Home Stomatitis How to make your own cat house with your own hands. Cardboard box cat house

How to make your own cat house with your own hands. Cardboard box cat house

Many people keep a variety of pets at home, surrounding them with love and care. Undoubtedly, the most popular of them are cats and cats. The combination of willfulness and affection is so attractive that such a pet can be found in 60% of families in our country. Someone gets purebred individuals that have certificates from various exhibitions and pedigrees. Some people prefer to adopt a kitten from a shelter or pick up a poor cat from the street. However, both want to provide their pet with best conditions life.

Why do you need a cat house?

Cats began living with people more than 9 thousand years ago. Initially, small predators were domesticated with very practical purposes. Cats protected their owners' supplies from plunder by mice, ferrets and other dangerous rodents. Today, such a task is faced by animals only in rural or suburban areas where people are engaged in agriculture. City dwellers keep them as pets and companions. Cats are one of the most highly social animals; they are sensitive to the behavior and mood of their owner or owner. At the same time, unlike dogs, they are not pack animals and because of this they urgently need their own space.

For fluffy fidgets, an ordinary blanket or bed is not enough. Many owners notice that their cats like to hide in and on closets, crawl under a blanket or behind the sofa. In this case, you need to arrange a small closed house for your pet, in which he will feel safe and will sleep peacefully for his required 10–15 hours a day. Some cats even bring their favorite toys to such a shelter or hide various goodies there.

Of course, such a house can be purchased at any pet store. A large number of various designs will satisfy even the most demanding fluffy. However, first you can try to make it yourself. This comes with a number of advantages:

  • making something from scrap materials is usually cheaper than buying a finished product;
  • it will be possible to guarantee the use of materials that are exclusively safe for the residents of the apartment and the animal itself;
  • you can take into account the characteristics and habits of a particular pet;
  • finally, it is quite interesting and entertaining; this project can be a great pastime for both one person and the whole family.

Choosing the size and shape of the house

Building a house yourself is not so difficult, the main thing is to correctly determine its basic parameters. Before making your choice, you need to consider the number and age of pets.

  • A design with two entrances is best suited for a cat with kittens. In a confined space, mommy will be nervous and will never bring the babies there. It is better if the hole is not through and the exit is located on the side or on top. And the hole itself should not be too large, but it must take into account that cats carry their kittens in their teeth.
  • A secluded place at altitude is perfect for a single person of any age. If the cat is still too small, this may be a structure raised on a leg only 15–20 cm from the floor. Adult pets will prefer a house hanging on the wall or standing on the windowsill.
  • For two or more cats you should not do one big house. Animals need privacy even from their fellow creatures. In addition, there is a high risk that the territory will be occupied by a more mature representative of the cat family, and the rest will be left without shelter. In this case, it is worth thinking about several small houses connected in unified system different platforms or pipes.

In addition to taking into account the number of pets, it is necessary to take into account their size and the free space of the house or apartment. For more large breeds For example, a Maine Coon needs a larger home than a regular cat. But you don’t need to make it too big, just so that an adult can fit and stretch out in it. The amount of free space in the room also imposes its limitations. It is unreasonable to occupy it by more than 10–15%, otherwise the owners will simply be uncomfortable.

Places to hide furry family members come in a variety of shapes and design features. The simpler it is, the more budget-friendly it will be to purchase or the easier it will be to make it yourself.


The classic option for a cat house is rectangular or square structures reminiscent of dog houses. The most simple option Such a house consists of an ordinary cardboard box, in one wall of which a hole is cut. More complex options may have a triangular or domed roof rather than a flat one. They can be supplemented with windows or decorative elements. Made in the form of a tent or wigwam. Most often, such booths are simply placed on the floor, but sometimes they can have small legs or stand on a podium.

Built into furniture

In order to make such a house there is no need to purchase new furniture. Perhaps an old TV stand or the bottom shelf of a bookcase would be perfect for this purpose. They are cleared of contents, and a small hole is made in one of the walls or in the door. Such a dark and cozy space can be an excellent home for both a mustachioed bachelor and an entire cat family.

Not only bedside tables and wardrobes are suitable for furnishing a house. You can cover the legs of the stool with fabric, which will serve as a frame. And place a soft mattress in the resulting space.

You can also use the space under your desk.

Wall options

This design is perfect for saving space in a small one-room apartment or studio. The houses are attached to the wall itself, the radiator or the wall of a high wardrobe. Instead of bookshelves, you can nail a small bed at knee height. Or raise it to the ceiling by nailing separate rungs as a ladder.

This option is perfect for owners of two or more pets, because they will each go to their own place and will not interfere with each other.

With a play complex

The lucky owners of a large number of free meters can turn their attention to entire play complexes for furry friends. In this case, several houses are connected into a single system by passages and platforms. Such a complex often contains many additional useful things in the form of stands, scratchers or toys. However, making them yourself is quite difficult, and the price for them often reaches several tens of thousands of rubles.


Such houses do not have a rigid frame. They are sewn from thick fabric or felted from felt. Most often they have a round or triangular shape, however, they can also be made in the style of a booth house. The main advantage of such a shelter is that it is easy to wash in a regular washing machine. Such a house can lie on the floor, windowsill or sofa. It takes up little space and is easy to take with you on any trip. The cat will be very warm and comfortable in it.


The tower house is made in the form of a vertical pipe, in which there are several separate floors. Each of them is a separate small room for an animal and is perfect for several cats. At the same time, it saves space, since it occupies it in height, and not in width and length.


Such options are much less common, but they can also save a lot of space in the room. Most often, their shape resembles hanging chairs. Such teardrop houses are usually made of wicker, however, one-piece options can also be found. It is advisable to make them for an already adult pet: this way there is less risk that he or she will fall and hit himself.

In addition to the hiding place for cats, you can make many convenient additions. Most often, they are attached to the body of the house or located next to it, connected by one frame.

  • Scratching post. Both young and adult individuals need to sharpen their claws. IN natural conditions animals do this with the help of tree bark, sometimes completely tearing it off the trunk. If you don’t provide a corner with a scratching post for a domestic bully, he may tear the sofa or wallpaper on the wall to shreds.
  • Playground. A small surface with toys tied to it can keep your beloved cat occupied for a couple of hours a day. In the event that the animal has gained weight after castration or from abundant nutrition, such a device will provide it with the necessary level of activity to maintain health.
  • Pipe. Cats love to crawl around enclosed spaces. The pipe can be placed both as a separate element at the top of the house, and as a transition from one shelter to another. If several holes are made in the roof of such a pipe, this will provide an exciting game for several pets.
  • Hammock. A cat does not always prefer to sleep in an enclosed space. An afternoon nap is especially good under the rays of the sun pouring from a window or balcony. In this case, a small hammock on the side of the house or above its roof is perfect for your pet.
  • Brush. Not all cats like to be brushed. Some furry bullies strive to scratch or even bite their owner at this moment. But those who love this procedure will appreciate a regular hard brush nailed to a corner or wall of the house. The pet will come up and rub its cheeks or sides against it.


Most often used to make a cat house natural materials. It consists of a rigid frame, if provided for by the design, and soft upholstery. Hanging and wall-mounted beds, as well as multi-story houses, must be carefully secured. An animal falling along with its shelter can lead to serious injury and irreversible consequences.

To create a strong frame, you can use the following materials.

  • Tree. The strongest and most reliable material, however, the most expensive and requires the ability to work with it.
  • Plywood, MDF, fiberboard or chipboard. Great options for DIY. Not as durable as wood, but much cheaper and do not require special skills.
  • Thick cardboard. Great option for a couple of months, but then it will have to be replaced with a new one. In this case, you can use boxes from electronics or furniture, which will significantly reduce costs.
  • Plastic. Rarely used for self-assembly of houses, but if you have the tools, it can also be used.
  • Rattan. Rattan, rods and even paper tubes can allow you to weave not only a basket, but also a real cat house. They require a little skill and a lot of patience, but the results are worth it.

Since cats love to sleep on a soft surface, the frame must be covered or sheathed with something.

  • Fur. Of course, few people decide to make a cat house out of new fur coat. But faux fur is inexpensive and cats love it because it is most similar to their fur.
  • Carpet. An excellent option for both upholstery and scratching posts.
  • Upholstery fabric. Corduroy, tapestry, microfiber or any other fabric for covering upholstered furniture are perfect for upholstering cat housing.
  • Foam rubber and synthetic winterizer. They are rarely used to upholster houses; more often they are stuffed inside the walls of soft houses or laid as bedding. Both options are perfect for this, as they are soft and inexpensive.

In order for the house to be not only cozy, but also safe, it must be properly fastened. Suitable for this good glue or small carnations. In cases where the structure is made of heavy materials, such as wood, you can connect the parts or attach the lounger to the wall using self-tapping screws. In this case, their caps need to be pressed inward and carefully putty on top. It is not recommended to use a regular construction stapler with staples, although it is very convenient.

A cat can injure its claws if it touches such staples when trying to sharpen them. And if an animal accidentally swallows a flying piece of iron, it will be necessary to urgently rescue it and take it to the veterinarian.

  • Safety. The house must be well secured, there should be no sharp corners or poorly attached parts. If the couch is raised above the floor to a height of more than 20 cm, then it must have rigid walls and a bottom and be very well secured.
  • Strength. The more carefully the house is made, the more durable materials are chosen for this, the longer it will last. Hard houses retain their appearance much longer than soft ones.
  • Easy cleaning. The easier it is to clean the upholstery from dust and cat hair, the easier it is for the owners.
  • Does not absorb odors. It is desirable that the material does not absorb any foreign odors or the odors of the animal itself.

How to make it yourself from wood?

To build wooden house For a cat you will need considerable skill and a large number of available tools. This process will take a lot of time and will require a whole list of materials and tools:

  • standing boards;
  • a pole made of timber with a diameter of 5–10 cm;
  • plywood, 5–10 mm thick;
  • rope;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • padding polyester;
  • PVA glue;
  • nails and screws;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • brushes;
  • pliers;
  • pencil and ruler.

Using all this, you can make a house for one pet with two entrances, a scratching post and a play area.

Design and cutting

First of all, it is necessary to prepare drawings of the future house. You can create them yourself or take ready-made options from the Internet. The drawing will need to be transferred to plywood sheets and the walls of the future plywood house will need to be cut out. Entrance holes are cut out in two parts, all cuts are carefully sanded.

Cut several boards of the required length from a wooden board, which will strengthen the walls of the house. A wooden base for shelter and an observation deck for games are cut out separately. Sintepon and fabric are also cut according to the pattern.

Assembly and fastening

First of all, wooden blocks that were cut to strengthen the house are glued onto the plywood. The walls and base are fastened together with small nails. On the inside, the padding polyester and fabric are glued to PVA glue, applying it with movements from the center to the edges. The finished house is attached to the base, a beam with a circular cross-section is attached to its roof, and an upper platform is placed on it. All outer parts of the structure, except for the pillar, are covered with upholstery fabric, which is glued with glue or secured with small nails. The pole is tightly wrapped with a thick rope, both ends are glued.

The finished house needs to be taken out onto the balcony or into the storage room for a couple of days so that the glue dries completely and its smell disappears. A replaceable bedding is placed inside the house, which can be easily washed. All that remains is to install and secure the finished product on the floor.

Step-by-step sewing instructions

Unlike the previous option, sewing a cat house is much easier. To do this, it is not necessary to have a sewing machine, because all the work can be done by hand. The main advantage of such a house is warmth and ease of cleaning. You just need to throw it in the washing machine and then dry it in the fresh air.

To work you will need the following:

  • foam rubber that holds its shape (about 1.5 cm thick);
  • foam rubber for a soft bottom (about 2.5 cm thick);
  • upper material.

It is not necessary to buy a piece of fabric to make such a cozy home. You can simply take scraps of different fabrics and sew them together. This design is even more interesting than usual and will save money.

Design and cutting

Before cutting the fabric, you need to prepare a diagram and calculate all the dimensions of the parts. You can cut out templates from plain paper or old newspapers. After this, you will need to transfer them to the fabric and cut everything out. For each of the walls and bottom, you will need to cut out 2 parts from fabric and 1 from foam rubber so that it is sewn between them. Do not forget about indentations of 1–2 cm, so that the seam is not located at the very edge and is stronger. On parts made of foam rubber such allowances are not needed.


Each of the walls and the bottom is sewn separately with a simple seam, and the entrance hole must be carefully sewn along the edge. They are formed in the form of a small “sandwich”, where the top and bottom layers are fabric, and in the middle there is foam rubber. After all the parts are ready, you can connect them together from the wrong side. You need to start from the entrance and end at the back wall.

After this, the base is sewn on, and the entire structure is turned right side out through the entry hole. To make the house more stable, its bottom can be quilted or secured with buttons sewn through all three layers. There is no need to ventilate or dry such a house; it is immediately ready for use. The main thing is to check if there are any pins left somewhere so that the animal does not prick itself with them.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes

If after cutting out the soft house there are still a lot of old newspapers or magazines left, you can try to make another interesting option for cat housing - a wicker house. It is made by analogy with wicker baskets or rattan furniture, and its main advantage is the price. Although the whole process will take a lot of time, however, the owners will get such a house almost free of charge.

In addition to waste paper, for its manufacture you will need:

  • ruler;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • a long thin stick (you can take a knitting needle).

Manufacturing can last more than one day, but it begins with the preparation of the material.

Preparation of tubes

First you will need to make a large number of paper tubes. To do this, you should cut the paper into strips 10 cm wide. Place a knitting needle on the edge of such a strip at an angle of 50–60 degrees and tightly wrap all the paper around it. The ends of the tape are fixed with glue, and the knitting needle itself is carefully pulled out. The tubes will need to be placed on top of each other, so one edge should be slightly larger than the other.


First of all, a round base is cut out in duplicate from thick cardboard or thin plywood. One part is laid on the floor and tubes are glued to it so that they diverge from the center like the rays of a star. The number of glued “twigs” should be such that the distance between them does not exceed 2 cm. The second part is glued on top, covering one end of the tubes and the bottom itself.

Bend the free ends of the tubes upward and begin to braid them with one of the remaining ones. When its length comes to an end, a new one is inserted into it and the process continues. In general, this is no different from weaving baskets and tueski. One of the sides will gradually need to be raised and rounded, resulting in a domed roof. There is an entrance on either side. To do this, simply move 2 or 4 tubes of the frame apart, and the edge is additionally braided to give strength.

The finished house can be painted with food paint in one or two layers. To add shine, you can also apply a special stain on top. After this, you need to let the house dry well and the smell dissipates, and you can invite your mustachioed pet there by placing a soft pillow or bedding on the bottom.

If you have a cat, then you probably dreamed of a beautiful and comfortable house for her. Most often, houses and beds for pets are bought in special stores, but such things are not cheap. You will have to save money for a whole month, or even two, to purchase an appropriate house for your cat. But at this time you need to buy her food and litter for the toilet. Someone else gets their pet vaccinated monthly. And this also costs a lot of money.

Your cat's home is a place where she can sleep. long time or hide from the owners. Representatives of the cat family generally like to hide in dark places.

Their favorite places are boxes, cabinets, a compartment inside the sofa or somewhere under an armchair. You, like no one else, should know what troubles your pet’s sleep brings, for example, in a closet. Clothes are constantly covered in wool and in puffs. Before putting the item on, you have to clean it or iron it. That’s why I really want my beloved cat to have his own private place to relax.

Types of housing for cats

Which house is best to choose for your beloved pet? A place to sleep and rest can be of several types:

Having studied the Internet, you can find many videos from which you can learn how and from what you can create a future house for your pet. Very often, from such videos, owners learn how to get something truly beautiful for little money. Every home owner has such unnecessary things as some foam rubber, cardboard boxes, small pieces of some fabric or old jackets or fur coats.

It is from these materials that you can create an excellent home for your cat.

How to sew a house for your beloved cat (patterns and step-by-step algorithm)

To create a house we need pieces of upholstery from a sofa or thick velor fabric, for the filler we will use foam rubber. You may ask why this particular fabric? It is denser, and if your pet decides to scratch its claws in its house, the house will remain intact. In addition, such a fabric will be easier to clean from your animal’s hair.
Now let’s study in more detail the creation of our future masterpiece, and photographs will help us with this.

  1. Preparatory stage . We will need two types of fabric about two meters long and wide 60 cm. If you don't have a whole piece of fabric that long, you can sew several pieces of material together to make a total of 200×60 cm. each fabric. The inside of the house should be made of thick fabric, and the outside should be of your choice, as long as it pleases the eye. For the filler, foam rubber one and a half centimeters thick, also measuring 200x60cm, is suitable. If it is not available, you can purchase it at any industrial store. Price about 300 rubles per sheet size 1x2 m. This will be quite enough. And you must admit, 300 rubles is not 2 thousand, like the price of houses in stores.
  2. Making a pattern . For the template you will need cardboard; if it is not available, a regular newspaper will do. Template dimensions 40×55 cm. (40 cm width of our house, 30 cm height + 25 cm roof). Cut out the template as shown in the photo and apply it to the fabric. When tracing the template, leave a couple of centimeters for the seam. Thus, we cut out 10 parts (5 from each material). You should succeed 8 wall parts 40x30x25 and two bottom parts 40×40.
  3. We do the same with foam rubber, only without 2 cm for indentation. We get 5 parts. 4 walls 40x30x25 and 1 bottom 40x40.
  4. Fastening the fabric . We fold 2 pieces of different fabric to each other, put foam rubber between them and secure with needles. We fasten along the entire perimeter of the foam. Thus, we proceed with all 4 walls. In the last fourth wall, we make a hole - the entrance. To do this, apply a plate, as seen in the photo, and draw a circle.
  5. Sewing fabrics . We use a sewing machine; if you don’t have one, you can carefully sew it with a needle with a good seam.
  6. Circle - entrance . We trim our circle for the entrance. You can use a zigzag stitch on a machine, or try to sew it beautifully with a needle by hand.

    Seam in the pattern

  7. Preparing the entry hole . To do this, in the already stitched circle, carefully cut a hole in a circle.
  8. Future bottom. We sew together the parts of the future bottom using the same method, so that the foam rubber is inside.
  9. Preparing the frame . We sew all the parts together as shown in the photo. In order for the beautiful fabric you have chosen to be on the outside, sew the parts together with thick fabric or upholstery. We start sewing the parts from the entrance wall with the hole, then all the rest according to the same principle.

    The frame is almost ready

  10. Bottom. We attach the bottom and stitch around the perimeter.

    Trying the frame to the bottom

  11. Finish. We turn the product right side out and invite the cat to evaluate our work.

    The chief expert is already sitting inside

Cats love to watch what's going on in the house. . A great option to place her house somewhere higher , for example, on a closet or bedside table . Sometimes waking up , the cat will feel in control of its territory .


All your cats will be “delighted” with such a house

Thus, we created a house for our beloved pet with our own hands. This is a very convenient house for an animal, and is far from the only option that can be created by simply adding a little imagination. Congratulate your pet on his housewarming and treat him to something tasty. The cat should instantly appreciate its new shelter and thank you.

For each of us, home is a cozy room, a warm home, tasty food, a sincere atmosphere, and for many also a beloved pet cat, who, like us, needs his own secluded corner. Certainly, beautiful house You can also buy it at a pet store, but it’s better to do it yourself, especially since we have 13 wonderful options with detailed instructions in the photo.

Solar tent

Anyone can make such a tent for a cat. All you need is a bright T-shirt, a couple of wire hangers and cardboard.


So, prepare: a T-shirt, thick square cardboard, two wire hangers, adhesive tape, pins, pliers.

Cut off the ends (hooks) of the hangers.

We make stands from hangers. To ensure density and smoothness, tape the cardboard around the edges.

We make small holes (to hold the wire tightly) in each corner.

We cross the wires and secure the top with tape. Make sure the legs of the stand are touching the corners of the cardboard. Insert them into the holes.

Bend the ends of the wire on the reverse side.

To make it easier to move the tent, cover any protruding bends with tape.

The frame is ready. Make sure the wire posts are symmetrical. If necessary, trim them with pliers.

We cover the frame with a T-shirt, folding it as shown in the photo below. The T-shirt should be pulled tight enough.

Place a soft pillow or blanket inside and present the new thing to your cat!

Cardboard tower

A structure made of layers of corrugated cardboard for a cat looks very aesthetically pleasing and unusual. Repeat after us and you will get the same thing!


Prepare corrugated cardboard, cutter, pencil, compass, glue, brush.

Drawing circles

First of all, let's draw layouts of our cardboard disks, located one above the other. The result will be 8 groups of 4 or 5 disks of a certain size. The dimensions will depend on the size of your pet, but in our example the radii are as follows:

  1. 21.5 cm
  2. 21 cm
  3. 20.5 cm
  4. 20 cm
  5. 19.5 cm
  6. 19 cm
  7. 18.5 cm
  8. 18 cm

Cut along the drawn circles.

Basic circles for the bottom

Now we form the base of our house. We cut out a solid disk with a radius of 21.5 cm (without a hole inside), then draw exactly the same 6 disks, but with a hole (we measure 4 cm from the edge in the same way).

We place the discs on a solid base.

Assembling a pyramid.

Drawing the entrance opening

We measure the height of the opening and remove the excess top. Draw the boundaries of the door. You can draw any shape.

On each disk we mark the boundaries of the opening.

Cutting out the door

Using the marked signs, we draw straight cutting lines on the disks. It is important to determine their correct angle of inclination.

Putting the circles back together

Glue the disks into a pyramid

Let's call the cat!

After the structure is completely dry, we arrange a soft place inside and delight our beloved pet.

Luxurious sofa for an important cat

How long can you occupy your cat’s favorite spot on the couch? Finally, sew him your own. And don't forget about the bows!

For work, prepare:warm fabric (in our example corduroy), material for the bottom of the sofa, material for interior decoration, padding polyester, scissors, threads, needles and sewing machine.

We draw the layout. Dimensions are determined by the size of the animal. The optimal width of the side panel is 20 cm.

The bottom consists of dense fabric on the bottom, padding polyester and corduroy on top.

Sew the layers together.

We cut the side. Sew along the edges, leaving one side unsewn.

We first attach the side panel to the bottom with pins.

We fill it with synthetic fluff.

Sew up the hole.

Now it’s the turn of the sofa cushions. We also fill it with synthetic fluff. If desired, add a patterned stitch along the edges.

We decorate the crib with bows or other accessories, for example, fish. We admire!

Cat in the chimney


To make something like this original house for a cat, prepare: a wood tube of the required size (can be purchased at a hardware store), acrylic paint, sandpaper, wood glue, ruler (or measuring tape), a piece of foam rubber or soft fabric for interior decoration.

We measure and cut the tube to the required size.

Cutting out the stand

We draw two straight lines along the tube at a short distance from each other.

We cut along the marked lines.

Thus, we will get a rounded piece that will serve as a stand for our house. Sand the rough edges with sandpaper.

Glue and paint

We paint the main structure and the outside of the stand. After the paint has completely dried, thoroughly glue the stand to the house. Turn the structure upside down and tightly clamp our stand to the base. Wait for the glue to dry (this will take about 30 minutes).

Glue a piece of foam rubber for softness.

Cozy details

Cover the bed with a blanket and place a small decorative pillow. You can also decorate it with curtains on the sides or hang a funny toy for the kitten.

Hanging cat house and shelves - original composition

Such an unusual project will become a real highlight in your home. Now cat house imitates a hanging shelf, and real small bookshelves serve as steps for it.

We build the house from ordinary wood plywood, cutting out a doorway and a small window in the shape of a cat's face.

But the most creative element of the composition is the cable bridge! It is made from cut strips of birch plywood and grommets connected to a cable. We buy it at a hardware store. Cable ties and fastening clips are also useful. We use a laser cutter for cutting.

The final touch is rugs on the roof of the house and on the steps-shelves. We fasten them with construction glue.

A cat in a poke!

And this project will show an interesting version of a cozy bed that can be used in different ways.

Materials: thick felt fabric, bright fabric for decorative stars, 2 colors of thread - to match the stars and the bag itself, filler, sewing machine, scissors, needle, measuring tape, fabric clips, compass or round shape, pencil, paper, chalk for fabrics.

Cut out two circles for the bottom of the bag.

Sew the circles together, leaving a small hole for filling.

Fill the bottom evenly with filler and sew the hole.

We form the side walls. We take measurements.

Cut out a large rectangular piece.

Fold the rectangle in half, and glue decorative stars on the outside just below the bend.

Using three-layer thread, sew the stars to only one side (try not to sew both!)

Fold the rectangle in half and sew the edges along the length. Turn the bag inside out reverse side, hiding the seam.

We fasten the pillow to the bottom with clamps.

Sew it to the sides.

The sleeping bag for the cat is ready. But the most interesting thing is yet to come – the use cases!

Option 1 – cave

Option 2 – cozy high sleeping bag

Option 3 – compact chair

Luxurious crib with columns

Let's start with this ordinary table...

... which we will turn into a luxurious cat bed.

Preparatory work

The headboard for the crib will be a finishing plinth, which we will cut to the required size.

We will make the tips of the columns from antique curly handles.

We will make the legs of the crib from wooden pine blocks.

We fasten them with screws and wood glue.

The frame is ready for finishing!

Let's add more beauty using pink marker paint.

We lay out a beautiful mattress and call the main expert!

Tent for a cat

It's no secret that cats love boxes! Why not try making a real tent out of it for your pet? The principle is the same as that of the “solar tent”.


We collect the box.

We disassemble wire hangers.

We attach the wires obtained from the hangers to the box.

For strength, glue the edges to the box with hot glue.

We fix the top by wrapping it with wire.

All that remains is to put on the T-shirt.

Transforming an old sweater

You can sew a cozy and warm cat bed from an old sweater. Prepare pins, stuffing (eg polyester), pillow, needle, thread and scissors.

Main source material

We sew up the neckline, sew a transverse line between the sleeves (this way we separate the back of the future bed).

We fill the back and sides with polyester.

Sew the cuffs.

We put the pillow inside.

Sew up the hole and fasten the sleeves to the base with pins.

Sew and remove the pins.

You can brag about the end result!

Two-story building

A full two-story house can also be an excellent design for a cat's home. A minimum of drawing skills, good imagination and cardboard boxes will definitely come in handy in this matter. And a few more details - a knife (or scissors), a ruler, a pencil.

First of all, we cut out the door and windows, then we construct the roof. Glue it to the frame and you can decorate!

Another idea for a funny cardboard house for a cat

Striped tent

If you have a cat “Matroskin” at home, make him such a tent. And then for sure she and your minke will be like two boots.

Comfort cube

This cube house is made of foam rubber, covered with beautiful fabric. The work is not fun, but the result is amazing!

More creative cat house ideas:

Feel free to experiment and implement unusual ideas in such an important project as a cat house. Believe me, not only the main owner will be delighted, but also all the surrounding guests and family members!

Cats are one of the most beloved pets that can most often be found in an apartment. In order for the pet to feel comfortable and cozy, the owners try to create all suitable conditions for it: provide it with tasty and balanced diet, buy him beautiful collars or clothes, regularly comb his fur, and take him to appointments with the veterinarian. But besides all this, the cat also needs its own space - a house, and not every owner installs one in his own living space.

This design is an essential element of the animal’s normal life; it can be purchased in a store or made from scrap materials. Detailed instructions, presented in this article, will help you make a beautiful and cozy cat house with your own hands.

Depending on the design features of the product, cat houses are divided into:

  • hammocks;
  • beds;
  • special booths;
  • cardboard structures;

To decide which house is right for your pet, observe its habits
  • mini beds and sofas;
  • built-in houses;
  • complex complexes with game elements.

Hammocks– the simplest and most convenient designs for both pets and their owners. They are attached to the legs of furniture, do not interfere with movement around the room, and are almost invisible. You can make them yourself using simple items.

A cat hammock can be hung in any room of the house.

To work you will need:

  • some durable fabric;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • fasteners that will fix the product in the selected location.

Important! Carabiners, Velcro and loops are the fastening elements of cat hammocks.

Cat beds- This is the simplest type of house. They are produced in the form of baskets or boxes with soft lining. This design is very simple to manufacture, so every homeowner can make it themselves from scrap materials.

Original cat bed

House-booth. The design of such a house resembles doghouse, it has a roof and soft interior lining. A characteristic feature of the product is the presence of a special scratching post on which the pet sharpens its sharp claws. Such housing can be purchased at a pet store or made with your own hands.

House-booth for a cat

Cardboard structures. These are the most impractical products for pets. They quickly become unusable, lose their presentable appearance and tear. Constructed from boxes or cardboard sheets.

Cardboard house

Special mini-beds and sofas for cats. They are miniatures of pieces of home furniture. Such houses are very comfortable, fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, and do not clutter it up.

Sofa for a cat

Built-in houses. Built-in houses are universal structures. They are often located inside cabinets, bedside tables or ottomans. Such pieces of furniture perform two functions at once:

  • house the pet;
  • used by owners in Everyday life(for storing things or other items).

Built-in cat house

Game complexes. It's quite complex and large products, consisting of a certain number of elements (ladders, scratching posts, beds, etc.). They are very convenient for cats, but not every homeowner can install such a house in their apartment, since they require a large area to accommodate them.

Play complex for cats

Materials for making the structure

The design of a cat house consists of several elements. These include:

  • frame base;
  • soft covering;
  • special fillers and insulation materials;
  • scratching posts;
  • connecting elements of the structure;
  • various fasteners.

To make the frame base, boards, wicker, plastic, plywood, chipboard or MDF are used. Main condition the right choice material - it should not have unpleasant odor, since the cat may not perceive such a “fragrant” home.

Making the base of a plywood house

The covering is made from any available soft fabric that is at hand. Plush, fur, carpet are the most popular materials for making upholstery for a cat house.

Important! Electrified materials must not be used during operation.

To ensure that the house is reliably protected and insulated, experts recommend using fillings such as synthetic winterizer, synthetic padding or foam rubber. They not only retain heat inside the structure, but also have soundproofing functions.

Scratching posts, unlike other elements, are made of more durable materials. Metal or plastic pipes are used to construct the frame, and strong jute rope is used to cover it.

For upholstery, use soft polyester fabric

Requirements for cat houses

Before you start making a house, you need to decide on the type of its design. Basic requirements for cat housing:

  1. The height of the house should be equal to the level where the pet spends the most time (the height of the sofa, chair, table, bedside table, etc.).
  2. Housing should not have an unpleasant odor, as the animal simply will not perceive it.
  3. The dimensions must be appropriate for the cat so that it feels comfortable within its walls.
  4. Sustainability.


Before you start designing a house, you must make a drawing of it. Experts recommend:

  1. Height not lower than 40 cm.
  2. The perimeter of housing for a medium-sized cat is at least 40 x 40 cm.
  3. The diameter of the inlet hole is at least 15-20 cm.

Advice. When making a house yourself, you need to take into account the size of your pet!

To make a cat house with your own hands, the master does not need to have any special knowledge. To do productive work you will need to be patient, everyone necessary materials and tools.

Cardboard house

To work you will need:

  • cardboard boxes (preferably large);
  • pencil for marking;
  • temp gun with glue sticks;
  • ruler;
  • knife or scissors.

Manufacturing technology of a two-tier house:

  1. Create a drawing of the house, apply it to cardboard boxes, cut out all the elements (floor, walls, roof).
  2. They draw windows and doors and cut them out.
  3. Assemble the first floor of the cat's housing, glue all the seams using a heat gun (it will reliably hold all the elements together).
  4. A connector is made in the roof of the first tier, which will serve as a hole for the cat to reach the second level.
  5. The elements of the second tier are glued to the finished structure.
  6. Decorate and paint the finished house.

A house made of wood (boards, fiberboard, etc.) in the form of a booth

For work you will need: A wooden booth

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Make a drawing of a cat house (each structural element).
  2. Apply markings, according to the finished drawing, to the material.
  3. All elements of the future structure are cut out (floor, walls, roof, entrance for the pet).
  4. Fasteners connect them together (except for the roof).
  5. Fix the padding polyester and carefully sheathe the house soft cloth(both internal and external parts).
  6. The roof is sheathed separately and attached to the finished structure.
  7. Decorate the house.

Hanging pillows

Another option for a cat house is a hanging structure made from several soft pillows. It is attached to the ceiling or to the tabletop (from the bottom of the table).

To work you need:

  • 2-3 pillows;
  • thick decorative rope;
  • anchor hook (if the structure will be attached to the ceiling);
  • drill;
  • threads and needles;
  • decorative elements.

Hanging bed made of pillows

Manufacturing technology:

  1. A hole is made in the ceiling.
  2. Fix the anchor hook.
  3. The pillows are connected to each other using decorative ropes (at a certain distance from each other).
  4. 3-4 long ropes are sewn to the edges of the top pillow, connected to each other, and hung on a ceiling hook.
  5. Decorate the finished hanging house with affordable items.

The original cat house will become a favorite place for your pet. Make it yourself according to one of the suggested instructions, and your pet’s joy will know no bounds.

DIY cat house: video

A special atmosphere reigns in the house where a cat lives. Pets may have different character, however, they all bring variety to the former measured life.

Often cats become attached to one place, spending a lot of time there. Accordingly, they leave scraps of fur, sharpen their claws, and play. In such cases, the question arises of creating a separate sleeping place for the cat, its own house.

You can buy one like this at a pet store. In this case you will have to spend money. Or you can make your own cat house from cardboard box.

Types of cat houses

Here is a gallery of ideas from home craftsmen:

You can explore the range of cat houses on the market and choose the best design for your pet.

Most often, cat owners choose the following models:

  • Various beds. Suitable for calm animals that spend most of their time observing.
  • Booth house. Suitable for pets who like to spend time in solitude. It's easy to make from a cardboard box.
  • Hammock bed. Can be located in any free place - under a chair, stairs, etc.
  • Game complexes. Suitable for families with two or more cats. They may consist of several houses, passages, scratching posts and hammocks. Their parameters and content depend on the desires and capabilities of the owner.

We create a house for a cat. What do you need to know?

Dimensions. Cardboard houses must correspond to the parameters of the animals. For a pet with average parameters, a cubic design will be suitable, the width of which will be about 40 centimeters. A hole 15–20 centimeters wide is sufficient for entry. If the entrance is very wide, the animal will feel unprotected. The basic rule is that the pet must fit freely in the house, lying on its side.

Important! Siamese and Bengal cats love to sit on their hind legs. It's better to do it for them cardboard house with your own hands in the form of a wigwam. Its height should be at least 60 - 70 centimeters.

Benefits of a self-made cardboard house:

  • Saving money.
  • A self-created product will be in harmony with the interior of the room.
  • An additional reason to please your pet.
  • Minimum investment of time and effort.
  • There is no need to throw away empty boxes.

Materials and tools for creating a cardboard house:

  • Cardboard box. This could be packaging from household appliances, box, etc.
  • Soft and dense upholstery material. Carpet is best.
  • Water-repellent interior lining.
  • Wide tape.
  • Glue without foreign odors.
  • Stationery knife, pencil, ruler.

Owners don’t always understand how to make a house for a cat out of a box. There are no big difficulties in this. It is necessary to select materials and strictly follow the instructions.

We create a house for the cat ourselves. Step-by-step instruction

Option No 1

  • We cut a hole of the required size in one of the walls of the cardboard box. This will be the entrance to the house. You should not make a very large hole, otherwise the cat will feel uncomfortable being inside.
  • We fix the folding sides of the box with tape.
  • We cut out parts from waterproofing material to finish each wall of the box. Glue it.
  • We cut out an additional waterproofing piece for the bottom. The house must be reliably insulated from below.
  • We cover the outside of the cardboard cat house with carpet. You can use thick fabric, wallpaper, fur. But practice shows that cats get used to a carpet house faster. In addition, the animal may sharpen its claws on the carpet and be discouraged from furniture.
  • Leave the house for several days until the glue is completely dry and aired.
  • We cover the inside of the structure with a blanket or place a small pillow.

Option No 2

  • We cut out padding from padding polyester to the bottom according to the dimensions.
  • We cover the bottom with synthetic padding. Can be replaced with foam rubber.
  • On the side of the cardboard box we cut out a round or oval entrance in accordance with the cat’s parameters.
  • On the other side we cut out a small hole in the form of a window. We cover it with an insect net (if the house will be used outside). A window is necessary to ensure air circulation in the house.
  • We close the foldable flaps of the cardboard box and attach them with tape.
  • We decorate the top of the house with thick fabric or wallpaper.

Option No 3

  • We cut out rectangles from a cardboard box measuring 50 x 40 centimeters. For Siamese and bengal cats cut out pieces measuring 50 x 60 cm. A total of three rectangles are needed. This will be the base and two side parts.
  • We cover the rectangles inside and outside with upholstery fabric.
  • We connect the two parts to each other at an angle of 60 degrees. We attach the third part to them. We fasten the entire structure with PVA glue. We get a house in the form of a triangular prism.
  • We cover the bottom of the house with padding polyester or other soft bedding.
  • We install the house near the radiator to make the cat warm and comfortable.

Another variation:

Option No. 4

House made of cardboard rings.

We cut out rings from cardboard with a gradual decrease in diameter, as shown in the photo. Then we glue them together. It turns out to be a creative house - a cocoon. Judging by the video, the cat likes it)

Features of house decor

We decorate self-made homes for pets like this:

  • We cover it with fabric, which we select in accordance with the overall style of the interior.
  • Cover with paper white. Then we decorate it to our liking.
  • We wallpaper it to match the walls of the apartment.
  • We decorate the house with soft toys in the form of mice, birds, other animals and insects.

You can install a scratching post next to the house so that your pet can sharpen its claws. This way you will protect your furniture from damage.

Precautionary measures:

  • It is prohibited to use a stapler as a fixing material. Cats sometimes chew cardboard. A pet may accidentally swallow a stapler or injure its mucous membrane.
  • Do not use adhesives with a strong odor. PVA glue is optimal. It does not emit strong odors and dries quickly.
  • It is forbidden to use boxes found on the street. Stray cats and dogs could live in them. There is no guarantee that they were healthy.
  • Tight boxes should not be used. The cat will want to stay awake in a place where it is uncomfortable.
  • It is forbidden to hang a cardboard cat house. The product may fall and the animal may be injured.

A self-built cardboard house for a cat will save money on the family budget and the nerves of the owners. After all pet will not look for a place to lie in the wrong place.

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