Home Prosthetics and implantation How to sew a cat house with your own hands. How to build a house for a cat with your own hands

How to sew a cat house with your own hands. How to build a house for a cat with your own hands

All family members need their own secluded place in the house where they can relax. Our four-legged pets are no exception. Most cat owners are aware that their pets often hide in boxes, closets, drawers and other secluded places. So why not worry about your pet and make cat house with your own hands, especially since now it’s easy to find drawings with dimensions and instructions for making a simple design.

Why do cats need a secluded place?

Many people wonder: does their pet really need a home? The answer is clear - it is necessary, because animals need somewhere to rest from the close care of their owners. Many people mistakenly believe that a cat doesn’t care where to sleep, because you can often see it stretched out on the sofa or in any other place. But the animal rests anywhere precisely because it does not have its own place. Therefore, if the pet’s owners really love him, they should definitely make him a secluded home.

Many people think that making a cat house doing it yourself or buying it in a store is absolutely useless, since this does not mean that the cat will like it and sleep in it. In part, this opinion is not unfounded. But if the house is ready, and the animal avoids it, then do not despair. Perhaps the cat is simply sniffing at a structure that is incomprehensible to it and cannot figure out what it is for and what to do with it. And even if the owners help the animal get into their home, it will not necessarily sleep there.

Maybe the cat just doesn’t like the location of the house. In such a situation, you need to try to place the structure in different rooms or corners of the apartment. Very often cats like to lie on window sills and it may be necessary to place their home there. Plus, many felines have chosen places at higher elevations, so you need to experiment.

Requirements for a cat house

Before you start making a cat house with your own hands, you need to define its configuration, on which the drawings and dimensions of the structure will depend. The main requirements for cat houses are the following parameters:

Also of great importance are overall dimensions of cat housing. Before making a house with your own hands, you need to prepare a drawing in accordance with the recommendations of experts:

  • height from 40 cm;
  • the perimeter of the structure for medium-sized cats should be 45 by 45 cm;
  • the inlet hole in diameter should be 15 cm or more.

To make your own cat housing from scrap materials, a person does not have to be an experienced carpenter or have special knowledge in the matter of construction.

What is the difference between houses for cats and cats?

The cat is very comfortable on the roof of the cat house, which has only one entrance. After all, all that a domestic predator may need is a place where from time to time he can retire from prying eyes, and most importantly, an overview to monitor everything that is happening in the area.

In turn, cats love it when in their home there is an additional entrance, and it’s more convenient for them to view everything around them not from the roof, but from an additional stand in front of their home. This feature is primarily due to the fact that the cat views its house not only as a place for privacy, but also as a shelter for future offspring. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary additional output so that the cat feels comfortable and protected.

We build a house for a cat with our own hands

Today, every pet store in our state has cat houses for every taste and budget. A pet house is a very useful thing in which cats can rest in complete relaxation. They feel that their owners care about them and will reciprocate their feelings. But buying a house is not the only opportunity to take care of your pet. Moreover, a full-fledged cat housing is quite expensive, and making it with your own hands from scrap materials such as plywood, foam rubber, or even newspaper is not a big deal. special problems. But first you need to understand the design features of a cat’s home and the stages of its construction.

Making a cat house from cardboard boxes

One of the most popular materials for building a cat house is simple cardboard box. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a master in construction; all the work can be done with your own hands, for which you need to prepare the following consumables:

  • a thick cardboard box;
  • soft dense fabric;
  • polyethylene or other water-repellent material;
  • stationery knife and scissors;
  • odorless adhesive composition;
  • set for drawings;
  • construction tape.

To make a cat house in accordance with the dimensions and drawings, you need to complete certain simple steps:

Such a cat house can always be modernized in accordance with the wishes of the cat owner or the characteristics of the pet.

We build a secluded shelter from newspapers

One more budget option making a cat house with your own hands is construction of a structure from ordinary newspapers, which often accumulate on the balcony or in the pantry. And, despite the fact that the newspaper seems unreliable material, the house, woven from newspaper tubes will be more reliable than its cardboard counterpart. Plus, if you show a little imagination and perseverance, a bed for a cat made from newspapers will look very attractive.

Before making a newspaper shelter for pet, it's important to worry availability of the following materials:

  • plywood;
  • adhesive mixture without pungent odors;
  • stationery scissors;
  • jigsaw;
  • knitting needles;
  • a pile of old newspapers.

So, how to make a house for a cat out of newspapers with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction:

At this point, the wicker house for the pet is considered complete. For the comfort of the animal inside and on the roof of the house soft pillows are laid.

Soft cat housing made of foam rubber

Special attention should be paid to soft cat housing, which can be make your own from foam rubber. Here, a person has many opportunities to show his own imagination in making a cozy corner for a cat with his own hands. To make a soft structure, you will need:

  • any piece of dense material;
  • thick foam rubber;
  • sewing accessories including a machine;
  • strong thread.

To make a cat house, you need to do a number of simple steps:

As you can see, making a cozy home for a cat with your own hands is not a big problem, especially since there is always everything in the house necessary materials at hand. The main condition is to approach the issue with due responsibility and show a little imagination.

Cats love to get into boxes, so the house is made of cardboard box– this is almost a win-win option!
And working with cardboard is quite easy.
We take the box and cut out a round entrance in the wall. To do this, you can use a flat plate as a template.

Trace with a pencil and cut out.

Upper part We use the boxes as a roof. We cut off the cardboard above the entrance and parallel to it. We connect the sides, creating natural ventilation in the house.

There is an even simpler version of the house. Cut out an entrance in the box.

On the wall of the box opposite the entrance, we cut out three holes for ventilation, and a small window on the side.

We put a pillow on the bottom. We secure the top of the box with a stapler. The house is ready in 5 minutes.

You can make a scratching post for a cat from scrap materials: take a pipe - the base of paper towels - and wrap it with twine. You can use hot glue to secure the ends.

An interesting option for a cat house is a house made from a T-shirt. There are several options to consider.


  • 2 wires, 50cm long,
  • t-shirt,
  • cardboard,
  • scotch.

We take 2 wires and cross them together. We cover the joints with tape and insulate the ends so that the cat does not get hurt.

You should get two connected arcs that will adjust the height of the house.

Now let's work on the base for the house. Take a box, you can use cardboard. We make four holes in the corners where we will insert the arcs.

Carefully bend the ends of the wire at the bottom of the box and seal with tape so that the sharp edges do not show through.

It's time for the T-shirt. For aesthetics, you can rip off the sleeves and sew an armhole. We stretch the T-shirt onto the frame so that the neck of the product is the entrance.

The larger the frame, the wider the T-shirt is needed.

If the length of the T-shirt is inconvenient, then you can cut it off and make a pillow inside the house.

Second way. We take a cardboard box and put a pillow inside according to size.

We cover the box with a T-shirt so that the cutout serves as the entrance to the cat’s house.

Carefully fold the bottom of the T-shirt and fasten it with a stapler.

We push the sleeves inside the armhole. The simplest cat house is ready!

Plywood cat house

Take a sheet of plywood. And we make three sides and a floor out of it, it is better to choose a square shape.

For the roof you need two squares, which are connected at an angle by furniture corners.

We use self-tapping screws to connect the walls and roof.

We cut out the entrance and front sides of the roof from foam plastic.

In order to cut out the entrance, we outline the plate.

You also need to make small holes in the roof parts for ventilation.

You can line the inside with fleece or put a pillow.

We take foam rubber and cut it according to the pattern.

We cover the parts with fabric. We sew the sides together.

What works for cats also works for dogs!

We put a pillow inside.

Other cat house ideas

I suggest you look interesting ideas cat houses for inspiration.

We use plywood and wood.

Cardboard house with a printed design.

Soft house with scratching post.

Soft house made of foam rubber.

Modern style cat bed.

I will be glad to see your comments. What type of cat house do you like best?

Cats are one of the most beloved pets that can most often be found in an apartment. In order for the pet to feel comfortable and cozy, the owners try to create all suitable conditions for it: provide it with tasty and balanced diet, buy him beautiful collars or clothes, regularly comb his fur, and take him to appointments with the veterinarian. But besides all this, the cat also needs its own space - a house, and not every owner installs one in his own living space.

This design is an essential element of the animal’s normal life; it can be purchased in a store or made from scrap materials. Detailed instructions, presented in this article, will help you make a beautiful and cozy cat house with your own hands.

Depending on the design features of the product, cat houses are divided into:

  • hammocks;
  • beds;
  • special booths;
  • cardboard structures;

To decide which house is right for your pet, observe its habits
  • mini beds and sofas;
  • built-in houses;
  • complex complexes with game elements.

Hammocks– the simplest and most convenient designs for both pets and their owners. They are attached to the legs of furniture, do not interfere with movement around the room, and are almost invisible. You can make them yourself using simple items.

A cat hammock can be hung in any room of the house.

To work you will need:

  • some durable fabric;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • fasteners that will fix the product in the selected location.

Important! Carabiners, Velcro and loops are the fastening elements of cat hammocks.

Cat beds- This is the simplest type of house. They are produced in the form of baskets or boxes with soft lining. This design is very simple to manufacture, so every homeowner can make it themselves from scrap materials.

Original cat bed

House-booth. The design of such a house resembles doghouse, it has a roof and soft interior lining. Feature products - the presence of a special scratching post on which the pet sharpens its sharp claws. Such housing can be purchased at a pet store or made with your own hands.

House-booth for a cat

Cardboard structures. These are the most impractical products for pets. They quickly become unusable, lose their presentable appearance and tear. Constructed from boxes or cardboard sheets.

Cardboard house

Special mini-beds and sofas for cats. They are miniatures of pieces of home furniture. Such houses are very comfortable, fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, and do not clutter it up.

Sofa for a cat

Built-in houses. Built-in houses are universal structures. They are often located inside cabinets, bedside tables or ottomans. Such pieces of furniture perform two functions at once:

  • house the pet;
  • used by owners in Everyday life(for storing things or other items).

Built-in cat house

Game complexes. It's quite complex and large products, consisting of a certain number of elements (ladders, scratching posts, beds, etc.). They are very convenient for cats, but not every homeowner can install such a house in their apartment, since they require a large area to accommodate them.

Play complex for cats

Materials for making the structure

The design of a cat house consists of several elements. These include:

  • frame base;
  • soft covering;
  • special fillers and insulation materials;
  • scratching posts;
  • connecting elements of the structure;
  • various fasteners.

To make the frame base, boards, wicker, plastic, plywood, chipboard or MDF are used. Main condition the right choice material - it should not have an unpleasant odor, since the cat may not perceive such a “fragrant” home.

Making the base of a plywood house

The covering is made from any available soft fabric that is at hand. Plush, fur, carpet are the most popular materials for making upholstery for a cat house.

Important! Electrified materials must not be used during operation.

To ensure that the house is reliably protected and insulated, experts recommend using fillings such as synthetic winterizer, synthetic padding or foam rubber. They not only retain heat inside the structure, but also have soundproofing functions.

Scratching posts, unlike other elements, are made of more durable materials. Metal or plastic pipes are used to construct the frame, and strong jute rope is used to cover it.

For upholstery, use soft polyester fabric

Requirements for cat houses

Before you start making a house, you need to decide on the type of its design. Basic requirements for cat housing:

  1. The height of the house should be equal to the level where the pet spends the most time (the height of the sofa, chair, table, bedside table, etc.).
  2. It is impossible for housing to have bad smell, since the animal simply will not perceive it.
  3. The dimensions must be appropriate for the cat so that it feels comfortable within its walls.
  4. Sustainability.


Before you start designing a house, you must make a drawing of it. Experts recommend:

  1. Height not lower than 40 cm.
  2. The perimeter of housing for a medium-sized cat is at least 40 x 40 cm.
  3. The diameter of the inlet hole is at least 15-20 cm.

Advice. At self-production house, you need to consider the size of your pet!

To make a cat house with your own hands, the master does not need to have any special knowledge. To do productive work you will need to be patient, everyone necessary materials and tools.

Cardboard house

To work you will need:

  • cardboard boxes (preferably large);
  • pencil for marking;
  • temp gun with glue sticks;
  • ruler;
  • knife or scissors.

Manufacturing technology of a two-tier house:

  1. Create a drawing of the house, apply it to cardboard boxes, cut out all the elements (floor, walls, roof).
  2. They draw windows and doors and cut them out.
  3. Assemble the first floor of the cat's housing, glue all the seams using a heat gun (it will reliably hold all the elements together).
  4. A connector is made in the roof of the first tier, which will serve as a hole for the cat to reach the second level.
  5. The elements of the second tier are glued to the finished structure.
  6. Decorate and paint the finished house.

A house made of wood (boards, fiberboard, etc.) in the form of a booth

For work you will need: A wooden booth

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Make a drawing of a cat house (each structural element).
  2. Apply markings, according to the finished drawing, to the material.
  3. All elements of the future structure are cut out (floor, walls, roof, entrance for the pet).
  4. Fasteners connect them together (except for the roof).
  5. Fix the padding polyester and carefully sheathe the house soft cloth(both internal and external parts).
  6. The roof is sheathed separately and attached to the finished structure.
  7. Decorate the house.

Hanging pillows

Another option for a cat house is a hanging structure made from several soft pillows. It is attached to the ceiling or to the tabletop (from the bottom of the table).

To work you need:

  • 2-3 pillows;
  • thick decorative rope;
  • anchor hook (if the structure will be attached to the ceiling);
  • drill;
  • threads and needles;
  • decorative elements.

Hanging bed made of pillows

Manufacturing technology:

  1. A hole is made in the ceiling.
  2. Fix the anchor hook.
  3. The pillows are connected to each other using decorative ropes (at a certain distance from each other).
  4. 3-4 long ropes are sewn to the edges of the top pillow, connected to each other, and hung on a ceiling hook.
  5. Decorate the finished hanging house with affordable items.

The original cat house will become a favorite place for your pet. Make it yourself according to one of the suggested instructions, and your pet’s joy will know no bounds.

DIY cat house: video

Each domestic cat needs an individual corner where she can relax quietly without disturbing others. A simple solution the task will be installation cardboard house. We will find out below which option to give preference to and how to make an inexpensive design with your own hands.

Determining the right model

There are two aspects to choosing a cat house. The exquisite design of the room is unlikely to be spoiled by a simple model of a cardboard house; here the owners will need to make efforts to choose a design that suits the interior.

A more democratic environment is quite acceptable if cardboard is used as a basis for arranging a cat’s sleeping place. Although with high-quality decorative design on final stage, a cardboard house can decorate any interior, be it prim English style, laconic modern or classic.

But the main emphasis when choosing a model of a house for a cat, which you plan to make with your own hands from cardboard, is on the character of the pet. Here you should take into account all his habits and preferences:

  • Does he sleep a lot?
  • does he like outdoor games?
  • how he solves the problem of sharpening claws;
  • how he observes those around him: watching from an ambush or looking around with a melancholic gaze, lounging on an easy chair.

The answers received will help in designing the details of the future cat house, which may include the following elements:

  • For individuals for whom it is important to keep abreast of events, in addition to a sleeping place, it is advisable to equip a bed on top, a kind of observation post.
  • If a cat is constantly on the lookout for potential enemies, it needs an additional second input.
  • The energy of a temperamental cat must be directed in the right direction. To avoid damaged curtains or broken vases, it is practical to complement a cardboard house with elements for active games, which are easy to construct with your own hands.
  • Taking care of the integrity of the upholstery of upholstered furniture will not be superfluous. For this purpose, it is recommended to install a scratching post for your cat next to a cozy cardboard house.

Note! In addition to the shape and additional details, important point is the calculation of dimensions cardboard construction, based on the size of the cat itself.

The parameters of the house are taken as a basis, suitable for a medium-sized pet. In order for the cat to be able to freely lie down on its side, the side of the structure must be at least 40 cm. The width of the entrance is designed to be within 15-20 cm. Here, too, much depends on the preferences of the animal. If the cat loves privacy, it is better to equip the entrance to the cardboard house with a compact one; for surveillance, on the contrary, a good overview will be required.

Owners of Bengali and Siamese cats You've probably noticed the habit of these breeds to stand on hind legs. It is optimal for them to set up a cardboard wigwam - both cheap and interesting.

Cardboard design options

It is impossible to describe all the variety of cardboard models of houses. If you don’t bother choosing durable cardboard or a protective finishing coating, then the simplest design will quickly fail. There is nothing wrong with this, because the expenditure of effort was minimal, and there were no costs for purchasing material at all. But it will be possible to build a new house for the cat, eliminating the existing shortcomings of the previous model. Let us dwell on the process of making two simple structures with our own hands. In the first proposed option, the durability of the structure is ensured by a durable cardboard base. The second method of making it yourself involves finishing, which helps extend the life of the cardboard cat house.

Forming a cone-shaped shelter

To make the original cone-shaped structure of the house, you will need corrugated multi-layer cardboard approximately 6 mm thick. The more layers there are in the cardboard, the more durable the cat shelter is. Tools you will need:

  • Sharp stationery knife and scissors.
  • Tape measure and pencil.
  • Brushes and glue. The selection of glue should be given Special attention. It should not have a strong smell, otherwise the cat will reject the new cardboard house. It is optimal to purchase products from a German manufacturer, environmental Safety which is confirmed by quality certificates. If this is not possible, PVA glue is suitable for creating a cardboard house with your own hands.

The structure of a cat house is a set of interconnected cardboard disks. Therefore, at the initial stage you will need to make markings. For a medium-sized house, cut out about 40 cardboard rings. They are distributed into 8 groups depending on the diameter; each pack contains 5 rings of the same size, respectively. This approximate calculations and are not binding. You can adjust the size and number of cardboard rings based on the desired shape of the cat house.

Disks are drawn on the material, the diameter of which varies from 18 to 21.5 cm. Each next circle is 0.5 cm larger than the previous one. The thickness of the ring is within 0.4 cm. The photo below clearly shows the described process:

After preparing all the drawings, the rings are cut out and formed into groups.

Note! Cut cardboard circles with care. The accuracy of the work done with your own hands depends on appearance house for a cat.

The work on cutting circles did not end there. For the basic base of the cardboard house, you need to cut out a disk with a diameter of 22 cm and duplicate the action 6 more times. To close the hole in the upper ring, you should prepare several circles of the appropriate diameter. The height of the house must correspond to the size of the cat, therefore, than more laps will be cut, the higher the cardboard structure will turn out. After preparing all the parts, they are put together, but not glued. This is required to mark the future entrance to the cardboard cat house. Use a marker to outline the boundaries and proceed to cutting.

After the next assembly of the cardboard structure, check the correctness of the previous actions and make adjustments if necessary. Then they move on to the gluing stage. Glue is applied to the middle of the rings, starting from the bottom element. The parts are periodically pressed for a quality connection.

After the cardboard house has completely dried, you can take care of comfortable conditions for the cat and put a small pillow or soft cloth inside.

By analogy with the proposed algorithm, they make various cardboard structures for a cat in the form of a ball or a snail’s house with their own hands. It all depends on creative inspiration and availability of free time.

We use boxes

A cardboard model of a house from a box is distinguished by its ease of manufacture, which can be given different shape. First you need to decide how many cardboard products will be used in arranging the house. The easiest option is to take one box and prepare a sleeping place for the cat in it. A slightly more complicated option is to additionally make a kind of bed on top so that the pet can observe what is happening. Lovers of hunting and caring mothers will find the second move useful. better review environment. Cats (especially if you have several of them) will appreciate a play set made from cardboard boxes.

Let's look at the whole process of creating a simple design for a cat with your own hands step by step:

  • Using a compass will help you draw the outline of the entrance correctly. The marked lines are processed with a sharp stationery knife.
  • To prevent deformation of the house, all parts at the joints are taped with tape. Full treatment of the entire cardboard surface with adhesive tape will help give the structure greater strength.
  • We proceed to cutting out the water-repellent fabric; its dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the cardboard structure for the cat.
  • Having placed the material inside, it is glued using a heat gun. After finishing the internal walls, they move on to processing the corner surfaces.
  • External decorative finishing simultaneously performs several functions. Firstly, the cardboard house acquires an aesthetic appearance, which is important for the interior of the room. Secondly, correctly selected material will allow you to use the surface of the house as a scratching post, and the cat will be especially grateful to you for such pleasure.
  • Carpet is the most suitable material for the outer covering of a cardboard cat house. First, the side surfaces and top are processed. This can be done (if there is no complex design roofs or benches) in a single cut.

Advice ! It is better to securely fix the material with glue from a hot-melt gun. Using a stapler can quickly damage the decorative finish of a cardboard house, and accidentally falling staples can injure cat owners.

  • For the front wall of the cardboard house, first cut out a whole piece of carpet. After gluing it, diagonal cuts are made at the entrance site and excess material is removed, leaving a margin of 1.5 cm.
  • The remaining fabric is folded inside the entrance of the cat house and carefully secured.

Before introducing the cat, you must wait three days for the glue to dry thoroughly. A favorite toy placed inside will help her quickly get used to her new home.

Weaving from newspaper tubes

Fans of weaving will be interested in the original version of a cat house, made with their own hands from newspaper tubes. To make it you need to have on hand:

  • thick cardboard sheet;
  • newspapers and scissors;
  • knitting needle and PVA glue.

The entire procedure for creating a wicker cat house with your own hands includes the following steps:

  • The newspaper is cut into strips, the width of which is from 7 to 12 cm.
  • Each piece is tightly wound onto a knitting needle. To prevent the edge from unraveling, it is fixed with glue.
  • Two ovals are cut out of a cardboard sheet. Their outlines correspond to the size of the future cat house.
  • Newspaper tubes are secured with glue with inside one cardboard disk, the distance between them does not exceed 2 cm.
  • A second cardboard oval is fixed on top of the tubes.
  • The blanks are bent upward and you can begin the process of weaving a cat house. The steps are similar to shaping wicker baskets. Do not forget to leave a hole for entry; in this place weaving is carried out back and forth, and not in the usual circle.
  • The top of the structure is also formed into a circle of woven tubes, followed by fixation.

Cats are not like dogs not only in appearance, but also in behavior. Thus, mustachioed furries like to become attached to one place where they spend most of their time. You can buy it at a specialized pet store, or you can make your own cat house from a cardboard box. Thus, you will not only save money, but also add a piece of your love in the process of creating a new piece of furniture for your pet.

In order to imagine what a house for a cat should be like, you can go to a pet store or look on the Internet.

In the vast majority of cases, owners opt for the following models:

  • beds - suitable for pets who like to watch and at the same time be in a shelter;
  • – chosen for cats who prefer privacy;
  • – suitable for active animals who like to lie down and rest for a while and then run about their business again;
  • Play complexes are an excellent solution for those people who have several cats living in their house. It consists of a whole complex of houses and playgrounds.

Despite the fact that the solution to the problem is quite simple, before studying the question of how to make a pet house with your own hands, you need to monitor the cat, analyzing the character and behavior.

It is important to consider several nuances when designing a house:

  • what he likes to do a pet– observe others in your free time from games, play all day long or sleep;
  • does the animal like to rip off interior items;
  • What does a cat prefer - to hunt or hide in search of enemies?

Having analyzed individual characteristics behavior of the cat will allow the owner to make the right house that meets all the necessary needs. So, for those who like to watch, the best solution would be to create a two-level house with a sun lounger located on top. This allows the pet to be at a height and be aware of what is happening below.

Hunters and caring mothers will appreciate houses with an emergency entrance or exit. This allows the animal to monitor all routes and, in case of danger, have a backup option for escape.

Note! Important condition when creating a house for active cats, there are convenient approaches and exits from all sides.

It is important not only to decide on the type of future house, but also to select the required dimensions taking into account the animal itself. A house made in the form of a cube with an entrance width of 20 to 25 cm is perfect for a medium-sized cat. For larger or smaller pets, the dimensions and dimensions should be adjusted.

For greater comfort, you can place a pillow in the house, purchased in advance or sewn with your own hands. It is better to use halofiber or synthetic padding as filler, which are hypoallergenic.

Making a house from a cardboard box and a T-shirt

To make such a house, you need to take a cardboard box of suitable size, as well as an old T-shirt, tape and pieces of wire, each 50 cm long. Two pieces of wire must be crossed together, and the points of contact must be wrapped with tape. Be sure to seal the ends of the wire for the safety of the animal. As a result, you should get two arcs that allow you to adjust the height of the cat’s future home.

The base for the house is a cardboard box with small sides. Pre-made wire arcs are inserted into the box and fixed with glue at the bottom of the cardboard box. This must be done so that the sharp edges of the metal structure do not peek out.

An old T-shirt is pulled over the resulting blank. For a more aesthetically pleasing look, you can first rip it off with your hands and sew up those places. The T-shirt is pulled over the frame so that the neck serves as the entrance to the house.

Note! A house made from a cardboard box and a T-shirt is the fastest to make, but also the least durable.

Making a multi-tier house from a large cardboard box

Cats are cautious and very curious creatures. In order to maximize your pet's entertainment and satisfy some of its needs, you can add several elements when building a house. So, an excellent find for owners with several cats would be a multi-tiered house made of cardboard. The manufacture of such a house differs from a single-tier one in that it is necessary to strengthen the structure.

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