh channels quickly become overgrown and in the future difficulties may arise with earrings of a different thickness. Among the fasteners, it is better to give preference to silicone ones, since they are easy to use, soft to the touch, and removing them will not be difficult.

What to do if difficulties arise?

It may happen that the decoration fits very tightly and does not lend itself to any influence. In this case, it is better to stop any attempts to do this at home and contact any salon for professional help. It is not only people with ear piercings who experience difficulty in removing earrings; it is also quite difficult to remove jewelry from other parts of the body.

For example, for navel piercing, barbells are used, which, despite the fact that they are secured manually by the master, are much more difficult and painful to remove. The clasp of such jewelry is in the form of a ball, which is difficult to grasp because it will slip; in such cases, it is also better to seek help from a specialist.

  • The healing time for a hole is different for everyone, but when proper care and observing all precautions - about three weeks.
  • Professionals recommend doing piercing with a special machine only in the earlobe. In other places, such as ear cartilage, navel, wings of the nose and lips, it is strictly not recommended. The punctured part may become deformed and healing may take longer.

  • After performing such a minor operation as piercing the ears or other parts of the body, it is not recommended to take a very hot bath or visit the sauna and swimming pool for the first time. By steaming the puncture site, the healing process will be long and painful.
  • Clean sea ​​water benefits the healing of punctures.

  • You should not agree to piercing while your body is recovering after surgical interventions and diseases.
  • During a session in the salon, the visitor can always request anesthesia.

  • There is an opinion that the earlobe contains more than a hundred active points responsible for hearing, vision and work internal organs. And if you make an unsuccessful puncture and get into any of them, the functioning of any of these senses may be disrupted. It's just a myth. Of course, these zones really exist, but not in the lobe area.

An English castle is among the most popular options. That is why it is very important to learn how to handle it correctly. Having practiced on 1 piece of jewelry, you will be able to quickly and accurately unbutton and fasten all products with a similar principle of fixation.

What is an English lock on an earring?

Consists of 2 parts: pin and hooks. The second has a hole similar in size to the first. When fastening, the fixed frame - it is attached to the earring - is inserted into the hole on the earring, secured in it due to the difference in width and a small notch, after which a characteristic click is heard.

How to remove an earring correctly and painlessly?

You can unfasten the earring as follows:

There is no need to use brute force during removal. First of all, this rule applies to gold jewelry. The metal is soft and easy to bend. Fastener elements made from it may become wrinkled due to excessive hand pressure.. If this happens, the locking element will jam and it will become impossible to lift the frame up.

What to do if it doesn’t come off?

Possible steps:

The last option is suitable for those whose earlobe is damaged or has not had time to recover after the puncture. Since healing is not yet complete, pus and ichor are released from the hole. Their accumulation on the fastener is fraught with difficulties in unfastening. To resolve the issue, it will be enough to thoroughly treat the ear and earring with a disinfecting solution. Everything unnecessary will be removed from the lock, and it will begin to function normally.

How to avoid breaking a lock?

Improper unfastening of the fastener is the main cause of failure. Trying to quickly remove the jewelry, girls use only 1 hand. Wherein forefinger they place the earrings on the top point, and with the large one they move the frame out of place. The method leads to a change in the bending of the elements and to the loosening of the movable part of the English castle.

Important! At the first sign of loosening, you should seek help from a workshop. Continued use of the earring will result in serious damage. For example, to jamming of the pin or failure of the movable fastening of the link.

A lock malfunction can be caused by the accumulation of dirt and skin secretions on the pin. First of all you need to ensure the cleanliness of the small recess located on the frame. If dirt gets compacted in it, it will complicate both fastening and removing the earring.

Important! Clean your jewelry regularly. When caring for your item, use only those methods and products that are suitable for the metal from which the earring is made.

The problem may also arise due to allergies. If the earlobe swells due to an inadequate immune response, the process of unfastening the English lock will be significantly more complicated. To prevent this from happening, try to wear only earrings made of hypoallergenic metals or items with a similar coating.

It's also worth remembering about storage rules. The connection between the earring and the base of the earring is very fragile. If you put the jewelry in the box without first fastening the latch, this may cause damage.

  • take your time when unfastening the lock;
  • When using the earring for the first time, practice unfastening and fastening without putting the jewelry into your ear;
  • Do not play sports wearing earrings, do not sleep in them, and do not dye your hair with them.

If the metal of the earring reacts with certain substances, then avoid contact with them while wearing the jewelry. Compliance with these simple rules will help keep the accessory in perfect condition and avoid problems with the clasp.

Earrings with an English lock are a durable and beautiful invention of professional jewelers. This fastening method occupies a leading position among all popular fasteners. But, unfortunately, many representatives of the fair sex are faced with a certain problem and do not know how to unfasten an earring ring on their ears, or how to remove and open earrings with an English lock. There are times when a girl goes to a specialist to have her or her child unfasten a lock so tight that the jewelry can be removed. Let's figure out how to easily and quickly remove such earrings.

English latch - device features

What is an English latch on earrings? The English castle is also called a lock lock. Previously, it was used for heavier and more massive jewelry, but now it is widely used for making smaller jewelry (children's earrings).

English latch consists of a hook and a small pin. The earring is a narrow metal strip that covers the earlobe from the bottom, and the pin is inserted in the center of the earlobe, where the pierced hole is located. The pin has a base slightly narrower than the width of the hook, so when it gets into its hole, the hook closes the lock with a barely audible click. It is due to this design that earrings with an English clasp are considered the most reliable and convenient to use jewelry.


  • Reliability.
  • Convenience.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • It is extremely rare for the clasp to become bent.
  • The ability to close a wide puncture with its elongated design.
  • It is impossible to prick yourself with the fastener in a dream.
  • Jewelry with such a lock is very difficult to lose.


  • There is no possibility of adjusting the clasp.
  • Not suitable for a wide lobe (compresses it tightly).
  • Designed for people who wear earrings without removing them.
  • Many people cannot figure out the technique of using such a fastener.
  • If handled incorrectly, the lock can become loose, which will require repairs in a workshop.
  • By adjusting the pin yourself, you can cause the product to bend.

Important! If during the use of jewelry your lock has become loose, this does not mean poor quality of the product or a manufacturing defect. Most likely this happened due to your ignorance correct use English clasp.

How to remove earrings with an English lock?

So, we come to the most important thing. Let's look at the question of how to properly remove an earring with an English lock:

  1. Hold with two fingers right hand shvenzu, and with the thumb of your left hand we pry up the pin, pushing it up.
  2. Make sure that the junction of the parts fits snugly against each other. If they become loose, you should contact a jewelry repair shop.

That's all the manipulation! Now yours english castle open, and you can freely remove the earring from your ear.

An English clasp for jewelry is made from the same metal as the earring itself - most often it is gold or silver. Since these metals are very soft and ductile, when using earrings you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • You need to open the lock without much effort, and close it just as weakly - waiting for the first click. If the hook has passed beyond the recess in the pin, this means that the lock is broken and requires immediate repair. If you try to repair it yourself, you may bend or even break off the tip or half of the safety clasp. Do not experiment, but entrust the repair to a professional.
  • Remove earrings with an English lock before going to bed, playing sports, while visiting the pool or sauna, while washing and especially coloring your hair, when active games with children and when removing a wool sweater over the head. This way you will avoid not only breakage of the product, but also pricks in the neck from the clasp, as well as the loss of expensive gold jewelry.
  • If you cannot cope with opening the English latch on your own, then call your household for help, who will clearly see the entire mechanism and the essence of the whole problem.
  • If this is your first time encountering this type of clasp, then practice taking off and putting your earrings back on several times, so that later you can do it without outside help.
  • If you can't unfasten English clasp, then drop a little olive or sunflower oil onto the pin. After such actions, the mechanism will become more plastic and pliable.
  • To remove earrings with an English lock, you can use tweezers, which must be used extremely carefully so as not to scratch the expensive metal.
  • The most important rule to remember before starting any manipulations with the piercing hole is to follow the rules of hygiene: wash your hands and disinfect your earlobe and jewelry with medical alcohol.

Video material

We really hope that now you can easily remove earrings with an English lock. And the recommendations described above will help you protect your favorite jewelry from various mechanical and chemical influences. Let your jewelry be not only beautiful, but also comfortable! Enjoy the shopping!

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