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What good deeds can you do? What good deeds can you do?

It would seem like a simple rule of politeness, but how many people in a hurry forget about this simple little thing. And the person following you will certainly appreciate the fact that you stopped for a second and held the door for him.

2. Do a small charity

Finally, clear out your closets and donate unnecessary items to orphanages or another place, for example, where a natural disaster recently occurred (such collections are carried out regularly). You don’t need these things at all, but they will bring joy to someone, they will warm someone, and perhaps even.

3. Leave a positive review about your favorite cafe

We don't skimp on negative reviews. Once you offend us, all our friends will know about it. social networks. When everything is great, we are somehow in no hurry to shout about it at every corner. If you liked a cafe or some other establishment, leave a positive review about it. It won’t take you much time, and the cafe will gain several new visitors. And your friends will probably thank you for your advice about good location where they spent a wonderful evening.

4. Donate blood

If you were not too lazy to go to the blood donation point once, you have already saved someone’s life.

5. Try volunteering at a nursing home for a while.

Oh, it's not easy. It takes a certain kind of character to spend even a few hours in a nursing home, where there are mostly elderly people who are probably too much of a burden to their loved ones or who have no loved ones at all. A few hours spent with them talking or playing some kind of game will be remembered by them, because for the old people it will be a whole event in a series of rather boring days.

6. Help your new neighbors get comfortable

Are new neighbors moving into your building? It would be a good idea to start by saying hello to them. Offer help with the move, perhaps suggest something, answer questions. A few simple steps that will help you strengthen good neighborly relationships, and maybe find new friends.

7. Let someone go ahead in line at the supermarket.

If you have a full basket of groceries and a shopper with only a bottle of water is languishing in line behind you, why not let him go ahead, especially if you are not in too much of a hurry. I am sure he will not only be very surprised, but also very grateful to you.

8. Send a surprise gift to a friend

No need to wait for the holidays. Just in honor of a good mood, send a book or some trinket to a friend who lives in another city, or even just a postcard. It's always such a joy to receive parcels!

9. Bring something tasty to the office

Why not treat your colleagues to donuts in the morning? Why not bring a watermelon to the office, for example, and eat it together? Everyone's mood will undoubtedly improve.

10. Offer your parking space to an approaching car.

Park somewhere shopping center- this is a real problem, especially in holidays. If you are about to leave and, as you approach your car, you notice the driver who is looking for a parking space, indicate to him that you are about to leave so that he can slow down and take your place.

11. Help a motorist on the road

If you are an experienced driver and see a car stopped on the side of the road with its hazard lights on, stop and offer help.

12. Lend some change to someone in line

If you are standing behind someone in line at the checkout and the person suddenly lacks 50 kopecks to pay for a purchase, or has no change to give without change, lend them to him. It is clear that he will not return the money to you, but this is not such a great value, and you will save the person from having to give up one of his purchases. And the line behind you will be grateful that you didn’t make them wait while the cashier processed the cancellation of the item.

13. Give up your seat on the subway, minibus or tram

This concerns not only older people, who, of course, should give way. Give in if you see that the person next to you is having difficulty standing, is too tired, is unwell, or has heavy bags.

14. Leave leftover food by the trash can.

My mother never just throws away leftover food that, in principle, can still be eaten, or dried bread. She carefully puts it in a bag and hangs it near the street trash cans. Some homeless person will not need to dig through the garbage for a long time to find food; they can simply take a bag.

15. Pick up what someone dropped

If someone drops a glove or something else, be sure to call out to the person and point out the loss. And if you are standing nearby, then pick up the thing and give it into his hands.

16. Teach someone something you're good at.

Recently I explained to a young photographer how to use the Dropbox service. It took a few minutes, but she was happy that she could now use such a convenient tool. If you are a pro at something, teach others what you know.

17. Invite tourists to take photos of them

If you suddenly see tourists on the street trying to walk at arm's length, offer them help. Surely no one wants all their photos to look like one: huge faces and tiny landmarks somewhere in the background around the ear.

18. Bring treats for your friends' pet

You have leftover meat bones from dinner, and in the evening you go to visit friends who have ? Take the bones with you. Your friends and their pet will thank you.

19. Share herbs and vegetables from your garden with your neighbor.

If you or your parents have a garden and you end up with more greens and vegetables than you can eat, share them with friends or neighbors.

20. Share discounts

If you have extra discount coupons that you are unlikely to use, give them to those who need them. Don't save until the last minute and then throw it away.

These are not all ideas for small good deeds that can be done regularly without spending a lot of effort and money. Tell us in the comments about your options for small acts of kindness.

From childhood, the child is taught certain rules social behavior. “Do good” is one of them. However, due to various reasons Both children and their parents often do not comply with this rule, however, this has little effect on their lives. So is it worth doing good to other people?

Doing good brings you joy

People are not alike due to different types upbringing, social habits and outlook on life. The more good you do, the more happiness you get. Is it true? For some, it is a great joy to feed a hungry kitten curled up on the threshold of the entrance, while others will pass by and not even notice it. And the point here is not that some are able to help, but others are not. Basically, everyone can help, but it’s just a matter of desire. Good fills human soul happiness, because there is nothing better than seeing gratitude on the face of the person you helped. Having done good, a person feels the same pleasure as the person whom he was able to help. But not always.

Good is the basis of a person, his core, aspiration and faith. If a person does not have this quality, he will not try to do good, because he does not understand that it can bring good to him specifically. Such people are selfish, and without doing good they turn into evil people. How to react to such people and should you treat them kindly?

To kill evil, you need to do good to evil people?

On this score, wise people have one answer: good people and evil cannot be treated equally, good people deserve a good attitude, and evil people deserve a fair one. It’s hard to disagree with this, since other behavior is simply contrary to human nature - now it’s quite rare to meet a person who, after a blow to the cheek, is ready to turn the other one. People get used to the fact that they are forced to survive, which means they are forced to fight evil. At the same time, evil cannot be punished by evil; other peaceful ways should be sought.

Evil deeds inevitably poison the human soul. You need to deal with evil people according to justice. For example, if one person constantly offends another and does nasty things to him. Neither words nor requests help, and even an indifferent attitude has no effect on the villain. If you respond in kind, it may be perceived as evil, and, in principle, if you act like the offender, you yourself are little different from him. What does fair mean? This means that since a person does not deserve good attitude, one should treat him with disdain and not do anything kind to him. In any case, the measures of justice are different for everyone, so everyone is free to choose for themselves what fair revenge on evil means to them.

Good cannot be indifferent

Every person observes how much evil is happening on our land - wars, murders, terrible diseases, accidental deaths. And many troubles, unfortunately, occur not only because someone does evil, but because good people do not want to resist him and silently watch what is happening. And this behavior was equated with evil by many thinkers. It should be suppressed when it just begins to emerge, and good deeds should not be waited for, since any expectation can bring more troubles than evil itself.

Is it possible to pass by a person who sincerely asks a passerby for help? Perhaps it depends on his participation whether the sufferer can survive or not. If you push his hand away, that will also be evil. Unfortunately, people do not always understand that they are doing evil, since the measures of this concept are different for everyone, and evil itself is never recognized that it is such by nature. Therefore, every day you need to sow seeds of goodness around yourself, and soon they will sprout into a lush garden for those who sincerely did good deeds.

Goods do not need to be counted, like apples at the market.

If you ask several people about the reasons why they do good, the answers will be different. Some people do this by the will of their souls out of good intentions, while others do it for themselves. And the point here is not the simple joy that a person shared his kindness with someone, but the fact that he will count on the fact that he is now obliged to do good. On this score folk wisdom There is only one answer - goodness does not tolerate calculations and entries in the calendar. A person should not expect that because of good deeds all the stones in his path will be removed; he should accept all subsequent events humbly.

We must do good and not expect reward. You should not live by the rule “you - to me, I - to you,” because the rules of trading on the market cannot be applied to human relationships. If the person who has been helped is required to do something in return, it turns out that good can be bought and sold, but this is not so.

By taking away the love of goodness, you are taking away the delights of life.

Good means smiles, laughter, joy and happiness both for the one to whom they did good and for the one who acted kindly. Human nature is such that people feel the need to take care of someone and help someone. For some, helping themselves is the main task, and these are selfish people who will never know what real happiness consists of. For others, doing good is as necessary as breathing and eating. Without doing good, a person feels empty and useless to anyone. Therefore, if a person strives to do a good deed, he cannot be dissuaded from it, since this is the meaning of his life.

Do good and you will avoid evil

Good is like a boomerang - it will definitely return to the person who did it. The same applies to evil. Any bad thoughts and deeds will be avenged, and good deeds will be rewarded with good. People who do good to others gradually crowd out evil from the world, which means they reduce the possibility of its occurrence. Today you will help a needy person and save him from starvation, and tomorrow someone will donate money for an operation for a terminally ill person. In this way, good will spread and will soon defeat the manifestations of evil.

Bad habits don't go well with good ones

Whether it is possible to learn to do good is a moot point. This largely depends on the person himself, and whether he is ready to sacrifice his desires for the sake of a good deed. The desire to become kinder alone is worth a lot and is the basis for one’s re-education. Kindness today is a rather scarce quality, but it depends on it whether this world can still exist or will soon perish. According to aphorisms, evil character traits completely retreat before good deeds. By doing good and seeing its consequences, a person will never be able to do evil again.

Good creates around a person small world, in which a good mood, smiles, happiness and kindness reign. Is it possible to leave this world voluntarily? Only if a person has a natural attraction to evil. It is psychologically important for him to see the suffering and pain of other people, and most often this need arose in a person due to a difficult childhood, which is why you should not allow a child to be unhappy and lonely, even if he is a stranger to you.

Doing good must be done unconditionally and immeasurably

Good is a thing that cannot end, and therefore it should be shared with everyone who needs it and who deserves it. There are so many unhappy and desperate people around, for whom the kindness of others is salvation. You should not skimp on kindness; if you have the opportunity, help and do a good deed. It’s wonderful when you feel the power to help, it means that you are no longer living on this earth in vain. Do not make good conditional, because a good deed done by decree loses its power.

Aphorisms about goodness

There are a lot of discussions about the nature of goodness and the need to do good deeds; with the help of them, the sages shared their wisdom, worldview and life experience. Aphorisms about goodness have a very deep meaning and help a person decide for himself whether it is worth doing good or not. One of the well-known aphorisms says that those who talk too much about doing good waste the time allotted for doing good deeds.

The meaning of many aphorisms is that doing good is true joy, and that trying to take away the desire to do good is equivalent to trying to take away the beauty of life. There are also often aphorisms that goodness is immortal, and good deeds must be repaid only with goodness.

It's time to do good! Create it and be happy!

Good is the highest ethical and ethical values, in relation to which other categories of concepts are considered secondary. It will characterize the benefit for a person of any thing. But what is good?

What is a good deed?

Speaking about the moral attitude of kindness, this can be the performance by a person of certain actions, the influence of which is aimed directly at obtaining the highest good, not for himself personally, but for those around him. Good deed it is called something that is performed without pursuing a selfish goal or benefit. It should be aimed at overcoming misunderstandings with others and instilling in people philanthropy and humanism.

Ever since the formation of the world, humanity has not ceased to consider what good can be capable of, thanks to which it becomes possible to achieve truly perfect relationships in society. There is a theory that it is more difficult for a good person to live than an evil one, because in his actions he will never pursue selfish goals or try to ruin someone’s life.

Good can be attributed to general concept, while virtue will be a subjective quality. It is this that determines whether a particular person has such qualities as mercy, generosity, frugality, generosity, courage and justice. Few people know, but the qualities of virtue require proper upbringing from a person, because to be kind means to be able to find compromise solutions, to give in on something and always go to the aid of one’s neighbor.

If we talk about the moral side, then goodness will have exactly two parts - internal and external. The first option involves the person himself reflecting on his actions and actions that fall into the category of virtue. The external side will include precisely the social side of the concept of good - what can be considered good, as well as what significance it has for humanity.

It is the external side of good that will regulate human relationships. This is a great basis for developing friendships as well as camaraderie. These relationships will include goodness as the basis of mutual understanding. Philosophy has been studying this concept in detail for many years.

What is the difference between good and evil?

Every day, every person performs a large number of different actions, while some may be planned, while others may be spontaneous. Often no attention is paid to this. Of course, some actions will be good and others will be bad, but in everyday life it can be very difficult to determine the thin line of demarcation between evil and good.

A good deed is one that will benefit others, not just yourself. They should not be done in order to benefit from it, but free of charge. Only a sincere and open person can do good.

The concepts of good and evil are considered simply distant forms of consciousness of society, which is why they can be interpreted in the form of paired categories that relate to morality, ethics, and ethics.

Good is different from evil, and they are not paired categories. These two concepts are considered the initial principles of the structure of the world, while from time immemorial they have been in opposition to each other.

Good and evil throughout the existence of the world are next to each other, but at the same time completely opposite. It happens quite often that these two concepts get confused in the daily bustle. This happens because occasionally people are forced to do bad things in an attempt to prevent even greater evil.

Good will always be where morality is present, while the souls of people must remain unspoiled and unspoiled. If every person at least tried to make someone happy, then people all over the planet could become truly happy.

There are times when it is very difficult to do good deeds and this happens solely because there is a negative experience. Unfortunately, life is structured in such a way that if you do good to someone, in almost all cases you will receive evil in return. Therefore, it is believed that these two concepts are interconnected and are always nearby.

The cycle of goodness (video)

The problem is not even that the person subconsciously wants to ruin your life; most likely, he, like many, expects some kind of reward for good deeds. If it is not there at all or seems insignificant, then the understanding comes that while remaining good, it will be very difficult in life.

As a rule, this opinion is only a misconception. In fact, if good is done, it will sooner or later return, but this may not happen immediately and completely from other people. The best thing to do when doing good deeds is to try so that no one knows about it and soon the world will repay in the same coin, and the reward will be so great that you could not even dream about it.

If you look into the holy scriptures, Orthodoxy interprets good as follows: “The good that comes from the heart will certainly return to the person who does good deeds. Good deeds are a blessing from the Lord God. When doing good, there is no need to expect an answer; righteous people do everything selflessly and they feel good about it.”

Currently, many are inclined to believe that good deeds should be done only towards those people who can remember, appreciate and respond in kind. In essence, this is nothing more than a manifestation of one’s own egoism. Therefore, when such a person finds himself in any unpleasant situation, he will be treated in the same way. No one argues what this is, even if a kind of goodness has a right to exist. But still, good deeds should be done just like that without waiting for an answer. To give an example, many people help others without giving their name. Thus, they do not want to attract public attention and are simply happy that they can help their fellow man.

Boomerang Law

Why do good deeds need to be done?

  • To calm your soul. In most cases, the “reverse effect” works. This means that a person who has committed a good deed will receive even more good;
  • Imagine that you are in difficult situation. Most likely, you would want someone to help you. Therefore, you need to treat others exactly as you would like them to treat you;
  • By doing good deeds, a person experiences complete satisfaction;
  • Unfortunately, there are a lot of evil people in our world. If every person does at least one good deed, then there will be much less evil;
  • If at any moment you feel unnecessary, and it seems to you that you are nobody in this life, just do a good deed;
  • All the good that you bring to people, even if no one knows about it, will correct your destiny and make you happier.

When is the best time to do good?

Good can be done at any time. The most important thing in this matter is that good motives come from pure heart. As mentioned above, there is no need to expect returns from the other person. If you do good for selfish reasons and only to be noticed, believe me, it will not bring you happiness, but it will torment your conscience.

Many people think that good deeds can only be done if you have money, but this is not true at all. Try to start saying pleasant and sincere words to your loved ones right now. The most important thing here is to know the line between kindness and flattery. Do not offend people with a thrown word, try to be tactful and do not get angry again.

Who needs help

Why do we so rarely think about who around us needs help? Why do you need to do good? There are so many people who need our attention and care. Disabled children, elderly people, people with disabilities, the poor, etc. Of course, no one talks about the fact that you need to rush at the first grandmother you meet and crush her with your “kind pressure.” You can check if there is one in your city charitable foundation or volunteers. You can help find missing people or, for example, take part in amateur activities for veterans.

Naturally, each of us needs goodness. Why then, for example, not caress your loved one and once again remind him of how much he is loved.

Is it necessary to do good deeds towards evil people?

Remember one simple but clear truth: “Kind people should be treated kindly, and evil people should be treated fairly.” You probably can’t argue with this idea. It is unlikely that if you are hit, you will stand and wait for another blow. Most likely, you will fight back. This is the habit of fighting and resisting evil. In no case should you repay the person who did evil with his own coin - you need to look for a solution that will not lead to unpleasant consequences and it will be peaceful.

Evil always brings discomfort to the human soul. Therefore, justice is important in dealing with evil deeds. Imagine being bullied by your colleague every day at work. He humiliates your human dignity and tries in every possible way to slander you in front of your colleagues. You shouldn't throw your fists at him. He is essentially waiting for this. We need to deal with him fairly. Show with all your appearance that you treat him with disdain and every bad word he says to you applies exclusively to him. Of course, each person has the right to decide for himself how to deal with the offender.

Good and indifference

Why do you think kindness and indifference cannot be combined? We are, of course, talking about good thoughts and actions that come from the heart, and are not committed for self-interest.

Let's try to figure out what evil is. Every day we see war, violence and hooliganism on television. Evil people are not only those who kill, rob and mock other people, but also those who are simply indifferent to the grief of others. People must react in a timely manner to manifestations of anger and try in every possible way to resist it.

Can you get past the person who asks you for help? It all depends on what your soul is full of - good or evil. a kind person will lend a helping hand, understanding that perhaps this is the only chance for salvation for the person asking, but evil person it will just pass by.

People do not always understand that they are doing evil. This happens because everyone different concepts both about good and evil.

Try to do good deeds as often as possible and believe me, your goodness will soon return to you.

Children and good

We were all little once. Most of us were raised in good families, where the love of goodness was initially instilled. But there are situations when a child from early youth does not understand what good is, but knows perfectly well what evil is. For example, dad constantly hits mom. For a child, this situation becomes the norm, and he projects it into his adult life. In essence, one cannot blame him for this, because no one told him that it was bad. In order for a person to grow up kind and compassionate towards the pain of others, good thoughts must be implanted in him as a child. Otherwise, evil character traits will simply not allow him to do good and kind deeds.

People who do good are happy and in most cases they are surrounded by friends and acquaintances who are similar to themselves. It is unlikely that anyone will want to leave such a cozy little world. The desire to leave can only come if evil has been present in a person since childhood and does not allow him to develop normally. Let us say once again that goodness should be formed in a person from childhood.

So, to summarize, we will say that goodness is a human manifestation that makes not only the person himself happy, but also everyone around him. You can and should be infected with goodness. By doing good deeds every day, you can be sure that in some situation they will definitely help you. Do good, love each other and be happy!

“Kind people are welcome everywhere,” says the proverb. At what age can a child do good deeds? What exactly can he do?

“What is kindness?” - ask your child. It doesn’t matter how old he is, 3 or 15... Each age has its own view of the world and good deeds.
Invite your child to do a good deed, and then ask how he felt after it.
What good deeds can a child do? We offer you a universal list of good deeds for children.

Lessons of kindness in the family

A child's first teachers are his parents. Family pedagogy does not necessarily mean boring and monotonous lectures and meticulous checking of lessons. Moms and dads should pay more attention to the spiritual and moral education of children. Reading and writing will be taught at school. Work and earn money – at university and at work. But sensitivity, mercy, compassion and simply humanity - only at home. The family is the most important social institution of education.

“All moral education of children comes down to a good example,” Leo Tolstoy taught. “Live well, or at least try to live so, and as you succeed in living a good life, you will raise your children well.”

What good can a preschooler do?

Even a child who has just learned to walk can learn to do good. Show him how to feed the birds, let him sprinkle a handful of seeds for the pigeons. Teach children to share toys in the yard with other children.
Teach the boy to hold the door when his mother, grandmother or sister comes out - this way, an adult gentleman will automatically always let the ladies go first.
Don’t shoo your daughter away from the kitchen when you’re cooking—very soon she’ll be treating you, tired after a day of work, to a dinner she’s prepared with her own hands.

Teach your child mercy by giving alms to those who ask. Model how to be polite when interacting with other people. Do not pass by those who ask for your help - this is the only way a child will learn what kindness is.
“Giving is much more pleasant than taking” - this truth must be learned by a child who wants to be raised in goodness.

Zhanna, Andrey’s mother, 7 years old: “We never taught the child to specifically do something good. But in our family it is customary to help those who need help. I supervise myself Orphanage, my husband flies as a volunteer to countries affected by natural disasters. But we do this not for show, but because it is a way of life. And I realized that we were living correctly when, at the age of 5, Andrei poured all the money he had saved up for a new ball into a begging mug.”

Children grow - kindness grows!

Children watch their parents do good things. As children grow up, they begin to do good deeds themselves. Do not expect impossible feats from your child. If a five-year-old child brings you a glass of water without your request, this is no less a concern than if an already adult son, without reminders, brought groceries to his elderly parents and accompanied them to clinics.

Young children do good deeds more often intuitively, unconsciously, copying the behavior of adults. How older child, the more conscious his behavior is. And in children to average school age, when they not only realize themselves as individuals, but also manifest themselves as individuals, all actions performed are conscious.

List of good deeds for children in grade 5 and older

What good can a child do consciously?

At home:

  1. Surprise for "fall asleep". On a day off, when you don’t have to rush to work, it’s so nice to wake up to the aroma of coffee and the sound of scrambled eggs in a frying pan! Even a boy can prepare such a surprise for parents - no special culinary skills are needed, but how nice it is for mom and dad!
  2. Cleaning the room (closet). Putting your room in order is a double good deed if you approach it wisely. Unnecessary but still good things - books, felt-tip pens, small toys - can be taken to the nearest clinic or dentistry and asked to be left for little patients - while their turn is coming, the children can distract themselves by playing and drawing.
  3. Be a good nanny. When the family has younger children, the older child can take on part of the care of him. Perhaps the help to the mother will be quite insignificant, but even dressing the baby for a walk is already a good deed.
  4. Tidy up your shoes. How nice it is to walk in clean shoes! A child may well do something nice for mom and dad by tidying up not only his own shoes, but also theirs.
  5. Help neighbors. If elderly neighbors live on the landing, they will be very pleased if someone helps them take out the trash or go to the store for bread.

At school:

  1. Out of turn duty. It's so simple - come to class before everyone else, ventilate the room, wet a cloth, prepare chalk. Also, remove the chairs from the desks and water the flowers if necessary. There is no need to do this for the sake of the teacher’s favor - it’s so nice to start the school day in a clean classroom!
  2. Charge class good mood . You can put a box filled with compliment notes by the door in the classroom. You can write them on paper different color– pink notes for girls (“the most beautiful”, “the most smiling”, “the most stylish”, etc.) and blue ones for boys (“the strongest”, “the smartest”, “the most athletic”, etc. .). So, everyone, upon entering the class, can take their compliment: a positive mood at the beginning school day Everything is provided!
  3. Become a mass entertainer. During the big break, you can arrange games and mini-competitions for 1st grade students, for example. This way the break will be useful, because students primary school They are still very tired in class, and they need an active break in order to throw out all the energy that there was no outlet for in class.
  4. Be a mentor. You can offer your help in completing homework children junior classes. Previously class teacher For kids, you can find out which children need to “pull up”, which children’s parents are too busy to help with homework (teachers are usually always aware of the home situation of their students). The time for “extension” can be discussed with the school administration so that there are no misunderstandings. Adequate head teachers and directors usually welcome such an initiative with joy.
  5. Help with the wardrobe. During shift change, you can offer your help to the cloakroom attendant. At this time there is usually a very long queue at the locker room - some have just arrived, others are leaving.

In the yard and outdoors:

  1. Organize a party for the kids. You can organize a party for the kids on the playground in the yard. The child can involve his friends in the organization. Decorate the site with balls and flags, hold funny competitions with purely symbolic prizes it’s not difficult. But the child will show organizational skills, and in the eyes of the kids and their mothers, the child will become a real magician.
  2. Keep the yard clean. It’s not at all difficult to put away trash left by someone in a trash can, sweep up autumn leaves on the porch, or water tree seedlings and flowers planted in the spring. Or you can go further - paint the benches, sift the sand in the sandbox, wash the children's slide and stairs... A clean yard is not only the merit of the janitor! And looking at the child’s initiative, adults can also help in landscaping the yard.
  3. Play “Take a wish on the road.” In the morning, sleep-deprived neighbors can smile when they see a funny ad on front door with a text like “To everyone who is sad, make a wish,” where below, instead of addresses and telephone numbers, wishes will be written: “ Have a good day!”, “bon voyage!”, “have a fun journey!”, “smiles everywhere!” etc. And let no one know that the author of the ad is a child from their building: good deeds can be done anonymously.
  4. Help homeless animals. Are there homeless animals near your house? You can show kindness to them too. Of course, not every parent will be delighted if a shelter is created at home, but perhaps it will be possible to shelter an animal in an apartment for a few days. During this time, you need to post advertisements with photographs of the “tail” and an offer to give it to kind hands. In many cities there are groups that help animals abandoned on the streets; you can place the animal in one of the foster care centers, supervising it and continuing the search for a new owner.
  5. Help nature. Even cleaning up someone else's trash after a picnic, catching a bottle thrown by someone from a lake, putting out a forgotten fire, placing a chick that has fallen from the nest into its own nest - there are many ways you can help nature!

On the street and on the road:

  1. Be a guide. Yes, moving old ladies across the road is a good deed that is still relevant today.
  2. You can also ride while standing. Give up seats in public transport for elderly people, pregnant women, mothers with children - not just a good deed, but instilling such feelings as respect and sympathy.
  3. Donate your pocket money to a good cause. Adding a few coins to an old lady when it turns out at the store checkout that she doesn’t have enough for milk is a good deed.
  4. Leave a book as a gift. During a long trip on an electric train or train, when you are passing the time reading a book, you can leave the book you read at the end of the journey in its place, putting a note in it: “I hope with this book your journey will be just as fast. Bon Voyage!".
  5. Give a turn. Walking down the street and noticing a long line, for example, at the circus box office, you can take a place behind the last person standing. And then, when there are only one or two people left before the cash register window, you can “donate” your turn to the last person in it.

How to manage to do good?

In order not to forget to do important things, it is convenient to keep a “To do” sheet. What it is? A “To do” sheet or list is a plate to be filled out when performing tasks planned in advance for a certain time period. You can make a list for the day, week or month. What does such a list provide?

  • There is no need to keep everything in your head - after all, a lot may be forgotten.
  • This is how self-discipline is formed. The most important things can be highlighted with a marker - and they will not get lost in the general list.
  • The next person on the list gets real pleasure by crossing out what he has done - it’s so clearly visible that he managed to do something good.

It is advisable to always carry the list with you. It is very convenient if a child has such an application on his phone.

Georgy, father of many children: “Our children together make a list of what they plan to do together for the benefit of someone. The list hangs on the refrigerator. There are items from “do the dishes all week” to “get together and buy a gift for so-and-so.” Within a week, almost all the items on the list are crossed off, and there are at least 10 of them.”

However, the list of good deeds that a child can do is just a formality. It is much more important that the child perform actions following not the list, but the dictates of the soul.

Should you praise your child for good deeds?

Undoubtedly, the child should feel that good deeds are right. But it is better to praise not the act itself, but the child’s character. Instead of saying: “How well you did it!”, it would be more effective: “You’re great, you’re very kind!” Thus, generosity is formed in a child as a character trait if actions become a reflection of morality.

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