Home Wisdom teeth Prayer before the icon of unfading color. Prayer of the unfading color for the preservation of the family

Prayer before the icon of unfading color. Prayer of the unfading color for the preservation of the family

Many icons, whether personalized, wedding or holiday icons, have their own history. And the tales about ancient images, which are considered miraculous, are especially amazing. One of these is Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”.

Where and when the image “Unfading Color” appeared in Rus' is not known for certain, but it is known where this name came from. This name comes from a chant in honor Mother of God. In addition, since ancient times the Mother of God has been compared to an unfading flower. In Rus', the icon appeared thanks to pilgrims in the 17th and 18th centuries. During that period, copies of the icon began to appear in various Russian monasteries.

This image, which is rarely found in Russian churches, is dearly loved by believers. Prayer in front of the icon “Unfading Color” (“Fragrant Color”) helps people in the “invasion of sadness”, with the loss of loved ones, in a state of loneliness. Many healings of the sick are being done. In all these cases, the Mother of God helps to gain spiritual strength to overcome trials, continue life, and fulfill Christian duty. One of the most heartfelt prayers addressed to this icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is the akathist.

The meaning that has Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Unfading Color” very large. It itself symbolizes purity and innocence. Therefore, the girls pray before her precisely to preserve their righteousness and purity. She takes on special significance for young girls, as they ask her for help in choosing a future spouse. It is often also used as a wedding icon for the bride. She is blessed and given to her wife. During family life The icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” helps to cope with sorrows. Which may fall to the spouse.

Pure and fiery prayer to this icon helps in resolving difficult family problems. There is a popular belief that the “Fadeless Color” icon helps girls and women maintain beauty and youth. This icon is for begging for the beauty and love of the people around you.

In front of the icon Everlasting Color“Believers pray, first of all, to preserve themselves in purity and righteousness, as well as for admonition when choosing a future spouse.

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It is important to note here that if the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God became the patroness of family and marriage, then this is like a premarital standard!

This is precisely the meaning of this image, and therefore it becomes very important for women.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” is my favorite, it is painted on silk and is very, very beautiful. Here is her picture.

On the icon itself “ Everlasting Color” and its numerous lists Holy Mother of God holds His Divine Son on right hand, and in Her left hand is a white lily flower.
This flower symbolically marks the unfading color of virginity and purity of the Most Pure Virgin, to Whom the Holy Church addresses itself: “You are the Root of virginity and the Unfading Flower of purity.”
Some lists show roses or other flowers instead of lilies.
Lists of icons “ Unfading color” (“Fragrant color”) became famous in Moscow, Voronezh and other places of the Russian Church.

D. Dallas cited as the earliest image of “Our Lady of the Unfading Color” an engraving, executed in Western style, in the Venetian edition of the Bible, called the New Treasury (1612, Greek), in which the Mother of God and Child stands on a month, growing from the head of Christ roses
The combination of Western elements with the theme of the Akathist, according to this author, gave a new iconography, which is a product of the iconographic creativity of the post-Byzantine era.He indicated early Orthodox icon paintings of the Mother of God with flowers.
The first of them dates back to around 1700 and represents a contamination of the iconography of “Our Lady of the Life-Giving Spring” and “Our Lady of the Unfading Flower”.
Among the iconographic sources of this type of icon of the Mother of God, the author names the Catholic “Rosencranzmadonna”.

They have one obligatory detail - flowers, which are placed in flowerpots or woven into garlands, decorate flourishing wands or are a pedestal on which Christ and the Mother of God are depicted.
Sometimes these icons have lengthy inscriptions.
Most often, Mary and the Child on the icons of “Our Lady of the Unfading Color” are dressed in royal clothes.
The emergence of this image was preceded by separate orthodox icons Mother of God, in which either Christ or the Mother of God are holding a flower in their hands.

When clarifying the question of the origin of the icon “” Everlasting Color” if only you are guided by data from Orthodox websites or books like “ Orthodox calendar on...” then the following picture emerges.
1. They claim that the origin of the “Unfading Flower” icon is connected with Athos: immortal flowers, considered a symbol of purity, grew on the slopes of the Holy Mountain.
But then why do the vast majority of icons belonging to the type under study depict lilies?
The appearance of the icon itself in the Moscow kingdom dates back to the 17th – 18th centuries. And the icon obviously got there through pilgrims.
It was also found that the most ancient image, belonging to the type of icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” mentioned in historical documents, dates back to the 18th century and that it was located, appears in the Moscow St. Alexis Monastery, which stood on the site of the later built Cathedral of Christ the Savior. This image itself has not survived, but numerous copies of it – “lists” – have remained. But they still appealed because, from an artistic point of view, this icon stood out from the background of other icons of the Mother of God with its attractiveness.

The icons of “Our Lady of the Unfading Color” are varied, sometimes completely dissimilar to each other, as, indeed, are some other iconographies of late origin.
They have one obligatory detail - flowers, which are placed in flowerpots or woven into garlands, decorate flourishing wands or are a pedestal on which Christ and the Mother of God are depicted. The oldest and most revered Russian icon of the Mother of God “ Everlasting Color” became famous in the Moscow Alekseevsky nunnery.
Its first mention dates back to 1757, but most likely it was there before.
The icon of the Alekseevsky Monastery had complex iconography:
In the foreground of the icon was a throne with a jug and a flower branch; to the left (from the Mother of God) - the Infant of God in full height, barefoot, with his right hand He leans on left shoulder Mother of God, in His left hand is a scepter; The head of the Mother of God is bowed towards the Baby, on Her head, not covered with maforia, there is a crown, in her right hand there is a branch entwined with a ribbon with the inscription: “Unfading Flower!
The celebration of this image took place on April 3, old style (April 16, new style)

“Fadeless color” – a female icon for youth and beauty

The Infant Christ is represented standing on a throne, in some icons covered with a veil with the Calvary cross.

But the complex composition of the icon “Our Lady of the Unfading Color” practically disappears over time.
According to the legend recorded in the work of F. Lovtsov, the icon “Our Lady of the Unfading Flower” was brought from Athos to church parishioner Malevsky-Malevich in 1865 and was revered as miraculous.

From this icon a copy was made for the Church of the Assumption in Mogiltsy. The iconography of the miraculous image was significantly different from the Alekseevskaya shrine, widely known by that time.
According to Lovtsov’s description, in it Mary sits on a throne, with her right hand supporting the Baby standing on a flower that grows from under the feet of the Mother of God.
The Baby has an orb in his right hand, his left hand is pressed to his chest. Mary has lilies in her right hand. Both of them are represented in royal crowns. Angels hold the crown over the Mother of God. The celebration of the icon took place on December 31.
The exact iconographic analogy of this miraculous image is an icon of the first third of the 19th century from the Central Museum. Andrey Rublev.

In the writings of some authors, the appearance of the iconography “Our Lady of the Unfading Flower” was associated with a miracle from the flower of the Mother of God, called “the unfading flower.”
But there is no mention of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower” on Athos either in the works of the popular spiritual writer Svyatogorets, in which there are entire passages dedicated to the Mother of God flowers, or in numerous Russian publications dedicated to Athos shrines.
In 1864, shortly before the icon of the Church of the Assumption on Mogiltsy appeared in Moscow, a miracle of healing from the Mother of God flower occurred, which is reported in detail in the “Tale of the Miracles of the Mother of God that Recently Performed on Holy Mount Athos” published by the Russian Panteleimon Monastery by the monk Meletia.
This event, coupled with popular descriptions of pilgrims’ journeys to Athos, most likely served as the impetus for explaining the name of the icon in connection with the Mother of God’s unfading flowers and for the greater popularity of this iconography in the 19th century.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon “Fadeless Color”

O Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer, O Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, Your servants, for our murmuring. Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins. O Mother Mary, our all-offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften hearts evil people, rising up against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

One of the brightest and most colorful images of the Most Holy Theotokos is the “Unfading Color” icon. The Virgin is always depicted on it among flowers and plants. And it is not surprising that this image is loved not only among Orthodox believers, but also among people who do not identify themselves with religion.

"Unfading" Color Icon of the Mother of God

Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”, description

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Divine Child in one hand and lilies in the other hand. The image symbolizes the unfading flower of virginity and chastity Holy Virgin, glorified in the akathist as “the virgin and immaculate color of chastity.”

History of the creation of the icon

The history of the creation of the icon is remarkable. In Greece, on Mount Kefalonia, a miracle happens every year, which is witnessed by many pilgrims. According to a tradition that has developed over many centuries, on the day of the Annunciation, white flowers are brought to the solemn service in memory of the flower that was in the hands of the Archangel Gabriel at this great hour. These flowers are neatly folded into Kyoto icons under glass and stored there without water until the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, that is, for five months. And every year on the same day the dry stems of flowers are filled vitality, fresh white buds appear on them. The appearance of these flowers inspired icon painters to create the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”.

Icon “Fading Color” meaning, what it helps with

The Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”, first of all, helps in solving all family problems. For example, in the first year marital relations, when it is difficult and you need help to strengthen them. In addition, in case of conflicts and between all other household members, prayers are offered in front of her image. It was repeatedly noted that the Mother of God helped young girls find a worthy groom.

It is widely believed that prayer gives help not only to the soul, but also to the body, helping to preserve beauty and youth. The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unfading Color” helps people who are experiencing strong life dramas. Her support is invaluable in cases where people suffer from loneliness and mental disorder as a result of their grief. In such cases, prayer in front of the image inspires new strength in a person, helps to survive during a difficult period of life, and get rid of worries and dark thoughts.

Currently, there are many testimonies of those who personally prayed for help to the Blessed Virgin Mary before her miraculous image. The prayer of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower” has helped many unmarried women find their chosen one and arrange family happiness.

Icon “Unfading Color”, meaning, what prayer helps with

Prayer in front of this icon helps in saving a marriage, strengthening a family, solving family problems, and overcoming the sorrows that sometimes occur in our lives.

The Russian Orthodox Church knows many examples of miraculous appearances of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. This usually happens when people especially need her holy help. Often such phenomena occur at critical moments in history. But even today there are cases of miraculous appearances of the icon of the Mother of God. One of them occurred recently in the Samara region.

In the spring of 2012 in the village of Chernovka, Sergievsky district, on the window elderly woman, the icon miraculously appeared. It is noteworthy that this happened on April 16, that is, on the day of the celebration in honor of the image “Fadeless Color”. On this day, the owner of the house decided to remove the oilcloth from the window that covered it in winter from the cold winds. Imagine her surprise when she saw in the window, freed from the protective layer, the face of the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Child. A quiet glow emanated from him. Before the woman’s amazed gaze was the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color.”

Still not fully understanding the meaning of what was happening, the woman burst into tears of joy. But this miracle did not end. Since then, every evening with the onset of darkness, the wonderful image disappears and appears again in the morning. Each time it happens very slowly and gradually. The image cannot be removed and taken away. It seems to live in the window of the house. The owner says that many church servants came to her, and just curious people. Many tried to accuse her of deception. But no matter how hard they tried, they left the house in embarrassed silence every time. And in the window the image “Fading Color” is still quietly illuminated. Photos of the icon, unfortunately, never appeared in print, although there were many press representatives among the visitors.

Miracles in the Yeisk region

Since ancient times, the outskirts of a small village in the Yeisk region have become famous for their miracles. Many sufferers received healing from the fertile waters here. Many hopeless patients were healed here. And no one could say exactly when the fame began. A wooden church was built over the source and consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Many of those who came to the source later recalled that they clearly saw in its waters the outlines of the Mother of God and the Son, surrounded by flowers. According to their descriptions, the image of “Fading Color” was accurately recreated. The significance of such a miracle for people was enormous. Their faith in what they saw was greatly strengthened and their prayers became blessed and it brought healing. After the revolution, the church was destroyed and the source was covered with earth. And only in 2008, during construction work, it was accidentally dug up. And again he brings healing to people, and again the prayer to the Mother of God “Unfading Color” sounds over him.

We must also remember the image that is currently in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Kherson region. This is another great Everlasting Color look. Its meaning is that it exudes myrrh. Not only from all over Ukraine, but also from other countries, pilgrims come to her to worship and ask for deliverance from the disasters of life in prayer.

“Unfading color” icon of the Mother of God - what is the power

Many pilgrims come to the monastery on Mount Athos to offer their wonderful prayers to the miraculous icon and receive healing from illnesses in return. But sometimes people forget that the Lord brings healing and deliverance, not the icon. The meaning of prayer will only take place if there is deep faith: “According to your faith, it will be done for you!” - Jesus Christ commanded his disciples. The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unfading Color” helps only those who keep these words in their hearts.

In their sermons, the priests of the Athos monasteries poetically say that the stems of flowers in the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary are like the souls of people. Like flowers that wither without moisture and vital resources, so human souls, deprived of blessed communication with God, immersed in sins, die away in moral desolation. And just like those white buds that touch the breath of God’s lips, they are able to be reborn and filled with aroma.

Nothing is more capable of influencing a person than a prayer raised to God from the depths of our hearts, full of faith. The Holy Fathers teach us that words that do not have confidence in the all-encompassing mercy of God will never acquire beneficial power. They will always remain just an empty and useless set of sounds.

One of the brightest and most colorful images of the Most Holy Theotokos is the “Unfading Color” icon. The Virgin Mary is always depicted on it among flowers and plants. And it is not surprising that this image is loved not only by Orthodox believers, but also by people who do not identify themselves with religion. The Green Party initiated the construction of a chapel in honor of this image in Moscow on the territory of the Alekseevsky Monastery. On their initiative, the “Unfading Color” icon, the photo of which is in front of you, became a symbol of the struggle for the environment in Russia.

Image from the chapel of the Alekseevsky Monastery

The choice of the Alekseevsky Monastery for the construction of the chapel is quite justified. The fact is that in ancient times the most revered icon of the Mother of God “The Unfading Flower” in the Orthodox world was kept here. However, even during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, it was lost. Now it is difficult to say what exactly was the reason why the monastery lost such an important shrine. But since then there have been numerous confirmations of the miracles revealed in this wonderful image.

Currently, another icon, “The Unfading Color,” is presented in the chapel, but according to pilgrims, it also works miracles. And this should not be surprising. The fact is that “Unfading Color” is an icon, the meaning, prayer and even the iconographic style of which are filled with special content. They go beyond the traditional image of the Mother of God. Just the image of the Virgin Mary and the Child surrounded by flowers carries a powerful positive charge.

Miraculous icon from Voronezh

Among the currently existing icons of this type, the miraculous icon from the city of Voronezh, kept in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, is widely known in Orthodox circles. Its history is remarkable. She disappeared during the revolution. Information about it is preserved only in archival documents of that period.

But at the beginning of the 2000s, when they began to return to the believers everything that had been illegally taken away during the hard times, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was also returned to the parishioners. However, the real holiday was the miraculous appearance of the very icon that was considered irretrievably lost. Now it can be seen in Voronezh on the left side of the Intercession Church. Already today, much evidence of her miracles has been collected.

Icon of the Virgin Mary from Saratov

Another icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”, which cannot be ignored, is located in Saratov. It is kept in a church built and consecrated in honor of another well-known Mother of God icon, “Quench My Sorrows.” This icon is notable for the fact that it was painted by a Greek master on the holy Mount Athos in St. Andrew's Skete. The exact dating of the creation of the image could not be established; according to researchers, it was written no later than the middle of the 19th century.

Arzam image, lost and recreated

Before the revolution, the Intercession Convent near Arzamas also housed the universally revered icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower.” But in the fire of the revolution, the monastery was badly damaged, and the shrine itself was irretrievably lost. All that remained were the memories of the miracles sent down through her by the Queen of Heaven. In 2010, one of Ardatov’s businessmen initiated the reconstruction of the image based on surviving photographs and testimonies of old parishioners who remembered the icon. Specialists were invited, and with their help the image was restored.

Favorite image of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Another icon, “The Unfading Flower,” famous for its miracles, is located in the city of Kadom. The Milostivo-Bogorodsky Monastery was once located here. Nowadays, it has not yet been restored and lies in ruins, but on its territory there is a temple in which there is an icon of the “Unfading Flower” brought from Georgia.

During for long years against God, it was kept in a private house, and only during the period of church revival was it transferred to the temple. This icon is remarkable, first of all, because it was once in the possession of the holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov and enjoyed his special love. Characteristic feature The iconography of the image is the half-length figure of John the Baptist, depicted above the head of the Savior.

In 2006, in the village of Ivankovichi in Kyiv region The temple of the "Unfading Color" icon was built. It is remarkable that during its construction, despite the scale of the work carried out, not a single tree growing around was damaged. This is also a kind of miracle. In the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery (as well as a number of other museums) there are several such miraculous images.

Help sent through the icon

The “Fadeless Color” icon helps, first of all, in solving all kinds of family problems. Typically, these are cases where discord occurs in a marital relationship, and help is needed to strengthen it. Also, when conflicts arise between all other household members, prayers are offered in front of her image. It has been noted more than once that the Mother of God helped young girls in search of a worthy life partner.

It is widely believed that prayer helps not only the soul, but also the body of the person praying, helping to preserve beauty and youth. The “Unfading Color” icon, whose meaning is very broad, provides very important help to people who have experienced strong life dramas. Her support can be invaluable in cases where people suffer from loneliness and mental breakdown as a result of grief that has befallen them. In such cases, prayer in front of the image instills new strength in a person, helps to survive a difficult period in life, and get rid of worries and dark thoughts.

Numerous testimonies of grace-filled help

Currently, there are many testimonies of those who personally turned to the Most Holy Theotokos for help in prayer before her miraculous image. The prayer to the “Unfading Flower” icon has helped many unmarried women find their chosen one and arrange family happiness. Heartbreak survivors talk about gifting peace of mind, about grace-filled help in gaining strength for future life, in getting rid of worries and gloomy thoughts.

The miraculous appearance of the icon in the village of Chernovka

The Russian Orthodox Church knows many examples of miraculous appearances of icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This usually happens at moments when people especially need Her holy help. Often such phenomena occur at turning points in history. But even today there have been cases of miraculous appearances of icons of the Mother of God. One of them happened quite recently in the Samara region.

In the spring of 2012, in the village of Chernovka, Sergievsky district, an icon miraculously appeared on the window of an elderly woman. It is noteworthy that this happened precisely on April 16, that is, on the day of the celebration in honor of the image “Unfading Color”. On this day, the owner of the house decided to remove the oilcloth from the window, which covered it from the cold winds in winter. Imagine her amazement when, in the window, freed from the protective layer, she saw the face of the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Child. A quiet glow emanated from her. Before the woman’s astonished gaze was the icon “Fadeless Color.”

Not yet fully understanding the meaning of what happened, the woman burst into tears of joy. But the miracle did not end there. Since then, every evening with the onset of darkness, the wonderful image disappears and appears again in the morning. Each time it happens very slowly and gradually. The image cannot be picked up and carried away. He seems to live in the window of the house. The owner says that both church ministers and simply curious people came to her many times. Many tried to convict her of deception. But no matter how hard they tried, each time they left the house in embarrassed silence. And in the window the “Unfading Color” icon still glowed quietly. Unfortunately, the photo of the icon never appeared in print, although there were many press representatives among those who came.

Blagodatny spring in Yeisk region

Since ancient times, on the outskirts of a small village in the Yeisk region, a miraculous spring has flowed from the ground. He became famous for the fact that many sufferers received healing from his blessed waters. He healed many hopeless patients. And no one could say exactly when his fame began, who was the first to experience his power. A wooden church was built over the source and consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Many of those who came to the source later recalled that they clearly saw in its waters the outlines of the Mother of God and the Son, surrounded by flowers. According to their descriptions, the icon “Fadeless Color” was accurately recreated. The significance of such a miracle for the suffering was enormous. Their faith was strengthened immensely by what they saw, and their prayers became filled with grace, and this brought healing. After the revolution, the church was destroyed and the spring was filled with earth. And only in 2008, during construction work, it was accidentally dug up. And again he brings healing to people, and again the prayer to the “Unfading Color” icon sounds over him.

We should also remember the image that is currently located in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Kherson region. This is another wonderful “Fadeless Color” icon. Its meaning is that it is myrrh-streaming. Not only from all over Ukraine, but from other countries pilgrims come to her to worship and ask in prayers for deliverance from everyday troubles.

The history of the creation of the holy image

The history of the creation of the icon is remarkable. In Greece, on Mount Kefalonia, a miracle occurs every year, which many pilgrims witness. According to the tradition that has developed over many centuries, on the day of the Annunciation, white flowers are brought to the festive service, in memory of the flower that was in the hands of the Archangel Gabriel at that great hour. These flowers are carefully placed in the icon case under glass and stored there without water until the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, that is, for five months. And every year on the same day, the dry stems of flowers are filled with life-giving power, and fresh snow-white buds appear on them. The sight of these flowers inspired Athonite icon painters to create the image “Fadeless Color”.

The power of the icon is in our faith

Many pilgrims come to the monastery on Mount Athos to offer their prayers to the wonderful icon and receive in return healing from illnesses and deliverance from troubles. But sometimes people forget that healing and deliverance are brought by the Lord, and the “Unfading Color” is an icon. Prayer will have meaning only if there is deep faith. “According to your faith it will be done to you!” - Jesus Christ commanded his disciples. The “Unfading Color” icon helps only those who keep these words in their hearts.

In their sermons, the priests of the Athos monasteries very poetically say that the stems of flowers in the icon case of the Most Holy Theotokos are like the souls of people. Just as flowers deprived of moisture and vital juices dry up, so human souls, deprived of grace-filled communication with God, mired in sins, wither in moral desolation. And just like those white buds that were touched by the breath of God’s lips, they are able to be reborn and filled with fragrance.

Nothing can have such an impact on a person and the world, like a prayer raised to God from the depths of our heart, filled with faith. The Holy Fathers teach us that words devoid of confidence in the all-encompassing mercy of God will never acquire grace-filled power. They will always remain just an empty and worthless set of sounds.

Sincere prayers said in front of the “Unfading Color” icon can not only restore the spiritual strength of believers and guide them on the path of righteousness, but also help preserve youth and beauty.

Appeal to the Mother of God before miraculous icon promotes conservation loving relationship between spouses, helps close people find understanding, strengthen family relationships, decide serious problems, with whom household members interact. Girls resort to prayers in front of the icon, turning to the Most Pure One for help in finding a reliable and loving spouse. Those who need consolation also come to the Virgin Mary; the icon is revered among people who have experienced some kind of grief. Prayers to the Mother of God in front of the “Unfading Color” icon help to gain faith in the future, strength to continue life, and inspire to fight dark thoughts , and also allow you to forget about mental anxieties.

There are many miracles associated with the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”. It happened more than once that after praying in front of the shrine, young girls found a life partner, finding harmony and happiness in family life. The sufferers also testified that the Virgin Mary helped them, after turning before the icon, to find peace of mind, find the meaning of your existence, reevaluate your life. Other Christians came to the shrine at moments when sadness gripped their souls and thoughts, and only the Queen of Heaven was able to guide them on the true path, indicate a righteous way of life, find happiness and accept themselves as a person is.

The Orthodox know that the Most Pure One cannot leave to the mercy of fate those who need her affection. Many miracles associated with the “Unfading Flower” happened in the old days; the appearance of the image of the Mother of God saved thousands of Christians from mental burdens. But even today miraculous phenomena are happening.

For example, on Mount Kefalonia, located near the island of Athos in Greece, something amazing happens every year. One very interesting tradition is maintained here: on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christians bring white flowers to the temple, similar to those that Gabriel appeared with them to the Virgin Mary. These flowers are stored until the celebration in honor of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Moreover, there is no need to water the plants.

And every year a bright miracle is observed - the dry stems of flowers after 5 months are filled with new strength, without knowing either moisture or solar heat. Not only do the plants not die, but new snow-white buds appear on the stems. According to some beliefs, it was this event that became the reason for the creation of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”. The authors of the creation were the Athonite monks, inspired by the miracle.
The flowers held in the hands of the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus are a symbol of the virginity and purity of the Virgin Mary, Her spiritual perfection and righteousness. From this I started contacting Orthodox Church to the Most Holy One: “You are the Root of virginity and the Unfading Flower of purity.”

Among the clergy of the church on Mount Kefalonia, there is a widespread belief that the dried flowers, which anyone can see under the icon case, symbolize human souls. We, like plants, often lose that divine spark that the Lord God gave us. It’s not just our body that is wasting away (that’s not so scary). Our soul is desolate, because we forget about what the life of a true Christian should be like, and we resort to sinful acts. But just like flowers, we can always return, having set foot on the path of a righteous life. To blossom spiritually - to believe and trust in Christ our Savior. For everyone who resorts to the Mother of God with fervent prayer, the merciful God is always ready to help.

The Orthodox Christian icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower” is revered as one of the holiest and most beautiful images. Find out about amazing power icons and how it can help you.

The icon appeared in Rus' in the 17th century; it was brought from Greece to Moscow, where it immediately became loved and revered. Since that time, many cases of healing from the “Virgin Flower” have been known. Indeed, in prayers they often compare the Mother of God and the Son of God Jesus Christ with unfading, eternally fragrant flowers.
In the image, the Most Holy Theotokos holds the Divine Child in one hand and a white lily in the other. This is a symbol of purity, purity and deliverance from bad thoughts.

What is asked for from the “Fadeless Color” icon?

Before the image, Orthodox Christians pray for purity of thoughts and reconciliation with themselves, and ask to strengthen their faith. The Holy Face is able to protect from sins and guide you on the right path. The icon helps when choosing a spouse and warns against an incorrect or rash decision. Strengthens family ties.
If this face of the Mother of God is worn on the chest, it will preserve childhood and chastity. The breastplate should be worn by little girls and unmarried girls. Lonely or lost people turn to the icon with prayers and requests. loved one People. They seek solace and peace in a beautiful image.
Girls and women turn to the Mother of God; the holy image protects the fair sex and helps in difficult matters. At all times people came to the icon with requests for love and good life partners. They prayed for their loved ones who were in danger and asked for the men to be returned from the war alive and well. Married women they turned to the image with a request to strengthen families or prayed for the conception of a child.
People said that the face of the Mother of God with a lily is capable of preserving feminine beauty and youth, you just have to kiss the flower.
Most quickly, the Queen of God fulfills mother’s prayers for her daughter’s marriage, because there is nothing stronger than love mothers to their children. Prayer to the icon “Unfading Color”
“Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer, O Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, Your servants, for our grumbling. Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; Let us pay for our sins. O Mother Mary, our most kind and quick Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect us from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who rebel against us.
O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, that we may see the paths of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, that we may be delivered from all troubles and adversity and we will be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To Him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".
Remember sincere prayer and request will always be heard. When turning to the beautiful holy image, keep your thoughts clean and orderly, and the Most Holy Theotokos will definitely help you.

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