Home Tooth pain Cytomegalovirus igg positive what does it mean. What is a positive IGG to cytomegalovirus, what to do

Cytomegalovirus igg positive what does it mean. What is a positive IGG to cytomegalovirus, what to do

Scroll pathological conditions and the diseases that a person suffers throughout his life largely depend on his way of life. After pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, the immune system is activated and begins to take measures to combat them.

In the case when the protective properties are reduced, the body is not able to fight pathogenic microflora. As a result, the development and progression of the disease occurs, and the mass reproduction of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi.

One of the most commonly diagnosed pathogenic microorganisms is the herpes virus. It is represented by several strains. No person is immune from the penetration of pathogens of various diseases into the body. This pathology can affect both men, women and children. The worst thing is that there is still no method of therapy that can destroy the virus and cure the pathology.

It deserves special attention. Quite often, after undergoing an examination, people ask the question: “Cytomegalovirus IgG positive: what does it mean?". The infection can affect any system or organ. Active reproduction of the virus is fraught with critical consequences.

CMV: what is it

Before understanding the issue of the result on cytomegalovirus IgG positive, and also what this means, you should find out in more detail about the pathogenic infection itself. CMV was first identified in 1956. Scientists and doctors have not fully studied it to this day. But despite this, there is the possibility of timely diagnosis of pathology, and, consequently, timely therapy, and prevention of the development of complications.

According to statistics, a third of the world's population is carriers of the herpes virus. The spread of the pathogen is weak, and in order to become infected, you must be with the infected person for an extended period. Infection can occur through sexual contact, during childbirth and through saliva.

It is quite difficult to immediately identify and diagnose the disease. And this is due to the presence incubation period. The patient or carrier of the infection can live with the disease, feel normal and not even suspect the presence of CMV.

Pathology is insidious, as it can masquerade as other, less dangerous diseases, especially colds.

In the initial stages, the disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • hyperthermia;
  • chronic fatigue, weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • chills;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disorder;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • joint pain;
  • decreased appetite.

Timely detection of the disease is very important, since the lack of appropriate therapy is fraught with serious complications, in particular the development of encephalitis, pneumonia, and arthritis. With weakened immunity, eye damage and malfunctions in the kidneys and urinary system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, may occur.

If alarming symptoms appear, you should undergo an examination. A positive test result for cytomegalovirus IgG means that the infected person has protection against CMV and is its carrier.

It is not at all necessary that a person is sick and that he is extremely dangerous to others. Everything will depend on the protective properties of his body. CMV is dangerous during pregnancy.

The essence of analysis

The essence of the IgG test is to look for antibodies to CMV. To do this, they take different samples (blood, saliva). To make it clearer, Ig is an immunoglobulin. This substance is a protective protein that is produced by the body to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The immune system produces a specific antibody to any new pathogenic organism. The G in the abbreviation IgG stands for one of the classes of antibodies. In addition to IgG, there are also groups A, M, E and D.

If a person is healthy, then specific Igs have not yet been produced. The danger is that, having entered the body once, the infection will remain in it forever. It is impossible to destroy it. But since the immune system produces protection against it, the virus exists in the body harmlessly. It is important to know that in addition to IgG there is also IgM. These are two absolutely different groups antibodies.

The second are fast antibodies. They are large and are produced for a quick response to the herpes virus entering the body. But they do not have immunological memory. This means that after their death, after about four to five months, the protection against CMV subsides.

As for IgG, these antibodies tend to clone and maintain protection against a specific pathogenic microorganism throughout life. They are small in size, but are produced later than IgM, usually after suppression infectious process.

And it turns out that if IgM antibodies are detected, then the infection occurred recently and most likely the infectious process is in the active phase.

How are analyzes deciphered?

In addition to IgG+, the results often contain other data.

A specialist will help you decipher them, but in order to understand the situation, it is useful to familiarize yourself with some meanings:

  1. 0 or “-” - there is no CMV in the body.
  2. If the avidity index is 50-60%, then the situation is considered uncertain. The study is repeated after one to two weeks.
  3. Above 60% - there is immunity, the person is a carrier.
  4. Below 50%, the person is infected.
  5. Anti- CMV IgM+, Anti- CMV IgG+ - the infection has reactivated.
  6. Anti-CMV IgM-, Anti-CMV IgG- - protection against the virus has not been developed, since there has never been penetration of the virus before.
  7. Anti- CMV IgM-, Anti- CMV IgG+ - pathology occurs in non- active stage. The infection happened a long time ago, the immune system has developed a strong defense.
  8. Anti- CMV IgM+, Anti- CMV IgG- - acute stage of pathology, the person became infected recently. Fast Igs to CMV are available.

Result “+” in a person with strong immunity

If there are no health problems, a “+” result should not cause panic or anxiety. Regardless of the degree of the disease, with persistent protective properties, its course is asymptomatic. Occasionally, sore throat and fever may occur.

But it should be understood that if tests indicate activation of the virus, but the pathology is asymptomatic, the patient should temporarily reduce social activity (limiting communication with family, excluding conversations and contacts with pregnant women and children). During the active phase, a sick person is an active spreader of cytomegalovirus infection and can infect a person whose body CMV will cause significant damage.

CMV IgG positive: in immunodeficiency, pregnancy and infants

A CMV “+” result is dangerous for everyone. However, the most dangerous CMV result IgG positive for a patient with immunodeficiency: congenital or acquired. Such a result signals the development of serious complications.

  • Retinitis- development of the inflammatory process in the retina. This pathology can lead to blindness.
  • Hepatitis and jaundice.
  • Encephalitis. This pathology is characterized by severe headaches, sleep disturbances, and paralysis.
  • Gastrointestinal ailmentsinflammatory processes, exacerbation of ulcers, enteritis.
  • Pneumonia. This complication, according to statistics, is the cause of death in more than 90% of people suffering from AIDS.

CMV IgG positive in such patients signals the course of the pathology in chronic form and a high likelihood of exacerbations.

Positive result during pregnancy

An IgG+ result is no less dangerous for pregnant women. CMV IgG positive signals infection or an exacerbation of the pathology. If IgG to cytomegalovirus is detected in the early stages, urgent measures must be taken. Primary infection with the virus is associated with high risk development of serious anomalies in the fetus. With relapses, the risk of harmful effects on the fetus is significantly reduced.

Infection in the second and third trimester is fraught with the occurrence of congenital CMV in a child or its infection during passage through birth canal. The doctor judges whether the infection is primary or an exacerbation by the presence of specific group G antibodies. Their detection signals that there is protection, and the exacerbation is due to a decrease in the body’s protective properties.

If IgG is absent, this indicates infection during pregnancy. This suggests that the infection can cause enormous damage not only to the mother, but also to the fetus.

Result “+” in a newborn

A fourfold increase in IgG titer during two studies with an interval of thirty days indicates congenital CMV infection. The course of the pathology in infants can be either asymptomatic or characterized by pronounced manifestations. The disease may also be associated with a high risk of complications. Pathology in small child is fraught with the appearance of blindness, the development of pneumonia, and malfunction of the liver.

What to do if you have an IgG+ result

The first thing to do when positive CMV IgG - seek help from a qualified specialist. CMVI itself often does not provoke critical consequences. If obvious signs There are no diseases, there is no point in carrying out treatment. The fight against infection should be left to the immune system.

At severe symptoms The following medications are most often prescribed:

  • Interferons.
  • Immunoglobulins.
  • Foscarnet (taking the drug is fraught with disruptions in the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys).
  • Panavira.
  • Ganciclovir. Helps block the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, but at the same time provokes the appearance of disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic disorders.

You should not take any medications without your doctor's knowledge. Self-medication can lead to unpredictable consequences. It is important to understand one thing - if everything is in order with the immune system, the “+” result only informs about the presence of a formed defense in the body. The only thing you need to do is support your immune system.

Hello, Dear friends! Let’s say you took an ELISA test for cytomegalovirus disease and found “positive cytomegalovirus IgG” in the results. What will happen now? What kind of result is this and how to live with it further?

First of all, calm down, don’t panic, but rather carefully read this article, which will tell you how to decipher the ELISA analysis.

After receiving a similar result, you are probably wondering what this means. This means that you are a carrier (carrier) of the above herpes infection. So what now? Should I quickly run to the pharmacy for antiviral medications?

Not at all, since such a result does not mean that your infection is in an active stage and threatens you in any way.

A positive ELISA test result can be a cause for concern during pregnancy and in people with critically weakened immune systems. Want to know why?

Then read on this site about the provocateur cytomegalovirus in pregnant women and in newborns. Now let’s figure out what kind of analysis can give such a result and what is the essence of this diagnostic method.

Test for IgG to herpescytomegalovirus: how is it carried out and what is its essence?

This diagnostic technique considered the most accurate to date. It is carried out by drawing blood, therefore, in common people it is called a “blood test”. Its essence is to search for antibodies to the viral provocateur of the infection.

Antibodies are written as “Ig” in the results. This is an abbreviation for immunoglobulins. In turn, the antibody-immunoglobulin serves as a protective protein that is released by our body after an infectious attack.

Our body secretes its own Igs for each type of infectious agent. In an adult, a huge assortment of these antibodies accumulates in the blood. The ELISA test allows us to find all kinds of antibodies in each of us.

What does the prefix "G" mean? This letter denotes the Ig class. In addition to G, each of us has antibodies: A, M, D and E.

How are antibodies and cytomegalovirus infection related?

When this disease penetrates our body, it begins to actively produce antibodies. A person who has not encountered the disease will, of course, not have antibodies.

Some viral diseases after recovery they disappear without a trace, so the antibodies disappear over time. Others, including cytomegalovirus, remain for life, so Ig will be constantly detected in the carrier.

In the results of the ELISA test, another class of Ig is found - M. In this case, one class can be positive and the other negative. How does the above class of antibodies differ from the previous one?

How does class M differ from class G?

In fact, if you look at it, everything seems simple and clear:

  1. G are “slow” antibodies that accumulate in the body gradually and remain for a long time in order to support the immune defense system in the future and help it fight the provocateur of the disease.
  2. M are “fast” Igs, which are produced instantly and in large volumes, after which they disappear. Their purpose is to quickly overcome the disease and weaken its provocateur as much as possible. 4-6 months after the viral attack, these Igs will die, and only the previous ones will remain in the body.

Based on the above, we conclude that immediately after infection, IgM antibodies are formed in the body, and after them, IgG immunoglobulins begin to gradually be released.

The first ones will gradually be removed, and the second ones will remain for the entire period of presence of the infection in the body and will help it contain the disease.

In the results of the ELISA test you can see various options ratios of the above classes of antibodies.

How to understand what exactly is happening in your body after receiving a result in which IgG is positive? Let's learn how to decipher the results ourselves.

Possible options for the ratio of Ig G and M in the results of the ELISA test for cytomegalovirus

  1. Ig M-positive, G-negative - you became infected recently, now the disease is showing maximum activity. Such analysis is rare, since the infection described in this article develops in almost everyone without symptoms. Not many of us take such tests just like that without any particular reason. That is why such results are obtained in isolated cases.
  2. Ig M-negative, G-positive - the disease is present, but does not show its activity. Most likely, you caught it a long time ago and now do not feel any symptoms. This is the most common result that people can get of various ages and status. By the way, infection of cytomegalovirus origin is considered one of the most common. Almost 100% of people aged 45-50 have it. Therefore, if you get such a result, do not despair, as you are far from alone.
  3. M-negative, G-negative - you have never encountered the disease and you have no immunity against it. It would seem that this is a wonderful result, but not always. If a pregnant woman gets this result, then she needs to be very careful in the future and take preventive measures, since infection in this position is considered the most dangerous, and not only for expectant mother, but also for her fetus (even to a greater extent).
  4. M-positive, G-positive - your disease is being activated. There can be many reasons, for example, sudden or chronic weakening protective functions human immune system.

In addition to G and M, the results include an index of avidity (activity and abundance) of immunoglobulins.

This indicator is indicated as a percentage and can be as follows:

  • less than 50% - primary infection (occurred recently, the body had not encountered the disease before);
  • more than 60% - the disease has been present for a long time and may be active;
  • 50-60% is an uncertain situation, it is recommended to check again after a while.

If both Igs are negative in the results, the index will be zero. Do you see how simple it is once you figure it out? Now you know how the ELISA test is deciphered. What to do after taking it and receiving a positive G-immunoglobulin?

The result is positive: to treat or not to treat?

The disease caused by the provocateur cytomegalovirus has a very interesting character. If it settles in the body of an ordinary person with a standard, relatively strong immune system, it will not manifest itself in any way.

A strong immune system can independently suppress the virus (as mentioned above, it is completely impossible to get rid of the disease provocateur, but it can be rendered inactive).

In an ordinary person with average immunity, the disease can only worsen periodically (like other types of herpes infection).

An exacerbation is called mononucleosis and its symptoms are very similar to classic tonsillitis, although it lasts a little longer.

The same course of the disease will occur in a child infected after 5 years of age. At an earlier age, and especially in infancy, the disease poses a threat and can affect further mental, as well as physical development. How will it affect?

Most likely, it is very negative - in young children and people with an immunodeficiency state, after infection the following may occur:

  • jaundice;
  • hepatitis;
  • specific pneumonia (causes death in 95% of all patients diagnosed with AIDS);
  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • encephalitis;
  • retinitis.

Treatment is required only for such sick people (weak and very small). And the average person can easily do without it. However, the infection will not do anything catastrophic to him.

It will also not affect your life expectancy if you take care of your health, strengthen your immune system and avoid stress.

Positive G-immunoglobulin in a pregnant woman: what to do?

For pregnant women, primary infection and exacerbation of herpes disease during pregnancy are dangerous. Both can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

For example, the first infection on early stages sometimes causes a miscarriage, and an exacerbation leads to intrauterine infection of the child (this does not always happen), which is why he may develop symptoms after birth various kinds deviations (physical and mental). Why does the disease worsen during pregnancy?

Like any other herpes, this one requires favorable conditions for exacerbation. The most favorable condition is a weakened immune system protective system. Weakening necessarily occurs, since a strong immune system will simply reject the fetus as a foreign object.

If class G antibodies appear in the first 12 weeks, then the woman is prescribed emergency antiviral therapy. It is prescribed by the attending physician after a thorough study of the medical history and characteristics of the body. Further treatment selected individually, if necessary.

That's all, dear readers. Now you know what to do if the ELISA test result shows positive G-immunoglobulin. Share what you read on in social networks with friends who would also benefit from learning about such a common disease. Subscribe to updates and visit us more often. See you again!

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Material for research: Blood serum

Research method: Linked immunosorbent assay

Preparation: Blood from a vein can be donated after a 4-hour fasting period. The day before and on the day of blood donation, intensive physical activity, drinking alcohol, smoking. You can drink water.

Description:High quality and quantitation antibodiesIgMAndIgGto cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus infectioninfection caused by herpes virus type 5 (cytomegalovirus). It is part of the group of infections of the TORCH complex, including rubella, toxoplasmosis, as well as pathology caused by herpes virus types 1 and 2. Infections included in the TORCH complex pose a serious threat to the health of the child, fetus, and patients with immunodeficiency. The virus is transmitted from a patient through close contact with biological fluids, sexual contact, transplacental from mother to fetus, during childbirth, breastfeeding. CMV is capable of infecting and damaging cells of various tissues and organs.

In persons with healthy immune system the disease is usually asymptomatic. The main manifestations include low-grade fever, headache, myalgia, pharyngitis. Symptoms of congenital infection are characterized by jaundice, pneumonia, enlarged liver and kidneys. There is hearing loss, vision pathology, mental retardation, severe violations CNS leading to microcephaly. To date serological diagnostics is the main tool for verification and staging of infection, including the determination of specific IgM antibodies and IgG, as well as calculation of the avidity index for positive results of two classes of immunoglobulins.

Antibodies of the IgM class are the main indicator of both acute stage infections and reinfection/reactivation. It is important to consider that this class of antibodies can circulate in the body for more than a year. In some cases, in uninfected subjects it is possible to detect false positive results IgM. Thus, the study of IgM antibodies should be carried out exclusively in combination with other serological methods.

Antibodies of class G appear after IgM and remain in the body for a long time. They are detected during the acute, chronic and latent stages of infection. The detection of antibodies together with IgM, as well as a 4-fold increase in IgG concentration with an interval of 2 weeks, may indicate an acute stage of CMV infection. In these cases, to clarify the stage of the infectious process, it is necessary to determine the antibody avidity index. The use of “direct” methods for detecting the virus, such as PCR, is also recommended.

Indications for the study:

    examination of women planning pregnancy

    pregnant women who do not have antibodies to CMV (every 3 months)

    pregnant women with signs of current infection


    patients with suspected acute CMV infection (picture infectious mononucleosis, prolonged low-grade fever, enlarged liver and spleen, pneumonia of unknown origin)

    questionable result of the previous examination


Reference values:



Positivity index >1.0


Presence of antibodies

Positivity index 0.8 – 1.0


Zone of uncertainty

Positivity Index<0,8


Absence of antibodies



>0.25 IU/ml


Presence of antibodies, quantity

0.2 – 0.25 IU/ml


Zone of uncertainty

<0,2 МЕ/мл


Absence of antibodies

IgG(-)IgM(-) - repeated testing is required during pregnancy (once every 3 months).

IgG(+)IgM(-) - immunity after past infection, no further testing required. If an active infection is suspected, re-send the sample after 10-14 days to monitor the IgG titer.

IgG(-)IgM(+) - retesting after 3 weeks to exclude a false positive result or the onset of an active infection.

IgG(+)IgM(+) - an acute stage of infection is possible, an avidity test is performed.

Doubtful - the result does not allow one to draw a conclusion about the presence or absence of antibodies; it is recommended to re-take the test after 14 days.

Cytomegalovirus igg (cytomenalovirus infection) ranks first in prevalence among the population. The causative agent of the infection is cytomegalovirus (DNA-containing), which belongs to the group of herpes viruses. Once it enters the human body, it remains there forever.

With strong immunity, it is not dangerous, since its reproduction is suppressed by antibodies. But when the protective functions are weakened, the virus becomes more active and can affect internal organs and vital systems of the body. The infectious agent poses a particular danger to a pregnant woman and the developing fetus.

Almost 80% of the world's inhabitants are infected with cytomegalovirus. At the same time, an infected person may not suspect for a long time that he poses a danger to others, since there are no characteristic symptoms of the disease. The virus can be detected accidentally during a laboratory test (determination of antibodies to cytomegalovirus in the blood).

Cytomegalovirus infection ( cmv) is transmitted only from person to person. The source of infection becomes a patient who is a carrier of the virus, but is unaware of his illness. The virus multiplies and is released in biological fluids - blood, saliva, urine, breast milk, semen, vaginal secretions. Main routes of transmission:

  1. airborne;
  2. contact-household;
  3. sexual

That is, a healthy person can easily become infected during contact with a sick person, when sharing household items with him, through a kiss, or sexual contact.

During medical procedures, cytomegalovirus is transmitted during the transfusion of contaminated blood and its components. Infection of a child is possible in the womb (as the virus passes through the placental barrier), during childbirth and breastfeeding.

The herpes virus cytomegalovirus poses a particular danger to patients with HIV infection, cancer patients and people who have undergone organ transplantation.

Symptoms of infection

In healthy people with strong immunity, even after infection with cmv , there are no visible symptoms. In the rest, after the incubation period (which can reach 60 days), symptoms similar to infectious mononucleosis are observed, which often complicates diagnosis.

The patient complains of prolonged fever (for 4-6 weeks), sore throat, weakness, joint and muscle pain, loose stools. But more often the infection is asymptomatic and manifests itself only during a period of weakened immunity, which can be associated with pregnancy in women, severe chronic diseases or old age.

Severe forms of cytomegalovirus infection are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a rash;
  • enlarged and painful lymph nodes (submandibular, cervical, parotid);
  • sore throat (pharyngitis).

Further progression of the infection provokes damage to the internal organs (liver, lungs, heart), nervous, genitourinary, and reproductive systems of a person. Women experience gynecological problems (colpitis, vulvovaginitis, inflammation and erosion of the cervix and uterine body). In men, the inflammatory process involves the urethra and spreads to the testicles.

At the same time, the body’s immune system tries to fight the virus in the blood, produces antibodies and gradually “drives” the pathogen into the salivary glands and kidney tissue, where it remains in a latent (sleeping) state until favorable conditions arise for its activation .

When asked whether cytomegalovvirus infection can be cured, experts answer negatively. Once the virus enters the body, it remains there for life. It may not manifest itself in any way if the immune system is strong, but this means that it is only in a latent state and, under favorable conditions, can “awaken” at any moment and begin its destructive activities.

At the current stage of medical development, it is impossible to get rid of cytomegalovirus using existing methods, since the pathogen persists inside cells and multiplies using DNA replication.

Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the risk of complications increases depending on the type of cytomegalovirus present in the body. With primary infection, the consequences of the disease are much more severe than with cmv reactivation. Women during pregnancy constitute a special risk group.

During this period, they are especially vulnerable due to a physiological decline in immunity. Cytomegalovirus can provoke obstetric pathologies. So, if infection occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, then 15% of women experience spontaneous miscarriage.

During primary infection, infection of the fetus occurs in 40-50% of cases, since the virus accumulates in placental tissues and penetrates through the placenta to the embryo. This can lead to various anomalies and deviations in fetal development. With intrauterine infection, the following external manifestations are noted;

  1. enlarged liver and spleen;
  2. disproportionate small head;
  3. accumulation of fluid in the abdominal and chest cavity.

If a woman has antibodies to cytomegalovirus, she should not plan a pregnancy until the course of conservative drug therapy is completed and laboratory tests confirm normalization of the antibody titer.

Cytomegalovirus igg in children

Congenital cytomegalovirus infection in children develops in the prenatal period, when the virus is transmitted from the carrier mother. In the early stages of life, this type of infection usually does not cause severe symptoms, but later can lead to serious complications:

  • hearing problems (hard of hearing, deafness);
  • the occurrence of seizures;
  • impairment of intelligence, speech, mental retardation;
  • damage to the organs of vision and complete blindness.

Acquired CMV (cytomegalovirus infection) becomes a consequence of infection of the child from the mother during childbirth and breastfeeding, through contact with a carrier from among medical personnel.

The risk of infection in children increases sharply with age, especially during periods when the child joins the children's group and begins to attend kindergarten and school. In children, manifestations of cytomegalovirus look like an acute form of ARVI, since it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a runny nose appears;
  • temperature rises;
  • cervical lymph nodes enlarge;
  • there is profuse salivation and swelling of the salivary glands;
  • the child complains of weakness, muscle pain, chills, headache;
  • there are stool disorders (alternating constipation and diarrhea);
  • the liver and spleen increase in size.

Based on such a clinical picture, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis. To identify the pathogen, laboratory research methods are needed that can detect antibodies to the virus and the virus itself in the blood.

What tests need to be taken for the presence of infection?

The human immune system begins to produce antibodies to the virus immediately after it enters the body. A number of laboratory tests allow you to immunologically determine these antibodies and thus understand whether infection has occurred or not.

Specific antibodies after infection are produced in a certain concentration (titers). So-called IgM antibodies are formed approximately 7 weeks after infection during the period of the most intensive reproduction of the virus. But over time, they disappear; moreover, these antibodies are also detected during infection with other types of viruses (for example, toxoplasmosis).

IgM antibodies are fast immunoglobulins; they are large in size, but are not able to retain immunological memory, so after their death, protection against the virus disappears after a few months.

A more accurate result is obtained by testing for Igg antibodies, which do not disappear after infection, but accumulate throughout life, which suggests the presence of a cytomegalovirus infection. They appear in the blood within 1 - 2 weeks after infection and are able to maintain immunity against a certain type of virus throughout life.

In addition, there are several other methods used to detect cytomegalovirus:

  1. The ELISA method is an immunological study in which traces of cytomegalovirus are detected in biological material.
  2. The PCR method allows you to determine the causative agent of infection in the DNA of the virus. It is considered one of the most accurate analyzes that allows you to quickly obtain the most reliable result.

To determine CMV infection, they often resort to the virological method, which is based on the determination of IgG antibodies in blood serum.

The norm of cytomegaloviruses in the blood and interpretation of the analysis

Normal levels of the virus in the blood depend on the gender of the patient. So, for women the norm is 0.7-2.8 g/l, for men - 0.6-2.5 g/l. The rate of cytomegalovirus in the child’s blood is determined taking into account the amount of immunoglobulins to the virus when diluted in the blood serum. A normal level is considered to be less than 0.5 g/l. If the indicators are higher, then the analysis is considered positive.

  1. Cytomegalovirus igg positive - what does this mean? A positive result indicates that this infection is present in the body. If the test result for determining IgM antibodies is also positive, this indicates an acute stage of the disease. But if the IgM test is negative, this is evidence that the body has developed immunity to the virus.
  2. A negative test for cytomegalovirus igg and IgM indicates that the person has never encountered such an infection and has no immunity to the virus. But if the test for igg is negative, and for IgM is positive, it’s time to sound the alarm, since such a result is evidence of recent infection and the onset of the development of the disease.

The avidity of igg antibodies to the virus is determined during laboratory testing of the patient’s biological material. It is this indicator that gives specialists an idea of ​​the degree of infection of the patient’s body. The breakdown of the analysis is as follows:

  1. In case of primary infection that occurred recently, the number of detected antibodies does not exceed 50% (low avidity).
  2. At rates from 50 to 60% (average avidity), a repeat laboratory examination is required to clarify the diagnosis, which is carried out several weeks after the first.
  3. A chronic form of cytomegalovirus infection, accompanied by active production of antibodies, is indicated by an indicator of more than 60% (high avidity).

Only a specialist can decipher the test results. When analyzing the data obtained as a result of the study, the doctor takes into account certain nuances (age and gender of the patient), after which he gives the necessary recommendations and, if necessary, prescribes a course of treatment.


Latent cytomegalovirus infection does not require treatment. In other cases, the course of therapy is based on the use of antiviral agents and immunomodulators. All appointments must be made by a specialist.

Specific immunoglobulins used in the treatment process contain up to 60% antibodies to cytomegalovirus. The drugs are administered intravenously; in exceptional cases, immunoglobulin can be administered intramuscularly, but this significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

Nonspecific immunoglobulins are usually prescribed for the prevention of CMV infection in persons with immunodeficiency conditions. During pregnancy, immunoglobulin is also the drug of choice, and the risk of damage to the fetus in this case directly depends on the amount of antibodies to the virus in the woman’s blood.

Since it is impossible to completely get rid of cytomegalovirus, the task of complex treatment is to restore the body’s defenses. Therapy is complemented by good nutrition, taking vitamins and a healthy lifestyle.

Watch the video where Malysheva talks in detail about the treatment and prevention of Cytomegalovirus:

A positive test result for IgG to cytomegalovirus means that the person is immune to this virus and is a carrier of it.

Moreover, this does not at all mean that the cytomegalovirus infection is in the active stage or any guaranteed dangers for a person - it all depends on his own physical condition and the strength of the immune system. The most pressing question of the presence or absence of immunity to cytomegalovirus is for pregnant women - it is on the developing fetus that the virus can have a very serious impact.

Let's look at the meaning of the analysis results in more detail...

IgG analysis for cytomegalovirus: the essence of the study

An IgG test for cytomegalovirus means looking for specific antibodies to the virus in various samples from the human body.

For reference: Ig is an abbreviation for the word “immunoglobulin” (in Latin). Immunoglobulin is a protective protein produced by the immune system to destroy the virus. For each new virus that enters the body, the immune system produces its own specific immunoglobulins, and in an adult, the variety of these substances becomes simply enormous. For simplicity, immunoglobulins are also called antibodies.

The letter G is a designation for one of the classes of immunoglobulins. In addition to IgG, humans also have immunoglobulins of classes A, M, D and E.

Obviously, if the body has not yet encountered the virus, then it has not yet produced the corresponding antibodies to it. And if there are antibodies to the virus in the body, and the test for them is positive, then, consequently, the virus has already entered the body at some point. Antibodies of the same class against different viruses are quite different from each other, so an IgG test gives a fairly accurate result.

An important feature of the cytomegalovirus itself is that once it infects the body, it remains in it forever. No medicine or therapy will help you get rid of it completely. But since the immune system develops a strong defense against it, the virus remains to exist in the body in an invisible and practically harmless form, persisting in the cells of the salivary glands, some blood cells and internal organs. Most carriers of the virus are not even aware of its existence in their bodies.

You also need to understand the differences between the two classes of immunoglobulins - G and M - from each other.

IgM are fast immunoglobulins. They are large in size and are produced by the body for the fastest possible response to the penetration of the virus. However, IgM does not form immunological memory, and therefore, with their death after 4-5 months (this is the lifespan of the average immunoglobulin molecule), the protection against the virus with their help disappears.

IgG are antibodies that, once produced, are cloned by the body and maintain immunity against a specific virus throughout life. They are much smaller than the previous ones, but are produced later on the basis of IgM, usually after the infection has been suppressed.

We can conclude: if cytomegalovirus-specific IgM is present in the blood, this means that the body became infected with this virus relatively recently and, perhaps, an exacerbation of the infection is currently occurring. Other details of the analysis can help clarify more subtle details.

Decoding of some additional data in the analysis results

In addition to just a positive IgG test, the test results may contain other data. The attending physician should understand and interpret them, but just to understand the situation it is useful to know the meanings of some of them:

  1. Anti- Cytomegalovirus IgM+, Anti- Cytomegalovirus IgG-: cytomegalovirus-specific IgM is present in the body. The disease occurs in an acute stage; most likely, the infection was recent;
  2. Anti- Cytomegalovirus IgM-, Anti- Cytomegalovirus IgG+: inactive stage of the disease. The infection occurred a long time ago, the body has developed a strong immunity, and viral particles that enter the body again are quickly eliminated;
  3. Anti-Cytomegalovirus IgM-, Anti-Cytomegalovirus IgG-: There is no immunity to CMV infection. The organism had never encountered it before;
  4. Anti- Cytomegalovirus IgM+, Anti- Cytomegalovirus IgG+: reactivation of the virus, exacerbation of infection;
  5. Antibody avidity index below 50%: primary infection of the body;
  6. Antibody avidity index above 60%: immunity to the virus, carriage or chronic form of infection;
  7. Avidity index 50-60%: uncertain situation, the study must be repeated after a few weeks;
  8. Avidity index 0 or negative: the body is not infected with cytomegalovirus.

It should be understood that the different situations described here may have different consequences for each patient. Accordingly, they require individual interpretation and approach to treatment.

A positive test for CMV infection in a person with normal immunity: you can just relax

In immunocompetent people who do not have diseases of the immune system, positive tests for antibodies to cytomegalovirus should not cause any alarm. Whatever the stage of the disease, with strong immunity it usually proceeds asymptomatically and unnoticed, only sometimes expressing itself in the form of a mononucleosis-like syndrome with fever, sore throat and malaise.

It is only important to understand that if tests indicate an active and acute phase of the infection, even without external symptoms, then from a purely ethical point of view, the patient needs to independently reduce social activity for a period of a week or two: be less in public, limit visits to relatives, not communicate with small children and especially with pregnant women (!). At this moment, the patient is an active spreader of the virus and is capable of infecting a person for whom CMV infection can be truly dangerous.

Presence of IgG in immunocompromised patients

Perhaps the most dangerous virus is cytomegalovirus for people with various forms of immunodeficiency: congenital, acquired, artificial. Their positive IgG test result may be a harbinger of complications of the infection such as:

  • hepatitis and jaundice;
  • cytomegalovirus pneumonia, which is the cause of death in more than 90% of AIDS patients in developed countries of the world;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (inflammation, exacerbation of peptic ulcers, enteritis);
  • encephalitis, accompanied by severe headaches, drowsiness and, in advanced conditions, paralysis;
  • retinitis is an inflammation of the retina of the eye, leading to blindness in a fifth of patients with immunodeficiencies.

The presence of IgG to cytomegalovirus in these patients indicates a chronic course of the disease and the likelihood of an exacerbation with a generalized course of infection at any time.

Positive test results in pregnant women

In pregnant women, the results of an analysis for antibodies to cytomegalovirus can determine how likely the fetus is to be affected by the virus. Accordingly, it is based on the test results that the attending physician makes a decision on the use of certain therapeutic measures.

A positive test for IgM to cytomegalovirus in pregnant women indicates either a primary infection or a relapse of the disease. In any case, this is a rather unfavorable development of the situation.

If this situation is observed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to take urgent measures to combat the virus, since with primary infection of the mother there is a high risk of teratogenic effects of the virus on the fetus. With a relapse, the likelihood of fetal damage decreases, but still persists.

With later infection, it is possible for the child to develop a congenital cytomegalovirus infection or become infected at the time of birth. Accordingly, specific pregnancy management tactics will be developed in the future.

The doctor can determine whether the doctor is dealing with a primary infection or a relapse in this case by the presence of specific IgG. If the mother has them, it means that she has immunity to the virus, and the exacerbation of the infection is caused by a temporary weakening of the immune system. If there is no IgG for cytomegalovirus, this indicates that the mother became infected with the virus for the first time during pregnancy, and the fetus will most likely be affected by it, as well as the mother’s entire body.

To take specific therapeutic measures, it is necessary to study the patient’s medical history, taking into account many additional criteria and features of the situation. However, the mere presence of IgM already indicates that there is a risk to the fetus.

The presence of IgG in newborns: what does it mean?

The presence of IgG to cytomegalovirus in a newborn indicates that the baby was infected with the infection either before birth, or at the time of birth, or immediately after it.

Neonatal CMV infection is clearly indicated by a fourfold increase in IgG titer in two tests at a monthly interval. In addition, if the presence of specific IgG in the blood of a newborn is observed already in the first three days of life, they usually speak of a congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

CMV infection in children can be asymptomatic, or can be expressed by quite serious symptoms and have complications such as inflammation of the liver, chorioretinitis and subsequent strabismus and blindness, pneumonia, jaundice and the appearance of petechiae on the skin. Therefore, if cytomegalovirus is suspected in a newborn, the doctor must carefully monitor his condition and development, remaining ready to use the necessary means to prevent complications.

What to do if you test positive for antibodies to CMV infection

If you test positive for cytomegalovirus, you should first consult your doctor.

In most cases, the infection itself does not lead to any consequences, and therefore, in the absence of obvious health problems, it makes sense not to carry out treatment at all and entrust the fight against the virus to the body itself.

The drugs used to treat CMV infection have serious side effects, and therefore their use is prescribed only in cases of urgent need, usually in patients with immunodeficiencies. In these situations use:

  1. Ganciclovir, which blocks the multiplication of the virus, but at the same time causes digestive and hematopoietic disorders;
  2. Panavir in the form of injections, not recommended for use during pregnancy;
  3. Foscarnet, which can cause kidney problems;
  4. Immunoglobulins obtained from immunocompetent donors;
  5. Interferons.

All these drugs should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. In most cases, they are prescribed only to patients with immunodeficiencies or those who are prescribed chemotherapy or organ transplants that involve artificial suppression of the immune system. Only sometimes they treat pregnant women or infants.

In any case, it should be remembered that if previously there were no warnings about the danger of cytomegalovirus for the patient, then everything is fine with the immune system. And a positive test for cytomegalovirus in this case will only inform about the fact of the presence of already formed immunity. All that remains is to maintain this immunity.

Video about the danger of cytomegalovirus infection for pregnant women

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