Home Children's dentistry Connective tissue massage – don’t give the disease a chance. Vasichkin V.I.

Connective tissue massage – don’t give the disease a chance. Vasichkin V.I.

Deep tissue relaxation massage is a type of massage designed to affect the deep tissues of our body, primarily connective tissue;

What is connective tissue?

Connective tissue is special fibers that connect all the cells of our body;

What are the benefits of deep tissue relaxation massage?

Connective tissue is not sensitive to classic massage, so you can only influence it special techniques deep tissue relaxation massage.

How does connective tissue affect our health?

Over the years, under the influence of loads, injuries and stress, deformation occurs connective tissue. It shortens like a sweater that has shrunk after washing. This has a bad effect not only on the spine and joints, but also on the holy of holies of our body - the immune system. “Shrunken” shortened connective tissue squeezes the cells like a boa constrictor. This reduces blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, impairs cellular nutrition and causes congestion in the deep tissues of the body. And if you remember that lymphatic system is closely related to immunity, then the mechanism through which shortening of connective tissue affects the occurrence of many diseases will become clear. Therefore, age-related shortening of connective tissue threatens not only to limit the mobility of the spine and joints, but also leads to the development of immune-dependent pathology. And this is a huge list from colds to oncology. But fortunately, there are ways to improve the condition of connective tissue, one of them is a deep tissue relaxation massage. It’s worth knowing about this in advance so that elderly age has not become synonymous with disease.

Prices for deep relaxing massage

The main principle of treatment at the “Back is Healthy” clinic is efficiency and accessibility. And this is confirmed by a high-quality and inexpensive relaxing massage. Our massage therapists are true professionals with an official state certificate and 20 years of successful experience. From the first touch you will feel soft and deep relaxation fabrics.

Professional relaxing massage, competent individual approach and inexpensive cost of services at the Spina Zdravaya clinic are tangible advantages in favor of your choice.

Deep tissue relaxation massage - contraindications

Even such a beneficial procedure as deep tissue relaxation massage has standard contraindications.

Deep tissue relaxation massage is not performed:

  • At acute heart attack myocardium.
  • For a stroke.
  • For acute infectious diseases/ meningitis, polio, dysentery.
  • For intestinal upset/nausea, vomiting, loose stools.
  • For acute inflammatory diseases/pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis.
  • For purulent processes of any localization.
  • At high temperature/over 37.5.
  • With mental excitement.
  • For malignant oncological diseases.
  • For bleeding.

In all other cases, deep tissue relaxation massage has no contraindications. However, if you have any chronic diseases: hypertension, problems with thyroid gland, veins, women's diseases etc., and you don’t know whether it’s possible to do a deep tissue relaxation massage for your illness or not, then you can consult with our doctors completely free of charge and get advice on these issues.

Connective tissue massage is a massage of reflex zones in connective tissue. The method was developed in 1929 by E. Dicke.

For diseases internal organs, blood vessels and joints, pronounced reflex changes in the subcutaneous connective tissue occur, primarily a violation of its elasticity.

An increase in the tension of the subcutaneous connective tissue causes a change in the relief of the body surface in this area in the form of retraction, swelling, etc.

Massage technique

Massage technique

Connective tissue massage is performed with the patient in the initial position sitting, lying on his side or lying on his back. The starting position lying on your stomach is not recommended. The optimal position for the patient is lying on his side, since the muscles relax better; the massage therapist works with a more physiological and thus economical diagonal position of the fingers, hands and shoulder girdle, the patient excludes unwanted vegetative reactions.

Massage is performed

Massage technique

Massage techniques.

At the edge of the sacrum. The pads of the first fingers are placed in longitudinal direction along the edge of the sacrum. The remaining spread fingers of both hands are placed on the buttocks (approximately 5 cm from the edge of the bone). The subcutaneous tissues are moved with the fingers of the hands to the first fingers.

At the lumbosacral joints. Fingers, including 1 finger, are placed at the edge of the sacrum. Massage movements end at top edge iliosacral joints.

From the edge of the sacrum to the greater trochanter.

The massage begins in the same way as when massaging the edges of the sacrum. Small displacements are used to massage the tissues of the buttocks towards the greater trochanter.

Physiological effects of connective tissue massage on the body

Planar connective tissue massage enhances metabolism, improves blood circulation in tissues, eliminates tension in connective tissue and unwanted reactions nervous system.
-Signs of increased tension in the subcutaneous connective tissue: provides pronounced resistance to the finger of the doctor (massage therapist); pain occurs on palpation; when massaging, a dermographic reaction appears in the form of a wide stripe;

at sharp increase tension, it is possible to form a skin ridge at the site of the stroke.

Massage technique. The connective tissue is stretched using the pads of the third and fourth fingers.

Massage technique

Cutaneous - carry out displacement between the skin and subcutaneous layer;

Subcutaneous - displacement is carried out between the subcutaneous layer and the fascia;

Fascial - displacement is carried out in the fascia.

All types of techniques have in common irritation by tension.

Connective tissue massage is carried out in starting position sitting, lying on your side or lying on your back. The starting position lying on your stomach is not recommended. The position lying on the side is considered optimal, since the muscles relax better, the massage therapist works in a more physiological and thus economical diagonal position of the fingers, hands and shoulder girdle, and the patient eliminates unwanted autonomic reactions.

Massage is performed pads of the I - IV fingers and sometimes only one finger, the radial, ulnar sides of the fingers or the entire surface of the fingertips.

Irritation by tension is performed with the whole hand, but in no case only with the fingers, hand or forearm.

Plane connective tissue massage involves moving connective tissue along the plane from the edges of bones, muscles or fascia.

Massage technique. I and the remaining fingers of the hand work only alternately, since otherwise the tissues are “crushed”;

When displacing tissues with the first fingers, it is necessary to bypass the area of ​​the wrist joints (movements such as rotation), since otherwise the result is kneading or felting;

Not only the superficial tissues, but also those adjacent to the fascia are displaced:

The displacement is performed without applying pressure.

Massage techniques.

At the edge of the sacrum. The pads of the first fingers are placed in the longitudinal direction along the edge of the sacrum. The remaining spread fingers of both hands are placed on the buttocks (approximately 5 cm from the edge of the bone). The subcutaneous tissues are moved with the fingers of the hands to the first fingers.

In the lumbosacral joint ov. Fingers, including 1 finger, are placed at the edge of the sacrum. Massage movements end at the upper edge of the iliosacral joints.

From the edge of the sacrum to the greater trochanter. The massage begins in the same way as when massaging the edges of the sacrum. Small displacements are used to massage the tissues of the buttocks towards the greater trochanter.

From the lumbosacral joints. Parallel to the superior anterior iliac spine. The tissues are moved towards the spine with small displacements.

At the great skewer. The first fingers of the hand are placed dorsal to the trochanter area (approximately at the beginning of the gluteus maximus muscle, the remaining fingers are on the ventral side. The tissues are massaged towards the trochanter.

Attention! It must be remembered that the tissues above the trochanter are often swollen and sensitive to massage pressure.

From the spinous processes of the vertebrae to the lateral surface of the body. The first fingers of the hands are placed along the spine at the spinous processes, the remaining fingers are located at the lateral edge of the erector spinae muscle. Massage movements are carried out at a calm pace with tissue displacement in the transverse direction (through the entire back to the axillary line).

In the area of ​​the erector spinae muscle. The first fingers of the hands are placed along the spine at the spinous processes, the second - at the lateral edge of the muscle. The tissues are shifted towards the first finger. With the first finger, the muscle is displaced at the medial edge. The massage therapist performs only short tissue displacements. This technique is recommended for massaging the lumbar region.

From the medial edge of the scapula in the lateral direction. The first fingers are placed at the edge of the scapula, but not on the tissues between the scapula and the spine. With short shifting movements, the massage therapist moves the tissue towards the acromion.

Massage of the subcutaneous fat layer and fascia. Therapeutic tension is a tension in the connective tissue that immediately produces a cutting sensation if the connective tissue zones are identified.

Massage technique. Massage movements are performed between the subcutaneous tissues and fascia in the form of “short” movements directed perpendicular to the edge of the bones, muscles or fascia. They are carried out one next to the other in the form of "long" movements carried out along the edges of bones, muscles or fascia.

When performing a subcutaneous massage, the fingers are placed between the subcutaneous layer and the fascia, depending on the tissue tension, a few centimeters from the edge of the bone, muscle or fascia.

The displacement of subcutaneous tissues is carried out to the possible limit of displacement. This path, depending on the degree of tissue tension, is 1 - 3 cm.

Therapeutic tension, in which a more or less sharp cutting sensation immediately occurs.

When performing a fascia massage, the fingers are placed under slight pressure deep in the tissue - towards the edge of the fascia; in this case, the patient should not feel any pressure or pain;

a sharp, sharp sensation occurs immediately, like a “sharp knife.”

When performing a massage, the fascia is worked only with short movements.

Attention! When performing a massage, it should be remembered that the fingers must be placed on the massaged area without pressure, the fingers in the connective tissue area should not come out of the subcutaneous connective tissue; during therapeutic tension, the tension force is applied without pressure on the tissue. Do not go over the edge of bones, muscles and fascia. It is recommended to mix not only the superficial, but also the tissue adjacent to the fascia. The massage therapist must achieve irritation by tension.

Skin massage. Provided that there are connective tissue zones in the displacement layer between the skin and subcutaneous tissues, they should be massaged using skin massage techniques.

Massage technique: massaging movements are carried out from caudal to cranial areas along the skin folds (on the body they massage in the transverse direction, and on the limbs in the longitudinal direction):

The massage begins with the buttocks and thigh muscles, then moves to the lumbar and lower thoracic spine;

Only in cases where tissue tension (connective tissue zones) has decreased in a given area, massage is performed in the upper parts of the chest.

When performing a massage

The fingertips are placed between the skin and subcutaneous tissues (without pressure!),

The therapeutic tension along the folds should cause a slight cutting sensation.

Massage movements are carried out both intermittently and continuously.

Attention! The massage should be performed precisely in the displaced layer between the skin and subcutaneous tissues. When massaging the skin, not only stroking is performed, but also irritation by tension (without this there will be no desired effect).

Initial position of the patient: children lying on their stomach or sitting, adults lying on their side or sitting.

Massage techniques. Massage in the buttocks and thighs area. The massage therapist places the fingers over the spinous processes of the sacral vertebrae (above the anal fold). Therapeutic tension is carried out continuously in small arcs to the side and down over the convexity of the buttock. Massage movements are performed tightly one next to the other until the spinous process of the Lv vertebra. At the lumbosacral joint, massage movements are carried out parallel to the iliac crest.

Massage in the lumbar and lower thoracic spine. The fingers are located at the spinous processes of the lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae. Therapeutic tension is applied to the middle of the axillary line. Massage movements are carried out to the lower corner of the scapula.

Massage of the front surface of the body. Starting position lying on your back. Massage movements should be long, continuous, from the middle of the axillary line (below the costal arch) to the edge of the rectus abdominis muscle (approximately to the sternum). Above the iliac crest, massage movements continue from the anterior superior iliac spine to the symphysis pubis.

Massage in the shoulder girdle and neck area. The fingers of the hand should be placed at the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae (at the level of the lower corners of the scapula). Therapeutic tension is carried out diagonally upward over the trapezius muscle and over the shoulder blades down to the lower portions of the deltoid muscle. Massage movements are carried out one next to the other (up to the acromion). On the spinous process of the C-VII vertebra, short circular massage movements are performed in the direction from the lateral to the medial areas to the area of ​​swelling or pain. Only after this are movements made to the spinous processes

On the neck, massage movements are performed in a horizontal direction from the lateral to the medial areas (with slight tissue tension - from caudal to cranial to the back of the head).

Limb massage. Massage movements are carried out in the longitudinal direction along the folds (from proximal to distal sections).

Initial position of the patient sitting during massage upper limbs, lying on your back while massaging the lower extremities.

The massage therapist should regulate the severity of cutting sensations by changing the tempo of the massage, taking into account tissue tension.

The smaller the angle of the fingers, the more superficially they act on the tissue; if there is a strong cutting sensation, it is necessary to pay attention to the placement of the fingers;

A cutting sensation is not a sign of correct dosing; it allows one to judge the presence of connective tissue zones, the patient’s adequate response and correct technique massage.

If massage techniques are performed harshly, skin hemorrhages are possible.

Connective tissue massage is a non-traditional therapy. Its peculiarity is that the specialist uses his fingers to irritate the patient’s reflexogenic points.

Description of the procedure

The main technique of connective tissue massage is stroking skin and its subcutaneous part. When stroking is done, some displacement of the skin occurs. Thus, tension occurs.

Then the intercellular tissue becomes irritated. Due to this type of massage, there is a positive effect on the internal organs of a person. This effect is achieved due to the reflex effect on certain zones.

History of the method

If you look at the history of the appearance of this type of massage, it is worth saying that it appeared in Germany. Its founder is considered to be Elisabeth Dicke. The author of connective tissue massage was a specialist in the field of therapeutic gymnastics. Elizabeth's life years: 1885-1952. The reason for the emergence of this trend in massage was painful sensations in the back of the girls who wore sharp character. She, as a medical specialist, noticed that the area of ​​the back, where pain is present, becomes tense and fluid accumulates there. When a massage was done there with stretching of the skin, the tension was relieved.

In addition, as a result of the massage, Elizabeth began to improve blood circulation in her leg. The fact is that she had a threat to be left without her. After a certain time, Dicke created a massage system that was based on her personal painful sensations and the healing process. Later efficiency this method was confirmed by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg.

Application of this technique

  1. Lumbago.
  2. Polyarthritis.
  3. Muscle pain.
  4. Various inflammatory processes which can occur in the joints.

In addition to the above diseases, this massage also has a beneficial healing effect for the following pathologies:

  1. Functional impairment respiratory system human body, for example, bronchial asthma.
  2. Malfunctions of the digestive tract.
  3. Liver diseases.
  4. Gallbladder diseases.
  5. Problems with the kidneys and renal pelvis.

let's consider physiological effects connective tissue massage:

  • it relieves headaches;
  • massage improves blood circulation;
  • helps reduce varicose veins veins;
  • cures orthopedic and neurological diseases.

Contraindications to this therapy

Does connective tissue massage have any contraindications? Usually this therapy is prescribed to relieve tension in certain areas. These areas of a person have the character of compaction. You should know that this procedure is not particularly pleasant for the patient to perceive, but, on the contrary, is quite painful. Massage marks in the form of red or white spots may appear at the sites of compaction. Before prescribing a massage, the doctor examines the patient.

If he has any sharp forms diseases, then this type of massage is not prescribed. Also even if not serious illnesses, the doctor makes an assessment of the patient's condition. Only after this does he give permission to carry out the procedure.

What is connective tissue massage, what is its principle?

First of all, massage has a local effect on the tissue. There is an improvement in blood circulation in the body. Visually this can be seen by the redness of the skin. Vasodilation occurs, and the patient experiences a feeling of warmth. In those places where massage is performed, metabolism accelerates. This type of massage has a restorative effect on connective tissue. And this leads to improved functioning of internal organs.

How is this procedure carried out?

How is connective tissue massage performed? You should know that the procedure can be performed while lying down or sitting. If the patient needs to lie down, he is positioned on his stomach. The massage begins from the sacrum. When a procedure is performed on the back, the specialist performs it from the bottom up.

For the limbs, movements are made from the torso towards the arms and legs. It is customary to start this type of massage with healthy areas. Then move on to the areas where pain is present. The massage therapist’s movements at the beginning of the procedure are light, but then they become deep.

Connective tissue massage is done using the fingertips. The specialist uses three or four fingers. There is a special technique that involves stretching the fabric. Due to the fact that the massage is carried out with the fingertips, the patient may have the feeling that nails are being dragged along it.

What are the periods of massage?

The full course is 6 sessions. Massage is carried out two or three times a week. After the patient has done everything, he needs to see a doctor to assess his condition.

If massage gives positive result, but the expected effect has not yet been achieved, then the doctor prescribes additional procedures. The time of one session is short and lasts about 20 minutes.

Which specialists perform the procedure?

As a rule, this massage technique is carried out by professional massage therapists who are proficient in this technique, or by specialists whose occupation is related to therapeutic exercises. This type of massage can also be performed by doctors who have undergone appropriate training.

It should be remembered that if a person has acute diseases, then you should abandon such therapy and carry out physiotherapeutic procedures.

What technology is used to perform connective tissue massage? Techniques

First you need to understand the principle. The technique of connective tissue massage is that a person’s tissues shift in relation to his muscles, tendons and bones. To do this, use the thumb and index finger. They make it easier to grip the fabric. The duration of the procedure can vary from 5 to 20 minutes.

Let's look at the description of a connective tissue massage session. The massage begins with areas of the body that are not subject to pain. Next, the specialist gradually approaches the places where pain is present. At first, the massage therapist’s movements are superficial. Further, when the tension subsides, the massage becomes deep.

The specialist who carries out the procedure moves along the tendons, namely along their edges, along the muscle fibers, also in the places where the muscles, fascia and joint capsules are attached.

When the chest or back is massaged, the doctor’s movements are directed towards the spine. When performing a massage of the arms and legs, the specialist moves to the sections called proximal.

The massage procedure begins from the sacrum. What it is? The sacrum is the paravertebral area of ​​the back. Next, the movements are directed upward and reach the cervical region. The next stage of the procedure is massaging the hips and legs. And then the doctor moves on to the shoulder area.

When a massage is performed on a patient’s painful areas, the specialist should monitor the patient’s condition. It is necessary to ensure that the person does not become ill or experience any deterioration in his condition. Also, to prevent any complications, the massage therapist performs movements along the border of the reflexogenic zones.

Session Features

Let's look at the main technique of connective tissue massage for certain diseases. There are some recommendations for carrying out such therapy for certain diseases.

Features of connective tissue massage:

  1. If the patient is bothered by headaches, then it is necessary to massage the occipital area. It is also worth paying attention to the area between the shoulder blades and the muscles of the forearm.
  2. When a person has pain in the spine, it is recommended to apply pressure to the lumbar region. Then you need to go to cervical spine. The transition should be smooth.
  3. In the case when a person suffers from lumbago, the massage begins from the lower back and sacrum. And then move on to the area that is behind the ilium.
  4. If the patient has an ailment such as sciatica, then the massage also begins from the lumbar area. Then it goes into the fold between the buttocks. Next, the movements go to the hole under the knee, then to the thigh, namely to its back and then to the calf muscle.
  5. When a patient has an illness in the area of ​​the shoulder or shoulder joint, then massage movements should be carried out in the area that is between spinal column and a spatula. Next you need to move on to the ribs and elbow bend. The movements are completed in the area of ​​the forearm and wrist joint.
  6. For such ailments that occur in the hip joint or thighs, the massage begins with the buttocks. Then it goes into the gluteal folds, groin and directly onto hip joint.
  7. When a person is bothered by his knees, the massage session begins with the buttocks. Then it goes into the folds, the groin, the hip joint and the popliteal fossa. The same procedure is carried out when a person experiences pain in the lower leg.

A little conclusion

Thus, it becomes approximately clear how connective tissue massage occurs. His beneficial features confirmed by many patients.

There is no need to doubt its positive effect on the human body. Therefore, if a person does not have any contraindications, he should definitely use this healing method, since it allows, using the body’s resources, to obtain the effect of curing a person from many diseases. The main thing is to undergo the necessary examination by your doctor. And then, after several sessions, look at the dynamics of recovery.

Connective tissue massage is a massage of connective tissue in the area of ​​reflex zones. This tissue contains many autonomic nerve endings, the effect on which explains the positive effect of massage. As a result, blood circulation and metabolism improve, spasms of smooth muscles and tension in connective tissue are relieved, the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system is coordinated, and the processes of scar regeneration and resorption of adhesions are launched. The development of this procedure is based on the fact discovered by scientists that dysfunction of connective tissue can provoke diseases of internal organs. This conclusion not surprising, because this tissue is part of all organs of the human body.

Connective tissue massage is recommended for those people who have a sufficient amount of connective tissue and noticeable changes in it - pits (retractions) or edema (swellings). Indications for it are:
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- headache;
- diseases peripheral vessels;
- diseases of internal organs (chronic or subacute);
- scars and adhesions;
- foot deformation;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system (ischialgia, lumbodynia, etc.);
- various women's diseases(consequences of adnexitis, amenorrhea, menopausal disorders, etc.).
Contraindications are acute conditions: heart attack, stroke, exacerbation of radiculitis and other disorders for which any massage cannot be performed.
In any case, before going to a connective tissue massage session, you need to consult with a competent specialist who should know about all your diseases. Sometimes massage is considered advisable even if there is some contraindication, and sometimes it is considered harmful or simply unnecessary even with complete absence of them.

Connective tissue massage technique

Connective tissue massage is most often performed with the tips of the middle and ring finger and consists in tension of one or another section of tissue, displacement of tissue from the edges of muscles, bones, fascia. Other fingers may also be involved in the work. The main technique is displacement. During the procedure, a stinging sensation may occur.
Distinguish three connective tissue massage techniques:
1) cutaneous - produce a displacement between the skin and the subcutaneous layer;
2) subcutaneous - displacement between the subcutaneous layer and fascia;
3) fascial - displacement in the fascia.
This or that technique is chosen depending on the patient’s condition and indications for massage. Connective tissue massage is performed while lying on your back, on your side or sitting. The most optimal position is lying on your side, and lying on your stomach, which is usual for many types of massage, is not recommended in this technique.

When performing a massage, you must adhere to the following rules:
- displacement is done without pressure;
- when working with the first fingers, it is recommended to bypass the wrist joints to avoid felting and kneading;
- both superficial and adjacent tissues are displaced.
The greatest effect from connective tissue massage is observed when it is combined with water relaxing procedures. It can be carried out as an independent or additional treatment method.
After a massage, after 1-2 hours you may feel tired and therefore the person being massaged needs to have time to rest after the session. Sometimes fatigue sets in immediately after the procedure - you can drink sweet tea to relieve it.
As a preventive measure and if available chronic diseases Connective tissue massage can be carried out twice a year in courses - 12-15 sessions in autumn and spring.

It is difficult to find a disease in which connective tissue is not involved to a greater or lesser extent. Indications for the use of connective tissue massage are wide. And provided that it is prescribed correctly, the effectiveness of the method is quite high.

Connective tissue massage is used in the treatment of subacute and chronic stages of many diseases of internal organs, the musculoskeletal system and peripheral blood vessels, accompanied by impaired autonomic functions.

First of all, it should be taken into account that in acute period diseases (heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, radiculitis, etc.) connective tissue massage is contraindicated. When acute symptoms subside or chronic course diseases connective tissue massage finds wide application.

Connective tissue massage helps to normalize impaired blood supply to organs and tissues, improve trophism, eliminate smooth muscle spasms, and stimulate the processes of regeneration and resorption of scars and adhesions. Treatment is most effective in the presence of pronounced reflex changes in integumentary tissues the human body, namely the connective tissue zones. Dense swelling of connective tissue or retractions indicate the advisability of using this type of massage. The presence of soft areas of connective tissue indicating acute stage disease is a contraindication to the appointment of connective tissue massage.

In the absence of pronounced reflex changes (zones) in the connective tissue, it is not advisable to use connective tissue massage.

German specialists use connective tissue massage even for tuberculosis, in the quiet period of the disease. They also don't consider malignant tumors absolute contraindication for the use of connective tissue massage. For example, cases of successful use of connective tissue massage in a patient who was successfully operated on for bronchial cancer and suffering from postoperative intercostal neuralgia are described. German specialists use connective tissue massage for patients who have been successfully operated on for neuromas and meningiomas that have postoperative period neurological manifestations accompanied by pain and reflex muscle tension, which can be eliminated by connective tissue massage techniques. Naturally, all cases of using connective tissue massage for cancer patients require prior consultation with an oncologist and great caution. Before surgery for malignant and benign tumors Connective tissue massage is contraindicated.

Some mental illness, taking into account the use of modern psychopharmacological therapy, are not a contraindication for the use of connective tissue massage in the complex treatment of this group of patients.

If connective tissue massage is prescribed in a timely manner, it is performed technically competently with precise adherence to the dosage and methodological instructions, then there is practically no intolerance to connective tissue massage. Connective tissue massage is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including in the postoperative period:

  • - fractures;
  • - dislocations;
  • - sprain;
  • - contractures;
  • - scars and adhesions;
  • - deforming arthrosis;
  • - preparation of the operating stump for prosthetics;
  • - clubfoot;
  • - flat feet;
  • - osteochondropathy;
  • - foot deformities;
  • - humeroscapular periarthrosis;
  • - epicondylitis;
  • - rheumatoid arthritis;
  • - post-traumatic Sudeck's dystrophy;
  • - Bekhterev's disease;
  • - scoliosis;
  • - torticollis;
  • - tendovaginitis;
  • - osteocondritis of the spine.

Connective tissue massage can be successfully used for various syndromes of vertebrogenic diseases of the peripheral nervous system:

  • - subacute and chronic lumbodynia;
  • - sciatica;
  • - reflex vascular dystonia lower extremities;
  • - cranialgia;
  • - brachialgia;
  • - cervicalgia;
  • - radicular syndrome.

Connective tissue massage can also be used for the following diseases and syndromes:

  • - trigeminal neuralgia;
  • - paresis or paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • - peripheral paralysis(including the consequences of polio);
  • - cerebral paralysis(including cerebral palsy);
  • - Parkinson's disease;
  • - headache syndrome of various etiologies.

As an exception, connective tissue massage can be used to relieve acute attack migraine.

Connective tissue massage is successfully used in cases of impaired blood supply to the extremities:

  • - obliterating endarteritis;
  • - diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities;
  • - obliterating atherosclerosis;
  • - Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's syndrome;
  • - phlebeurysm;
  • - varicose leg ulcer;
  • - postthrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • - damage to blood vessels due to hypothermia.

For diseases of the internal organs, connective tissue massage is part of complex treatment for the following diseases:

  • - hypertonic disease;
  • - ischemic disease heart (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, not earlier than 6 weeks from the onset of myocardial infarction);
  • - hypotension;
  • - residual effects myocarditis;
  • - heart defects in the compensation stage;
  • - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For cardiac complaints associated with functional disorders, connective tissue massage is widely used. Frequent autonomic crises in the elderly are contraindications to connective tissue massage. For diseases of the respiratory system, connective tissue massage is used in the following cases:

  • - chronic pharyngitis;
  • - chronic tracheitis;
  • - chronic rhinitis, as an exception - with acute rhinitis;
  • - hay fever;
  • - bronchial asthma;
  • - bronchitis (residual effects of acute and chronic);
  • - pneumonia (residual effects of acute and chronic stage diseases).

Connective tissue massage is also indicated for gastrointestinal diseases:

  • - chronic gastritis;
  • - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • - chronic pancreatitis;
  • - chronic hepatitis;
  • - chronic cholecystitis;
  • - chronic cholangitis.

At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, as well as chronic gastritis massage is used only during the period of remission. It is advisable to carry out two preventive courses per year of 12-15 procedures in spring and autumn.

Connective tissue massage is also used to treat diseases of the large intestine accompanied by spastic or atonic constipation. Connective tissue massage is never used for ulcerative colitis.

For diseases genitourinary system Connective tissue massage can be used for the following diseases:

  • - kidney stone disease (after surgery);
  • - bedwetting;
  • - cystitis and pyelitis (after acute inflammatory phenomena subside);
  • - chronic prostatitis (beyond exacerbation);
  • - impotence.

At chronic prostatitis and impotence, connective tissue massage can be combined with urological massage.

Kidney diseases accompanied by hematuria are not recommended to be treated with connective tissue massage. Connective tissue massage is used for many diseases of the female genital organs:

  • - amenorrhea;
  • - hypomenorrhea;
  • - dysmenorrhea;
  • - polymenorrhea;
  • - consequences of adnexitis;
  • - menopausal disorders;
  • - hypogalactia;
  • - lumbosacral pain in women associated with previous gynecological diseases or operations.

Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of connective tissue massage. German authors point out successful application connective tissue massage in obstetric practice for weakness labor activity, to relieve spasm of the uterine pharynx, when protracted labor and to reduce pain during childbirth. Connective tissue massage is contraindicated for benign (fibroids, ovarian cysts) and malignant tumors, with tuberculosis of the female genital organs, endometriosis, acute inflammatory and purulent diseases female genital organs.

Prescribing connective tissue massage to persons over 65 years of age requires individual approach taking into account previous diseases (myocardial infarction, disorders cerebral circulation etc.), the presence of a large number concomitant diseases. In each individual case, it is necessary to decide on the advisability of prescribing a loading procedure, such as connective tissue massage, for an elderly patient, and it is also necessary to choose the type of technique (subcutaneous or cutaneous) in accordance with the existing reflex changes.

Patients with a history of severe traumatic brain injury require special caution. Including the head area in the massage plan for this group of patients is not recommended, and you should also refrain from influencing reactive points, especially in the upper half of the body. Each subsequent procedure must begin with a question about the patient’s well-being after the procedure. massage procedure, ask whether the patient rested 1-2 hours after treatment.

Then decide on the treatment plan and the inclusion of new lines in it.

Questions for programmed control:

  • 1. What is the tactics of a massage therapist when a patient detects: a) areas of mild swelling; b) zones of dense swelling; c) absence of reflex zones?
  • 2. List the indications for massage for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
  • 3. Specify indications for this species massage for diseases of the nervous system and neurological syndromes of vertebrogenic origin.
  • 4. Name the diseases and syndromes of peripheral circulatory disorders in which connective tissue massage is used.
  • 5. What diseases of cardio-vascular system and respiratory organs are indications for massage? What could be a contraindication to massage for this category of patients?
  • 6. What may be an indication and contraindication for the use of massage for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?
  • 7. For what diseases and syndromes of the genitourinary system is connective tissue massage indicated or contraindicated?
  • 8. Explain the indications and contraindications for this type of massage in obstetrics and gynecology.
  • 9. In what cases can connective tissue massage be used by cancer patients and in what cases is it absolutely contraindicated?
  • 10. What diseases are an exception for the use of massage in the acute stage?
  • 11. Under what conditions is it possible to use connective tissue massage in mental patients?

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