Home Dental treatment Dmitry Bykov: about the lack of rights of teachers in Russia. Teacher's lack of rights

Dmitry Bykov: about the lack of rights of teachers in Russia. Teacher's lack of rights

A feeling of safety in the classroom, when you are not pulled, humiliated, “caught,” or violated personal boundaries, is noted by children in surveys as the main condition for their successful stay at school and the success of their studies. It's hard to imagine that this necessary for the child comfort will be provided by a teacher who is exhausted, humiliated, hungry, tired, sick. No, of course, there will be some holy people. People with supernatural self-control. But for the most part, no.

Law is a factor that ensures security and adherence to the social contract. Once upon a time we declared Russia a legal state. But if you look into the school, lawlessness still reigns there. Coercion the old fashioned way is the principle of Russian school management. Whether we are talking about all-Russian tests for teachers or professional examinations, about certifications or new textbooks, about wages or additional work, about anything - ​there is no strict adherence to the law anywhere, nowhere is there provision for the rights of teachers, and often the rights of students.

Here's an example. Not long ago, the media published information that teachers in 15 regions of Russia agreed to conduct tests for teachers starting from September 1, 2017. The word “consent” is key here. Because there are no legal grounds for such an event no. By law, a teacher’s knowledge is monitored by university commissions that issue diplomas, expert commissions that conduct recertification at least once every five years, and teachers of advanced training courses at least once every three years. The law says nothing about controls. That is, this is a purely voluntary individual form of control. However, who took upon himself the mission on behalf of teachers in 15 regions to express consent to its mass implementation? How was this consent obtained? To this question there is only silence. Why is it possible to pull an adult out of the work process, waste his time (work or personal, it doesn’t matter, because it’s equally bad), add stress to him and, of course, not compensate him in any way? This is a rhetorical question, because such is the everyday life of the education system.

The same price applies to reports in the media that teachers are paid for work on the Unified State Examination - ​by law, a separate work, which is now done by the majority for some reason for free. Average salary figures have the same price. What is kept silent is that in the same school a director can earn 150-200 thousand, and a beginning teacher 15-20. So consider the average. And the so-called new remuneration system (NSTS) allows this to be done. By law, every teacher has the right to know the school salary regulations. But actually getting acquainted with this document is extremely difficult.

The certification procedure is of an illegal nature. I won’t talk about this dryly, I’ll quote an emotional statement from our colleague:

— The way certification is carried out does not encourage teachers to develop, but, on the contrary, reduces the teacher to the level of a brainless official. Advanced training courses are an absolute profanation! I’ve been going to them for 17 years now and I see one thing: ​these courses exist to “feed” officials who have become stupid and cannot give anything to us, working teachers. The next certification - the courses are offered for a fee. With a salary of 30 thousand - about 4-6 thousand, I have to pay officials as a “kickback” for the right to work and receive 2 thousand more per month.

I will add that officials, and after them school directors, literally twist the hands of teachers, forcing them to undergo certification. After all, certification as it is structured today is extremely beneficial to officials.

The situation is similar with the so-called discussion new system teacher growth (NSSD). This “system”, causing confusion among the teaching community, is scheduled for “discussion” for a limited time and during the summer holidays. In fact, it will be adopted in a way that is beneficial to officials. The result will be collective irresponsibility for the educational outcomes of an individual child, just as there is now collective irresponsibility district clinic for the health of the individual patient.

Lies permeate the entire school reality. You cannot give two deuces in a row; you must “cover up” the deuce with a “positive” grade. As a result, C grades are given, children’s difficulties are not investigated and diagnosed in a timely manner, and the inability of an individual child to keep up with the class snowballs. It is necessary to endlessly report on “innovations”, making lessons unnatural, uninteresting and meaningless. It is necessary to depict " project activities“even where barracks discipline reigns, and therefore no initiative can appear in children. You have to lie in reports, lie on open lessons, lie orally and in writing. This constant compulsion to lie not only prevents us from adequately understanding children’s and adolescent problems. It destroys the personality of both the teacher and the student.

In Russian, the words “right” and “truth” have the same root. Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, Minister of Education, should know this both as a humanitarian and as a believer. I would really like to hope that she will want to clean out these Augean stables. Otherwise I would advise Russian citizens teach children at home.

Marina Balueva


Protect rights Teachers will be helped by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Criminal, Civil and Labor of the Russian Federation. You will easily resist illegal actions of both management and parents if you know your rights.

Gently and tactfully, relying on labor legislation, suppress any attempts to impose additional responsibilities on you. Try to avoid verbal decisions and promises, put all your decisions in writing, and if possible, keep copies of them. If the director or forces you to take it, please note to your superiors that Decree No. 854 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 gives you the right to refuse it for both personal and professional reasons.

If you are insulted by one of the students or parents of students, then, guided by Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, you have the right to file a claim for the protection of honor and dignity. As a compromise in this situation, you can accept a public apology from the offender.

If the parents of your students spread knowingly false or extremely distorted information about you that prophesies you, then you can defend your rights in court. The law (namely Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is on your side.

But remember that before filing a claim, you should try to resolve the problem peacefully. If you fail, warn the potential defendant that you are going to sue him. This is unlikely to have an effect on pathologically unbalanced individuals, but a person who values ​​his career and reputation can go to peace.

Also consider the possibility of filing a counterclaim alleging the illegality of your actions. The most common reason is improper performance of official duties (biased grading, violation of child rights, etc.). In order to weigh the pros and cons, consult with.

Article 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) establishes certain ways protection of civil rights individuals– citizens, and legal entities – organizations:


Confession rights. This method is implemented by filing a claim in court. For example, if necessary, recognize the right of ownership of a thing, property that arose due to acquisitive prescription (234 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Restoring the situation that existed before the violation rights, and suppression of actions that violate the right or create a threat of its violation. For example, the violated right to a land plot is subject to restoration in the event of unauthorized occupation of the land plot (Article 60 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation - Land Code of the Russian Federation). The same article of the RF Land Code establishes that actions that violate rights on the land of citizens and legal entities or violations that create a threat, can be suppressed by suspending industrial, civil, residential and other construction, as well as in other ways specified in the article.

Recognizing a contested transaction as invalid and applying the consequences of its invalidity; application of the consequences of invalidity of a void transaction. This method of protecting civil rights is carried out in court. An interested party specified by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has the right to apply to the court for recognition of the transaction as invalid on the grounds established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For example, when a person’s authority to carry out a transaction is limited by an agreement, and when making a transaction the person went beyond these restrictions, the court may recognize. A person in whose interests the restrictions have been established may file a claim for this in cases where it is proven that the other party to the transaction knew or should have known about these restrictions (Article 174 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Transactions, the invalidity of which must be established in court, are voidable. Transactions that are invalid regardless of whether they are recognized as such by the court are called void (Article 166 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). A claim to apply the consequences of a void transaction may be brought to court by any interested party. The court can also apply such consequences on its own initiative.

Invalidation of an act government agency or organ local government. Not normative act state body, local government body, and in cases established by law, also a normative act that does not comply with the law, other legal acts and violating civil rights and legitimate interests of a citizen (or legal entity), may be invalidated by the court. In this case, the violated right is subject to restoration or protection by other means provided for in Article 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 13 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Self-defense rights. In other words, the law recognizes a person’s right to protect their rights. So, for example, if the owner of a garden plot discovers that a neighbor has erected one that enters his territory, he can dismantle such a fence from the territory of his plot at any time. At the same time, as Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides, methods of self-defense must be proportionate to the violation and not go beyond the actions necessary to suppress it. That is, if the same neighbor, for example, sorts things out with the offender with his fists and causes him bodily harm, he will exceed the permissible limits of self-defense rights.

Awards to perform duties in kind. Here we are talking about those cases when, as opposed to monetary compensation, the court imposes on the defendant to perform a certain action in favor of the plaintiff; often this method of protection is associated with the transfer of an individually defined thing (a specific plot of land, a painting by a famous artist) that is valuable to the plaintiff .

Compensation for losses and 8) collection of penalties. These methods of protection can be implemented by a person both with the help of the court and out of court. For example, a person who is a party to an agreement may demand from the other party compensation for losses and the collection of penalties in cases provided for by the agreement, in a claim procedure.

Very often, in order to restore justice, citizens have to seek assistance from government and non-government organizations, initiating their human rights activities. There is also the opportunity to protect your rights by filing a complaint or petition to the management of the institution whose employees violate these rights. It is advisable to resort to the help of specialized human rights procedure


Determine the average daily salary of a teacher, then multiply it by the number of days on vacation. With a fully worked out billing period of 12 calendar months it is necessary to divide the salary accrued for the billing period by the average monthly amount calendar days to calculate your average daily earnings.

Usually the number 29.4 is taken as the average number of days in a month. Depending on the type educational institution, the name of the employee’s position and other factors, the duration of annual paid leave for teachers can range from 42 to 56 calendar days.

When calculating average earnings, take into account all payments provided for by the state legislative system in this area. It is necessary to take into account the salaries accrued to teachers based on their salaries; salaries of teachers in secondary and primary institutions vocational education; additional payment for teaching hours in excess of the established annual teaching load; additional payments and bonuses to official salaries for length of service, professional excellence, academic degree or title, combination of positions, class management, as well as provided bonuses and rewards. In addition, include in the calculation of average earnings an additional payment for checking written work, the regional coefficient and the management of classrooms (workshops, laboratories).

Child's rights

At birth, a child has legal capacity under civil law, that is, he has the right to receive a first name, surname and patronymic, and also has the right to live and be raised in a family, knowing parents who will protect his rights and legitimate interests.

You can open a bank account in the child's name.

At the age of one and a half years, a child has the right to attend a nursery. Upon reaching three years of age he can go to kindergarten. At the age of six, a child has the right to go to school and enter into small household transactions that do not require notarization.

Upon reaching ten years of age, a citizen may give consent to change his first or last name; can express his opinion about which parent he wants to live with in the event of a divorce in court.

Upon reaching fourteen years of age, a child has the right to work in places specially designated for this purpose, manage his own earnings, and much more.

At the age of fifteen, a child can get a job. At the age of 16, a minor can get married with the permission of local governments and if available.

Methods of protecting children's rights

First of all, it should be noted that the rights of the child can be protected in any way, which in turn is not by law. Even a child can try to defend his rights on his own.

In Russia, there is a right of a minor to be represented by a lawyer. The most universal way to protect children's rights is to seek help from qualified human rights organizations.

When asking whether a child whose rights have been violated can force the offender to stop violating his rights or restore the violated rights, without resorting to seeking help from law enforcement agencies or the court, know that this is possible. This action is defined as self-defense of civil rights.

This opportunity is provided to every person, but the method of self-defense itself, first of all, must be proportionate to the violation and in no case go beyond the limits of the actions taken to stop the violation.

It is often difficult to draw the line that separates self-defense of civil rights and the beginning of self-government. Distinctive feature arbitrariness is that the child begins to act, violating the order established by any law.

It should be noted that often the judicial procedure protects the rights of the child at a civilized level. But during legal proceedings, one must act in accordance with established laws.

Video on the topic

“...Intimidates children and parents, has psychological pressure... I demand that the teacher be punished for rudeness, cruelty, licentiousness, and bad manners.”

Such complaints were received by the administration of the institution and the department of education. The investigation did not confirm anything, but the residue remained...

In order not to harm the heroine even more, we will not indicate the names and specific place in Yamal where this depressing story unfolded. It was a matter of primary school, in a correctional class. It is a rare case when an experienced teacher with many credentials took on teaching not child prodigies, but children with problems. Colleagues describe her only with positive side, there is support from parents and students, even former ones. But no one can influence the situation...

This is the first time in my life,” the pretty woman complains. - So many insults, outright lies addressed to me... and a feeling of absolute helplessness...

This is my first and favorite teacher, the only one whose birthday I still remember,” says 26-year-old Alla. - A sensitive and responsive person, in any situation he finds the right and correct words for everyone. For us, she has always been a second mother, to whom we turned for advice and support even after school. The children she teaches are very lucky, and so are their parents.

She is demanding, but fair, my child has never complained about her,” says the mother, whose son is now studying with the teacher. - At the meeting we discussed the current situation, all parents are ready to sign any papers to protect our teacher.

The Education Law formally equalizes the rights of all participants in the educational process. But if there is always an opportunity to punish a negligent employee, then there are few ways to protect a worthy person from unfounded attacks. Well, parents will collect signatures, colleagues will hold conversations in their classes, someone will speak in the media. To truly rehabilitate the slandered teacher, all that remains is to go to court. But how often do teachers do this?..

In search of precedents, I turn to the almighty Internet. Alas, there are no examples. It is not customary to wash dirty linen in public or people do not trust the judicial system - one can only guess.

In 2014, the State Duma discussed a bill to protect teachers. Opponents of innovation argued their position by saying that the root of evil lies in the sociocultural sphere, prohibitions and punishments will not help, they say, the younger generation needs to be educated. Gradually the controversy subsided, and that was the end of it.

Meanwhile, the Network is swelling with the number of messages and videos in which students mock teachers, publicly insult them, threaten them, and beat them. Yamal was no exception: let’s remember last year’s events in Gyda. There the culprit was punished, but not for beating the teacher, but for robbing another person...

The recent massacre in Perm and Ulan-Ude showed how defenseless teachers and children are from crushing rage and aggression, and how scary it is when one person loses control of himself. High-profile incidents at school are somewhat similar to family massacres - just as merciless and brutal. Probably because they do not arise suddenly, not by accident. Negative emotions, anger, irritation and protest accumulate over months, years, decades. And they explode, sweeping away everything in their path...

The bloodiest dramas took place in American schools. There, among other measures, they tightened security systems and strengthened control over Internet access. But the criminals now have imitators. And there were even more victims. It turns out that old tragedies teach practically nothing? We have not yet learned to recognize aggression in the bud, to find where it is subtle, to understand where it breaks out, and whose hands are already reaching for an ax...

Everyone demands very, very much from a teacher today: to prepare people of the future, to give knowledge, to teach them to think, to educate them, to notice everything and to help. And so that he doesn’t allow himself any rods, like before the revolution, or a raised tone. And I didn’t bother my parents in vain. There he is one for everyone and against all troubles.


In one of the Yamal public pages, “KS” organized a survey, in which more than 360 people had already participated until yesterday.

Of these, almost 80 percent agree that teachers have few rights and need protection, including at the legislative level. Almost every fifth person believes that teachers are not in danger, and that they themselves are to blame for their problems.

Why do teachers allow themselves to be treated this way? - asks one of the participants in the discussion. - After all, you can throw the boor out the door, or raise him and the whole class at the same time if they interfere with the lesson! Finally call your parents!

Let's figure it out. Can a teacher kick a student out of class? The documents say nothing about this, but something else is clearly stated. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to education. The main law of the country guarantees its general availability. Therefore, if a teacher kicks a student out of class, he is interfering with his education, thereby violating the rights of a citizen. And this is already a reason for a complaint or going to court. Moreover, if something happens to the child at this time, or he himself commits an offense, the teacher faces liability, including criminal liability. If you take away a phone, tablet, or anything else that interferes with the assimilation of the material, this is an open theft of someone else’s property, that is, robbery. If he took away the note, he would be accused of invading privacy: everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, etc. This is written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Children are no exception. Complainants know this well. At the same time, parents often allow themselves to make unflattering statements about the school and its employees in the presence of their children.

Or here's the situation. The children go home and watch the picture: teachers, armed with rakes and brooms, are cleaning the school yard. High school students make caustic jokes. At the meeting I wonder why children do not participate in cleanup days, general cleaning class and school. The answer is astonishing: “We have no right to attract them”... The fundamental works of great teachers have been scrapped. Where does respect come from? And what feelings and beliefs of children should educators appeal to?

Why don’t I allow my child to be rude at home and interfere with my work? The teacher must take action himself. After all, often they don’t even write in the diary that the child was playing around or disrupting the lesson, much less behaved incorrectly towards the teacher,” another participant enters into the dialogue.

So maybe it's time to put cameras in classrooms? I am interested in my child behaving appropriately and receiving quality knowledge. And I wouldn’t be distracted by those children who don’t want to study. There is a video recording - it is discussed at the teachers' council, the parents are called and the issue of further education of their child is decided. It would be great! - suggests another parent.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself: organize educational process so that everyone is happy and protected is hardly possible. But for the sake of safety, it is necessary to make some restrictions on personal freedom, strengthen security, and, accordingly, tighten access and movement around the school. And stay vigilant.

“After graduating from the pedagogical institute, I came to work at the same school where I once studied. Now mine former teachers- My colleagues. At first I was embarrassed by them and could not get rid of the student complex for several years. Out of habit, I listened to them and automatically stood up when they appeared. These women continued to seem omnipotent to me. But very soon I realized that I was wrong.” A school math teacher told Mel why one can only sympathize with teachers.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

The work of a teacher has never been easy. This is working with people who are in the process of becoming: they are active, noisy, sometimes pugnacious, sometimes lazy, sometimes rude. But in general - unpredictable. I, a representative of the new generation of teachers, consider respect for the teaching profession to be one of the advantages of the Soviet school. Respect is not servility. The teacher felt the right to change something, influence something and, strange as it may sound, teach something.

Today, the teacher's capabilities are fictitious. In reality, a teacher is an absolutely powerless and unprotected being. Permissiveness on the part of students, disrespect on the part of parents and exorbitant demands on the part of management are not the most Better conditions in order to enthusiastically engage in teaching activities.

In today's school it is difficult not only for the “old guard”, but also for the young ones. We simply have a supply of physical and mental strength more, and there is something to switch to outside the school threshold. Although I will say about myself that when you come home after eight or nine hours of work, you have only one desire: to fall and sleep for two days.

I’m writing this text and foreseeing comments: “Let the old guys retire, no one is keeping them.” Or: “You yourself chose this profession.” Or: “He who comes to work by calling does not complain.” Listen, but is it really a crime to want better (human) working conditions for yourself? You can, but we can’t?

As a math teacher, I can’t help but dilute my emotions with specific facts and I’ll start with the simple and obvious.

1. The introduction of electronic journals promised to free all teachers from paperwork

Perhaps this happened in some very top schools. Our regular paperwork has doubled, as have all sorts of events that require paper reporting. In addition to the electronic journal, there is also a (quality education assessment system), where final grades are given by trimester and where tests for the year are entered with full analysis. It's a hell of a job! And try not to turn it in on time.

Electronic journals work in top schools; in ordinary schools there is still paper reporting

In ordinary schools, paper diaries remain. As before, we are required to collect them on Fridays and check them over the weekend. The fact that our school staff managed to do this once every two weeks is our great victory. After all, no one has canceled tyrant directors. We are constantly reprimanded at teacher councils for the delay in this reporting, which inevitably affects small incentive payments, which are extremely rare in our school.

2. “People” cannot forgive teachers for long vacations

Now I will explain why the passions around this are greatly exaggerated. Teachers often go to work on Saturday and Sunday. For example, on the day of some kind of Olympics or a trip with the class on an excursion. For this you are entitled to a day off. Believe me, in my 20 years of teaching school, I've only used a couple of them twice!

Each time they explain to us with reason that now is not the time to take time off (and at school it is always “not the time”). Right now I have accumulated ten days off. And literally in 11 days they will burn out, because it will come New Year. Didn't use it. In general, everything is relative.

3. Teachers are constantly accused of coaching students to pass the Unified State Exam.

How many times did moms and dads come to me (almost with a gun) and ask me to stop this disgrace. It is impossible to explain to parents who are far from education that the content of the program does not fully correspond to the content of the exam and that many students require at least twice as many hours. You also cannot explain to them that not only the school’s rating, but also the evaluation of the teacher’s work still depends on exam results.

I am a very responsible teacher. Since I am writing anonymously, I can praise myself. I am one of those people who will sit at school until the night and explain misunderstood material to a child. I'm used to the lack of praise. But I don’t want to be scolded in vain.

Parents often accuse teachers of putting too much pressure on their children to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

4. Teachers can be fired for any reason and without a whistle.

For example, if his views do not coincide with the views of his superiors. Recently, we politely removed a teacher who was indignant that every week cool watch priests come to our school and talk about something with the children, turning family theme into a farce. In fact, we all think so. But he was thinking too loudly.

5. Teachers can be fired at the first request of a high-ranking parent.

Over 20 years, I remember at least three cases when teachers were brought to nervous exhaustion and were left with no choice. It’s difficult to list the reasons, because it’s more of a long tail of false reasons. Most often, the reason was that the teacher prevented the child from being an excellent student and gave honest grades. And my friend was fired three years ago because during a break near her office the girl slipped, fell and broke her arm. The director felt that removing the teacher was the best way out of the situation.

And now the most egregious example of dismissal. During exams, teachers are forced to sit still. Although this is not included job responsibilities. They threaten with administrative and criminal liability and tell how “in some school the teacher did not notice that the child had cheated, but the camera recorded it, and the teacher was fired. And in another school they awarded those who were too responsible with a bonus, paying 32,000.” That is, if you “passed” the child - a bonus, if you didn’t “pass” - you’ll be fired!

6. It’s no secret that there are a lot of difficult children at school.

Nowadays it is not customary to talk about this; we are all proud of inclusion (which is a complete fiction, except for the external surroundings). If “out of the ordinary” situations occur during lessons, when a student, say, spits at the teacher and children, throws books, swears, the teacher writes a report. In theory, the school has the right to go with this report to the parents, and then to the commissioner for minors or the prosecutor’s office with a demand to influence the mother, or to a specialist who can eliminate or detect the problem mental properties. And so on. But in 99% of cases, the school principal will not wash dirty linen in public. After all, this is fraught with penalty points, deprivation of bonuses, funds for the needs of the school and, of course, a fall in the ranking. Therefore, the director invites the teacher to “find an approach to the child” and hints that otherwise he is unprofessional and has no place at school. All this against the backdrop of papers, certifications, concerts, Olympiads, exams and other things.

There are many problem children at school, problems with which the school administration is in no hurry to solve

7. Teachers are constantly threatened with legal action

And often the children themselves. I took a stern look and I'll take you to court! I asked you to complete the task - I’ll take you to court! How strongly this reveals a lack of upbringing, and first of all, of the children’s parents.

8. There are rarely normal relationships between teachers themselves.

We are all “neither friend nor enemy, but so.” Making friends is dangerous. Today there is friendship, and tomorrow (God forbid, Sidorova is in some ways better than Ivanova) - schadenfreude and slander in the teachers' lounge. But I found a simple explanation for this: teachers are a priori offended people. They constantly expect a stab in the back (from their boss, third-party authorities, children, parents) and defend themselves with the most in an accessible way. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of teachers. Rather, they should be pitied. However, pity humiliates (and how much more?). So, sympathize.

Photo: iStockphoto (Wavebreakmedia), mos.ru

The story with Ilya Kolmanovsky exposed an old and long-standing sore - the situation of teachers in Russia, which completely depends on the will of the school administration.

A teacher in Russia is low-income and phenomenally powerless: his personal capabilities are incredibly small, he cannot even fight the obvious excesses in school curriculum. Add to this the need to fill out various amounts of unnecessary documentation and reporting - and you get incredible ease in manipulating teachers.

The teacher actually has no right to participate in political life country, because if the administration found out, it could be a clear cause for resentment on its part.

(I am lucky that the management of the Golden Section, where I work, treats my opposition to my activities with understanding. But this is also because, as has been repeatedly verified, I never engage in political propaganda. I give only literature of the 19th-20th centuries.)

At the same time, professional solidarity in the teaching stratum is also low - we do not have a clear movement of teachers to protect school education, there is no party of teachers, although work has been going on for a long time to create one. The reason is still the same - lack of rights and humility .

Teachers do not feel protected and think: I’ll join the party, and the director will say: “What kind of party activity am I doing here? Your business is “a horse carrying a cart of brushwood.”

As a result, teachers without a worldview work in schools, which is a complete absurdity, since it is the teacher’s worldview that is the grid of coordinates in which he places educational materials. It is impossible, without convictions, to teach either history, or the history of religion, or the history of science, which Kolmanovsky teaches, and even more so to engage in the popularization of science. I’m generally silent about literature, because Russian literature has always been ideological . And if the teacher does not have his own point of view on the main issues of our time, what will he teach the student?

But this doesn't seem to bother anyone: Today in Russia, a teacher can be kicked out only because his views do not coincide with the views of his superiors. Meanwhile, teachers in Russia at all times were forward detachment wrestlers, they were always progressive, gave children a range of opinions, taught them to think. Suffice it to recall Alexandra Brushtein’s novel “The Road Goes Away,” Marshak’s autobiographical novel about his high school years, or “Conduit and Shvambraniya” by Lev Kassil. And children love precisely those teachers who talk to them about daily matters.

As for the reason for this story, I personally don’t really understand why the gay movement has become such a focus of attention today. And here, rather, I agree with Artemy Troitsky, who is convinced that this story is a smokescreen designed to distract attention from the serious and unpleasant economic changes that, in all likelihood, will remain in the shadows while everyone argues about gays.

But this is not the main problem in Russia today, because in Russia there is no tolerance for anything at all - not just for gays. The problem is that in our country it is difficult to be different in any way, not even from the masses (the masses are varied and diverse), but from the type imposed from above. And we understand perfectly well what this type looks like - an autocratic-Orthodox-people's fanatic of the current government. Everyone should be like this. And also to give birth more. Although what these newborns should do here and what their future fate will be is not clear.

It is clear that the law, despite all its senselessness, will be adopted, and homophobic sentiments will grow in society.

But it is also clear that a teacher has the right, in his free time from work, to go to any pickets that correspond to his convictions. There is nothing illegal about this. Moreover, if the teacher has good professional indicators: the children have good academic performance and demonstrate knowledge of the material (and this is always easy to check by giving the students test or by coming with a commission to his lessons).

The same commission can check what he says in his lessons, what he teaches children . And believe me, if he had “said something wrong,” the children would have definitely reported on him. Because even among very good children in an elite school there is always one informer who really likes to be invulnerable and thus control the teacher .

(There is a widely known case where a boy who received a bad grade slandered a teacher, calling him a pedophile, after which they spent two years sorting it out. Thank God, they sorted it out.) So, if Kolmanovsky had done something wrong, it would have been discussed already known. But there are no professional complaints about him, he works well, which means , in his free time from school, acting strictly within the framework of the Constitution, he is free to do absolutely anything: go to rallies, watch certain films, get married and get divorced, because this is all his personal business and has nothing to do with his profession.

There is no need to worry about Kolmanovsky: such teachers, with such a background, do not lie on the road. I am sure that there will be a brave director who will call him to work. And the school in which he will work as a result will benefit: as Benya Krik said, “the cause that I stick to will only win ». But about other teachers who are afraid to express any of their opinions to the children - “what if the authorities are unhappy?” - I would worry. Because as a result, instead of searching and thinking people, we will get children filled with not the best kind of propaganda.

Dmitry Bykov

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