Home Prevention Fortune telling for the New Year from gypsies is comic. Funny predictions and fortune telling for the new year

Fortune telling for the New Year from gypsies is comic. Funny predictions and fortune telling for the new year

Gypsy - Fortune Teller

During the feast, a gypsy woman appears in the hall, accompanied by an accordion player (guitarist). First he sings to the tune of the gypsy girl:

I am a cheerful fortune teller
I'm not asking for a lot of money
I know the whole truth about you
I'll tell you for a chervonets!

Eh, once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

I escaped from the camp
My father is chasing me
Out of me out of naughty
Wants to make jellied meat!

Eh, once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

If I were a bride
Such a groom has
Right on this very spot
I would taste sin with him!

Eh, once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

Let me tell you fortune, people,
Let me lay out the cards,
Give me a hard coin
I'll tell you the whole truth!

The gypsy tries for money, or maybe she just “tells fortunes” by the guests’ hands. It would be best if the predictions were somehow connected with real events in the guest’s life, with his work, hobbies, etc. But they can also be general, for example, like this:
Well, handsome, gild your pen and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!
Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work!
And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow! Sunday! (If today is Saturday.)
Oh, my little rich man, in five minutes you’ll have to dance as a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you’ll have to wash your pants!
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you’ll run for beer, in the evening you’ll run after girls!
Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there’s the heart, the liver, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin... hard to see... ah, a herring!
You will sing so that your neighbor will cry. The rest will fall asleep!
You will sleep, curly, sweetly, you will sleep softly, until the cake is pulled out from under you!
Today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
There will be friends around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Tell me what to call them? - Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!
Endless distances, unknown distances await you. You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up!
Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one you will lose today.
Various diseases are waiting for you, young one, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because your hands are dirty!
Get ready for a big battle! Have you eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge!
A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On my neighbor's belt.
Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you step on the scales
They will show you a funny comedy on TV, funny, erotic. It's called Today's Wedding.
Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and if you give me beer, you will become a wife again.
Do you like to watch horror films in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!
Oh, flowers, beauty, you love them!.. They will give you tomorrow. So much that you'll be sneezing until the evening!

Gypsy 1: Happy New Year, Chavelles!

Gypsy 2: Happy New Year, ravellas!

Gypsy 2: (to the young man) Oh, you’re young, blue-eyed, why are you looking around? I see: fell in love? You will get married in the new year. Of course, if the girl doesn't refuse.

Gypsy 2: (to the girl) And you, my dear, have to wait another 2 years. Lavane-nane and life nane. Gild your pen!

Gypsy 1: We'll tell you everything, we'll show you everything (who gives the coin).

Gypsy 2: Thank you, darling (to the viewer) If you want to know which month in the new year will be lucky for you, roll a coin. The coin is copper, the gypsy is harmful. He doesn’t say everything at once, he doesn’t reveal secrets, be patient a little.

Gypsy 1: There are days in a year, like in a herd of horses. Sometimes it’s a rainy day, sometimes it’s a white day, but there’s only one happy one. (to the viewer) show me the money. The money is round, the gypsy is dark-skinned, if you add more, I’ll tell you everything.

Gypsy 2: They gave you a penny, you'll get a ruble. Come on, falcons, who were born in December, January, February, stand up. Wow, how many of you are there! Look at each other, remember. And sing along to the winter song (song about winter).

Gypsy 1: And who bakes a birthday cake in March, April, May? Stand up, smile at each other, wave and sing a spring song (song about spring).

Gypsy 2: And who do they sing loaf of bread in June, July, August? Please, a summer song sounds for you (sing a summer song)

Gypsy 1: My diamonds, diamonds, only the autumn ones remain. Whose ears get pulled in September, October, November? (song about autumn) Thank you, sit down.

Gypsy 2: And now everything in a row: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Gypsy 1: Whose camp turns out to be the most fun and friendly will win. Well, my pearls, yachts, victory for... (announces)

Gypsy 2: No wonder, they are more fun, there are more of them, stand up, we will admire you again.

Gypsy 1: Tell me, precious ones, which of you is the most precious? Who has more gold and silver on their fingers, on their ears, and on their navels? (We are looking for the most precious one and it comes out).

Gypsy 2: A colored skirt is for a gypsy what a beard is for Santa Claus, and, come on, chavella-ravella, in anyone’s clothes more colors? Here, my dear, you have both green and blue, so don’t get lost, go on stage.

Gypsy 1: Strive for those who made everyone happy with their appearance, it’s a big year, the road is long. On the road, they guess by their hair who has the longest? The road fell on the stage to go.

Gypsy 2: Well, my diamonds feed the wolf’s legs, and the gypsy’s cards. Whoever pulls out which card performs this or that number.

(tasks are glued to the cards)

It’s good if the group of Gypsies is large and of different ages, with tambourines and rattles in their hands. They can manipulate their scarves and shawls, making a “circle-dance” out of them, enclosing fortune tellers in it, and a “gate”, allowing the public into them. You can connect a theater group - a “gypsy” with a costumed “bear” performing various commands. It will be great if two or three guitarists perform gypsy songs live.


Gypsy 1 (with fake cards),

Gypsy 2(with a large clay pot), Gypsy 3(with a chest),

Gypsy 4(with a huge wallet).

A group of Gypsies dance to the tune of Gypsy songs and pester the public, offering to tell fortunes.

Gypsy 1. Ay, chavale, young, blue-eyed, don’t look around, look at us. We feel in our gut that you want to know your destiny! Gild the pen, our precious one, we’ll spread out the cards like a fan - we’ll tell the whole truth, we won’t hide anything. The wolf is fed by the legs, and the gypsies are fed by cards!

Gypsy 4 (holds up a huge wallet)

Gypsy 1 Put some money in the gypsy wallet - as much as you don’t mind - and draw one card of any kind... Make sure you don’t go wrong!

The fortuneteller pulls out a card, Gypsy 1 explains its meaning. The cards are comic (several are included), so you can predict anything. Gypsy 2 steps forward, interrupting her.

Gypsy 2 . Ay, you are our diamond, brilliant, try your luck again -

Tell fortunes using the gypsy “prophetic pot”...

Show me the money! Round money - Gypsy dark-skinned.

The gypsy will tell you everything as it is about your fate - she won’t lie, the money won’t be wasted!

Gypsy 4 (again presents the open and now empty wallet):

Gypsy 2 Money right hand you quit

A left hand put it in the pot.

There's a lot in it, but don't take it all,

And choose one thing for yourself!

Objects are placed in a pot covered with a scarf. The fortuneteller, without looking, takes out an object from under the scarf, Gypsy 2 explains its meaning.


The ring means an imminent wedding, a change in your personal life.

A handkerchief means separation; disappointments are possible soon.

Flower - to success and prosperity in business, to popularity with the opposite sex.

Candy - to tempting offers, to an easy and sweet life.

A crust of bread - to life's trials, financial difficulties.

A button - to a large family, to an addition to the family.

Coin - to profit, wealth, unexpected inheritance, the appearance of a financial patron.

Bird feather - for quick news, unexpected news, news.

The key is to a new house, apartment, housewarming, change of residence.

Horseshoe - to complete happiness in life.

A sliver - to good health.

Braid or ribbon - for a long journey, a long trip.

A bell - to quick joy, great fun.

Bob or beans - to family well-being, mutual understanding in the family, love of relatives.

After fortune telling, the removed item is returned to the pot. Gypsy 3 steps forward, interrupting Gypsy 2.

Gypsy 3. Oh, you are our yakhont, pearly, look:

Here is an old chest with the black hand of an old gypsy inside!

If you are brave at heart,

That hand will tell you fortunes for your good deed.

The most important,

So that you give Gypsy some paper money...

Gypsy 4 (puts out the empty wallet again):

Gypsy 3 And there will be copper money -

The gypsy will become harmful.

Throw some money

Open the chest carefully!

The fortuneteller opens the chest, there are notes with predictions rolled into tubes.

Take any scroll, but don’t overdo it,

Don't wake up the old gypsy's black hand!

At the moment when the fortuneteller takes the note, Gypsy 3 through back wall, decorated with black fringe, sticks through the “old gypsy’s hand” and covers his hand.
The hand is a rubber glove stuffed with a sealant with scraps of wool and nails glued on. Then the fortuneteller is asked to read the removed note out loud.


Beware of casual relationships, it can cause a big problem.

Refuse offers to go out at someone else's expense. Remember: free cheese is only in a mousetrap. They will calculate with interest!

The event you are planning will not succeed. If you want to be happy, change your plans!

Soon you will become the object of adoration, but do not give yourself entirely to feelings, they may be false!

You may lose something very important, be careful!

In the near future you will experience undoubted success in all financial matters.

With a little effort on your part, this year it is possible to change your place of work to another with better conditions.

In the near future, outbursts of anger are coming from your boss. Be alert and be able to adequately repel undeserved attacks!

There is a possibility of becoming the subject of unpleasant gossip, try to behave more carefully, then perhaps you will be able to avoid this.

Try to become friends with the person you are avoiding. Soon he will be able to help you in your difficult situation.

Your living conditions may change.

The wind of distant wanderings awaits you.

Your marital status may soon change.

Your frank confessions to your friends will play a bad joke on you.

You are hiding a secret that is tormenting you. Isn't it time to open up to your loved ones?

The long-awaited promotion is just a stone's throw away from you, put in a little effort!

You will be able to make ends meet, and from now on you will confidently stay afloat.

You have taken one wrong step. Hurry up to fix it, otherwise you will lose the most precious thing you have!

Unexpected wealth awaits you, but don’t lose your head, don’t forget about your loved ones!

Stop throwing dust in the eyes of others, show them your true essence. You are not as bad as you think you are.

In the near future you will become the owner of a new property.

Something that you do not expect will happen, but if you approach the issue wisely, then everything will work out in your favor.

In your destiny, everything depends only on you. Be a little more persistent, go towards your intended goal, and everything will work out!

Soon you will have a very influential patron.

In the near future you will meet a new interesting acquaintance.

Wait for the good news, everything will change for the better soon.

Start paying more attention to yourself, love yourself, you absolutely need this.

Avoid heavy meals and fun companies: it’s time to listen to your health, otherwise it will be too late!

Do not lend money: there is a chance that it will not come back to you.

Hurry up on vacation, go to the sea, this year an extraordinary holiday romance awaits you with a continuation that will depend only on you!

New unexpected expenses await you.

By the end of the year, a new source of financial well-being will appear.

Be careful, don’t play with fire, your intentions threaten you with big troubles!

Gypsy 4. Ay, blue-winged dove, don’t trust the gypsies...

And especially... young gypsies!

Together. Live, dear, according to your conscience!

Prediction games are an interesting and very fun element of the holiday, which invariably evokes a response from guests. Serious prophecies and real fortune-telling are inappropriate at parties, because a negative forecast can completely ruin the mood. But comic fortune telling always goes off with a bang.

There are many ways to play this game. You can, for example, make a deck of fake cards: on one side there is a back, and on the other there is a printed prediction. Someone dresses up as a gypsy and invites guests to draw one card and read the prophecy out loud.

Other options:

  • make fortune cookies;
  • print out funny candy wrappers with predictions inside, wrap candies in them, hand them out to guests and offer to unwrap them;
  • write prophecies on small cards with congratulations, put them in a box and invite guests to pull out one at a time;
  • Place stickers with numbers on the bottom of plates or glasses. Place this dish on a separate tray. Let the guests take it apart themselves before the feast. As a result, everyone will get a randomly drawn number. When the right moment comes, the host will ask the guests to look at the stickers. The participants of the holiday will name the numbers they have drawn, and the presenter will read out the numbered predictions.

Comic predictions based on films and songs

Movie titles

It is simple, but original and very interesting way predict fate on next year. The prophecy is the name of the film or cartoon itself. Not a plot, but only a phrase. Let guests be more sophisticated in their interpretations.

For example: “Next year I’m expecting... a game of thrones.” This can be interpreted in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute over the role of head of the family.

Appropriate movie titles

Foreign films

  • Armageddon
  • Big jackpot
  • Smell of a woman
  • Chicken Run
  • Taming of the Shrew
  • Groundhog Day
  • Monsters corporation
  • Deal with the devil
  • Midnight in Paris
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Sky over Berlin
  • Money Train
  • Sex and the City
  • Key to all doors
  • Third wheel
  • Meeting the parents
  • Fatal attraction
  • Best friend's wedding
  • Indecent proposal
  • The Forty Year Old Virgin
  • 12 angry men
  • Haunted Mansion
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Blonde in law
  • Breaking Bad

Soviet and Russian films

  • Love affair at work
  • Love and pigeons
  • Zigzag of luck
  • 8 first dates
  • Long road in the dunes
  • Girl with no address
  • Love is a carrot
  • White Sun of the Desert
  • Big change

Lines from songs

Similar entertainment to the previous one. Only this time the prophecy is a line from a famous song. Phrases can be printed on paper (indicating the performer in brackets). But if you’re not too lazy, it’s better to prepare audio clips. In this case, fortune telling will turn out to be much more effective and interesting.

Song fragments are numbered. Guests draw out numbers, according to which short musical predictions are read to them. So, what does fate have in store for your guests in the coming year?

Suitable lines from songs:

1. Only a glass of vodka on the table (G. Leps)
2. Million, million, million scarlet roses (A. Pugacheva)
3. Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man's world (ABBA)
4. And on the sea there is white sand, a warm wind blows in the face (J. Friske)
5. Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced
6. There is nothing better in the world than wandering around the world with friends... (film “The Bremen Town Musicians”)
7. Oh, mom, I’ll give you chic, I’ll give you chic (F. Kirkorov)
8. I am free, like a bird in the sky (V. Kipelov)
9. You're lucky - you're not like everyone else! You work in an office! ("Leningrad")
10. Voyage, voyage. There, where I have never been (S. Minaev)
11. I love boogie-woogie, I boogie-woogie every day (“The Secret”)
12. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. (A. Pugacheva)
13. Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome. Big changes are ahead. I know this for sure: everything will be awesome (P. Volya)
14. Oh, girls, I feel like I’m going on a spree. Oh, I'll go on a spree (Verka Serduchka)
15. The plane easily carries me away (Valeria)
16. Everything is in a bunch, but with us everything is in a bunch. Where we can’t climb straight through, we’ll go sideways (Potap and Nastya)
17. I'm lying in the sun. I'm looking at the sun. I lie and lie and look at the sun (film “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song”)
18. Freedom, freedom, give me freedom! I'll fly high like a bird! (film “Flying Ship”)
19. The trailer will move, the trailer will move, the trailer will move... The trailer will move, the platform will remain (film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”)
20. If there was a sea of ​​beer, I would become a beautiful dolphin. If there was a sea of ​​vodka, I would become a submarine (“Dune”)

From bad habit in the new year
You will definitely get rid of it.
But here's the problem: instead of one
Two new ones will replace them

You will spend your vacation at sea,
You will warm both body and soul.
You spend the entire amount, you get burned five times,
You'll gain six kilograms.

Smile always, smile everywhere,
Smile on land and water!
Fate will repay you for your smiles
A couple of wrinkles and a lot of money!

Either you eat it, or you pump it up,
Or you'll sit in a chair -
Know that next year
You will grow your butt significantly.

If you start kissing
Every day for half an hour,
All dreams will begin to come true.
Life will be filled with miracles!

U higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year promises you
Love madness!

If you can, without being lazy,
Plow like a horse on Thursdays
Fate will open the way for you
To big, big money.

If you walk across the field -
You will find money in the field;
When you find the money -
You'll spend it all on a spree

Go around three miles
Talkative hairdresser:
Shreds at random
And he'll cut off your ear!

We need to forget for a year
About cognac, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise you will
In crime reports.

The cockroaches in your head will have a very fun year.

Next year your friends will not forget you. You can't forget someone who owes you money.

Next year all your problems will go away. Because even they are bored with you...

Your life next year will be as multifaceted as a glass. Well, you understand…

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your sofa.

Next year you will understand that your inner core is a pain in the ass.

Next year, your body will decide for itself when it sleeps, where it sleeps and with whom it sleeps. Don't contradict him - he knows better!

You will spend your vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.

If you get bored, sing romances. Your finances will always keep you company.

The bad news is you will gain weight. The good news is that the increase will occur in the wallet area.

New Year in our country is always associated with joy, fun and good mood. On this day, people invite guests and serve festive table. In order to leave all the troubles in the past, they try to celebrate this holiday in the pleasant company of friends and relatives, hoping only for the good.

Few people know that in addition to the usual traditions of the celebration, the date of the New Year is also associated with mystical events. It is at this time of transition between the two periods that one can carry out magical rituals that will help you make a prediction and look into the future.

Such short fortune-telling is done mainly by young girls who want to find out about their betrothed, or the number of children destined by fate.

And although society classifies such divination as an outdated superstition, this tradition is alive, and even today, representatives of beautiful women often engage in similar activities, despite criticism from the official church.

In this article we will present you a selection of the most popular methods of fortune telling, which do not require special skill, but can show a lot interesting things for that who dares to use them at home or, say, at a corporate event.

Fortune telling for marriage

In the evening on New Year's Eve, a girl who wants to get married goes to the house where her chosen one lives. There you need to touch the fence or door with your left hand if the guy lives in an apartment.

After this, you can safely go home: if, heading to your home, you meet a man on the way, then the wedding will take place next year, but if the first person you meet is a woman, then your marriage with him will not take place.

Fortune telling with cups

For this type of fortune telling, it is necessary to prepare several small cups, the number of which should correspond to the number of fortune tellers. Salt, a coin, a ring, sugar, bread and onions are placed in these containers, and a little water is poured into the last cup.

Closing his eyes, each of those present chooses a container for himself: the object located there will symbolize his future fate. Thus, a ring indicates an imminent wedding, bread indicates future prosperity, a coin promises wealth, and sugar promises a sweet life. If there is salt in the cup, it means sadness, onion means tears, but water means that everything will remain as it is.

Fortune telling from notes on paper

When performing this fortune telling, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and crumple it with your hands. The resulting lump should be placed on the bottom of an inverted saucer or plate, and then set on fire from three different sides.

When the fire goes out and only a little ash remains, you need to sprinkle it with water. After this procedure, the burnt paper will take on outlines from which upcoming events can be determined.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This method of divination is considered the simplest. In order to determine which name will belong to your betrothed, you just need to take several pieces of paper and write on each of them the name of the candidate for your hand and heart.

Afterwards, all these notes are sent straight under the pillow for the whole night. When you wake up from sleep, just stick your hand in and take out the first piece of paper you come across. The name you find there will be your chosen one.

New Year's fortune telling by a gypsy on cards

Such a ritual is considered quite complex and requires great care from a person. With the help of such fortune telling, you can find out the future for each month of the coming year. For fortune telling, you will need a simple deck of cards (36 pcs), a white or yellow candle and a needle. It is recommended to carry out the ritual several hours before the celebration, completely alone.

To start fortune telling, you need to prepare a candle by scratching the number 2019 (in honor) on its surface. This is done using a pre-prepared needle. Only after the inscription is completed can the candle be lit. The cards are shuffled carefully, at the same time saying “a year passes - a round dance starts, fate will show you how it will turn out.”

A lit candle is placed in the center of the table and twelve cards are laid out in front of it, each of which symbolizes one month. By turning over the resulting layout one by one, you can find out what fate has in store for the coming year.

So, for example, six, as a rule, means some kind of travel, seven foreshadows changes in life, eight a pleasant surprise, nine speaks of imminent falling in love, but ten prophesies a serious conversation.

If a jack comes up, then you can hope to meet a loved one, a lady will attract a pleasant person into your life, a king will show success in work, while an ace will determine matters of the heart.

Fortune telling with a chain

The gold chain, which is constantly on the body, has special features to determine the future. This accessory knows everything about its owner and is quite suitable for fortune telling.

To find out fate along the chain, you need to wait until late at night, when all household members fall asleep. As soon as silence reigns in your home, take your chain, rub it between your palms, say the words “predict the golden chain of fate, write with your bend what will happen” and throw it directly on the table.

If a circle is formed correct form, then you should expect constant troubles, the stripe means great luck, the knot means illness and difficulties, the triangle means new love, bow - quick marriage, snake - betrayal loved one, well, if the heart falls out, then this sure sign happy relationship.

Fortune telling with a mirror

Considered one of the most dangerous and most effective ways see the future. To perform divination, a young girl must sit in front of a mirror at midnight holding a lit candle in her hands. There should be no one in the room except the fortuneteller herself.

In complete silence, you need to concentrate your gaze on the reflection of the light in the mirror. After a few minutes, the light will dim and the reflection of the betrothed will appear in the mirror, or rather the image of evil spirits that has taken on his guise. In order not to bring trouble upon herself after this, the girl must cross herself and say “Cheer me” at the top of her voice.

Video section

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

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