Home Tooth pain Japan is the healthiest country in the world. British nutritionists reveal what the healthiest nations in the world eat

Japan is the healthiest country in the world. British nutritionists reveal what the healthiest nations in the world eat

Published 12/18/12 12:32

The countries whose residents get sick the least have been identified.

The study assessed the quality and life expectancy of people living in 187 countries. At the same time, different ratings were compiled for men and women. However, in both lists Japan took the leading position.

“We don’t know whether this is due to their wonderful diet or good health care, or maybe it’s all down to genes. But how intkbbach be that as it may, after two decades, the Japanese are still the healthiest nation in the world,” Rossiyskaya Gazeta quotes one of the study’s authors, Dr. Loren Brown.

Also, in the men's list, except for Japan, Singapore and Switzerland. In its turn, among women the top three were South Korea and Spain, reported "Arguments and Facts" with reference to Western media.

Further from fourth to tenth places are occupied men from Spain, Italy, Australia, Canada, Andorra, Israel and South Korea respectively. Among women in the “Top 10”: Singapore, Taiwan, Switzerland, Andorra, Italy, Australia and France.

The health situation for men is worst in Lesotho, Haiti, Swaziland, Chad and Burkina Faso, and for women in Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Lesotho, the Central African Republic and Liberia.

Russia is in 97th place, and our state is one position ahead of East Timor- a small state in Southeast Asia. He's following us Iraq at 98th place.

It is noted that the total global life expectancy of people has increased over Lately, also reduced child mortality by 60 percent between 1990 and 2010. However, experts report an increase in the number of people unable to work due to illness.

"We are moving to a world in which disability becomes the dominant problem as opposed to premature death," said study co-author Christopher J.L. from the University of Washington. Murray.

Japan tops the top ten healthiest countries in the world, according to a large-scale survey International research, dedicated to health and disease in 187 countries. Russia ended up in 97th place in the ranking of healthy states. As the study showed, people began to live longer, but, alas, the statistics are spoiled by the diseases that plague humanity.

Japan has held the title of the healthiest nation for many years - it first took the top line of the “health ranking” 23 years ago. Moreover, neither the male nor the female part of the population complains about health here. "We don't know whether it's because of their amazing diet or good healthcare, or maybe it's all down to their genes. But whatever the case may be, after two decades the Japanese are still the healthiest nation in the world," said Dr. Lauren Brown, one of the study's authors.

Scientists divided the health rating into “male” and “female”. Japan topped both of these rankings. Singapore took second place in the list of countries with a healthy male population, and women's list- South Korea. The third place in the "men's" list was taken by Switzerland, and in the "women's" list - Spain, reports The Week Magazine.

4. Spain
5. Italy
6. Australia
7. Canada
8. Andorra
9. Israel
10. South Korea

4. Singapore
5. Taiwan
6. Switzerland
7. Andorra
8. Italy
9. Australia
10. France

In the consolidated ranking of healthy countries, Russia is in 97th place, MedVesti reports.

As the study states, total duration the lives of people in the world have increased. Scientists also recorded a 60 percent decrease in child mortality between 1990 and 2010.

At the same time, experts note an increase in the number of people unable to work due to illness. On average, women remain in a state of incapacity for more years than men - 11.5 and 9.2, respectively. Experts explain the difference by the fact that women generally live longer than men. Among the diseases that most often lead to disability are called psychical deviations, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, loss of vision and hearing.

"We are moving to a world in which disability becomes the dominant issue as opposed to premature death," said Christopher J.L. Murray of the University of Washington, co-author of the study.

According to doctors, heart disease and strokes are the diseases that most often lead to death. Diabetes and lung cancer also increased during the study period. Dangerous factor called an increase in the number of car accidents.

Scientists also compiled “male” and “female” ratings of the ten most unhealthy countries in the world. These “dozens” included mainly disadvantaged African states, such as: Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic Congo, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Burundi. Also on these lists were Haiti and Afghanistan.

The British website Clinic Compare has determined the ranking of the most unhealthy countries in the world. The study used data from the World Health Organization, the World Lung Health Association, and the CIA World Factbook. Information on 179 countries was analyzed. Factors considered were alcohol and tobacco consumption per capita per year, as well as the problem of excess weight. Equal ratings were determined for each item.

An analysis was also carried out various diseases non-infectious nature, including diseases of cardio-vascular system, diabetes and cancer pathologies. They were taken into account, since in most cases these diseases develop against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle: alcohol and tobacco abuse, as well as due to poor nutrition. Below is a list of powers included in the top 20.

The most interesting thing is that the leading positions among unhealthy countries were taken by states located in Eastern Europe.

20th place - Ukraine

Ukraine occupies the last place in the top twenty. This country has a large drinking population. Each citizen consumes more than 12 liters of alcohol per year. Among other states, Ukraine entered the top ten drinking nations, taking 8th position.

19th place - United Kingdom of Great Britain

This country has high level economy. It is the world's largest food retailer. But still, it also made it into the top 20 most unhealthy nations. Many residents of the state have overweight, and also abuse alcoholic beverages and smoking.

18th place - Romania

The people living in this state have a bad habit - smoking. On average, each resident smokes 1,619 cigarettes per year.

17th place - Greece

Obesity is a major health problem in this country. More than 25% of the entire population suffers from this pathology.

16th place - Australia

Australia is in the top 20 drinking countries, taking 17th position in the ranking. On average, each resident consumes up to 11.2 liters of alcohol per year.

15th place - Lebanon

This country is the world's largest supplier of two types of tobacco. It is not surprising that residents of the state suffer from nicotine addiction.

14th place - Canada

Poor nutrition is the main cause of excess weight. In Canada, obesity is found in 30% of the population. Despite the fact that there are no problems with food in the country, many continue to abuse fast food and fatty foods.

13th place - Belgium

In this European country, citizens have a serious addiction to nicotine and alcohol. In the world rankings, Belgium is in seventh position for alcohol and tobacco abuse.

12th place - Estonia

This Baltic state It is no coincidence that it was included in the list of unhealthy nations. Here, about 24.5% of residents are obese varying degrees. And alcohol consumption per capita per year is more than 12 liters.

11th place - Bulgaria

As in other eastern European countries oh, in Bulgaria there are all the same problems: obesity of the population, addiction to alcoholic beverages and addiction to nicotine.

10th place - Lithuania and the United States of America

Lithuanians drink a lot of alcohol. In year average alcohol consumption is more than 18 liters per person.

Among all the countries in the top ten of the ranking, the United States is the only one that is located outside of Europe. Residents of this state, which is at least 35% of all adult citizens, are overweight. The country ranks 9th in the obesity rankings. Most people classify being overweight as dangerous.

9th place - Luxembourg

Despite the fact that Luxembourg is a rather small state, this did not prevent it from being included in this list. The reason is that 25% of residents are overweight.

8th place - Poland

Poland has 2 main problems that put it in the top 10 unhealthy countries. These include smoking and drinking alcohol. There are 1,369 cigarettes and 12.3 pure alcohol per Pole per year.

7th place - Croatia

The main problem of residents of most European countries is the addiction to strong drink. Croatia was no exception. Each citizen consumes at least 13 liters of alcohol per year.

6th place - Hungary

Hungarians are considered to be an unhealthy nation due to their addiction to smoking. According to statistics, each citizen consumes 1,774 cigarettes per year.

5th place - Slovakia

In this country, more than a quarter of all citizens have problems with excess weight, which entails the development of cardiovascular pathologies. Also, many Slovaks are dependent on alcoholic beverages.

4th place - Republic of Belarus

3rd place - Slovenia

Slovenia has the largest selection of tobacco products in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that each citizen uses 2,637 tobacco products per year.

2nd place - Russian Federation

1st place - Czech Republic

Oddly enough, Afghanistan turned out to be the healthiest country. It has the lowest percentage of population obesity - 2.7%. Regarding smoking, each citizen consumes no more than 83 cigarettes per year. Since alcohol is prohibited in Afghanistan, so drinking people there is practically none here.

The four healthiest countries also include Guinea, Niger and Nepal.

By moving to these countries, your chances of maintaining your health and longevity are much higher.
Ranking of the healthiest nations 2019 from. The rating assessed 169 countries - they studied the factors influencing health.

The top ten countries included Spain, Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway. And Japan became the healthiest Asian country and even eclipsed Singapore. Australia and Israel also made it into the top ten.

The index ranks countries based on factors such as life expectancy, tobacco use and obesity. It also takes into account environmental factors, including access to clean water and compliance with sanitary standards.

According to the UN, Spain has the highest life expectancy among European Union countries, second only to Japan and Switzerland. By 2040, Spain is projected to have the highest life expectancy at nearly 86 years, followed by Japan, Singapore and Switzerland, according to the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

“Primary care is mainly provided by public providers, specialized family doctors and nurses who provide preventive services to children, women and elderly patients, as well as emergency and constant help", says the Spanish European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies in a 2018 review. The document notes a decline in the last decade cardiovascular diseases and cancer mortality.

Eating habits

Researchers say that eating habits may provide insight into health levels in Spain and Italy, as the "Mediterranean diet supplemented olive oil or extra-grade nuts had a greater effect on reducing serious cardiovascular disease than diets containing reduced content fat,” according to a study by the University of Navarra Medical School.

Meanwhile in North America Canada's 16th place significantly surpassed the positions of the United States and Mexico, which dropped to 35th and 53rd. Life expectancy in the United States is declining due to drug overdose deaths and suicide.

Cuba ranks five places above the United States, making it the only country not classified as a “high income” country by the World Bank to receive such high rating. One reason for the island nation's success may be its focus on Special attention prevention, and the U.S. emphasizes diagnosis and treatment of disease, according to a report by the American Bar Association's Legal Division released last year after a visit to Cuba.

South Korea rose seven places to 17th and China, home to 1.4 billion people, rose three places to 52nd. By 2040, life expectancy in China will surpass the United States, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 27 of the 30 unhealthiest countries in the ranking. Only Haiti, Afghanistan and Yemen showed different results. Mauritius was the healthiest in the sub-Saharan region, ranking 74th in the world, as it had the most low level mortality from infectious diseases in the region.

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