Home Wisdom teeth Why do you dream about an envelope according to the dream book. Dream Interpretation: letter

Why do you dream about an envelope according to the dream book. Dream Interpretation: letter

A dream in which you are holding a sealed envelope in your hands foreshadows some secret.

Opening the envelope means that in reality you will deal with an interesting problem.

If there is a letter in the envelope that is not addressed to you, a new, interesting acquaintance awaits.

An empty envelope foreshadows a heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one who will share your suffering.

The envelope symbolizes an explanation of some circumstances.

An open envelope means the situation becomes clearer.

A sealed envelope means there is an invisible danger.

A pack of envelopes - news from friends.

Envelope sealed with wax seal - important information

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Letter

If you dreamed of a postman personally handing you a letter, it means you will soon receive unpleasant news. Receiving a registered letter warns you of the danger of an accident on the road. A dream where you receive a letter addressed to another person, although your address is indicated on the envelope, portends that you will be pointed out about mistakes made with good intentions, but you will take it as an insult. Good news in a letter means wonderful hours that you will soon spend alone with your loved one, bad news means you will have to endure the insult, restraining your feelings. Reading other people's letters in a dream means loss of independence in business matters.

A letter on official letterhead received from a certain organization means that your reputation is in danger of being discredited.

A dream in which you lost a valuable letter means that in reality you will break off relations with a man who until recently was revered almost as a deity. Burning a letter in a dream means you will have to give up a profitable opportunity because you consider it your duty to take care of your family and constantly be in the house.

Trying to read a letter torn into small pieces by folding them means that in reality you will lose the favor of friends or sponsors. If a love letter that compromises you is stolen from you and they are trying to blackmail you with it, in reality you will be disappointed in your loved ones due to financial disagreements.

To receive an anonymous letter in which you are vilified and denigrated in every possible way means that some sad incident in reality will cancel out all your joyful expectations. Receive threats in a letter - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Receive a letter from close relatives - you will have to work hard to solve a problem that there will simply be no one but you to sort out. A letter from distant friends portends see you soon or talking to them on the phone.

Rewriting a letter in a dream or duplicating it in any other way is a harbinger of useless work and wasted time. If in a dream you cannot wait for an answer to your letter, this warns that real life You may be hit by an unexpected blow from around a corner at any time and in any place.

A dream in which you yourself write a letter to relatives foreshadows significant acquisitions and enrichment. A letter to a loved one who is far away is a sign of irreparable mistakes, disappointment and depression. Sending a letter in a dream is a harbinger of good luck and luck in everything.

Interpretation of dreams from

The meaning of the dream about the Package (2000 interpretations by Sergei Karatov)

To dream that you are sealing an envelope or package is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

Why does a woman dream about an Envelope (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

Envelope - I dreamed about an envelope - a harbinger of not very good news.

To dream about an Envelope, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Envelope - An envelope symbolizes an explanation of some circumstances. An open envelope means the situation becomes clearer. A sealed envelope means there is an invisible danger. A stack of envelopes - news from friends.

Why do you dream about an Envelope (esotericist E. Tsvetkov’s dream book)

See the envelope - If you don’t open it - news; open - lie; to seal is auspiciousness in fate.

Envelope - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Envelope - Seeing a sealed envelope means receiving good news, opening it means deception, sealing it means changes for the better.

Why do you dream about an Envelope in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Envelope - Seeing an envelope in a dream is a harbinger of not very good news, this is how you decipher what your dream means.

The meaning of a dream about Envelopes (Modern dream book)

Envelope - Good news.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Envelope in a dream - Mystery.

Envelope in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Envelope - Mystery. Reveal the plans of others.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Envelope according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

Envelope - Mystery, joyful news - open - lie - seal - prosperity in fate.

What does it mean to dream about an Envelope? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

Envelope in a dream - Pay attention to the person to whom you are sending the envelope - a quick meeting with this person is possible. If you receive an envelope, expect new opportunities to appear. If you send an envelope, your help will be greatly appreciated. needed by a person, you will be thanked. Write the address on the envelope - you will soon meet the addressee. If you receive an envelope, you will have a perspective. If you send an envelope by mail, you will provide the person with a service that will be appreciated and later rewarded. Seeing a sealed envelope means receiving good news. Opening an envelope means deception. Sealing the envelope means changes for the better. Reading it in a dream and hearing good news means that you will receive good news. Empty - for news, and with money - for profit.

The meaning of the dream about the News (Newest interpretation by Georgy Ivanov)

Envelope - If you look at the envelope, it means news sent in a letter. Signing an envelope means trouble for someone close to you, which will happen because of you. If you open it, you will comprehend someone else’s secret.

Envelope according to O. Adaskina's dream book

Sealing an envelope or package means happiness.

Envelopes in a dream (from the book by Olga Smurova)

To dream that you are sealing a letter or envelope means that you will soon put an end to some important matter for you or receive long-awaited news that will significantly affect your life. final decision about this question.

Why do you dream about Envelope (Slavic dream book)

Envelope - news. Mystery in love. Mercury in the 12th house.

Why do you dream about an Envelope according to the Housewives dream book?

Envelope - news.

The meaning of the dream image (according to Artemidorus of Daldian)

I dreamed of an Envelope - Putting a letter in an envelope. A dream that you had on Monday night means trying not to notice unpleasant things; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that the obstacle that bothers you will suddenly disappear; seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you will forget to do something important. Writing an address on an envelope A dream on Monday night warns that you are about to commit a rash act that will have bad consequences; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - this dream means that you will have to seek help from to a stranger; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means that you have to choose who to entrust an important task to.

Why do you dream about an Envelope (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Envelope - You saw an envelope in a dream - the news you receive will not bring you joy. You are holding a sealed envelope in your hands, but you do not want to open it - news is waiting for you; Most likely, they will be of a neutral nature - they will not bring much joy, but they will not spoil your mood either. It’s as if you are opening an envelope - you will actually encounter someone’s lies. You seal the envelope - the dream promises that fate will favor you from now on.

Seeing the Envelope, why? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

I dreamed of an Envelope, what is this (letter) for - news, sending an envelope - a meeting with pen pals. Ordered letter - official documents, government papers. An anonymous letter is a disappointment in the person we hoped for. An envelope with an address written in red or other colored letters means they are jealous and checking you. Writing a long letter is a hasty accusation that you will regret later. Often receiving letters from a close friend in a dream means his arrival and imminent news. To seal the envelope is to keep the secret. Putting a written letter in an envelope means well-established correspondence. Tearing an envelope is an angry conversation.

Meet the Envelope in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Envelope (clean) – Empty – for news, with money – for profit. Imagine that you are putting money in an envelope.

The meaning of a dream about a Letter (dream book of the Subconscious)

I dreamed about the Envelope and what it was for. The meaning of an envelope in a dream may depend on the context in which you saw the item, as well as your emotional reaction. Taking this into account, it is most often believed that the envelope symbolizes a certain message that the sleeper seeks to convey or, conversely, expects. The contents of the envelope, as well as whether it was sealed or torn, are also important factors when interpreting such a dream.

Positive value

Dreams about open envelopes can symbolize the emergence of small problems.

Negative implications

A tightly sealed envelope in a dream can signal difficult emotional or practical obstacles. Look in your dreams for clues about possible solution these problems.

Not being able to print an envelope in a dream can symbolize frustration at not being able to find a solution to some problem.

Lots of envelopes. Dreaming about several envelopes at the same time may suggest anticipation of news or new projects on the horizon. Remember how you felt when you opened the envelopes. Did they contain any letters for you? A sealed stack of envelopes. A sealed pack of envelopes means anticipation of changes in life. Such a dream, however, speaks of uncertainty in resolving difficulties. Puffy envelope. If in a dream the envelope was so stuffed with papers that it could burst, it is possible that you are feeling depressed due to the abundance of things to do at work or difficulties in personal relationships.

What does it mean to dream with an Envelope (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of an envelope in a dream - for news.

If in the summer you dreamed of buying an envelope at the post office, it means receiving a letter - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream of buying an envelope at the post office - for a letter from relatives.

In winter, why do you dream about an envelope - Sealed - news; with wax seal - important information; printed - false; bribe.

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Envelope:

You dreamed of an Envelope, what does this mean? Mystery in love. Mercury in the 12th house.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream Envelope.

Envelope - news.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor What does an Envelope mean in a dream:

You dreamed of an Envelope, what does it mean - Putting a letter in an envelope A dream you had on Monday night - to attempts not to notice unpleasant things; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that the obstacle that bothers you will suddenly disappear; seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you will forget to do something important. Writing an address on an envelope A dream on Monday night warns that you are about to commit a rash act that may have bad consequences; if you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will have to turn to a stranger for help; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means that you have to choose who to entrust an important task to.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does the Envelope mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream? What does an envelope mean in a dream - You see an envelope in a dream - the news that you receive will not bring you joy. You are holding a sealed envelope in your hands, but you do not want to open it - news is waiting for you; Most likely, they will be of a neutral nature - they will not bring much joy, but they will not spoil your mood either. It’s as if you are opening an envelope - you will actually encounter someone’s lies. You seal the envelope - the dream promises that fate will favor you from now on.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about an Envelope?

What does it mean to see in a dream You dreamed of an Envelope, what is this (letter) for - news, sending an envelope - a meeting with pen pals. Registered letter - official documents, government papers. An anonymous letter is a disappointment in the person we hoped for. An envelope with an address written in red or other colored letters means they are jealous and checking you. Writing a long letter is a hasty accusation that you will regret later. Often receiving letters from a close friend in a dream means his arrival and imminent news. To seal the envelope is to keep the secret. Putting a written letter in an envelope means well-established correspondence. Tearing an envelope is an angry conversation.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does an Envelope mean in a dream:

What does an Envelope (clean) mean in a dream - Empty - for news, with money - for profit. Imagine that you are putting money in an envelope.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does an Envelope mean in a dream:

You dreamed of an Envelope, what is it for. The meaning of an envelope in a dream may depend on the context in which you saw the item, as well as your emotional reaction. Taking this into account, it is most often believed that the envelope symbolizes a certain message that the sleeper seeks to convey or, conversely, expects. The contents of the envelope, as well as whether it was sealed or torn, are also important factors in the interpretation of such a dream.

Positive value

Dreams about open envelopes can symbolize the emergence of small problems.

Negative implications

A tightly sealed envelope in a dream can signal difficult emotional or practical obstacles. Look in your dreams for clues about possible solutions to these problems.

Not being able to print an envelope in a dream can symbolize frustration at not being able to find a solution to some problem.

Lots of envelopes. Dreaming about several envelopes at the same time may suggest anticipation of news or new projects on the horizon. Remember how you felt when you opened the envelopes. Did they contain any letters for you? A sealed stack of envelopes. A sealed stack of envelopes can mean anticipation of changes in life. Such a dream, however, may indicate uncertainty in resolving difficulties. Puffy envelope. If in a dream the envelope was so stuffed with papers that it could burst, it is possible that you are feeling depressed due to the abundance of things to do at work or difficulties in personal relationships.

Dream Interpretation Letters, why you dream about seeing Letters in a dream

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Letters what they mean

Letters - Receive a lot - news from afar; with a special one - trouble in love; custom - jealousy, trouble in the family; good news in writing - delays.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about Letters:

According to the dream book, why do you dream about a Letter - A letter is a message from the past, it can symbolize some stereotypical actions, often of a negative nature for others, and reflects a kind of order that the subject must fulfill.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Letters from the dream book:

Letter - Writing a letter in a dream means filing a complaint against someone.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Letters from a dream book?

What does it mean to see a Letter in a dream - Writing a letter in a dream means hope for something.

Children's dream book What does Letters from a dream book mean?

Women's dream book A woman often dreams about letters.

What does it mean to see a Letter in a dream - Receiving a letter from a friend in a dream means his unexpected appearance or news from him. Receiving a registered letter means the destruction of old ties due to financial difficulties. If a young woman dreams that she has received a registered letter, she will be offered to become a kept woman. For a lover, such a dream will bring difficult forebodings of an unhappy marriage. Receiving an anonymous letter means insults. Writing it yourself is a sign of jealousy towards a more worthy opponent. A letter with unpleasant news foreshadows upcoming difficulties or illness. Good news received in a letter foreshadows many events for which you will thank fate.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about Letters:

Letter - Writing to a friend or receiving from him means pleasant news; losing a letter means quarreling with someone; Reading a letter portends happiness and prosperity.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Letters:

Letter - If you dream that you have received a letter, such a dream promises a very long affair with a person who is burdened with marriage and who will not be able to break them even with Great love to you. If in a dream you are happy when you read a letter, in real life you will not regret at all that you are only assigned the role of a mistress, because your relationship will be simply wonderful. If you cry when you read the letter, this novel should be completed, because you are too carried away by a person who is not worthy of your love, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Letters?

The meaning of the dream in the dream book: Letter – To write a letter is a surprise, to receive it is joy and joy.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing Letters in a Dream

Interpretation according to the dream book: Writing - You write hieroglyphs, letters, writing poetry, text, letters. - Great happiness, good luck. Seal a written letter. - Portends good luck in business.

Psychoanalytic dream book Why do you dream about Letters: Dream Interpretation: Seeing letters in a dream

Letter - News from the past. Undiscovered. Virginity. Open. Defloration. Unread letter. Ignoring, as the dream book says, is a predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Letters in a dream?

See in a dream

Letter - Writing a letter in a dream means an unpleasant conversation, for a wife - for danger, for a husband - for I'll be back soon; writing business papers in a dream means trouble; writing poetry and other essays means lack of free time.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Letters:

Letter - Receive - news (sad or happy - depends on the color of the letter), joy and joy; write a letter - benefit, good news, surprise, conduct // an unpleasant conversation; letter to wife - danger; letter to a friend - good news; send - meeting with a friend; reading - benefit, happiness; to lose is a quarrel.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Letters from the dream book?

Seeing a Letter in a dream - Writing a letter means waiting in vain for something.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream about a Letter - News; telepathic connection with the person from whom the letter is written. Writing is a necessity. Many letters - there will be no news or the need to receive some kind of message; alienation.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Letters in a dream:

Letter - In a dream, receiving a registered letter means that a financial problem that has arisen will destroy old ties. If a young woman dreams that she has received a registered letter, this is a sign that she will be offered financial support, but neither law nor morality will be the basis for this offer; people may judge her. For a lover, such a dream will bring difficult forebodings of an unhappy marriage. His lover will look for signs of appreciation from others, not from him. Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of a rival whom you consider more worthy. Seeing a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means upcoming difficulties or illness. If in a dream the news received in a letter is joyful, many events will happen to you for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate but written on green or colored paper, you will experience neglect in love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck. The color red in a letter foretells separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you. If a young woman dreams that she is hiding a letter from her lover close to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy. If you were unable to read the letter you received in a dream, you will lose something in business or public opinion. A letter almost always brings sadness. If your letter is intercepted, in reality jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you. To dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your lover or wife is a sign that you will develop unworthy interests. Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream foretells the illness or death of a relative. Receiving a letter written on black paper with white ink is a sign of despondency that will take possession of you, but friends will help you with their participation. If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers - a quarrel. Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will very soon repent of. A torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation. Taking a letter in your hands means that you are being unfair to your loved ones. Often dreaming that you are receiving a letter from a friend foretells his appearance or news from him.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Letters in a Dream

Letter - Receive - big money; write - receive news of interest; seal - you have a secret; find - you will get a promotion; read - write a warning; with a black outline - sadness; to lose is bad news; print - beware of thieves; breaking up is an angry conversation. Emergency - danger awaits you; urgent - I must correct the wrong you have done; to receive or write a postcard - laziness will bring you losses.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Letters:

Letter - Receive news from afar. Writing a letter yourself will remind you of distant friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Letters in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about a Letter - Receive - news - send - meeting with a friend

Modern dream book If you dream about Letters:

Receiving a letter - Unexpected news; send - meeting with a friend

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing letters in a dream

Why dream of sending a letter – Meeting with friends

Why do you dream about an envelope?

When interpreting what an envelope means in a dream, you also need to pay attention to whether it was sealed or open. ;For example, if in a dream the envelope is sealed and for some reason the sleeping person does not want to open it at all, this means that the person will soon find out about something, but this will not cause him any special emotions.

But the sleeping person still opened the envelope, which means he needs to beware of lies from others. In the case when a person, on the contrary, seals the envelope, the dream foreshadows changes for the better.

So, what does it mean to see an envelope in a dream? First, you need to remember on what day you dreamed about it, since this can greatly change the interpretation of the symbol. When you dream of an envelope from Sunday to Monday, it means that a person is trying not to notice what is unpleasant to him. When an envelope appears in dreams on the nights of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the problem that creates obstacles to achieving the goal will suddenly disappear, which will bring considerable joy.

And if a person sees an envelope on Saturday or Sunday night, this is a warning that he may forget about important event or business. Also, a dream in which an envelope attracted attention must also be interpreted depending on what exactly the person did with this envelope.

For example, if he wrote the address on Monday night, such a dream is a warning not to commit actions that have not been given enough thought. If such a dream occurs on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that the sleeper will soon need help and it will turn out that he will turn to a stranger for it. Writing an address on an envelope in dreams on Saturday and Sunday means that a person is thinking about who exactly to entrust important task and at the same time not to make a mistake.

If in a dream a person writes a long letter, it means that in real life he will want to blame someone, drawing hasty conclusions and without checking the facts. Therefore, if you had such a dream, it is better to double-check everything, otherwise you will later regret that you offended someone in vain.

If you had a dream in which an envelope appeared, you should not worry too much, since this symbol is more of a warning than a statement. Therefore, you just need to take a closer look at those around you and not make hasty conclusions.

Why do you dream about an Envelope, dream book, what does it mean to see an Envelope in a dream?

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about an Envelope in a dream?

Seeing an Envelope in a dream means - Envelope - not very good news. Confectionery: clean - a new acquaintance that can be beneficial for you; dirty, uncomfortable - a new acquaintance will turn out to be an enemy who, having learned industrial secrets from you, uses them to his advantage. Confectionery - to deception, eating - to friendship; if a woman dreams that she is baking them, her deception will be revealed.

Summer dream book

Why see an Envelope in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Envelope - Buying an envelope at the post office means receiving a letter.

Seal the envelope - Wait for the letter.

Autumn dream book

Why see an Envelope in a dream?

Why do you dream about an Envelope - Buying an envelope at the post office means a letter from relatives, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Seal the envelope - you will receive a notification.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Envelope, what does a dream mean:

Seeing an Envelope in a dream - If you saw an envelope in a dream - expect not very good news.

Spring dream book

Why see an Envelope in a dream?

According to the dream book, what does Envelope mean in a dream - Envelope - for news.

Seal the envelope - to a secret that no one will know except you.

Universal dream book

Envelope in the dream book:

Envelope (See also Letter; Post Office) - Brief interpretation: unexpected parcel; feel your surroundings; protection.

Popular expression: let things get going; seal of approval; sealed.

Opening envelopes is a pleasure, unless, of course, there are bills inside! Do you open an envelope in a dream? How does this make you feel? Perhaps this corresponds to how you open up to people. What's in the envelope? What do you need to be open about in your life?

Lunar dream book

Seeing an Envelope in a dream:

Envelope - news. Mystery in love. Mercury in the 12th house of the horoscope.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Envelope interprets this way:

What does it mean to see an Envelope in a dream? Envelope - Sealed envelope - receiving news; open - false news; inscribe - hesitate, hesitate in making a decision; seal - good changes in fate; an empty envelope - a desire to open your soul to some person.

Pocket dream book

Why do you dream about the Envelope, what does it mean?

Interpretation of the dream book: Envelope - If you dreamed of an envelope, then you will soon receive news, after which you will begin to worry very much.

See also: why you dream about a letter from a friend, why you dream about a post office, why you dream about receiving a letter.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

If you dream about an Envelope, what does it mean:

Seeing an Envelope in a dream - If you dreamed of an envelope, then expect important news.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Envelope in the dream book:

Envelope - If you dreamed that you received an envelope that was sealed, then you will soon encounter something mysterious.

If in a dream you opened an envelope, then you will solve an exciting problem.

If in a dream you read a letter that was not written to you, then you will soon meet a good person.

If you dreamed of an envelope with nothing in it, then you will have a heartfelt conversation with a loved one.

Lots of envelopes with letters

Dream Interpretation Many envelopes with letters dreamed of why in a dream there are many envelopes with letters? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many envelopes with letters in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Open - false news.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Letters in envelopes

Dream Interpretation Letters in envelopes dreamed of why you dream about Letters in envelopes? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Letters in envelopes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Pay attention to the person you are sending the envelope to - you may meet with this person soon.

If you receive an envelope, expect new opportunities to appear.

If you send an envelope, your help will be greatly needed by someone, they will thank you.

Write the address on the envelope - you will soon meet the addressee.

If you receive an envelope, you will have a perspective.

If you send an envelope by mail, you will be doing someone a service that will be appreciated and later rewarded.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

A dream in which you are holding a sealed envelope in your hands foreshadows some secret. Opening the envelope means that in reality you will deal with an interesting problem. If there is a letter in the envelope that is not addressed to you, a new, interesting acquaintance awaits. An empty envelope foreshadows a heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one who will share your suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

The envelope symbolizes an explanation of some circumstances.

An open envelope means the situation becomes clearer.

A sealed envelope means there is an invisible danger.

A stack of envelopes - news from friends.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Seeing a sealed envelope means receiving good news.

Opening an envelope means deception.

Sealing the envelope means changes for the better.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

An envelope in a dream means receiving important news, revealing some secret, or accessing documents. Sealing an envelope in a dream is a sign of good luck. See interpretation: letter.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Receiving an incomprehensible envelope in a dream: this is your premonition that you may soon hear about some event that will affect you in one way or another.

Sending an envelope or sealing some message in it: a sign of your confidential communication with someone. Most likely, the dream suggests that you should take care of keeping some information from prying eyes.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

A sealed envelope - receiving news.

Open - false news.

To write is to hesitate, to hesitate in making a decision.

Sealing means good changes in fate.

An empty envelope is a desire to open your soul to some person.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

If you look at the envelope, it means news sent in the letter.

Signing an envelope means trouble for someone close to you, which will happen because of you.

If you open it, you will comprehend someone else’s secret.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

In a dream, receiving a registered letter means that a financial problem that has arisen will destroy old ties.

If a young woman dreams that she has received a registered letter, this is a sign that she will be offered financial support, but neither law nor morality will be the basis of this offer; people may judge her.

For a lover, such a dream will bring difficult forebodings of an unhappy marriage. His lover will look for signs of appreciation from others, not from him. Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of an opponent whom you consider more worthy.

Seeing a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means upcoming difficulties or illness.

If in a dream the news received in a letter is joyful, many events will happen to you for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience neglect in love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck.

The color red in a letter foreshadows separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you.

If a young woman dreams that she is hiding a letter from her lover close to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy.

A letter almost always brings sadness.

If your letter is intercepted, in reality jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you.

To dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your lover or wife is a sign that you will develop unworthy interests.

Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream foretells the illness or death of a relative.

Receiving a letter written on black paper with white ink is a sign of despondency that will take possession of you, but friends will help you with their participation.

If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers - a quarrel.

Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will very soon repent of.

A torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation.

Taking a letter in your hands means that you are being unfair to your loved ones.

Often dreaming that you are receiving a letter from a friend foreshadows his appearance or news from him.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

If you dreamed of a postman personally handing you a letter, it means you will soon receive unpleasant news. Receiving a registered letter warns you of the danger of an accident on the road. A dream where you receive a letter addressed to another person, although your address is indicated on the envelope, portends that you will be pointed out about mistakes made with good intentions, but you will take it as an insult. Good news in a letter means wonderful hours that you will soon spend alone with your loved one, bad news means you will have to endure the insult, restraining your feelings. Reading other people's letters in a dream means loss of independence in business matters.

A letter on official letterhead received from a certain organization means that your reputation is in danger of being discredited.

A dream in which you lost a valuable letter means that in reality you will break off relations with a man who until recently was revered almost as a deity. Burning a letter in a dream means you will have to give up a profitable opportunity because you consider it your duty to take care of your family and constantly be in the house.

Trying to read a letter torn into small pieces by folding them means that in reality you will lose the favor of friends or sponsors. If a love letter that compromises you is stolen from you and they are trying to blackmail you with it, in reality you will be disappointed in your loved ones due to financial disagreements.

To receive an anonymous letter in which you are vilified and denigrated in every possible way means that some sad incident in reality will cancel out all your joyful expectations. Receive threats in a letter - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Receive a letter from close relatives - you will have to work hard to solve a problem that there will simply be no one but you to sort out. A letter from distant friends foreshadows an imminent meeting or conversation with them on the phone.

Rewriting a letter in a dream or duplicating it in any other way is a harbinger of useless work and wasted time. If in a dream you cannot wait for an answer to your letter, this warns that in real life you may receive an unexpected blow from around the corner at any time and anywhere.

A dream in which you yourself write a letter to relatives foreshadows significant acquisitions and enrichment. A letter to a loved one who is far away is a sign of irreparable mistakes, disappointment and depression. Sending a letter in a dream is a harbinger of good luck and luck in everything.

I dreamed about a lot of envelopes and letters

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Dream Interpretation - Letter, write

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Dream Interpretation - Letter, mail

Burning a letter means a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Letters

Letters - wait for news.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Burning a letter means a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Receive - news (sad or happy - depends on the color of the letter), joy and joy; write a letter - benefit, good news, surprise, conduct // an unpleasant conversation; letter to wife - danger; letter to a friend - good news; send - meeting with a friend; reading - benefit, happiness; to lose is a quarrel.

Letters without an envelope

Dream Interpretation Letters without an envelope dreamed of why you dream about Letters without an envelope? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Letters without an envelope in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Pay attention to the person you are sending the envelope to - you may meet with this person soon.

If you receive an envelope, expect new opportunities to appear.

If you send an envelope, your help will be greatly needed by someone, they will thank you.

Write the address on the envelope - you will soon meet the addressee.

If you receive an envelope, you will have a perspective.

If you send an envelope by mail, you will be doing someone a service that will be appreciated and later rewarded.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

A dream in which you are holding a sealed envelope in your hands foreshadows some secret. Opening the envelope means that in reality you will deal with an interesting problem. If there is a letter in the envelope that is not addressed to you, a new, interesting acquaintance awaits. An empty envelope foreshadows a heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one who will share your suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

The envelope symbolizes an explanation of some circumstances.

An open envelope means the situation becomes clearer.

A sealed envelope means there is an invisible danger.

A stack of envelopes - news from friends.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Seeing a sealed envelope means receiving good news.

Opening an envelope means deception.

Sealing the envelope means changes for the better.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

An envelope in a dream means receiving important news, revealing some secret, or accessing documents. Sealing an envelope in a dream is a sign of good luck. See interpretation: letter.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Receiving an incomprehensible envelope in a dream: this is your premonition that you may soon hear about some event that will affect you in one way or another.

Sending an envelope or sealing some message in it: a sign of your confidential communication with someone. Most likely, the dream suggests that you should take care of keeping some information from prying eyes.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

A sealed envelope - receiving news.

Open - false news.

To write is to hesitate, to hesitate in making a decision.

Sealing means good changes in fate.

An empty envelope is a desire to open your soul to some person.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

If you look at the envelope, it means news sent in the letter.

Signing an envelope means trouble for someone close to you, which will happen because of you.

If you open it, you will comprehend someone else’s secret.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

In a dream, receiving a registered letter means that a financial problem that has arisen will destroy old ties.

If a young woman dreams that she has received a registered letter, this is a sign that she will be offered financial support, but neither law nor morality will be the basis of this offer; people may judge her.

For a lover, such a dream will bring difficult forebodings of an unhappy marriage. His lover will look for signs of appreciation from others, not from him. Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of an opponent whom you consider more worthy.

Seeing a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means upcoming difficulties or illness.

If in a dream the news received in a letter is joyful, many events will happen to you for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience neglect in love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck.

The color red in a letter foreshadows separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you.

If a young woman dreams that she is hiding a letter from her lover close to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy.

A letter almost always brings sadness.

If your letter is intercepted, in reality jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you.

To dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your lover or wife is a sign that you will develop unworthy interests.

Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream foretells the illness or death of a relative.

Receiving a letter written on black paper with white ink is a sign of despondency that will take possession of you, but friends will help you with their participation.

If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers - a quarrel.

Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will very soon repent of.

A torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation.

Taking a letter in your hands means that you are being unfair to your loved ones.

Often dreaming that you are receiving a letter from a friend foreshadows his appearance or news from him.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

If you dreamed of a postman personally handing you a letter, it means you will soon receive unpleasant news. Receiving a registered letter warns you of the danger of an accident on the road. A dream where you receive a letter addressed to another person, although your address is indicated on the envelope, portends that you will be pointed out about mistakes made with good intentions, but you will take it as an insult. Good news in a letter means wonderful hours that you will soon spend alone with your loved one, bad news means you will have to endure the insult, restraining your feelings. Reading other people's letters in a dream means loss of independence in business matters.

A letter on official letterhead received from a certain organization means that your reputation is in danger of being discredited.

A dream in which you lost a valuable letter means that in reality you will break off relations with a man who until recently was revered almost as a deity. Burning a letter in a dream means you will have to give up a profitable opportunity because you consider it your duty to take care of your family and constantly be in the house.

Trying to read a letter torn into small pieces by folding them means that in reality you will lose the favor of friends or sponsors. If a love letter that compromises you is stolen from you and they are trying to blackmail you with it, in reality you will be disappointed in your loved ones due to financial disagreements.

To receive an anonymous letter in which you are vilified and denigrated in every possible way means that some sad incident in reality will cancel out all your joyful expectations. Receive threats in a letter - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Receive a letter from close relatives - you will have to work hard to solve a problem that there will simply be no one but you to sort out. A letter from distant friends foreshadows an imminent meeting or conversation with them on the phone.

Rewriting a letter in a dream or duplicating it in any other way is a harbinger of useless work and wasted time. If in a dream you cannot wait for an answer to your letter, this warns that in real life you may receive an unexpected blow from around the corner at any time and anywhere.

A dream in which you yourself write a letter to relatives foreshadows significant acquisitions and enrichment. A letter to a loved one who is far away is a sign of irreparable mistakes, disappointment and depression. Sending a letter in a dream is a harbinger of good luck and luck in everything.

Letter envelope

Dream Interpretation - Letter

If you received a registered letter in a dream, you may have a money problem.

A young woman who has such a dream will be offered financial support. She can accept it if she is not afraid of the judgment of others.

For a lover, such a dream can bring a heavy foreboding of an unhappy marriage.

An anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person.

If you yourself wrote an anonymous letter, then, apparently, you are jealous of your opponent, whom you consider more worthy.

If you saw a letter with unpleasant news in a dream, get ready for difficulties.

Good news in a letter will bring you many pleasant events.

If the letter is affectionate, but written on colored paper rather than white, you will experience neglect in love and failure in business.

The color red in a letter foreshadows separation due to suspicion and jealousy. Be reasonable and you will avoid this trouble.

A young woman who hid a love letter in her heart in a dream may experience worries about her rival.

If your letter was intercepted, in reality jealous rivals will try to slander you.

They tried to steal a letter addressed to your lover or wife - lest you develop unworthy interests.

If you receive a letter written in white ink on black paper, despondency will visit you, from which your friends will lift you out.

A torn letter warns of the possibility fatal mistakes that can ruin your reputation.

A letter from a friend foreshadows real news from him or his appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Letter, write

(See interpretation: package, envelope, transmit)

A letter in a dream is a symbol of news. Reading it in a dream and hearing good news means that you will receive good news. If in a dream the news in a letter is disappointing, then it will be the same in reality. If in a dream the letter has a mourning frame, then expect news of death. Writing a letter yourself in a dream or seeing others doing it means that you will learn about favorable outcome some business. Opening an envelope and seeing a blank sheet of paper with nothing on it foreshadows losses or empty hopes. Letter written on back side paper - a harbinger of treason or deception. A dream in which a messenger delivered a letter foreshadows a quarrel for lovers or discord between partners. A registered letter in a dream foreshadows family troubles and quarrels. Opening a letter in a dream is a harbinger of an unexpected incident. Receiving a lot of letters in a dream means that you will soon learn a lot about friends abroad. Tearing a letter in a dream means that you will learn about a cunning trap or deception that will not harm your well-being thanks to your forethought and distrust.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

If a girl dreamed that she received a letter, it means that she will receive an offer from influential person, but her friends will not approve of such a relationship.

For a man in love, such a dream promises doubts about his chosen one. Perhaps he will suspect her of insincerity.

If you dreamed that a letter was written on colored paper, this means that you will encounter problems in love, your chosen one will treat you with disdain. If the message is written in blue ink, this promises you constancy in love.

If the color red is present in the letter, this means that separation awaits you due to the jealousy of your lover, but you will be able to make peace, since your reasonable behavior will save the situation.

If a girl dreams that she is hiding a letter from her loved one, this promises her worries about a rival, of whom she will be jealous of her betrothed.

A dream in which they are trying to intercept your letter means that your enemies will try to slander you in front of your chosen one.

If in a dream a man tries to take away a letter addressed to his wife or beloved, this means that he will develop unworthy hobbies that can discredit him in the eyes of his beloved.

If you dream that you are delivering a letter to your wife or husband, and she or he is delivering it to you, this portends a divorce for the spouses, and a quarrel and separation for the lovers.

A dream in which you are writing a letter means that you will accuse your loved one of unworthy acts that he did not commit.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

If you dreamed that you received a letter, in reality you will receive news from afar. If the letter was handed to you personally: to an unmarried girl - a marriage proposal, to a woman - the appearance of a fan, to a man - your beloved will respond to the advances with consent. Receive a registered letter - a reward awaits you. If at the same time you paid for shipping, the dream means financial difficulties.

If you dreamed of a registered letter for which you yourself must pay, imagine that you do not pay for the letter, but simply tip the postman.

If you write a letter yourself, you will have new hopes. Sending a letter means starting a new business. If you dreamed that your letter was answered, the dream promises success in any endeavor. Read a letter out loud - you will learn about your friends what they carefully hide from you. Seeing a lot of letters in your mailbox is a sign of a new long-term romance that can lead to a happy marriage.

Imagine that in letters - good news, which you have been waiting for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Letters

Letters - wait for news.

If the letter is good, then expect an increase in your salary.

The letter is bad - they are gossiping behind your back.

You write a letter - you will commit an unreasonable act.

You have received a love letter - expect to meet an extraordinary person with whom an affair is possible.

You will make a discovery that will benefit you.

Receive a letter with good news - you will have the opportunity to earn even more money.

Receive a letter with bad news - people are gossiping about you.

Writing a letter means you will do something that you will regret later.

Receive a love letter - you will meet a very interesting person.

If you write a love letter, you will soon have a short but pleasant romance.

Dream Interpretation - Letter, mail

Receiving a letter is news, good news.

Receiving a funny letter or telegram means unfavorable changes.

To write a letter - the need for money / to conduct intense business with someone a certain person.

Tearing a letter is a vain expectation.

Burning a letter means a quarrel.

Receiving a letter with a black seal is a pleasant surprise.

Postage Stamp - new person in your surroundings.

Mailbox - inner loneliness.

Postman's bag - the secret will become clear.

Seeing a post office or a post office in a dream is bad, some kind of heaviness is falling on you.

Dream Interpretation - Letter

Receiving a letter in a dream is news, good news.

Writing a letter in a dream means you will need something (maybe even someone’s help).

Tearing a letter means you are waiting for something, but so far in vain.

Burning a letter means a quarrel.

Do you write letters? And do you get answers? How good! After all phone conversation- like a soap bubble: you will immediately forget it. And a letter, if it is warm and interesting, will always be re-read.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Seeing an envelope in a dream is a harbinger of not very good news.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Envelope - secret, joyful news - open - lie - seal - prosperity in fate.

Dream Interpretation - Envelope

Buying an envelope at the post office means a letter from relatives.

Dream interpretation envelope

After waking up, it is not always possible to understand why the envelope is dreamed of. The general plot that you are trying to draw your attention to does not always reveal the true essence that you should listen to.

What are the difficulties?

According to the dream book, an envelope is a symbol of secrets and important information which has to be hidden from other people. It is important to understand that there will always be facts that cannot be shared even with the closest people.

I dreamed about a paper bag for letters

To understand the events occurring in a dream, you will have to pay attention not only to appearance paper product, but also for its intended purpose.

In which condition?

Great importance should be paid to the condition of the paper product that was seen in the dream. Oddly enough, even such a trifle significantly affects the course of further decoding.


Seeing a sealed envelope is a symbol of other people's secrets and experiences that will soon become known to the dreamer. You must learn to properly manage the information received and never pass it on to third parties.

If you decide to open a paper product, but nothing works out, then very soon you should have an intimate conversation with someone near and dear to your heart. During the dialogue, you will be able to get closer and relax more, since all experiences will turn out to be far-fetched.


Seeing an open envelope in a dream

Dreaming of an open envelope, as a rule, is a sign of an incomprehensible situation from which the sleeping person can easily get out. If a representative of the fair sex feels moisture in the envelope, then secrets related to the insidious plans of ill-wishers will be revealed to her. They have long wanted to tarnish their business reputation and are trying to find the right moment to strike.


Why do you dream of an envelope covered in dirt? Dream interpreters advise the dreamer to pay attention to his business reputation. If you decide to open a dirty envelope and only get dirty, it means that in real life you can be seriously deceived by your loved ones. To get something - you may be drawn into a dangerous adventure.

Money matters

Some people personify an envelope with a monetary reward, and therefore the reason for the appearance of such an image in a dream is clear. However, there are interpretations of other dream books that are worth listening to.

Esoteric interpreter

If you dreamed of an envelope with money, then such a dream can be considered prophetic, since it predicts an improvement in your financial situation. There are several groups for which the interpretations will be somewhat expanded:

Seeing wrapped money in a dream

  • entrepreneurs - to receive high profits or enter a new market;
  • employee - to receive a bonus or salary increase.

Women's dream book

If a representative of the fair sex dreams of envelopes with money, it means her subconscious is trying to warn that a time of saving is coming, and it is better to give up meaningless acquisitions. You need to buy only the most necessary things and plan your budget in case of an unforeseen situation.

New dream book

If you dreamed of a postman handing over a large piece of paper with money, it means that you will be surrounded by gossips spreading false information about you.

You will have to adequately respond to the tricks of ill-wishers and continue to do your work.

Pleasant chores The discharge envelope evokes only positive emotions, and therefore it is so important to determine the reason for its appearance in night dream

. Even if you are far from having a baby, this dream detail will shed light on your current situation.

  • The interpreter focuses on who saw the children's envelope:
  • man - great prospects for starting a family;

woman - to a long-awaited pregnancy and easy childbirth.

Dreaming of children's overalls For some people, bright baby clothes foreshadow new and interesting projects

, allowing you to expand the boundaries of understanding of personality. However, such metamorphoses can negatively affect relationships with loved ones that do not develop. Children's overalls are a symbol of protest from relatives regarding your leaving work.

You must prepare for the fact that it is not so easy to defend your own opinion, and therefore you will have to bring all possible arguments that will reveal the benefits to your household.

Events occurring in a dream cannot always be deciphered correctly, since the main action remains unnoticed.


If you find a paper envelope under your door or in your mailbox, it means a strong and reliable person has appeared in your life, providing passive assistance. According to the interpretations of the fortuneteller Vanga, the image seen reflects loss of spirit and alienation.


Put a stamp on an envelope and send it by mail - wonderful prospects will appear in your life, which you need to manage correctly. You must understand that there will no longer be such a second opportunity.

Popular versions

Reading the works of Gustav Miller, one can understand that an envelope with something is evidence of a lost opportunity. Such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s honesty and great caution, which sometimes causes harm.

If he continues to be afraid to take initiative, then he faces a mediocre life. In the Winter dream book you can see a division of interpretation in accordance with their colors:

  • black - to receive bad news;
  • white - to good news from loved ones.

Seeing a lot of foreign stamps on a paper product means new acquaintances and memorable adventures. If you can show yourself, then influential people will appear in your social circle.

Write the address on the parcels - you will be able to meet a childhood friend, as well as visit memorable places.

dream book letter to receive

In the age of computer technology, we have forgotten how to write paper letters to each other. Time flies with elusive speed, it’s easier for us to call you back cell phone, or as a last resort reset email. We have forgotten that feeling when you take an envelope out of the mail, hold it in your hands, and feel the warmth of the person writing it. The moment when you have an empty piece of paper and a pen in front of you.

I dreamed about a letter

And although those times are far behind us, sometimes in night visions we can see, read, or write paper messages. Of course, a person will ask the question, why see a letter in a dream? Does this mean you'll soon hear from an old friend? If we want to know the interpretation, we open the dream book.

According to dream books, what do letters mean in dreams?

Dream books believe that a letter in an envelope, as a symbol of sleep, is not an unambiguous phenomenon and has many interpretations. For the prediction to be correct, it is worth remembering even the smallest detail, as well as listening to your intuition.

If you received a letter in a dream

Women's dream book

  • Receive a letter from a person whom you have not seen for a long time - expect early news, a personal meeting.
  • Receiving a registered letter means a complete break with a certain person, the reason will be money issues.
  • If a woman receives a registered letter in a dream, it means the appearance of a person who will make you an ambiguous offer.
  • Get anonymous - get ready for insults.
  • Writing an anonymous letter means you will be tormented by feelings of jealousy.
  • Reading a pleasant message means happiness and tranquility.
  • Read bad news- troubles and unpleasant news in real life.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Writing a letter means unpleasant conversations, gossip.
  • Write business letter- failure in business.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's Dream Interpreter, Special attention given to the color of the ink in the letter:

  • blue pen - love and luck will firmly enter your life;
  • red pen - you will experience an unpleasant feeling of jealousy, only your prudence can save your relationship with your significant other.

Why do you dream of a love letter that a wife gives to her husband, or, conversely, a breakup, a divorce with mutual accusations. If such a message is transmitted from a guy to a girl, or from a girl to a guy, there is a quarrel, a conflict.

Writing a message means unreasonably accusing another person, for which you will greatly regret.

If you saw a torn letter

Seeing a torn letter means you are taking too many rash actions, this can have a detrimental effect on the opinions of others, Miller believes.

Holding an envelope in your hands means you are being unfair to your loved ones.

A letter in an envelope, with a mourning frame, promises you a deceased person.

In the letter, the paper is black and the pen is white - sadness from which friends will help.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • A letter in the mailbox means receiving a substantial amount of money.
  • Write - news.
  • To dream of a letter that you are sealing means that you have a secret.
  • Finding someone else's message means moving up the career ladder.
  • Losing a letter in a dream is sad news.
  • Opening an envelope is a threat from thieves.
  • Receive a telegram - a threat hangs over you. Postcard - you will suffer because of your laziness.

Why do you dream about a letter from your beloved guy?

A message from a loved one means that you will soon hear something important from him, perhaps a secret will be revealed to you, or the person will confess to something.

The dream speaks of a close connection, spiritual kinship.

It is possible that your significant other wants to tell you something, but hesitates because he is afraid of your reaction to his confession.

What kind of letter

Perhaps you just dreamed of a paper message - a dream could simply mean the presence of information that you stubbornly do not notice. You should be more attentive to everything that happens.

It is possible that the news received in a dream is an idea that will soon visit you. Don't miss it, otherwise you may miss your chance.

If you wrote the letter yourself

But writing letters, according to many dream books, is a symbol of the fact that in real life you are forcing events too much. Such haste can lead to irreparable mistakes.

But tearing up the message means that in reality you are foolishly hoping for someone or something. But the hopes are unjustified.

Burning a message in a dream means you will be involved in quarrels and squabbles. Although, the dream book admits, it is within your power to avoid this.

Text of the letter

It is important for interpretation what is written in the letter, what kind of paper and pen was used.

If the content was humorous and made you at least smile, prepare for the unexpected. However, they will not necessarily be pleasant.

The pleasant contents of the message indicate that pleasant and happy moments await you in reality.

Text on colored paper, or in a multi-colored envelope - expect unforgettable romantic adventures. But for all its positivity, the dream also warns that you should be on alert, since love’s ups and downs may not benefit you and may hurt your social position.

The text is not addressed to you, but you have taken it away and are reading it in secret - your behavior, in Lately, leaves you wanting the best. Stop before it's too late, as unlawful acts can be punishable not only by public condemnation, but also by law.

Who is the addressee

Who did you receive the letter from?

In a dream, you can receive news from anyone, so to speak, what your imagination is capable of. But you should not ignore such dreams, as they can be very useful to you.

Message from the deceased

If in a dream you receive a letter from a deceased person, you should not panic in advance. One of the interpretations of such a dream says that this may simply be your memory of the deceased. In this case, it is worth remembering what kind of relationship you and the deceased had. This is the key to solving the dream.

The universal dream book says that receiving a letter from a dead person is a warning about the danger that threatens you in reality.

If you remember well the text of a letter from a deceased person, analyze it. It contains the answer to current or future troubles.

Letter from ex

As the dream book says, a love letter from an ex may mean that he will soon make himself known. It is quite possible that his feelings have not cooled down, and he is not averse to resuming your communication.

But, as a rule, such dreams are simply relics of the past, your memories of those people with whom you had to deal.

Write letters

A lot of letters in a dream speaks of your fatigue from the daily routine. You crave new, bright impressions, some kind of shake-up.

If you see a lot of letters in your mailbox, you are very close to dramatic changes in your life. Something will happen that will change the usual life by three hundred and sixty degrees.

But if in a dream you stand and look at a pile of messages, slowly reading them, you yourself will delay changes due to ignorance or fear.

Write a lot and send letters - joy will come into your life, the number of letters is commensurate with the pleasures received in reality.

Ink and paper color

As already stated above, great importance has the design of the envelope, the color of the paper, and also what color the pen was with which the letter was written.

A green pen and paper in a letter indicates that you disdain love in general and your loved one in particular. Also, a green pen predicts troubles in the business sphere.

To receive a letter written on yellow paper, read it, or write it yourself and see that you have a yellow pen - firstly, you are quite emotional person, and secondly, success awaits you in all matters, since you are distinguished by great ability to work and optimism.

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