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Remarkable foros. Beautiful Foros: the most elegant holiday in Crimea

Greece is a country in Southern Europe. Greece attracts a surprising number of tourists from almost every corner of the world. Every tourist gets the opportunity to fully enjoy the picturesque atmosphere, ancient architecture, and museum centers.

Each attraction reveals interesting facets of the history and culture of the state. It is not surprising that Greece is considered one of the most popular and attractive countries in Europe not only for beginners, but also for experienced travelers.

Knossos Palace, Crete

The Palace of Knossos is one of the most famous attractions of Crete. According to Greek legends, King Minos built an amazing palace complex in order to hide the betrayal of his wife, who gave birth to the Minotaur from a sacred bull. It is believed that the Minotaur was killed by Theseus, who managed to successfully overcome the palace labyrinths.

Tourists can appreciate the amazing halls designed in the form of a labyrinth. In addition, the palace complex is distinguished by frescoes and drawings on the walls, thanks to which you can get acquainted with the Minotaur and the sacred bull. The palace formerly contained thousands of rooms, but now fewer rooms are available to travelers.

Spinalonga represents the remaining landmass. Previously, the ancient city of Olus was located on this land, which went under water after earthquakes. However, in the 1960s, excavations were carried out that made it possible to find traces of a lost civilization. The main attractions were ancient windmills and an early Christian basilica.

The island of Spinalonga attracts many travelers due to its amazing atmosphere. Tourism flourished after 1955.

Greek legends say that it was in this amazing cave that Zeus, the son of Rhea and Kronos, was born. Subsequently, Zeus grew up here. No wonder that long time Sacrifices were performed in the cave, as evidenced by valuable objects found during archaeological excavations.

A special sanctuary was even created here in honor of Zeus. This fact is confirmed by various objects that were found during the excavations.

Nowadays, tourists who are willing to overcome the steep climb can visit this cave. The cave surprises with numerous stalactites and stalagmites, and a beautiful underground lake. Every traveler can be convinced that the beauty of the cave can truly enchant.

The ancient fortress was built in the 15th century. Initially, it seemed that the object was particularly powerful. However, in the next century, the fortress still could not withstand the attack of the Turks. After this, the Rhodes Fortress served the Turks from 1523 to 1912. Only in 1912 the island of Rhodes was captured by Italy, and in 1947 it passed to Greece.

The walls of the fortress are still distinguished by the presence of traces of cannonballs. Despite this fact, many travelers may appreciate good condition sights and think about the meaning and importance of history. The Rhodes Fortress is a must see when traveling to Greece.

Balos Bay, Crete

Balos Bay is truly a nice place northwestern part of Crete. Here the coast is washed by the Aegean, Libyan and Ionian seas. You can get to Balos by car, but it is better to go by ship. Travelers can enjoy truly picturesque nature and a delightful wild beach. It should be noted that this area offers truly charming facets of Greek nature.

Oia is one of the most beautiful Greek cities. Oia is distinguished by its white architecture, which evokes a special impression. Travelers can see old mills, houses with stairs, arches and domes. It is interesting to note that the city is located almost on the edge of an abyss, but at the same time it attracts a large number of tourists.

Unfortunately, Oia was destroyed by an earthquake in 1956, but after that the city was restored to its original form. During your walk, you can enjoy ancient architecture, souvenir and jewelry shops, and picturesque landscapes. If you wish, you can visit the Venetian Castle, as well as the Naval Museum.

The Acropolis in Athens is one of the most important architectural monuments in all of Greece. In ancient times, the Acropolis was decorated with numerous sculptures emphasizing the grandeur of the building. However, an important facility was damaged by shells, earthquakes, external factors. The Greek authorities carried out restoration measures several times, thanks to which the Acropolis is considered a truly significant landmark of Athens.

Valley of the Butterflies, Rhodes

The Valley of the Butterflies is a truly beautiful place in Greece. Winding streams and lush vegetation attract many travelers. In addition, various butterflies live here, surprising with their beauty. You need to understand that butterflies can be scared away with amazing ease, so you won’t be able to enjoy their tranquility. There are cozy cafes and souvenir shops in the valley.

Church of Saint Titus, Heraklion

The ancient church combines decorative elements of two cultures at once, namely Eastern and Western. The rich history of Heraklion is captured within the walls of the temple. In addition, tourists can not only enjoy the special architectural design and unusual implementation of decorative elements, the amazing atmosphere, but also the religiosity of the attraction.

Among the most important relics kept in the church is the skull of St. Titus. It is not surprising that tourists planning a trip to Heraklion try to visit the Church of St. Titus.

Church of Saint Spyridon, Corfu, Kerkyra

The church was built back in 1590. The religious monastery is a worthy example of the architectural style that is traditional for the Ionian Islands of Greece. The ancient church was initially clearly influenced by medieval Italian architecture. It should be noted that the most noticeable elements are the ceiling and the iconostasis. Every tourist can appreciate the Church of St. Spyridon.

Sianna is a small mountain village. It is here that the production of Rhodes honey, distinguished by its impeccable taste and amazing aroma, has been successfully established.

On the way to the village, amazing panoramas of the coast and nearby small Greek islands open up. In the settlement itself there is a medieval temple consecrated in honor of St. Panteleimon. If desired, tourists can visit small shops to buy souvenirs and delicious honey.

Lindos Bay is one of the most beautiful places in all of Greece. The bay is a large bay, which is closed by rocks from the large waves of the Aegean Sea.

On the coast, not far from the bay, there is a hill from which truly stunning panoramas open up. Many travelers can actually enjoy beach holiday and sea swimming in this bay.

Kritinia, Rhodes

The ancient Venetian castle is considered one of the most important attractions in Greece. The castle-fort was built by the Knights of the Order of St. John. It should be noted that the complex is located in a place where there is a decent view of the sea and from where you can easily control the enemy sides.

It is important to note that by now the castle has been practically destroyed and only the walls have been preserved, but the coats of arms of the two Grand Masters can still be seen above the entrance. Here you can also see the ruins of a Byzantine church. Greek authorities plan to restore the castle over time.

The palace complex is located near the city of Kerkyra. The building was designed taking into account the best principles of Platonic romanticism. It should be noted that today tourists can still appreciate the grace of forms, inlaid furniture, and imperial gardens. In addition, there are truly beautiful views of the valleys and the Ionian Sea. Today, the palace complex houses a museum dedicated to art.

Monastery of Preveli, Crete

The monastery complex is located in the southern part of the coast of Crete. This religious monastery has two levels: the lower and upper parts. Moreover, the lower part is dedicated to John the Baptist, the upper part to John the Theologian. The lower part of the monastery complex is a famous landmark.

The Preveli Monastery suffered many times from Turkish raids and bombings during World War II. Despite this, the destroyed monastery buildings were restored many times. Now tourists can appreciate the uniqueness of the religious monastery. There is a successful museum at the Preveli Monastery, where valuable objects of church art are displayed.

Fortress of St. Nicholas, Rhodes

The fortress is an ancient military fort in the city of Rhodes. Nowadays, the fortress is considered an important historical and architectural monument. In addition, the object currently serves as a lighthouse.

The fortress of St. Nicholas was built in 1467. Initially, the object performed its functions perfectly. However, in the 16th century it was necessary to further strengthen the fort: modernize the walls, create a moat. It is in its improved form that the fortress has survived to this day.

The Kastalian spring is one of the most famous Delphic shrines in Greece. It is here that many people can enjoy the unusual and peaceful atmosphere. The Kastalsky spring is located at the foot of the rock, in which niches are carved for gifts from pilgrims. This is where all travelers should visit.

Giola Lagoon is located on the Greek island of Thassos. There is a natural reservoir with clean and warm water, separated from the sea only by a 2-meter stone barrier. Many travelers try to visit this corner of Greece in order to understand how attractive nature can be and how you can enjoy swimming in a cozy lagoon.

Greece is a country that will give positive emotions to every traveler.

The ancient and majestic architectural monuments of Hellas can tell a lot about the events, the history of these lands and the glorious exploits of its heroes. Now Greece is one of the favorite holiday destinations not only among our compatriots, but also among tourists from all over the world. We'll tell you about eight of the most important and impressive sights of Ancient Greece, and why they should be included in your list of places you should definitely see when traveling around the country.

Acropolis of Athens

One of the main attractions business card country and the material embodiment of the achievements of Greek civilization is the Acropolis, which is a rocky hill 156 meters high with a flat top. It was the residence of the king and the clergy; many temples were once erected on the territory, in which sacrifices were made to the gods and prayers were offered to them. The first buildings appeared here in archaic times.

Now the Acropolis is a Mecca for tourists; time here seems to have frozen in the impeccable beauty and grace of architectural forms. Many attractions of Ancient Greece are concentrated in this place: the Parthenon, the statue of Athena Promachos, Arreforion, Chalkoteka, Hekatompedon, Propylaea, etc.

In their reviews, travelers describe the Acropolis in literally two words: magnificent and delightful. They recommend devoting the whole day to exploring the hill and waiting for sunset - the most picturesque and mesmerizing time of the day.


In the past, it was a city and a pan-Greek religious center with an oracle and a temple of Apollo, and now an extensive archaeological reserve. Ruin ancient city are located 9.5 km from the Gulf of Corinth on the slope of Mount Parnassus. This place is another complex that unites several outstanding attractions of Ancient Greece: the temple of Apollo, the temple of Athena Pronaia, an amphitheater and stadium, and an ancient gymnasium.

Once upon a time, the Greeks hurried to Delphi to find out what awaited them in the future and to unquestioningly follow the will of the gods. Now thousands of tourists flock here every year to enjoy the picturesque views and majestic architecture.

Knossos palace

It is impossible not to include in the list of the main attractions of Ancient Greece the masterpiece of Cretan architecture - the Palace of Knossos. The first mentions of it date back to the second millennium BC, it is the same age as Stonehenge and Egyptian pyramids. It is located near Heraklion, just 4 km from the coast of the Cretan Sea.

The Palace of Knossos is complex system from premises with a total area of ​​20 thousand m2. It was built from several types of stone. In ancient times, it had several floors and was a complex labyrinth consisting of living quarters, warehouses, kitchens, workshops, bathrooms, etc.

More than one legend is associated with the palace. According to legend, it was owned by the son of Zeus and Europe - Minos. It was here that the Athenian hero Theseus killed the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne's thread.

Burial in Vergina

Of all the attractions of Ancient Greece, this is perhaps the most unusual. In Central Macedonia there is a small town called Vergina with a population of about two thousand people. His modern history began in 1922. Perhaps it would have remained an unknown settlement if in 1977 the rich burial of the Macedonian king Philip II, father, had not been discovered here Alexander the Great. In addition to his grave, two more were discovered. One of them contains unidentified remains, and the second, according to scientists, belongs to the son of A. Macedonian.

Magnificent frescoes, rich funeral gifts - all this, according to tourists, is in excellent condition and does not leave any visitor indifferent.

Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion

Since ancient times, Sounion has been the seat of two cults - Poseidon and Athena, who have always fought for the right to possess Attica. The Olympian gods were worshiped, and temples in their honor are not uncommon, so sometimes there is confusion about their location and names. The sights of Ancient Greece are varied and amazing, but the sanctuary of Poseidon on Cape Sounion, built in 490 BC. e., is impressive in its scale. Only the Doric marble columns have been well preserved to this day, but even they give an idea of ​​the size of the temple.

In addition to the exceptional historical value of the place, tourists celebrate the unusually beautiful sunsets on the cape.

Theater in Epidaurus

The ancient Greek city of Epidaurus in the north-east of the Peloponnese is famous primarily for its theater, which stands out from the rest with its exceptional beauty and acoustics. It was built in 340-330. BC e. for the entertainment of noble residents of the asklepion and accommodated more than 15 thousand people. It is believed that of all the ancient Greek theaters, this one has been preserved almost in its original form. To this day, festivals and concerts are held on its stage.

Travelers call it grandiose even by modern standards. In their reviews, they recommend planning a visit to the theater in July-August. During this period, performances are held there as part of the Greek Festival.


Do you dream of seeing the place where you were born? Olympic Games? Then head to the ancient Greek Olympia - one of the largest sanctuaries in the Peloponnese. The city was built in honor of Zeus himself. Today it is an archaeological reserve with the ruins of the temples of Hera and Zeus, the ruins of early Christian basilicas, an ancient hippodrome and stadium. In total, the sanctuary includes 33 objects. It is here that the Olympic flame is lit, which is then delivered to the opening of the next Olympic Games.

In reviews, tourists compare Olympia in scale and splendor with Acropolis of Athens and they recommend planning your visit not for a couple of hours, but for the whole day.

Temple of Hephaestus in Athens

Hephaestus is ancient Greek god-blacksmith, patron of crafts. It is quite logical that his sanctuary should have special beauty and power. Temple located on the northwestern side of the Athens agora Doric order, dedicated to Hephaestus, it has been preserved better than all other ancient buildings. It was built in 449-415. BC e.

Travelers emphasize that Greece and its main attractions are, first of all, ancient temples. When visiting the capital of the country, you cannot pass by this austere and majestic building. The Temple of Hephaestus seems to have been carved out of a single block of stone.

Ancient Greek temples, acropolises, ruins and burials - all this mysteriously attracts people after thousands of years. Some of them appear on postcards and covers of guidebooks, while others are unfairly neglected. Majestic, beautiful, unique. Sometimes many of them defy description. The sights of Greece are not only monuments of national history, but also sources of information about how the ancient world lived and how it developed.

Greece is a favorite destination for travelers from all over the world due to its ancient history and magnificent nature

Greece is a favorite destination for travelers from all over the world due to its ancient history, magnificent nature, numerous islands and warm sea. Millions of tourists visit the country every year, bringing considerable profits to the country. In return, they receive amazing opportunities for recreation and entertainment. If you are heading on a trip now, this selection contains the top 20 best attractions in Greece that are worth visiting. Choose the most interesting ones among them and plan your tour in advance.


Nestled in the Aegean Sea, Santorini is a beautiful Greek island approximately 200 km southeast of the mainland. With its picturesque landscapes and unique attractions, the island's main industry is tourism, which reaches its peak during the summer. One of the most interesting facts about Santorini and the archipelago is that it is the remains of an ancient volcanic island. After a huge eruption, the current volcanic caldera and a huge central lagoon were formed.

Also known as Thira, Santorini attracts tourists with its famous dramatic landscapes, breathtaking sunsets (especially from the town of Oia), and still active volcano in the city of Tire. Santorini's beaches are amazing, ranging from bright white to red and even black (Kamari Pebble Beach). But if you only have time for one beach, then Perissa is worth visiting for its tranquil natural beauty. Some of the best resorts in Greece are located on Santorini.

Gulf of Corinth

One of the many natural attractions of Greece, the Gulf of Corinth, separates the mainland from the Peloponnese island. Numerous shipping routes pass through this huge body of water (130 km), with exciting ferry excursions and tours. There are two most famous attractions associated with this bay. The first is the beautiful, straight and narrow Corinth Canal with high walls on each side, and the second is the longest cable-stayed bridge in Europe called Rio Antirio.


The fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and the largest island of Greece is Crete. It is also the place where the Minoan Western European civilization began. Crete is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Greece. Any traveler will find something here to suit his taste, from luxury hotels to much more available funds for camping.

Among Crete's outstanding sites are the spectacular Minoan archaeological sites, Europe's largest natural palm forest on Vai beach, the Venetian castle of Rethymnon, the port and Old city Chania, the spectacular Samaria Gorge and a range of beautiful island beaches. The rich culture of Crete and the warm hospitality of its people will make you feel cozy and comfortable. Vibrant capital cities, rugged mountain landscapes, tranquil villages and warm turquoise waters await guests.

Panathinaikos Stadium

Built entirely from white marble, Panathinaikos Stadium is a breathtaking architectural landmark in Greece. Sporting events are often held here, but the stadium looks even more majestic when empty. This is the only largest stadium in the world that is made entirely of white marble. Having been reconstructed from the remains of an ancient Greek stadium, Panathinaikos is one of the oldest stadiums in the world. While in Athens, you will be able to witness the stadium in all its majesty.


Perched on a rocky outcrop above historical center Athens, the Acropolis is the most important architectural wonder ancient Greece and the main attraction of Athens. Buildings of great cultural and historical importance await you here. Most significant of all is the famous Parthenon, the historic temple of Athena (the patroness of the city that still bears her name), whose construction began back in 447 BC. A visit to Athens would not be complete without a “pilgrimage” to the Acropolis. You should also visit the Temple of Athena Nike, the ancient gate to the Acropolis, the Theater of Dionysus, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus (still used today for games and musical events), and New Museum Acropolis.

Vikos Gorge

At approximately 20 kilometers long, the Vikos Gorge is breathtaking. The Guinness Book of Records calls it the deepest gorge in the world, with a depth of 490 meters. It is located in the Vikos-Aoos National Park on the southern side of the Pindus Mountains. This is a national monument of Greece that will be of interest to any nature lover. Here you can find rare flowers and other plants, more than 110 species of birds, numerous species of butterflies, 19 different amphibians and species of snakes, as well as 7 species of fish in the Voidomatis and Aoos rivers. Speaking of rivers, the best time of year to visit Vikos is when the waters are shallow - during the summer months and also early autumn. During this time you can explore more of the gorge in all its beauty. But the natural attractions of Greece do not end there.

Rhodes Island

One of the most popular (and populated) islands in Greece is Rhodes. Also called the “Island of the Knights”, it is the largest of the Dodecanese islands, and is located very close to the Turkish coastline. Previously, Rhodes was one of the Seven Wonders Ancient World, since it was here that the giant Colossus of Rhodes stood. The island is the most popular tourist destination in Europe. A wonderful combination of archaeological sites, medieval buildings and sunny beaches makes Rhodes a place you can easily fall in love with. If you prefer a quiet and relaxing holiday, the southern part of the island awaits guests. But there are plenty of bustling resorts here too - you'll just have to head north to find them.


Also known as the “District of the Gods,” Plaka is a fascinating historical region in Athens. Its proximity to the Acropolis has given it its exceptional nickname and made it a completely unique attraction for tourists. With neoclassical architecture, numerous archaeological sites, various museums and fascinating labyrinthine streets, Plaka is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

An interesting fact about this place is that the main street of Plaka, Adrianou Street, is not only the oldest in the region, but also remains the only one preserved in perfect condition from antiquity. You will fall in love with this picturesque place at first sight: wonderful cafes and restaurants, interesting shops and very clean air will turn any ordinary day into a very special experience.

Diru Cave

As if the beauty and ancient secrets of Greece are not enough for curious tourists - this wonderful country also has some stunning underground attractions. Approximately 26 km from the city of Areopoli lies the spectacular Diru cave system. An underground river runs through them, allowing you to visit the caves by boat. An intricate network of galleries with natural walls, stunning stalactites and stalagmites will transport you to unusual world. People who lived in Paleolithic and Neolithic times used these caves as temples, considering them the entrance to an eerie other world.


Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Meteora monasteries are one of the most important religious destinations of the Eastern Orthodox world. This is an impressive complex of monasteries (24 monasteries) built on high sandstone pillars. Their size and importance place Meteora in second place after the famous Mount Athos. “Meteora” literally means “middle of the sky”, which is a very appropriate name for a complex at this altitude. The pillars themselves are a rare sight that will provide wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

Delphic Theater

Large enough for 5,000 spectators, the ancient theater at Delphi is a truly impressive place with wonderful views of the Temple of Apollo and the valley of olive trees below. The theater was first built sometime in the 4th century BC, but has undergone numerous renovations over time. Still maintaining the original basic structures (circular stage and stone seats), the theater is used for various cultural events to this day, mainly in the summer. This is definitely one of the best places to see an ancient Greek performance.

Achilleion Palace

This majestic palace was built by an influential woman with strong passion to the beauty of the Greek world - by the Empress of Austria Elizabeth of Bavaria. She is better known as Sissi, a beautiful empress with incredibly long, curly hair.

In 1890, one year after the tragic death of her only son, she had the Achilleion Palace built in her favorite holiday destination: Corfu in Greece. As its name suggests, the luxurious structure was inspired by the famous mythical hero Achilles. From her royal rooms, the Empress could enjoy a magnificent view of the island and the city of the same name.

Samaria Gorge

The Gorge of Samaria is located in the center of the only national park Krita. It is also one of the most important attractions in Greece and Crete. Approximately 16 km long, the gorge was created by the flowing waters of a small river.

While visiting this wonderful place, you will be able to observe many different species of birds and flowers, and even rare species the Cretan kri-kri goat, which lives exclusively in the park. The most popular attraction here is very narrow part gorge known as the Gate. The walls here rise 300 meters and have only 4 meters of space between them.

Melissani Cave

If you are looking for something naturally beautiful and stunning, then the amazing Melissani Cave is the place to be. You can find this cave on the island of Kefalonia, surrounded by forests and a beautiful lake of hypnotic azure color.

The water is completely transparent - creating the illusion that the boats are floating in the air space just above the rocky base of the lake. Melissani Cave was formed by a unique chemical and mechanical process of gradual rock disintegration, which resulted in the creation of voids. Cave of the Nymphs from Greek mythology, Melissanmi is a must-see attraction in Greece.

Lake Plastira

For those of you who love lakes, Plastira is an excellent place to relax. This is an artificially formed reservoir that receives its water from the Tavropos River. The landscape is breathtaking and attracts numerous tourists every year. The idea of ​​an artificial lake in the area came from the Greek general Nicholas Plastiras (who later became prime minister), hence the name of the reservoir. Situated at a very high altitude, one of the highest in Europe, the lake is a popular destination for nature lovers who come here for cycling, canoeing, rafting, horse riding, or even a honeymoon.

Mount Athos

When you hear that a place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, you immediately know that it is something very special. Located in Macedonia and Northern Greece, Mount Athos is a mountain and peninsula that is inhabited and visited only by men. No woman is allowed to set foot in this beautiful place dedicated to prayer, meditation and spirituality. The Holy Mountain, as the Greeks call it today, is actually part of an autonomous state under Greek sovereignty. Visitors need special permits to enter the area, but only 110 people are allowed to visit each day, 100 of whom must be Orthodox. If you don't mind the bureaucracy, visiting Mount Athos and its 20 monasteries is a very interesting adventure. Here you can also buy gifts for the ladies who will be waiting for you outside this most sacred place on Earth.

Acropolis of Lindos

Even though the most famous acropolis in Greece is the Acropolis of Athens, there are numerous similar citadels in the country, and some of them are quite remarkable. Very good example- The Acropolis of Lindos, which has amazing views of the surrounding coastline and harbours.

Beautiful and mysterious at the same time, this natural citadel holds precious archaeological finds that belong to different civilizations. The structure was originally built by the Dorians (ancient Greeks) and then restored and refortified by the Romans, Byzantines, Knights of St. John and the Ottomans. A unique mix of culture and history, beautiful beaches and a small town with its traditional whitewashed buildings and winding paths will enchant you to the core.

Mount Olympus

The legendary landmark of Greece is Mount Olympus. No visit to Greece can be called complete without a stop at the iconic Mount Olympus. Once the home of the gods, it is now a treasured Biosphere Reserve with stunning views and remarkable biodiversity. Olympus is the most high mountain in Greece with a height of 2,917 meters on the peak of Mytikas, which means “nose”. Mount Olympus was declared a National Park in 1938, and still attracts thousands of visitors every year. Even though it is a high mountain, it is quite accessible even for those traveling on foot. Even the least experienced hikers will have a good time here, walking along the many trails.

Kerameikos, Athens

Situated on the northwestern side of the Acropolis in Athens, Kerameikos was once the Greek capital's potters' square. And yes, the word “ceramics” is etymologically related to the name of this wonderful place. The site was deliberately chosen on the banks of the Eridanos River because the water produced rich deposits of clay mud that potters could use for their creations. The square is famous for its 30-century old cemetery: archaeological excavations have shown that people buried their dead in this area as early as the 3rd millennium BC. Visitors will encounter large monuments and mounds, as well as many wonderful exhibits (jewelry, funerary urns, toys, large marble sculptures, and more) at the Kerameikos Museum.

Odeon of Herodes Atticus

Also located near the famous Acropolis of Athens, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus is an impressive stone theater. Its name comes from an Athenian magnate named Herodus Atticus, who built it in memory of his wife. With a capacity of 5,000 people, the theater remained intact from 161 (when it was built) until 267 AD. e., when the Heruls destroyed it.

Beautifully restored in modern times, the Odeon hosts various modern events, including the famous Athens Festival, which begins in May and lasts until October. For a sense of authenticity and historical importance, the three-story high original wall was left in its original form as a beautiful remnant of the past. Here you can watch a classic theater work - an unforgettable experience for any theater fan. There are many such places among Greek attractions, many of which have separate articles on LifeGlobe.

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